Exploring Languages with Interpreters
and Functional Programming

H. Conrad Cunningham

27 April 2022

Copyright (C) 2022, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
214 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-7396 (dept. office)

Browser Advisory: The HTML version of this textbook requires a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of April 2022 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

Instability Warning: This version of ELIFP is in work beginning in January 2022. The author may change its structure and content without warning. No changes are planned to the 2018 version upon which the this version is based. The stable version is on the Fall 2018 CSci 450 course website.

Feedback Request: The author plans to publish this textbook eventually. He invites anyone using this book to give him feedback on its current structure and content: to point out typos and other errors or suggest improvements and extensions. He can be contacted at hcc AT cs DOT olemiss DOT edu.

0 Preface

0.1 Dedication

0.1.1 July 2018

I dedicate this textbook to my parents—my mother, Mary Cunningham, and my father, the late Harold “Sonny” Cunningham—and to my wife, Diana Cunningham.

I thank Mother and Dad for their love and encouragement throughout my nearly 64 years on this earth. They taught me the importance of hard work, both physical and mental. They taught me the importance of faith in God and of personal integrity. I hope I have been a good student.

I write this sitting at a desk in my mother’s home late one evening in July 2018. I remember a time more than a half century ago when I was struggling with an elementary school writing assignment. Mother wrote an example page that I remember as amazing. I thank her for that encouragement. I still suffer from a deficit of creativity at times, but I was able to write this approximately 400-page textbook.

I look around and see a plaque for an award my father received for serving his church as a Sunday School teacher for 40 years. It reminds me of the many positive contributions he made to his community and his church, many unseen by others. I hope I am also making positive contributions to the various communities, physical and virtual, in which I live and work.

I thank Diana, my wife of 42 years, for her love and friendship—for being my companion on the journey of life. This textbook is an effort that has spanned more than a quarter century. She has lived it nearly as much as I have. Many times she has urged me to stop work and get some sleep, as she did just now.

0.1.2 November 2019 Addendum

My mother passed away in June 2019 at the age of 91 years and 8 months. We miss her dearly! Her family and friends will remember for as long as we live.

We love you, Mom, and look forward to the reunion of our family in heaven.

0.2 Course 1 and Course 2

As the title suggests, I designed this textbook to be used for at least two different kinds of courses:

  1. A course on “functional programming” targeted at advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students who have previously programmed using imperative languages but who have not used functional or relational languages extensively.

    This functional and modular programming course focuses on parts of Chapter 2 and 80 and Chapters 4-30.

    I have been teaching such an elective course at the University of Mississippi since 1991 (CSci 555, Functional Programming). I have been teaching the Haskell programming language since 1993. Some of the content of this textbook evolved from class notes I originally developed for the course in the 1991-6 period.

    My approach to the course was initially motivated by the first edition of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [13,15].

  2. A course on programming language organization targeted at a similar audience.

    There are several approaches to teaching the programming languages course. My approach in this textbook focuses on “exploring languages with interpreters”. It seeks to guide students to learn how programming languages work by developing interpreters for simple languages.

    This programming language organization course focuses on Chapters 1-3, Chapters 40-49, and parts of Chapters 4-30 as needed.

    Kamin’s excellent textbook Programming Languages: An Interpreter-Based Approach [108] motivated my approach. But, instead of using Pascal or C to develop the interpreters as Kamin’s book did, this textbook primarily uses Haskell. Other influences on my approach are the book by Sestoft [159,160], the online books by Krishnamurthi [114,115], and an early manuscript by Ramsey [148] (which is based on Kamin’s book).

    I began experimenting with this approach using the Lua language in my graduate Software Language Engineering (CSci 658) course in Fall 2013. I first taught the interpreter approach (using Lua) in the required undergraduate Organization of Programming Languages (CSci 450) course at the University of Mississippi in 2016. I used Haskell with the interpreter-based approach in 2017 and 2018.

Of course, students must become familiar with basic functional programming and Haskell for Course 2 to be possible.

Most real courses will likely be a mix of the two approaches.

0.3 Motivation: “Functional Programming”

Course type 1 is a course on functional and modular programming.

As a course on programming, Course 1 emphasizes the analysis and solution of problems, the development of correct and efficient algorithms and data structures that embody the solutions, and the expression of the algorithms and data structures in a form suitable for processing by a computer. The focus is more on the human thought processes than on the computer execution processes.

As a course on functional programming, Course 1 approaches programming as the construction of definitions for (mathematical) functions and (immutable) data structures. Functional programs consist of expressions that use these definitions. The execution of a functional program entails the evaluation of the expressions making up the program. Thus this course’s focus is on problem solving techniques, algorithms, data structures, and programming notations appropriate for the functional approach.

As a course on modular programming, Course 1 approaches the construction of large programs as sets of modules that collaborate to solve a problem. Each module is a coherent collection of function and data type definitions. A module hides its private features, allowing their use only within the module, and exposes its public features, enabling their use by the other modules in the program.

Course 1 is not a course on functional or modular programming languages. In particular, it does not undertake an in-depth study of the techniques for implementing such languages on computers. (That is partly covered in Course 2.) The focus is on the concepts for programming, not on the internal details of the technological artifact that executes the programs.

Of course, we want to be able to execute our programs on a computer and, moreover, to execute them efficiently. Thus we must become familiar with some concrete programming language and use an implementation of that language to execute our programs. To be able to analyze program efficiency, we must also become familiar with the basic techniques that are used to evaluate expressions.

The academic community has long been interested in functional programming. In recent years, the practitioner community has also become interested in functional programming techniques and language features. There is growing use of languages that are either primarily functional or have significant functional subsets—such as Haskell, OCaml, Scala, Clojure, F#, Erlang, and Elixir. Most mainstream languages have been extended with new functional programming features and libraries—for example, Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, and Swift. Other interesting research languages such as Elm and Idris are also generating considerable interest.

In this textbook, we use the Haskell 2010 language. Haskell is a “lazy” functional language whose development began in the late 1980’s. We also use a set of programming tools based on GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. GHC is distributed in a “batteries included” bundle called the the Haskell Platform. (That is, it bundles GHC with commonly used libraries and tools.)

Most of the concepts, techniques, and skills learned in this Haskell-based course can be applied in other functional and multiparadigm languages and libraries.

More importantly, any time we learn new approaches to problem solving and programming, we become better programmers in whatever language we are working. A course on functional programming provides a novel, interesting, and, probably at times, frustrating opportunity to learn more about the nature of the programming task.

Enjoy the “functional programming” aspects of the course and textbook!

0.4 Motivation: “Exploring Languages with Interpreters”

Course type 2 is a course on programming language organization that emphasizes design and implementation of a sequence of interpreters for simple languages.

When we first approach a new programming language, we typically think about the syntax of the language—how the external (e.g., textual) representation of the language is structured.

Syntax is important, but the semantics is more important. The semantics defines what the language means: how it “behaves” at “runtime”.

In Course 2 we primarily focus on the semantics. We express the essential aspects of a expression’s structure (i.e., syntax) with an abstract syntax tree (AST) and then process the AST to obtain a result. For example, we may have:

By “exploring languages with interpreters”, we can better understand the semantics of the programming languages. We can learn to use languages more effectively. We can explore alternative designs and implementations for languages.

This textbook uses functional and modular programming in Haskell—a paradigm and language that most students in Course 2 do not know—to implement the interpreters. Students learn new language concepts by both learning Haskell and by building language processors.

0.5 Textbook Prerequisites

This textbook assumes the reader has basic knowledge and skills in programming, algorithms, and data structures at least at the level of a three-semester introductory computer science sequence. It assumes that the reader has programming experience using a language such as Java, C++, Python, or C#; it does not assume any previous experience in functional programming. (For example, successful completion of at least CSci 211, Computer Science III, at the University of Mississippi should be sufficient.)

This textbook also assumes the reader has basic knowledge and understanding of introductory computer architecture from a programmer’s perspective. (For example, successful completion of at least CSci 223, Computer Organization and Assembly Language, at the University of Mississippi should be sufficient.)

In addition, this course assumes the reader has basic knowledge and skills in mathematics at the level of a college-level course in discrete mathematical structures for computer science students. (For example, concurrent enrollment in Math 301, Discrete Mathematics, at the University of Mississippi should suffice.) The “Review of Relevant Mathematics” chapter (appendix) reviews some of the concepts, terminology, and notation used in this course.

0.6 Author’s Perspective

In the 1974 Turing Award Lecture Computer Programming as an Art, Donald Knuth said [111]:

The chief goal of my work as an educator and author is to help people learn to write beautiful programs.

In my writing and my teaching, I hope I can emulate Knuth.

I approach writing this textbook, most of my teaching and research for that matter, from the following (opinionated) perspectives:

0.7 The Journey

Although I only began to write this textbook in Summer 2016, it is a result of a journey I began long ago. Many other writers, colleagues, students, and friends have helped me during this journey.

0.7.1 Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell

I created the course CSci 555, Functional Programming, at the University of Mississippi and first taught it during the Spring 1991 semester.

I adopted the first edition of Bird and Wadler [15] as the initial textbook for the course. I thank Richard Bird and Philip Wadler for writing this excellent textbook. I thank Jeremy Gibbons for suggesting that book in a response to an inquiry I posted to a Usenet newsgroup in Summer 1990.

I also used Wentworth’s RUFL (Rhodes University Functional Language) interpreter and his tutorial [178] in the first two offerings of the course. I thank Peter Wentworth for sending me (unsolicited, in response to my Usenet post) his interpreter and tutorial on a floppy disk through snail mail from the then-sanctioned South Africa.

My approach was also shaped by my research on formal methods and my previous teaching on that topic. I created the course Program Semantics and Derivation (CSci 550) and first taught it in Spring 1990 [40,41]. I followed that with the course Theory of Concurrent Programming (Engr 664), which I first taught in Fall 1990. I thank my dissertation advisor Gruia-Catalin Roman for developing my interests in formal methods, Jan Tijmen Udding for teaching a graduate course on program derivation that piqued my interests, and the other researchers or authors who have influenced my thinking: Edsger Dijkstra, Tony Hoare, David Gries, Mani Chandy, Jayadev Misra, Edward Cohen, and many others.

For the third offering of CSci 555 in Fall 1993, I switched the course to use the Gofer interpreter for the Haskell language. I thank the international committee of researchers, including Simon Peyton Jones, Paul Hudak, Philip Wadler, and others, who have developed and sustained Haskell since the late 1980s. I also thank Mark Jones for developing the lightweight Gofer interpreter and making it and its successor HUGS widely available.

Because of the need for a tutorial like Wentworth’s and an unexpected delay in getting copies of the Bird and Wadler textbook [15] from Prentice Hall that semester, I began writing, on an emergency basis, what evolved into my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42].

Some parts of the Notes were based on my handwritten class notes from the the 1991 and 1992 offerings of the course. Many pages of the Notes were written “just-in-time” in late-night sessions before I taught them the next day. I thank Prentice Hall (now Pearson) for its delay in shipping books across the “big pond”, my wife Diana Cunningham for tolerating my disruptive schedule, and my Fall 1993 students for not complaining too vigorously about a quite raw set of class notes.

I continued to develop the Notes for the Fall 1994 and Fall 1995 offerings of the course. In early 1996, I created a relatively stable version of the Notes that I continued to use in subsequent offerings of CSci 555. I thank my students and others who pointed out typos and suggested improvements during the 1993-1996 period.

I thank David Gries for encouraging me to expand these notes into a textbook. I am doing that, albeit over 20 years later than Gries intended.

I formatted the Notes using LaTeX augmented by BibTeX for the bibliography and makeIndex for the index. I thank Donald Knuth, Leslie Lamport, and the many others who have developed and maintained TeX, LaTeX, and the other tools and packages over four decades. They form an excellent system for creating beautiful scientific documents.

I used GNU Emacs for writing and editing the source files for the Notes. I thank Richard Stallman and the many others who developed, maintained, and popularized Emacs over more than four decades.

For the Spring 1997 offering of CSci 555, I started using the new HUGS interpreter and the 1st edition of Thompson’s textbook [171] (now it its 3rd edition [173]). I thank Simon Thompson for writing his excellent, comprehensive introductory textbook on Haskell programming.

Over the next 17 years, I corrected a few errors but otherwise the Notes were stable. However, I did create supplementary notes for CSci 555 and related courses. These drew on the works of Abelson and Sussman [1], Thompson [171–173], Parnas [20,134], and others. I formated these notes with HTML, Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, or plain text.

I decided to use Haskell as one of the languages in the Fall 2014 offering of Organization of Programming Languages (CSci 450). But I needed to change the language usage from the Haskell 98 standard and HUGS to the new Haskell 2010 standard and the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) and its interactive user interface GHCi. I edited the Notes through chapter 10 on Problem Solving to reflect the changes in Haskell 2010.

0.7.2 Organization of Programming Languages

ACM Curriculum ’78 [5] influenced how most computer science academic programs were structured when they are established in the 1970s and 1980s. It defined eight core courses, most of which are still prominent in contemporary computer science curricula.

Organization of Programming Languages (CS 8) is one of those core courses. Curriculum ’78 describes CS 8 as “an applied course in programming language constructs emphasizing the run-time behavior of programs” and providing “appropriate background for advanced level courses involving formal and theoretical aspects of programming languages and/or the compilation process” [5].

I first taught the required Organization of Programming Languages (CSci 450) course at the University of Mississippi in Fall 1995. I took over that class for another instructor and used the textbook the Department Chair had already selected. The textbook was the 2nd Edition of Sebesta’s book [157].

Although the Sebesta book, now in its 11th edition, is probably one of the better and more popular books for CS 8-type courses, I found it difficult for me to use that semester. It and its primary competitors seem to be large, expensive tomes that try to be all things to all instructors and students. I personally find the kind of survey course these books support to be a disjointed hodgepodge. There is much more material than I can cover well in one semester. I abandoned the Sebesta book mid-way through the semester and have never wanted to use it again.

I had a copy of Kamin’s textbook [108] and used two of its interpreters after abandoning Sebesta’s book. It seemed to work better than Sebesta. So I ended the semester with a positive view of the Kamin approach.

My only involvement with CSci 450 for the next 18 years was to schedule and staff the course (as Department Chair 2001-15). In 2013, I began planning to teach CSci 450 again.

I decided to try an experiment. I planned to use the Kamin approach for part of the course but to redevelop the interpreters in the Lua language. Lua is a minimalist, dynamically typed language that can support multiple paradigms.

I chose Lua because (a) learning it would be a new experience for almost all of my students, (b) as a small language it should be easy for students to learn, (c) its flexibility would enable me to explore how to extend the language itself to provide new features, (d) its associated LPEG library supported the development of simple parsers, and (e) its use in computer games might make it interesting to students. I thank the Lua authors—Roberto Ierusalimschy, Waldemar Celes, and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo—for developing this interesting platform and making it available. I thank Ierusalimschy for developing LPEG and for writing an excellent textbook on Lua programming [105].

I used the Fall 2013 offering of my Software Language Engineering (CSci 658) course to explore Lua programming and interpreters. I thank the students in that class for their feedback and suggestions—Michael Macias, Blake Adams, Cornelius Hughes, Zhendong Zhao, Joey Carlisle, and others.

However, in Summer 2014, I did not believe I was ready to undertake the interpreter-based approach in the large Fall 2014 class. Instead, I planned to try a multiple paradigm survey. I planned to begin with Haskell statically typed functional programming (using my Notes), then cover Lua dynamically typed, multiparadigm programming, and then use the logic language Prolog. I had taught Haskell, Lua, and Prolog in elective courses in the past.

I was comfortable with the Haskell part, but I found a required course a more challenging environment in which to teach Haskell than an elective. Covering Haskell took nearly two-thirds of the semester, leaving Lua in one-third, and squeezing out coverage of the logic language and most of the interpreter material.

I was scheduled to teach CSci 450 again in Fall 2016. For this offering, I decided to (a) begin with Lua and then follow with Haskell (the reverse order from 2014) and (b) to use the interpreter approach in the Lua segment. I adopted the 4th edition of Scott’s textbook [156] to support the general material (but did not use the book much).

Unfortunately, that offering suffered from immature teaching materials for both Lua and for the interpreter approach. I was unable to invest sufficient time in Summer 2016 to prepare course materials and revise the interpreters. Also, students, who mostly had experience with Java, had considerable difficulty modifying and debugging the dynamically typed Lua programs with 1000+ lines of code. (For various reasons, I decided to use the new Elm language instead of Haskell in the last three weeks of the semester.)

I thank the students in the Fall 2014 and Fall 2016 CSci 450 classes for giving me valuable feedback on what works and what does not—much more on the latter than the former. I also thank my Teaching Assistant (TA) for CSci 450 in the Fall 20a6 semester, Ajay Sharma, for his assistance. I learned that a large, required course like CSci 450 needs more mature teaching materials and tools than a small, elective course does. It should have been obvious!

0.7.3 Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming

In Summer 2016, I participated in the eLearning Training Course (eTC) at the University of Mississippi to become eligible to teach online. As a part of that course, I was expected to prepare a syllabus and at least one module for some class. I chose to focus on CSci 555, Functional Programming.

This stimulated me to begin reorganizing my previous Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell to be a textbook for an online course on functional programming. I thank the eTC instructors Patty O’Sullivan and Wan Latartara, for (unintentionally) pushing me to begin developing this textbook.

For the textbook, I expanded the Notes by adapting materials I had originally developed for other purposes—such as papers with former graduate students Pallavi (Tadepalli) Darbhamulla, Yi Liu, and Cuihua Zhang—and some notes from my courses on functional programming, multiparadigm programming, software architecture, and software language engineering. I thank Darbhamulla, Liu, and Zhang. I also thank former graduate student James Church (author of a Haskell-based book [32]) for his feedback and encouragement to repackage my class notes as a textbook.

Unfortunately, I devoted too much time to this project in Summer 2016 and not enough to developing Lua-based materials and tools for the Fall 2016 offering of CSci 450, as I discussed above.

The eTC also sensitized me to the need to produce accessible instructional materials (e.g., materials compatible with screen readers for the visually impaired). I decided to expand my use of Pandoc-flavored Markdown and the Pandoc tools for producing materials in a variety of accessible formats (HTML, possibly LaTeX/PDF).

In Summer 2016, I had materials in a variety of formats. The Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell used LaTeX, BibTeX, and makeIndex. This is a great format for producing printed scientific documents, but not as good for display on the Web. Some of my other materials used HTML, which is great for the Web, but not for printed documents. I also had some material in Microsoft Office formats, Pandoc-flavored Markdown, and plain text (e.g., program comments).

Pandoc-flavored Markdown offered a means for achieving both greater flexibility and greater accessibility. Of course, sometimes I have to compromise on the appearance in some formats.

The Pandoc tool uses a language-processing approach, is implemented in Haskell, and supports Lua as its builtin scripting language. So it is a good fit for this textbook project. I thank John MacFarlane and many others who have developed and maintained the excellent Pandoc tools.

In Spring and Summer 2017, I combined the efforts from the previous years and sought to expand the Haskell-based functional programming course materials to include materials for the interpreter-based approach to the programming languages course and new Haskell-related material on type classes.

I redirected the work from developing materials for an online course to developing a textbook for the types of courses I describe in the “Course 1 and Course 2” section above.

In Fall 2017, I taught CSci 450 from the 2017 version of the textbook. Given my more mature materials, it worked better than the Lua-based course the previous year. But that effort identified the need for additional work on the textbook: shorter, more focused chapters, some explicit discussion of software testing, more attention to the language-processing issues, etc.

I thank my Fall 2017 and Fall 2018 TA for CSci 450, Kyle Moore, for his suggestions and corrections in a number of areas. I also thank the Spring 2017 Multiparadigm Programming (CSci 556) and Fall 2017 CSci 450 students for their feedback on the textbook materials.

I thank my long-time colleague, and current Department Chair, Dawn Wilkins, for her general suggestions on the CSci 450 course and the textbook and for the Department’s continued support of my textbook writing efforts.

I also thank Armando Suarez, my Spring 2018 TA for Senior Project and student in Software Language Engineering that semester, for his suggestions on my materials and approach to those courses—some of which I have applied to this textbook and its associated courses.

In 2018, I began restructuring the 2017 version of the textbook to better meet the needs of the CSci 450 course. I changed the title to Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

I incorporated additional chapters from the Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell and other materials that had not been previously included. I also developed new chapters on software testing, the language processing pipeline, and the Imperative Core language interpreter. I plan to develop additional interpreters, such as one for a Scheme-like language.

Because of this project, I have come to appreciate how much time, effort, and attention to detail must be invested to develop a good programming language organization textbook. I think Samuel Kamin, Robert Sebesta, Michael Scott, Norman Ramsey, Shriram Krishnamurthi, and other authors for their investment in writing and updating their books.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I plan to continue work on this textbook. However, the work went slowly until 2022 because of the COVID-19 pandemic disruptions, my continued work with two PhD students until mid-2021, and various personal factors. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc features.

As I have noted above, I maintain this preface as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed. I continue to learn how better to apply the Pandoc-related tools to accomplish this.

1 Evolution of Programming Languages

1.1 Chapter Introduction

The goal of this chapter is motivate the study of programming language organization by:

1.2 Evolving Computer Hardware Affects Programming Languages

To put our study in perspective, let’s examine the effect of computing hardware evolution on programming languages by considering a series of questions.

  1. When were the first “modern” computers developed? That is, programmable electronic computers.

    Although the mathematical roots of computing go back more than a thousand years, it is only with the invention of the programmable electronic digital computer during the World War II era of the 1930s and 1940s that modern computing began to take shape.

    One of the first computers was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), developed in the mid-1940s at the University of Pennsylvania. When construction was completed in 1946, it cost about $500,000. In today’s terms, that is nearly $7,000,000.

    The ENIAC weighed 30 tons, occupied as much space as a small house, and consumed 160 kilowatts of electric power.

    Initially, the ENIAC had no main memory. Instead it had 20 accumulators, each 10 decimal digits wide. Later 100 words of core were added.

    Similarly, the ENIAC had no external memory as we know it today. It could read and write stacks of punch cards.

    The ENIAC was not a stored program computer. It was programmed mostly by connecting cables in plugboards. It took several days of careful work to enter one program. The program was only changed every few weeks.

    Aside: Many of the early programmers were women. This is quite a contrast to contemporary programming teams that are mostly male. What happened?

    The ENIAC and most other computers of that era were designed for military purposes, such as calculating firing tables for artillery or breaking codes. As a result, many observers viewed the market for such devices to be quite small. The observers were wrong!

Electronics technology has improved greatly in 70 years. Today, a computer with the capacity of the ENIAC would be smaller than a coin from our pockets, would consume little power, and cost just a few dollars on the mass market.

  1. How have computer systems and their use evolved over the past 70 years?

    • Contemporary processors are much smaller and faster. They use much less power, cost much less money (when mass produced), and operate much more reliably.

    • Contemporary “main” memories are much larger in capacity, smaller in physical size, and faster in access speed. They also use much less power, cost much less money, and operate much more reliably.

    • The number of processors per machine has increased from one to many. First, channels and other co-processors were added, then multiple CPUs. Today, computer chips for common desktop and mobile applications have several processors—cores—on each chip, plus specialized processors such as graphics processing units (GPUs) for data manipulation and parallel computation. This trend toward multiprocessors will likely continue given that physics dictates limits on how small and fast we can make computer processors; to continue to increase in power means increasing parallelism.

    • Contemporary external storage devices are much larger in capacity, smaller in size, faster in access time, and cost less.

    • The number of computers available per user has increased from much less than one to many more than one.

    • Early systems were often locked into rooms, with few or no direct connections to the external world and just a few kinds of input/output devices. Contemporary systems may be on the user’s desktop or in the user’s backpack, be connected to the internet, and have many kinds of input/output devices.

    • The range of applications has increased from a few specialized applications (e.g., code-breaking, artillery firing tables) to almost all human activities.

    • The cost of the human staff to program, operate, and support computer systems has probably increased somewhat (in constant dollars).

  2. How have these changes affected programming practice?

    • In the early days of computing, computers were very expensive and the cost of the human workers to use them relatively less. Today, the opposite holds. So we need to maximize human productivity.

    • In the early days of computing, the slow processor speeds and small memory sizes meant that programmers had to control these precious resources to be able to carry out most routine computations. Although we still need to use efficient algorithms and data structures and use good coding practices, programmers can now bring large amounts of computing capacity to bear on most problems. We can use more computing resources to improve productivity to program development and maintenance. The size of the problems we can solve computationally has increased beyond what would be possible manually.

    • In the early days of computing, multiple applications and users usually had to share one computer. Today, we can often apply many processors for each user and application if needed. Increasingly, applications must be able to use multiple processors effectively.

    • Security on early systems meant keeping the computers in locked rooms and restricting physical access to those rooms. In contemporary networked systems with diverse applications, security has become a much more difficult issue with many aspects.

    • Currently, industry can devote considerable hardware and software resources to the development of production software.

The first higher-level programming languages began to appear in the 1950s. IBM released the first compiler for a programming language in 1957–for the scientific programming language Fortran. Although Fortran has evolved considerably during the past 60 years, it is still in use today.

  1. How have the above changes affected programming language design and implementation over the past 60 years?

    • Contemporary programming languages often use automatic memory allocation and deallocation (e.g., garbage collection) to manage a program’s memory. Although programs in these languages may use more memory and processor cycles than hand-optimized programs, they can increase programmer productivity and the security and reliability of the programs. Think Java, C#, and Python versus C and C++.

    • Contemporary programming languages are often implemented using an interpreter instead of a compiler that translates the program to the processor’s machine code–or be implemented using a compiler to a virtual machine instruction set (which is itself interpreted on the host processor). Again they use more processor and memory resources to increase programmer productivity and the security and reliability of the programs. Think Java, C#, and Python versus C and C++.

    • Contemporary programming languages should make the capabilities of contemporary multicore systems conveniently and safely available to programs and applications. To fail to do so limits the performance and scalability of the application. Think Erlang, Scala, and Clojure versus C, C++, and Java.

    • Contemporary programming languages increasingly incorporate declarative features (higher-order functions, recursion, immutable data structures, generators, etc.). These features offer the potential of increasing programming productivity, increasing the security and reliability of programs, and more conveniently and safely providing access to multicore processor capabilities. Think Scala, Clojure, and Java 8 and beyond versus C, C++, and older Java.

As we study programming and programming languages in this and other courses, we need to keep the nature of the contemporary programming scene in mind.

1.3 History of Programming Languages

From the instructor’s perspective, key languages and milestones in the history of programming languages include the following.

Note: These descriptions use terminology such as imperative and function that is defined in Chapters 2 and 3 on programming paradigms.








The evolution continues!

1.4 What Next?

Computer systems, software development practices, and programming languages have evolved considerably since their beginnings in the 1940s and 1950s. Contemporary languages build on many ideas that first emerged in the early decades of programming languages. But they mix the enduring ideas with a few modern innovations and adapt them for the changing circumstances.

This textbook explores both programming and programming language organization with the following approach:

Chapters 2 and 3 explore the concept of programming paradigms.

1.5 Exercises

  1. Choose some programming language not discussed above and investigate the following issues.

    1. When was the language created?
    2. Who created it?
    3. What programming paradigm(s) does it support? (See Chapters 2 and 3 for more information about programming paradigms.)
    4. What are its distinguishing characterists?
    5. What is its primary target domain or group of users?
    6. What are other interesting aspects of the language, its history, use, etc?
  2. Repeat the previous exercise for some other language.

1.6 Acknowledgements

In Summer and Fall 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work in from my previous materials:

In 2017, I continued to develop this material as a part of Chapter 1, Fundamentals, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I reorganized and expanded the previous Fundamentals chapter into four chapters for the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. These are Chapter 1, Evolution of Programming Languages (this chapter); Chapter 2, Programming Paradigms); chapter 3, Object-Based Paradigms; and Chapter 80 (an appendix), Review of Relevant Mathematics.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

1.7 Terms and Concepts

The evolution of computer hardware since the 1940s; impacts upon programming languages and their subsequent evolution.

2 Programming Paradigms

2.1 Chapter Introduction

The goals of this chapter are to:

2.2 Abstraction

Programming concerns the construction of appropriate abstractions in a programming language. Before we examine programming paradigms, let’s examine the concept of abstraction.

2.2.1 What is abstraction?

As computing scientists and computer programmers, we should remember the maxim:

Simplicity is good; complexity is bad.

The most effective weapon that we have in the fight against complexity is abstraction. What is abstraction?

Abstraction is concentrating on the essentials and ignoring the details.

Sometimes abstraction is described as remembering the “what” and ignoring the “how”.

Large complex problems can only be made understandable by decomposing them into subproblems. Ideally, we should be able to solve each subproblem independently and then compose their solutions into a solution to the larger problem.

In programming, the subproblem solution is often expressed with some kind of abstraction represented in a programming notation. From the outside, each abstraction should be simple and easy for programmers to use correctly. The programmers should only need to know the abstraction’s interface (i.e., some small number of assumptions necessary to use the abstraction correctly).`

2.2.2 Kinds of abstraction

Two kinds of abstraction are of interest to computing scientists: procedural abstraction and data abstraction.

Procedural abstraction:
the separation of the logical properties of an action from the details of how the action is implemented.
Data abstraction:
the separation of the logical properties of data from the details of how the data are represented.

In procedural abstraction, programmers focus primarily on the actions to be carried out and secondarily on the data to be processed.

For example, in the top-down design of a sequential algorithm, a programmer first identifies a sequence of actions to solve the problem without being overly concerned about how each action will be carried out.

If an action is simple, the programmer can code it directly using a sequence of programming language statements.

If an action is complex, the programmer can abstract the action into a subprogram (e.g., a procedure or function) in the programming language. The programmer must define the subprogram’s name, parameters, return value, effects, and assumptions—that is, define its interface. The programmer subsequently develops the subprogram using the same top-down design approach.

In data abstraction, programmers primarily focus on the problem’s data and secondarily on its actions. Programmers first identify the key data representations and develop the programs around those and the operations needed to create and update them.

We address procedural and data abstraction further in Chapters 6 and 7.

2.2.3 Procedures and functions

Generally we make the following distinctions among subprograms:

  • A procedure is (in its pure form) a subprogram that takes zero or more arguments but does not return a value. It is executed for its effects, such as changing values in a data structure within the program, modifying its reference or value-result arguments, or causing some effect outside the program (e.g., displaying text on the screen or reading from a file).

  • A function is (in its pure form) a subprogram that takes zero or more arguments and returns a value but that does not have other effects.

  • A method is a procedure or function often associated with an object or class in an object-oriented program. Some object-oriented languages use the metaphor of message-passing. A method is the feature of an object that receives a message. In an implementation, a method is typically a procedure or function associated with the (receiver) object; the object may be an implicit parameter of the method.

Of course, the features of various programming languages and usual practices for their use may not follow the above pure distinctions. For example, a language may not distinguish between procedures and functions. One term or another may be used for all subprograms. Procedures may return values. Functions may have side effects. Functions may return multiple values. The same subprogram can sometimes be called either as a function or procedure.

Nevertheless, it is good practice to maintain the distinction between functions and procedures for most cases in software design and programming.

2.3 What is a Programming Paradigm?

According to Timothy Budd, a programming paradigm is “a way of conceptualizing what it means to perform computation, of structuring and organizing how tasks are to be carried out on a computer” [21:3].

Historically, computer scientists have classified programming languages into one of two primary paradigms: imperative and declarative.

This imperative-declarative taxonomy categorizes programming styles and language features on how they handle state and how they execute programs.

In recent years, many imperative languages have added more declarative features, so the distinction between languages has become blurred. However, the concept of programming paradigm is still meaningful.

2.4 Imperative Paradigm

A program in the imperative paradigm has an implicit state (i.e., values of variables, program counters, etc.) that is modified (i.e., side-effected or mutated) by constructs (i.e., commands) in the source language [101].

As a result, such languages generally have an explicit notion of sequencing (of the commands) to permit precise and deterministic control of the state changes.

Imperative programs thus express how something is to be computed. They emphasize procedural abstractions.

2.4.1 Java

Consider the following Java program fragment from file Counting.java:

    int count =  0 ;
    int maxc  = 10 ;
    while (count <= maxc) {
        System.out.println(count) ;
        count = count + 1 ;

In this fragment, the program’s state includes at least the values of the variables count and maxc, the sequence of output lines that have been printed, and an indicator of which statement to execute next (i.e., location or program counter).

The assignment statement changes the value of count and the println statement adds a new line to the output sequence. These are side effects of the execution.

Similarly, Java executes these commands in sequence, causing a change in which statement will be executed next. The purpose of the while statement is to cause the statements between the braces to be executed zero or more times. The number of times depends upon the values of count and maxc and how the values change within the while loop.

We call this state implicit because the aspects of the state used by a particular statement are not explicitly specified; the state is assumed from the context of the statement. Sometimes a statement can modify aspects of the state that are not evident from examining the code fragment itself.

The Java variable count is mutable because its value can change. After the declaration, count has the value 0. At the end of the first iteration of the while loop, it has value 1. After the while loop exits, it has a value 10. So a reference to count yields different values depending upon the state of the program at that point.

The Java variable maxc is also mutable, but this code fragment does not change its value. So maxc could be replaced by an immutable value.

Of course, the Java fragment above must be included within a main method to be executed. A main method is the entry point of a Java program.

    public class Counting {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            /* Java code fragment above */

Imperative languages are the “conventional” or “von Neumann languages” discussed by John Backus in his 1977 Turing Award address [6]. (See Section 2.7.) They are suited to traditional computer architectures.

Most of the languages in existence today are primarily imperative in nature. These include Fortran, C, C++, Java, Scala, C#, Python, Lua, and JavaScript.

2.4.2 Other languages

The Scala [132,151] program CountingImp.scala is equivalent to the Java program described above. The program CountingImp2.scala is also equivalent, except that it makes the maxc variable immutable. That is, it can be bound to an initial value, but its binding cannot be changed subsequently.

2.5 Declarative Paradigm

A program in the declarative paradigm has no implicit state. Any needed state information must be handled explicitly [101].

A program is made up of expressions (or terms) that are evaluated rather than commands that are executed.

Repetitive execution is accomplished by recursion rather than by sequencing.

Declarative programs express what is to be computed (rather than how it is to be computed).

The declarative paradigm is often divided into two types: functional (or applicative) and relational (or logic).

2.5.1 Functional paradigm

In the functional paradigm the underlying model of computation is the mathematical concept of a function [101].

In a computation, a function is applied to zero or more arguments to compute a single result; that is, the result is deterministic (or predictable). Haskell

Consider the following Haskell code from file Counting.hs:

    counter :: Int -> Int -> String 
    counter count maxc 
        | count <= maxc = show count ++ "\n" 
                          ++ counter (count+1) maxc 
        | otherwise     = ""

This fragment is similar to the Java fragment above. This Haskell code defines a function counter (i.e., a procedural abstraction) that takes two integer arguments, count and maxc, and returns a string consisting of a sequence of lines with the integers from count to maxc such that each would be printed on a separate line. (It does not print the string, but it inserts a newline character at the end of each line.)

In the evaluation (i.e., “execution”) of a function call, Programming for the {Newton}: Software Development with {NewtonScript}counter references the values of count and maxc corresponding to the explicit arguments of the function call. These values are not changed during the evaluation of that function call. However, the values of the arguments can be changed as needed for a subsequent recursive call of counter.

We call the state of counter explicit because it is passed in arguments of the function call. These parameters are immutable (i.e., their values cannot change) within the body of the function. That is, any reference to count or maxc within a call gets the same value.

In a pure functional language like Haskell, the names like count and maxc are said to be referentially transparent. In the same context (such as the body of the function), they always have the same value. A name must be defined before it is used, but otherwise the order of evaluation of the expressions within a function body does not matter; they can even be evaluated in parallel.

There are no “loops”. The functional paradigm uses recursive calls to carry out a task repeatedly.

As we see in later chapters, referential transparency is probably the most important property of functional programming languages. It underlies Haskell’s evaluation model (Chapter 8). It also underlies the ability to state and prove “laws” about Haskell programs (e.g., Chapters 25 and 26). Haskell programmers and Haskell compilers can use the “mathematical” properties of the programs to transform programs that are more efficient.

The above Haskell fragment does not really carry out any actions; it just defines a mapping between the arguments and the return value. We can “execute” the counter function above with the arguments 0 and 10 with the following IO program.

    main = do 
        putStrLn (counter 0 10) 

By calling the main function from the ghci interpreter, we get the same displayed output as the Java program.

Haskell separates pure computation (as illustrated by function counter) from computation that has effects on the environment such as input/output (as illustrated by IO function main).

In most programming languages that support functional programming, functions are treated as first-class values. That is, like other data types, functions can be stored in data structures, passed as arguments to functions, and returned as the results of functions. (The implementation technique for first-order functions usually involves creation of a lexical closure holding the function and its environment.)

In some sense, functional languages such as Haskell merge the concepts of procedural and functional abstraction. Functions are procedural abstractions, but they are also data.

A function that can take functions as arguments or return functions in the result is called a higher-order function. A function that does not take or return functions is thus a first-order function. Most imperative languages do not fully support higher-order functions.

The higher-order functions in functional programming languages enable regular and powerful abstractions and operations to be constructed. By taking advantage of a library of higher-order functions that capture common patterns of computation, we can quickly construct concise, yet powerful, programs.

Purely functional languages include Haskell, Idris, Miranda, Hope, Elm, and Backus’s FP.

Hybrid functional languages with significant functional subsets include Scala, F#, OCaml, SML, Erlang, Elixir, Lisp, Clojure, and Scheme.

Mainstream imperative languages such as Java (beginning with version 8), C#, Python, Ruby, Groovy, Rust, and Swift have recent feature extensions that make them hybrid languages as well. Other languages

The Scala [132,151] program CountingFun.scala is equivalent to the above Haskell program.

2.5.2 Relational (or logic) paradigm

In the relational (logic) paradigm, the underlying model of computation is the mathematical concept of a relation (or a predicate) [101].

A computation is the (nondeterministic) association of a group of values—with backtracking to resolve additional values. Prolog

Consider the following Prolog [33] code from file Counting.pl. In particular, this code runs on the SWI-Prolog interpreter [163].

    counter(X,Y,S) :- count(X,Y,R), atomics_to_string(R,'\n',S).

    count(X,Y,[])     :- X  > Y. 
    count(X,Y,[X|Rs]) :- X < Y, NX is X+1, count(NX,Y,Rs).

This fragment is somewhat similar to the Java and Haskell fragments above. It can be used to generate a string with the integers from X to Y where each integer would be printed on a separate line. (As with the Haskell fragment, it does not print the string.)

This program fragment defines a database consisting of four clauses.

The clause


defines a fact. For any variable value X and list [X] consisting of the single value X, count(X,X,[X]) is asserted to be true.

The other three clauses are rules. The left-hand-side of :- is true if the right-hand-side is also true. For example,

    count(X,Y,[]) :- X > Y.

asserts that


is true when X > Y. The empty brackets denote an empty list of values.

As a logic or relational language, we can query the database for any missing components. For example,


yields the value Z = [1]. However,


yields the value X = 1. If more than one answer is possible, the program can generate all of them in some nondeterministic order.

So, in some sense, where imperative and functional languages only run a computation in one direction and give a single answer, Prolog can potentially run a computation in multiple directions and give multiple answers.

As with Haskell, the above Prolog fragment does not really carry out any computational actions; it just adds facts to the database and defines general relationships among facts. We can “execute” the query counter(0,10,S) above and print the value of S using the following rule.

    main :- counter(0,10,S), write(S).

Example relational languages include Prolog, Parlog, and miniKanren.

Most Prolog implementations have imperative features such as the “cut” and the ability to assert and retract clauses. Other languages

TODO: Perhaps add a new example using miniKanren [26,27,80] in some reasonable base language–preferably Java, Python, or Scala.

2.6 Other Programming Paradigms

As we noted, the imperative-declarative taxonomy described above divides programming styles and language features on how they handle state and how they are executed.

The computing community often speaks of other paradigms—procedural, modular, object-oriented, concurrent, parallel, language-oriented, scripting, reactive, and so forth. The definitions of these “paradigms” may be quite fuzzy and vary significantly from one writer to another.

Sometimes a term is chosen for “marketing” reasons—to associate a language with some trend even though the language may be quite different from others in that paradigm—or to make a language seem different and new even though it may not be significantly different.

These paradigms tend to divide up programming styles and language features along different dimensions than the primary taxonomy described in Sections 2.4 and 2.5. Often the languages we are speaking of are subsets of the imperative paradigm.

This section briefly discusses some of these paradigms. We discuss the prominent object-based paradigms in the next chapter.

2.6.1 Procedural paradigm

The procedural paradigm is a subcategory of the imperative paradigm. It organizes programs primarily using procedural abstractions. A procedural program consists of a sequence of steps that access and modify the program’s state.

Some of the steps are abstracted out as subprograms—procedures or functions—that can be reused. In some cases, subprograms may be nested inside other subprograms, thus limiting the part of the program in which the nested subprogram can be called.

The procedural programming approach arose in programming languages such as Fortran, Algol, PL/I, Pascal, and C from the 1950’s to the 1970’s and beyond. In this chapter, we use the Python programming language to illustrate of its features. Python

Consider the following Python [144] code from file CountingProc.py:

    # File CountingProc.py
    def counter(count,maxc):
        def has_more(count,maxc): # new variables
            return count <= maxc 
        def adv():
            nonlocal count     # from counter
            count = count + 1
        while has_more(count,maxc):
            print(f'{count}')  # Python 3.6+ string interpolation

When called as


this imperative Python “procedure” executes similarly to the Java program fragment we examined in Section 2.4.

Python does not distinguish between procedures and functions as we have defined them. It uses the term “function” for both. Both return values and can have side-effects. The value returned may be the special default value None.

This Python code uses procedural abstraction more extensively than the earlier Java fragment. The Python procedure encloses the while loop in procedure counter and abstracts the loop test and incrementing operation into function has_more and procedure adv, respectively.

Like many procedural languages, Python uses lexical scope for variable, procedure, and function names. That is, the scope of a name (i.e., range of code in which it can be accessed) begins at the point it is defined and ends at the end of that block of code (e.g., function, class, or module).

Function has_more and procedure adv are encapsulated within counter. They can only be accessed inside the body of counter after their definitions.

Parameters count and maxc of procedure counter can be accessed throughout the body of counter unless hidden by another variable or parameter with the same name. They are hidden within the function has_more, which reuses the names for its parameters, but are accessible within procedure adv.

But to allow assignment to count within the nested procedure adv, the variable must declared as nonlocal in the inner procedure. Otherwise, the assignment would have created a new variable with the name count within the body of procedure adv.

Languages like Python, C, Fortran, Pascal, and Lua are primarily procedural languages, although most have evolved to support other styles. Other languages

Scala [132,151] is a hybrid object-functional language that enables function definitions to be nested inside other function definitions. The procedural Scala program CountingProc.scala is equivalent to the Python program above.

2.6.2 Modular paradigm

Modular programming refers more to a design method for programs and program libraries than to languages.

Modular programming means to decompose a program into units of functionality (i.e., modules) that can be developed separately and then recomposed. These modules can hide (i.e., encapsulate) key design and implementation details within the modu

The module’s public features can be accessed through its interface; its private features cannot be accessed from outside the module. Thus a module supports the principle of information hiding. This method also keeps the interactions among modules at a minimum, maintaining a low degree of coupling.

We discuss modular programming in more depth in Chapters 6 and 7.

A language that provides constructs for defining modules, packages, namespaces, or separate compilation units can assist in writing modular programs.

In this chapter, we examine some aspects of the modular paradigm using the imperative language Python. We examine modular programming in the purely functional programming language Haskell on Chapters 6 and 7 and later chapters. Python Using one module

First, let’s consider the following Python [144] code from file CountingMod.py to illustrate use of modules in Python programs. This module is similar to the procedural program in the previous section.

This modular program, however, has all the functions and procedures at the same level of the Python module (file) instead of most being nested within procedure counter. The modular program also uses module-level variables instead of local variables of procedure counter.

    # File CountingMod.py
    count =  0
    maxc  = 10

    def has_more():
        return count <= maxc

    def adv():
        global count 
        count = count + 1

    def counter():
        while has_more():

This module creates two module-level global variables count and maxc and defines three module-level Python functions has_more, adv, and counter.

The module assigns initial values to the variables. Their values can be accessed anywhere later in the module unless hidden by parameters or local variables with the same name.

Function has_more() tests module-level variables count and maxc to determine whether there are more items in the sequence.

Procedure adv() assigns a new value to the module-level variable count. It must declare count as global so that a new local variable is not created.

Variable maxc is also mutable, but this module does not modify its value.

Each module is a separate file that can be imported by other Python code. It introduces a separate name space for variables, functions, and other features.

For example, we can import the module above and execute counter with the following Python code from file CountingModTest1.py:

    from CountingMod import counter

The from-import statement imports feature counter (a Python function) from the module in file CountingMod.py. The imported name counter can be used without qualifying it. The other features of CountingMod (e.g., count and adv) cannot be accessed.

As an alternative, we can import the module from file CountingModTest2.py as follows:

    import CountingMod

    CountingMod.count = 10
    CountingMod.maxc  = 20

This code imports all the features of the module. It requires the variables and functions to be accessed with the name prefix CountingMod. (i.e., the module name followed by a period). This approach enables the importing code to modify the values of global variables in the imported module.

In this second example, the importing code can both access and modify the global variables of the imported module.

Python does not enforce the encapsulation of module-level variable or function names. All names are public (i.e., can be imported to other modules). However, programmers can, by convention, designate module-level names as private by beginning the name with a single underscore character _. The alternative import above will not automatically import such names.

For example, good modular programming practice might suggest that the names _count, _maxc, _has_more(), and _adv() be used in the CountingMod module above. This naming convention would designate those as private and leave only counter() as public.

Most modern languages support “modules” in some way. Other languages (e.g., Standard ML) provide advanced support for modules with the ability to encapsulate features and provide multiple implementations of common interfaces. Using multiple modules

To see the flexibility of modular programs, let’s consider a variant of the above that uses two modules.

The first module—CountingModA from file CountingModA.py—is shown below.

    # File CountingModA.py
    from Arith import reset, adv, get_count, has_more

    def counter():
        while has_more():
            count = get_count()

CountingModA has similar overall functionality to the CountingMod module in the previous example. However, its counter procedure uses a has_more function, an adv procedure, and a new get_counter function implemented in a separate module named Arith. The CountingModA module has no module-level variables and its counter procedure has no local variables.

The second module—Arith from file Arith.py—is shown below.

    # File Arith.py 
    _start  =  0
    _stop   = 10
    _change =  1
    _count  = _start

    def reset(new_start, new_stop, new_change):
        global _start, _stop, _change, _count
        _start = new_start
        _stop  = new_stop
        _count = _start
        if new_change == 0:
            print('Error: Attempt to reset increment to 0; not reset.')
            _change = new_change

    def adv():
        global _count 
        _count = _count + _change

    def get_count():
        return _count

    def has_more():
        if _change > 0:
            return _count <= _stop
            return _count >= _stop

This module makes the module-level variables private to the module by convention.

By default, module Arith generates the same arithmetic sequence as CountingMod in the previous modular programming example. However, it generalizes CountingMod in the following ways:

  • renaming variable count to be _count and variable maxc to be _stop

  • replacing the constant 0 in the initialization of variable _count by a new variable _start, which is itself initialized to 0

  • replacing the constant 1 in the increment of variable _count by a new variable _change, which is itself initialized to 1

  • adding a new function get_count that enables a user module (e.g., CountingModA) to get the current value of the _count variable

    This is called an accessor or getter function.

