> CSCI 555 (Functional Programming, in Scala) Lecture Notes

CSci 555: Functional Programming
Spring Semester 2016
Lecture Notes


Schedule, Lecture Notes, and Examples

  1. (26 Jan) Examine syllabus and discuss class organization.
  2. Discuss programming paradigms

    1. (26 Jan) A programming paradigm is "a way of conceptualizing what it means to perform computation, of structuring and organizing how tasks are to be carried out on a computer."
      -- from: Timothy A. Budd. Multiparadigm Programming in Leda, Addison-Wesley, 1995, page 3
    2. (26 Jan) Programming Language Paradigms, section 1.3, pages 5-6, from the instructor's Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell

      Note: I use the phrase "programming language paradigms" in this document. More correctly, I should only say "programming paradigms" and differentiate among different styles of programming but not among languages. A language typically supports more than one style although some styles may be more directly supported than others.

      Concepts: programming language paradigm, imperative language, declarative language, functional language, relational or logic language; program state, implicit versus explicit state; sequencing versus recursion, execution of commands versus evaluation of expressions, "how" versus "what" to compute.
    3. Peter Van Roy's Programming Paradigms Poster website

  3. Motivate the study of functional programming

    1. (28 Jan) Excerpt from Backus' 1977 Turing Award Address, section 1.2, pages 2-4, from the instructor's Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell
      From the 1977 Turing Award Address, John Backus. Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs, Communications of the ACM 21.8 (1978): 613-641.

      Concepts: von Neumann computer, bottleneck; von Neumann language, world of expressions versus world of statements. Functional programming.
    2. (28 Jan) Reasons for Studying Functional Programming, section 1.4, pages 6-10, from the instructor's Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell

      Concepts: referential transparency, abstraction, higher-order function, first-class function, eager versus lazy evaluation, separation of data from control
    3. (2 Feb) Objections Raised to Functional Languages, section 1.5, pages 11-12, from the instructor's Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell

  4. Introduce Scala to Java programmers

    1. (2-9 Feb) Notes on Scala for Java Programmers [HTML] [PDF]
      Michel Schniz and Philipp Haller, A Scala Tutorial for Java Programmers

      Concepts: basic syntax and semantics of Scala from the perspective of a Java programmer; includes singleton objects, val and var identifiers, type inference, infix method calls, higher-order and first-class functions, anonymous functions, argumentless methods, classes, overriding, case classes, pattern matching, traits, generics, etc.
    2. (4 Feb, for Assignment #1) Arithmetic expression tree program skeletons
    3. (9 Feb) Scala Class Hierarchy

      Concepts: Unification of Java/Scala primitive value types under type AnyVal, Java/Scala reference types under AnyRef, and both under Any.
    4. (for reference) A Tour of Scala
    5. (for reference) Martin Odersky. Scala by Example, June 11, 2014.
      Original at http://www.scala-lang.org (Documentation, Older Documentation, Scala By Example).
  5. Explore recursion in Scala

    1. (11 Feb) Recursion Concepts and Terminology: Scala Version [HTML] [PDF] [Elixir] [Lua]

      Concepts: recursion, linear and nonlinear recursion, tree recursion, backward and forward recursion, tail recursion, tail recursion optimization (also know as tail call elimination or proper tail calls), auxiliary functions, accumulating parameter (i.e. accumulator), nested functions, time and space complexity of recursive functions, termination arguments for recursive functions, preconditions and postconditions, Scala function definitions.
    2. (for reference) Tail call (on Wikipedia)

  6. Examine functions adapted from SICP

    1. Background reading: Chapter 1 of the classic textbook SICP -- Harold Abelson and Gerald J. Sussman with Julie Sussman. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition, MIT Press, 1996:
      [book site at MIT Press] [HTML book] [SICP ebook site] [local copy of source code]
    2. (9-11 Feb) First-order functions in Scala
      Concepts: Reinforces the concepts noted above for the "Notes on Scala for Java Programmers" and the notes on "Recursion Concepts and Terminology." Scala object as module, appropriate use of type inference and explicit typing of public features.

    3. (11 Feb) Higher-order functions in Scala
      Definition: A higher-order function is a function that takes other functions as input and/or returns a function as its output value.

      Related definition: A first-class function is a function that is a first-class value in the language. It can be stored in a variable or some other data structure, passed to a function, or returned by a function.

      Concepts: Higher order functions allow us to capture the common aspects of a computational pattern in the fixed part of a function and pass in the variable aspects as functional arguments.

    4. (for reference) Other versions
  7. Study functional data structures

    1. Background reading: "Functional Data Structures," Chapter 3, Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason, Functional Programming in Scala
    2. (16-18 Feb, 25 Feb, 1-3 Mar) Functional data structures lecture notes to accompany Chapter 3 (primarily on the List data type)
      [HTML] [PDF]

      Scala source code from notes: List2.scala

      Big ideas: Using algebraic data types and pattern matching and implementing functional (immutable) data structures.

      Concepts: referential transparency, side effect, immutable; algebraic data type, composite type, sum type (tagged, disjoint union, variant), product type (tuple, record), enumerated type, algebraic data type versus abstract data type, syntax, semantics; list, head, tail, constructor, sealed, case class, case object, distinction between case and regular objects, singleton object; polymorphism, ad hoc polymorphism, overloading, subtyping (subtype or inclusion polymorphism), parametric polymorphism (generics), type class, early versus late binding; variance, covariant, contravariant, invariant (nonvariant), variance annotation; companion object; form of the data guides the form of the algorithm, following types to implementations, pattern matching; associativity, identity element, monoid, zero element; variadic functions, apply method in companion object; data sharing, persistent data structure; when to throw exceptions, when not; backward recursion, tail recursion, accumulating parameter, auxiliary function; higher-order function, anonymous function (function literal), underscore notation in anonymous functions; fold functions, map function, filter function, flatMap function; local mutation; type inference, currying, partial application, upper and lower type bounds, view bounds; insertion sort, merge sort, total order pattern of computation, generalizing function definition; stack overflow error; method chaining, train wreck.
    3. (23 Feb) No class because of instructor illness

  8. Examine a natural number arithmetic package

    1. (for reference) Background on Peano arithmetic: [Wikipedia] [Wolfram MathWorld]
    2. (3 Mar) Scala versions
      Concepts: Natural numbers, Peano arithmetic; object-oriented design patterns (Composite, Singleton, Null Object); reinforcement of previous Scala and functional programming concepts.

    3. (for reference) Other versions
  9. Examination #1 on 10 March over the material above
  10. Enjoy Spring Break 14-18 March
  11. (22 Mar) Discuss graded examination #1
  12. Explore abstract data types (ADTs)

    1. (for reference) Background on abstract data types
    2. (8, 22-29 Mar) Lecture Notes on Data Abstraction

      Big ideas: Defining abstract data types as coherent, meaningful "mathematical" entities and implementing them flexibly, hiding the details behind stable interfaces.

      Concepts: abstraction, procedural and data abstraction, procedure, function, method, concrete and abstract data structure, interface, information hiding, secret, encapsulation, state, instance, type, abstract data type (ADT), ADT operation, ADT specification (name, set, signatures, semantics), axiomatic (algebraic) semantics, constructive semantics (abstract model), axiom, invariant, interface and implementation invariants, preconditions and postconditions, constructor, mutator, accessor, destructor, atomic operation, generic parameter, total and partial functions, client-supplier contract, ADT design criteria.
    3. (for reference) Lecture notes on Data Abstraction--Java Supplement -- gives nongeneric Java implementations, circa 1997, of the Stack and Day ADTs specified in the Data Abstraction notes above.
    4. (for reference) Older mutable Java abstract data type implementations. These use nongeneric Java implementations done during the 1997-98 timeframe.
      • Queue ADT -- gives a specification for a Queue ADT and implements the ADT directly as < two concrete classes.
      • Ranked Sequence ADT -- gives a specification for a Ranked Sequence ADT (similar to ArrayList or Vector).

  13. (8, 24-29 Mar) Examine the CookieJar ADT case study

    1. Cookie Jar ADT Problem Description

      Purpose: The CookieJar case study illustrates design and implementation methods for abstract data types (ADTs) and information hiding modules in Scala. It gives formal interface implementation invariants for the ADT module and precondition and postcondition assertions for each function (operation).