  • implementing the function has_more() and the procedure adv() used by module CountingModA

    These argumentless public functions operate on Arith’s private module-level variables _start, _stop, _change, and _count.

  • adding a new procedure reset() that enables the values of _start, _stop, _change, and _count to be reinitialized to new values

Now let’s consider an alternative to Arith, the second module. Module Geom from file Geom.py is shown below.

    # File Geom.py
    _start  =   1
    _stop   = 100
    _change =   2
    _count  = _start

    def reset(new_start, new_stop, new_change):
        global _start, _stop, _change, _count
        _start = new_start
        _stop  = new_stop
        _count = start
        if abs(new_change) <= 1:
            print('Error: Attempt to set abs(_change) <= 1; not reset.')
            _change = new_change

    def adv():
        global _count 
        _count = _count * _change

    def get_count():
        return _count

    def has_more():
        return _count <= _stop

Module Geom has essentially the same interface as Arith, but it generates a geometric sequence instead of an arithmetic sequence.

To use this module, the only change needed to CountingModA.py is to import the module Geom instead of Arith. This alternative is in module CountingModG in file CountingModG.py.

This two-level example illustrates the additional flexibility that modular programming can enable. Other languages

The modular Scala [132,151] program CountingMod.scala is equivalent to the first Python program above. The similar Scala program CountingMod2.scala uses a Scala trait to define the interface of the module. It is used in manner similar to the second Python program above.

TODO: Probably should show a Java 8+ example for this. Also the Scala might need more update to be similar to new modular Python examples.

2.6.3 Object-based paradigms

The dominant paradigm since the early 1990s has been the object-oriented paradigm. Because this paradigm is likely familiar with most readers, we examine it and related object-based paradigms in the next chapter.

2.6.4 Concurrent paradigms

TODO: Perhaps describe a paradigm like actors and give an example in Elixir [68,168].

2.7 Motivating Functional Programming: John Backus

In this book we focus primarily on the functional paradigm—on the programming language Haskell in particular. Although languages that enable or emphasize the functional paradigm have been around since the early days of computing, much of the later interest in functional programming grew from the 1977 Turing Award lecture.

John W. Backus (December 3, 1924 – March 17, 2007) was a pioneer in research and development of programming languages. He was the primary developer of Fortran while a programmer at IBM in the mid-1950s. Fortran is the first widely used high-level language. Backus was also a participant in the international team that designed the influential languages Algol 58 and Algol 60 a few years later. The notation used to describe the Algol 58 language syntax—Backus-Naur Form (BNF)—bears his name. This notation continues to be used to this day.

In 1977, ACM bestowed its Turing Award on Backus in recognition of his career of accomplishments. (This award is sometimes described as the “Nobel Prize for computer science”.) The annual recipient of the award gives an address to a major computer science conference. Backus’s address was titled “Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs”.

Although functional languages like Lisp go back to the late 1950’s, Backus’s address did much to stimulate research community’s interest in functional programming languages and functional programming over the past four decades.

The next subsection gives excerpts from Backus’s Turing Award address published as the article “Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs” [6].

2.7.1 Excerpts from Backus’s Turing Award Address [6]

Programming languages appear to be in trouble. Each successive language incorporates, with little cleaning up, all the features of its predecessors plus a few more. Some languages have manuals exceeding 500 pages; others cram a complex description into shorter manuals by using dense formalisms. … Each new language claims new and fashionable features, such as strong typing or structured control statements, but the plain fact is that few languages make programming sufficiently cheaper or more reliable to justify the cost of producing and learning to use them.

Since large increases in size bring only small increases in power, smaller, more elegant languages such as Pascal continue to be popular. But there is a desperate need for a powerful methodology to help us think about programs, and no conventional language even begins to meet that need. In fact, conventional languages create unnecessary confusion in the way we think about programs. … In order to understand the problems of conventional programming languages, we must first examine their intellectual parent, the von Neumann computer. What is a von Neumann computer? When von Neumann and others conceived of it … [in the 1940’s], it was an elegant, practical, and unifying idea that simplified a number of engineering and programming problems that existed then. Although the conditions that produced its architecture have changed radically, we nevertheless still identify the notion of “computer” with this … concept.

In its simplest form a von Neumann computer has three parts: a central processing unit (or CPU), a store, and a connecting tube that can transmit a single word between the CPU and the store (and send an address to the store). I propose to call this tube the von Neumann bottleneck. The task of a program is to change the contents of the store in some major way; when one considers that this task must be accomplished entirely by pumping single words back and forth through the von Neumann bottleneck, the reason for its name becomes clear.

Ironically, a large part of the traffic in the bottleneck is not useful data but merely names of data, as well as operations and data used only to compute such names. Before a word can be sent through the tube its address must be in the CPU; hence it must either be sent through the tube from the store or be generated by some CPU operation. If the address is sent form the store, then its address must either have been sent from the store or generated in the CPU, and so on. If, on the other hand, the address is generated in the CPU, it must either be generated by a fixed rule (e.g., “add 1 to the program counter”) or by an instruction that was sent through the tube, in which case its address must have been sent, and so on.

Surely there must be a less primitive way of making big changes in the store than by pushing vast numbers of words back and forth through the von Neumann bottleneck. Not only is this tube a literal bottleneck for the data traffic of a problem, but, more importantly, it is an intellectual bottleneck that has kept us tied to word-at-a-time thinking instead of encouraging us to think in terms of the larger conceptual units of the task at hand. …

Conventional programming languages are basically high level, complex versions of the von Neumann computer. Our … old belief that there is only one kind of computer is the basis our our belief that there is only one kind of programming language, the conventional—von Neumann—language. The differences between Fortran and Algol 68, although considerable, are less significant than the fact that both are based on the programming style of the von Neumann computer. Although I refer to conventional languages as “von Neumann languages” to take note of their origin and style, I do not, of course, blame the great mathematician for their complexity. In fact, some might say that I bear some responsibility for that problem.

Von Neumann programming languages use variables to imitate the computer’s storage cells; control statements elaborate its jump and test instructions; and assignment statements imitate its fetching, storing, and arithmetic. The assignment statement is the von Neumann bottleneck of programming languages and keeps us thinking in word-at-at-time terms in much the same way the computer’s bottleneck does.

Consider a typical program; at its center are a number of assignment statements containing some subscripted variables. Each assignment statement produces a one-word result. The program must cause these statements to be executed many times, while altering subscript values, in order to make the desired overall change in the store, since it must be done one word at a time. The programmer is thus concerned with the flow of words through the assignment bottleneck as he designs the nest of control statements to cause the necessary repetitions.

Moreover, the assignment statement splits programming into two worlds. The first world comprises the right sides of assignment <statements. This is an orderly world of expressions, a world that has useful algebraic properties (except that those properties are often destroyed by side effects). It is the world in which most useful computation takes place.

The second world of conventional programming languages is the world of statements. The primary statement in that world is the assignment statement itself. All the other statements in the language exist in order to make it possible to perform a computation that must be based on this primitive construct: the assignment statement.

This world of statements is a disorderly one, with few useful mathematical properties. Structured programming can be seen as a modest effort to introduce some order into this chaotic world, but it accomplishes little in attacking the fundamental problems created by the word-at-a-time von Neumann style of programming, with its primitive use of loops, subscripts, and branching flow of control.

Our fixation on von Neumann languages has continued the primacy of the von Neumann computer, and our dependency on it has made non-von Neumann languages uneconomical and has limited their development. The absence of full scale, effective programming styles founded on non-von Neumann principles has deprived designers of an intellectual foundation for new computer architectures. …

2.7.2 Aside on the disorderly world of statements

Backus states that “the world of statements is a disorderly one, with few mathematical properties”. Even in 1977 this was a bit overstated since work by Hoare on axiomatic semantics [96], by Dijkstra on the weakest precondition (wp) calculus [63], and by others had already appeared.

However, because of the referential transparency property of purely functional languages, reasoning can often be done in an equational manner within the context of the language itself. We examine this convenient approach later in this book.

In contrast, the wp-calculus and other axiomatic semantic approaches must project the problem from the world of programming language statements into the world of predicate calculus, which is much more orderly. We leave this study to courses on program derivation and programming language semantics.

Note: For this author’s take on this formal methods topic, see my materials for University of Mississippi course Program Semantics and Derivation (CSci 550) [40,41].

2.7.3 Perspective from four decades later

In his Turing Award Address, Backus went on to describe FP, his proposal for a functional programming language. He argued that languages like FP would allow programmers to break out of the von Neumann bottleneck and find new ways of thinking about programming.

FP itself did not catch on, but the widespread attention given to Backus’ address and paper stimulated new interest in functional programming to develop by researchers around the world. Modern languages like Haskell developed partly from the interest generated.

In the 21st Century, the software industry has become more interested in functional programming. Some functional programming features now appear in most mainstream programming languages (e.g., in Java 8+). This interest seems to driven primarily by two concerns:

  • managing the complexity of large software systems effectively

  • exploiting multicore processors conveniently and safely

The functional programming paradigm is able to address these concerns because of such properties such as referential transparency, immutable data structures, and composability of components. We look at these aspects in later chapters.

2.8 What Next?

This chapter (2) introduced the concepts of abstraction and programming paradigm and surveyed the imperative, declarative, functional, and other paradigms.

Chapter 3 continues the discussion of programming paradigms by examining the object-oriented and related object-based paradigms.

The subsequent chapters use the functional programming language Haskell to illustrate general programming concepts and explore programming language design and implementation using interpreters.

2.9 Exercises

  1. This chapter used Haskell (and Scala) to illustrate the functional paradigm. Choose a language such as Java, Python, or C#. Describe how it can be used to write programs in the functional paradigm. Consider how well the language supports tail recursion.

    TODO: Modify question if more examples are given in chapter.

  2. This chapter used Python (and Scala) to illustrate the procedural paradigm. Choose a different language such as Java, C, C++, or C#. Describe how it can be used to write programs in the procedural paradigm.

    TODO: Modify question if more examples are given in chapter.

  3. This chapter used Python (and Scala) to illustrate the modular paradigm. For the same language chosen for previous exercise, describe how it can be used to write programs in the modular paradigm.

    TODO: Modify question if more examples are given in chapter.

  4. Repeat the previous two exercises with a different language.

2.10 Acknowledgements

In Summer and Fall 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from my previous materials:

In 2017, I continued to develop this material as a part of Chapter 1, Fundamentals, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I reorganized and expanded the previous Fundamentals chapter into four chapters for the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. These are Chapter 1, Evolution of Programming Languages; Chapter 2, Programming Paradigms (this chapter); Chapter 3, Object-based Paradigms; and Chapter 80, Review of Relevant Mathematics. I added the examples on procedural and modular programming.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), adding cross-references, and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I aslo revised and expanded the modular programming example

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

2.11 Terms and Concepts

TODO: Update

Abstraction, procedural abstraction, data abstraction, interface, procedures, functions, methods; programming language paradigm, primary paradigms (imperative, declarative, functional, relational or logic language); other paradigms (procedural, modular, object-oriented, concurrent); program state, implicit versus explicit state, execution of commands versus evaluation of expressions, mutable versus immutable data structures, side effects, sequencing, recursion, referential transparency, first-class values, first-order and higher-order functions, lexical scope, global versus local variables, public versus private features, information hiding, encapsulation, lexical closure; von Neumann computer, von Neumann language, worlds of expressions and statements, axiomatic semantics, weakest precondition calculus.

3 Object-Based Paradigms

3.1 Chapter Introduction

The imperative-declarative taxonomy described in the previous chapter divides programming styles and language features on how they handle state and how they are executed. The previous chapter also mentioned other paradigms such as procedural, modular, object-based, and concurrent.

The dominant paradigm since the early 1990s has been the object-oriented paradigm. Because this paradigm is likely familiar with most readers, it is useful to examine it in more detail.

Thus the goals of this chapter are to examine the characteristics of:

3.2 Motivation

In contemporary practice, most software engineers approach the design of programs from an object-oriented perspective.

The key idea (notion?) in object orientation is the following: The real world can be accurately described as a collection of objects that interact.

This approach is based on the following assumptions:

  1. Describing large, complex systems as interacting objects make them easier to understand than otherwise.

  2. The behaviors of real world objects tend to be stable over time.

  3. The different kinds of real world objects tend to be stable. (That is, new kinds appear slowly; old kinds disappear slowly.)

  4. Changes tend to be localized to a few objects.

Assumption 1 simplifies requirements analysis, software design, and implementation—makes them more reliable.

Assumptions 2 and 3 support reuse of code, prototyping, and incremental development.

Assumption 4 supports design for change.

The object-oriented approach to software development:

<a name=“ObjectModel>

3.3 Object Model

We discuss object orientation in terms of an object model. Our object model includes four basic components:

  1. objects (i.e., abstract data structures)

  2. classes (i.e., abstract data types)

  3. inheritance (hierarchical relationships among abstract data types)

  4. subtype polymorphism

Some writers consider dynamic binding a basic component of object orientation. Here we consider it an implementation technique for subtype polymorphism.

Now let’s consider each of four components of the object model.

3.3.1 Objects

For languages in the object-based paradigms, we require that objects exhibit three essential characterics. Some writers consider one or two other other characteristics as essential. Here we consider these as important but non-essential characteristics of the object model. Essential characteristics

An object must exhibit three essential characteristics:

  1. state

  2. operations

  3. identity

An object is a separately identifiable entity that has a set of operations and a state that records the effects of the operations. An object is typically a first-class entity that can be stored in variables and passed to or returned from subprograms.

The state is the collection of information held (i.e., stored) by the object.

  • It can change over time.

  • It can change as the result of an operation performed on the object.

  • It cannot change spontaneously.

The various components of the state are sometimes called the attributes of the object.

An operation is a procedure that takes the state of the object and zero or more arguments and changes the state and/or returns one or more values. Objects permit certain operations and not others.

If an object is mutable, then an operation may change the stored state so that a subsequent operation on that object acts upon the modified state; the language is thus imperative.

If an object is immutable, then an operation cannot change the stored state; instead the operation returns a new object with the modified state.

Identity means we can distinguish between two distinct objects (even if they have the same state and operations).

As an example, consider an object for a student desk in a simulation of a classroom.

  • A student desk is distinct from the other student desks and, hence, has a unique identity.

  • The relevant state might be attributes such as location, orientation, person using, items in the basket, items on top, etc.

  • The relevant operations might be state-changing operations (called mutator, setter, or command operations) such as “move the desk”, “seat student”, or “remove from basket” or might be state-observing operations (called accessor, getter, observer, or query operations) such as “is occupied” or “report items on desktop”.

A language is object-based if it supports objects as a language feature.

Object-based languages include Ada, Modula, Clu, C++, Java, Scala, C#, Smalltalk, and Python 3.

Pascal (without module extensions), Algol, Fortran, and C are not inherently object-based. Important but non-essential characteristics

Some writers require that an object have additional characteristics, but this book considers these as important but non-essential characteristics of objects:

  1. encapsulation

  2. independent lifecycle

The state may be encapsulated within the object—that is, not be directly visible or accessible from outside the object.

The object may also have an independent lifecycle—that is, the object may exist independently from the program unit that created it. Its lifetime is not determined by the program unit that created it.

We do not include these as essential characteristics because they do not seem required by the object metaphor.

Also, some languages we wish to categorize as object-based do not exhibit one or both of these characteristics. There are languages that use a modularization feature to enforce encapsulation separately from the object (or class) feature. Also, there are languages that may have local “objects” within a function or procedure.

In languages like Python 3, Lua, and Oberon, objects exhibit an independent lifecycle but do not themselves enforce encapsulation. Encapsulation may be supported by the module mechanism (e.g., in Oberon and Lua) or partly by a naming convention (e.g., in Python 3).

In C++, some objects may be local to a function and, hence, be allocated on the runtime stack. These objects are deallocated upon exit from the function. These objects may exhibit encapsulation, but do not exhibit independent lifecycles.

3.3.2 Classes

A class is a template or factory for creating objects.

  • A class describes a collection of related objects (i.e., instances of the class).

  • Objects of the same class have common operations and a common set of possible states.

  • The concept of class is closely related to the concept of type.

A class description includes definitions of:

  • operations on objects of the class

  • the set of possible states

As an example, again consider a simulation of a classroom. There might be a class StudentDesk from which specific instances can be created as needed.

An object-based language is class-based if the concept of class occurs as a language feature and every object has a class.

Class-based languages include Clu, C++, Java, Scala, C#, Smalltalk, Ruby, and Ada 95. Ada 83 and Modula are not class-based.

At their core, JavaScript and Lua are object-based but not class-based.

In statically typed, class-based languages such as Java, Scala, C++, and C# classes are treated as types. Instances of the same class have the same (nominal) type.

However, some dynamically typed languages may have a more general concept of type: If two objects have the same set of operations, then they have the same type regardless of how the object was created. Languages such as Smalltalk and Ruby have this characteristic—sometimes informally called duck typing. (If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.)

See Chapter 5 for more discussion of types.

3.3.3 Inheritance

A class C inherits from class P if C’s objects form a subset of P’s objects.

  • Class C’s objects must support all of the class P’s operations (but perhaps are carried out in a special way).

  • Class C may support additional operations and an extended state (i.e., more information fields).

  • Class C is called a subclass or a child or derived class.

  • Class P is called a superclass or a parent or base class.

  • Class P is sometimes called a generalization of class C; class C is a specialization of class P.

The importance of inheritance is that it encourages sharing and reuse of both design information and program code. The shared state and operations can be described and implemented in base classes and shared among the subclasses.

As an example, again consider the student desks in a simulation of a classroom. The StudentDesk class might be derived (i.e., inherit) from a class Desk, which in turn might be derived from a class Furniture. In diagrams, there is a convention to draw arrows (e.g., \longleftarrow) from the subclass to the superclass.

Furniture \longleftarrow Desk \longleftarrow StudentDesk

The simulation might also include a ComputerDesk class that also derives from Desk.

Furniture \longleftarrow Desk \longleftarrow ComputerDesk

We can also picture the above relationships among these classes with a class diagram as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Classroom simulation inheritance hierarchy.

In Java and Scala, we can express the above inheritance relationships using the extends keyword as follows.

    class Furniture  // extends cosmic root class for references
    {   ...   }      // (java.lang.Object, scala.AnyRef)

    class Desk extends Furniture
    {   ...   }

    class StudentDesk extends Desk
    {   ...   }

    class ComputerDesk extends Desk
    {   ...   }

Both StudentDesk and ComputerDesk objects will need operations to simulate a move of the entity in physical space. The move operation can thus be implemented in the Desk class and shared by objects of both classes.

Invocation of operations to move either a StudentDesk or a ComputerDesk will be bound to the general move in the Desk class.

The StudentDesk class might inherit from a Chair class as well as the Desk class.

Furniture \longleftarrow Chair \longleftarrow StudentDesk

Some languages support multiple inheritance as shown in Figure 3.2 for StudentDesk (e.g., C++, Eiffel, Python 3). Other languages only support a single inheritance hierarchy.

Figure 3.2: Classroom simulation with multiple inheritance.

Because multiple inheritance is both difficult to use correctly and to implement in a compiler, the designers of Java and Scala did not include multiple inheritance of classes as features. Java has a single inheritance hierarchy with a top-level class named Object from which all other classes derive (directly or indirectly). Scala is similar, with the corresponding top-level class named AnyRef.

    class StudentDesk extends Desk, Chair  // NOT VALID in Java
    {   ...   }

To see some of the problems in implementing multiple inheritance, consider the above example. Class StudentDesk inherits from class Furniture through two different paths. Do the data fields of the class Furniture occur once or twice? What happens if the intermediate classes Desk and Chair have conflicting definitions for a data field or operation with the same name?

The difficulties with multiple inheritance are greatly decreased if we restrict ourselves to inheritance of class interfaces (i.e., the signatures of a set of operations) rather than a supporting the inheritance of the class implementations (i.e., the instance data fields and operation implementations). Since interface inheritance can be very useful in design and programming, the Java designers introduced a separate mechanism for that type of inheritance.

The Java interface construct can be used to define an interface for classes separately from the classes themselves. A Java interface may inherit from (i.e., extend) zero or more other interface definitions.

    interface Location3D
    {   ...   }

    interface HumanHolder
    {   ...   }

    interface Seat extends Location3D, HumanHolder
    {   ...   }

A Java class may inherit from (i.e., implement) zero or more interfaces as well as inherit from (i.e., extend) exactly one other class.

    interface BookHolder
    {   ...   }

    interface BookBasket extends Location3D, BookHolder
    {   ...   }

    class StudentDesk extends Desk implements Seat, BookBasket
    {   ...   }

Figure 3.3 shows this interface-based inheritance hierarchy for the classroom simulation example. The dashed lines represent the implements relationship.

Figure 3.3: Classroom simulation with interfaces.

This definition requires the StudentDesk class to provide actual implementations for all the operations from the Location3D, HumanHolder, BookHolder, Seat, and BookBasket interfaces. The Location3D operations will, of course, need to be implemented in such a way that they make sense as part of both the HumanHolder and BookHolder abstractions.

The Scala trait provides a more powerful, and more complex, mechanism than Java’s original interface. In addition to signatures, a trait can define method implementations and data fields. These traits can be added to a class in a controlled, linearized manner to avoid the semantic and implementation problems associated with multiple inheritance of classes. This is called mixin inheritance.

Java 8+ generalizes interfaces to allow default implementations of methods.

Most statically typed languages treat subclasses as subtypes. That is, if C is a subclass of P, then the objects of type C are also of type P. We can substitute a C object for a P object in all cases.

However, the inheritance mechanism in languages in most class-based languages (e.g., Java) does not automatically preserve substitutability. For example, a subclass can change an operation in the subclass to do something totally different from the corresponding operation in the parent class.

3.3.4 Subtype polymorphism

The concept of polymorphism (literally “many forms”) means the ability to hide different implementations behind a common interface. Polymorphism appears in several forms in programming languages. We will discuss these more later.

Subtype polymorphism (sometimes called polymorphism by inheritance, inclusion polymorphism, or subtyping) means the association of an operation invocation (i.e., procedure or function call) with the appropriate operation implementation in an inheritance (subtype) hierarchy.

This form of polymorphism is usually carried out at run time. That implementation is called dynamic binding. Given an object (i.e., class instance) to which an operation is applied, the system will first search for an implementation of the operation associated with the object’s class. If no implementation is found in that class, the system will check the superclass, and so forth up the hierarchy until an appropriate implementation is found. Implementations of the operation may appear at several levels of the hierarchy.

The combination of dynamic binding with a well-chosen inheritance hierarchy allows the possibility of an instance of one subclass being substituted for an instance of a different subclass during execution. Of course, this can only be done when none of the extended operations of the subclass are being used.

As an example, again consider the simulation of a classroom. As in our discussion of inheritance, suppose that the StudentDesk and ComputerDesk classes are derived from the Desk class and that a general move operation is implemented as a part of the Desk class. This could be expressed in Java as follows:

    class Desk extends Furniture
    {   ...
        public void move(...)

    class StudentDesk extends Desk
    {   ...
        // no move(...) operation here

    class ComputerDesk extends Desk
    {   ...
        // no move(...) operation here

As we noted before, invocation of operations to move either a StudentDesk or a ComputerDesk instance will be bound to the general move in the Desk class.

Extending the example, suppose that we need a special version of the move operation for ComputerDesk objects. For instance, we need to make sure that the computer is shut down and the power is disconnected before the entity is moved.

To do this, we can define this special version of the move operation and associate it with the ComputerDesk class. Now a call to move{java} a ComputerDesk a object will be bound to the special move operation, but a call to move a StudentDesk object will still be bound to the general move operation in the Desk class.

The definition of move in the ComputerDesk class is said to override the definition in the Desk class.

In Java, this can be expressed as follows:

    class Desk extends Furniture 
    {   ...
        public void move(...)

    class StudentDesk extends Desk
    {   ...
        // no move(...) operation here

    class ComputerDesk extends Desk
    {   ...
        public void move(...)

A class-based language is object-oriented if class hierarchies can be incrementally defined by an inheritance mechanism and the language supports polymorphism by inheritance along these class hierarchies.

Object-oriented languages include C++, Java, Scala, C#, Smalltalk, and Ada 95. The language Clu is class-based, but it does not include an inheritance facility.

Other object-oriented languages include Objective C, Object Pascal, Eiffel, and Oberon 2.

3.4 Object-Oriented Paradigm

Now let’s consider the object-oriented paradigm more concretely. First, let’s review what we mean by an object-oriented language. A language is:

A class-based language is object-oriented if class hierarchies can be incrementally defined by an inheritance mechanism and the language supports polymorphism by inheritance along these class hierarchies.

3.4.1 Object-oriented Python example

TODO: This example mostly illustates class-based Python. It needs to be extended to show effective use of inheritance and subtyping. Possibly create two differnet subclasses to override the hook methods or leave them abstract and make concrete in subclass–as in Arith and Geom modules for the modular examples.

Python 3 is a dynamically typed language with support for imperative, procedural, modular, object-oriented, and (to a limited extent) functional programming styles [144]. It’s object model supports state, operations, identity, and an independent lifecycle. It provides some support for encapsulation. It has classes, single and multiple inheritance, and subtype polymorphism.

Let’s again examine the counting problem from Chapter 2 from the standpoint of object-oriented programming in Python 3. The following code defines a class named CountingOO. It defines four instance methods and two instance variables.

Note: By instance variable and instance method we mean variables and instances associated with an object, an instance of a class.

    class CountingOO:                  # (1)

        def __init__(self,c,m):        # (2,3)
            self.count = c             # (4)
            self.maxc  = m

        def has_more(self,c,m):        # (5)
            return c <= m 

        def adv(self):                 # (6)
            self.count = self.count + 1
        def counter(self):             # (7)
            while self.has_more(self.count,self.maxc):
                print(f'{self.count}') # (8)

The following notes explain the numbered items in the above code.

  1. By default, a Python 3 class inherits from the cosmic root class object. If a class inherits from some other class, then we place the parent class’s name in parenthesis after the class name, as with class Times2 below. (Python 3 supports multiple inheritance, so there can be multiple class names separated by commas.)

  2. Python 3 classes do not normally have explicit constructors, but we often define an initialization method which has the special name __init__.

  3. Unlike object-oriented languages such as Java, Python 3 requires that the receiver object be passed explicitly as the first parameter of instance methods. By convention, this is a parameter named self.

  4. An instance of the class CountingOO has two instance variables, count and maxc. Typically, we create these dynamically by explicitly assigning a value to the name. We can access these values in expressions (e.g., self.count).

  5. Method has_more() is a function that takes the receiver object and values for the current count and maximum values and returns True if and only there are additional values to generate. (Although an instance method, it does not access the instance’s state.)

  6. Method adv() is a procedure that accesses and modifies the state (i.e., the instance variables), setting self.count to a new value closer to the maximum value self.maxc.

  7. Method counter() is a procedure intended as the primary public interface to an instance of the class. It uses function method has_more() to determine when to stop the iteration, procedure method adv() to advance the variable count from one value to the next value, and the print function to display the value on the standard output device.

  8. Expression f'{self.count}' is a Python 3.7 interpolated string.

In terms of the Template Method design pattern [83], counter is intended as a template method that encodes the primary algorithm and is not intended to be overridden. Methods has_more() and adv() are intended as hook methods that are often overriden to give different behaviors to the class.

Consider the following fragment of code.

    ctr = CountingOO(0,10)

The first line above creates an instance of the CountingOO class, initializes its instance variables count and maxc to 0 and 10, and stores the referene in variable ctr. The call ctr.counter() thus prints the values 0 to 10, one per line, as do the programs from Chapter 2.

However, we can create a subclass that overrides the definitions of the hook methods has_more() and adv() to give quite different behavior without modifying class CountingOO.

    class Times2(CountingOO):    # inherits from CountingOO

        def has_more(self,c,m):  # overrides
            return c != 0 and abs(c) <= abs(m)

        def adv(self):           # overrides
            self.count = self.count * 2

Now consider the following code fragment.

    ctr2 = Times2(-1,10)

This generates the sequence of values -1, -2, -4, and -8, printed one per line.

The call to any method on an instance of class Times2 is polymorphic. The system dynamically searches up the class hierarchy from Times2 to find the appropriate function. It finds has_more() and adv() in Times2 and counter() in parent class CountingOO.

The code for this section is in source file CountingOO.py.

3.4.2 Object-oriented Scala example

The program CountingOO.scala is an object-oriented Scala [131,151] program similar to the Python version given above.

3.5 Prototype-based Paradigm

Classes and inheritance are not the only way to support relationships among objects in object-based languages. Another approach of growing importance is the use of prototypes.

3.5.1 Prototype concepts

A prototype-based language does not have the concept of class as defined above. It just has objects. Instead of using a class to instantiate a new object, a program copies (or clones) an existing object—the prototype—and modifies the copy to have the needed attributes and operations.

Each prototype consists of a collection of slots. Each slot is filled with either a data attribute or an operation.

This cloning approach is more flexible than the class-based approach.

In a class-based language, we need to define a new class or subclass to create a variation of an existing type. For example, we may have a Student class. If we want to have students who play chess, then we would need to create a new class, say ChessPlayingStudent, to add the needed data attributes and operations.

Aside: Should Student be the parent ChessPlayingStudent? or should ChessPlayer be the parent? Or should we have fields of ChessPlayingStudent that hold Student and ChessPlayer objects?

In a class-based language, the boundaries among categories of objects specified by classes should be crisply defined. That is, an object is in a particular class or it is not. Sometimes this crispness may be unnatural.

In a prototype-based language, we simply clone a student object and add new slots for the added data and operations. This new object can be a prototype for further objects.

In a prototype-based language, the boundaries between categories of objects created by cloning may be fuzzy. One category of objects may tend to blend into others. Sometimes this fuzziness may be more natural.

Consider categories of people associated with a university. These categories may include Faculty, Staff, Student, and Alumnus. Consider a student who gets a BSCS degree, then accepts a staff position as a programmer and stays a student by starting an MS program part-time, and then later teaches a course as a graduate student. The same person who started as a student thus evolves into someone who is in several categories later. And he or she may also be a chess player.

Instead of static, class-based inheritance and polymorphism, some languages exhibit prototype-based delegation. If the appropriate operation cannot be found on the current object, the operation can be delegated to its prototype, or perhaps to some other related, object. This allows dynamic relationships along several dimensions. It also means that the “copying” or “cloning” may be partly logical rather than physical.

Prototypes and delegation are more basic mechanisms than inheritance and polymorphism. The latter can often be implemented (or perhaps “simulated”) using the former.

Self [158,175], NewtonScript [123,130], JavaScript [4,231], Lua [105,116,165], and Io [36,62,164] are prototype-based languages. (Package prototype.py can also make Python behave in a prototype-based manner.)

Let’s look at Lua as a prototype-based language.

Note: The two most widely used prototype languages are JavaScript and Lua. I choose Lua here because it is simpler and can also execute conveniently from the command line. I have also used Lua extensively in the past and have not yet used JavaScript extensively.

3.5.2 Lua as an object-based language

Lua is a dynamically typed, multiparadigm language [105,116]. The language designers stress the following design principles [117]:

  • portability
  • embeddability
  • efficiency
  • simplicity

To realize these principles, the core language implementation:

  • can only use standard C and the standard C library

  • must be efficient in use of memory and processor time (i.e., keep the interpreter small and fast)

  • must support interoperability with C programs in both directions (i.e., can call or be called by C programs)

C is ubiquitous, likely being the first higher-level language implemented for any new machine, whether a small microcontroller or a large multiprocessor. So this implementation approach supports the portability, embeddability, and efficiency design goals.

Because of Lua’s strict adherence to the above design principles, it has become a popular language for extending other applications with user-written scripts or templates. For example, it is used for this purpose in some computer games and by Wikipedia. Also, Pandoc, the document conversion tool used in production of this textbook, enables scripts to be written in Lua. (The Pandoc program itself is written in Haskell.)

The desire for a simple but powerful language led the designers to adopt an approach that separates mechanisms from policy. As noted on the Lua website [117]:

A fundamental concept in the design of Lua is to provide meta-mechanisms for implementing features, instead of providing a host of features directly in the language. For example, although Lua is not a pure object-oriented language, it does provide meta-mechanisms for implementing classes and inheritance. Lua’s meta-mechanisms bring an economy of concepts and keep the language small, while allowing the semantics to be extended in unconventional ways.

Lua provides a small set of quite powerful primitives. For example, it includes only one data structure—the table (dictionary, map, or object in other languages)—but ensures that it is efficient and flexible for a wide range of uses.

Lua’s tables are objects as described in Section 3.3. Each object has its own:

  • state (i.e., values associated with keys)
  • identity independent of state
  • lifecycle independent of the code that created it

In addition, a table can have its own operations by associating function closures with keys.

Note: By function closure, we mean the function’s definition plus aspects of its environment necessary (e.g., variables variables outside the function) necessary for the function to be executed.

So a key in the table represents a slot in the object. The slot can be occupied by either a data attribute’s value or the function closure associated with an operation.

Lua tables do not directly support encapsulation, but there are ways to build structures that encapsulate key data or operations.

Lua’s metatable mechanism, particularly the __index metamethod, enables an access to an undefined key to be delegated to another table (or to result in a call of a specified function).

Thus tables and metatables enable the prototype-based paradigm as illustrated in the next section.

As in Python 3, Lua requires that the receiver object be passed as an argument to object-based function and procedure calls. By convention, it is passed as the first argument, as shown below.

    obj.method(obj, other_arguments)

Lua has a bit of syntactic sugar—the : operator—to make this more convenient. The following Lua expression is equivalent to the above.


The Lua interpreter evaluates the expression obj to get the receiver object (i.e., table), then retrieves the function closure associated with the key named method from the receiver object, then calls the function, passing the receiver object as its first parameter. In the body of the function definition, the receiver object can be referenced by parameter name self.

We can use a similar notation to define functions to be methods associated with objects (tables).

3.5.3 Prototype-based Lua example

The Lua code below, from file CountingPB.lua, implements a Lua module similar to the Python 3 CountingOO class given in Section 3.4.1. It illustrates how to define Lua modules as well as prototypes.

    -- File CountingPB.lua 
    local CountingPB = {count = 1, maxc = 0} -- (1)

    function CountingPB:new(mixin)           -- (2)
       mixin = mixin or {}                   -- (5)
       local obj = { __index = self }        -- (4)
       for k, v in pairs(mixin) do           -- (5)
          if k ~= "__index" then
             obj[k] = v
       return setmetatable(obj,obj)          -- (6,7)

    function CountingPB:has_more(c,m)        -- (2)
       return c <= m

    function CountingPB:adv()                -- (2)
       self.count = self.count + 1

    function CountingPB:counter()            -- (2)
       while self:has_more(self.count,self.maxc) do
    return CountingPB                        -- (3)

The following notes explain the numbered steps in the above code.

  1. Create module object CountingPB as a Lua table with default values for data attributes count and maxc. This object is also the top-level prototype object.

  2. Define methods (i.e., functions) new(), has_more(), adv(), and counter() and add them to the CountingPB table. The key is the function’s name and the value is the function’s closure.

    Method new() is the constructor for clones.

  3. Return CountingPB when the module file CountingPB.lua is imported with a require call in another Lua module or script file.

Method new is what constructs the clones. This method:

  1. Creates the clone initially as a table with only the __index set to the object that called new (i.e., the receiver object self).

  2. Copies the method new’s parameter mixin’s table entries into the clone. This enables existing data and method attributes of the receiver object self to be redefined and new data and method attributes to be added to the clone.

    If parameter mixin is undefined or an empty table, then no changes are made to the clone.

  3. Sets the clone’s metatable to be the clone’s table itself. In step 4, we had set its metamethod __index to be the receiver object self.

  4. Returns the clone object (a table) as is the convention for Lua modules.

If a Lua program accesses an undefined key of a table (or object), then the interpreter checks to see whether the table has a metatable defined.

  • If no metatable is set, then the result of the access is a nil (meaning undefined).

  • If a metatable is set, then the interpreter uses the __index metamethod to determine what to do. If __index is a table, then the access is delegated to that table. If __index is set a function closure, then the interpreter calls that function. If there is no __index, then it returns a nil.

We can load the CountingPB.lua module as follows:

    local CountingPB = require "CountingPB"

Now consider the Lua assignment below:

    x = CountingPB:new({count = 0, maxc = 10})

This creates a clone of object CountingPB and stores it in variable x. This clone has its own data attributes count and maxc, but it delegates method calls back to object CountingPB.

If we execute the call x:counter(), we get the following output:


Now consider the Lua assignment:

    y = x:new({count = 10, maxc = 15})

This creates a clone of object in x and stores the clone in variable y. The y object has different values for count and maxc, but it delegates the method calls to x, which, in turn, delegates them on to CountingPB.

If we execute the call y:counter(), we get the following output:


Now, consider the following Lua assignment:

    z = y:new( { maxc = 400,
                 has_more = function (self,c,m)
                    return c ~= 0 and math.abs(c) <= math.abs(m)
                 adv = function(self)
                    self.count = self.count * 2
                 bye = function(self) print(self.msg) end 
                 msg = "Good-Bye!" } )

This creates a clone of object y that keeps x’s current value of count (which is 16 after executing y:counter()), sets a new value of maxc, overrides the definitions of methods has_more() and adv(), and defines new method bye() and new data attribute msg.

If we execute the call z:counter() followed by z:bye(), we get the following output:


The Lua source code for this example is in file CountingPB.lua. The example calls are in file CountingPB_Test.lua.

3.5.4 Observations

How does the prototype-based (PB) paradigm compare with the object-oriented (OO) paradigm?

  • The OO paradigm as implemented in a language usually enforces a particular discipline or policy and provides syntactic and semantic support for that policy. However, it makes programming outside the policy difficult.

  • The PB paradigm is more flexible. It provides lower-level mechanisms and little or no direct support for a particular discipline or policy. It allows programmers to define their own policies, simple or complex policies depending on the needs. These policies can be implemented in libraries and reused. However, PB can result in different programmers or different software development shops using incompatible approaches.

Whatever paradigm we use (OO, PB, procedural, functional, etc.), we should be careful and be consistent in how we design and implement programs.

3.6 What Next?

In Chapters 2 and 3 (this chapter), we explored various programming paradigms.

In Chapter 4, we begin examining Haskell, looking at our first simple programs and how to execute those programs with the interactive interpreter.

In subsequent chapters, we look more closely at the concepts of type introduced in this chapter and abstraction introduced in the previous chapter.

3.7 Exercises

  1. This chapter used Python 3 to illustrate the object-oriented paradigm. Choose a language such as Java, C++, or C#. Describe how it can be used to write programs in the object-oriented paradigm. Show the CountingOO example in the chosen language.

  2. C is a primarily procedural language. Describe how C can be used to implement object-based programs. Show the CountingOO example in the chosen language.

3.8 Acknowledgements

Beginning in Summer 2016 and continuing through Fall 2018, I adapted and revised much of this chapter from my previous course materials:

In 2017, I incorporated this material into Chapter 1, Fundamentals, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In 2018 I reorganized and expanded the previous Fundamentals chapter into four chapters for the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming (ELIFP). These are Chapter 1, Evolution of Programming Languages; Chapter 2, Programming Paradigms; Chapter 3, Object-Based Paradigms (this chapter); and Chapter 80, Review of Relevant Mathematics.

In 2018, I added the new Python 3 [144] examples in ELIFP Chapters 2 and 3. My approach to Python 3 programming are influenced by Beazley [8], Ramalho [146], and other sources and by my experiences developing and teaching two graduate courses that used Python 3 in 2018.

In 2018, I also revised the discussion of the Lua example and incorporated it into this chapter.

I used Chapter 2 in CSci 450 in Fall 2018 but not this chapter. However, I used both chapters in my Python-based Multiparadigm Programming (CSci 556) course in Fall 2018.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

3.9 Terms and Concepts

Object (state, operations, identity, encapsulation, independent lifecycle, mutable, immutable), object-based language, class, type, class-based language, inheritance, subtype, interface, polymorphism, subtype polymorphism (subtyping, inclusion polymorphism, polymorphism by inheritance), dynamic binding, object-oriented language, prototype, clone, slot, delegation, prototype-based language, embeddability, Lua tables, metatables, and metamethods, function closure.

4 First Haskell Programs

4.1 Chapter Introduction

The goals of this chapter are to

4.2 Defining Our First Haskell Functions

Let’s look at our first function definition in the Haskell language, a program to implement the factorial function for natural numbers.

The Haskell source file Factorial.hs holds the Haskell function definitions for this chapter. The test script is in source file TestFactorial.hs; it is discussed further in Chapter 12 on testing of Haskell programs.

4.2.1 Factorial function specification

We can give two mathematical definitions of factorial, fact and fact’, that are equivalent for all natural number arguments. We can define fact using the product operator as follows:

fact(n)=i=1i=ni(n) = \prod_{i=1}^{i=n}\,i

For example,

fact(4)=1×2×3×4(4) = 1 \times 2 \times 3 \times 4.

By definition

fact(0)=1(0) = 1

which is the identity element of the multiplication operation.

We can also define the factorial function fact’ with a recursive definition (or recurrence relation) as follows:

fact’(n)=1(n) = 1, if n=0n = 0
fact’(n)=n×(n) = n \times fact’(n1)(n-1), if n1n \geq 1

Since the domain of fact’ is the set of natural numbers, a set over which induction is defined, we can easily see that this recursive definition is well defined.

  • For n=0n = 0, the base case, the value is simply 11.

  • For n1n \geq 1, the value of fact’(n)(n) is recursively defined in terms of fact’(n1)(n-1). The argument of the recursive application decreases toward the base case.

In the Review of Relevant Mathematics appendix, we prove that fact(n)(n) == fact’(n)(n) by mathematical induction.

The Haskell functions defined in the following subsections must compute fact(n)(n) when applied to argument value n0n \geq 0.

4.2.2 Factorial function using if-then-else: fact1

One way to translate the recursive definition fact’ into Haskell is the following:

    fact1 :: Int -> Int 
    fact1 n = if n == 0 then 
                  n * fact1 (n-1) 
  • The first line above is the type signature for function fact1. In general, type signatures have the syntax object :: type.

    Haskell type names begin with an uppercase letter.

    The above defines object fact1 as a function (denoted by the -> symbol) that takes one argument of type integer (denoted by the first Int) and returns a value of type integer (denoted by the last Int).

    Haskell does not have a built-in natural number type. Thus we choose type Int for the argument and result of fact1.

    The Int data type is a bounded integer type, usually the integer data type supported directly by the host processor (e.g., 32- or 64-bits on most current processors), but it is guaranteed to have the range of at least a 30-bit, two’s complement integer (229-2^{29} to 2292^{29}).

  • The declaration for the function fact1 begins on the second line. Note that it is an equation of the form

    fname parms = body

    where fname is the function’s name, parms are the function’s parameters, and body is an expression defining the function’s result.

    Function and variable names begin with lowercase letters optionally followed by a sequence of characters each of which is a letter, a digit, an apostrophe (') (sometimes pronounced “prime”), or an underscore (_).

    A function may have zero or more parameters. The parameters are listed after the function name without being enclosed in parentheses and without commas separating them.

    The parameter names may appear in the body of the function. In the evaluation of a function application the actual argument values are substituted for parameters in the body.

  • Above we define the body function fact1 to be an if-then-else expression. This kind of expression has the form

    if condition then expression1 else expression2


    condition is a Boolean expression, that is, an expression of Haskell type Bool, which has either True or False as its value

    expression1 is the expression that is returned when the condition is True

    expression2 is the expression (with the same type as expression1) that is returned when the condition is False

    Evaluation of the if-then-else expression in fact1 yields the value 1 if argument n has the value 0 (i.e., n == 0) and yields the value n * fact1 (n-1) otherwise.

  • The else clause includes a recursive application of fact1. The whole expression (n-1) is the argument for the recursive application, so we enclose it in parenthesis.

    The value of the argument for the recursive application is less than the value of the original argument. For each recursive application of fact to a natural number, the argument’s value thus moves closer to the termination value 0.

  • Unlike most conventional languages, the indentation is significant in Haskell. The indentation indicates the nesting of expressions.

    For example, in fact1 the n * fact1 (n-1) expression is nested inside the else clause of the if-then-else expression.

  • This Haskell function does not match the mathematical definition given above. What is the difference?

    Notice the domains of the functions. The evaluation of fact1 will go into an “infinite loop” and eventually abort when it is applied to a negative value.

In Haskell there is only one way to form more complex expressions from simpler ones: apply a function.

Neither parentheses nor special operator symbols are used to denote function application; it is denoted by simply listing the argument expressions following the function name. For example, a function f applied to argument expressions x and y is written in the following prefix form:

    f x y

However, the usual prefix form for a function application is not a convenient or natural way to write many common expressions. Haskell provides a helpful bit of syntactic sugar, the infix expression. Thus instead of having to write the addition of x and y as

    add x y

we can write it as

    x + y

as we have since elementary school. Here the symbol + represents the addition function.

Function application (i.e., juxtaposition of function names and argument expressions) has higher precedence than other operators. Thus the expression f x + y is the same as (f x) + y.

4.2.3 Factorial function using guards: fact2

An alternative way to differentiate the two cases in the recursive definition is to use a different equation for each case. If the Boolean guard (e.g., n == 0) for an equation evaluates to true, then that equation is used in the evaluation of the function. A guard is written following the | symbol as follows:

    fact2 :: Int -> Int 
    fact2 n 
        | n == 0    = 1 
        | otherwise = n * fact2 (n-1)

Function fact2 is equivalent to the fact1. Haskell evaluates the guards in a top-to-bottom order. The otherwise guard always succeeds; thus it’s use above is similar to the trailing else clause on the if-then-else expression used in fact1.

4.2.4 Factorial function using pattern matching: fact3 and fact4

Another equivalent way to differentiate the two cases in the recursive definition is to use pattern matching as follows:

    fact3 :: Int -> Int 
    fact3 0 = 1 
    fact3 n = n * fact3 (n-1)

The parameter pattern 0 in the first leg of the definition only matches arguments with value 0. Since Haskell checks patterns and guards in a top-to-bottom order, the n pattern matches all nonzero values. Thus fact1, fact2, and fact3 are equivalent.

To stop evaluation from going into an “infinite loop” for negative arguments, we can remove the negative integers from the function’s domain. One way to do this is by using guards to narrow the domain to the natural numbers as in the definition of fact4 below:

    fact4 :: Int -> Int 
    fact4 n 
        | n == 0 =  1 
        | n >= 1 =  n * fact4 (n-1) 

Function fact4 is undefined for negative arguments. If fact4 is applied to a negative argument, the evaluation of the program encounters an error quickly and returns without going into an infinite loop. It prints an error and halts further evaluation.

We can define our own error message for the negative case using an error call as in fact4' below.

    fact4' :: Int -> Int 
    fact4' n 
        | n == 0    =  1 
        | n >= 1    =  n * fact4' (n-1)
        | otherwise = error "fact4' called with negative argument"

In addition to displaying the custom error message, this also displays a stack trace of the active function calls.

4.2.5 Factorial function using built-in library function: fact5

The four definitions we have looked at so far use recursive patterns similar to the recurrence relation fact’. Another alternative is to use the library function product and the list-generating expression [1..n] to define a solution that is like the function fact:

    fact5 :: Int -> Int 
    fact5 n = product [1..n]

The list expression [1..n] generates a list of consecutive integers beginning with 1 and ending with n. We study lists beginning with Chapter 13.

The library function product computes the product of the elements of a finite list.

If we apply fact5 to a negative argument, the expression [1..n] generates an empty list. Applying product to this empty list yields 1, which is the identity element for multiplication. Defining fact5 to return 1 is consistent with the function fact upon which it is based.

Which of the above definitions for the factorial function is better?