      Concepts: Information-hiding module, interface, specification of abstract data types, abstract model, mathematical bag, interface and implementation invariants for ADTs, preconditions and postconditions for ADT operations, immutable versus mutable objects, use of Scala traits and generics to define ADT interface, use of builtin Scala functions for collections
    2. Description of Bag Concept (used in specification)
    3. Immutable CookieJar ADT Implementation in Scala (ICookieJar) -- uses method chaining functional style with immutable objects
    4. Mutable CookieJar ADT Implementation in Scala (CookieJar) -- uses object-oriented style with mutable state
    5. (for reference) Carrie's Candy Bowl ADT in Lua -- gives the specification of a Candy Bowl ADT (similar to the Cookie Jar above) and two implementation using Lua modules.

    6. (for reference) Carrie's Candy Bowl ADT Scala

  14. (29-31 Mar) Examine the Labeled Digraph ADT case study

    1. (for reference) Background
      • Nell Dale and Henry Walker. "Directed Graphs or Digraphs," Chapter 10, In Abstract Data Types: Specifications, Implementations, and Applications, pp. 439-469 , D. C. Heath, 1996.
      • Conrad Barski. "Building a Text Game Engine,", Chapter 5, In Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time, pp. 69-84, No Starch Press, 2011. The Common Lisp example in this chapter is similar to the classic Adventure game; the underlying data structure is a labeled digraph.
    2. Scala solutions using method-chaining abstract data type API
      Concepts: Use of Scala trait and generics to define ADT interface, applying ADT specification concepts, using mathematical concepts to model ADTs (sets, sequences, bags, functions, relations), graph data structure. Scala constructors (private, auxiliary), builtin List and Map (HashMap) data structures, extensive use of functions such as map, filter, and flatMap.
    3. Examining the instructor's set of operations for the Labeled Digraph ADT in the Digraph trait according to the Design Criteria for ADT Interfaces (last) section of the Data Abstraction notes.

      Note: There is some possible redundancy and lack of atomicity in the way the "labels" are set and in having the update_edge operation, but otherwise it seems to be a reasonable set.
    4. (for reference) Haskell solutions using a module and algebraic data type (needs a few bug fixes, including remove_vertex on map version)
    5. (for reference) Elixir solutions
  15. (5-12 Apr) Explore functional error handling

    1. Background reading: "Handling Errors without Exceptions," Chapter 4, Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason, Functional Programming in Scala
    2. Handling Errors without Exceptions lecture notes to accompany Chapter 4

      Option and Either implementations from notes: [Option2.scala] [Either2.scala]

      Big idea: Using ordinary data values to represent failures and exceptions in programs. This preserves referential transparency and type safety while also preserving the benefit of exception-handling mechanisms, that is, the consolidation of error-handling logic.

      Concepts: Option and Either algebraic data types, referential transparency, type safety, error handling, exceptions, type variance, parameter passing (by-value, by-name), thunk, free variables, closure, strict and nonstrict parameters/functions, eager and lazy evaluation, lifting, for-comprehensions, syntactic sugar, (generators, definitions, guards), desugaring.
  16. (7 Apr) Discuss Mealy Machines for Assignment #3

    Concept: In the theory of computation, a Mealy Machine is a finite-state automaton whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current input. It is a deterministic finite state transducer such that, for each state and input, at most one transition is possible.
  17. (12-19 Apr) Explore strictness and laziness

    1. Background reading: "Strictness and Laziness," Chapter 5, Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason, Functional Programming in Scala
    2. Strictness and Laziness lecture notes to accompany Chapter 5
      [HTML] [PDF]

      Stream implementation from notes: StreamC.scala

      Big idea: Exploiting nonstrict function to increase efficiency, increase code reuse, and improve modularity

      Concepts: Strict and nonstrict (lenient) functions/parameters, termination, bottom, call-by-name, thunk, forcing, call-by-need, lazy evaluation, lazy lists or streams, Stream data type, smart constructors, memoization, `lazy` variables, purity of functions, separation of concerns, information hiding, design secret, abstract interface, business logic, Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, keeping program description separate from evaluation, incremental computation, prime number, Sieve of Eratosthenes, recursive, corecursive (guarded recursion), productivity (cotermination).
    3. Reference: John Hughes, Why Functional Programming Matters, Computer Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 98-107, 1989.
  18. (21 Apr) Discuss problem-solving techniques.
    1. Concepts: George Polya's four phases of problem solving; problems-solving strategies (solve a more general problem first, solve a simpler problem first, reuse off-the-shelf solutions to standard subproblems, solve a related problem, separate concerns, divide and conquer)
    2. Chapter 10 of Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell, pages 105-108
  19. (21 Apr) Discuss the changes in computer systems over past 70 years and their implications for programming and programming language design.
    1. Effect of Computing Hardware Evolution on Programming Languages, instructor's lecture notes
    2. (for reference) Nathan Ensmegner's Early History of Computing, The Franklin Institute`<
    3. (for reference) Wikipedia article on the History of Computing Hardware
    4. (for reference) Wikipedia article on the Timeline of Computing
  20. (21 Apr) Discuss history of programming languages over past 60-plus years, calling attention to the emergence of paradigms and major languages. See instructor's notes.
  21. (21-28 Apr) Discuss domain-specific languages and Sandwich DSL case study

    1. Concepts: domain-specific languages (DSLs); DSLs versus general-purpose programming languages; external versus internal DSLs; shallow versus deep embedding of internal DSLs; use of algebraic data types to implement DSLs
    2. Domain-Specific Languages, instructor's lecture notes
    3. Sandwich DSL Implementation

    4. (for reference) Sandwich DSL in Lua (similar but not identical to Haskell description)
  22. (briefly discussed, 26 Apr) Discuss Computer Configuration DSLs
  23. (28 Apr) Examination #2
  24. (3 May) Discuss graded Examination #2 and Assignment #2
  25. (5 May) Discuss graded Assignment #3 (Mealy Machine) and Instructor's solution
  26. (5 May) Discuss Final Exam and Optional Assignment #4; final thoughts for semester.
  27. (12 May, 8:00 a.m.) Final Exam


  29. Survey modular design

    1. Lecture Notes on Modular Design

      Concepts: module, modular specification and design, independent development, changeability, comprehensibility, commonality and variability, information hiding, secret, interface, signature, syntax and semantics, abstract interface, two-phase specification, callback, design by contract, software or program family, software product line, software framework, table ADT, key, total and partial orderings.
    2. (for reference) H. C. Cunningham, Y. Liu, and J. Wang. "Designing a Flexible Framework for a Table Abstraction," In Y. Chan, J. Talburt, and T. Talley, editors, Data Engineering: Mining, Information, and Intelligence, pp. 279-314, Springer, 2010.
    3. (for reference) Parnas papers on modular specification
      • Information hiding: D. L. Parnas. "On the Criteria to Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp.1053-1058, 1972.
      • Software families: D. L. Parnas. "On the Design and Development of Program Families," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-2, No. 1, pp. 1-9, March 1976.
      • Extensible system design: D. L. Parnas. "Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-5, No. 1, pp. 128-138, March 1979.
      • Abstract interfaces: K. H. Britton, R. A. Parker, and D. L. Parnas. "A Procedure for Designing Abstract Interfaces for Device Interface Modules," In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 195-204, March 1981.
      • Modular specification of large systems: D. L. Parnas, P. C. Clements, and D. M. Weiss. "The Modular Structure of Complex Systems," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-11, No. 3, pp. 259-266, March 1985.

  30. Use the Digraph ADT module (to build a game)

    1. (for reference) Wizard's Adventure, Version 1 game from Chapter 5, 6, and 17 of Conrad Barski's Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time, No Starch Press, 2011.

      Concepts: Importing Elixir modules, use of Elixir features such as atoms, maps, pipes, and complex pattern matching, designing functional programs to handle global state; use of Elixir API modules Enum, Dict, List, Keyword, String, IO, etc.).
    2. (for reference) Wizard's Adventure, Version 2 that uses a higher order function to generate game actions and improved handling of the game state

      Note: I pointed out the use of the higher-order factory function (i.e., set_game_action) on 2 March, so that concept was covered on the 4 March exam. I planned to cover this example more on the next class; the next class turned out to be 16 March.