Most people in the functional programming community would consider fact4 (or fact4') and fact5 as being better than the others. The choice between them depends upon whether we want to trap the application to negative numbers as an error or to return the value 1.

4.2.6 Testing

Chapter 12 discusses testing of the Factorial module designed in this chapter. The test script is TestFactorial.hs.

4.3 Using the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC)

See the Glasgow Haskell Compiler Users Guide [92] for information on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) and its use.

GHCi is an environment for using GHC interactively. That is, it is a REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop) command line interface using Haskell. The “Using GHCi” chapter [93] of the GHC User Guide [92] describes its usage.

Below, we show a GHCi session where we load source code file (module) Factorial.hs and apply the factorial functions to various inputs. The instructor ran this in a Terminal session on an iMac running macOS 10.13.4 (High Sierra) with ghc 8.4.3 installed.

  1. Start the REPL.

        bash-3.2$ ghci
        GHCi, version 8.4.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
  2. Load module Fact that holds the factorial function definitions. This assumes the Factorial.hs file is in the current directory. The load command can be abbreviated as just :l.

        Prelude> :load Factorial
        [1 of 1] Compiling Factorial        ( Factorial.hs, interpreted )
        Ok, one module loaded.
  3. Inquire about the type of fact1.

        *Factorial> :type fact1
        fact1 :: Int -> Int
  4. Apply function fact1 to 7, 0, 20, and 21. Note that the factorial of 21 exceeds the Int range.

        *Factorial> fact1 7
        *Factorial> fact1 0
        *Factorial> fact1 20
        *Factorial> fact1 21
  5. Apply functions fact2, fact3, fact4, and fact5 to 7.

        *Factorial> fact2 7
        *Factorial> fact3 7
        *Factorial> fact4 7
        *Factorial> fact5 7 
  6. Apply functions fact1, fact2, and fact3 to -1. All go into an infinite recursion, eventually terminating with an error when the runtime stack overflows its allocated space.

        *Factorial> fact1 (-1)
        *** Exception: stack overflow
        *Factorial> fact2 (-1)
        *Factorial> fact3 (-1)
        *** Exception: stack overflow
  7. Apply functions fact4 and fact4' to -1. They quickly return with an error.

        *Factorial> fact4 (-1)
        *** Exception: Factorial.hs:(54,1)-(56,29):
          Non-exhaustive patterns in function fact4
        *Factorial> fact4' (-1)
        *** Exception: fact4' called with negative argument
        CallStack (from HasCallStack):
          error, called at Factorial.hs:64:17 in main:Factorial
  8. Apply function fact5 to -1. It returns a 1 because it is defined for negative integers.

        *Factorial> fact5 (-1)
  9. Set the +s option to get information about the time and space required and the +t option to get the type of the returned value.

        *Factorial> :set +s
        *Factorial> fact1 20
        (0.00 secs, 80,712 bytes)
        *Factorial> :set +t
        *Factorial> fact1 20
        it :: Int
        (0.05 secs, 80,792 bytes)
        *Factorial> :unset +s +t
        *Factorial> fact1 20
  10. Exit GHCi.

        Leaving GHCi.

Suppose we had set the environment variable EDITOR to our favorite text editor in the Terminal window. For example, on a MacOS system, your instructor might give the following command in shell (or in a startup script such as .bash_profile):

    export EDITOR=Aquamacs

Then the :edit command within GHCi allows us to edit the source code. We can give a filename or default to the last file loaded.


Or we could also use a :set command to set the editor within GHCi.

    :set editor Aquamacs

See the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) User’s Guide [92] for more information about use of GHC and GHCi.

4.4 What Next?

In this chapter (4), we looked at our first Haskell functions and how to execute them using the Haskell interpreter.

In Chapter 5, we continue our exploration of Haskell by examining its built-in types.

4.5 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell source module Factorial.hs gives the factorial functions used in this chapter. The test script in source file TestFactorial.hs is discussed further in Chapter 12 on testing of Haskell programs.

4.6 Exercises

  1. Reimplement functions fact4 and fact5 with type Integer instead of Int. Integer is an unbounded precision integer type (discussed in the next chapter). Using ghci, execute these functions for values -1, 7, 20, 21, and 50 using ghci.

  2. Develop both recursive and iterative (looping) versions of a factorial fuunction in an imperative language (e.g., Java, C++, Python 3, etc.)

4.7 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work in from Chapter 3 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42] and incorporated it into Chapter 2, Basic Haskell Functional Programming, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I divided the previous Basic Haskell Functional Programming chapter into four chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 2.1-2.3 became the basis for new Chapter 4, First Haskell Programs (this chapter); previous Section 2.4 became Section 5.3 in the new Chapter 5, Types; and previous sections 2.5-2.7 were reorganized into new Chapter 6, Procedural Abstraction, and Chapter 7, Data Abstraction.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

4.8 Terms and Concepts

TODO: Update

Factorials, function definition and application, recursion, function domains, error, if, guards, basic types (Int, Integer, Bool, library (Prelude) functions, REPL, ghci commands and use.

5 Types

5.1 Chapter Introduction

The goals of this chapter are to:

5.2 Type System Concepts

The term type tends to be used in many different ways in programming languages. What is a type?

The chapter on object-based paradigms discusses the concept of type in the context of object-oriented languages. This chapter first examines the concept more generally and then examines Haskell’s builtin types.

5.2.1 Types and subtypes

Conceptually, a type is a set of values (i.e., possible states or objects) and a set of operations defined on the values in that set.

Similarly, a type S is (a behavioral) subtype of type T if the set of values of type S is a “subset” of the values in set T an set of operations of type S is a “superset” of the operations of type T. That is, we can safely substitute elements of subtype S for elements of type T because S’s operations behave the “same” as T’s operations.

This is known as the Liskov Substitution Principle [119,205].

Consider a type representing all furniture and a type representing all chairs. In general, we consider the set of chairs to be a subset of the set of furniture. A chair should have all the general characteristics of furniture, but it may have additional characteristics specific to chairs.

If we can perform an operation on furniture in general, we should be able to perform the same operation on a chair under the same circumstances and get the same result. Of course, there may be additional operations we can perform on chairs that are not applicable to furniture in general.

Thus the type of all chairs is a subtype of the type of all furniture according to the Liskov Substitution Principle.

5.2.2 Constants, variables, and expressions

Now consider the types of the basic program elements.

A constant has whatever types it is defined to have in the context in which it is used. For example, the constant symbol 1 might represent an integer, a real number, a complex number, a single bit, etc., depending upon the context.

A variable has whatever types its value has in a particular context and at a particular time during execution. The type may be constrained by a declaration of the variable.

An expression has whatever types its evaluation yields based on the types of the variables, constants, and operations from which it is constructed.

5.2.3 Static and dynamic

In a statically typed language, the types of a variable or expression can be determined from the program source code and checked at “compile time” (i.e., during the syntactic and semantic processing in the front-end of a language processor). Such languages may require at least some of the types of variables or expressions to be declared explicitly, while others may be inferred implicitly from the context.

Java, Scala, and Haskell are examples of statically typed languages.

In a dynamically typed language, the specific types of a variable or expression cannot be determined at “compile time” but can be checked at runtime.

Lisp, Python, JavaScript, and Lua are examples of dynamically typed languages.

Of course, most languages use a mixture of static and dynamic typing. For example, Java objects defined within an inheritance hierarchy must be bound dynamically to the appropriate operations at runtime. Also Java objects declared of type Object (the root class of all user-defined classes) often require explicit runtime checks or coercions.

5.2.4 Nominal and structural

In a language with nominal typing, the type of value is based on the type name assigned when the value is created. Two values have the same type if they have the same type name. A type S is a subtype of type T only if S is explicitly declared to be a subtype of T.

For example, Java is primarily a nominally typed language. It assigns types to an object based on the name of the class from which the object is instantiated and the superclasses extended and interfaces implemented by that class.

However, Java does not guarantee that subtypes satisfy the Liskov Substitution Principle. For example, a subclass might not implement an operation in a manner that is compatible with the superclass. (The behavior of subclass objects are this different from the behavior of superclass objects.) Ensuring that Java subclasses preserve the Substitution Principle is considered good programming practice in most circumstances.

In a language with structural typing, the type of a value is based on the structure of the value. Two values have the same type if they have the “same” structure; that is, they have the same public data attributes and operations and these are themselves of compatible types.

In structurally typed languages, a type S is a subtype of type T only if S has all the public data values and operations of type T and the data values and operations are themselves of compatible types. Subtype S may have additional data values and operations not in T.

Haskell is primarily a structurally typed language.

5.2.5 Polymorphic operations

Polymorphism refers to the property of having “many shapes”. In programming languages, we are primarily interested in how polymorphic function names (or operator symbols) are associated with implementations of the functions (or operations).

In general, two primary kinds of polymorphism exist in programming languages:

  1. Ad hoc polymorphism, in which the same function name (or operator symbol) can denote different implementations depending upon how it is used in an expression. That is, the implementation invoked depends upon the types of function’s arguments and return value.

    There are two subkinds of ad hoc polymorphism.

    1. Overloading refers to ad hoc polymorphism in which the language’s compiler or interpreter determines the appropriate implementation to invoke using information from the context. In statically typed languages, overloaded names and symbols can usually be bound to the intended implementation at compile time based on the declared types of the entities. They exhibit early binding.

      Consider the language Java. It overloads a few operator symbols, such as using the + symbol for both addition of numbers and concatenation of strings. Java also overloads calls of functions defined with the same name but different signatures (patterns of parameter types and return value). Java does not support user-defined operator overloading; C++ does.

      Haskell’s type class mechanism, which we examine in a later chapter, implements overloading polymorphism in Haskell. There are similar mechanisms in other languages such as Scala and Rust.

    2. Subtyping (also known as subtype polymorphism or inclusion polymorphism) refers to ad hoc polymorphism in which the appropriate implementation is determined by searching a hierarchy of types. The function may be defined in a supertype and redefined (overridden) in subtypes. Beginning with the actual types of the data involved, the program searches up the type hierarchy to find the appropriate implementation to invoke. This usually occurs at runtime, so this exhibits late binding.

      The object-oriented programming community often refers to inheritance-based subtype polymorphism as simply polymorphism. This the polymorphism associated with the class structure in Java.

      Haskell does not support subtyping. Its type classes do support class extension, which enables one class to inherit the properties of another. However, Haskell’s classes are not types.

  2. Parametric polymorphism, in which the same implementation can be used for many different types. In most cases, the function (or class) implementation is stated in terms of one or more type parameters. In statically typed languages, this binding can usually be done at compile time (i.e., exhibiting early binding).

    The object-oriented programming (e.g., Java) community often calls this type of polymorphism generics or generic programming.

    The functional programming (e.g., Haskell) community often calls this simply polymorphism.

5.2.6 Polymorphic variables

A polymorphic variable is a variable that can “hold” values of different types during program execution.

For example, a variable in a dynamically typed language (e.g., Python) is polymorphic. It can potentially “hold” any value. The variable takes on the type of whatever value it “holds” at a particular point during execution.

Also, a variable in a nominally and statically typed, object-oriented language (e.g., Java) is polymorphic. It can “hold” a value its declared type or of any of the subtypes of that type. The variable is declared with a static type; its value has a dynamic type.

A variable that is a parameter of a (parametrically) polymorphic function is polymorphic. It may be bound to different types on different calls of the function.

5.3 Basic Haskell Types

The type system is an important part of Haskell; the compiler or interpreter uses the type information to detect errors in expressions and function definitions. To each expression Haskell assigns a type that describes the kind of value represented by the expression.

Haskell has both built-in types (defined in the language or its standard libraries) and facilities for defining new types. In the following we discuss the primary built-in types. As we have seen, a Haskell type name begins with a capital letter.

In this textbook, we sometimes refer to the types Int, Float, Double, Bool, and Char as being primitive because they likely have direct support in the host processor’s hardware.

5.3.1 Integers: Int and Integer

The Int data type is usually an integer data type supported directly by the host processor (e.g., 32- or 64-bits on most current processors), but it is guaranteed to have the range of at least a 30-bit, two’s complement integer.

The type Integer is an unbounded precision integer type. Unlike Int, host processors usually do not support this type directly. The Haskell library or runtime system typically supports this type in software.

Haskell integers support the usual literal formats (i.e., constants) and typical operations:

  • Infix binary operators such as + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), and ^ (exponentiation)

  • Infix binary comparison operators such as == (equality of values), /= (inequality of values), <, <=, >, and >=

  • Unary operator - (negation)

For integer division, Haskell provides two-argument functions:

  • div such that div m n returns the integral quotient truncated toward negative infinity from dividing m by n

  • quot such that quot m n returns the integral quotient truncated toward 0 from dividing m bem n

  • mod (i.e., modulo) and rem (i.e., remainder) such that

        (div m n) * n + mod m n == m
        (quot m n)* n + rem m n == m 

To make these definitions more concrete, consider the following examples. Note that the result of mod has the same sign as the divisor and rem has the same sign as the dividend.

    div  7 3  == 2 
    quot 7 3  == 2 
    mod  7 3  == 1          -- same sign as divisor
    rem  7 3  == 1          -- same sign as dividend
    div  (-7) (-3) == 2 
    quot (-7) (-3) == 2
    mod  (-7) (-3) == (-1)  -- same sign as divisor
    rem  (-7) (-3) == (-1)  -- same sign as dividend
    div  (-7) 3 == (-3) 
    quot (-7) 3 == (-2)
    mod  (-7) 3 == 2        -- same sign as divisor
    rem  (-7) 3 == (-1)     -- same sign as dividend
    div  7 (-3) == (-3) 
    quot 7 (-3) == (-2) 
    mod  7 (-3) == (-2)     -- same sign as divisor
    rem  7 (-3) == 1        -- same sign as dividend

Haskell also provides the useful two-argument functions min and max, which return the minimum and maximum of the two arguments, respectively.

Two-arguments functions such as div, rem, min, and max can be applied in infix form by including the function name between backticks as shown below:

    5 `div` 3   -- yields 1 
    5 `rem` 3   -- yields 2
    5 `min` 3   -- yields 3 
    5 `max` 3   -- yields 5

5.3.2 Floating point numbers: Float and Double

The Float and Double data types are usually the single and double precision floating point numbers supported directly by the host processor.

Haskell floating point literals must include a decimal point; they may be signed or in scientific notation: 3.14159, 2.0, -2.0, 1.0e4, 5.0e-2, -5.0e-2.

Haskell supports the usual operations on floating point numbers. Division is denoted by / as usual.

In addition, Haskell supports the following for converting floating point numbers to and from integers:

  • floor returns the largest integer less than its floating point argument.

  • ceiling returns the smallest integer greater than its floating point argument

  • truncate returns its argumentas an integer truncated toward 0.

  • round returns it argument as an integer rounded away from 0.

  • fromIntegral returns its integer argument as a floating point number in a context where Double or Float is required. It can also return its Integer argument as an Int or vice versa.

5.3.3 Booleans: Bool

The Bool (i.e., Boolean) data type is usually supported directly by the host processor as one or more contiguous bits.

The Bool literals are True and False. Note that these begin with capital letters.

Haskell supports Boolean operations such as && (and), || (or), and not (logical negation).

Functions can match against patterns using the Boolean constants. For example, we could define a function myAnd as follows:

    myAnd :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    myAnd True  b = b
    myAnd False _ = False

Above the pattern _ is a wildcard that matches any value but does not bind a value that can be used on the right-hand-side of the definition.

The expressions in Haskell if conditions and guards on function definitions must be Bool-valued expressions. They can include calls to functions that return Bool values.

5.3.4 Characters: Char

The Char data type is usually supported directly by the host processor by one or more contiguous bytes.

Haskell uses Unicode for its character data type. Haskell supports character literals enclosed in single quotes—including both the graphic characters (e.g., ’a’, ’0’, and Z) and special codes entered following the escape character backslash \ (e.g., '\n' for newline, '\t' for horizontal tab, and '\\' for backslash itself).

In addition, a backslash character \ followed by a number generates the corresponding Unicode character code. If the first character following the backslash is o, then the number is in octal representation; if followed by x, then in hexadecimal notation; and otherwise in decimal notation.

For example, the exclamation point character can be represented in any of the following ways: !, '\33', '\o41', '\x21'

5.3.5 Functions: t1 -> t2

If t1 and t2 are types then t1 -> t2 is the type of a function that takes an argument of type t1 and returns a result of type t2.

Function and variable names begin with lowercase letters optionally followed by a sequences of characters each of which is a letter, a digit, an apostrophe (') (sometimes pronounced “prime”), or an underscore (_).

Haskell functions are first-class objects. They can be arguments or results of other functions or be components of data structures. Multi-argument functions are curried-–that is, treated as if they take their arguments one at a time.

For example, consider the integer addition operation (+). (Surrounding the binary operator symbol with parentheses refers to the corresponding function.) In mathematics, we normally consider addition as an operation that takes a pair of integers and yields an integer result, which would have the type signature

    (+) :: (Int,Int) -> Int

In Haskell, we give the addition operation the type

    (+) :: Int -> (Int -> Int) 

or just

    (+) :: Int -> Int -> Int

since Haskell binds -> from the right.

Thus (+) is a one argument function that takes some Int argument and returns a function of type Int -> Int. Hence, the expression ((+) 5) denotes a function that takes one argument and returns that argument plus 5.

We sometimes speak of this (+) operation as being partially applied (i.e., to one argument instead of two).

This process of replacing a structured argument by a sequence of simpler ones is called currying, named after American logician Haskell B. Curry who first described it.

The Haskell library, called the standard prelude (or just Prelude), contains a wide range of predefined functions including the usual arithmetic, relational, and Boolean operations. Some of these operations are predefined as infix operations.

5.3.6 Tuples: (t1,t2,...,tn)

If t1, t2, \cdots, tn are types, where n is finite and n >= 2, then is a type consisting of n-tuples where the various components have the type given for that position.

Each element in a tuple may have different types. The number of elements in a tuple is fixed.

Examples of tuple values with their types include the following:

    ('a',1) :: (Char,Int)
    (0.0,0.0,0.0) :: (Double,Double,Double) 
    (('a',False),(3,4)) :: ((Char, Bool), (Int, Int))

We can also define a type synonym using the type declaration and the use the synonym in further declarations as follows:

    type Complex = (Float,Float)
    makeComplex :: Float -> Float -> Complex
    makeComplex r i = (r,i)`

A type synonym does not define a new type, but it introduces an alias for an existing type. We can use Complex in declarations, but it has the same effect as using (Float,Float) expect that Complex provides better documentation of the intent.

5.3.7 Lists: [t]

The primary built-in data structure in Haskell is the list, a sequence of values. All the elements in a list must have the same type. Thus we declare lists with notation such as [t] to denote a list of zero or more elements of type t.

A list literal is a comma-separated sequence of values enclosed between [ and ]. For example, [] is an empty list and [1,2,3] is a list of the first three positive integers in increasing order.

We will look at programming with lists in a later chapter.

5.3.8 Strings: String

In Haskell, a string is just a list of characters. Thus Haskell defines the data type String as a type synonym :

    type String = [Char]

We examine lists and strings in a later chapter, but, because we use strings in a few examples in this subsection, let’s consider them briefly.

A String literal is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes, for example, "Haskell programming".

Strings can contain any graphic character or any special character given as escape code sequence (using backslash). The special escape code \& is used to separate any character sequences that are otherwise ambiguous.

For example, the string literal "Hotty\nToddy!\n" is a string that has two newline characters embedded.

Also the string literal "\12\&3" represents the two-element list ['\12','3'].

The function show returns its argument converted to a String.

Because strings are represented as lists, all of the Prelude functions for manipulating lists also apply to strings. We look at manipulating lists and strings in later chapters of this textbook.

5.3.9 Advanced Types

In later chapters, we examine other important Haskell type concepts such as user-defined algebraic data types and type classes.

5.4 What Next?

In this chapter (5), we examined general type systems concepts and explored Haskell’s builtin types.

For a similar presentation of the types in the Python 3 language, see reference [45].

In Chapters 6 and 7, we examine methods for developing Haskell programs using abstraction. We explore use of top-down stepwise refinement, modular design, and other methods in the context of Haskell.

5.5 Exercises

For each of the following exercises, develop and test a Haskell function or set of functions.

  1. Develop a Haskell function sumSqBig that takes three Double arguments and yields the sum of the squares of the two larger numbers.

    For example, (sumSqBig 2.0 1.0 3.0) yields 13.0.

  2. Develop a Haskell function prodSqSmall that takes three Double arguments and yields the product of the squares of the two smaller numbers.

    For example, (prodSqSmall 2.0 4.0 3.0) yields 36.0.

  3. Develop a Haskell function xor that takes two Booleans and yields the “exclusive-or” of the two values. An exclusive-or operation yields True when exactly one of its arguments is True and yields False otherwise.

  4. Develop a Haskell Boolean function implies that takes two Booleans p and q and yields the Boolean result p \Rightarrow q (i.e., logical implication). That is, if p is True and q is False, then the result is False; otherwise, the result is True.

    Note: This function is sometimes called nand.

  5. Develop a Haskell Boolean function div23n5 that takes an Int and yields True if and only if the integer is divisible by 2 or divisible by 3, but is not divisible by 5.

    For example, (div23n5 4), (div23n5 6), and (div23n5 9) all yield True and (div23n5 5), (div23n5 7), (div23n5 10), (div23n5 15), (div23n5 30) all yield False.

  6. Develop a Haskell function notDiv such that notDiv n d yields True if and only if integer n is not divisible by d.

    For example, (notDiv 10 5) yields False and (notDiv 11 5) yields True.

  7. Develop a Haskell function ccArea that takes the diameters of two concentric circles (i.e., with the same center point) as Double values and yields the area of the space between the circles. That is, compute the area of the larger circle minus the area of the smaller circle. (Hint: Haskell has a builtin constant pi.)

    For example, (ccArea 2.0 4.0) yields approximately 9.42477796.

  8. Develop a Haskell function mult that takes two natural numbers (i.e., nonnegative integers in Int) and yields their product. The function must not use the multiplication (*) or division (div) operators. (Hint: Multiplication can be done by repeated addition.)

  9. Develop a Haskell function addTax that takes two Double values such that addTax c p yield c with a sales tax of p percent added.

    For example, (addTax 2.0 9.0) yields 2.18.

    Also develop a function subTax that is the inverse of addTax. That is, (subTax (addTax c p) p) yields c.

    For example, (subTax 2.18 9.0) = 2.0.

  10. The time of day can be represented by a tuple (hours,minutes,m) where hours and minutes are Int values with 1 <= hours <= 12 and 0 <= minutes <= 59, and where m is either the string value "AM" or "PM".

    Develop a Boolean Haskell function comesBefore that takes two time-of-day tuples and determines whether the first is an earlier time than the second.

  11. A day on the calendar (usual Gregorian calendar [217] used in the USA) can be represented as a tuple with three Int values (month,day,year) where the year is a positive integer, 1 <= month <= 12, and 1 <= day <= days_in_month. Here days_in_month is the number of days in the the given month (i.e., 28, 29, 30, or 31) for the given year.

    Develop a Boolean Haskell function validDate d that takes a date tuple d and yields True if and only if d represents a valid date.

    For example, validDate (8,20,2018) and validDate (2,29,2016) yield True and validDate (2,29,2017) and validDate (0,0,0) yield False.

    Note: The Gregorian calendar [217] was introduced by Pope Gregory of the Roman Catholic Church in October 1582. It replaced the Julian calendar system, which had been instituted in the Roman Empire by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. The goal of the change was to align the calendar year with the astronomical year.

    Some countries adopted the Gregorian calendar at that time. Other countries adopted it later. Some countries may never have adopted it officially.

    However, the Gregorian calendar system became the common calendar used worldwide for most civil matters. The proleptic Gregorian calendar [218] extends the calendar backward in time from 1582. The year 1 BC becomes year 0, 2 BC becomes year -1, etc. The proleptic Gregorian calendar underlies the ISO 8601 standard used for dates and times in software systems [219].

  12. Develop a Haskell function roman that takes an Int) in the range from 0 to 3999 (inclusive) and yields the corresponding Roman numeral [220] as a string (using capital letters). The function should halt with an appropriate error messages if the argument is below or above the range. Roman numerals use the symbols shown in Table 5.1 and are combined by addition or subtraction of symbols.

    Table 5.1: Decimal equivalents of Roman numerals.
    Roman == Decimal
    I 1
    V 5
    X 10
    L 50
    C 100
    D 500
    M 1000

    For the purposes of this exercise, we represent the Roman numeral for 0 as the empty string. The Roman numerals for integers 1-20 are I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVII, XIX, and XX. Integers 40, 90, 400, and 900 are XL, XC, CD, and CM.

  13. Develop a Haskell function

        minf :: (Int -> Int) -> Int

    that takes a function g and yields the smallest integer m such that 0 <= m <= 10000000 and g m == 0. It should throw an error if there is no such integer.

5.6 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised the discussion Surveying the Basic Types from chapter 5 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42]. In 2017, I incorporated the discussion into Section 2.4 in Chapter 2 Basic Haskell Functional Programming of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I divided the previous Basic Haskell Functional Programming chapter into four chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming [54]. Previous sections 2.1-2.3 became the basis for new Chapter 4, First Haskell Programs; previous Section 2.4 became Section 5.3 in the new Chapter 5, Types (this chapter); and previous sections 2.5-2.7 were reorganized into new Chapter 6, Procedural Abstraction, and Chapter 7, Data Abstraction.

In Spring 2018, I wrote the general Type System Concepts section as a part of a chapter that discusses the type system of Python 3 [45] to support my use of Python in graduate CSci 658 (Software Language Engineering) course.

In Summer 2018, I revised the section to become Section 5.2 in Chapter 5 of the Fall 2018 version of ELIFP [54]. I also moved the “Kinds of Polymorphism” discussion from the 2017 List Programming chapter to the new subsection “Polymorphic Operations”. This textbook draft supported my Haskell-based offering of the core course CSci 450 (Organization of Programming Languages).

The type concepts discussion draws ideas from various sources:

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I also added some discussion on the functions div, quot, mod, rem, fromIntegral, and show because of their usefulness in the exercises in this and later chapters.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

5.7 Terms and Concepts

Type, subtype, Liskov Substitution Principle, types of constants, variables, and expressions, static vs. dynamic types, nominal vs. structural types, polymorphic operations (ad hoc, overloading, subtyping, parametric/generic), early vs. late binding, compile time vs. runtime, polymorphic variables, basic Haskell types (Int, Integer, Bool, Char, functions, tuples, lists, String), type aliases, library (Prelude) functions, proleptic Gregorian calendar system, Roman numerals.

6 Procedural Abstraction

6.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 2 introduced the concepts of procedural and data abstraction. This chapter (6) focuses on procedural abstraction. Chapter 7focuses on data abstraction.

The goals of this chapter are to:

6.2 Procedural Abstraction Review

As defined in Chapter 2, procedural abstraction is the separation of the logical properties of an action from the details of how the action is implemented.

In general, we abstract an action into a Haskell function that takes zero or more arguments and returns a value but does not have other effects. In later chapters, we discuss how input, output, and other effects are handled in a purely functional manner. (For example, in Chapter 10 we examine simple input and output.)

We also collect one or more functions into a Haskell module with appropriate type definitions, data structures, and local functions. We can explicitly expose some of the features and hide others.

To illustrate the development of a group of related Haskell procedural abstractions in this chapter, we use top-down stepwise refinement.

6.3 Top-Down Stepwise Refinement

A useful and intuitive design process for a small program is to begin with a high-level solution and incrementally fill in the details. We call this process top-down stepwise refinement. Here we introduce it with an example.

6.3.1 Developing a square root package

Consider the problem of computing the nonnegative square root of a nonnegative number xx. Mathematically, we want to find the number yy such that

y0y \geq 0 and y2=xy^{2} = x.

A common algorithm in mathematics for computing the above yy is to use Newton’s method of successive approximations, which has the following steps for square root:

  1. Guess at the value of yy.

  2. If the current approximation (guess) is sufficiently close (i.e., good enough), return it and stop; otherwise, continue.

  3. Compute an improved guess by averaging the value of the guess yy and x/yx/y, then go back to step 2.

To encode this algorithm in Haskell, we work top down to decompose the problem into smaller parts until each part can be solved easily. We begin this top-down stepwise refinement by defining a function with the type signature:

    sqrtIter :: Double -> Double -> Double 

We choose type Double (double precision floating point) to approximate the real numbers. Thus we can encode step 2 of the above algorithm as the following Haskell function definition:

    sqrtIter guess x                                    -- step 2
        | goodEnough guess x = guess
        | otherwise          = sqrtIter (improve guess x) x

We define function sqrtIter to take two arguments—the current approximation guess and nonnegative number x for which we need the square root. We have two cases:

  • When the current approximation guess is sufficiently close to x, we return guess.

    We abstract this decision into a separate function goodEnough with type signature:

        goodEnough :: Double -> Double -> Bool 
  • When the approximation is not yet close enough, we continue by reducing the problem to the application of sqrtIter itself to an improved approximation.

    We abstract the improvement process into a separate function improve with type signature:

        improve :: Double -> Double -> Double

    To ensure termination of sqrtIter, the argument (improve guess x) on the recursive call must get closer to termination (i.e., to a value that satisfies its base case).

The function improve takes the current guess and x and carries out step 3 of the algorithm, thus averaging guess and x/guess, as follows:

    improve :: Double -> Double -> Double     -- step 3
    improve guess x = average guess (x/guess)

Function application improve y x assumes x >= 0 && y > 0. We call this a precondition of the improve y x function.

Because of the precondition of improve, we need to strengthen the precondition of sqrtIter guess x to x >= 0 && guess > 0.

In improve, we abstract average into a separate function as follows:

    average :: Double -> Double -> Double
    average x y = (x + y) / 2

The new guess is closer to the square root than the previous guess. Thus the algorithm will terminate assuming a good choice for function goodEnough, which guards the base case of the sqrtIter recursion.

How should we define goodEnough? Given that we are working with the limited precision of computer floating point arithmetic, it is not easy to choose an appropriate test for all situations. Here we simplify this and use a tolerance of 0.001.

We thus postulate the following definition for goodEnough:

    goodEnough :: Double -> Double -> Bool 
    goodEnough guess x = abs (square guess - x) < 0.001 

In the above, abs is the built-in absolute value function defined in the standard Prelude library. We define square as the following simple function (but could replace it by just guess * guess):

    square :: Double -> Double 
    square x = x * x 

What is a good initial guess? It is sufficient to just use 1. So we can define an overall square root function sqrt' as follows:

    sqrt' :: Double -> Double
    sqrt' x | x >= 0 = sqrtIter 1 x

(A square root function sqrt is defined in the Prelude library, so a different name is needed to avoid the name clash.)

Function sqrt' x has precondition x >= 0. This and the choice of 1 for the initial guess ensure that functions sqrtIter and improve are applied with arguments that satisfy their preconditions.

6.3.2 Making the package a Haskell module

We can make this package into a Haskell module by putting the definitions in a file (e.g., named Sqrt) and adding a module header at the beginning as follows:

    module Sqrt
        ( sqrt' )
        -- give the definitions above for functions sqrt',
        --   sqrtIter, improve, average, and goodEnough

The header gives the module the name Sqrt and lists the names of the features being exported in the parenthesis that follows the name. In this case, only function sqrt' is exported.

Other Haskell modules that import the Sqrt module can access the features named in its export list. In the case of Sqrt, the other functions—sqrtIter, goodEnough, and improve)— are local to (i.e., hidden inside) the module.

In this book, we often call the exported features (e.g., functions and types) the module’s public features and the ones not exported the private features.

We can import module Sqrt into a module such as module TestSqrt shown below. By default, the import makes all the definitions exported by Sqrt available within module TestSqrt. The importing module may select the features it wishes to export and may assign local names to the features it does import.

    module TestSqrt

    import Sqrt -- file Sqrt.hs, import all public names 

    main = do
        putStrLn (show (sqrt' 16))
        putStrLn (show (sqrt' 2))

In the above Haskell code, the symbol “--” denotes the beginning of an end-of-line comment. All text after that symbol is text ignored by the Haskell compiler.

The Haskell module for the Square root case study is in file Sqrt.hs. Limited, smoke-testing code is in file SqrtTest.hs.

6.3.3 Reviewing top-down stepwise refinement

The program design strategy known as top-down stepwise refinement is a relatively intuitive design process that has long been applied in the design of structured programs in imperative procedural languages. It is also useful in the functional setting.

In Haskell, we can apply top-down stepwise refinement as follows.

  1. Start with a high-level solution to the problem consisting of one or more functions. For each function, identify its type signature and functional requirements (i.e., its inputs, outputs, and termination condition).

    Some parts of each function may be incomplete—expressed as “pseudocode” expressions or as-yet-undefined functions.

  2. Choose one of the incomplete parts. Consider the specified type signature and functional requirements. Refine the incomplete part by breaking it into subparts or, if simple, defining it directly in terms of Haskell expressions (including calls to the Prelude, other available library functions, or previously defined parts of the algorithm).

    When refining an incomplete part, consider the various options according to the relevant design criteria (e.g., time, space, generality, understandability, and elegance).

    The refinement of the function may require a refinement of the data being passed.

    If it not possible to design an appropriate function or data refinement, back up in the refinement process and readdress previous design decisions.

  3. Continue step 2 until all parts are fully defined in terms of Haskell code and data and the resulting set of functions meets all required criteria.

For as long as possible, we should stay with terminology and notation that is close to the problem being solved. We can do this by choosing appropriate function names and signatures and data types. (In other chapters, we examine Haskell’s rich set of builtin and user-defined types.)

For stepwise refinement to work well, we must be willing to back up to earlier design decisions when appropriate. We should keep good documentation of the intermediate design steps.

The stepwise refinement method can work well for small programs , but it may not scale well to large, long-lived, general purpose programs. In particular, stepwise refinement may lead to a module structure in which modules are tightly coupled and not robust with respect to changes in requirements.

A combination of techniques may be needed to develop larger software systems. In the next section (6.4), we consider the use of modular design techniques.

6.4 Modular Design and Programming

In the previous section, we developed a Haskell module. In this section, let’s consider what a module is more generally.

Software engineering pioneer David Parnas defines a module as “a work assignment given to a programmer or group of programmers” [138]. This is a software engineering view of a module.

In a programming language like Haskell, a module is also a program unit defined with a construct or convention. This is a programming language view of a module.

In a programming language, each module may be stored in a separate file in the computer’s file system. It may also be the smallest external unit processed by the language’s compiler or interpreter.

Ideally, a language’s module features should support the software engineering module methods.

6.4.1 Information-hiding modules and secrets

According to Parnas, the goals of modular design are to [134]:

  1. enable programmers to understand the system by focusing on one module at a time (i.e., comprehensibility).

  2. shorten development time by minimizing required communication among groups (i.e., independent development).

  3. make the software system flexible by limiting the number of modules affected by significant changes (i.e., changeability).

Parnas advocates the use of a principle he called information hiding to guide decomposition of a system into appropriate modules (i.e., work assignments). He points out that the connections among the modules should have as few information requirements as possible [134].

In the Parnas approach, an information-hiding module:

  • forms a cohesive unit of functionality separate from other modules

  • hides a design decision—its secret—from other modules

  • encapsulates an aspect of system likely to change (its secret)

Aspects likely to change independently of each other should become secrets of separate modules. Aspects unlikely to change can become interactions (connections) among modules.

This approach supports the goal of changeability (goal 2). When care is taken to design the modules as clean abstractions with well-defined and documented interfaces, the approach also supports the goals of independent development (goal 1) and comprehensibility (goal 3).

Information hiding has been absorbed into the dogma of contemporary object-oriented programming. However, information hiding is often oversimplified as merely hiding the data and their representations [177].

The secret of a well-designed module may be much more than that. It may include such knowledge as a specific functional requirement stated in the requirements document, the processing algorithm used, the nature of external devices accessed, or even the presence or absence of other modules or programs in the system [134,136,137]. These are important aspects that may change as the system evolves.

Secret of square root module

The secret of the Sqrt module in the previous section is the algorithm for computing the square root.

6.4.2 Contracts: Preconditions and postconditions

Now let’s consider the semantics (meaning) of functions.

The precondition of a function is what the caller (i.e., the client of the function) must ensure holds when calling the function. A precondition may specify the valid combinations of values of the arguments. It may also record any constraints on any “global” state that the function accesses or modifies.

If the precondition holds, the supplier (i.e., developer) of the function must ensure that the function terminates with the postcondition satisfied. That is, the function returns the required values and/or alters the “global” state in the required manner.

We sometimes call the set of preconditions and postconditions for a function the contract for that function.

Contracts of square root module

In the Sqrt module defined in the previous section, the exported function sqrt' x has the precondition:

    x >= 0

Function sqrt' x is undefined for x < 0.

The postcondition of the function sqrt' x function is that the result returned is the correct mathematical value of the square root within the allowed tolerance. That is, for a tolerance of 0.001:

    (sqrt x - 0.001)^2 < (sqrt x)^2 < (sqrt x + 0.001)^2

We can state preconditions and postconditions for the local functions sqrtIter, improve, average, and goodEnough in the Sqrt module. These are left as exercises.

The preconditions for functions average and goodEnough are just the assertion True (i.e., always satisfied).

Contracts of Factorial module

Consider the factorial functions defined in Chapter 4. (These are in the source file Factorial.hs.)

What are the preconditions and postconditions?

Functions fact1, fact2, and fact3 require that argument n be a natural number (i.e., nonnegative integer) value. If they are applied to a negative value for n, then the evaluation does not terminate. Operationally, they go into an “infinite loop” and likely will abort when the runtime stack overflows.

If function fact4 is called with a negative argument, then all guards and pattern matches fail. Thus the function aborts with a standard error message.

Similarly, function fact4' terminates with a custom error message for negative arguments.

Thus to ensure normal termination, we impose the precondition

    n >= 0

on all these factorial functions.

The postcondition of all six factorial functions is that the result returned is the correct mathematical value of n factorial. For fact4, that is:

fact4 n = fact’(n)

None of the six factorial functions access or modify any global data structures, so we do not include other items in the precondition or postcondition.

Function fact5 is defined to be 1 for all arguments less than zero. So, if this is the desired result, we can weaken the precondition to allow all integer values, for example,


and strengthen the postcondition to give the results for negative arguments, for example:

fact5 n = if n >= 0 then fact’(n) else 1

Caveat: In this chapter, we ignore the limitations on the value of the factorial functions’ argument n imposed by the finite precision of the computer’s integer arithmetic. We readdress this issue somewhat in Chapter 12.

6.4.3 Interfaces for modules

It is important for an information-hiding module to have a well-defined and stable interface. What do we mean by interface?

According to Britton et al [20], an interface is a “set of assumptions … each programmer needs to make about the other program … to demonstrate the correctness of his own program”.

A module interface includes the type signatures (i.e., names, arguments, and return values), preconditions, and postconditions of all public operations (e.g., functions).

As we see in Chapter 7, the interface also includes the invariant properties of the data values and structures manipulated by the module and the definitions of any new data types exported by the module. An invariant must be part of the precondition of public operations except operations that construct elements of the data type (i.e., constructors). It must also be part of the postcondition of public operations except operations that destroy elements of the data type (i.e., destructors).

As we have seen, in Haskell the module not provide direct syntactic or semantic support for preconditions, postconditions, or invariant assertions.

Interface of square root module

The interface to the Sqrt module in the previous section consists of the function signature:

    sqrt' :: Double -> Double

where sqrt' x has the precondition and postcondition defined above. None of the other functions are accessible outside the module Sqrt and, hence, are not part of the interface.

6.4.4 Abstract interfaces for modules

An abstract interface is an interface that does not change when one module implementation is substituted for another [20,138]. It concentrates on module’s essential aspects and obscures incidental aspects that vary among implementations.

Information-hiding modules and abstract interfaces enable us to design and build software systems with multiple versions. The information-hiding approach seeks to identify aspects of a software design that might change from one version to another and to hide them within independent modules behind well-defined abstract interfaces.

We can reuse the software design across several similar systems. We can reuse an existing module implementation when appropriate. When we need a new implementation, we can create one by following the specification of the module’s abstract interface.

Abstract interface of square root module

For the Sqrt example, if we implemented a different module with the same interface (signatures, preconditions, postconditions, etc.), then we could substitute the new module for Sqrt and get the same result.

In this case, the interface is an abstract interface for the set of module implementations.

Caveats: Of course, the time and space performance of the alternative modules might differ. Also, because of the nature of floating point arithmetic, it may be difficult to ensure both algorithms have precisely the same termination conditions.

6.4.5 Client-supplier relationship

The design and implementation of information-hiding modules should be approached from two points of view simultaneously:

the developers of the module—the providers of the services
the users of the module—the users of the services (e.g., the designers of other modules)

The client-supplier relationship is as represented in the following diagram:

   ________________             ________________ 
  |                |           |                |
  |     Client     |===USES===>|    Supplier    |
  |________________|           |________________|

    (module user)                   (module)

The supplier’s concerns include:

  • efficient and reliable algorithms and data structures

  • convenient implementation

  • easy maintenance

The clients’ concerns include:

  • accomplishing their own tasks

  • using the supplier module without effort to understand its internal details

  • having a sufficient, but not overwhelming, set of operations.

As we have noted previously, the interface of a module is the set of features (i.e., public operations) provided by a supplier to clients.

A precise description of a supplier’s interface forms a contract between clients and supplier.

The client-supplier contract:

  1. gives the responsibilities of the client

    These are the conditions under which the supplier must deliver results—when the preconditions of the operations are satisfied (i.e., the operations are called correctly).

  2. gives the responsibilities of the supplier

    These are the benefits the supplier must deliver—make the postconditions hold at the end of the operation (i.e., the operations deliver the correct results).

The contract

  • protects the client by specifying how much must be done by the supplier

  • protects the supplier by specifying how little is acceptable to the client

If we are both the clients and suppliers in a design situation, we should consciously attempt to separate the two different areas of concern, switching back and forth between our supplier and client “hats”.

6.4.6 Design criteria for interfaces

What else should we consider in designing a good interface for an information-hiding module?

In designing an interface for a module, we should also consider the following criteria. Of course, some of these criteria conflict with one another; a designer must carefully balance the criteria to achieve a good interface design.

Note: These are general principles; they are not limited to Haskell or functional programming. In object-oriented languages, these criteria apply to class interfaces.

  • Cohesion: All operations must logically fit together to support a single, coherent purpose. The module should describe a single abstraction.

  • Simplicity: Avoid needless features. The smaller the interface the easier it is to use the module.

  • No redundancy: Avoid offering the same service in more than one way; eliminate redundant features.

  • Atomicity: Do not combine several operations if they are needed individually. Keep independent features separate. All operations should be primitive, that is, not be decomposable into other operations also in the public interface.

  • Completeness: All primitive operations that make sense for the abstraction should be supported by the module.

  • Consistency: Provide a set of operations that are internally consistent in

    • naming convention (e.g.,, in use of prefixes like “set” or “get”, in capitalization, in use of verbs/nouns/adjectives),

    • use of arguments and return values (e.g.,, order and type of arguments),

    • behavior (i.e., make operations work similarly).

    Avoid surprises and misunderstandings. Consistent interfaces make it easier to understand the rest of a system if part of it is already known.

    The operations should be consistent with good practices for the specific language being used.

  • Reusability: Do not customize modules to specific clients, but make them general enough to be reusable in other contexts.

  • Robustness with respect to modifications: Design the interface of an module so that it remains stable even if the implementation of the module changes. (That is, it should be an abstract interface for an information-hiding module as we discussed above.)

  • Convenience: Where appropriate, provide additional operations (e.g.,, beyond the complete primitive set) for the convenience of users of the module. Add convenience operations only for frequently used combinations after careful study.

We must trade off conflicts among the criteria. For example, we must balance:

  • completeness versus simplicity

  • reusability versus simplicity

  • convenience versus consistency, simplicity, no redundancy, and atomicity

We must also balance these design criteria against efficiency and functionality.

6.5 What Next?

In this chapter (6), we considered procedural abstraction and modularity in that context.

In Chapter 7, we consider data abstraction and modularity in that context.

6.6 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell source code for this chapter are in files:

6.7 Exercises

  1. State preconditions and postconditions for the following internal functions in the Sqrt module:

    1. sqrtIter
    2. improve
    3. average
    4. goodEnough
    5. square
  2. Develop recursive and iterative (looping) versions of the square root function from this chapter in one or more primarily imperative languages (e.g., Java, C++, C#, Python 3, or Lua)

6.8 Acknowledgements

In Summer and Fall 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from my previous materials:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as sections 2.5-2.7 in Chapter 2, Basic Haskell Functional Programming), of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I divided the previous Basic Haskell Functional Programming chapter into four chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 2.1-2.3 became the basis for new Chapter 4, First Haskell Programs; previous Section 2.4 became Section 5.3 in the new Chapter 5, Types; and previous sections 2.5-2.7 were reorganized into new Chapter 6, Procedural Abstraction (this chapter), and Chapter 7, Data Abstraction. The discussion of contracts for the factorial functions was moved from the 2017 Evaluation and Efficiency chapter to this chapter.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), adding cross-references, and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

6.9 Terms and Concepts

TODO: Update

Procedural abstraction, top-down stepwise refinement, abstract code, termination condition for recursion, Newton’s method, Haskell module, module exports and imports, information hiding, module secret, encapsulation, precondition, postcondtion, contract, invariant, interface, abstract interface, design criteria for interfaces, software reuse, use of Haskell modules to implement information-hiding modules, client-supplier contract.

7 Data Abstraction

7.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 2 introduced the concepts of procedural and data abstraction. Chapter 6 focuses on procedural abstraction and modular design and programming. This chapter focuses on data abstraction. 4 The goals of this chapter are to:

The chapter uses the development of a rational arithmetic package to illustrate data abstraction.

7.2 Data Abstraction Review

As defined in Chapter 2, data abstraction is the separation of the logical properties of data from the details of how the data are represented.

In data abstraction, programmers primarily focus on the problem’s data and secondarily on its actions. Programmers first identify the key data entities and develop the programs around those and the operations needed to create and update them.

Data abstraction seeks to make a program robust with respect to change in the data.

7.3 Using Data Abstraction

As in Chapter 6, let’s begin the study of this design technique with an example.

7.3.1 Rational number arithmetic

For this example, let’s implement a group of Haskell functions to perform rational number arithmetic, assuming that the Haskell library does not contain such a data type. We focus first on the operations we want to perform on the data.

In mathematics we usually write rational numbers in the form 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}} where x and y are integers and y \neq 0.

For now, let us assume we have a special type Rat to represent rational numbers and a constructor function

    makeRat :: Int -> Int -> Rat

to create a Haskell rational number instance from a numerator x and a denominator y. That is, makeRat x y constructs a Haskell rational number with mathematical value 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}, where 𝚢0\texttt{y} \neq 0.

Let us also assume we have selector functions numer and denom with the signatures:

    numer, denom :: Rat -> Int

Functions numer and denom take a valid Haskell rational number and return its numerator and denominator, respectively.

For any Int values x and y where 𝚢0\texttt{y} \neq 0, there exists a Haskell rational number r such that makeRat x y == r and rational number values 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖 𝚛\frac{\texttt{numer r}}{\texttt{denom r}} == 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}.

Note: In this example, we use fraction notation like 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}} to denote the mathematical value of the rational number. In constrast, r above denotes a Haskell value representing a rational number.

We consider how to implement rational numbers in Haskell later, but for now let’s look at rational arithmetic implemented using the constructor and selector functions specified above.

Given our knowledge of rational arithmetic from mathematics, we can define the operations for unary negation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and equality as follows. We assume that the operands x and y are values created by the constructor makeRat.

    negRat :: Rat -> Rat 
    negRat x = makeRat (- numer x) (denom x)

    addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat :: Rat -> Rat -> Rat  -- (1)
    addRat x y = makeRat (numer x * denom y + numer y * denom x)
                         (denom x * denom y) 
    subRat x y = makeRat (numer x * denom y - numer y * denom x)
                         (denom x * denom y) 
    mulRat x y = makeRat (numer x * numer y) (denom x * denom y) 
    divRat x y  -- (2) (3)
        | eqRat y zeroRat = error "Attempt to divide by 0"
        | otherwise       = makeRat (numer x * denom y)
                                    (denom x * numer y)

    eqRat :: Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    eqRat x y = (numer x) * (denom y) == (numer y) * (denom x)

The above code:

  1. combines the type signatures for all four arithmetic operations into a single declaration by listing the names separated by commas

  2. introduces the parameterless function zeroRat to abstract the constant rational number value 0

    Note: We could represent zero as makeRat 0 1 but choose to introduce a separate abstraction.

  3. calls the error function for an attempt to divide by zero

These arithmetic functions do not depend upon any specific representation for rational numbers. Instead, they use rational numbers as a data abstraction defined by the type Rat, constant zeroRat, constructor function makeRat, and selector functions numer and denom.

The goal of a data abstraction is to separate the logical properties of data from the details of how the data are represented.

7.3.2 Rational number data representation

Now, how can we represent rational numbers?

For this package, we define type synonym Rat to denote this type:

    type Rat = (Int, Int) 

For example, (1,7), (-1,-7), (3,21), and (168,1176) all represent the value 𝟷𝟽\frac{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{7}}.

As with any value that can be expressed in many different ways, it is useful to define a single canonical (or normal) form for representing values in the rational number type Rat.

It is convenient for us to choose a Haskell rational number representation (x,y) that satisfies all parts of the following Rational Representation Property:

  • (x,y) \in (Int,Int)

  • y > 0

  • if x == 0, then y == 1

  • x and y are relatively prime

  • rational number value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

By relatively prime, we mean that the two integers have no common divisors except 1.

This representation keeps the magnitudes of the numerator x and denominator y small, thus reducing problems with overflow arising during arithmetic operations.

This representation also gives a unique representation for zero. For convenience, we define the name zeroRat to represent this constant:

    zeroRat :: (Int,Int)
    zeroRat = (0,1)

We can now define constructor function makeRat x y that takes two Int values (for the numerator and the denominator) and returns the corresponding Haskell rational number in this canonical form.

    makeRat :: Int -> Int -> Rat
    makeRat x 0 = error ( "Cannot construct a rational number "
                          ++ show x ++ "/0" )         -- (1)
    makeRat 0 _ = zeroRat
    makeRat x y = (x' `div` d, y' `div` d)            -- (2)
        where x' = (signum' y) * x                    -- (3,4)
              y' = abs' y 
              d  = gcd' x' y'

In the definition of makeRat, we use features of Haskell we have not used in the previous examples. the above code:

  1. uses the infix ++ (read “append”) operator to concatenate two strings

    We discuss ++ in the chapter on infix operations.

  2. puts backticks (`) around an alphanumeric function name to use that function as an infix operator

    The function div denotes integer division. Above the div operator denotes the integer division function used in an infix manner.

  3. uses a where clause to introduce x', y', and d as local definitions within the body of makeRat

    These local definition can be accessed from within makeRat but not from outside the function. In contrast, sqrtIter in the Square Root example is at the same level as sqrt', so it can be called by other functions (in the same Haskell module at least).

    The where feature allows us to introduce new definitions in a top-down manner—first using a symbol and then defining it.

  4. uses type inference for local variables x', y', and d instead of giving explicit type definitions

    These parameterless functions could be declared

        x', y', d :: Int

    but it was not necessary because Haskell can infer the types from the types involved in their defining expressions.

    Type inference can be used more broadly in Haskell, but explicit type declarations should be used for any function called from outside.

We require that makeRat x y satisfy the precondition:

    y /= 0

The function generates an explicit error exception if it does not.

As a postcondition, we require makeRat x y to return a result (x',y') such that:

  • (x',y') satisfies the Rational Representation Property

  • rational number value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

Note: Together the two postcondition requirements imply that 𝚡’𝚢’\frac{\texttt{x'}}{\texttt{y'}} == 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}.

The function signum' (similar to the more general function signum in the Prelude) takes an integer and returns the integer -1, 0, or 1 when the number is negative, zero, or positive, respectively.

    signum' :: Int -> Int 
    signum' n | n == 0     =  0 
              | n > 0      =  1 
              | otherwise  = -1 

The function abs' (similar to the more general function abs in the Prelude) takes an integer and returns its absolute value.

    abs' :: Int -> Int
    abs' n | n >= 0    =  n
           | otherwise = -n

The function gcd' (similar to the more general function gcd in the Prelude) takes two integers and returns their greatest common divisor.

    gcd' :: Int -> Int -> Int 
    gcd' x y = gcd'' (abs' x) (abs' y) 
        where gcd'' x 0 = x 
              gcd'' x y = gcd'' y (x `rem` y) 

Prelude operation rem returns the remainder from dividing its first operand by its second.

Given a tuple (x,y) constructed by makeRat as defined above, we can define numer (x,y) and denom (x,y) as follows:

    numer, denom :: Rat -> Int
    numer (x,_) = x
    denom (_,y) = y

The preconditions of both numer (x,y) and denom (x,y) are that their arguments (x,y) satisfy the Rational Representation Property.

The postcondition of numer (x,y) = x is that the rational number values 𝚡𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚛 (𝚡,𝚢)\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{numer (x,y)}} == 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}.

Similarly, the postcondition of denom (x,y) = y is that the rational number values 𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖 (𝚡,𝚢)y\frac{\texttt{denom (x,y)}}{y} == 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}.

Finally, to allow rational numbers to be displayed in the normal fractional representation, we include function showRat in the package. We use function show, found in the Prelude, here to convert an integer to the usual string format and use the list operator ++ to concatenate the two strings into one.

    showRat :: Rat -> String
    showRat x = show (numer x) ++ "/" ++ show (denom x)

Unlike Rat, zeroRat, makeRat, numer, and denom, function showRat (as implemented) does not use knowledge of the data representation. We could optimize it slightly by allowing it to access the structure of the tuple directly.

7.3.3 Rational number modularization

There are three groups of functions in this package:

  1. the six public rational arithmetic functions negRat, addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat, and eqRat

  2. the public type Rat, constant zeroRat, public constructor function makeRat, public selector functions numer and denom, and string conversion function showRat

  3. the private utility functions called only by the second group, but just reimplementations of Prelude functions anyway Module RationalCore

As we have seen, data type Rat; constant zeroRat; functions makeRat, numer, denom, and showRat; and the functions’ preconditions and postconditions form the interface to the data abstraction.

The data abstraction hides the information about the representation of the data. We can encapsulate this group of functions in a Haskell module as follows. This source code must also be in a file named RationalCore.hs.

    module RationalCore
        (Rat, makeRat, zeroRat, numer, denom, showRat)
        -- Rat,makeRat,zeroRat,numer,denom,showRat definitions

In terms of the information-hiding approach, the secret of the RationalCore module is the rational number data representation used.

We can encapsulate the utility functions in a separate module, which would enable them to be used by several other modules.

However, given that the only use of the utility functions is within the data representation module, we choose not to separate them at this time. We leave them as local functions in the data abstraction module. Of course, we could also eliminate them and use the corresponding Prelude functions directly. Module Rational

Similarly, functions negRat, addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat, and eqRat use the core data abstraction and, in turn, extend the interface to include rational number arithmetic operations.

We can encapsulate these in another Haskell module that imports the module giving the data representation. This module must be in a file named Rational1.hs.

    module Rational1
      ( Rat, zeroRat, makeRat, numer, denom, showRat,
        negRat, addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat, eqRat )
        import RationalCore
        -- negRat,addRat,subRat,mulRat,divRat,eqRat definitions 

Other modules that use the rational number package can import module Rational1. Modularization critique

The modularization described above:

  • enables a module to be reused in several different programs

  • offers robustness with respect to change

    The data representation and arithmetic algorithms can change independently.

  • allows multiple implementations of each module as long as the public (abstract) interface is kept stable

  • enables understanding of one module without understanding the internal details of modules it uses

  • costs some in terms of extra code and execution efficiency

    But that probably does not matter given the benefits above and the code optimizations carried out by the compiler.

However, the modularization does not hide the representation fully because it uses a concrete data structure—a pair of integers—to represent a rational number. In chapter 21, we see how to use a user-defined data type to hide the representation fully.

7.3.4 Alternative data representation

In the rational number data representation above, constructor makeRat creates pairs in which the two integers are relatively prime and the sign is on the numerator. Selector functions numer and denom just return these stored values.

An alternative representation is to reverse this approach, as shown in the following module (in file RationalDeferGCD.hs.)

    module RationalDeferGCD
        (Rat, zeroRat, makeRat, numer, denom, showRat)

    type Rat = (Int,Int)

    zeroRat :: (Int,Int)
    zeroRat = (0,1)

    makeRat :: Int -> Int -> Rat
    makeRat x 0 = error ( "Cannot construct a rational number "
                          ++ show x ++ "/0" )
    makeRat 0 y = zeroRat 
    makeRat x y = (x,y)

    numer :: Rat -> Int
    numer (x,y) = x' `div` d
        where x' = (signum' y) * x 
              y' = abs' y 
              d  = gcd' x' y'

    denom :: Rat -> Int
    denom (x,y) = y' `div` d
        where x' = (signum' y) * x 
              y' = abs' y 
              d  = gcd' x' y'

    showRat :: Rat -> String
    showRat x = show (numer x) ++ "/" ++ show (denom x)

This approach defers the calculation of the greatest common divisor until a selector is called.

In this alternative representation, a rational number (x,y) must satisfy all parts of the following Deferred Representation Property:

  • (x,y) \in (Int,Int)

  • y /= 0

  • if x == 0 , then y == 1

  • rational number value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

Furthermore, we require that makeRat x y satisfies the precondition:

    y /= 0

The function generates an explicit error condition if it does not.

As a postcondition, we require makeRat x y to return a result (x',y') such that:

  • (x',y') satisfies the Deferred Representation Property

  • rational number value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

The preconditions of both numer (x,y) and denom (x,y) are that (x,y) satisfies the Deferred Representation Property.

The postcondition of numer (x,y) = x' is that the rational number values 𝚡’𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚛 (𝚡,𝚢)\frac{\texttt{x'}}{\texttt{numer (x,y)}} == 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}.

Similarly, the postcondition of denom (x,y) = y is that the rational number values 𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖 (𝚡,𝚢)y\frac{\texttt{denom (x,y)}}{y'} == 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two data representations?

Like module RationalCore, the design secret for this module, RationalDeferGCD, is the rational number data representation.

Regardless of which approach is used, the definitions of the arithmetic and comparison functions do not change. Thus the Rational module can import data representation module RationalCore or RationalDeferGCD.

Figure 7.1 shows the dependencies among the modules we have examined in the rational arithmetic example.

Figure 7.1: Rational package module dependencies.

We can consider the RationalCore and RationalDeferGCD modules as two concrete instances (Haskell modules) of a more abstract module we call RationalRep in the diagram.

The module Rational relies on the abstract module RationalRep for an implementation of rational numbers. In the Haskell code above, there are really two versions of the Haskell module Rational that differ only in whether they import RationalCore or RationalDeferGCD.

Chapter 21 introduces user-defined (algebraic) data types. Instead of concrete data types (e.g., the Int pairs used by the type alias Rat), we can totally hide the details of the data representation using modules.

7.3.5 Haskell information-hiding modules

In the Rational Arithmetic example, we defined two information-hiding modules:

  1. “RationalRep”, whose secret is how to represent the rational number data and whose interface consists of the data type Rat, constant zeroRat, operations (functions) makeRat, numer, denom, and showRat, and the constraints on these types and functions

  2. “Rational”, whose secret is how to implement the rational number arithmetic and whose interface consists of operations (functions) negRat, addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat, and eqRat, the other module’s interface, and the constraints on these types and functions

We developed two distinct Haskell modules, RationalCore and RationalDeferGCD, to implement the “RationalRep” information-hiding module.

We developed one distinct Haskell module, Rational, to implement the “Rational” information-hiding module. This module can be paired (i.e., by changing the import statement) with either of the other two variants of “RationalRep” module. (Source file Rational1.hs imports module RationalCore; source file Rational2.hs imports module RationalDeferGCD.)

Unfortunately, Haskell 2010 has a relatively weak module system that does not support multiple implementations as well as we might like. There is no way to declare that multiple Haskell modules have the same interface other than copying the common code into each module and documenting the interface carefully. We must also have multiple versions of Rational that differ only in which other module is imported.

Together the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) release 8.2 (July 2017) and the Cabal-Install package manager release 2.0 (August 2017) support a new extension, the Backpack mixin package system. This new system remedies the above shortcoming. In this new approach, we would define the abstract module “RationalRep” as a signature file and require that RationalCore and RationalDeferGCD conform to it.

Further discussion of this new module system is beyond the scope of this chapter.

7.3.6 Rational number testing

Chapter 12 discusses testing of the Rational modules designed in this chapter. The test scripts for the following modules are in the files shown:

7.4 Module invariants

As we see in the rational arithmetic example, a module that provides a data abstraction must ensure that the objects it creates and manipulates maintain their integrity—always have a valid structure and state.

These properties are invariants for those modules. An invariant for the data abstraction can help us design and implement such objects.


A logical assertion that must always be true for every “object” created by the public constructors and manipulated only by the public operations of the data abstraction.

Often, we separate an invariant into two parts.

Interface invariant:

An invariant stated in terms of the public features and abstract properties of the “object”.

Implementation (representation) invariant:

A detailed invariant giving the required relationships among the internal features of the implementation of an “object”

An interface invariant is a key aspect of the abstract interface of a module. It is useful to the users of the module, as well to the developers.

7.4.1 RationalRep modules

In the Rational Arithmetic example, the interface invariant for the “RationalRep” abstract module is the following.

RationalRep Interface Invariant:

For any valid Haskell rational number r, all the following hold:

  • r \in Rat

  • denom r > 0

  • if numer r == 0, then denom r == 1

  • numer r and denom r are relatively prime

  • the (mathematical) rational number value is 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖 𝚛\frac{\texttt{numer r}}{\texttt{denom r}}

We note that the precondition for makeRat x y is defined above without any dependence upon the concrete representation.

    y /= 0

We can restate the postcondition for makeRat x y = r generically to require both of the following to hold:

  • r satisfies the RationaRep Interface Invariant

  • rational number r ’s value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

The preconditions of both numer r and denom r are that their argument r satisfies the RationalRep Interface Invariant.

The postcondition of numer r = x' is that the rational number value 𝚡’𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚖 𝚛\frac{\texttt{x'}}{\texttt{denom r}} is equal to the rational number value of r.

Similarly, the postcondition of denom r = y' is that the rational number value 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚎𝚛 𝚛y\frac{\texttt{numer r}}{y'} is equal to the rational number value of r.{.haskell}

An implementation invariant guides the developers in the design and implementation of the internal details of a module. It relates the internal details to the interface invariant. RationalCore

We can state an implementation invariant for the RationalCore module.

RationalCore Implementation Invariant:

For any valid Haskell rational number r, all the following hold:

  • r == (x,y) for some (x,y) \in Rat

  • y > 0

  • if x == 0, then y == 1

  • x and y are relatively prime

  • rational number value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

The implementation invariant implies the interface invariant given the definitions of data type Rat and selector functions numer and denom. Constructor function makeRat does the work to establish the invariant initially. RationalDeferGCD

We can state an implementation invariant for the RationalDeferGCD module.

RationalDeferGCD Implementation Invariant:

For any valid Haskell rational number r, all the following hold:

  • r == (x,y) for some (x,y) \in Rat

  • y /= 0

  • if x == 0, then y == 1

  • rational number value is 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}

The implementation invariant implies the interface invariant given the definitions of Rat and of the selector functions numer and denom. Constructor function makeRat is simple, but the selector functions numer and denom do quite a bit of work to establish the interface invariant.

7.4.2 Rational modules

The Rational abstract module extends the RationalRep abstract module with new functionality.

  • It imports the public interface of the RationalRep abstract module and exports those features in its own public interface. Thus it must maintain the interface invariant for the RationalRep module it uses.

  • It does not add any new data types or constructor (or destructor) functions. So it does not need any new invariant components for new data abstractions.

  • It adds one unary and four binary arithmetic functions that take rational numbers and return a rational number. It does so by using the data abstraction provided by the RationalRep module. These must preserve the RationalRep interface invariant.

  • It adds an equality comparison function that takes two rational numbers and returns a Bool.

7.5 What Next?

Chapter 6 examined procedural abstraction and stepwise refinement and used the method to develop a square root package.

This chapter (7) examined data abstraction and used the method to develop a rational number arithmetic package. The chapters explored concepts and methods for modular design and programming using Haskell, including preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.

We continue to use these concepts, techniques, and examples in the rest of the book. In particular:

The next chapter, Chapter 8, examines the substitution model for evaluation of Haskell programs and explores efficiency and termination in the context of that model.

7.6 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell source code for this chapter includes the following:

7.7 Exercises

For each of the following exercises, develop and test a Haskell function or set of functions.

  1. Develop a Haskell module (or modules) for line segments on the two-dimensional coordinate plane using the rectangular coordinate system.

    We can represent a line segment with two points—the starting point and the ending point. Develop the following Haskell functions:

    • constructor newSeg that takes two points and returns a new line segment

    • selectors startPt and endPt that each take a segment and return its starting and ending points, respectively

    We normally represent the plane with a rectangular coordinate system. That is, we use two axes—an x axis and a y axis—intersecting at a right angle. We call the intersection point the origin and label it with 0 on both axes. We normally draw the x axis horizontally and label it with increasing numbers to the right and decreasing numbers to the left. We also draw the y axis vertically with increasing numbers upward and decreasing numbers downward. Any point in the plane is uniquely identified by its x-coordinate and y-coordinate.

    Define a data representation for points in the rectangular coordinate system and develop the following Haskell functions:

    • constructor newPtFromRect that takes the x and y coordinates of a point and returns a new point

    • selectors getx and gety that takes a point and returns the x and y coordinates, respectively

    • display function showPt that takes a point and returns an appropriate String representation for the point

    Now, using the various constructors and selectors, also develop the Haskell functions for line segments:

    • midPt that takes a line segment and returns the point at the middle of the segment

    • display function showSeg that takes a line segment and returns an appropriate String representation

    Note that newSeg, startPt, endPt, midPt, and showSeg can be implemented independently from how the points are represented.

  2. Develop a Haskell module (or modules) for line segments that represents points using the polar coordinate system instead of the rectangular coordinate system used in the previous exercise.

    A polar coordinate system represents a point in the plane by its radial coordinate r (i.e., the distance from the pole) and its angular coordinate t (i.e., the angle from the polar axis in the reference direction). We sometimes call r the magnitude and t the angle.

    By convention, we align the rectangular and polar coordinate systems by making the origin the pole, the positive portion of the x axis the polar axis, and let the first quadrant (where both x and y are positive) be the smallest positive angles in the reference direction. That is, with a traditional drawing of the coordinate systems, we measure and the radial coordinate r as the distance from the origin measure the angular coordinate t counterclockwise from the positive x axis.

    Using knowledge of trigonometry, we can convert among rectangular coordinates (x,y) and polar coordinates (r,t) using the equations:

        x = r * cos(t)
        y = r * sin(t)
        r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
        t = arctan2(y,x)

    Define a data representation for points in the polar coordinate system and develop the following Haskell functions:

    • constructor newPtFromPolar that takes the magnitude r and angle t as the polar coordinates of a point and returns a new point

    • selectors getMag and getAng that each take a point and return the magnitude r and angle t coordinates, respectively

    • selectors getx and gety that return the x and y components of the points (represented here in polar coordinates)

    • display functions showPtAsRect and showPtAsPolar to convert the points to strings using rectangular and polar coordinates, respectively,

    Functions newSeg, startPt, endPt, midPt, and showSeg should work as in the previous exercise.

  3. Modify the solutions to the previous two line-segment module exercises to enable the line segment functions to be in one module that works properly if composed with either of the two data representation modules. (The solutions may have already done this.)

  4. Modify the solution to the previous line-segment exercise to use the Backpack module system.

  5. Modify the modules in the previous exercise to enable the line segment module to work with both data representations in the same program.

  6. Modify the solution to the Rational Arithmetic example to use the Backpack module system.

  7. State preconditions and postconditions for the functions in abstract module Rational.

7.8 Acknowledgements

In Summer and Fall 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from my previous materials:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Sections 2.6-2.7 in Chapter 2, Basic Haskell Functional Programming, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I divided the previous Basic Haskell Functional Programming chapter into four chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 2.1-2.3 became the basis for new Chapter 4, First Haskell Programs; previous Section 2.4 became Section 5.3 in the new Chapter 5, Types; and previous sections 2.5-2.7 were reorganized into new Chapter 6, Procedural Abstraction, and Chapter 7, Data Abstraction (this chapter).

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

7.9 Terms and Concepts

TODO: Update

Haskell module, module exports and imports, module dependencies, rational number arithmetic, data abstraction, properties of data, data representation, precondition, postcondition, invariant, interface invariant, implementation or representation invariant, canonical or normal forms, relatively prime, information hiding, module secret, encapsulation, interface, abstract interface, type inference.

8 Evaluation Model

8.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter (8) introduces an evaluation model applicable to Haskell programs. As in the previous chapters, this chapter focuses on use of first-order functions and primitive data types.

The goals of this chapter (8) are to:

Building on this model, Chapter 9 informally analyzes simple functions in terms of time and space efficiency and termination. Chapter 29 examines these issues in more depth.

How can we evaluate (i.e., execute) an expression that “calls” a function like the fact1 function from Chapter 4?

We do this by rewriting expressions using a substitution model, as we see in this chapter. This process depends upon a property of functional languages called referential transparency.

8.2 Referential Transparency Revisited

Referential transparency is probably the most important property of modern functional programming languages.

As defined in Chapter 2, referential transparency means that, within some well-defined context (e.g., a function or module definition), a variable (or other symbol) always represents the same value.

Because a variable always has the same value, we can replace the variable in an expression by its value or vice versa. Similarly, if two subexpressions have equal values, we can replace one subexpression by the other. That is, “equals can be replaced by equals”.

Pure functional programming languages thus use the same concept of a variable that mathematics uses.

However, in most imperative programming languages, a variable represents an address or “container” in which values may be stored. A program may change the value stored in a variable by executing an assignment statement. Thus these mutable variables break the property of referential transparency.

Because of referential transparency, we can construct, reason about, and manipulate functional programs in much the same way we can any other mathematical expressions. Many of the familiar “laws” from high school algebra still hold; new laws can be defined and proved for less familiar primitives and even user-defined operators. This enables a relatively natural equational style of reasoning using the actual expressions of the language. We explore these ideas further in Chapters 25, 26, and 27.

In contrast, to reason about imperative programs, we usually need to go outside the language itself and use notation that represents the semantics of the language {[41]; [85]].

For our purposes here, referential transparency underlies the substitution model for evaluation of expressions in Haskell programs.

8.3 Substitution Model

The substitution model (or reduction model) involves rewriting (or reducing) an expression to a “simpler” equivalent form. It involves two kinds of replacements:

The term redex refers to a subexpression that can be reduced.

Redexes can be selected for reduction in several ways. For instance, the redex can be selected based on its position within the expression:

The redex can also be selected based on whether or not it is contained within another redex:

We will explore these more fully in a Chapter 29. In most circumstances, Haskell uses a leftmost outermost redex first approach.

In Chapter 4, we defined factorial function fact1 as shown below. (The source code is in file Factorial.hs){type=“text/plain”}.)

    fact1 :: Int -> Int 
    fact1 n = if n == 0 then 
                  n * fact1 (n-1) 

Consider the expression from else clause in fact1 with n having the value 2:

    2 * fact1 (2-1)

This has two redexes: subexpressions 2-1 and fact1 (2-1).

The multiplication cannot be reduced because it requires both of its arguments to be evaluated.

A function parameter is said to be strict if the value of that argument is always required. Thus, multiplication is strict in both its arguments. If the value of an argument is not always required, then it is nonstrict.

The first redex 2-1 is an innermost redex. Since it is the only innermost redex, it is both leftmost and rightmost.

The second redex fact1 (2-1) is an outermost redex. Since it is the only outermost redex, it is both leftmost and rightmost.

Now consider the complete evaluation of the expression fact1 2 using leftmost outermost reduction steps. Below we denote the steps with \Longrightarrow and give the substitution performed between braces.

fact1 2

\Longrightarrow { replace fact1 2 using definition }

if 2 == 0 then 1 else 2 * fact1 (2-1)

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2 == 0 in condition }

if False then 1 else 2 * fact1 (2-1)

\Longrightarrow { evaluate if }

2 * fact1 (2-1)

\Longrightarrow { replace fact1 (2-1) using definition, add implicit parentheses }

2 * (if (2-1) == 0 then 1 else (2-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2-1 in condition }

2 * (if 1 == 0 then 1 else (2-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 1 == 0 in condition }

2 * (if False then 1 else (2-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate if }

2 * ((2-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate leftmost 2-1 }

2 * (1 * fact1 ((2-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { replace fact1 ((2-1)-1) using definition, add implicit parentheses }

2 * (1 * (if ((2-1)-1) == 0 then 1
else ((2-1)-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2-1 in condition }

2 * (1 * (if (1-1) == 0 then 1
else ((2-1)-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 1-1 in condition }

2 * (1 * (if 0 == 0 then 1
else ((2-1)-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 0 == 0 }

2 * (1 * (if True then 1
else ((2-1)-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate if }

2 * (1 * 1)

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 1 * 1 }

2 * 1

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2 * 1 }


The rewriting model we have been using so far can be called string reduction because our model involves the textual replacement of one string by an equivalent string.

A more efficient alternative is graph reduction. In this technique, the expressions are represented as (directed acyclic) expression graphs rather than text strings. The repeated subexpressions of an expression are represented as shared components of the expression graph. Once a shared component has been evaluated once, it need not be evaluated again.

In the example above, subexpression 2-1 is reduced three times. However, all of those subexpressions come from the initial replacement of fact1 2. Using graph reduction, only the first of those reductions is necessary.

fact1 2

\Longrightarrow { replace fact1 2 using definition }

if 2 == 0 then 1 else 2 * fact1 (2-1)

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2 == 0 in condition }

if False then 1 else 2 * fact1 (2-1) }

\Longrightarrow { evaluate if }

2 * fact1 (2-1)

\Longrightarrow { replace fact1 (2-1) using definition, add implicit parentheses }

2 * (if (2-1) == 0 then 1 else (2-1) * fact1 ((2-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2-1 because of condition (3 occurrences in graph) }

2 * (if 1 == 0 then 1 else 1 * fact1 (1-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 1 == 0 }

2 * (if False then 1 else 1 * fact1 (1-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate if }

2 * (1 * fact1 (1-1))

\Longrightarrow { replace fact1 ((1-1) using definition, add implicit parentheses }

2 * (1 * (if (1-1) == 0 then 1 else (1-1) * fact1 ((1-1)-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 1-1 because of condition (3 occurrences in graph) }

2 * (1 * (if 0 == 0 then 1 else 0 * fact1 (0-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 0 == 0 }

2 * (1 * (if True then 1 else 0 * fact1 (0-1))

\Longrightarrow { evaluate if }

2 * (1 * 1)

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 1 * 1 }

2 * 1

\Longrightarrow { evaluate 2 * 1 }


In general, the Haskell compiler or interpreter uses a leftmost outermost graph reduction technique. However, if the value of a function’s argument is always needed for a computation, then an innermost reduction can be triggered for that argument. Either the programmer can explicitly require this or the compiler can detect the situation and automatically trigger the innermost reduction order.

Haskell exhibits lazy evaluation. That is, an expression is not evaluated until its value is needed, if ever. An outermost reduction corresponds to this evaluation strategy.

Other functional languages such as Scala and F# exhibit eager evaluation. That is, an expression is evaluated as soon as possible. An innermost reduction corresponds to this evaluation strategy.

8.4 Time and Space Complexity

We state efficiency (i.e., time complexity or space complexity) of programs in terms of the “Big-O” notation and asymptotic analysis.

For example, consider the leftmost outermost graph reduction of function fact1 above. The number of reduction steps required to evaluate fact1 n is 5*n + 3.

We let the number of steps in a graph reduction be our measure of time. Thus, the time complexity of fact1 n is O(n), which means that the time to evaluate fact1 n is bounded above by some (mathematical) function that is proportional to the value of n.

Of course, this result is easy to see in this case. The algorithm is dominated by the n multiplications it must carry out. Alternatively, we see that evaluation requires on the order of n recursive calls.

We let the number of arguments in an expression graph be our measure of the size of an expression. Then the space complexity is the maximum size needed for the evaluation in terms of the input.

This size measure is an indication of the maximum size of the unevaluated expression that is held at a particular point in the evaluation process. This is a bit different from the way we normally think of space complexity in imperative algorithms, that is, the number of “words” required to store the program’s data.

However, this is not as strange as it may at first appear. As we in later chapters, the data structures in functional languages like Haskell are themselves expressions built by applying constructors to simpler data.

In the case of the graph reduction of fact1 n, the size of the largest expression is 2*n + 16. This is a multiplication for each integer in the range from 1 to n plus 16 for the full if statement. Thus the space complexity is O(n).

The Big-O analysis is an asymptotic analysis. That is, it estimates the order of magnitude of the evaluation time or space as the size of the input approaches infinity (gets large). We often do worst case analyses of time and space. Such analyses are usually easier to do than average-case analyses.

The time complexity of fact1 n is similar to that of a loop in an imperative program. However, the space complexity of the imperative loop algorithm is O(1). So fact1 is not space efficient compared to the imperative loop.

We examine techniques for improving the efficiency of functions below. In Chapter 29, we examine reduction techniques more fully.

8.5 Termination

A recursive function has one or more recursive cases and one or more base (nonrecursive) cases. It may also be undefined for some cases.

To show that evaluation of a recursive function terminates, we must show that each recursive application always gets closer to a termination condition represented by a base case.

Again consider fact1 defined above.

If fact1 is called with argument n greater than 0, the argument of the recursive application in the else clause always decreases to n - 1. Because the argument always decreases in integer steps, it must eventually reach 0 and, hence, terminate in the first leg of the definition.

If we call fact1 with argument 0, the function terminates immediately.

What if we call fact1 with its argument less than 0? We consider this issue below.

8.6 What Next?

This chapter (8) introduced an evaluation model applicable to Haskell programs. It provides a framework for analyzing Haskell functions to determine under what conditions they terminate normally and how efficient they are.

Chapter 9 informally analyzes simple functions in terms of time and space efficiency and termination.

Chapter 29 examines these issues in more depth.

8.7 Exercises

  1. Given the following definition of Fibonacci function fib, show the reduction of fib 4.

        fib :: Int -> Int
        fib 0          = 0
        fib 1          = 1 
        fib n | n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
  2. What are the time and space complexities of fact6 as defined in the previous exercise?

  3. Given the following definition of fact6, show the reduction of fact6 2.

        fact6 :: Int -> Int 
        fact6 n = factIter n 1 
        factIter :: Int -> Int -> Int 
        factIter 0 r         = r 
        factIter n r | n > 0 = factIter (n-1) (n*r) 
  4. What are the time and space complexities of fact6 as defined in the previous exercise?

8.8 Acknowledgements

In Summer and Fall 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from parts of chapters 1 and 13 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42]. These chapters had evolved from my study of the work by Bird and Wadler [15], Hudak [101], Wentworth [178], Thompson [171], and others as I was learning functional programming.

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 3, Evaluation and Efficiency, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I divided the previous Evaluation and Efficiency chapter into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 3.1-3.2 became the basis for new Chapter 8, Evaluation Model (this chapter), and previous sections 3.3-3.5 became the basis for Chapter 9, Recursion Styles and Efficiency. I also moved the discussion of preconditions and postconditions to the new Chapter 6.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

8.9 Terms and Concepts

Referential transparency, reducible expression (redex), reduction strategies (leftmost vs. rightmost, innermost vs. outermost), string and graph reduction models, time and space complexity, termination preconditions, postconditions, contracts.

9 Recursion Styles and Efficiency

9.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter () introduces basic recursive programming styles and examines issues of efficiency, termination, and correctness. It builds on the substitution model from Chapter 8, but uses the model informally.

As in the previous chapters, this chapter focuses on use of first-order functions and primitive data types.

The goals of the chapter are to:

9.2 Linear and Nonlinear Recursion

Given the substitution model described in Chapter 8, we can now consider efficiency and termination in the design of recursive Haskell functions.

In this section, we examine the concepts of linear and nonlinear recursion. The following two sections examine other styles.

9.2.1 Linear recursion

A function definition is linear recursive if at most one recursive application of the function occurs in any leg of the definition (i.e., along any path from an entry to a return). The various argument patterns and guards and the branches of the conditional expression if introduce paths.

The definition of the function fact4 repeated below is linear recursive because the expression in the second leg of the definition (i.e., n * fact4 (n-1)) involves a single recursive application. The other leg is nonrecursive; it is the base case of the recursive definition.

    fact4 :: Int -> Int 
    fact4 n 
        | n == 0 =  1 
        | n >= 1 =  n * fact4 (n-1)

What are the precondition and postcondition for fact4 n?

As discussed in Chapter 6, we must require a precondition of n >= 0 to avoid abnormal termination. When the precondition holds, the postcondition is:

fact4 n = fact’(n)

What are the time and space complexities of fact4 n?

Function fact4 recurses to a depth of n. As we in for fact1 in Chapter 8, it has time complexity O(n), if we count either the recursive calls or the multiplication at each level. The space complexity is also O(n) because a new runtime stack frame is needed for each recursive call.

How do we know that function fact4 n terminates?

For a call fact4 n with n > 0, the argument of the recursive application always decreases to n - 1. Because the argument always decreases in integer steps, it must eventually reach 0 and, hence, terminate in the first leg of the definition.

9.2.2 Nonlinear recursion

A nonlinear recursion is a recursive function in which the evaluation of some leg requires more than one recursive application. For example, the naive Fibonacci number function fib shown below has two recursive applications in its third leg. When we apply this function to a nonnegative integer argument greater than 1, we generate a pattern of recursive applications that has the “shape” of a binary tree. Some call this a tree recursion.

    fib :: Int -> Int
    fib 0          = 0
    fib 1          = 1 
    fib n | n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

What are the precondition and postcondition for fib n?

For fib n, the precondition n >= 0 to ensure that the function is defined. When called with the precondition satisfied, the postcondition is:

fib n = Fibonacci(n)

How do we know that fib n terminates?

For the recursive case n >= 2. the two recursive calls have arguments that are 1 or 2 less than n. Thus every call gets closer to one of the two base cases.

What are the time and space complexities of fib n?

Function fib is combinatorially explosive, having a time complexity O(fib n). The space complexity is O(n) because a new runtime stack frame is needed for each recursive call and the calls recurse to a depth of n.

An advantage of a linear recursion over a nonlinear one is that a linear recursion can be compiled into a loop in a straightforward manner. Converting a nonlinear recursion to a loop is, in general, difficult.

9.3 Backward and Forward Recursion

In this section, we examine the concepts of backward and forward recursion.

9.3.1 Backward recursion

A function definition is backward recursive if the recursive application is embedded within another expression. During execution, the program must complete the evaluation of the expression after the recursive call returns. Thus, the program must preserve sufficient information from the outer call’s environment to complete the evaluation.

The definition for the function fact4 above is backward recursive because the recursive application fact4 (n-1) in the second leg is embedded within the expression n * fact4 (n-1). During execution, the multiplication must be done after return. The program must “remember” (at least) the value of parameter n for that call.

A compiler can translate a backward linear recursion into a loop, but the translation may require the use of a stack to store the program’s state (i.e., the values of the variables and execution location) needed to complete the evaluation of the expression.

Often when we design an algorithm, the first functions we come up with are backward recursive. They often correspond directly to a convenient recurrence relation. It is often useful to convert the function into an equivalent one that evaluates more efficiently.

9.3.2 Forward recursion

A function definition is forward recursive if the recursive application is not embedded within another expression. That is, the outermost expression is the recursive application and any other subexpressions appear in the argument lists. During execution, significant work is done as the recursive calls are made (e.g., in the argument list of the recursive call).

The definition for the auxiliary function factIter below has two integer arguments. The first argument is the number whose factorial is to be computed. The second argument accumulates the product incrementally as recursive calls are made.

The recursive application factIter (n-1) (n*r) in the second leg is on the outside of the expression evaluated for return. The other leg of factIter and fact6 itself are nonrecursive.

    fact6 :: Int -> Int
    fact6 n = factIter n 1

    factIter :: Int -> Int -> Int
    factIter 0 r         = r
    factIter n r | n > 0 = factIter (n-1) (n*r)

What are the precondition and postcondition for factIter n r?

To avoid termination, factIter n r requires n >= 0. Its postcondition is that:

factIter n r = r * fact(n)

How do we know that factIter n r terminates?

Argument n of the recursive leg is at least 1 and decreases by 1 on each recursive call.

What is the time and space complexity of factIter n r?

Function factIter n r has a time complexity O(n). But, if the compiler converts the factIter recursion to a loop, the time complexity’s constant factor should be smaller than that of fact4.

As shown, factIter n r has space complexity of O(n). But, if the compiler does an innermost reduction on the second argument (because its value will always be needed), then the space complexity of factIter becomes O(1).

9.3.3 Tail recursion

A function definition is tail recursive if it is both forward recursive and linear recursive. In a tail recursion, the last action performed before the return is a recursive call.

The definition of the function factIter above is thus tail recursive.

Tail recursive definitions are relatively straightforward to compile into efficient loops. There is no need to save the states of unevaluated expressions for higher level calls; the result of a recursive call can be returned directly as the caller’s result. This is sometimes called tail call optimization (or “tail call elimination” or “proper tail calls”) [202].

In converting the backward recursive function fact4 to a tail recursive auxiliary function, we added the parameter r to factIter. This parameter is sometimes called an accumulating parameter (or just an accumulator).

We typically use an accumulating parameter to “accumulate” the result of the computation incrementally for return when the recursion terminates. In factIter, this “state” passed from one “iteration” to the next enables us to convert a backward recursive function to an “equivalent” tail recursive one.

Function factIter defines a more general function than fact4. It computes a factorial when we initialize the accumulator to 1, but it can compute some multiple of the factorial if we initialize the accumulator to another value. However, the application of factIter in fact6 gives the initial value of 1 needed for factorial.

Consider auxiliary function fibIter used by function fib2 below. This function adds two “accumulating parameters” to the backward nonlinear recursive function fib to convert the nonlinear (tree) recursion into a tail recursion. This technique works for Fibonacci numbers, but the same technique will not work in all cases.

    fib2 :: Int -> Int
    fib2 n | n >= 0 = fibIter n 0 1 
            fibIter 0 p q         = p
            fibIter m p q | m > 0 = fibIter (m-1) q (p+q)

Here we use type inference for fibIter. Function fibIter could be declared

    fibIter :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int 

but it was not necessary because Haskell can infer the type from the types involved in its defining expressions.

What are the precondition and postcondition for fibIter n p q?

To avoid abnormal termination, fibIter n p q requires n >= 0. When the precondition holds, its postcondition is:

fibIter n p q = Fibonacci(n) + (p + q - 1)

If called with p and q set to 0 and 1, respectively, then fibIter returns:


How do we know that fibIter n p q terminates for n0n \geq 0?

The recursive leg of fibIter n p q is only evaluated when n > 0. On the recursive call, that argument decreases by 1. So eventually the computation reaches the base case.

What are the time and space complexities of fibIter?

Function fibIter has a time complexity of O(n) in contrast to O(fib n) for fib. This algorithmic speedup results from the replacement of the very expensive operation fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) at each level in fib by the inexpensive operation p + q (i.e., addition of two numbers) in fibIter.

Without tail call optimization, fibIter n p q has space complexity of O(n). However, tail call optimization (including an innermost reduction on the q argument) can convert the recursion to a loop, giving O(1) space complexity.

When combined with tail-call optimization and innermost reduction of strict arguments, a tail recursive function may be more efficient than the equivalent backward recursive function. However, the backward recursive function is often easier to understand and, as we see in Chapter 25, to reason about.

9.4 Logarithmic Recursion

We can define the exponentiation operation ^ in terms of multiplication as follows for integers b and n >= 0:

b^n = i=1i=nb\prod_{i=1}^{i=n} b

A backward recursive exponentiation function expt, shown below in Haskell, raises a number to a nonnegative integer power.

    expt :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
    expt b 0        = 1
    expt b n
        | n > 0     = b * expt b (n-1)  -- backward rec
        | otherwise = error ( 
                        "expt undefined for negative exponent " 
                        ++ show n ) 

Here we use the unbounded integer type Integer for the parameters and return value.

Note that the recursive call of expt does not change the value of the parameter b.

Consider the following questions relative to expt.

We can define a tail recursive auxiliary function exptIter by adding a new parameter to accumulate the value of the exponentiation incrementally. We can define exptIter within a function expt2, taking advantage of the fact that the base b does not change. This is shown below.

    expt2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
    expt2 b n | n < 0 = error (
                          "expt2 undefined for negative exponent " 
                          ++ show n )
    expt2 b n         = exptIter n 1
        where exptIter 0 p = p
              exptIter m p = exptIter (m-1) (b*p) -- tail rec

Consider the following questions relative to expt2.

The exponentiation function can be made computationally more efficient by squaring the intermediate values instead of iteratively multiplying. We observe that:

    b^n = b^(n/2)^2   if n is even
    b^n = b * b^(n-1) if n is odd

Function expt3 below incorporates this observation into an improved algorithm. Its time complexity is O(log2 n) and space complexity is O(log2 n). (Here we assume that log2 computes the logarithm base 2.)

    expt3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
    expt3 _ n | n < 0 = error (
                          "expt3 undefined for negative exponent "
                          ++ show n )
    expt3 b n         = exptAux n
        where exptAux 0       = 1 
              exptAux n 
                  | even n    = let exp = exptAux (n `div` 2) in 
                                    exp * exp      -- backward rec 
                  | otherwise = b * exptAux (n-1)  -- backward rec 

Here we are use two features of Haskell we have not used in the previous examples.

Consider the following questions relative to expt3.

9.5 Local Definitions

We have used two different language features to add local definitions to Haskell functions: let and where.

The let expression is useful whenever a nested set of definitions is required. It has the following syntax:

let local_definitions in expression

A let may be used anywhere that an expression my appear in a Haskell program.

For example, consider a function f that takes a list of integers and returns a list of their squares incremented by one:

    f :: [Int] -> [Int]
    f [] = []
    f xs = let square a = a * a 
               one      = 1 
               (y:ys)   = xs 
           in (square y + one) : f ys 

The let clause introduces symbols in a bottom-up manner: it introduces symbols before they are used.

The where clause is similar semantically, but it introduces symbols in a top-down manner: the symbols are used and then defined in a where that follows.

The where clause is more versatile than the let. It allows the scope of local definitions to span over several guarded equations while a let’s scope is restricted to the right-hand side of one equation.

For example, consider the definition:

    g :: Int -> Int
    g n | check3 == x = x
        | check3 == y = y
        | check3 == z = z * z
                      where check3 = n `mod` 3
                            x      = 0
                            y      = 1
                            z      = 2

In addition to making definitions easier to understand, local definitions can increase execution efficiency in some cases. A local definition may introduce a component into the expression graph that is shared among multiple branches. Haskell uses graph reduction, so any shared component is evaluated once and then replaced by its value for subsequent accesses.

The local variable check3 introduces a component shared among all three legs. It is evaluated once for each call of g.

9.6 Using Other Languages

In this chapter, we have expressed the functions in Haskell, but they are adapted from the classic textbook Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) [1], which uses Scheme.

To compare languages, let’s examine the expt3 function in Scheme and other languages.

9.6.1 Scheme

Below is the Scheme language program for exponentiation similar to to expt3 (called fast-expt in SICP [1]). Scheme, a dialect of Lisp, is an impure, eagerly evaluated functional language with dynamic typing.

    (define (expt3 b n)
            ((< n 0) (error `expt3 "Called with negative exponent"))
            (else (expt_aux b n))))

    (define (expt_aux b n)
        ((= n 0) 1)
        ((even? n) (square (expt3 b (/ n 2))))
        (else (* b (expt3 b (- n 1))))))
    (define (square x) (* x x))
    (define (even? n) (= (remainder n 2) 0))

Scheme (and Lisp) represents both data and programs as s-expressions (nested list structures) enclosed in balanced parentheses; that is, Scheme is homoiconic. In the case of executable expressions, the first element of the list may be operator. For example, consider:

    (define (square x) (* x x))

The define operator takes two arguments:

  • a symbol being defined, in this case a function signature (square x) for a function named square with one formal parameter named x

  • an expression defining the value of the symbol, in this case the expression (* x x) that multiplies formal parameter x by itself and returns the result

The define operator has the side effect of adding the definition of the symbol to the environment. That is, square is introduced as a one argument function with the value denoted by the expression (* x x).

The conditional expression cond gives an if-then-elseif expression that evaluates a sequence of predicates until one evaluates to “true” value and then returns the paired expression. The else at the end always evaluates to “true”.

The above Scheme code defines the functions square, the exponentiation function expt3, and the logical predicate even? {.scheme}. It uses the primitive Scheme functions -, *, /, remainder, and = (equality).

We can evaluate the Scheme expression (expt 2 10) using a Scheme interpreter (as I did using DrRacket [71,72,140]) and get the value 1024.

Although Haskell and Scheme are different in many ways—algebraic versus s-expression syntax, static versus dynamic typing, lazy versus eager evaluation (by default), always pure versus sometimes impure functions, etc.—the fundamental techniques we have examined in Haskell still apply to Scheme and other languages. We can use a substitution model, consider preconditions and termination, use tail recursion, and take advantage of first-class and higher-order functions.

Of course, each language offers a unique combination of features that can be exploited in our programs. For example, Scheme programmers can leverage its runtime flexibility and powerful macro system; Haskell programmers can build on its safe type system, algebraic data types, pattern matching, and other features.

The Racket Scheme [140] code for this subsection is in file expt3.rkt.

Let’s now consider other languages.

9.6.2 Elixir

The language Elixir [68,168] is a relatively new language that executes on the Erlang platform (called the Erlang Virtual Machine or BEAM). Elixir is an eagerly evaluated functional language with strong support for message-passing concurrent programming. It is dynamically typed and is mostly pure except for input/output. It has pattern-matching features similar to Haskell.

We can render the expt3 program into a sequential Elixir program as follows.

    def expt3(b,n) when is_number(b) and is_integer(n)
                        and n >= 0 do

    defp exptAux(_,0) do 1 end

    defp exptAux(b,n) do
        if rem(n,2) == 0  do    #  i.e. even
            exp = exptAux(b,div(n,2))
            exp * exp           #  backward rec
        else                    #  i.e. odd
            b * exptAux(b,n-1)  #  backward rec

This code occurs within an Elixir module. The def statement defines a function that is exported from the module while defp defines a function that is private to the module (i.e., not exported).

A definition allows the addition of guard clauses following when (although they cannot include user-defined function calls because of restrictions of the Erlang VM). In function expt3, we use guards to do some type checking in this dynamically typed language and to ensure that the exponent is nonnegative.

Private function exptAux has two functions bodies. As in Haskell, the body is selected using pattern matching proceeding from top to bottom in the module. The first function body with the header exptAux(_,0) matches all cases in which the second argument is 0. All other situations match the second header exptAux(b,n) binding parameters b and n to the argument values.