      Additional concepts: Use of higher-order factory function to generate functions from first- and higher-order arguments; storing functions in a data structure, calling functions stored in a data structure; use of mutator (setter) and accessor (getter) functions for the data structure.
  31. Notes on Functional Program Evaluation Concepts
  32. Develop a Email Message Building Internal DSL using Method Chaining with Progressive Interfaces:
  33. Develop a State Machine Model and "Secret Panel" Controller External DSLs
  34. H. C. Cunningham. "A Little Language for Surveys: Constructing an Internal DSL in Ruby," In Proceedings of the ACM SouthEast Conference, 6 pages, March 2008.
    [manuscript] [presentation]
    [Ruby source code] [test DSL input file] [test DSL input file with errors]

  35. Lua versions similar to Martin Fowler's Lair Configuration domain-specific language (DSL) examples from his book chapter "One Lair and Twenty Ruby DSLs," Chapter 3, The ThoughtWorks Anthology: Essays on Software Technology and Innovation, The Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2008: [book site]

    Note: The DSL patterns mentioned are from the DSL patterns catalog from Martin Fowler's book Domain Specific Languages (Addison Wesley, 2010:

      Shared modules
    1. Class support module (same as in Movable Objects case study)
      [class support module (class_support.lua)]
    2. Semantic Model
      [model module (model.lua)] [test driver (rules00.lua)]

    3. Internal DSLs
    4. Global Function Sequence
      [builder module (builder08.lua)] [dsl script (rules08.lua)] [test driver (test08.lua)]
    5. Class Method Function Sequence with Method Chaining
      [builder module (builder11.lua)] [dsl script (rules11.lua)] [test driver (test11.lua)]
    6. Expression Builder with Method Chaining
      [builder module (builder14.lua)] [dsl script (rules14.lua)] [test driver (test14.lua)]
    7. Nested Closures
      [builder module (builder03.lua)] [dsl script (rules03.lua)] [test driver (test03.lua)]
    8. Expression Builder with Object Scoping and Method Chaining
      [builder module (builder17.lua)] [dsl script (rules17.lua)] [test driver (test17.lua)]
    9. Literal Collection
      [builder module (builder22.lua)] [dsl script (rules22.lua)] [test driver (test22.lua)]

    10. External DSL
    11. LPEG Parser/Builder (no corresponding example in Fowler paper)
      [builder module (builderLPEG1.lua)] [dsl script (rulesLPEG1.dsl)] [test driver (testLPEG1.lua)]
  36. CRuby version of Fowler's DSL framework.
    1. DSL Reader Framework module:
      [ReaderFramework.rb source code]
    2. DSL Reader Utilities module, a mix-in used several places:
      [ReaderUtilities.rb source code]
    3. Simple test data files:
      [Data input file] [Text DSL description]
      [XML DSL description] [Ruby DSL description]
    4. Direct configuration and testing of Reader:
      [BuilderDirect.rb source code]
    5. Single-pass text DSL configuration and testing:
      [TextSinglePass.rb source code]
    6. Two-pass text and XML DSL configuration and testing:
      [TwoPass.rb source code]
      [class BuilderExternal source code generated by TwoPass.rb]
    7. wef
    8. Ruby internal DSL configuration and testing:
      [RubyDSL.rb source code]

  37. Overview object-oriented programming in Scala

    1. Introduction to Object-Orientation (not updated for 2016)
    2. Simple, silly Employee hierarchy example: [Scala source] [listing] [output]
    3. Scala translation of Frog dynamic composition example: [Scala source] [listing] [output]
    4. Modified Philosophical Frog example from Odersky et al: [Scala source] [listing] [output]
    5. Modified Stackable traits example (IntQueue) from Odersky et al: [Scala source] [listing] [output]

  38. Frameworks, based on Timothy Budd's An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Third Edition, Chapter 21.

  39. Cunningham group "Using Classic Problems..." paper.
  40. Scala Divide-and-Conquer Framework, similar to the Java framework in the "Using Classic Problems..." paper.

  41. Scala Binary Tree Framework, similar to the Java framework in the "Using Classic Problems..." paper:
  42. John Vlissides. "Designing with Patterns," In Pattern Hatching: Design Patterns Applied, Addison-Wesley, 1998. [slides]
  43. Pipes and Filters Architectural Pattern [notes] [slides]
  44. Mary Shaw. "Some Patterns for Software Architecture," In John M Vlissides, James O. Coplien, and Norman L. Kerth, editors, Pattern Languages of Program Design 2, Addison Wesley, 1996, pages 255-270.
  45. Develop a list module in Lua

    1. Purpose: This Lua case study illustrates (i) functional programming principles, (ii) design and implementation methods for abstract data types and information hiding modules, and (iii) Lua programming techniques (linked lists, stateless iterators, closures, metatables, etc.)
    2. General programming language concepts: information-hiding module, interface, secret, changeability, data representation, interface and implementation invariants for modules (or abstract data types), preconditions and postconditions for functions, primitive operation (function), convenience operation (function), function closure, proxy
    3. Background reading on Lua: Chapter 11 on data structures (pages 107-116) and Chapter 15 on modules (pages 151-161) of Programming in Lua (PiL)
    4. Background reading on modular programming: Data Abstraction lecture notes

    5. Lua Module Design Principles, instructor's lecture notes
    6. Cell-based list module: [module source] [test driver]
    7. Closure-and-table-based list module variant: [module source] [test driver]
    8. Function-based cell list module variant: [module source] [test driver]

    9. Lazy list module variant using C preprocessor (cpp -P)
      [module source] [source after cpp] [test driver] [driver after cpp] [sh script]
    10. Lazy list module variant using LuaMacro 2.5
      [macro definitions] [module macro source] [source after luam -o] [macro test driver] [driver after luam -o] [sh script]
  46. Develop complex number arithmetic modules in Lua adapted from SICP Section 2.4.

    1. Background reading: Section 2.4 of Abelson and Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition, MIT Press, 1996

    2. Modules are repeated in each package in which they are used
    3. Rectangular coordinates modules
      [arithmetic] [rectangular representation] [utilities] [test driver]
    4. Polar coordinates modules:
      [arithmetic] [polar representation] [utilities] [test driver]
    5. Tagged data modules:
      [arithmetic] [data tagging] [utilities] [test driver]
    6. Data-directed programming modules:
      [arithmetic] [rectangular representation] [polar representation] [data tagging] [utilities] [test driver]

    7. Object-oriented modules:
      [arithmetic] [utilities] [test driver]
  47. Examine the Dice of Doom game program in Elixir. This is adapted from chapters 15 and 18 of the book: Conrad Barski. Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time, No Starch Press, 2011.

    1. Background reading on Enum and Stream collections used extensively in this case study:
    2. Version 1a: Basic eagerly evaluated version (similar to that developed on pages 303-325 of Land of Lisp). This version supports either two human players or a human player and a simple, minimax search-based "AI" (artificial intelligence) opponent.

      Concepts: Game tree, decoupling game rules from rest of game, game loop, minimax search, eager evaluation, use of Erlang modules (specifically, :random) from Elixir, extensive use of Elixir Enum, Dict, String, and List modules.

      Definition: Eager evaluation (or greedy or strict evaluation) is an evaluation strategy that evaluates an expression as soon as it is bound to a variable. [adapted from Wikipedia article on eager evaluation, 2015-03-23]
    3. Version 1b: Eager version above with an attempt at memoization of functions neighbors and game_tree using the Elixir Agent modules.

      Concepts: Memoization, Elixir Agent module and processes.

      Definition: Memoization is a programming technique that stores a previously computed values of a function to avoid recomputing it when the function is called again with the same arguments. In general, the storing of the function's values should be hidden from the caller of the function.

      Note: An Elixir Agent works reasonably well for functions such like neighbors that require small amounts of data to be sent in messages to and from the agent process. It does not work well for functions like game_tree that require huge amounts of data to be transferred. I plan to experiment with the Erlang Term Storage (:ets) system to implement memoization, but I expect this approach to have similar issues. Most likely the eager algorithms and data structures will need to be modified to work well with Erlang and Elixir.
    4. Version 2a: Lazy version using Elixir Stream data structures (but without the memoization optimizations). This is based on version 1a above plus the discussion from pages 384-389 in chapter 18 of Land of Lisp. This version implements a limited depth minimax search, but it does not implement the artificial intelligence heuristics given in the last part of chapter 18.