The functions div and rem denote integer division and remainder, respectively.

The Elixir = operator is not an assignment as in imperative languages. It is a pattern-match statement with an effect similar to let in the Haskell function.

Above the expression

    exp = exptAux(b,div(n,2))

evaluates the recursive call and then binds the result to new local variable named exp. This value is used in the next statement to compute the return value exp * exp.

Again, although there are significant differences between Haskell and Elixir, the basic thinking and programming styles learned for Haskell are also useful in Elixir (or Erlang). These styles are also key to use of their concurrent programming features.

The Elixir [68] code for this subsection is in file expt.ex.

9.6.3 Scala

The language Scala [132,151] is a hybrid functional/object-oriented language that executes on the Java platform (i.e., on the Java Virtual Machine or JVM). Scala is an eagerly evaluated language. It allows functions to be written in a mostly pure manner, but it allows intermixing of functional, imperative, and object-oriented features. It has a relatively complex static type system similar to Java, but it supports type inference (although weaker than that of Haskell). It interoperates with Java and other languages on the JVM.

We can render the exponentiation function expt3 into a functional Scala program as shown below. This uses the Java/Scala extended integer type BigInt for the base and return values.

    def expt3(b: BigInt, n: Int): BigInt = {

        def exptAux(n1: Int): BigInt = // b known from outer
            n1 match {
              case 0                 => 1
              case m if (m % 2 == 0) =>  // i.e. even
                val exp = exptAux(m/2)
                exp * exp                // backward rec
              case m                 =>  // i.e. odd
                b * exptAux(m-1)         // backward rec
        if (n >= 0)
            sys.error ("Cannot raise to negative power " + n )

The body of function expt3 uses an if-else expression to ensure that the exponent is non-negative and then calls exptAux to do the work.

Function expt3 encloses auxiliary function exptAux. For the latter, the parameters of expt3 are in scope. For example, exptAux uses b from expt3 as a constant.

Scala supports pattern matching using an explicit match operator in the form:

selector match { alternatives }

It evaluates the selector expression and then choses the first alternative pattern that matches this value, proceedings top to botton, left to right. We write the alternative as

case pattern => expression

or with a guard as:

case pattern if boolean_expression => expression

The expression may be a sequence of expressions. The value returned is the value of the last expression evaluated.

In this example, the match in exptAux could easily be replaced by an ifelse ifelse expression because it does not depend upon complex pattern matching.

In Haskell, functions are automatically curried. In Scala, we could alternatively define expt3 in curried form using two argument lists as follows:

    def expt3(b: BigInt)(n: Int): BigInt = ...

Again, we can use most of the functional programming methods we learn for Haskell in Scala. Scala has a few advantages over Haskell such as the ability to program in a multiparadigm style and interoperate with Java. However, Scala tends to be more complex and verbose than Haskell. Some features such as type inference and tail recursion are limited by Scala’s need to operate on the JVM.

The Scala [151] code for this subsection is in file exptBigInt2.scala.

9.6.4 Lua

Lua [104,116] is a minimalistic, dynamically typed, imperative language designed to be embedded as a scripting language within other programs, such as computer games. It interoperates well with standard C and C++ programs.

We can render the exponentiation function expt3 into a functional Lua program as shown below.

    local function expt3(b,n)

        local function expt_aux(n)       -- b known from outer
            if n == 0 then
                return 1
            elseif n % 2 == 0 then       -- i.e. even
                local exp = expt_aux(n/2)
                return exp * exp         -- backward recursion
            else                         -- i.e. odd
                return b * expt_aux(n-1) -- backward recursion

        if type(b) == "number" and type(n) == "number" and n >= 0 
                               and n == math.floor(n) then
            return expt_aux(n,1)
            error("Invalid arguments to expt: " .. 
                  tostring(b) .. "^" .. tostring(n))

Like the Scala version, we define the auxiliary function expt_aux inside of function expt3, limiting its scope to the outer function.

This function uses with Lua version 5.2. In this and earlier versions, the only numbers are IEEE standard floating point. As in the Elixir version, we make sure the arguments are numbers with the exponent argument being nonnegative. Given that the numbers are floating point, the function also ensures that the exponent is an integer.

Auxiliary function expt_aux does the computational work. It differentiates among the three cases using an ifelseifelse structure. Lua does not have a switch statement or pattern matching capability.

Lua is not normally considered a functional language, but it has a number of features that support functional programming—in particular, first-class and higher order functions and tail call optimization.

In many ways, Lua is semantically similar to Scheme, but instead of having the Lisp-like hierarchical list as its central data structure, Lua provides an efficient, mutable, associative data structure called a table (somewhat like a hash table or map in other languages). Lua does not support Scheme-style macros in the standard language.

Unlike Haskell, Elixir, and Scala, Lua does not have builtin immutable data structures or pattern matching. Lua programs tend to be relatively verbose. So some of the usual programming idioms from functional languages do not fit Lua well.

The Lua [116] code for this subsection is in file expt.lua.

9.6.5 Elm

Elm [60,70] is a new functional language intended primarily for client-side Web programming. It is currently compiled into JavaScript, so some aspects are limited by the target execution environment. For example, Elm’s basic types are those of JavaScript. So integers are actually implemented as floating point numbers.

Elm has a syntax and semantics that is similar to, but simpler than, Haskell. It has a Haskell-like let construct for local definitions but not a where construct. It also limits pattern matching to structured types.

Below is an Elm implementation of an exponentiation function similar to the Haskell expt3 function, except it is limited to the standard integers Int. Operator // denotes the integer division operation and % is remainder operator.

    expt3 : Int -> Int -> Int
    expt3 b n =
            exptAux m =
                if m == 0 then
                else if m % 2 == 0 then 
                        exp = exptAux (m // 2)
                        exp * exp       -- backward rec
                    b  * exptAux (m-1)  -- backward rec
            if n < 0 then
                0 -- error?
                exptAux n

One semantic difference between Elm and Haskell is that Elm functions must be total—that is, return a result for every possible input. Thus, this simple function extends the definition of expt3 to return 0 for a negative power. An alternative would be to have expt3 return a Maybe Int type instead of Int. We will examine this feature in Haskell later.

The Elm [60] code for this subsection is in file expt.elm.

9.7 What Next?

As we have seen in this chapter, we can develop efficient programs using functional programming and the Haskell language. These may require use to think about problems and programming a bit differently than we might in an imperative or object-oriented language. However, the techniques we learn for Haskell are usually applicable whenever we use the functional paradigm in any language. The functional way of thinking can also improve our programming in more traditional imperative and object-oriented languages.

In Chapter 10, we examine simple input/output concepts in Haskell. In Chapters 11 and 12, we examine software testing concepts.

In subsequent chapters, we explore the list data structure and additional programming techniques.

9.8 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell modules for the functions in this chapter are defined in the following source files:

9.9 Exercises

  1. Show the reduction of the expression fib 4 substitution model. (This is repeated from the previous chapter.)

  2. Show the reduction of the expression expt 4 3 using the substitution model.

  3. Answer the questions (precondition, postcondition, termination, time complexity, space complexity) in the subsection about expt.

  4. Answer the questions in the subsection about expt.

  5. Answer the questions in the subsection about expt2.

  6. Answer the questions in the subsection about expt3.

  7. Develop a recursive function in Java, C#, Python 3, JavaScript, or C++ that has the same functionality as expt3.

  8. Develop an iterative, imperative program in Java, C#, Python 3, JavaScript, or C++ that has the same functionality as expt3.

For each of the following exercises, develop a Haskell program. For each function, informally argue that it terminates and give Big-O time and space complexities. Also identify any preconditions necessary to guarantee correct operation. Take care that special cases and error conditions are handled in a reasonable way.

  1. Develop a backward recursive function sumTo such that sumTo n computes the sum of the integers from 1 to n for n >= 0.

  2. Develop a tail recursive function sumTo' such that sumTo' n computes the sum of the integers from 1 to n for n >= 0.

  3. Develop a backward recursive function sumFromTo such that sumFromTo m n computes the sum of the integers from m to n for m <= n.

  4. Develop a tail recursive function sumFromTo' such that sumFromTo' m n computes the sum of the integers from m to n for m <= n.

  5. Suppose we have functions succ (successor) and pred (predecessor) defined as follows:

        succ, pred :: Int -> Int
        succ n = n + 1
        pred n = n - 1

    Develop a function add such that add m n computes m + n. Function add cannot use the integer addition or subtraction operations but can use the succ ad pred functions above.

  6. Develop a function acker to compute Ackermann’s function, which is function AA defined in Table 9.1.

    Table 9.1: Ackermann’s function.
    A(m,n)A(m,n) == n+1,n+1, if m=0m = 0
    A(m,n)A(m,n) == A(m1,1),A(m-1,1), if m>0m > 0 and n=0n = 0
    A(m,n)A(m,n) == A(m1,A(m,m1)),A(m-1,A(m,m-1)), if m>0m > 0 and n>0n > 0
  7. Develop a function hailstone to implement the function shown in Table 9.2.

    Table 9.2: Hailstone function.
    hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == 11, if n=1n = 1
    hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == hailstone(n/2)hailstone(n/2), if n>1n > 1, even nn
    hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == hailstone(3*n+1)hailstone(3*n+1), if n>1n > 1, odd nn

    Note that an application of the hailstone function to the argument 3 would result in the following “sequence” of “calls” and would ultimately return the result 1.

        hailstone 3
          hailstone 10
            hailstone 5
              hailstone 16
                hailstone 8
                  hailstone 4
                    hailstone 2
                      hailstone 1

    For further thought: What is the domain of the hailstone function?

  8. Develop the exponentiation function expt4 that is similar to expt3 but is tail recursive.

  9. Develop the following group of functions.

    • test such that test a b c is True if and only if a <= b and no integer is the range from a to b inclusive is divisible by c.

    • prime such that prime n is True if and only if n is a prime integer.

    • nextPrime such that nextPrime n returns the next prime integer greater than n

  10. Develop function binom to compute binomial coefficients. That is, binom n k returns (nk)\binom{n}{k} for integers n >= 0 and 0 <= k <= n.

9.10 Acknowledgements

In Summer and Fall 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from previous work:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 3, Evaluation and Efficiency, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I divided the previous Evaluation and Efficiency chapter into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 3.1-3.2 became the basis for new Chapter 8, Evaluation Model, and previous sections 3.3-3.5 became the basis for Chapter 9 (this chapter), Recursion Styles and Efficiency. I also moved some of the discussion of preconditions and postconditions from old chapter 3 to the new chapter 6 and discussion of local definitions from old chapter 4 to new chapter 9 (this chapter).

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

9.11 Terms and Concepts

Recursion styles (linear vs. nonlinear, backward vs. forward, tail, and logarithmic), correctness (precondition, postcondition, and termination), efficiency estimation (time and space complexity), transformations to improve efficiency (auxiliary function, accumulator), homiconic, message-passing concurrent programming, embedded as a scripting language, client-side Web programming.

10 Simple Input and Output (FUTURE)

10.1 Chapter Introduction

This is a stub for a possible future chapter. The Haskell Wikibook [179] Simple input and output page discusses the concepts sufficient for the purposes of this point in the textbook.

10.2 What Next?


10.3 Exercises


10.4 Acknowledgements


I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

10.5 Terms and Concepts


11 Software Testing Concepts

11.1 Chapter Introduction

The goal of this chapter (11) is to survey the important concepts, terminology, and techniques of software testing in general.

Chapter 12 illustrates these techniques by manually constructing test scripts for Haskell functions and modules.

11.2 Software Requirements Specification

The purpose of a software development project is to meet particular needs and expectations of the project’s stakeholders.

By stakeholder, we mean any person or organization with some interest in the project’s outcome. Stakeholders include entities that:

A project’s stakeholders should create a software requirements specification to state the particular needs and expectations to be addressed.

A software requirements specification seeks to comprehensively describe the intended behaviors and environment of the software to be developed. It should address the “what” but not the “how”. For example, the software requirements specification should describe the desired mapping from inputs to outputs but not unnecessarily restrict the software architecture, software design, algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and software libraries that can be used to implement the mapping.

Once the requirements are sufficiently understood, the project’s developers then design and implement the software system: its software architecture, its subsystems, its modules, and its functions and procedures.

Software testing helps ensure that the software implementation satisfies the design and that the design satisfies the stakeholder’s requirements.

Of course, the requirements analysis, design, and implementation may be an incremental. Software testing can also play a role in identifying requirements and defining appropriate designs and implementations.

11.3 What is Software Testing?

According to the Collins English Dictionary [35]:

A test is a deliberate action or experiment to find out how well something works.

The purpose of testing a program is to determine “how well” the program “works”—to what extent the program satisfies its software requirements specification.

Software testing is a “deliberate” process. The tests must be chosen effectively and conducted systematically. In most cases, the test plan should be documented carefully so that the tests can be repeated precisely. The results of the tests should be examined rigorously.

In general, the tests should be automated. Testers can use manually written test scripts (as we do in the Chapter 12) or appropriate testing frameworks [126] (e.g., JUnit [166,174] in Java, Pytest [113,133] in Python, and HUnit [90], QuickCheck [89], or Tasty [91] in Haskell).

Testers try to uncover as many defects as possible, but it is impossible to identify and correct all defects by testing. Testing is just one aspect of software quality assurance.

11.4 Goals of Testing

Meszaros [126, Ch. 3] identifies several goals of test automation. These apply more generally to all software testing. Tests should:

11.5 Dimensions of Testing

We can organize software testing along three dimensions [161]:

We explore these in the following subsections.

11.5.1 Testing levels

Software testing levels categorize tests by the applicable stages of software development.

Note: The use of the term “stages” does not mean that this approach is only applicable to the traditional waterfall software development process. These stages describe general analysis and design activities that must be carried out however the process is organized and documented.

Ammann and Offutt [2] identify five levels of testing, as shown in Figure 11.1. Each level assumes that the relevant aspects of the level below have been completed successfully.

Figure 11.1: Software testing levels.

From the highest to the lowest, the testing levels are as follows.

  1. Acceptance testing focuses on testing a completed system to determine whether it satisfies the software requirements specification and to assess whether the system is acceptable for delivery.

    The acceptance test team must include individuals who are strongly familiar with the business requirements of the stakeholders.

  2. System testing focuses on testing an integrated system to determine whether it satisfies its overall specification (i.e., the requirements as reflected in the chosen software architecture).

    The system test team is usually separate from the development team.

  3. Integration testing focuses on testing each subsystem to determine whether its constituent modules communicate as required. For example, do the modules have consistent interfaces (e.g., compatible assumptions and contracts)?

    A subsystem is often constructed by using existing libraries, adapting previously existing modules, and combining these with a few new modules. It is easy to miss subtle incompatibilities among the modules. Integration testing seeks to find any incompatibilities among the various modules.

    Integration testing is often conducted by the development team.

  4. Module testing focuses on the structure and behavior of each module separately from the other modules with which it communicates.

    A module is usually composed of several related units and their associated data types and data structures. Module testing assesses whether the units and other features interact as required and assess whether the module satisfies its specification (e.g., its preconditions, postconditions, and invariants).

    Note: Here we use the term “module” generically. For example, a module in Java might be a class, package, or module (in Java 9) construct. A module in Python 3 might be a code file (i.e., module) or a directory structure of code files (i.e., package). In Haskell, a generic module might be represented as a closely related group of Haskell module files.

    Module testing is typically done by the developer(s) of a module.

  5. Unit testing focuses on testing the implementation of each program unit to determine whether it performs according to the unit’s specification.

    The term “unit” typically refers to a procedural abstraction such as a function, procedure, subroutine, or method.

    A unit’s specification is its “contract”, whether represented in terms of preconditions and postconditions or more informally.

    Unit testing is typically the responsibility of the developer(s) of the unit.

In object-based systems, the units (e.g., methods) and the modules (e.g., objects or classes) are often tightly coupled. In this and similar situations, developers often combine unit testing and module testing into one stage called unit testing [2,161].

In this book, we are primarily concerned with the levels usually conducted by the developers: unit, module, and integration testing.

11.5.2 Testing methods

Software testing methods categorize tests by how they are conducted. The Software Testing Fundamentals website [161] identifies several methods for testing. Here we consider four:

  • black-box testing
  • white-box testing
  • gray-box testing
  • ad hoc testing

In this book, we are primarily concerned with black-box and gray-box testing. Our tests are guided by the contracts and other specifications for the unit, module, or subsystem being tested. Black-box testing

In black-box testing, the tester knows the external requirements specification (e.g., the contract) for the item being tested but does not know the item’s internal structure, design, or implementation.

Note: This method is sometimes called closed-box or behavioral testing.

This method approaches the system much as a user does, as a black box whose internal details are hidden from view. Using only the requirements specification and public features of the item, the testers devise tests that check input values to make sure the system yields the expected result for each. They use the item’s regular interface to carry out the tests.

Black-box tests are applicable to testing at the higher levels—integration, systems, and acceptance testing—and for use by external test teams.

The method is also useful for unit and module testing, particularly when we wish to test the item against an abstract interface with an explicit specification (e.g., a contract stated as preconditions, postconditions, and invariants).

How do we design black-box tests? Let’s consider the possible inputs to the item.

Input domain

An item being tested has some number of input parameters—some explicit, others implicit. Each parameter has some domain of possible values.

The input domain of the item thus consists of the Cartesian product of the individual domains of its parameters. A test input is thus a tuple of values, one possible value for each parameter [2].

For example, consider testing a public instance method in a Java class. The method has zero or more explicit parameters, one implicit parameter (giving the method access to all the associated instance’s variables), and perhaps direct access to variables outside its associated instance (static variables, other instances’ variables, public variables in other classes, etc.).

In most practical situations, it is impossible to check all possible test inputs. Thus, testers need to choose a relatively small, finite set of input values to test. But how?

Choosing test inputs

In choosing test inputs, the testers can fruitfully apply the following techniques [69,126,139].

  • Define equivalence classes (or partitions) of the possible inputs based on the kinds of behaviors of interest and then choose representative members of each class.

    After studying the requirements specification for the item being tested, the tester first groups together inputs that result in the “same” behaviors of interest and then chooses typical representatives of each group for tests (e.g., from the middle of the group).

    The representative values are normal use or “happy path” cases that are not usually problematic to implement [2].

    For example, consider the valid integer values for the day of a month (on the Gregorian calendar as used in the USA). It may be useful to consider the months falling into three equivalence classes: 31-day months, 30-day months, and February.

  • Choose boundary values—values just inside and just outside the edges of an equivalence class (as defined above) or special values that require unusual handling.

    Unlike the “happy path” tests, the boundary values often are values that cause problems [2].

    For example, consider the size of a data structure being constructed. The boundary values of interest may be zero, one, minimum allowed, maximum allowed, or just beyond the minimum or maximum.

    For a mathematical function, a boundary value may also be at or near a value for which the function is undefined or might result in a nonterminating computation.

  • Choose input values that cover the range of expected results.

    This technique works from the output back toward the input to help ensure that important paths through the item are handled properly.

    For example, consider transactions on a bank account. The action might be a balance inquiry, which returns information but does not change the balance in the account. The action might be a deposit, which results in a credit to the account. The action might be a withdrawal, which either results in a debit or triggers an insufficient funds action. Tests should cover all four cases.

  • Choose input values based on the model used to specify the item (e.g., state machine, mathematical properties, invariants) to make sure the item implements the model appropriately.

    For example, a data abstraction should establish and preserve the invariants of the abstraction (as shown in the Rational arithmetic case study in Chapter 7).

Black-box testers often must give attention to tricky practical issues such as appropriate error handling and data-type conversions. White-box testing

In white-box testing, the tester knows the internal structure, design, and implementation of the item being tested as well as the external requirements specification.

Note: This method is sometimes called open-box, clear-box transparent-box, glass box, code-based, or structural testing.

This method seeks to test every path through the code to make sure every input yields the expected result. It may use code analysis tools [2] to define the tests or special instrumentation of the item (e.g., a testing interface) to carry out the tests.

White-box testing is most applicable to unit and module testing (e.g., for use by the developers of the unit), but it can also be used for integration and system testing. Gray-box testing

In gray-box testing, the tester has partial knowledge of the internal structure, design, and requirements of the item being tested as well as the external requirements specification.

Note: “Gray” is the typical American English spelling. International or British English spells the word “grey”.

Gray-box testing combines aspects of black-box and white-box testing. As in white-box testing, the tester can use knowlege of the internal details (e.g., algorithms, data structures, or programming language features) of the item being tested to design the test cases. But, as in black-box testing, the tester conducts the tests through the item’s regular interface.

This method is primarily used for integration testing, but it can be used for the other levels as well. Ad hoc testing

In ad hoc testing, the tester does not plan the details of the tests in advance as is typically done for the other methods. The testing is done informally and randomly, improvised according the creativity and experience of the tester. The tester strives to “break” the system, perhaps in unexpected ways.

This method is primarily used at the acceptance test level. It may be carried out by someone from outside the software development organization on behalf of the client of a software project.

11.5.3 Testing types

Software testing types categorize tests by the purposes for which they are conducted. The Software Testing Fundamentals website [161] identifies several types of testing:

  • Smoke testing seeks to ensure that the primary functions work. It uses of a non-exhaustive set of tests to “smoke out” any major problems.

  • Functional testing seeks to ensure that the system satisfies all its functional requirements. (That is, does a given input yield the correct result?)

  • Usability testing seeks to ensure that the system is easily usable from the perspective of an end-user.

  • Security testing seeks to ensure that the system’s data and resources are protected from possible intruders by revealing any vulnerabilities in the system

  • Performance testing seeks to ensure that the system meets its performance requirements under certain loads.

  • Regression testing seeks to ensure that software changes (bug fixes or enhancements) do not break other functionality.

  • Compliance testing seeks to ensure the system complies to required internal or external standards.

In this book, we are primarily interested in functional testing.

11.5.4 Combining levels, methods, and types

A tester can conduct some type of testing during some stage of software development using some method. For example,

  • a test team might conduct functional testing (a type) at the system testing level using the black-box testing method to determine whether the system performs correctly

  • a programmer might do smoke testing (a type) of the code at the module testing level using the white-box testing method to find and resolve major shortcomings before proceeding with more complete functional testing

As noted above, in this book we are primarily interested in applying functional testing (type) techniques at the unit, module, or integration testing levels using black-box or gray-box testing methods. We are also interested in automating our tests.

11.6 Aside: Test-Driven Development

The traditional software development process follows a design-code-test cycle. The developers create a design to satisfy the requirements, then implement the design as code in a programming language, and then test the code.

Test-driven development (TDD) reverses the traditional cycle; it follows a test-code-design cycle instead. It uses a test case to drive the writing of code that satisfies the test. The new code drives the restructuring (i.e., refactoring) of the code base to evolve a good design. The goal is for the design and code to grow organically from the tests [10,112].

Beck describes the following “algorithm” for TDD [10].

  1. Add a test for a small, unmet requirement.

    If there are no unmet requirements, stop. The program is complete.

  2. Run all the tests.

    If no tests fail, go to step 1.

  3. Write code to make a failing test succeed.

  4. Run all the tests.

    If any test fails, go to step 3.

  5. Refactor the code to create a “clean” design.

  6. Run all the tests.

    If any test fails, go to step 3.

  7. Go to step 1 to start a new cycle.

Refactoring [77] (step 5) is critical for evolving good designs and good code. It involves removing duplication, moving code to provide a more logical structure, splitting apart existing abstractions (e.g., functions, modules, and data types), creating appropriate new procedural and data abstractions, generalizing constants to variables or functions, and other code transformations.

TDD focuses on functional-type unit and module testing using black-box and gray-box methods. The tests are defined and conducted by the developers, so the tests may not cover the full functional requirements needed at the higher levels. The tests often favor “happy path” tests over possible error cases [2].

This book presents programming language concepts using mostly small programs consisting of a few functions and modules. The book does not use TDD techniques directly, but it promotes similar rigor in analyzing requirements. As we have seen in previous chapters, this book focuses on design using contracts (i.e., preconditions, postconditions, and invariants), information-hiding modules, pure functions, and other features we study in later chapters.

As illustrated in Chapter 12, these methods are also compatible with functional-type unit and module testing using black-box and gray-box methods.

11.7 Principles for Test Automation

Based on earlier work on the Test Automation Manifesto [127], Meszaros proposes several principles for test automation [126, Ch. 5]. These focus primarily on unit and module testing. The principles include the following:

  1. Write the tests first.

    This principle suggests that developers should use Test-Driven Development (TDD) [10] as described in Section 11.6.

  2. Design for testability.

    Developers should consider how to test an item while the item is being designed and implemented. This is natural when TDD is being used, but, even if TDD is not used, testability should be an important consideration during design and implementation. If code cannot be tested reliably, it is usually bad code.

    The application of this principle requires judicious use of the abstraction techniques, such as those illustrated in Chapters 6 and 7 and in later chapters.

  3. Use the front door first.

    Testing should be done primarily through the standard public interface of the item being tested. A test involves invoking a standard operation and then verifying that the operation has the desired result. (In terms of the testing methods described in Section 11.5.2, this principle implies use of black-box and gray-box methods.)

    Special testing interfaces and operations may sometimes be necessary, but they can introduce new problems. They make the item being tested more complex and costly to maintain. They promote unintentional (or perhaps intentional) overspecification of the item. This can limit future changes to the item—or at least it makes future changes more difficult.

    Note: Overspecification means imposing requirements on the software that are not explicitly needed to meet the users’ actual requirements. For example, a particular order may be imposed on a sequence of data or activities when an arbitrary order may be sufficient to meet the actual requirements.

  4. Communicate intent.

    As with any other program, a test program should be designed, implemented, tested, and documented carefully.

    However, test code is often more difficult to understand than other code because the reader must understand both the test program and the item being tested. The “big picture” meaning is often obscured by the mass of details.

    Testers should ensure they communicate the intent of a set of tests. They should use a naming scheme that reveals the intent and include appropriate comments. They should use standard utility procedures from the testing framework or develop their own utilities to abstract out common activities and data.

  5. Don’t modify the system under test.

    Testers should avoid modifying a “completed” item to enable testing. This can break existing functionality and introduce new flaws. Also, if the tests are not conducted on the item to be deployed, then the results of the tests may be inaccurate or misleading.

    As noted in principles above, it is better to “design for testability” from the beginning so that tests can be conducted through “the front door” if possible.

  6. Keep tests independent.

    A test should be designed and implemented to be run independently of all other tests of that unit or module. It should be possible to execute a set of tests in any order, perhaps even concurrently, and get the same results for all tests.

    Thus each automated test should set up its needed precondition state, run the test, determine whether the test succeeds or fails, and ensure no artifacts created by the test affect any of the other tests.

    If one item depends upon the correct operation of a second item, then it may be useful to test the second item fully before testing the first. This dependency should be documented or enforced by the testing program.

  7. Isolate the system under test.

    Almost all programs depend on some programming language, its standard runtime library, and basic features of the underlying operating system. Most modern software depends on much more: the libraries, frameworks, database systems, hardware devices, and other software that it uses.

    As much as possible, developers and testers should isolate the system being tested from other items not being tested at that time. They should document the versions and configurations of all other items that the system under test depends on. They should ensure the testing environment controls (or at least records) what versions and configurations are used.

    As much as practical, the software developers should encapsulate critical external dependencies within information-hiding components. This approach helps the developers to provide stable behavior over time. If necessary, this also enables the testers to substitute a “test double” for a problematic system.

    A test double is a “test-specific equivalent” [126, Ch. 11, Ch. 23] that is substituted for some component upon which the system under test depends. It may replace a component that is necessary but which is not available for safe use in the testing environment. For example, testers might be testing on system that interacts with another that has not yet been developed.

  8. Minimize test overlap.

    Tests need to cover as much functionality of a system as possible, but it may be counterproductive to test the same functionality more than once. If the code for that functionality is defective, it likely will cause all the overlapping tests to fail. Following up on the duplicate failures takes time and effort that can better be invested in other testing work.

  9. Minimize untestable code.

    Some components cannot be tested fully using an automated test program. For example, code in graphical user interfaces (GUIs), in multithreaded programs, or in test programs themselves are embedded in contexts that may not support being called by other programs.

    However, developers can design the system so that as much as possible is moved to separate components that can be tested in an automated fashion.

    For example, a GUI can perhaps be designed as a “thin” interactive layer that sets up calls to an application programming interface (API) to carry out most of the work. In addition to being easier to test, such an API may enable other kinds of interfaces in addition to the GUI.

  10. Keep test logic out of production code.

    As suggested above, developers should “design for testability” through “the front door”. Code should be tested in a configuration that is as close as possible to the production configuration.

    Developers and testers should avoid inserting special test hooks into the code (e.g., if testing then doSomething) that will not be active in the production code. In addition to distorting the tests, such hooks can introduce functional or security flaws into the production code and make the program larger, slower, and more difficult to understand.

  11. Verify one condition per test.

    If one test covers multiple conditions, it may be nontrivial to determine the specific condition causing a failure. This is likely not a problem with a manual test carried out by a human; it may be an efficient use of time to do fewer, broader tests.

    However, tests covering multiple conditions are an unnecessary complication for inexpensive automated tests. Each automated test should be “independent” of others, do its own setup, and focus on a single likely cause of a failure. ”

  12. Test concerns separately.

    The behavior of a large system consists of many different, “small” behaviors. Sometimes a component of the system may implement several of the “small” behaviors. Instead of focusing a test on broad concerns of the entire system, testers should focus a test on a narrow concern. The failure of such a test can help pinpoint where the problem is.

    The key here is to “pull apart” the overall behaviors of the system to identify “small” behaviors that can be tested independently.

  13. Ensure commensurate effort and responsibility.

    Developing test code that follows all of these principles can exceed the time it took to develop the system under test. Such an imbalance is bad. Testing should take approximately the same time as design and implementation.

    The developers may need to devote more time and effort to “designing for testability” so that testing becomes less burdensome.

    The testers may need to better use existing tools and frameworks to avoid too much special testing code. The testers should consider carefully which tests can provide useful information and which do not. There is no need for a test if it does not help reduce risk.

11.8 What Next?

This chapter (11) surveyed software testing concepts. Chapter 12 applies them to testing Haskell modules from Chapters 4 and 7.

11.9 Exercises


11.10 Acknowledgements

I wrote this chapter in Summer 2018 for the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

11.11 Terms and Concepts

Stakeholder, software requirements specification, test, test plan, testing dimensions (levels, methods, types), testing levels (unit, module, integration, system, and acceptance testing), testing methods (black-box, white-box, gray-box, and ad hoc testing), input domain, test input, input domain equivalence classes, representatives of normal use or “happy path”, boundary values, covering the range of expected outputs, testing based on the specification model, error handling, data-type conversions, testing types (smoke testing, functional testing, usability testing, security testing, performance testing, regression testing, compliance testing), test-driven development (TDD), design-code-test vs. test-code-design.

12 Testing Haskell Programs

12.1 Chapter Introduction

The goal of this chapter (12)is to illustrate the testing techniques by manually constructing test scripts for Haskell functions and modules. It builds on the concepts and techniques surveyed in Chapter 11.

We use two testing examples in this chapter:

12.2 Organizing Tests

Testers commonly organize unit tests on a system using the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern [10,112].

  1. Arrange: Select input values from the input domain and construct appropriate “objects” to use in testing the test subject.

  2. Act: Apply some operation from the test subject to appropriate input “objects”.

  3. Assert: Determine whether or not the result satisfies the specification.

Each test should create the test-specific input “objects” it needs and remove those and any result “objects” that would interfere with other tests.

Note: In this chapter, we use the word “object” in a general sense of any data entity, not in the specific sense defined for object-based programming.

12.3 Testing Functions

In terms of the dimensions of testing described in Chapter 11, this section approaches testing of a group of Haskell functions as follows.

Testing level:
unit testing of each Haskell function
Testing method:
primarily black-box testing of each Haskell function relative to its specification
Testing type:
functional testing of each Haskell function relative to its specification

12.3.1 Factorial example

As an example, consider the set of seven factorial functions developed in Chapters 4 and 9 (in source file Factorial.hs). All have the requirement to implement the mathematical function

fact(n)=i=1i=ni(n) = \prod_{i=1}^{i=n}\,i

for any n0n \geq 0. The specification is ambiguous on what should be the result of calling the function with a negative argument.

12.3.2 Arrange

To carry out black-box testing, we must arrange our input values. The factorial function tests do not require any special testing “objects”.

We first partition the input domain. We identify two equivalence classes of inputs for the factorial function:

  1. the set of nonnegative integers for which the mathematical function is defined and the Haskell function returns that value within the positive Int range

  2. the set of nonnegative integers for which the mathematical function is defined but the Haskell function returns a value that overflows the Int range

The class 2 values result are errors, but integer overflow is typically not detected by the hardware.

We also note that the negative integers are outside the range of the specification.

Next, we select the following values inside the “lower” boundary of class 1 above:

  • 0, empty case at the lower boundary
  • 1, smallest nonempty case at the lower boundary

Then we choose representative values within class 1:

  • 2, one larger than the smallest nonempty case
  • 5, arbitrary value representative of values away from the boundary

Note: The choice of two representative values might be considered a violation of the “minimize test overlap” principle from Chapter 11. So it could be acceptable to drop the input of 2. Of course, we could argue that we should check 2 as a possible boundary value.

We also select the value -1, which is just outside the lower boundary implied by the n0n \geq 0 requirement.

All of the factorial functions have the type signature (where N is 1, 2, 3, 4, 4', 5, or 6):

    factN :: Int -> Int

Thus the factN functions also have an “upper” boundary that depends on the maximum value of the Int type on a particular machine. The author is testing these functions on a machine with 64-bit, two’s complement integers. Thus the largest integer whose factorial is less than 2632^{63} is 20.

We thus select input the following input values:

  • 20, which is just inside the upper boundary of class 1

  • 21, which is just outside class 1 and inside class 2

12.3.3 Act

We can test a factorial function at a chosen input value by simply applying the function to the value such as the following:

    fact1 0

A Haskell function has no side effects, so we just need to examine the integer result returned by the function to determine whether it satisfies the function’s specification.

12.3.4 Assert

We can test the result of a function by stating a Boolean expression—an assertion—that the value satisfies some property that we want to check.

In simple cases like the factorial function, we can just compare the actual result for equality with the expected result. If the comparison yields True, then the test subject “passes” the test.

    fact1 0 == 1

12.3.5 Aggregating into test script

There are testing frameworks for Haskell (e.g., HUnit [90], QuickCheck [89], or Tasty [91]), but, in this section, we manually develop a simple test script.

We can state a Haskell IO program to print the test and whether or not it passes the test. (Simple input and output will eventually be discussed in a Chapter 10. For now, see the Haskell Wikibooks [179] page on “Simple input and output”.)

Below is a Haskell IO script that tests class 1 boundary values 0 and 1 and “happy path” representative values 2 and 5.

    pass :: Bool -> String
    pass True  = "PASS"
    pass False = "FAIL"

    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        putStrLn  "\nTesting fact1"
        putStrLn ("fact1 0 == 1:      " ++ pass (fact1 0 == 1)) 
        putStrLn ("fact1 1 == 1:      " ++ pass (fact1 1 == 1)) 
        putStrLn ("fact1 2 == 2:      " ++ pass (fact1 2 == 2)) 
        putStrLn ("fact1 5 == 120:    " ++ pass (fact1 5 == 120)) 

The do construct begins a sequence of IO commands. The IO command putStrLn outputs a string to the standard output followed by a newline character.

Testing a value below the lower boundary of class 1 is tricky. The specification does not require any particular behavior for -1. As we saw in Chapter 4, some of the function calls result in overflow of the runtime stack, some fail because all of the patterns fail, and some fail with an explicit error call. However, all these trigger a Haskell exception.

Our test script can catch these exceptions using the following code.

        putStrLn ("fact1 (-1)  == 1:  " 
                  ++ pass (fact1 (-1)  == 1))
            `catch` (\(StackOverflow)    
                      -> putStrLn ("[Stack Overflow] (EXPECTED)"))
            `catch` (\(PatternMatchFail msg)
                      -> putStrLn ("[Pattern Match Failure]\n...."
                                   ++ msg))
            `catch` (\(ErrorCall msg)
                      -> putStrLn ("[Error Call]\n...." ++ msg))

To catch the exceptions, the program needs to import the module Control.Exception from the Haskell library.

    import Prelude hiding (catch) 
    import Control.Exception 

By catching the exception, the test program prints an appropriate error message and then continues with the next test; otherwise the program would halt when the exception is thrown.

Testing an input value in class 2 (i.e., outside the boundary of class 1) is also tricky.

First, the values we need to test depend on the default integer (Int) size on the particular machine.

Second, because the actual value of the factorial is outside the Int range, we cannot express the test with Haskell Ints. Fortunately, by converting the values to the unbounded Integer type, the code can compare the result to the expected value.

The code below tests input values 20 and 21.

        putStrLn ("fact1 20 == 2432902008176640000:   "
                  ++ pass (toInteger (fact1 20) == 
        putStrLn ("fact1 21 == 51090942171709440000:  "
                  ++ pass (toInteger (fact1 21) == 
                  ++ " (EXPECT FAIL for 64-bit Int)" )

The above is a black-box unit test. It is not specific to any one of the seven factorial functions defined in Chapters 4 and 9. (These are defined in the source file Factorial.hs.) The series of tests can be applied any of the functions.

The test script for the entire set of functions from Chapters 4 and 9 (and others) are in the source file TestFactorial.hs.

12.4 Testing Modules

In terms of the dimensions of testing described in Chapter 11, this section approaches testing of Haskell modules as follows.

Testing level:
module-level testing of each Haskell module
Testing method:
primarily black-box testing of each Haskell module relative to its specification
Testing type:
functional testing of each Haskell module relative to its specification

Normally, module-level testing requires that unit-level testing be done for each function first. In cases where the functions within a module are strongly coupled, unit-level and module-level testing may be combined into one phase.

12.4.1 Rational arithmetic modules example

For this section, we use the rational arithmetic example from Chapter 7.

In the rational arithmetic example, we define two abstract (information-hiding) modules: RationalRep and Rational.

Given that the Rational module depends on the RationalRep module, we first consider testing the latter.

12.4.2 Data representation modules

Chapter 7 defines the abstract module RationalRep and presents two distinct implementations, RationalCore and RationalDeferGCD. The two implementations differ in how the rational numbers are represented using data type Rat. (See source files RationalCore.hs and RationalDeferGCD.hs.)

Consider the public function signatures of RationalRep (from Chapter 7):

    makeRat :: Int -> Int -> Rat
    numer   :: Rat -> Int 
    denom   :: Rat -> Int 
    zeroRat :: Rat
    showRat :: Rat -> String

Because the results of makeRat and zeroRat and the inputs to numer, denom, and showRat are abstract, we cannot test them directly as we did the factorial functions Section 12.3. For example, we cannot just call makeRat with two integers and compare the result to some specific concrete value. Similarly, we cannot test numer and denom directly by providing them some specific input value.

However, we can test both through the abstract interface, taking advantages of the interface invariant.

RationalRep Interface Invariant (from Chapter 7):

: For any valid Haskell rational number r, all the following hold:

-   `r`{.haskell} $\in$ `Rat`{.haskell}
-   `denom r > 0`{.haskell}
-   if `numer r == 0`{.haskell}, then `denom r == 1`{.haskell}
-   `numer r`{.haskell} and `denom r`{.haskell} are relatively prime
-   the (mathematical) rational number value is
    $\frac{\texttt{numer r}}{\texttt{denom r}}$

The invariant allows us to check combinations of the functions to see if they give the expected results. For example, suppose we define x' and y' as follows:

    x' = numer (makeRat x y)
    y' = denom (makeRat x y)

Then the interface invariant and contracts for makeRat, numer, and denom allow us to infer that the (mathematical) rational number values 𝚡’𝚢’\frac{\texttt{x'}}{\texttt{y'}} and 𝚡𝚢\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}} are equal.

This enables us to devise pairs of test assertions such as

    numer (makeRat 1 2) == 1
    denom (makeRat 1 2) == 2


    numer (makeRat 4 (-2)) == -2
    denom (makeRat 4 (-2)) == 1

to indirectly test the functions in terms of their interactions with each other. All the tests above should succeed if the module is designed and implemented according to its specification.

Similarly, we cannot directly test the private functions signum', abs', and gcd'. But we try to choose inputs the tests above to cover testing of these functions. (Private functions should be tested as the module is being developed to detect any more problems.) Arrange

To conduct black-box testing, we must arrange the input values we wish to test. The module tests do not require any special test objects, but each pair of tests both create a Rat object with makeRat and select its numerator and denominator with numer and denom.

However, for convenience, we can define the following shorter names for constants:

    maxInt  = (maxBound :: Int)
    minInt  = (minBound :: Int)

TODO: Draw a diagram as discussed

Each pair of tests has two Int parameters—the x and y parameters of makeRat. Thus we can visualize the input domain as the integer grid points on an x-y coordinate plane using the usual rectangular layout from high school algebra.

We note that any input x-y value along the x-axis does not correspond to a rational number; the pair of integer values does not satisfy the precondition for makeRat and thus result in an error exception.

For the purposes of our tests, we divide the rest of the plane into the following additional partitions (equivalence classes):

  • the y-axis

    Input arguments where x == 0 may require special processing because of the required unique representation for rational number zero.

  • each quadrant of the plane (excluding the axes)

    The x-y values in different quadrants may require different processing to handle the y > 0 and “relatively prime” aspects of the interface invariant.

    Given that the module uses the finite integer type Int, we bound the quadrants by the maximum and minimum integer values along each axis.

We identify the following boundary values for special attention in our tests.

  • Input pairs along the x-axis are outside any of the partitions.

  • Input pairs composed of integer values 0, 1, and -1 are on the axes or just inside the “corners” of the quadrants . In addition, these are special values in various mathematical properties.

  • Input pairs composed of the maximum Int (maxInt) and minimum Int (minInt) values may be near the outer bounds of the partitions.

    Note: If the machine’s integer arithmetic uses the two’s complement representation, then minInt can cause a problem with overflow because its negation is not in Int. Because of overflow, -minInt == minInt. So we should check both minInt and -maxInt in most cases.

In addition, we identify representative values for each quadrant. Although we do not partition the quadrants further, in each quadrant we should choose some input values whose (mathematical) rational number values differ and some whose values are the same.

Thus we choose the following (x,y) input pairs for testing:

  • (0,0), (1,0), and (-1,0) as error inputs along the x-axis

  • (0,1), (0,-1), (0,9), and (0,-9) as inputs along the y-axis

  • (1,1), (9,9), and (maxInt,maxInt) as inputs from the first quadrant and (-1,-1), (-9,-9), and (-maxInt,-maxInt) as inputs from the third quadrant, all of whom have the same rational number value 11\frac{1}{1}.

    We also test input pairs (minInt,minInt) and (-minInt,-minInt), cognizant that the results might depend upon the machine’s integer representation.

  • (-1,1), (-9,9), and (-maxInt,maxInt) as inputs from the second quadrant and (1,-1), (9,-9), and (maxInt,-maxInt) as inputs from the fourth quadrant, all of whom have the same rational number value 11-\frac{1}{1}.

    We also test input pairs (-minInt,minInt) and (minInt,-minInt), cognizant that the results might depend upon the machine’s integer representation.

  • (3,2) and (12,8) as inputs from the first quadrant and (-3,-2) and (-12,-8) as inputs from the third quadrant, all of whom have the same rational number value 32\frac{3}{2}.

  • (-3,2) and (-12,8) as inputs from the second quadrant and (3,-2) and (12,-8) as inputs from the fourth quadrant, all of whom have the same rational number value 32-\frac{3}{2}.

  • (maxInt,1), (maxInt,-1), (-maxInt,1) and (-maxInt,-1) as input values in the “outer corners” of the quadrants.

    We also test input pairs (minInt,1) and (minInt,-1), cognizant that the results might depend upon the machine’s integer representation. Act

As we identified in the introduction to this example, we must carry out a pair of actions in our tests. For example,

    numer (makeRat 12 8) 


    denom (makeRat 12 8) 

for the test of the input pair (12,8).

Note: The code above creates each test object (e.g., makeRat 12 8) twice. These could be created once and then used twice to make the tests run slightly faster. Assert

The results of the test actions must then be examined to determine whether they have the expected values. In the case of the makeRat-numer-denom tests, it is sufficient to compare the result for equality with the expected result. The expected result must satisfy the interface invariant.

For the two actions listed above, the comparison are

    numer (makeRat 12 8) == 3


    denom (makeRat 12 8) == 2

for the test of the input pair (12,8). Aggregate into test script

As with the factorial functions in Section 12.3, we can bring the various test actions together into a Haskell IO program. The excerpt below shows some of the tests.

    pass :: Bool -> String
    pass True  = "PASS"
    pass False = "FAIL"

    main :: IO ()
    main =
            -- Test 3/2
            putStrLn ("numer (makeRat 3 2) == 3:               " ++
                      pass (numer (makeRat 3 2) == 3))
            putStrLn ("denom (makeRat 3 2) == 2:               " ++
                      pass (denom (makeRat 3 2) == 2))
            -- Test -3/-2
            putStrLn ("numer (makeRat (-3) (-2)) == 3:         " ++
                      pass (numer (makeRat (-3) (-2)) == 3))
            putStrLn ("denom (makeRat (-3) (-2)) == 2:         " ++
                      pass (denom (makeRat (-3) (-2)) == 2))
            -- Test 12/8
            putStrLn ("numer (makeRat 12 8) == 3:              " ++
                      pass (numer (makeRat 12 8) == 3))
            putStrLn ("denom (makeRat 12 8) == 2:              " ++
                      pass (denom (makeRat 12 8) == 2))
            -- Test -12/-8
            putStrLn ("numer (makeRat (-12) (-8)) == 3:        " ++
                      pass (numer (makeRat (-12) (-8)) == 3))
            putStrLn ("denom (makeRat (-12) (-8)) == 2:        " ++
                      pass (denom (makeRat (-12) (-8)) == 2))
            -- Test 0/0 
            putStrLn ("makeRat 0 0 is error:                   "
                      ++ show (makeRat 0 0)) 
                `catch` (\(ErrorCall msg) 
                             -> putStrLn ("[Error Call] (EXPECTED)\n"
                                      ++ msg)) 

The first four pairs of tests above check the test inputs (3,2), (-3,-2), (12,8), and (-12,-8). These are four test inputs, drawn from the first and third quadrants, that all have the same rational number value 32\frac{3}{2}.

The last test above checks whether the error pair (0,0) responds with an error exception as expected.

For the full test script (including tests of showRat) examine the source file TestRatRepCore.hs or TestRatRepDefer.hs. Broken encapsulation

So far, the tests have assumed that any rational number object passed as an argument to numer, denom, and showRat is an object returned by makeRat.

However, the encapsulation of the data type Rat within a RationalRep module is just a convention. Rat is really an alias for (Int,Int). The alias is exposed when the module is imported.

A user could call a function and directly pass an integer pair. If the integer pair does not satisfy the interface invariant, then the functions might not return a valid result.

For example, if we call numer with the invalid rational number value (1,0), what is returned?

Because this value is outside the specification for RationalRep, each implementation could behave differently. In fact, RationalCore returns the first component of the tuple and RationalDeferGCD throws a “divide by zero” exception.

The test scripts include tests of the invalid value (1,0) for each of the functions numer, denom, and showRat.

A good solution to this broken encapsulation problem is (a) to change Rat to a user-defined type and (b) only export the type name but not its components. Then the Haskell compiler will enforce the encapsulation we have assumed. We discuss approach in later chapters.

12.4.3 Rational arithmetic modules

TODO: Write section

The interface to the module Rational consists of the functions negRat, addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat, and eqRat, the RationalRep module’s interface. It does not add any new data types, constructors, or destructors.

The Rational abstract module’s functions preserve the interface invariant for the RationalRep abstract module, but it does not add any new components to the invariant. Arrange

TODO: Write section

TODO: Draw a diagram to help visualize input domain Act

TODO: Write section Assert

TODO: Write section Aggregate into test script

TODO: Write section

TODO: Discuss TestRational1.hs and TestRational2.hs

12.4.4 Reflection on this example

TODO: Update after completing chapter

I designed and implemented the Rational and RationalCore modules using the approach described in the early sections of Chapter 7, doing somewhat ad hoc testing of the modules with the REPL. I later developed the RationalDeferGCD module, abstracting from the RationalCore module. After that, I wrote Chapter 7 to describe the example and the development process. Even later, I constructed the systematic test scripts and wrote Chapters 11 and 12 (this chapter).

As I am closing out the discussion of this example, I find it useful to reflect upon the process.

  • The problem seemed quite simple, but I learned there are several subtle issues in the problem and the modules developed to solve it. As the saying goes, “the devil is in the details”.

  • In my initial development and testing of these simple modules, I got the “happy paths” right and covered the primary error conditions. Although singer Bobby McFerrin’s song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” may give good advice for many life circumstances, it should not be taken too literally for software development and testing.

  • In writing both Chapter 7 and this chapter, I realized that my statements of the preconditions, postconditions, and interface invariants of RationalRep abstraction needed to be reconsidered and restated more carefully. Specifying a good abstract interface for a family of modules is challenging.

  • In developing the systematic test scripts, I encountered other issues I had either not considered sufficiently or overlooked totally:

    • the full implications of using the finite data Int data type for the rational arithmetic modules

    • the impact of the underlying integer arithmetic representation (e.g., as two’s complement) on the Haskell code

    • the effects of calls of functions like numer, denom, and showRat with invalid input data

    • a subtle violation of the interface invariant in the RationalDeferGCD implementations of makeRat and showRat

    • the value of a systematic input domain partitioning for both developing good tests and understanding the problem

It took me much longer to develop the systematic tests and document them than it did to develop the modules initially. I clearly violated the Meszaros’s final principle, “ensure commensurate effort and responsibility” described in the previous chapter (also in Mesazaros [126, Ch. 5]).

For future programming, I learned I need to pay attention to other of Meszaros’s principles such as “design for testability”, “minimize untestable code”, “communicate intent”, and perhaps “write tests first” or at least to develop the tests hand-in-hand with the program.

12.5 What Next?

Chapters 11 and 12 examined software testing concepts and applied them to testing Haskell functions and modules from Chapters 4 and 7.

So far we have limited our examples mostly to primitive types. In Chapters 13 and 14, we explore first-order, polymorphic list programming in Haskell.

12.6 Chapter Source Code

The source code for the group of factorial functions from Chapters 4 and 9 is in following

The source code for the rational arithmetic modules from Chapter 7 is in following files:

12.7 Exercises

  1. Using the approach of this chapter, develop a black-box unit-testing script for the fib and fib2 Fibonacci functions from Chapter 9. Test the functions with your script.

  2. Using the approach of this chapter, develop a black-box unit-testing script for the expt, expt2, and expt3 exponentiation functions from Chapter 9. Test the functions with your script.

  3. Using the approach of this chapter, develop a black-box unit/module-testing script for the module Sqrt from Chapter 6. Test the module with your script.

  4. Using the approach of this chapter, develop a black-box unit/module-testing script for the line-segment modules developed in exercises 1-3 of Chapter 7. Test the module with your script.

12.8 Acknowledgements

I wrote this chapter in Summer 2018 for the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

12.9 Terms and Concepts

Test, testing level, testing method, testing type, unit and module testing (levels), black-box and gray-box testing (methods), functional testing (type), arrange-act-assert, input domain, input partitioning, representative values (for equivalence classes), boundary values, testing based on the specification, Haskell IO program, do, putStrLn, exceptions.

13 List Programming

13.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter introduces the list data type and develops the fundamental programming concepts and techniques for first-order polymorphic functions to process lists.

The goals of the chapter are to:

The Haskell module for this chapter is in ListProg.hs.

13.2 Polymorphic List Data Type

As we have seen, to do functional programming, we construct programs from collections of pure functions. Given the same arguments, a pure function always returns the same result. The function application is thus referentially transparent.

Such a pure function does not have side effects. It does not modify a variable or a data structure in place. It does not throw an exception or perform input/output. It does nothing that can be seen from outside the function except return its value.

Thus the data structures in purely functional programs must be immutable, not subject to change as the program executes.

Functional programming languages often have a number of immutable data structures. However, the most salient one is the list.

We mentioned the Haskell list and string data types in Chapter 5. In this chapter, we look at lists in depth. Strings are just special cases of lists.

13.2.1 List: [t]

The primary built-in data structure in Haskell is the list, a sequence of values. All the elements in a list must have the same type. Thus we declare lists with the notation [t] to denote a list of zero or more elements of type t.

A list is is hierarchical data structure. It is either empty or it is a pair consisting of a head element and a tail that is itself a list of elements.

The Haskell list is an example of an algebraic data type. We discuss that concept in Chapter 21.

A matching pair of empty square brackets ([]), pronounced “nil”, represents the empty list.

A colon (:), pronounced “cons”, represents the list constructor operation between a head element on the left and a tail list on the right.

Example lists include:


The Haskell language adds a bit of syntactic sugar to make expressing lists easier. (By syntactic sugar, we mean notation that simplifies expression of a concept but that adds no new functionality to the language. The new notation can be defined in terms of other notation within the language.)

The cons operations binds from the right. Thus


can be written as:


We can write this as a comma-separated sequence enclosed in brackets as follows:


Haskell supports two list selector functions, head and tail, such that

head (h:t) \Longrightarrow h

where h is the head element of list, and

tail (h:t) \Longrightarrow t

where t is the tail list.

Aside: Instead of head, Lisp uses car and other languages use hd, first, etc. Instead of tail, Lisp uses cdr and other languages use tl, rest, etc.

The Prelude library supports a number of other useful functions on lists. For example, length takes a list and returns its length.

Note that lists are defined inductively. That is, they are defined in terms of a base element [] and the list constructor operation cons (:). As you would expect, a form of mathematical induction can be used to prove that list-manipulating functions satisfy various properties. We will discuss in Chapter 25.

13.2.2 String: String

In Haskell, a string is treated as a list of characters. Thus the data type String is defined as a type synonym:

    type String = [Char]

In addition to the standard list syntax, a String literal can be given by a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes. For example, "oxford" is shorthand for [’o’,’x’,’f’,’o’,’r’,’d’]`.

Strings can contain any graphic character or any special character given as escape code sequence (using backslash). The special escape code \& is used to separate any character sequences that are otherwise ambiguous.

Example: "Hello\nworld!\n" is a string that has two newline characters embedded.

Example: "\12\&3" represents the list ['\12','3'].

Because strings are represented as lists, all of the Prelude functions for manipulating lists also apply to strings.

Consider a function to compute the length of a finite string:

    len :: String -> Int
    len s  =  if s == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail s)

Note that the argument string for the recursive application of len is simpler (i.e., shorter) than the original argument. Thus len will eventually be applied to a [] argument and, hence, len’s evaluation will terminate.

How efficient is this function (i.e., its time and space complexity)?

Consider the evaluation of the expression len "five" using the evaluation model from Chapter 8.

len "five"


if "five" == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail "five")


if False then 0 else 1 + len (tail "five")


1 + len (tail "five")


1 + len "ive"


1 + (if "ive" == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail "ive"))


1 + (if False then 0 else 1 + len (tail "ive"))


1 + (1 + len (tail "ive"))


1 + (1 + len "ve")


1 + (1 + (if "ve" == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail "ve")))


1 + (1 + (if False then 0 else 1 + len (tail "ve")))


1 + (1 + (1 + len (tail "ve")))


1 + (1 + (1 + len "e"))


1 + (1 + (1 + (if "e" == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail "e"))))


1 + (1 + (1 + (if False then 0 else 1 + len (tail "e"))))


1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + len (tail "e"))))


1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + len "")))


1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + (if "" == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail "")))))


1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + (if True then 0 else 1 + len (tail "")))))


1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + 0)))


1 + (1 + (1 + 1))


1 + (1 + 2)


1 + 3



If n is the length of the list xs, then len s requires 4*n reduction steps involving the recursive leg (first 16 steps above), 2 steps involving the nonrecursive leg (next 2 steps above), and n+1 steps involving the additions (last five steps). Thus, the evaluation requires 5*n+3 reduction steps. Hence, the number of reduction steps in proportional to the length of the input list. The time complexity of the function is thus O(length s{.haskell]).

The largest expression above is

    1 + (1 + (1 + (1 + (if "" == [] then 0 else 1 + len (tail "")))))

This expression has n + 2 (6) binary operators, 2 unary operators, and 1 ternary operator. Counting arguments (as discussed in Chapter 8), it has size 2 * (n + 2) + 2 + 3 (or 2*n+9). Hence, the amount of space required (given lazy evaluation) is also proportional to the length of the input list. The space complexity of the function is thus O(length s).

13.2.3 Polymorphic lists

The above definition of len only works for strings. How can we make it work for a list of integers or other elements?

For an arbitrary type a, we want len to take objects of type [a] and return an Int value. Thus its type signature could be:

    len :: [a] -> Int

If a is a variable name (i.e., it begins with a lowercase letter) that does not already have a value, then the type expression a used as above is a type variable; it can represent an arbitrary type. All occurrences of a type variable appearing in a type signature must, of course, represent the same type.

An object whose type includes one or more type variables can be thought of having many different types and is thus described as having a polymorphic type. (The next subsection gives more detail on polymorphism in general.)

Polymorphism and first-class functions are powerful abstraction mechanisms: they allow irrelevant detail to be hidden.

Other examples of polymorphic list functions from the Prelude library include:

    head :: [a] -> a
    tail :: [a] -> [a]
    (:)  :: a -> [a] -> [a]

13.3 Programming with List Patterns

In the factorial examples in Chapter 4, we used integer patterns and guards to break out various cases of a function definition into separate equations. Lists and other data types may also be used in patterns.

Pattern matching helps enable the form of the algorithm to match the form of the data structure. Or, as others may say, it helps in following types to implementations.

This is considered elegant. It is also pragmatic. The structure of the data often suggests the algorithm that is needed for a task.

In general, lists have two cases that need to be handled: the empty list and the nonempty list. Breaking a definition for a list-processing function into these two cases is usually a good place to begin.

13.3.1 Summing a list of integers: sum'

Consider a function sum' to sum all the elements in a finite list of integers. That is, if the list is

v1,v2,v3,,vnv_{1}, v_{2}, v_{3}, \cdots, v_{n},

then the sum of the list is the value resulting from inserting the addition operator between consecutive elements of the list:

v1+v2+v3++vnv_{1} + v_{2} + v_{3} + \cdots + v_{n}.

Because addition is an associative operation (that is, (x+y)+z=x+(y+z)(x + y) + z = x + (y + z) for any integers xx, yy, and zz), the above additions can be computed in any order.

What is the sum of an empty list?

Because there are no numbers to add, then, intuitively, zero seems to be the proper value for the sum.

In general, if some binary operation is inserted between the elements of a list, then the result for an empty list is the identity element for the operation. Since 0+x=x=x+00 + x = x = x + 0 for all integers xx, zero is the identity element for addition.

Now, how can we compute the sum of a nonempty list?

Because a nonempty list has at least one element, we can remove one element and add it to the sum of the rest of the list. Note that the “rest of the list” is a simpler (i.e., shorter) list than the original list. This suggests a recursive definition.

The fact that Haskell defines lists recursively as a cons of a head element with a tail list suggests that we structure the algorithm around the structure of the beginning of the list.

Bringing together the two cases above, we can define the function sum' in Haskell as follows. This is similar to the Prelude function sum.

    {- Function sum' sums a list of integers. It is similar to 
       function sum in the Prelude.
    sum' :: [Int] -> Int 
    sum' []     = 0           -- nil list 
    sum' (x:xs) = x + sum' xs -- non-nil list 
  • As noted previously, all of the text between the symbol “--” and the end of the line represents a comment; it is ignored by the Haskell interpreter.

    The text enclosed by the {- and -} is a block comment, that can extend over multiple lines.

  • This definition uses two legs. The equation in the first leg is used for nil list arguments, the second for non-nil arguments.

  • Note the (x:xs) pattern in the second leg. The “:” denotes the list constructor operation cons.

    If this pattern succeeds, then the head element of the list argument is bound to the variable x and the tail of the list argument is bound to the variable xs. These bindings hold for the right-hand side of the equation.

  • The use of the cons in the pattern simplifies the expression of the case. Otherwise the second leg would have to be stated using the head and tail selectors as follows:

        sum' xs = head xs + sum' (tail xs)
  • We use the simple name x to represent items of some type and the name xs, the same name with an s (for sequence) appended, to represent a list of that same type. This is a useful convention (adopted from the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15]) that helps make a definition easier to understand.

  • Remember that patterns (and guards) are tested in the order of occurrence (i.e., left to right, top to bottom). Thus, in most situations, the cases should be listed from the most specific (e.g., nil) to the most general (e.g., non-nil).

  • The length of a non-nil argument decreases by one for each successive recursive application. Thus (assuming the list is finite) sum' will eventually be applied to a [] argument and terminate.

For a list consisting of elements 2, 4, 6, and 8, that is, 2:4:6:8:[], function sum' computes

    2 + (4 + (6 + (8 + 0)))

giving the integer result 20.

Function sum' is backward linear recursive; its time and space complexity are both O(n), where n is the length of the input list.

We could, of course, redefine this to use a tail-recursive auxiliary function. With tail call optimization, the recursion could be converted into a loop. It would still be O(n) in time complexity (but with a smaller constant factor) but O(1) in space.

13.3.2 Multiplying a list of numbers: product'

Now consider a function product' to multiply together a finite list of integers.

The product of an empty list is 1 (which is the identity element for multiplication).

The product of a nonempty list is the head of the list multiplied by the product of the tail of the list, except that, if a 0 occurs anywhere in the list, the product of the list is 0.

We can thus define product' with two base cases and one recursive case, as follows. This is similar to the Prelude function product.

    product' :: [Integer] -> Integer
    product' []     = 1 
    product' (0:_)  = 0
    product' (x:xs) = x * product' xs 

Note the use of the wildcard pattern underscore “_” in the second leg above. This represents a “don’t care” value. In this pattern it matches the tail, but no value is bound; the right-hand side of the equation does not need the actual value.

0 is the zero element for the multiplication operation on integers. That is, for all integers xx:

0*x=x*0=00 * x = x * 0 = 0

For a list consisting of elements 2, 4, 6, and 8, that is, 2:4:6:8:[], function product' computes:

    2 * (4 * (6 * (8 * 1))) 

which yields the integer result 384.

For a list consisting of elements 2, 0, 6, and 8, function product' “short circuits” the computation as:

    2 * 0

Like sum', function product' is backward linear recursive; it has a worst-case time complexity of O(n), where nn is the length of the input list. It terminates because the argument of each successive recursive call is one element shorter than the previous call, approaching the first base case.

As with sum', we could redefine this to use a tail-recursive auxiliary function, which could evaluate in O(n) space with tail call optimization.

Note that sum' and product' have similar computational patterns. In Chapter 15, we look at how to capture the commonality in a single higher-order function.

13.3.3 Length of a list: length'

As another example, consider the function for the length of a finite list that we discussed earlier (as len). Using list patterns we can define length’ as follows:

    length' :: [a] -> Int
    length' []     = 0              -- nil list
    length' (_:xs) = 1 + length' xs -- non-nil list

Note the use of the wildcard pattern underscore “_”. In this pattern it matches the head, but no value is bound; the right-hand side of the equation does not need the actual value.

Given a finite list for its argument, does this function terminate? What are its time and space complexities?

This definition is similar to the definition for length in the Prelude.

13.3.4 Remove duplicate elements: remdups

Consider the problem of removing adjacent duplicate elements from a list. That is, we want to replace a group of adjacent elements having the same value by a single occurrence of that value.

As with the above functions, we let the form of the data guide the form of the algorithm, following the type to the implementation.

The notion of adjacency is only meaningful when there are two or more of something. Thus, in approaching this problem, there seem to be three cases to consider:

  • The argument is a list whose first two elements are duplicates; in which case one of them should be removed from the result.

  • The argument is a list whose first two elements are not duplicates; in which case both elements are needed in the result.

  • The argument is a list with fewer than two elements; in which case the remaining element, if any, is needed in the result.

Of course, we must be careful that sequences of more than two duplicates are handled properly.

Our algorithm thus can examine the first two elements of the list. If they are equal, then the first is discarded and the process is repeated recursively on the list remaining. If they are not equal, then the first element is retained in the result and the process is repeated on the list remaining. In either case the remaining list is one element shorter than the original list. When the list has fewer than two elements, it is simply returned as the result.

If we restrict the function to lists of integers, we can define Haskell function remdups as follows:

    remdups :: [Int] -> [Int]
    remdups (x:y:xs)
        | x == y = remdups (y:xs)
        | x /= y = x : remdups (y:xs)
    remdups xs = xs
  • Note the use of the pattern (x:y:xs). This pattern match succeeds if the argument list has at least two elements: the head element is bound to x, the second element to y, and the tail list to xs.

  • Note the use of guards to distinguish between the cases where the two elements are equal (==) and where they are not equal (/=).

  • In this definition the case patterns overlap, that is, a list with at least two elements satisfies both patterns. But since the cases are evaluated top to bottom, the list only matches the first pattern. Thus the second pattern just matches lists with fewer than two elements.

What if we wanted to make the list type polymorphic instead of just integers?

At first glance, it would seem to be sufficient to give remdups the polymorphic type [a] -> [a]. But the guards complicate the situation a bit.

Evaluation of the guards requires that Haskell be able to compare elements of the polymorphic type a for equality (==) and inequality (/=). For some types these comparisons may not be supported. (For example, suppose the elements are functions.) Thus we need to restrict the polymorphism to types in which the comparisons are supported.

We can restrict the range of types by using a context predicate. The following type signature restricts the polymorphism of type variable a to the built-in type class Eq, the group of types for which both equality (==) and inequality (/=) comparisons have been defined:

    remdups :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]

Another useful context is the class Ord, which is an extension of class Eq. Ord denotes the class of objects for which the relational operators <, <=, >, and >= have been defined in addition to == and /=.

Note: Chapter 22 explores the concepts of type class, instances, and overloading in more depth.

In most situations the type signature can be left off the declaration of a function. Haskell then attempts to infer an appropriate type. For remdups, the type inference mechanism would assign the type Eq [a] => [a] -> [a] . However, in general, it is good practice to give explicit type signatures.

Like the previous functions, remdups is backward linear recursive; it takes a number of steps that is proportional to the length of the list. This function has a recursive call on both the duplicate and non-duplicate legs. Each of these recursive calls uses a list that is shorter than the previous call, thus moving closer to the base case.

13.3.5 More list patterns

Table 13.1 shows Haskell parameter patterns, corresponding arguments, and the results of the attempted match.

Table 13.1: Example Haskell parameter patterns and match results.
Pattern Argument Succeeds? Bindings
1 1 yes none
x 1 yes x \leftarrow 1
(x:y) [1,2] yes x \leftarrow 1, y \leftarrow [2]
(x:y) [[1,2]] yes x \leftarrow [1,2], y \leftarrow []
(x:y) ["olemiss"] yes x \leftarrow "olemiss", y \leftarrow []
(x:y) "olemiss" yes x \leftarrow ’o’, y \leftarrow "lemiss"
(1:x) [1,2] yes x \leftarrow [2]
(1:x) [2,2] no none
(x:_:_:y) [1,2,3,4,5,6] yes x \leftarrow 1, y \leftarrow [4,5,6]
[] [] yes none
[x] ["Cy"] yes x \leftarrow "Cy"
[1,x] [1,2] yes x \leftarrow 2
[x,y] [1] no none
(x,y) (1,2) yes x \leftarrow 1, y \leftarrow 2

13.4 Data Sharing

Suppose we have the declaration:

    xs = [1,2,3]

As we learned in the data structures course, we can implement this list as a singly linked list xs with three cells with the values 1, 2, and 3, as shown in Figure 13.1.

Consider the following declarations (which are illustrated in Figure 13.1):

    ys = 0:xs 
    zs = tail xs 


Figure 13.1: Data sharing in lists.

If the linked list xs is immutable (i.e., the values and pointers in the three cells cannot be changed), then neither of these operations requires any copying.

This is called data sharing. It enables the programming language to implement immutable data structures efficiently, without copying in many key cases.

Also, such functional data structures are persistent because existing references are never changed by operations on the data structure.

Consider evaluation of the expression head xs. It must create a copy of the head element (in this case 1). The result does not share data with the input list.

Similarly, the list returned by function remdups (defined above) does not share data with its input list.

13.4.1 Preconditions for head and tail

What should tail return if the list is nil?

One choice is to return a nil list []. However, it seems illogical for an empty list to have a tail.

Consider a typical usage of the tail function. It is normally an error for a program to attempt to get the tail of an empty list. Moreover, a program can efficiently check whether a list is empty or not. So, in this case, it is better to consider tail a partial function.

Thus, Haskell defines both tail and head to have the precondition that their parameters are non-nil lists. If we call either with a nil list, then it will terminate execution with a standard error message.

13.4.2 Dropping elements from beginning of list

We can generalize tail to a function drop' that removes the first n elements of a list as follows, (This function is called drop in the Prelude.)

    drop' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    drop' n xs | n <= 0 = xs 
    drop' _ []          = []
    drop' n (_:xs)      = drop' (n-1) xs 

Consider the example:

drop 2 "oxford" \Longrightarrow \cdots "ford"

This function takes a different approach to the “empty list” issue than tail does. Although it is illogical to take the tail of an empty list, dropping the first element from an empty list seems subtly different. Given that we often use drop' in cases where the length of the input list is unknown, dropping the first element of an empty list does not necessarily indicate a program error.

Suppose instead that drop' would trigger an error when called with an empty list. To avoid this situation, the program might need to determine the length of the list argument. This is inefficient, usually requiring a traversal of the entire list to count the elements. Thus the choice for drop' to return a nil is also pragmatic.

The drop' function is tail recursive. The result list shares space with the input list.

The drop' function terminates when either the list argument is empty or the integer argument is 0 or negative. The function eventually terminates because each recursive call both shortens the list and decrements the integer.

What is the time complexity of drop'?

There are two base cases.

  • For the first leg, the function must terminate in O(max 1 n) steps.

  • For the second leg, the function must terminate within O(length xs) steps. So the function must terminate within O(min (max 1 n) (length xs)) steps.

What is the space complexity of drop'?

This tail recursive function evaluates in constant space when optimized.

13.4.3 Taking elements from the beginning of a list

Similarly, we can generalize head' to a function take that takes a number n and a list and returns the first n elements of the list.

    take' :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    take' n _ | n <= 0 = []
    take' _ []         = []
    take' n (x:xs)     = x : take' (n-1) xs

Consider the following questions for this function?

  • What is returned when the list argument is nil?

  • Does evaluation of this function terminate?

  • Does the result share data with the input?

  • Is the function tail recursive?

  • What are its time and space complexities?

Consider the example:

take 2 "oxford" \Longrightarrow \cdots "ox"

13.5 What Next?

This chapter (13) examined programming with the list data type using first-order polymorphic functions. Chapter 14 continues the discussion of list programming, introducing infix operations and more examples.

13.6 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for this chapter is in ListProg.hs.

13.7 Exercises

  1. Answer the following questions for the take' function defined in this chapter:

    • What is returned when the list argument is nil?
    • Does evaluation of the function terminate?
    • Does the result share data with the input?
    • Is the function tail recursive?
    • What are its time and space complexities?
  2. Write a Haskell function maxlist to compute the maximum value in a nonempty list of integers. Generalize the function by making it polymorphic, accepting a value from any ordered type.

  3. Write a Haskell function adjpairs that takes a list and returns the list of all pairs of adjacent elements. For example, adjpairs [2,1,11,4] returns [(2,1), (1,11), (11,4)].

  4. Write a Haskell function mean that takes a list of integers and returns the mean (i.e., average) value for the list.

  5. Write the following Haskell functions using tail recursion:

    1. sum'' with same functionality as sum'

    2. product'' with the same functionality as product'

13.8 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from previous work:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 4, List Programming, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous List Programming chapter into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 4.1-4.4 became the basis for new Chapter 13 (this chapter), List Programming, and previous sections 4.5-4.8 became the basis for Chapter 14, Infix Operators and List Programming Examples. I moved the discussion of “kinds of polymorphism” to new Chapter 5 and “local definitions” to new Chapter 9.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

13.9 Terms and Concepts

Type class (Eq, Ord, context predicate), lists (polymorphic, immutable, persistent, data sharing, empty/nil, nonempty), string, list and string operations (cons, head, tail, pattern matching, wildcard pattern, length), inductive definitions, operator binding, syntactic sugar, type synonym, type variable, type signature, follow the types to implementations, let the form of the data guide the form of the algorithm, associativity, identity element, zero element, termination, time and space complexity, adjacency,

14 Infix Operators and List Examples

14.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter introduces Haskell infix operations and continues to develop techniques for first-order polymorphic functions to process lists.

The goals of the chapter are to:

The Haskell module for this chapter is in ListProgExamples.hs.

14.2 Using Infix Operations

In Haskell, a binary operation is a function of type t1 -> t2 -> t3 for some types t1, t2, and t3.

We usually prefer to use infix syntax rather than prefix syntax to express the application of a binary operation. Infix operators usually make expressions easier to read; they also make statement of mathematical properties more convenient.

Often we use several infix operators in an expression. To ensure that the expression is not ambiguous (i.e., the operations are done in the desired order), we must either use parentheses to give the order explicitly (e.g., ((y * (z+2)) + x)) or use syntactic conventions to give the order implicitly.

Typically the application order for adjacent operators of different kinds is determined by the relative precedence of the operators. For example, the multiplication (*) operation has a higher precedence (i.e., binding power) than addition (+), so, in the absence of parentheses, a multiplication will be done before an adjacent addition. That is, x + y * z is taken as equivalent to (x + (y * z)).

In addition, the application order for adjacent operators of the same binding power is determined by a binding (or association) order. For example, the addition (+) and subtraction - operations have the same precedence. By convention, they bind more strongly to the left in arithmetic expressions. That is, x + y - z is taken as equivalent ((x + y) - z).

By convention, operators such as exponentiation (denoted by ^) and cons bind more strongly to the right. Some other operations (e.g., division and the relational comparison operators) have no default binding order—they are said to have free binding.

Accordingly, Haskell provides the statements infix, infixl, and infixr for declaring a symbol to be an infix operator with free, left, and right binding, respectively. The first argument of these statements give the precedence level as an integer in the range 0 to 9, with 9 being the strongest binding. Normal function application has a precedence of 10.

The operator precedence table for a few of the common operations from the Prelude is shown below. We introduce the ++ operator in the next subsection.

    infixr 8 ^                     -- exponentiation
    infixl 7 *                     -- multiplication
    infix  7 /                     -- division
    infixl 6 +, -                  -- addition, subtraction
    infixr 5 :                     -- cons
    infix  4 ==, /=, <, <=, >=, >  -- relational comparisons
    infixr 3 &&                    -- Boolean AND
    infixr 2 ||                    -- Boolean OR 

14.2.1 Appending two lists: ++

Suppose we want a function that takes two lists and returns their concatenation, that is, appends the second list after the first. This function is a binary operation on lists much like + is a binary operation on integers.

Further suppose we want to introduce the infix operator symbol ++ for the append function. Since we want to evaluate lists lazily from their heads, we choose right binding for both cons and ++. Since append is, in a sense, an extension of cons (:), we give them the same precedence:

    infixr 5 ++

Consider the definition of the append function. We must define the ++ operation in terms of application of already defined list operations and recursive applications of itself. The only applicable simpler operation is cons.

As with previous functions, we follow the type to the implementation—let the form of the data guide the form of the algorithm.

The cons operator takes an element as its left operand and a list as its right operand and returns a new list with the left operand as the head and the right operand as the tail.

Similarly, ++ must take a list as its left operand and a list as its right operand and return a new list with the left operand as the initial segment and the right operand as the final segment.

Given the definition of cons, it seems reasonable that an algorithm for ++ must consider the structure of its left operand. Thus we consider the cases for nil and non-nil left operands.

  • If the left operand is nil, then the function can just return the right operand.

  • If the left operand is a cons (that is, non-nil), then the result consists of the left operand’s head followed by the append of the left operand’s tail to the right operand.

In following the type to the implementation, we use the form of the left operand in a pattern match. We define ++ as follows:

    infixr 5 ++
    (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
    [] ++ xs     = xs           -- nil left operand 
    (x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys) -- non-nil left operand 

Above we use infix patterns on the left-hand sides of the defining equations.

For the recursive application of ++, the length of the left operand decreases by one. Hence the left operand of a ++ application eventually becomes nil, allowing the evaluation to terminate.

Consider the evaluation of the expression [1,2,3] ++ [3,2,1].

[1,2,3] ++ [3,2,1]


1:([2,3] ++ [3,2,1])


1:(2:([3] ++ [3,2,1]))


1:(2:(3:([] ++ [3,2,1])))





The number of steps needed to evaluate xs ++ ys is proportional to the length of xs, the left operand. That is, the time complexity is O(n), where n is the length xs.

Moreover, xs ++ ys only needs to copy the list xs. The list ys is shared between the second operand and the result. If we did a similar function to append two (mutable) arrays, we would need to copy both input arrays to create the output array. Thus, in this case, a linked list is more efficient than arrays!

Consider the following questions:

  • What is the precondition of xs ++ ys?

  • Is ++ tail recursive?

  • What is the space complexity of ++?

14.2.2 Properties of operations

The append operation has a number of useful algebraic properties, for example, associativity and an identity element.

Associativity of ++: For any finite lists xs, ys, and zs, xs ++ (ys ++ zs) == (xs ++ ys) ++ zs.

Identity for ++: For any finite list xs, [] ++ xs = xs = xs ++ [].

We will prove these and other properties in Chapter 25.

Mathematically, the list data type and the binary operation ++ form a kind of abstract algebra called a monoid. Function ++ is closed (i.e., it takes two lists and gives a list back), is associative, and has an identity element.

Similarly, we can state properties of combinations of functions. We can prove these using techniques we study in Chapter 25. For example, consider the functions defined above in this chapter.

  • For all finite lists xs, we have the following distribution properties:

        sum' (xs ++ ys)     = sum' xs + sum' ys 
        product' (xs ++ ys) = product' xs * product' ys 
        length' (xs ++ ys)  = length' xs + length' ys 
  • For all natural numbers n and finite lists xs,

            take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs

14.2.3 Element selection: !!

As another example of an infix operation, consider the list selection operator !!. The expression xs!!n selects element n of list xs where the head is in position 0. It is defined in the Prelude similar to the way !! is defined below:

    infixl 9 !!

    (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a 
    xs     !! n | n < 0 = error "!! negative index"
    []     !! _         = error "!! index too large"
    (x:_)  !! 0         = x 
    (_:xs) !! n         = xs !! (n-1) 

Consider the following questions concerning the element selection operator:

  • What is the precondition for element selection?
  • Does evaluation terminate?
  • Is the operator tail recursive?
  • Does the result share any data with the input list?
  • What are its time and space complexities?

14.2.4 Reversing a list: rev

Consider the problem of reversing the order of the elements in a list.

Again we can use the structure of the data to guide the algorithm development. If the argument is nil, then the function returns nil. If the argument is non-nil, then the function can append the head element at the back of the reversed tail.

    rev :: [a] -> [a]
    rev []     = []            -- nil argument
    rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x] -- non-nil argument

Given that evaluation of ++ terminates, we note that evaluation of rev also terminates because all recursive applications decrease the length of the argument by one.

How efficient is this function?

Consider the evaluation of the expression rev "bat".

rev "bat"


(rev "at") ++ "b"


((rev "t") ++ "a") ++ "b"{.haskell}


(((rev "") ++ "t") ++ "a") ++ "b"


(("" ++ "t") ++ "a") ++ "b"


("t" ++ "a") ++ "b"


('t':("" ++ "a")) ++ "b"


"ta" ++ "b"


't':("a" ++ "b")


't':('a':("" ++ "b"))





The evaluation of rev takes O(n^2) steps, where n is the length of the argument. There are O(n) applications of rev; for each application of rev there are O(n) applications of ++.

The initial list and its reverse do not share data.

Function rev has a number of useful properties, for example the following.

Distribution: For any finite lists xs and ys, rev (xs ++ ys) = rev ys ++ rev xs.

Inverse: For any finite list xs, rev (rev xs) = xs.

Also, for any finite lists xs and ys and natural numbers n, we can state properties such as:

    rev (xs ++ ys) = rev ys ++ rev xs
    take n (rev xs)  = rev (drop (length xs - n) xs)

14.2.5 Tail recursive reverse

Most of the list function definitions examined so far are backward recursive. That is, for each case the recursive applications are embedded within another expression. Operationally, significant work is done after the recursive call returns.

Now let’s look at the problem of reversing a list again to see whether we can devise a more efficient tail recursive solution.

As we have seen, the common technique for converting a backward linear recursive definition like rev into a tail recursive definition is to use an accumulating parameter to build up the desired result incrementally. A possible definition follows:

    rev' [] ys     = ys
    rev' (x:xs) ys = rev' xs (x:ys) 

In this definition parameter ys is the accumulating parameter. The head of the first argument becomes the new head of the accumulating parameter for the tail recursive call. The tail of the first argument becomes the new first argument for the tail recursive call.

We know that rev’ terminates because, for each recursive application, the length of the first argument decreases toward the base case of [].

We note that rev xs is equivalent to rev’ xs []. We can prove this using the techniques in Chapter 25.

To define a single-argument replacement for rev, we can embed the definition of rev’ as an auxiliary function within the definition of a new function reverse’. (This is similar to function reverse in the Prelude.)

    reverse' :: [a] -> [a]
    reverse' xs = rev xs []
                  where rev []     ys = ys
                        rev (x:xs) ys = rev xs (x:ys)

The where clause introduces the local definition rev’ that is only known within the right-hand side of the defining equation for the function reverse’.

What is the time complexity of this function?

The evaluation of reverse’ takes O(n) steps, where n is the length of the argument. There is one application of rev’ for each element; rev’ requires a single cons operation in the accumulating parameter.

Where did the increase in efficiency come from?

Each application of rev applies ++, a linear time (i.e., O(n) function. In rev’, we replaced the applications of ++ by applications of cons, a constant time (i.e., O(1)) function.

In addition, a compiler or interpreter that does tail call optimization can translate this tail recursive call into a loop on the host machine.

14.3 More Useful List Functions

14.3.1 Another list-breaking function: splitAt

Above we defined list-breaking functions take' and drop'. It is sometimes useful to have a single function that breaks a list into two parts.

The function splitAt (shown below as splitAt') takes an integer n and a list and returns a pair whose first component is the first n elements of the list and second component is the list remaining after the first n elements are removed.

    splitAt' :: Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) 
    splitAt' n xs =  (take' n xs, drop' n xs) 

Can we write an alternative definition that makes only one pass over argument xs? (That is, it does not call take' and drop'.)

14.3.2 List-combining operations: zip and unzip

Another useful function in the Prelude is zip (shown below as zip’) which takes two lists and returns a list of pairs of the corresponding elements. That is, the function fastens the lists together like a zipper. It’s definition is similar to zip’ given below:

    zip' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
    zip' (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x,y) : zip' xs ys -- zip.1
    zip' _      _      = []                 -- zip.1

Function zip applies a tuple-forming operation to the corresponding elements of two lists. It stops the recursion when either list argument becomes nil. Putting the recursive case first enabled the two bases cases to be combined into one leg.

Example: zip [1,2,3] "oxford" \Longrightarrow \cdots [(1,’o’),(2,’x’),(3,’f’)]

Similarly, function unzip in the Prelude takes a list of pairs and returns a pair of lists. It’s definition is similar to unzip' below.

    unzip' :: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
    unzip' []         = ([],[])
    unzip' ((x,y):ps) = (x:xs, y:ys)
                        where (xs,ys) = unzip' ps

The Prelude includes versions of zip and unzip that handle the tuple-formation for triples. Librart Data.List includes functions for up to seven input lists: zip4 \cdots zip7 and unzip4 \cdots unzip7.

14.4 Insertion Sort

Consider a function to sort the elements of a list into ascending order.

A list is ascending if every element is <= all of its successors in the list. Successor means an element that occurs later in the list (i.e., away from the head). A list is increasing if every element is < its successors. Similarly, a list is descending or decreasing if every element is >= or >, respectively, its successors.

A simple algorithm to do this is insertion sort. To sort a non-empty list with head x and tail xs, sort the tail xs and then insert the element x at the right position in the result. To sort an empty list, just return it.

If we restrict the function to integer lists, we get the following Haskell functions:

    isort :: [Int] -> [Int]
    isort []     = []
    isort (x:xs) = insert x (isort xs)  

    insert :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
    insert x []     = [x]
    insert x xs@(y:ys)  
        | x <= y    = (x:xs)  
        | otherwise = y : (insert x ys)  

Insertion sort has a (worst and average case) time complexity of O(n^2) where n is the length of the input list. (Function isort requires nn consecutive recursive calls; each call uses function insert which itself requires on the order of n recursive calls.)

Now suppose we want to generalize the sorting function and make it polymorphic. We cannot just add a type parameter a and substitute it for Int everywhere. Not all Haskell types can be compared on a total ordering (<, <=, >, and >= as well).

We need to constrain the polymorphism to types in class Ord, as follows:

    isort' :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
    isort' []     = []
    isort' (x:xs) = insert' x (isort' xs)

    insert' :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
    insert' x []    = [x]
    insert' x xs@(y:ys)
        | x <= y    = (x:xs)
        | otherwise = y : (insert' x ys)

We could define insert' inside isort' and avoid the separate type parameterization. But insert is separately useful, so it is reasonable to leave it external.

Consider the following questions:

14.5 What Next?

Chapters 13 and 14 explored use of first-order polymorphic functions to process lists in Haskell.

Chapters 15, 16, and 17 examine higher-order function concepts in Haskell.

14.6 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for this chapter is in ListProgExamples.hs.

14.7 Exercises

  1. Answer the following questions for the ++ operation defined in this chapter:

    • Is ++ tail recursive?
    • What is the space complexity?
  1. Answer the following questions concerning the element selection operator defined in this chapter.

    • What is the precondition for element selection?
    • Does evaluation terminate?
    • Is the operator tail recursive?
    • Does the result share any data with the input list?
    • What are its time and space complexities?
  2. Write a version of function splitAt' that makes only one pass over the input list (that is, does not call take' and drop').

  3. Answer the following questions for the isort' and insert' functions.

    • How do we know insert' terminates?
    • What are the time and space complexities of insert'?
    • How do we know isort' terminates?
    • What are the time and space complexities of isort'?
  4. Hailstone functions.

    1. (This part is repeated from Chapter 9.) Develop a function hailstone to implement the function shown in Table 14.1.

      Table 14.1: Hailstone Function.
      hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == 11, if n=1n = 1
      hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == hailstone(n/2)hailstone(n/2), if n>1n > 1, even nn
      hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == hailstone(3*n+1)hailstone(3*n+1), if n>1n > 1, odd nn

      Note that an application of the hailstone function to the argument 3 would result in the following “sequence” of “calls” and would ultimately return the result 1.

          hailstone 3
              hailstone 10
                  hailstone 5
                      hailstone 16
                          hailstone 8
                              hailstone 4
                                  hailstone 2
                                      hailstone 1

      For further thought: What is the domain of the hailstone function?

    2. Write a Haskell function that computes the results of the hailstone function for each element of a list of positive integers. The value returned by the hailstone function for each element of the list should be displayed.

    3. Modify the hailstone function to return the function’s “path.”

      That is, each application of this path function should return a list of integers instead of a single integer. The list returned should consist of the arguments of the successive calls to the hailstone function necessary to compute the result. For example, the hailstone 3 example above should return [3,10,5,16,8,4,2,1].

  5. Number base conversion.

    1. Write a Haskell function natToBin that takes a natural number and returns its binary representation as a list of 0’s and 1’s with the most significant digit at the head. For example, natToBin 23 returns [1,0,1,1,1]. (Note: Prelude function rem returns the remainder from dividing its first argument by its second. Enclosing the function name in backquotes as in ‘rem‘ allows a two-argument function to be applied in an infix form.)

    2. Generalize natToBin to function natToBase that takes a base b

      (b \geq 2) and a natural number and returns the base b representation of the natural number as a list of integer digits with the most significant digit at the head. For example, natToBase 5 42 returns [1,3,2].

    3. Write Haskell function baseToNat, the inverse of the natToBase function. For any base b (b \geq 2) and natural number n:

          baseToNat b (natToBase b n) = n
  6. Write a Haskell function merge that takes two increasing lists of integers and merges them into a single increasing list (without any duplicate values). A list is increasing if every element is less than (<) its successors. Successor means an element that occurs later in the list, i.e., away from the head. Generalize the function by making it polymorphic.

  7. Design a module of set operations. Choose a Haskell representation for sets. Implement functions to make sets from lists and vice versa, to insert and delete elements from sets, to do set union, intersection, and difference, to test for equality and subset relationships, to determine cardinality, and so forth.

  8. Bag module.

    Mathematically, a bag (or multiset) is a function from some arbitrary set of elements (the domain) to the set of nonnegative integers (the range). We interpret the nonnegative integer as the number of occurrences of the element in the bag. Zero means the element does not occur.

    From another perspective, a bag is an unordered collection of elements. Each element may occur one or more times in the bag. (It is like a set except values can occur multiple times.)

    For example, {| "time', "time", "and", "time", "again" |} is a bag containing 5 strings. There are 3 occurrences of string "time" and 1 occurrence each of strings "and" and "again".

    {| 11, 2, 3, 7, 5 |} is a bag of prime numbers. It is also a set because each element occurs exactly once.

    We can represent a bag in many ways in Haskell. Using lists, we could represent a bag with a simple (unordered) list of elements, an ordered list of elements, an unordered or an ordered list of tuples which pair an element with the (nonzero) number of times it occurs, etc. A bag could also be represented with other data structures such as a Map from library Data.Map.

    Choose some representation for polymorphic bags. You may assume that the elements in the domain are totally ordered (i.e., are from a type that is an instance of class Ord), but otherwise the elements can be of any type.

    For example, if you use a list representation, you might define the type synonym:

        type Bag a = [a]

    Develop a data abstraction (information-hiding) module that encapsulates the representation of the data structure used to store the elements inside the module.

    The module should include the following public functions. This interface should be the same even if you change the representation of the data internally.

    1. newBag returns a new bag with no elements (i.e., empty).

    2. listToBag takes a list of elements and returns a bag containing exactly those elements. The number of occurrences of an element in the list and in the resulting bag is the same.

    3. bagToList takes a bag and returns a list containing exactly the elements occurring in the bag. The number of occurrences of an element in the bag and in the resulting list is the same.

      Note: It is not required that:

          bagToList (listToBag xs) == xs

      But it is required that both sides have the same numbers of the same elements.

    4. isEmpty takes a bag and returns True if the bag has no elements and returns False otherwise.

    5. isElem takes an element and a bag and returns True if the element occurs in the bag and returns False otherwise.

    6. size takes a bag and returns its cardinality (i.e., the total number of occurrences of all elements).

    7. occursBag takes an element and a bag and returns the number of occurrences of the element in the bag.

    8. insertElem takes an element and a bag and returns the bag with the element inserted. Bag insertion either adds a single occurrence of a new element to the bag or increases the number of occurrences of an existing element by one.

    9. deleteElem takes an element and a bag and returns the bag with the element deleted. Bag deletion removes a single occurrence of an element from the bag, decreases the number of occurrences of an existing element by one, or does not change the bag if the element does not occur.

    10. eqBag takes two bags and returns True if the two bags are equal (i.e., the same elements and same number of occurrences of each) and returns False otherwise.

      Note: If bagToList xs == bagToList ys, then eqBag xs ys. However, if eqBag xs ys, it is not required that bagToList xs == bagToList ys.

    11. unionBag takes two bags and returns their bag union. The union of bags X and Y contains all elements that occur in either X or Y; the number of occurrences of an element in the union is the number in X or in Y, whichever is greater.

    12. intersectBag takes two bags and returns their bag intersection. The intersection of bags X and Y contains all elements that occur in both X and Y; the number of occurrences of an element in the intersection is the number in X or in Y, whichever is lesser.

    13. sumBag takes two bags and returns their bag sum. The sum of bags X and Y contains all elements that occur in X or Y; the number of occurrences of an element is the sum of the number of occurrences in X and Y.

    14. diffBag takes two bags and returns the bag difference, first argument minus the second. The difference of bags X and Y contains all elements of X that occur in Y fewer times; the number of occurrences of an element in the difference is the number of occurrences in X minus the number in Y.

    15. subBag takes two bags and returns True if the first is a subbag of the second and False otherwise. X is a subbag of Y if every element of X occurs in Y at least as many times as it does in X.

    16. bagToSet takes a bag and returns a list containing exactly the set of elements contained in the bag. Each element occurring one or more times in the bag will occur exactly once in the list returned.

  9. Develop a bag module as described in the previous exercise, but use a different internal representation than you used in the previous exercise. The new module should have the same public interface as the previous module.

  10. Unbounded precision arithmetic module for natural numbers (i.e., nonnegative integers). Do not use the builtin Integer type.

    1. Define a type synonym BigNat to represent these unbounded precision natural numbers as lists of Int. Let each element of the list denote a decimal digit of the “big natural” number represented, with the least significant digit at the head of the list and the remaining digits given in order of increasing significance. For example, the integer value 22345678901 is represented as [1,0,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,2].

      Use the following “canonical” representation:

      the value 0 is represented by the list [0] and positive numbers by a list without “leading” 0 digits (i.e., 126 is [6,2,1] not [6,2,1,0,0]). You may use the nil list [] to denote an error value.

      Define a Haskell module with basic arithmetic operations, including the following functions. Make sure that BigNat values returned by these functions are in canonical form.

      • intToBig takes a nonnegative Int and returns the BigNat with the same value.

      • strToBig takes a String containing the value of the number in the “usual” format (i.e., decimal digits, left to right in order of decreasing significance with zero or more leading spaces, but with no spaces or punctuation embedded within the number) and returns the BigNat with the same value.

      • bigToStr takes a BigNat and returns a String containing the value of the number in the “usual” format (i.e., left to right in order of decreasing significance with no spaces or punctuation).

      • bigComp takes two BigNats and returns the Int value -1 if the value of the first is less than the value of the second, the value 0 if they are equal, and the value 1 if the first is greater than the second.

      • bigAdd takes two BigNat s and returns their sum as a BigNat.

      • bigSub takes two BigNat s and returns their difference as a BigNat, first argument minus the second.

      • bigMult takes two BigNats and returns their product as a BigNat.

    2. Use the package to generate a table of factorials for the naturals 0 through 25. Print the values from the table in two right-justified columns, with the number on the left and its factorial on the right. (Allow about 30 columns for 25!.)

    3. Use the package to generate a table of Fibonacci numbers for the naturals 0 through 50.

    4. Generalize the package to handle signed integers. Add the following new function:

      • bigNeg returns the negation of its BigNat argument.
    5. Add the following functions to the package:

      • bigDiv takes two BigNats and returns, as a BigNat, the quotient from dividing the first argument by the second.