      Concepts: Lazy evaluation, Elixir Stream data structure, limited depth minimax search.

      Definition: Lazy evaluation (or non-strict evaluation or call-by-need) is an evaluation strategy that delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is needed and that also avoids repeated evaluations. [adapted from the Wikipedia article on lazy evaluation, 2015-03-23]
  48. Movable and Named Objects case study (in Lua but based on a Haskell case study by Thompson)

    1. Purpose: The Named and Movable Objects case study explores use of inheritance hierarchies and multiple inheritance in Lua. I also extracted a "class support module" from the initial version of this code; this module was used in later case studies (e.g., Lair Configuration DSL).
    2. General object-oriented programming language concepts: prototype object, class, subclass (child) class, superclass (parent or base class), abstract and concrete classes, single and multiple inheritance, abstract (deferred) methods, constructor (factory method), accessor and mutator methods, proxy object, method injection, template method pattern (template and hook methods)
    3. Background reading on object-oriented programming languages: Introduction to Object-Orientation, instructor's lecture notes through the section titled "An Object Model"
    4. Background reading on case study: Section 14.6 of Simon Thompson. Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 2011
    5. Note: We should readdress the design and implementation of this case study and the class support module. The latter may be too complex for our purposes in this course.

    6. First Lua version: [source (movable.lua)]
    7. Modularized version with improved class support
      [class_support module] [using class-support (movable2.lua)] [test driver (movable2Test.lua)]

    8. Other older versions: [Haskell source] [Scala source (partial) ]
  49. Lua Parsing Expression Grammar (LPEG) library
    1. Roberto Ierusalimschy's talk LPEG: A New Approach to Pattern Matching [PDF slides] [video]
    2. (For reference) Roberto Ierusalimschy's paper "A Text Pattern-Matching Tool Based on Parsing Expression Grammars," Software: Practice & Experience 39 #3 (2009) 221-258: [PDF]
  50. Parsing arithmetic expression trees using LPEG (Lua Parsing Express Grammar) library:
    1. Parser with captures
    2. Parser with semantic actions
  51. Kamin Interpreters in Lua Toolset (KILT) [Compressed tar file]

    1. Language/Interpreter-independent modules:
      REPL Module (repl.lua)]
      Environment Module (environment.lua)]
      [Function Table Module (funtab.lua)]
      [Utilities Module (utilities.lua)]
      [Opcodes Factory Module (opcodes.lua)]
      [Values Factory Module (values.lua) ]
      [Parser Factory Module (parser.lua)]
      [Evaluator Factory Module (evaluator.lua)]
    2. Kamin Chapter 1 Core language interpreter:
      [Core Interpreter (Core.lua)]
      [Core Opcodes (opcodes_core.lua)]
      [Core Values Module (values_core.lua)]
      [Core Parser Module (parser_core.lua)]
      [Core Evaluator Module (evaluator_core.lua)
    3. Kamin Chapter 2 Lisp language interpreter:
      [Lisp Interpreter (Lisp.lua)]
      [Lisp Opcodes (opcodes_lisp.lua)]
      [Lisp Values Module (values_lisp.lua)]
      [Lisp Parser Module (parser_lisp.lua)]
      [Lisp Evaluator Module (evaluator_lisp.lua)
      [A few Lisp examples]
    4. Kamin Chapter 4 Scheme language interpreter:
      [Scheme Interpreter (Scheme.lua)]
      [Scheme Opcodes (opcodes_scheme.lua)]
      [Scheme Values Module (values_scheme.lua)]
      [Scheme Parser Module (parser_scheme.lua)]
      [Scheme Evaluator Module (evaluator_scheme.lua)
      [A few Scheme examples]

Reference Materials and Other Resources

  1. Scala Documentation site
  2. H. Conrad Cunningham. Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell. [ PDF ] [ CODE ]
  3. Haskell Simple mathematical expression recognizer [source] [54 lines per page listing]
  4. Framework Design Using Function Generalization
  5. Haskell Type Inference
  6. Overloading and Type Classes

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Copyright © 2016, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Sun Apr 9 23:01:21 CDT 2017