      • bigRem takes two BigNats and returns, as a BigNat, the remainder from dividing the first argument by the second.

  11. Define the following set of text-justification functions. You may want to use Prelude functions like take, drop, and length.

    • spaces’ n returns a string of length n containing only space characters (i.e., the character ’ ’).

    • left’ n xs returns a string of length n in which the string xs begins at the head (i.e., left end).

      Examples: left’ 3 "ab" yields "ab "; left’ 3 "abcd" yields "abc".

    • right’ n xs returns a string of length n in which the string xs ends at the tail (i.e., right end).

      Examples: right’ 3 bc yields bc; right’ 3 abcd yields bcd.

    • center’ n xs returns a string of length n in which the string xs is approximately centered.

      Example: center’ 4 "bc" yields " bc ".

  12. Consider simple mathematical expressions consisting of integer constants, variable names, parentheses, and the binary operators +, -, *, and /. For the purposes of this exercise, an expression is a string that satisfies the following (extended) BNF grammar and lexical conventions:

    • The characters in an input string are examined left to right to form “lexical tokens”. The tokens of the expression “language” consist of addOps, mulOps,identifiers, numbers, and left and right parentheses.

    • An expression may contain space characters at any position except within a lexical token.

    • An addOp token is either a “+” or a “-”; a mulOp token is either a “*” or a “/”.

    • An identifier q is a string of one or more contiguous characters such that the leftmost character is a letter and the remaining characters are either letters, digits, or underscore characters.

      Examples: “Hi1”, “lo23_1”, “this_is_2_long

    • A number is a string of one or more contiguous characters such that all (including the leftmost) are digits.

      Examples: “1”, “23456711

    • All identifier and number tokens extend as far to the right as possible. For example, consider the string

      A123 12B3+2 )”. (Note the space and right parenthesis characters). This string consists of the six tokens “A123”, “12”, “B3”, “+”, “2”, and “)”.

    Define a Haskell function valid that takes a String and returns True if the string is an expression as described above and returns False otherwise.


    • If you need to return more than one value from a function, you can do so by returning a tuple of those values. This tuple can be decomposed by Prelude functions such as fst and snd.

    • Use of the where or let features can simplify many functions. You may find Prelude functions such as span, isSpace, isDigit, isAlpha, and isAlphanum useful.

    • You may want to consider organizing your program as a simple recursive descent recognizer for the expression language.

  13. Extend the mathematical expression recognizer of the previous exercise to evaluate integer expressions with the given syntax. The four binary operations have their usual meanings.

    Define a function eval e st that evaluates expression e using symbol table st. If the expression e is syntactically valid, eval returns a pair (True,val) where val is the value of e. If e is not valid, eval returns (False,0).

    The symbol table consists of a list of pairs, in which the first component of a pair is the variable name (a string) and the second is the variable’s value (an integer).

    Example: eval "(2+x) * y" [("y",3),("a",10),("x",8)] yields (True,30).

14.8 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from previous work:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 4, List Programming, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous List Programming chapter into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 4.1-4.4 became the basis for new Chapter 13, List Programming, and previous sections 4.5-4.8 became the basis for Chapter 14, Infix Operators and List Programming Examples (this chapter).

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

14.9 Terms and Concepts

Binary operation, infix operation, properties of operators (associative, identity, zero, inverse, distribution), precedence (left, right, free binding).


15 Higher-Order Functions

15.1 Chapter Introduction

The previous chapters discussed first-order programming in Haskell. This chapter “kicks it up a notch” (to quote chef Emeril Lagasse) by adding powerful new abstraction facilities.

The goals of this chapter (15) are to:

This chapter continues the emphasis on Haskell programs that are correct, terminating, efficient, and elegant.

The chapter approaches the development of higher-order functions by generalizing a set of first-order functions having similar patterns of computation.

The Haskell module for this chapter is in file HigherOrderFunctions.hs.

15.2 Generalizing Procedural Abstractions

A function in a programming language is a procedural abstraction. It separates the logical properties of a computation from the details of how the computation is implemented. It abstracts a pattern of behavior and encapsulates it within a program unit.

Suppose we wish to perform the same computation on a set of similar data structures. As we have seen, we can encapsulate the computation in a function having the data structure as an argument. For example, the function length' computes the number of elements in a list of any type.4 Suppose instead we wish to perform a similar (but not identical) computation on a set of similar data structures. For example, we want to compute the sum or the product of a list of numbers. In this case, we may can pass the operation itself into the function.

This kind of function is called a higher-order function. A higher-order function is a function that takes functions as arguments or returns functions in a result. Most traditional imperative languages do not fully support higher-order functions.

In most functional programming languages, functions are treated as first class values. That is, functions can be stored in data structures, passed as arguments to functions, and returned as the results of functions. Historically, imperative languages have not treated functions as first-class values. (Recently, many imperative languages, such as Java 8, have added support for functions as first-class values.)

The higher-order functions in Haskell and other functional programming languages enable us to construct regular and powerful abstractions and operations. By taking advantage of a library of higher-order functions that capture common patterns of computation, we can quickly construct concise, yet powerful, programs.

This can increase programmer productivity and program reliability because such programs are shorter, easier to understand, and constructed from well-tested components.

Higher-order functions can also increase the modularity of programs by enabling simple program fragments to be “glued together” readily into more complex programs.

In this chapter, we examine several common patterns and build a library of useful higher-order functions.

15.3 Defining map

Consider the following two functions, noting their type signatures and patterns of recursion.

The first, squareAll, takes a list of integers and returns the corresponding list of squares of the integers.

    squareAll :: [Int] -> [Int]  squareAll :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    squareAll []     = [] 
    squareAll (x:xs) = (x * x) : squareAll xs

The second, lengthAll,q takes a list of lists and returns the corresponding list of the lengths of the element lists; it uses the Prelude function length.

    lengthAll :: [[a]] -> [Int] 
    lengthAll []       = [] 
    lengthAll (xs:xss) = (length xs) : lengthAll xss

Although these functions take different kinds of data (a list of integers versus a list of polymorphically typed lists) and apply different operations (squaring versus list length), they exhibit the same pattern of computation. That is, both take a list of some type and apply a given function to each element to generate a resulting list of the same length as the original.

The combination of polymorphic typing and higher-order functions allow us to abstract this pattern of computation into a standard function.

We can abstract the pattern of computation common to squareAll and lengthAll as the (broadly useful) function map, which we define as follows. (In this chapter, we often add a suffix to the base function names to avoid conflicts with the similarly named functions in the Prelude. Here we use map’ instead of map.)

    map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]  -- map in Prelude
    map' f []     = [] 
    map' f (x:xs) = f x : map' f xs 

Function map generalizes squareAll, lengthAll, and similar functions by adding a higher-order parameter for the operation applied and making the input and the output lists polymorphic. Specifically, he function takes a function f of type a -> b and a list of type [a], applies function f to each element of the list, and produces a list of type [b].

Thus we can specialize map to give new definitions of squareAll and lengthAll as follows:

    squareAll2 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    squareAll2 xs = map' sq xs 
                    where sq x = x * x 

    lengthAll2 :: [[a]] -> [Int] 
    lengthAll2 xss = map' length xss

Consider the following questions.

15.4 Thinking about Data Transformations

Above we define map as a recursive function that transforms the elements of a list one by one. However, it is often more useful to think of map in one of two ways:

  1. as a powerful list operator that transforms every element of the list. We can combine map with other powerful operators to quickly construct powerful list processing programs.

    We can consider map as operating on every element of the list “simultaneously”. In fact, an implementation could use separate processors to transform each element: this is essentially the map operation in Google’s mapReduce distributed “big data” processing framework.

    Referential transparency and immutable data structures make parallelism easier in Haskell than in most imperative languages.

  2. as a operator node in a dataflow network. A stream of data objects flows into the map node. The map node transforms each object by applying the argument function. Then the data object flows out to the next node of the network.

    The lazy evaluation of the Haskell functions enables such an implementation.

Although in the early parts of these notes we give attention to the details of recursion, learning how to think like a functional programmer requires us to think about large-scale transformations of collections of data.

15.5 Generalizing Function Definitions

Whenever we recognize a computational pattern in a set of related functions, we can generalize the function definition as follows:

  1. Do a scope-commonality-variability (SCV) analysis on the set of related functions [37].

    That is, identify what is to be included and what not (i.e., the scope), the parts of functions that are the same (i.e., the commonalities or frozen spots), and the parts that differ (the variabilities or hot spots).

  2. Leave the commonalities in the generalized function’s body.

  3. Move the variabilities into the generalized function’s header—its type signature and parameter list.

    • If the part moved to the generalized function’s parameter list is an expression, then make that part a function with a parameter for each local variable accessed.

    • If a data type potentially differs from a specific type used in the set of related functions, then add a type parameter to the generalized function.

    • If the same data value or type appears in multiple roles, then consider adding distinct type or value parameters for each role.

  4. Consider other approaches if the generalized function’s type signature and parameter list become too complex.

    For example, we can introduce new data or procedural abstractions for parts of the generalized function. These may be in the same module of the generalized function or in an appropriately defined separate module.

15.6 Defining filter

Consider the following two functions.

The first, getEven, takes a list of integers and returns the list of those integers that are even (i.e., are multiples of 2). The function preserves the relative order of the elements in the list.

    getEven :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    getEven []      = [] 
    getEven (x:xs)
        | even x    = x : getEven xs 
        | otherwise = getEven xs

The second, doublePos, takes a list of integers and returns the list of doubles of the positive integers from the input list; it preserves the relative order of the elements.

    doublePos :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    doublePos []          = [] 
    doublePos (x:xs) 
        | 0 < x     = (2 * x) : doublePos xs 
        | otherwise = doublePos xs

Function even is from the Prelude; it returns True if its argument is evenly divisible by 2 and returns False otherwise.

What do these two functions have in common? What differs?

Using the generalization method outlined above, we abstract the pattern of computation common to getEven and doublePos as the (broadly useful) function filter found in the Prelude. (We call the function filter’ below to avoid a name conflict.)

    filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]  -- filter in Prelude
    filter' _ []    = [] 
    filter' p (x:xs)
        | p x       = x : xs' 
        | otherwise = xs' 
                    where xs' = filter' p xs

Function filter takes a predicate p of type a -> Bool and a list of type [a] and returns a list containing those elements that satisfy p, in the same order as the input list. Note that the keyword where begins in the same column as the = in the defining equations; thus the scope of the definition of xs’ extends over both legs of the definition.

Function filter does not incorporate the doubling operation from doublePos. We could have included it as another higher-order parameter, but we leave it out to keep the generalized function simple. We can use the already defined map function to achieve this separately.

Therefore, we can specialize filter to give new definitions of getEven and doublePos as follows:

    getEven2 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    getEven2 xs = filter' even xs 

    doublePos2 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    doublePos2 xs = map' dbl (filter' pos xs) 
                    where dbl x  = 2 * x
                          pos x = (0 < x)

Note that function doublePos2 exhibits both the filter and the map patterns of computation.

The standard higher-order functions map and filter allow us to restate the three-leg definitions of getEven and doublePos in just one leg each, except that doublePos requires two lines of local definitions. In Chapter 16, we see how to eliminate these simple local definitions as well.

15.7 Defining Fold Right (foldr)

Consider the sum and product {.haskell} functions we defined in Chapter 4, ignoring the short-cut handling of the zero element in product.

    sum' :: [Int] -> Int             -- sum in Prelude
    sum' []     = 0
    sum' (x:xs) = x + sum' xs 
    product' :: [Integer] -> Integer -- product in Prelude
    product' []     = 1 
    product' (x:xs) = x * product' xs 

Both sum' and product' apply arithmetic operations to integers. What about other operations with similar pattern of computation?

Also consider a function concat that concatenates a list of lists of some type into a list of that type with the order of the input lists and their elements preserved.

    concat' :: [[a]] -> [a]  -- concat in Prelude
    concat' []       =  []
    concat' (xs:xss) =  xs ++ concat' xss

For example,

    sum' [1,2,3]          = (1 + (2 + (3 + 0)))
    product' [1,2,3]      = (1 * (2 * (3 * 1)))
    concat' ["1","2","3"] = ("1" ++ ("2" ++ ("3" ++ "")))

What do sum', product', and concat' have in common? What differs?

All exhibit the same pattern of computation.

This group of functions inserts operations of type a -> a -> a between elements a list of type [a].

But these are special cases of more general operations of type a -> b -> b. In this case, the value returned must be of type b in the case of both empty and nonempty lists.

We can abstract the pattern of computation common to sum', product', and concat’ as the function foldr (pronounced “fold right”) found in the Prelude. (Here we use foldrX{.haskell} to avoid the name conflict.)

    foldrX :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b  -- foldr in Prelude
    foldrX f z []     = z
    foldrX f z (x:xs) = f x (foldrX f z xs) 

Function foldr:

The foldr function “folds” the list elements (of type a) into a value (of type b) by “inserting” operation f between the elements, with value z “appended” as the rightmost element.

Often the seed value z is the right identity element for the operation, but foldr may be useful in some circumstances where it is not (or perhaps even if there is no right identity).

For example, foldr f z [1,2,3] expands to f 1 (f 2 (f 3 z)), or, using an infix style:

    1 `f` (2 `f` (3 `f` z)) 

Function foldr does not depend upon f being associative or having either a right or left identity.

Function foldr is backward recursive. If the function application is fully evaluated, it needs a new stack frame for each element of the input list. If its list argument is long or the folding function itself is expensive, then the function can terminate with a stack overflow error.

In Haskell, foldr is called a fold operation. Other languages sometimes call this a reduce or insert operation.

We can specialize foldr to restate the definitions for sum', product', and concat’.

    sum2 :: [Int] -> Int             -- sum
    sum2 xs = foldrX (+) 0 xs

    product2 :: [Int] -> Int         -- product
    product2 xs = foldrX (*) 1 xs

    concat2:: [[a]] -> [a]           -- concat
    concat2 xss = foldrX (++) [] xss

As further examples, consider the folding of the Boolean operators && (“and”) and || (“or”) over lists of Boolean values as Prelude functions and and or (shown as and’ and or’ below to avoid name conflicts):

    and', or' :: [Bool] -> Bool  -- and, or in Prelude
    and' xs = foldrX (&&) True xs 
    or'  xs = foldrX (||) False xs

Although their definitions look different, and’ and or’ are actually identical to functions and and or in the Prelude.

Consider the following questions.

15.8 Using foldr

The fold functions are very powerful. By choosing an appropriate folding function argument, many different list functions can be implemented in terms of foldr.

For example, we can implement map using foldr as follows:

    map2 :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] -- map
    map2 f xs = foldr mf [] xs 
        where mf y ys = (f y) : ys

The folding function mf y ys = (f y):ys applies the mapping function f to the next element of the list (moving right to left) and attaches the result on the front of the processed tail. This is a case where the folding function mf does not have a right identity, but where foldr is quite useful.

We can also implement filter in terms of foldr as follows:

    filter2 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]  -- filter
    filter2 p xs = foldr ff [] xs
        where ff y ys = if p y then (y:ys) else ys

The folding function ff y ys = if p x then (y:ys) else ys applies the filter predicate p to the next element of the list (moving right to left). If the predicate evaluates to True, the folding function attaches that element on the front of the processed tail; otherwise, it omits the element from the result.

We can also use foldr to compute the length of a polymorphic list.

    length2 :: [a] -> Int  -- length
    length2 xs  = foldr len  0  xs
        where len _ acc = acc + 1

This uses the z parameter of foldr to initialize the count to 0. Higher-order argument f of foldr is a function that takes an element of the list as its left argument and the previous accumulator as its right argument and returns the accumulator incremented by 1. In this application, z is not the identity element for f but is a convenient beginning value for the counter.

We can construct an “append” function that uses foldr as follows:

    append2 :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]  -- ++
    append2 xs ys = foldr (:) ys xs

Here the the list that foldr operates on the first argument of the append. The z parameter is the entire second argument and the folding function is just (:). So the effect is to replace the [] at the end of the first list by the entire second list.

Function foldr 1s a backward recursive function that processes the elements of a list one by one. However, as we have seen, it is often more useful to think of foldr as a powerful list operator that reduces the element of the list into a single value. We can combine foldr with other operators to conveniently construct list processing programs.

15.9 Defining Fold Left (foldl)

We designed function foldr as a backward linear recursive function with the signature:

    foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

As noted:

    foldr f z [1,2,3] ==  f 1 (f 2 (f 3 z))
                      ==  1 `f` (2 `f` (3 `f` z))

Consider a function foldl (pronounced “fold left”) such that:

    foldl f z [1,2,3]  ==  f (f (f z 1) 2) 3
                       ==  ((z `f` 1) `f` 2) `f` 3`

This function folds from the left. It offers us the opportunity to use parameter z as an accumulating parameter in a tail recursive implementation. This is shown below as foldlX, which is similar to foldl in the Prelude.

    foldlX :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a  -- foldl in Prelude
    foldlX f z []     = z
    foldlX f z (x:xs) = foldlX f (f z x) xs

] Note how the second leg of foldlX implements the left binding of the operation. In the recursive call of foldlX the “seed value” argument is used as an accumulating parameter.

Also note how the types of foldr and foldl differ.

Often the beginning value of z is the left identity of the operation f, but foldl (like foldr) can be a quite useful function in circumstances when it is not (or when f has no left identity).

15.10 Using foldl

If \oplus is an associative binary operation of type t -> t -> t with identity element z (i.e., \oplus and t form the algebraic structure know as a monoid), then, for any xs,

foldr ( \oplus) z xs = foldl ( \oplus) z xs

The classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] calls this property the first duality theorem.

Because +, *, and ++ are all associative operations with identity elements, sum, product, and concat can all be implemented with either foldr or foldl.

Which is better?

Depending upon the nature of the operation, an implementation using foldr may be more efficient than foldl or vice versa.

We defer a more complete discussion of the efficiency until we study evaluation strategies further in Chapter 29.

As a rule of thumb, however, if the operation \oplus is nonstrict in either argument, then it is usually better to use foldr. That form takes better advantage of lazy evaluation.

If the operation \oplus is strict in both arguments, then it is often better (i.e., more efficient) to use the optimized version of foldl called foldl' from the standard Haskell module Data.List.

The append operation ++ is nonstrict in its second argument, so it is better to use foldr to implement concat.

Addition and multiplication are strict in both arguments, so we can implement sum and product functions efficiently with foldl', as follows:

    import Data.List   -- to make foldl' available
    sum3, product3 :: Num a =>  [a] -> a -- sum, product
    sum3 xs     = foldl' (+) 0 xs
    product3 xs = foldl' (*) 1 xs

Note that we generalize these functions to operate on polymorphic lists with a base type in class Num. Class Num includes all numeric types.

Function length3 uses foldl. It is like length2 except that the arguments of function len are reversed.

    length3 :: [a] -> Int  -- length
    length3 xs  = foldl len 0  xs
        where len acc _ = acc + 1

However, it is usually better to use the foldr version length2 because the folding function len is nonstrict in the argument corresponding to the list.

We can also implement list reversal using foldl as follows:

    reverse2 :: [a] -> [a]  -- reverse
    reverse2 xs = foldl rev [] xs
        where rev acc x = (x:acc) 

This gives a solution similar to the tail recursive reverse function from Chapter 14. The z parameter of function foldl is initially an empty list; the folding function parameter f of foldl uses (:) to “attach” each element of the list as the new head of the accumulator, incrementally building the list in reverse order.

Although cons is nonstrict in its right operand, reverse2 builds up that argument from [], so reverse2 cannot take advantage of lazy evaluation by using foldr instead.

To avoid a stack overflow situation with foldr, we can first apply reverse to the list argument and then apply foldl as follows:

    foldr2 :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b  -- foldr
    foldr2 f z xs = foldl flipf z (reverse xs)
        where flipf y x = f x y

The combining function in the call to foldl is the same as the one passed to foldr except that its arguments are reversed.

15.11 Defining concatMap (flatmap)

The higher-order function map applies its function argument f to every element of a list and returns the list of results. If the function argument f returns a list, then the result is a list of lists. Often we wish to flatten this into a single list, that is, apply a function like concat defined in Section 15.7.

This computation is sufficiently common that we give it the name concatMap. We can define it in terms of map and concat as

    concatMap' :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] 
    concatMap' f xs = concat (map f xs)

or by combining map and concat into one foldr as:

    concatMap2 :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] 
    concatMap2 f xs = foldr fmf [] xs 
        where fmf x ys = f x ++ ys

Above, the function argument to foldr applies the concatMap function argument f to each element of the list argument and then appends the resulting list in front of the result from processing the elements to the right.

We can also define filter in terms of concatMap as follows:

    filter3 :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
    filter3 p xs = concatMap' fmf xs
        where fmf x = if p x then [x] else []

The function argument to concatMap generates a one-element list if the filter predicate p is true and an empty list if it is false.

Some other languages (e.g., Scala) call the concatMap function by the name flatmap.

15.12 What Next?

This chapter introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and generalized common computational patterns to construct a library of useful higher-order functions to process lists.

Chapter 16 continues to examine those concepts and their implications for Haskell programming.

15.13 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for this chapter is in file HigherOrderFunctions.hs.

15.14 Exercises

  1. Suppose you need a Haskell function times that takes a list of integers (type Integer) and returns the product of the elements (e.g., times [2,3,4] returns 24). Define the following Haskell functions.

    1. Function times1 that uses the Prelude function foldr (or foldr' from this chapter).

    2. Function times2 that uses backward recursion to compute the product. (Use recursion directly. Do not use the list-folding Prelude functions such as foldr or product.)

    3. Function times3 that uses forward recursion to compute the product. (Hint: use a tail-recursive auxiliary function with an accumulating parameter.)

    4. Function times4 that uses function foldl' from the Haskell library Data.List.

  2. For each of the following specifications, define a Haskell function that has the given arguments and result. Use the higher order library functions (from this chapter) such as map, filter, foldr, and foldl as appropriate.

    1. Function numof takes a value and a list and returns the number of occurrences of the value in the list.

    2. Function ellen takes a list of character strings and returns a list of the lengths of the corresponding strings.

    3. Function ssp takes a list of integers and returns the sum of the squares of the positive elements of the list.

  3. Suppose you need a Haskell function sumSqNeg that takes a list of integers (type Integer) and returns the sum of the squares of the negative values in the list.

    Define the following Haskell functions. Use the higher order library functions (from this chapter) such as map, filter, foldr, and foldl as appropriate.

    1. Function sumSqNeg1 that is backward recursive. (Use recursion directly. Do not use the list-folding Prelude functions such as foldr or sum.)

    2. Function sumSqNeg2 that is tail recursive. (Use recursion directly. Do not use the list-folding Prelude functions such as foldr or sum.)

    3. Function sumSqNeg3 that uses standard prelude functions such as map, filter, foldr, and foldl.

    4. Function sumSqNeg4 that uses list comprehensions (Chapter 18).

  4. Define a Haskell function

        scalarprod :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int

    to compute the scalar product of two lists of integers (e.g., representing vectors).

    The scalar product is the sum of the products of the elements in corresponding positions in the lists. That is, the scalar product of two lists xs and ys, of length n, is:

    i=0i=nxsi*ysi\sum\limits_{i=0}^{i=n}xs_i * ys_{i}

    For example, scalarprod [1,2,3] [3,3,3] yields 18.

  5. Define a Haskell function map2 that takes a list of functions and a list of values and returns the list of results of applying each function in the first list to the corresponding value in the second list.

15.15 Acknowledgemen4

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from the following sources:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 5, Higher-Order Functions, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Higher-Order Functions chapter into three chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 5.1-5.2 became the basis for new Chapter 15 (this chapter), Higher-Order Functions, section 5.3 became the basis for new Chapter 16, Haskell Function Concepts, and previous sections 5.4-5.6 became the basis for new Chapter 17, Higher-Order Function Examples.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

15.16 Terms and Concepts

Procedural abstraction, functions (first-class, higher-order), modularity, interface, function generalization and specialization, scope-commonality-variability (SCV) analysis, hot and frozen spots, data transformations, think like a functional programmer, common functional programming patterns (map, filter, fold, concatMap), duality theorem, strict and nonstrict functions.

16 Haskell Function Concepts

16.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 15 introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and generalized common computational patterns to construct a library of useful higher-order functions to process lists.

This chapter continues to examine those concepts and their implications for Haskell programming. It explores strictness, currying, partial application, combinators, operator sections, functional composition, inline function definitions, evaluation strategies, and related methods.

The Haskell module for Chapter 16 is in file FunctionConcepts.hs.

16.2 Strictness

In the discussion of the fold functions, Chapter 15 introduced the concept of strictness. In this section, we explore that in more depth.

Some expressions cannot be reduced to a simple value, for example, div 1 0. The attempted evaluation of such expressions either return an error immediately or cause the interpreter to go into an “infinite loop”.

In our discussions of functions, it is often convenient to assign the symbol \bot (pronounced “bottom”) as the value of expressions like div 1 0. We use \bot is a polymorphic symbol—as a value of every type.

The symbol \bot is not in the Haskell syntax and the interpreter cannot actually generate the value \bot. It is merely a name for the value of an expression in situations where the expression cannot really be evaluated. It’s use is somewhat analogous to use of symbols such as \infty in mathematics.

Although we cannot actually produce the value \bot, we can, conceptually at least, apply any function to \bot.

If f =\bot = \bot, then we say that the function is strict; otherwise, it is nonstrict (sometimes called lenient).

That is, a strict argument of a function must be evaluated before the final result can be computed. A nonstrict argument of a function may not need to be evaluated to compute the final result.

Assume that lazy evaluation is being used and consider the function two that takes an argument of any type and returns the integer value two.

    two :: a -> Int 
    two x = 2

The function two is nonstrict. The argument expression is not evaluated to compute the final result. Hence, two =2\bot = 2.

Consider the following examples.

16.3 Currying and Partial Application

Consider the following two functions:

    add :: (Int,Int) -> Int 
    add (x,y) = x + y 

    add' :: Int -> (Int -> Int) 
    add' x y  = x + y 

These functions are closely related, but they are not identical.

For all integers x and y, add (x,y) == add’ x y. But functions add and add’ have different types.

Function add takes a 2-tuple (Int,Int) and returns an Int. Function add’ takes an Int and returns a function of type Int -> Int.

What is the result of the application add 3? An error.

What is the result of the application add’ 3? The result is a function that “adds 3 to its argument”.

What is the result of the application (add’ 3) 4? The result is the integer value 7.

By convention, function application (denoted by the juxtaposition of a function and its argument) binds to the left. That is, add’ x y = ((add’ x) y).

Hence, the higher-order functions in Haskell allow us to replace any function that takes a tuple argument by an equivalent function that takes a sequence of simple arguments corresponding to the components of the tuple. This process is called currying. It is named after American logician Haskell B. Curry, who first exploited the technique.

Function add’ above is similar to the function (+) from the Prelude (i.e., the addition operator).

We sometimes speak of the function (+) as being partially applied in the expression ((+) 3). In this expression, the first argument of the function is “frozen in” and the resulting function can be passed as an argument, returned as a result, or applied to another argument.

Partially applied functions are very useful in conjunction with other higher-order functions.

For example, consider the partial applications of the relational comparison operator (<) and multiplication operator (*) in the function doublePos3. This function, which is equivalent to the function doublePos discussed in Chapter 15, doubles the positive integers in a list:

    doublePos3 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    doublePos3 xs = map ((*) 2) (filter ((<) 0) xs) 

Related to the concept of currying is the property of extensionality. Two functions f and g are extensionally equal if f x == g x for all x.

Thus instead of writing the definition of g as

    f, g :: a -> a
    f x = some_expression

    g x = f x

we can write the definition of g as simply:

    g = f

16.4 Operator Sections

Expressions such as ((*) 2) and ((<) 0), used in the definition of doublePos3 in Section 16.3, can be a bit confusing because we normally use these operators in infix form. (In particular, it is difficult to remember that ((<) 0) returns True for positive integers.)

Also, it would be helpful to be able to use the division operator to express a function that halves (i.e., divides by two) its operand. The function ((/) 2) does not do it; it divides 2 by its operand.

We can use the function flip from the Prelude to state the halving operation. Function flip takes a function and two additional arguments and applies the argument function to the two arguments with their order reversed.

    flip' :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c  -- flip in Prelude
    flip' f x y = f y x

Thus we can express the halving operator with the expression (flip (/) 2).

Because expressions such as ((<) 0) and (flip (/) 2) are quite common in programs, Haskell provides a special, more compact and less confusing, syntax.

For some infix operator \oplus and arbitrary expression e, expressions of the form (e \oplus) and ( \opluse) represent (( \oplus) e) and (flip ( \oplus) e), respectively. Expressions of this form are called operator sections.

Examples of operator sections include:

(1+) is the successor function, which returns the value of its argument plus 1.

(0<) is a test for a positive integer.

(/2) is the halving function.

(1.0/) is the reciprocal function.

(:[]) is the function that returns the singleton list containing the argument.

Suppose we want to sum the cubes of list of integers. We can express the function in the following way:

    sumCubes :: [Int] -> Int 
    sumCubes xs = sum (map (^3) xs)

Above ^ is the exponentiation operator and sum is the list summation function defined in the Prelude as:

    sum = foldl' (+) 0  -- sum

16.5 Combinators

The function flip in Section 16.4 is an example of a useful type of function called a combinator.

A combinator is a function without any free variables. That is, on right side of a defining equation there are no variables or operator symbols that are not bound on the left side of the equation.

For historical reasons, flip is sometimes called the C combinator.

There are several other useful combinators in the Prelude.

The combinator const (shown below as const’) is the constant function constructor; it is a two-argument function that returns its first argument. For historical reasons, this combinator is sometimes called the K combinator.

    const' :: a -> b -> a  -- const in Prelude
    const' k x = k

Example: (const 1) takes any argument and returns the value 1.

Question: What does sum (map (const 1) xs) do?

Function id (shown below as id’) is the identity function; it is a one-argument function that returns its argument unmodified. For historical reasons, this function is sometimes called the I combinator.

    id' :: a -> a  -- id in Prelude
    id' x = x

Combinators fst and snd (shown below as fst’ and snd’) extract the first and second components, respectively, of 2-tuples.

    fst' :: (a,b) -> a  -- fst in Prelude
    fst' (x,_) = x 

    snd' :: (a,b) -> b  -- snd in Prelude
    snd' (_,y) = y

Similarly, fst3, snd3, and thd3 extract the first, second, and third components, respectively, of 3-tuples.

TODO: Correct above statement. No longer seems correct. Data.Tuple.Select sel1, sel2, sel2, etc. Investigate and rewrite.

An interesting example that uses a combinator is the function reverse as defined in the Prelude (shown below as reverse’):

    reverse' :: [a] -> [a]          -- reverse in Prelude
    reverse' = foldlX (flip' (:)) []

Function flip (:) takes a list on the left and an element on the right. As this operation is folded through the list from the left it attaches each element as the new head of the list.

We can also define combinators that convert an uncurried function into a curried function and vice versa. The functions curry' and uncurry' defined below are similar to the Prelude functions.

    curry' :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c     --Prelude curry
    curry' f x y =  f (x, y) 

    uncurry' :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c) --Prelude uncurry
    uncurry' f p =  f (fst p) (snd p) 

Two other useful combinators are fork and cross [Bird 2015]. Combinator fork applies each component of a pair of functions to a value to create a pair of results. Combinator cross applies each component of a pair of functions to the corresponding components of a pair of values to create a pair of results. We can define these as follows:

    fork :: (a -> b, a -> c) -> a -> (b,c)
    fork (f,g) x = (f x, g x)

    cross :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> (a,c) -> (b,d)
    cross (f,g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)

16.6 Functional Composition

The functional composition operator allows several “smaller” functions to be combined to form “larger” functions. In Haskell, this combinator is denoted by the period (.) symbol and is defined in the Prelude as follows:

    infixr 9 . 
    (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c) 
    (f . g) x = f (g x) 

Composition’s default binding is from the right and its precedence is higher than all the operators we have discussed so far except function application itself.

Functional composition is an associative binary operation with the identity function id as its identity element:

     f . (g . h) = (f . g) . h 
     id . f  = f . id

16.7 Function Pipelines

As an example, consider the function count that takes two arguments, an integer n and a list of lists, and returns the number of the lists from the second argument that are of length n. Note that all functions composed below are single-argument functions: length, (filter (== n)), (map length).

    count :: Int -> [[a]] -> Int 
    count n  -- unprimed versions from Prelude
        | n >= 0    = length . filter (== n) . map length
        | otherwise = const 0   -- discard 2nd arg, return 0 

We can think of the point-free expression length . filter (== n) . map length as defining a function pipeline through which data flows from right to left.

TODO: Draw a diagram showing the data flow network (right to left?)

  1. The pipeline takes a polymorphic list of lists as input.

  2. The map length component of the pipeline replaces each inner list by its length.

  3. The filter (== n) component takes the list created by the previous step and removes all elements not equal to n.

  4. The length component takes the list created by the previous step and determines how many elements are remaining.

  5. The pipeline outputs the value computed by the previous component. The number of lists within the input list of lists that are of length n.

Thus composition is a powerful form of “glue” that can be used to “stick” simpler functions together to build more powerful functions. The simpler functions in this case include partial applications of higher order functions from the library we have developed.

As we see above in the definition of count, partial applications (e.g., filter (== n)), operator sections (e.g., (== n)), and combinators (e.g., const) are useful as plumbing the function pipeline.

Remember the function doublePos that we discussed in earlier sections.

    doublePos3 xs = map ((*) 2) (filter ((<) 0) xs) 

Using composition, partial application, and operator sections we can restate its definition in point-free style as follows:

    doublePos4 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    doublePos4 = map (2*) . filter (0<)

Consider a function last to return the last element in a non-nil list and a function init to return the initial segment of a non-nil list (i.e., everything except the last element). These could quickly and concisely be written as follows:

    last' = head . reverse            -- last in Prelude
    init' = reverse . tail . reverse -- init in Prelude

However, since these definitions are not very efficient, the Prelude implements functions last and init in a more direct and efficient way similar to the following:

    last2 :: [a] -> a    -- last in Prelude
    last2 [x]    = x 
    last2 (_:xs) = last2 xs 

    init2 :: [a] -> [a]  -- init in Prelude
    init2 [x]    = [] 
    init2 (x:xs) = x : init2 xs 

The definitions for Prelude functions any and all are similar to the definitions show below; they take a predicate and a list and apply the predicate to each element of the list, returning True when any and all, respectively, of the individual tests evaluate to True.

    any', all' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool 
    any' p = or' . map' p   -- any in Prelude
    all' p = and' . map' p  -- all in Prelude

The functions elem and notElem test for an object being an element of a list and not an element, respectively. They are defined in the Prelude similarly to the following:

    elem', notElem' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool 
    elem'    = any . (==)  -- elem in Prelude
    notElem' = all . (/=)  -- notElem in Prelude

These are a bit more difficult to understand since any, all, ==, and /= are two-argument functions. Note that expression elem x xs would be evaluated as follows:

elem’ x xs

\Longrightarrow { expand elem’ }

(any’ . (==)) x xs

\Longrightarrow { expand composition }

any’ ((==) x) xs

The composition operator binds the first argument with (==) to construct the first argument to any’. The second argument of any’ is the second argument of elem’.

16.8 Lambda Expressions

Remember the function squareAll2 we examined in Chapter 15:

    squareAll2 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    squareAll2 xs = map' sq xs 
                    where sq x = x * x 

We introduced the local function definition sq to denote the function to be passed to map. It seems to be a waste of effort to introduce a new symbol for a simple function that is only used in one place in an expression. Would it not be better, somehow, to just give the defining expression itself in the argument position?

Haskell provides a mechanism to do just that, an anonymous function definition. For historical reasons, these nameless functions are called lambda expressions. They begin with a backslash \{.haskell} and have the syntax:

\ atomicPatterns -> expression

For example, the squaring function (sq) could be replaced by a lambda expression as (\x -> x * x). The pattern x represents the single argument for this anonymous function and the expression x * x is its result.

Thus we can rewrite squareAll2 in point-free style using a lambda expression as follows:

    squareAll3 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    squareAll3 = map' (\x -> x * x)

A lambda expression to average two numbers can be written (\x y -> (x+y)/2).

An interesting example that uses a lambda expression is the function length as defined in the Prelude—similar to length4 below. (Note that this uses the optimized function foldl' from the standard Haskell Data.List module.)

    length4 :: [a] -> Int   -- length in Prelude
    length4  = foldl' (\n _ -> n+1) 0

The anonymous function (\n _ -> n+1) takes an integer “counter” and a polymorphic value and returns the “counter” incremented by one. As this function is folded through the list from the left, this function counts each element of the second argument.

16.9 Application Operator $

In Haskell, function application associates to the left and has higher binding power than any infix operator. For example, for some function two-argument function f and values w, x, y, and z

    w + f x y * z

is the same as

    w + (((f x) y) * z)

given the relative binding powers of function application and the numeric operators.

However, sometimes we want to be able to use function application where it associates to the right and binds less tightly than any other operator. Haskell defines the $ operator to enable this style, as follows:

    infixr 0 $
    ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b 
    f $ x = f x

Thus, for single argument functions f, g, and h,

    f $ g $ h $ z + 7

is the same as

    (f (g (h (z+7))))

and as:

    (f . g . h) (z+7)

Similarly, for two-argument functions f', g', and h',

    f' w $ g' x $ h' y $ z + 7

is the same as

    ((f' w) ((g' x) ((h' y) (z+7))))

and as:

    (f' w . g' x . h' y) (z+7)

For example, this operator allows us to write

    foldr (+) 0 $ map (2*) $ filter odd $ enumFromTo 1 20

where Prelude function enumFromTo m n generates the sequence of integers from m to n, inclusive.

16.10 Eager Evaluation Using seq and $!

Haskell is a lazily evaluated language. That is, if an argument is nonstrict it may never be evaluated.

Sometimes, using the technique called strictness analysis, the Haskell compiler can detect that an argument’s value will always be needed. The compiler can then safely force eager evaluation as an optimization without changing the meaning of the program.

In particular, by selecting the -O option to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), we can enable GHC’s code optimization processing. GHC will generally create smaller, faster object code at the expense of increased compilation time by taking advantage of strictness analysis and other optimizations.

However, sometimes we may want to force eager evaluation explicitly without invoking a full optimization on all the code (e.g., to make a particular function’s evaluation more space efficient). Haskell provides the primitive function seq that enables this. That is,

    seq :: a -> b -> b
    x `seq` y = y

where it just returns the second argument except that, as a side effect, x is evaluated before y is returned. (Technically, x is evaluated to what is called head normal form. It is evaluated until the outer layer of structure such as h:t is revealed, but h and t themselves are not fully evaluated. We study evaluation strategies further in Chapter 29.

Function foldl, the “optimized” version of foldl can be defined using seq as follows

    foldlP :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a  -- Data.List.foldl'
    foldlP f z []     = z 
    foldlP f z (x:xs) = y `seq` foldl' f y xs 
                        where y = f z x

That is, this evaluates the z argument of the tail recursive application eagerly.

Using seq, Haskell also defines $!, a strict version of the $ operator, as follows:

    infixr 0 $! 
    ($!) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b 
    f $! x = x `seq` f x 

The effect of f $! x is the same as f $ x except that $! eagerly evaluates the argument x before applying function f to it.

We can rewrite foldl' using $! as follows:

    foldlQ :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a  -- Data.List.foldl'
    foldlQ f z []     = z 
    foldlQ f z (x:xs) = (foldlQ f $! f z x) xs

We can write a tail recursive function to sum the elements of the list as follows:

    sum4 :: [Integer] -> Integer  -- sum in Prelude
    sum4 xs = sumIter xs 0
        where sumIter []     acc = acc
              sumIter (x:xs) acc = sumIter xs (acc+x)

We can then redefine sum4 to force eager evaluation of the accumulating parameter of sumIter as follows:

    sum5 :: [Integer] -> Integer -- sum in Prelude
    sum5 xs = sumIter xs 0
        where sumIter []     acc = acc
              sumIter (x:xs) acc = sumIter xs $! acc + x

However, we need to be careful in applying seq and $!. They change the semantics of the lazily evaluated language in the case where the argument is nonstrict. They may force a program to terminate abnormally and/or cause it to take unnecessary evaluation steps.

16.11 What Next?

Chapter 15 introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and generalized common computational patterns to construct a library of useful higher-order functions to process lists.

This chapter (16}) continued to examine those concepts and their implications for Haskell programming by exploring concepts and features such as strictness, currying, partial application, combinators, operator sections, functional composition, inline function definitions, and evaluation strategies.

Chapter 17 looks at additional examples that use these higher-order programming concepts.

16.12 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for Chapter 16 is in file FunctionConcepts.hs.

16.13 Exercises

  1. Define a Haskell function

        total :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer

    so that total f n gives f 0 + f 1 + f 2 + ... + f n. How could you define it using removeFirst?

  2. Define a Haskell function map2 that takes a list of functions and a list of values and returns the list of results of applying each function in the first list to the corresponding value in the second list.

  3. Define a Haskell function fmap that takes a value and a list of functions and returns the list of results from applying each function to the argument value. (For example, fmap 3 [((*) 2), ((+) 2)] yields [6,5].)

  4. Define a Haskell function composeList that takes a list of functions and composes them into a single function. (Be sure to give the type signature.)

16.14 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from the following sources:

In Summer 2016, I also added the following,a drawing on ideas from [14, Ch. 6, 7] and [173, Ch. 11]:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 5, Higher-Order Functions, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Higher-Order Functions chapter into three chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 5.1-5.2 became the basis for new Chapter 15, Higher-Order Functions, section 5.3 became the basis for new Chapter 16, Haskell Function Concepts (this chapter), and previous sections 5.4-5.6 became the basis for new Chapter 17, Higher-Order Function Examples.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

16.15 Terms and Concepts

Strict and nonstrict functions, bottom, strictness analysis, currying, partial application, operator sections, combinators, functional composition, property of extensionality, pointful and point-free styles, plumbing, function pipeline, lambda expression, application operator $, eager evaluation operators seq and $!, head-normal form.

17 Higher Order Function Examples

17.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapters 15 and 16 introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and their implications for Haskell programming.

The goals of this chapter (17) are to:

17.2 List-Breaking Operations

In Chapter 13, we looked at the list-breaking functions take and drop. The Prelude also includes several higher-order list-breaking functions that take two arguments, a predicate that determines where the list is to be broken and the list to be broken.

Here we look at Prelude functions takeWhile and dropWhile. As you would expect, function takeWhile “takes” elements from the beginning of the list “while” the elements satisfy the predicate and dropWhile “drops” elements from the beginning of the list “while” the elements satisfy the predicate. The Prelude definitions are similar to the following:

    takeWhile':: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- takeWhile in Prelude
    takeWhile'  p []  = [] 
    takeWhile'  p (x:xs) 
        | p x        = x : takeWhile' p xs 
        | otherwise  = [] 

    dropWhile' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- dropWhile in Prelude
    dropWhile'  p []  = [] 
    dropWhile'  p xs@(x:xs') 
        | p x        = dropWhile' p xs' 
        | otherwise  = xs

Note the use of the pattern xs@(x:xs’) in dropWhile'. This pattern matches a non-nil list with x and xs’ binding to the head and tail, respectively, as usual. Variable xs binds to the entire list.

As an example, suppose we want to remove the leading blanks from a string. We can do that with the expression:

    dropWhile ((==) ' ')

As with take and drop, the above functions can also be related by a “law”. For all finite lists xs and predicates p on the same type:

    takeWhile p xs ++ dropWhile p xs = xs

Prelude function span combines the functionality of takeWhile and dropWhile into one function. It takes a predicate p and a list xs and returns a tuple where the first element is the longest prefix (possibly empty) of xs that satisfies p and the second element is the remainder of the list.

    span' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) -- span in Prelude
    span' _ xs@[]      =  (xs, xs)
    span' p xs@(x:xs')
        | p x          =  let (ys,zs) = span' p xs' in (x:ys,zs)
        | otherwise    =  ([],xs)

Thus the following “law” holds for all finite lists xs and predicates p on same type:

    span p xs == (takeWhile p xs, dropWhile p xs)

The Prelude also includes the function break, defined as follows:

    break' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) -- break in Prelude
    break' p =  span (not . p)

17.3 List-Combining operations

In Chapter 14, we also looked at the function zip, which takes two lists and returns a list of pairs of the corresponding elements. Function zip applies an operation, in this case tuple-construction, to the corresponding elements of two lists.

We can generalize this pattern of computation with the function zipWith in which the operation is an argument to the function.

    zipWith' :: (a->b->c) -> [a]->[b]->[c] -- zipWith in Prelude
    zipWith' z  (x:xs)  (y:ys) = z x y : zipWith' z xs ys 
    zipWith' _  _     _        = []

Using a lambda expression to state the tuple-forming operation, the Prelude defines zip in terms of zipWith:

    zip'' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]  -- zip
    zip'' = zipWith' (\x y -> (x,y)) 

Or it can be written more simply as:

    zip''' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]  -- zip
    zip''' = zipWith' (,) 

The zipWith function also enables us to define operations such as the scalar product of two vectors in a concise way.

    sp :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> a 
    sp xs ys = sum' (zipWith' (*) xs ys) 

The Prelude includes zipWith3 for triples. Library Data.List has versions of zipWith that take up to seven input lists: zipWith3 \cdots zipWith7.

17.4 Rational Arithmetic Revisited

Remember the rational number arithmetic package developed in Chapter 7. In that package’s Rational module, we defined a function eqRat to compare two rational numbers for equality using the appropriate set of integer comparisons.

    eqRat :: Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    eqRat x y = (numer x) * (denom y) == (numer y) * (denom x)

We could have implemented the other comparison operations similarly.

Because the comparison operations are similar, they are good candidates for us to use a higher-order function. We can abstract out the common pattern of comparisons into a function that takes the corresponding integer comparison as an argument.

To compare two rational numbers, we can express their values in terms of a common denominator (e.g., denom x * denom y) and then compare the numerators using the integer comparisons. We can thus abstract the comparison into a higher-order function compareRat that takes an appropriate integer relational operator and the two rational numbers.

    compareRat :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    compareRat r x y = r (numer x * denom y) (denom x * numer y) 

Then we can define the rational number comparisons in terms of compareRat. (Note that we redefine function eqRat from the package Chapter 7.)

    eqRat,neqRat,ltRat,leqRat,gtRat,geqRat :: Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    eqRat   = compareRat (==) 
    neqRat  = compareRat (/=) 
    ltRat   = compareRat (<)
    leqRat  = compareRat (<=) 
    gtRat   = compareRat (>)
    geqRat  = compareRat (>=) 

The Haskell module for the revised rational arithmetic module is in RationalHO.hs. The module TestRationalHO.hs is an extended version of the standard test script from Chapter 12 that tests the standard features of the rational arithmetic module plus eqRat, neqRat, and ltRat. (It does not currently test leqRat, gtRat, or geqRat.)

17.5 Mergesort

We defined the insertion sort in Chapter 14. It has an average-case time complexity of O(n^2) where n is the length of the input list.

We now consider a more efficient function to sort the elements of a list into ascending order: mergesort. Mergesort works as follows:

We define function msort to be a polymorphic, higher-order function that has two parameters. The first (less) is the comparison operator and the second (xs) is the list to be sorted. Function less must be defined for every element that appears in the list to be sorted.

    msort :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
    msort _    []         = []
    msort _    [x]        = [x]
    msort less xs = merge less (msort less ls) (msort less rs)
        where n       = (length xs) `div` 2 
              (ls,rs) = splitAt n xs
              merge _ [] ys     = ys
              merge _ xs []     = xs
              merge less ls@(x:xs) rs@(y:ys) 
                  | less x y  = x : (merge less xs rs)
                  | otherwise = y : (merge less ls ys)

By nesting the definition of merge, we enabled it to directly access the the parameters of msort. In particular, we did not need to pass the comparison function to merge.

Assuming that less evaluates in constant time, the time complexity of msort is O(n * log2 n), where n is the length of the input list and log2 is a function that computes the logarithm with base 2.

So the total cost is O(n * log2 n). The cost is independent of distribution of elements in the original list.

We can apply msort as follows:

    msort (<) [5, 7, 1, 3]

Function msort is defined in curried form with the comparison function first. This enables us to conveniently specialize msort with a specific comparison function. For example,

    descendSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
    descendSort = msort (\ x y -> x > y)    -- or (>)

17.6 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms

The mergesort (msort) function in Section 17.5 uses the divide-and-conquer strategy to solve the sorting problem. In this section, we exmine that strategy in more detail.

17.6.1 General strategy

For some problem P, the general strategy for divide-and-conquer algorithms has the following steps:

  1. Decompose the problem P into subproblems, each like P but with a smaller input argument.

  2. Solve each subproblem, either directly or by recursively applying the strategy.

  3. Assemble the solution to P by combining the solutions to its subproblems.

The advantages of divide-and-conquer algorithms are that they:

  • can lead to efficient solutions.

  • allow use of a “horizontal” parallelism. Similar problems can be solved simultaneously.

We examined the meregesort algorithm in Section 17.5. Other well-known divide-and-conquer algorithms include quicksort, binary search, and multiplication [15:6.4]. In these algorithms, the divide-and-conquer strategy leads to more efficient algorithms.

For example, consider searching for a value in a list. A simple sequential search has a time complexity of O(n), where nn denotes the length of the list. Application of the divide-and-conquer strategy leads to binary search, a more efficient O(log2 n) algorithm.

17.6.2 As higher-order function

As a general pattern of computation, the divide and conquer strategy can be expressed as the following higher-order function:

    divideAndConquer :: (a -> Bool)          -- trivial
                          -> (a -> b)        -- simplySolve
                          -> (a -> [a])      -- decompose
                          -> (a -> [b] -> b) -- combineSolutions
                          -> a               -- problem
                          -> b

    divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose 
                             combineSolutions problem
        = solve problem
          where solve p 
              | trivial p = simplySolve p
              | otherwise = combineSolutions p 
                                (map solve (decompose p)) 

If the problem is trivially simple (i.e., trivial p holds), then it can be solved directly using simplySolve.

If the problem is not trivially simple, then it is decomposed using the decompose function. Each subproblem is then solved separately using map solve. The function combineSolutions then assembles the subproblem solutions into a solution for the overall problem.

Sometimes combineSolutions may require the original problem description to put the solutions back together properly. Hence, the parameter p in the function definition.

Note that the solution of each subproblem is completely independent from the solution of all the others.

If all the subproblem solutions are needed by combineSolutions, then the language implementation could potentially solve the subproblems simultaneously. The implementation could take advantage of the availability of multiple processors and actually evaluate the expressions in parallel. This is “horizontal” parallelism as described above.

If combineSolutions does not require all the subproblem solutions, then the subproblems cannot be safely solved in parallel. If they were, the result of combineSolutions might be nondeterministic, that is, the result could be dependent upon the relative order in which the subproblem results are completed.

Now let’s use the function divideAndConquer to define a few functions.

17.6.3 Generating Fibonacci sequence

First, let’s define a Fibonacci function. Consider the following definition (adapted from Kelly [109:77–78]). This function is inefficient, so it is given here primarily to illustrate the technique.

    fib :: Int -> Int
    fib n = divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose 
                             combineSolutions problem
            where trivial 0                = True
                  trivial 1                = True
                  trivial (m+2)            = False
                  simplySolve 0            = 0
                  simplySolve 1            = 1
                  decompose m              = [m-1,m-2]
                  combineSolutions _ [x,y] = x + y

17.6.4 Folding a list

Next, let’s consider a folding function (similar to foldr and foldl) that uses the function divideAndConquer. Consider the following definition (also adapted from Kelly [109:79–80]).

    fold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
    fold op i = 
        divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose 
        where trivial xs               = length xs <= 1
              simplySolve []          = i
              simplySolve [x]         = x
              decompose xs            = [take m xs, drop m xs]
                                        where m = length xs / 2
              combineSolutions _ [x,y] = op x y

This function divides the input list into two almost equal parts, folds each part separately, and then applies the operation to the two partial results to get the combined result.

The fold function depends upon the operation op being associative. That is, the result must not be affected by the order in which the operation is applied to adjacent elements of the input list.

In foldr and foldl, the operations are not required to be associative. Thus the result might depend upon the right-to-left operation order in foldr or left-to-right order in foldl.

Function fold is thus a bit less general. However, since the operation is associative and combineSolutions is strict in all elements of its second argument, the operations on pairs of elements from the list can be safely done in parallel,

Another divide-and-conquer definition of a folding function is the function fold' shown below. It is an optimized version of fold above.

    fold' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
    fold' op i xs = foldt (length xs) xs
                    where foldt _ []  =   i
                          foldt _ [x] =   x
                          foldt n ys  = op (foldt m (take m ys))
                                           (foldt m' (drop m ys))
                                        where  m  = n / 2
                                               m' = n - m

17.6.5 Finding minimum and maximum of a list

Now, consider the problem of finding both the minimum and the maximum values in a nonempty list and returning them as a pair.

First let’s look at a definition that uses the left-folding operator.

    sMinMax :: Ord a => [a] -> (a,a)
    sMinMax (x:xs) = foldl' newmm (x,x) xs
                     where newmm (y,z) u = (min y u, max z u)

Let’s assume that the comparisons of the elements are expensive and base our time measure on the number of comparisons. Let nn denote the length of the list argument and time be a time function

A singleton list requires no comparisons. Each additional element adds two comparisons (one min and one max).

    time n | n == 1 = 0
           | n >= 2 = time (n-1) + 2

Thus time n == 2 * n - 2.

Now let’s look at a divide-and-conquer solution.

    minMax :: Ord a => [a] -> (a,a)
    minMax [x]   = (x,x)
    minMax [x,y] = if x < y then (x,y) else (y,x)
    minMax xs    = (min a c, max b d)
                    where m     = length xs / 2
                          (a,b) = minMax (take m xs)
                          (c,d) = minMax (drop m xs)

Again let’s count the number of comparisons for a list of length n.

    time n | n == 1 = 0
           | n == 2 = 1
           | n > 2  = time (floor (n/2)) + time (ceiling (n/2)) + 2

For convenience suppose n = 2^k for some k >= 1.

    time n = 2 * time (n/2) + 2
           = 2 * (2 * time (n/4) + 2) + 2
           = 4 * time (n/4) + 4 + 2
           = ...
           = 2^(k-1) * time 2 + sum [ 2^i | i <- [1..(k-1)] ]
           = 2^(k-1) + 2 * sum [ 2^i | i <- [1..(k-1)] ] 
                     -     sum [ 2^i | i <- [1..(k-1)] ]
           = 2^(k-1) + 2^k - 2
           = 3 * 2^(k-1) - 2
           = 3 * (n/2) - 2

Thus the divide and conquer version takes 25 percent fewer comparisons than the left-folding version.

So, if element comparisons are the expensive in relation to to the take, drop, and length list operations, then the divide-and-conquer version is better. However, if that is not the case, then the left-folding version is probably better.

Of course, we can also express minMax in terms of the function divideAndConquer.

    minMax' :: Ord a => [a] -> (a,a)
    minMax' = divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose
              where n                 = length xs
                    m                 = n/2
                    trivial xs        = n <= 2
                    simplySolve [x]   = (x,x)
                    simplySolve [x,y] = 
                        if x < y then (x,y) else (y,x)
                    decompose xs = 
                        [take m xs, drop m xs]
                    combineSolutions _ [(a,b),(c,d)] = 
                        (min a c, max b d)

17.7 What Next?

Chapters 15, 16, and 17 (this chapter) examined higher-order list programming concepts and features.

Chapter 18 examines list comprehensions, an alternative syntax for higher-order list processing that is likely comfortable for programmers coming from an imperative programming background.

17.8 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for list-breaking, list-combining, and mergesort functions is in file HigherOrderExamples.hs.

The Haskell module for the revised rational arithmetic module is in RationalHO.hs. The module TestRationalHO.hs is an extended version of the standard test script from Chapter 12.

TODO: Reconstruct source code for divide-and-conquer functions and place links here and in text above. May also want to break out mergesort into a separate module.

17.9 Exercises

  1. Define a Haskell function

        removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

    so that removeFirst p xs removes the first element of xs that has the property p.

  2. Define a Haskell function

        removeLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

    so that removeLast p xs removes the last element of xs that has the property p.

    How could you define it using removeFirst?

  3. A list s is a prefix of a list t if there is some list u (perhaps nil) such that s ++ u == t. For example, the prefixes of string "abc" are "", "a", "ab", and "abc".

    A list s is a suffix of a list t if there is some list u (perhaps nil) such that u ++ s == t. For example, the suffixes of "abc" are "abc", "bc", "c", and "".

    A list s is a segment of a list t if there are some (perhaps nil) lists u and v such that u ++ s ++ v = t. For example, the segments of string "abc" consist of the prefixes and the suffixes plus "b".

    Define the following Haskell functions. You may use functions appearing early in the list to implement later ones.

    1. Define a function prefix such that prefix xs ys returns True if xs is a prefix of ys and returns False otherwise.

    2. Define a function suffixes such that suffixes xs returns the list of all suffixes of list xs. (Hint: Generate them in the order given in the example of "abc" above.)

    3. Define a function indexes such that indexes xs ys returns a list of all the positions at which list xs appears in list ys. Consider the first character of ys as being at position 0. For example, indexes "ab" "abaabbab" returns [1,4,7]. (Hint: Remember functions like map, filter, zip, and the functions you just defined.)

    4. Define a function sublist such that sublist xs ys returns True if list xs appears as a segment of list ys and returns False otherwise.

  4. Assume that the following Haskell type synonyms have been defined:

        type Word = String -- word, characters left-to-right
        type Line = [Word] -- line, words left-to-right
        type Page = [Line] -- page, lines top-to-bottom
        type Doc  = [Page] -- document, pages front-to-back

    Further assume that values of type Word do not contain any space characters. Implement the following Haskell text-handling functions:

    1. npages that takes a Doc and returns the number of Pages in the document.

    2. nlines that takes a Doc and returns the number of Lines in the document.

    3. nwords that takes a Doc and returns the number of Words in the document.

    4. nchars that takes a Doc and returns the number of Chars in the document (not including spaces of course).

    5. deblank that takes a Doc and returns the Doc with all blank lines removed. A blank line is a line that contains no words.

    6. linetext that takes a Line and returns the line as a String with the words appended together in left-to-right order separated by space characters and with a newline character '\n' appended to the right end of the line. (For example, linetext ["Robert", "Khayat"] yields "Robert Khayat\n".)

    7. pagetext that takes a Page and returns the page as a String—applies linetext to its component lines and appends the result in a top-to-bottom order.

    8. doctext that takes a Doc and returns the document as a String—applies pagetext to its component lines and appends the result in a top-to-bottom order.

    9. wordeq that takes a two Docs and returns True if the two documents are word equivalent and False otherwise. Two documents are word equivalent if they contain exactly the same words in exactly the same order regardless of page and line structure. For example, [[["Robert"],["Khayat"]]] is word equivalent to [[["Robert","Khayat"]]].

17.10 Wally World Marketplace POP Project

17.10.1 Problem description and initial design

Wally World Marketplace (WWM) is a “big box” store selling groceries, dry goods, hardware, electronics, etc. In this project, we develop part of a point-of-purchase (POP) system for WWM.

The barcode scanner at a WWM POP—i.e., checkout counter—generates a list of barcodes for the items in a customer’s shopping cart. For example, a cart with nine items might result in the list:

    [ 1848, 1620, 1492, 1620, 1773, 2525, 9595, 1945, 1066 ]

Note that there are two instances of the item with barcode 1620.

The primary goal of this project is to develop a Haskell module WWMPOP (in file WWMPOP.hs) that takes a list of barcodes corresponding to the items in a shopping cart and generates the corresponding printable receipt. The module consists of several functions that work together. We build these incrementally in a somewhat bottom-up manner.

Let’s consider how to model the various kinds of “objects” in our application. The basic objects include:

  • barcodes for products, which we represent as integers

  • prices of products, which we represent as integers denoting cents

  • names of products, which we represent as strings

We introduce the following Haskell type aliases for these basic objects above:

    type BarCode = Int 
    type Price   = Int
    type Name    = String

We associate barcodes with the product names and prices using a “database” represented as a list of tuples. We represent this price list database using the following type alias:

    type PriceList = [(BarCode,Name,Price)]

An example price list database is:

    database :: PriceList
    database = [ (1848, "Vanilla yogurt cups (4)",    188),
                 (1620, "Ground turkey (1 lb)",       316), 
                 (1492, "Corn flakes cereal",         299), 
                 (1773, "Black tea bags (100)",       307), 
                 (2525, "Athletic socks (6)",         825), 
                 (9595, "Claw hammer",                788), 
                 (1945, "32-in TV",                 13949), 
                 (1066, "Zero sugar cola (12)",       334),
                 (2018, "Haskell programming book",  4495)

To generate a receipt, we need to take a list of barcodes from a shopping cart and generate a list of prices associated with the items in the cart. From this list, we can generate the receipt.

We introduce the type aliases:

    type CartItems  = [BarCode]
    type CartPrices = [(Name,Price)]

We thus identify the need for a Haskell function

    priceCart :: PriceList -> CartItems -> CartPrices

that takes a database of product prices (i.e., a price list) and a list of barcodes of the items in a shopping cart and generates the list of item prices.

Of course, we must determine the relevant sales taxes due on the items and determine the total amount owed. We introduce the following type alias for the bill:

    type Bill = (CartPrices, Price, Price, Price)

The three Price items above are for Subtotal, Tax, and Total amounts associated with the purchase (printed on the bottom of the receipt).

We thus identify the need for a Haskell function

    makeBill :: CartPrices -> Bill 

that takes the list of item prices and constructs a Bill tuple. In carrying out this calculation, the function uses the following n constant:

    taxRate :: Double 
    taxRate = 0.07

Given a bill, we must be able to convert it to a printable receipt. Thus we introduce the Haskell function

    formatBill ::  Bill -> String 

that takes a bill tuple and generates the receipt. It uses the following named constant for the width of the line:

    lineWidth :: Int
    lineWidth = 34

Given the above functions, we can put the above functionality together with the Haskell function:

    makeReceipt :: PriceList -> CartItems -> String 

that does the end-to-end conversion of a list of barcodes to a printed receipt given an applicable price database, tax rate, and line width.

Given the example shopping cart items and price list database, we get the following receipt when printed.

         Wally World Marketplace

    Vanilla yogurt cups (4).......1.88
    Ground turkey (1 lb)..........3.16
    Toasted oat cereal............2.99
    Ground turkey (1 lb)..........3.16
    Black tea bags (100)..........3.07
    Athletic socks (6)............8.25 
    Claw hammer...................7.88 
    32-in. television...........139.49 
    Zero sugar cola (12)..........3.34

The above Haskell definitions are collected into the source file WWMPOP_skeleton.hs.

The exercises in Section 17.10.3 guide you to develop the above functions incrementally.

17.10.2 Prelude functions useful for project

In the exercises in Section 17.10.3, you may want to consider using some of the following:

  • numeric functions from the Prelude library such as such as:

    • div, integer division truncated toward negative infinity, and quot, integer division truncated toward 0

    • rem and mod satisfy the following for y /= 0

      (x `quot` y)*y + (x `rem` y) == x
      (x `div`  y)*y + (x `mod` y) == x
    • floor, ceiling, truncate, and round that convert real numbers to integers; truncate truncates toward 0 and round rounds away from 0

    • fromIntegral converts integers to Double (and from Integer to Int)

    • show converts numbers to strings

  • first-order list functions (Chapters 13 and 14 ) from the Prelude–such as head, tail, ++, -take, drop, length, -sum, and product

  • Prelude function replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] such that replicate n e returns a list of n copies of e

  • higher-order list functions (Chapters 15, 16, and 17) from the Prelude such as map, filter, foldr, foldl, and concatMap

  • list comprehensions (Chapter 18 )—not necessary for solution but may be convenient

17.10.3 POP project exercises

Note: Most of the exercises in this project can be programmed without direct recursions. Consider the Prelude functions listed in the previous subsection.

Also remember that the character code '\n' is the newline character; it denotes the end of a line in Haskell strings.

This project defines several type aliases and the constants lineWidth and taxRate that should be defined and used in the exercises. You should start with the template source file WWMPOP_skeleton.hs to develop your own WWMPOP.hs solution.

  1. Develop the Haskell function

        formatDollars :: Price -> String

    that takes a Price in cents and formats a string in dollars and cents. For example, formatDollars 1307 returns the string 13.07. (Note the 0 in 07.)

  2. Using formatDollars above, develop the Haskell function

        formatLine :: (Name, Price) -> String 

    that takes an item and formats a line of the receipt for that item. For example,

        formatLine ("Claw hammer",788)

    yields the string:

        "Claw hammer...................7.88\n"

    This string has length lineWidth not including the newline character. The space between the item’s name and cost is filled using '.' characters.

  3. Using the formatLine function above, develop the Haskell function

        formatLines :: CartPrices -> String

    that takes a list of priced items and formats a string with a line for each item. (In general, the resulting string will consist of several lines, each ending with a newline.)

  4. Develop the Haskell function

        calcSubtotal :: CartPrices -> Price

    that takes a list of priced items and calculates the sum of the prices (i.e., the subtotal).

  5. Develop the Haskell function

        formatAmt :: String -> Price -> String

    that takes a label string and a price amount and generates a line of the receipt for that label

    For example,

        formatAmt "Total" 18860

    generates the string:`

  6. Develop the Haskell function

        formatBill :: Bill -> String

    that takes a Bill tuple and generates a receipt string.

  7. Develop the Haskell function

        look :: PriceList -> BarCode -> (Name,Price)

    that takes a price list database and a barcode for an item and looks up the name and price of the item.

    If the BarCode argument does not occur in the PriceList, then look should return the tuple ("None",0).

  8. Now develop the Haskell function

        priceCart :: PriceList -> CartItems -> CartPrices

    defined above.

  9. Now develop the Haskell function

        makeBill :: CartPrices -> Bill

    defined above. It takes a list of priced items and generates a bill tuple. It uses the taxRate constant.

  10. Now develop the Haskell function

        makeReceipt :: PriceList -> CartItems -> String 

    defined above. This function defines the end-to-end processing that takes the list of items from the shopping cart and generates the receipt.

  11. Develop Haskell functions

        addPL    :: PriceList -> BarCode -> (Name,Price)
                        -> PriceList 
        removePL :: PriceList -> BarCode -> PriceList 

    Function removePL takes an “old” price list and a barcode to remove and returns a “new” price list with any occurrences of that barcode removed.

    Function addPL takes an “old” price list, a barcode, and a name/price pair to add and returns a price list with the item added. (If the the barcode is already in the list, the old entry should be removed.)

17.11 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised the following to form a chapter on Higher-Order Functions:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 5, Higher-Order Functions, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Higher-Order Functions chapter into three chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming (ELIFP), Previous sections 5.1-5.2 became the basis for new Chapter 15, Higher-Order Functions, section 5.3 became the basis for new Chapter 16, Haskell Function Concepts, and previous sections 5.4-5.6 became the basis for new Chapter 17 (this chapter), Higher-Order Function Examples.

In Fall 2018, I developed the Wally World Marketplace POP project. It was motivated by a similar project in Thompson’s textbook [173] that I had used in my courses. I designed the project and its exercises to allow for the possibility of automatic grading.

In Summer 2018, I also adapted and revised Chapter 14 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42] to form Chapter 29 (Divide and Conquer Algorithms) of ELIFP. These previous notes drew on the presentations in the 1st edition of the Bird and Wadler textbook [15], Kelly’s dissertation [109], and other functional programming sources.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I also merged the previous ELIFP Chapter 29 (Divide and Conquer Algorithms) and the Wally World Marketplace project into an expanded Chapter 17 (this chapter) of the revised ELIFP.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

17.12 Terms and Concepts

List-breaking (splitting) operators, list-combining operators, rational arithmetic, merge sort, divide and conquer, horizontal parallelism, divide and conquer as higher-order function, sequential search binary search, simply solve, decompose, combine solutions, Fibonacci sequence, nondeterministic, associative.

18 More List Processing

18.1 Chapter Introduction

Previous chapters examined first-order and higher-order list programming. In particular, Chapter 15 explored the standard higher order functions such as map, filter, and concatMap and Chapter 16 explored function concepts such as function composition.

This chapter examines list comprehensions. This feature does not add new power to the language; the computations can be expressed with combinations of features from the previous chapters. But list comprehensions are often easier to write and to understand than equivalent compositions of map, filter, concatMap, etc.

The source file for the code in this chapter is in file MoreLists.hs.

18.2 Sequences

Haskell provides a compact notation for expressing arithmetic sequences.

An arithmetic sequence (or progression) is a sequence of elements from an enumerated type (i.e., a member of class Enum) such that consecutive elements have a fixed difference. Int, Integer, Float, Double, and Char are all predefined members of this class.

Of course, we can provide our own functions for sequences. Consider the following function to generate a geometric sequence.

A geometric sequence (or progression) is a sequence of elements from an ordered, numeric type (i.e., a member of both classes Ord and Num) such that consecutive elements have a fixed ratio.

    geometric :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> [a]
    geometric r m n | m > n     = []
                    | otherwise = m : geometric r (m*r) n

Example: geometric 2 1 10 \Longrightarrow [1,2,4,8]

18.3 List Comprehensions

18.3.1 Syntax and semantics

The list comprehension is another powerful and compact notation for describing lists. A list comprehension has the form

[ expression | qualifiers ]

where expression is any Haskell expression.

The expression and the qualifiers in a comprehension may contain variables that are local to the comprehension. The values of these variables are bound by the qualifiers.

For each group of values bound by the qualifiers, the comprehension generates an element of the list whose value is the expression with the values substituted for the local variables.

There are three kinds of qualifiers that can be used in Haskell: generators, filters, and local definitions.

  1. A generator is a qualifier of the form

    pat <- exp

    where exp is a list-valued expression. The generator extracts each element of exp that matches the pattern pat in the order that the elements appear in the list; elements that do not match the pattern are skipped.


    • [ n*n | n <- [1..5]] \Longrightarrow [1,4,9,16,25]
  2. A filter is a Boolean-valued expression used as a qualifier in a list comprehension. These expressions work like the filter function; only values that make the expression True are used to form elements of the list comprehension.


    • [ n*n | even n ] \Longrightarrow (if even n then [n*n] else [])

    Above variable n is global to this expression, not local to the comprehension.

  3. A local definition is a qualifier of the form

    let pat = expr

    introduces a local definition into the list comprehension.


    • [ n*n | let n = 2 ] \Longrightarrow [4]

The real power of list comprehensions come from using several qualifiers separated by commas on the right side of the vertical bar |.

  • Generators appearing later in the list of qualifiers vary more quickly than those that appear earlier. Speaking operationally, the generation “loop” for the later generator is nested within the “loop” for the earlier.


    • [ (m,n) | m<-[1..3], n<-[4,5] ] \Longrightarrow
  • Qualifiers appearing later in the list of qualifiers may use values generated by qualifiers appearing earlier, but not vice versa.


    • [ n*n | n<-[1..10], even n ] \Longrightarrow [4,16,36,64,100]

    • [ (m,n) | m<-[1..3], n<-[1..m] ] \Longrightarrow
      [ (1,1), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3)]

  • The generated values may or may not be used in the expression.


    • [ 27 | n<-[1..3]] \Longrightarrow [27,27,27]

    • [ x | x<-[1..3], y<-[1..2]] \Longrightarrow [1,1,2,2,3,3]

18.3.2 Translating list comprehensions

List comprehensions are syntactic sugar. We can translate them into core Haskell features by applying the following identities.

  1. For any expression e,

        [ e | True ]

    is equivalent to:

        [ e ]
  2. For any expression e and qualifier q,

        [ e | q ]

    is equivalent to:

        [ e | q, True ]
  3. For any expression e, boolean b, and sequence of qualifiers Q,

        [ e | b, Q ]

    is equivalent to:

        if b then [ e | Q ] else []
  4. For any expression e, pattern p, list-valued expression l, sequence of qualifiers Q, and fresh variable ok,

        [ e | p <- l, Q ]

    is equivalent to:

        let ok p = [ e | Q ] -- p is a pattern
            ok _ = []
        in concatMap ok l
  5. For any expression e, declaration list D, and sequence of qualifiers Q,

        [ e | let D, Q ]

    is equivalent to:

        let D in [ e | Q ]

Function concatMap and boolean value True are as defined in the Prelude.

As we saw in a previous chapter, concatMap applies a list-returning function to each element of an input list and then concatenates the resulting list of lists into a single list. Both map and filter can be defined in terms of concatMap.

Consider the list comprehension:

    [ n*n | n<-[1..10], even n ]
  1. Apply identity 4:

        let ok n = [ n*n | even n ]
            ok _ = []
        in concatMap ok [1..10]
  2. Apply identity 2:

        let ok n = [ n*n | even n, True ]
            ok _ = []
        in concatMap ok [1..10]
  3. Apply identity 3:

        let ok n = if (even n) then [ n*n | True ]
            ok _ = []
        in concatMap ok [1..10]
  4. Apply identity 1:

        let ok n = if (even n) then [ n*n ]
            ok _ = []
        in concatMap ok [1..10]

18.4 Using List Comprehensions

This section gives several examples where list comprehensions can be used to solve problems and express the solutions conveniently.

18.4.1 Strings of spaces

Consider a function spaces that takes a number and generates a string with that many spaces.

    spaces :: Int -> String
    spaces n = [ ' ' | i<-[1..n]]

Note that when n < 1 the result is the empty string.

18.4.2 Prime number test

Consider a Boolean function isPrime that takes a nonzero natural number and determines whether the number is prime. (Remember that a prime number is a natural number whose only natural number factors are 1 and itself.)

    isPrime :: Int -> Bool
    isPrime n | n > 1 = (factors n == [])
        where factors m = [ x | x<-[2..(m-1)], m `mod` x == 0 ]
    isPrime   _       =  False

18.4.3 Squares of primes

Consider a function sqPrimes that takes two natural numbers and returns the list of squares of the prime numbers in the inclusive range from the first up to the second.

    sqPrimes :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
    sqPrimes m n = [ x*x | x<-[m..n], isPrime x ]

Alternatively, this function could be defined using map and filter as follows:

    sqPrimes' :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
    sqPrimes' m n = map (\x -> x*x) (filter isPrime [m..n])

18.4.4 Doubling positive elements

We can use a list comprehension to define (our, by now, old and dear friend) the function doublePos, which doubles the positive integers in a list.

    doublePos5 :: [Int] -> [Int]
    doublePos5 xs = [ 2*x | x<-xs, 0 < x ]

18.4.5 Concatenating a list of lists of lists

Consider a program superConcat that takes a list of lists of lists and concatenates the elements into a single list.

    superConcat :: [[[a]]] -> [a]
    superConcat xsss = [ x | xss<-xsss, xs<-xss, x<-xs ]

Alternatively, this function could be defined using Prelude functions concat and map and functional composition as follows:

    superConcat' :: [[[a]]] -> [a]
    superConcat' = concat . map concat

18.4.6 First occurrence in a list

Consider a function position that takes a list and a value of the same type. If the value occurs in the list, position returns the position of the value’s first occurrence; if the value does not occur in the list, position returns 0.

Solve a more general problem first, then use it to get the specific solution desired.

In this problem, we generalize the problem to finding all occurrences of a value in a list. This more general problem is actually easier to solve.

    positions :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [Int]
    positions xs x = [ i | (i,y)<-zip [1..length xs] xs, x == y]

Function zip is useful in pairing an element of the list with its position within the list. The subsequent filter removes those pairs not involving the value x. The “zipper” functions can be very useful within list comprehensions.

Now that we have the positions of all the occurrences, we can use head to get the first occurrence. Of course, we need to be careful that we return 0 when there are no occurrences of x in xs.

    position :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int 
    position xs x = head ( positions xs x ++ [0] )

Because of lazy evaluation, this implementation of position is not as inefficient as it first appears. The function positions will, in actuality, only generate the head element of its output list.

Also because of lazy evaluation, the upper bound length xs can be left off the generator in positions. In fact, the function is more efficient to do so.

18.5 What Next?

This chapter (18) examined list comprehensions. Although they do not add new power to the language, programs involving comprehensions are often easier to write and to understand than equivalent compositions of other functions.

Chapters 19 and 20 discuss problem solving techniques. Chapter 19 discusses systematic generalization of functions. Chapter 20 surveys various problem-solving techniques uses in this textbook and other sources.

18.6 Chapter Source Code

The source file for the code in this chapter is in file MoreLists.hs.

18.7 Exercises

  1. Show the list (or string) yielded by each of the following Haskell list expressions. Display it using fully specified list bracket notation, e.g., expression [1..5] yields [1,2,3,4,5].

    1. [7..11]

    2. [11..7]

    3. [3,6..12]

    4. [12,9..2]

    5. [ n*n | n <- [1..10], even n ]

    6. [ 7 | n <- [1..4] ]

    7. [ x | (x:xs) <- [Did, you, study?] ]

    8. [ (x,y) | x <- [1..3], y <- [4,7] ]

    9. [ (m,n) | m <- [1..3], n <- [1..m] ]

    10. take 3 [ [1..n] | n <- [1..] ]

  2. Translate the following expressions into expressions that use list comprehensions. For example, map (*2) xs could be translated to [ x*2 | x <- xs ].

    1. map (\x -> 2*x-1) xs

    2. filter p xs

    3. map (^2) (filter even [1..5])

    4. foldr (++) [] xss

    5. map snd (filter (p . fst) (zip xs [1..]))

18.8 Acknowledgements

In 2016 and 2017, I adapted and revised my previous notes to form Chapter 7, More List Processing and Problem Solving, in the 2017 version of this textbook. In particular, I drew the information on More List Processing from:

In Summer 2018, I divided the 2017 More List Processing and Problem Solving chapter back into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 7.2-7.3 (essentially chapter 7 of [42]) became the basis for new Chapter 18, More List Processing (this chapter), and the Problem Solving discussion became the basis for new Chapter 20, Problem Solving.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

18.9 Terms and Concepts

Sequence (arithmetic, geometric), list comprehension (generator, filter, local definition, multiple generators and filters), syntactic sugar, translating list comprehensions to function calls, prime numbers, solve a harder problem first.

<a name-“Ch19”>

19 Systematic Generalization

19.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter is incomplete!

TODO: Write missing sections

19.2 SCV Analysis

In Chapter 15, we examined families of related functions to define generic, higher-order functions to capture the computational pattern for each family. In this chapter, we approach function generalization more systematically.

The systematic function generalization approach begins with a prototype member of the potential family [55,57]. As in a Schmid’s similar method for building object-oriented software frameworks [153]; [154,155], we apply Scope-Commonality-Variability (SCV) analysis [37] to the potential family represented by this prototype and produce four outputs.

  1. scope: the boundaries of the family. That is, we identify what we should address and what we can ignore, what is in the family and what is not.

  2. terminology: the definitions of the specialized terms, or concepts, relevant to the family.

  3. commonalities: the aspects of the family that do not change from one member to another. We seek to reuses these among family members. We sometimes call these the frozen spots.

  4. variabilities: the aspects of the family that may vary from one member to another. We sometimes call these the hot spots.

In SCV analysis, we must seek to identify all the implicit assumptions about elements in the family. These implicit assumptions need to be made explicit in family’s design and implementation.

19.3 Function Generalization

Once we have the above, we incrementally transform the prototype function for each of the hot spots [154].

A generalizing transformation may replace specific values or data types at a hot spot by parameters. We may make a type more abstract, perhaps making it polymorphic. Or we may break a type into several types if it plays potentially different roles.

Similarly, a generalizing transformation may replace fixed, specialized operations at a hot spot by abstract operations. We may make an abstract operation a higher-order parameter of the generalized function.

TODO: Better tie this chapter’s technique to tht given back in Section 15.5 on generalizing function definitions.

19.4 Developing a Cosequential Processing Family

19.4.1 Scope

Cosequential processing concerns the coordinated processing of two ordered sequences to produce some result, often a third ordered sequence [64,67,76,87]. Key requirements include:

  • Both input sequences must be ordered according to the same total ordering.

  • The processing should be incremental, where only a few elements of each sequence (perhaps just one) are examined at a time.

This important family includes the ascending merge needed in merge sort, set and bag operations, and sequential file update applications.

Consider a function merge0 that takes two ascending sequences of integers and merges them together to form a third ascending sequence.

    merge0 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]  -- xs, ys
    merge0 [] ys = ys 
    merge0 xs [] = xs 
    merge0 xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') 
        | x < y    = x : merge0 xs' ys 
        | x == y   = x : merge0 xs' ys' 
        | x > y    = y : merge0 xs  ys' 

The merge0 function must satisfy a number of properties:

  • Precondition: The two input lists must be in ascending order.

  • Postcondition: The output list must also be in ascending order. The number of times an element appears in the output list is the maximum number of times it appears within one of the two input lists.

  • Termination: The sum of the lengths of the two input sequences must decrease by at least one for each call of the recursive function.

For the cosequential processing family, let take function merge0 as the prototype member.

Aside: The merge0 function differs from the merge function we used in the merge sort funtion in Chapter 17. For merge sort, the x == y leg would need to remove the head of only one of the input lists, i.e., be defined as either x : merge0 xs' ys or x : merge0 xs ys'.

19.4.2 Frozen spots

Considering the scope and examining the prototype function merge0, we identify the following frozen spots for the family of functions:

  1. The input consists of two sequences ordered by the same total ordering.

  2. The output consists of a sequence ordered by the same total ordering as the input sequences.

  3. The processing is incremental. Each step examines the current element from each input sequence and advances at least one of the input sequences for subsequent steps.

  4. Each step compares the current elements from the input sequences to determine what action to take at that step.

The merge function represents the frozen spots of the family. It gives the common behavior of family members and the relationships among the various elements of the hot spot subsystems.

A hot spot subsystem consists of a set of Haskell functions, types, and class definitions that add the desired variability into the merge function.

19.4.3 Hot spots

Again considering the scope and examining the prototype function merge0, we can identify the following hot spots:

  1. Variability in the total ordering used for the input and output sequences, i.e., of the comparison operators and input sequence type.

  2. The ability to have more complex data entities in the input and output sequences, i.e., variability in “record” format.

  3. The ability to vary the input and output sequence structures independently of each other.

  4. Variability in the transformations applied to the data as it passes into the output.

  5. Variability in the sources of the input sequences and destination of the output sequence.

We need to be careful to avoid enumerating hot spots that are unlikely to be needed in an application.

Now let’s analyze each hot spot, design a hot spot subsystem, and carry out the appropriate transformations to generalize the Haskell program.

19.4.4 Hot spot #1: Variability in total ordering

In the function merge0, the input and output sequences are restricted to elements of type Int and the comparison operations, hence, to the integer comparisons.

TODO: May need to explain these generalizations according to the rules in Section 15.5.

The responsibility associated with hot spot #1 is to enable the base type of the sequences to be any type upon which an appropriate ordering is defined. In this transformation, we still consider all three sequences as containing simple values of the same type.

We can generalize the function to take and return sequences of any ordered type by making the type of the list polymorphic. Using a type variable a, we can redefine the type signature to be [a].

However, we need to constrain type a to be a type for which an appropriate total ordering is defined. We do this by requiring that the type be restricted to those in the predefined Haskell type class Ord. This class consists of the group of types for which all six relational operators are defined.

The function resulting from generalization step is merge1.

    merge1 :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]  -- xs, ys
    merge1 []  ys = ys 
    merge1 xs  [] = xs 
    merge1 xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') 
        | x <  y    = x : merge1 xs' ys 
        | x == y    = x : merge1 xs' ys' 
        | x >  y    = y : merge1 xs  ys' 

This function represents the frozen spots of the cosequential processing framework. The implementation of class Ord used in a program is hot spot #1. To satisfy the requirement represented by frozen spot #1, we require that the two lists xs and ys be in ascending order.

Note that, if we restrict merge1 polymorphic type a to Int, then:

    merge1 xs ys == merge0 xs ys

That is, the generic function merge1 can be specialized to be equivalent to merge0.

19.4.5 Hot spot #2: Variability in record format

The merge1 function works with sequences of any type that have appropriate comparison operators defined. This allows the elements to be of some built-in type such as Int or String or some user-defined type that has been declared as an instance of the Ord class. Thus each individual data item is of a single type.

In general, however, applications in this family will need to work with data elements that have more complex structures. We refer to these more complex structures as records in the general sense, not just the Haskell data structure by that name.

The responsibility associated with hot spot #2 is to enable the elements of the sequences to be values with more complex structures, i.e., records. Each record is composed of one or more fields of which some subset defines the key. The value of the key provides the information for ordering the records within that sequence.

In this transformation, we still consider all three sequences as containing simple values of the same type. We abstract the key as a function on the record type that returns a value of some Ord type to enable the needed comparisons. We transform the merge1 function by adding key as a higher-order parameter.

The function resulting from this generalization is merge2.

    merge2 :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]  -- key, xs, ys
    merge2 key []  ys  = ys 
    merge2 key xs  []  = xs 
    merge2 key xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') 
        | key x <  key y = x : merge2 key xs' ys 
        | key x == key y = x : merge2 key xs' ys' 
        | key x >  key y = y : merge2 key xs  ys'

The higher-order parameter key represents hot spot #2 in the generalized function design.

Hot spot #1 is the implementation of Haskell class Ord for values of type b.

To satisfy the requirement represented by frozen spot #1, the sequence of keys corresponding to each input sequence, i.e., map key xs and map key ys, must be in ascending order.

Also note that

    merge2 id xs ys == merge1 xs ys

where id is the identity function. Thus merge1 is a specialization of merge2.

19.4.6 Hot spot #3: Independent variability of sequences

In merge2, the records are of the same type in all three sequences. The key extraction function is also the same for all sequences.

Some cosequential processing applications, however, require that the record structure vary among the sequences. For example, the sequential file update application usually involves a master file and a transaction file as the inputs and a new master file as the output. The master records and transaction records usually carry different information.

The responsibility associated with hot spot #3 is to enable the three sequences to be varied independently. That is, the records in one sequence may differ in structure from the records in the others.

This requires separate key extraction functions for the two input sequences. These must, however, still return key values from the same total ordering. Because the data types for the two input sequences may differ and both may differ from the output data type, we must introduce record transformation functions that convert the input data types to the output types.

The function resulting from the transformation is merge3.

    merge3 :: Ord d => (a -> d) -> (b -> d)    -- kx, ky
                       -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -- tx, ty
                       -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]    -- xs, ys
    merge3 kx ky tx ty xs ys   = mg xs ys 
            mg [] ys         = map ty ys 
            mg xs []         = map tx xs 
            mg xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') 
                | kx x <  ky y = tx x : mg xs' ys 
                | kx x == ky y = tx x : mg xs' ys' 
                | kx x >  ky y = ty y : mg xs  ys' 

Higher-order parameters kx and ky are the key extraction functions for the first and second inputs, respectively. Similarly, tx and ty are the corresponding functions to transform those inputs to the output.

Hot spot #3 consists of these four functions. In some sense, this transformation subsumes hot spot #2.

To avoid repetition of the many unchanging arguments in the recursive calls, the definition of merge3 uses an auxiliary function definition mg.

The nonrecursive legs use the higher-order library function map. To satisfy the requirement represented by frozen spot #1, the sequence of keys corresponding to each input sequence, i.e., map kx xs and map ky ys, must be in ascending order.

If xs and ys are of the same type, then it is true that:

    merge3 key key id id xs ys ==  merge2 key xs ys

Thus merge2 is a specialization of merge3.

19.4.7 Hot spot #4: Variability in sequence transformations

Function merge3 enabled simple one-to-one, record-by-record transformations of the input sequences to create the output sequence. Such simple transformations are not sufficient for practical situations.

For example, in the sequential file update application, each key may be associated with no more than one record in the master file. However, there may be any number of update transactions that must be performed against a master record before the new master record can be output. Thus, there needs to be some local state maintained throughout the processing of all the transaction records associated with one master record.

Before we address the issue of this variation directly, let us generalize the merge function to make the state that currently exists (i.e., the evolving output list) explicit in the parameter list.

To do this, we replace the backward linear recursive merge3 function by its tail recursive generalization. That is, we add an accumulating parameter ss that is used to collects the output during the recursive calls and then to generate the final output when the end of an input sequence is reached.

The initial value of this argument is normally a nil list, but it does enable some other initial value to be prepended to the output list. This transformation is shown as function merge4a below.

    merge4a :: Ord d => (a -> d) -> (b -> d)        -- kx, ky
                        -> (a -> c) -> (b -> c)     -- tx, ty
                        -> [c] -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] -- ss, xs, ys
    merge4a kx ky tx ty ss xs ys = mg ss xs ys 
            mg ss [] ys      = ss ++ map ty ys 
            mg ss xs []      = ss ++ map tx xs 
            mg ss xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys')
                | kx x <  ky y = mg (ss ++ [tx x]) xs' ys 
                | kx x == ky y = mg (ss ++ [tx x]) xs' ys' 
                | kx x >  ky y = mg (ss ++ [ty y]) xs  ys' 

Note that the following holds:

    merge4a kx ky tx ty ss xs ys == ss ++ merge3 kx ky tx ty xs ys 

Thus function merge3 is a specialization of merge4a.

Unfortunately, building up the state ss requires a relatively expensive appending to the end of a list (e.g., ss ++ [tx x] in the third leg).

Now consider hot spot #4 more explicitly. The responsibility associated with the hot spot is to enable the use of more general transformations on the input sequences to produce the output sequence.

To accomplish this, we introduce an explicit state to record the relevant aspects of the computation to some position in the two input sequences. Each call of the merge function can examine the current values from the input sequences and update the value of the state appropriately for the next call.

In some sense, the merge function “folds” together the values from the two input sequences to compute the state. At the end of both input sequences, the merge function then transforms the state into the output sequence.

To accomplish this, we can generalize merge4a. We generalize the accumulating parameter ss in merge4a to be a parameter s that represents the state. We also replace the two simple record-to-record transformation functions tx and ty by more flexible transformation functions tl, te, and tg, that update the state in the three guards of the recursive leg and functions tty and ttx that update the state when the first and second input sequences, respectively, become empty.

For the “equals” guard, the amount that the input sequences are advanced also becomes dependent upon the state of the computation. This is abstracted as functions nex on the first input sequence and ney on the second. To satisfy the requirement represented by frozen spot #3, the pair of functions nex and ney must make the following progress requirement true for each call of mg:

    if (kx x == ky y) then
        (length (nex s xs) < length xs) || 
        (length (ney s ys) < length ys)
    else True

That is, the client of the framework must ensure that at least one of the input sequences will be advanced by at least one element. We also introduce the new function res to take the final state of the computation and return the output sequence.

The above transformation results in function merge4b.

    merge4b :: Ord d => (a -> d) -> (b -> d) -> -- kx, ky 
                        (e -> a -> b -> e) ->   -- tl
                        (e -> a -> b -> e) ->   -- te 
                        (e -> a -> b -> e) ->   -- tg
                        (e -> [a] -> [a])  ->   -- nex
                        (e -> [b] -> [b]) ->    -- ney
                        (e -> a -> e) ->        -- ttx
                        (e -> b -> e) ->        -- tty
                        (e -> [c]) -> e ->      -- res, s
                        [a] -> [b] -> [c]       -- xs, ys
    merge4b kx ky tl te tg nex ney ttx tty res s xs ys 
        =  mg s xs ys 
            mg s [] ys       = res (foldl tty s ys)
            mg s xs []       = res (foldl ttx s xs)
            mg s xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') 
                | kx x <  ky y = mg (tl s x y) xs' ys
                | kx x == ky y = mg (te s x y) (nex s xs) (ney s ys)
                | kx x >  ky y = mg (tg s x y) xs ys 

The function uses the Prelude function foldl in the first two legs. This function continues the computation beginning with the state computed by the recursive leg and processes the remainder of the nonempty input sequence by “folding” the remaining elements as defined in the functions ttx and tty.

As was the case for merge3, frozen spot #1 requires that map kx xs and map ky ys be in ascending order for calls to merge4b.

Hot spot #4 consists of the eight functions tl, te, tg, ttx, tty, nex, ney, and res. The following property also holds:

    merge4b kx ky 
        (\ss x y -> ss ++ [tx x])  -- tl
        (\ss x y -> ss ++ [tx x])  -- te
        (\ss x y -> ss ++ [ty y])  -- tg
        (\ss xs -> tail xs)        -- nex
        (\ss ys -> tail ys)        -- ney
        (\ss x -> ss ++ [x])       -- ttx
        (\ss y -> ss ++ [y])       -- tty
        id ss xs ys                -- res, ss, xs, ys
    == merge4a kx ky tx ty ss xs ys
    == ss ++ merge3 kx ky tx ty xs ys 

That is, we can define the general transformation functions so that they have the same effect as the record-to-record transformations of merge4a. The statement of this property uses the anonymous functions (lambda expression) feature of Haskell.

Thus function merge3 is a specialization of merge4a, which in turn is a specialization of function merge4b.

A problem with the above “implementation” of merge3 is that the merge4b parameters tl, te, tg, ttx, and tty all involve an expensive operation to append to the end of the list ss.

An alternative would be to build the state sequence in reverse order and then reverse the result as shown below.

    merge4b kx ky 
        (\ss x y -> reverse (tx x) ++ ss)  -- tl
        (\ss x y -> reverse (tx x) ++ ss)  -- tl 
        (\ss x y -> reverse (ty y) ++ ss)  -- tg
        (\ss xs -> tail xs)                -- nex
        (\ss ys -> tail ys)                -- ney
        (\ss x -> x : ss)                  -- ttx
        (\ss y -> y : ss)                  -- tty
        reverse ss xs ys                   -- res, ss, xs, ys
    == merge4a kx ky tx ty ss xs ys
    == ss ++ merge3 kx ky tx ty xs ys 

TODO: Possibly include a version with selective eager evaluation (similar to below) and rename coseq.

    merge4c :: Ord d => (a -> d) -> (b -> d) -> -- kx, ky 
                        (e -> a -> b -> e) ->   -- tl
                        (e -> a -> b -> e) ->   -- te 
                        (e -> a -> b -> e) ->   -- tg
                        (e -> [a] -> [a])  ->   -- nex
                        (e -> [b] -> [b]) ->    -- ney
                        (e -> a -> e) ->        -- ttx
                        (e -> b -> e) ->        -- tty
                        (e -> [c]) -> e ->      -- res, s
                        [a] -> [b] -> [c]       -- xs, ys
    merge4b kx ky tl te tg nex ney ttx tty res s xs ys 
            =  mg s xs ys 
            mg s [] ys       = res (foldl tty s ys)
            mg s xs []       = res (foldl ttx s xs)
            mg s xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') 
                | kx x <  ky y = (mg $! (tl s x y)) xs' ys
                | kx x == ky y = (mg $! (te s x y)) ((nex $! s) xs) 
                                                    ((ney $! s) ys)
                | kx x >  ky y = (mg $! (tg s x y)) xs ys'

19.4.8 Hot spot #5 :Variability of sequence source/destination

Hot spot #5 concerns the ability to take the input sequences from many possible sources and to direct the output to many possible destinations.

In the Haskell merge functions, these sequences are represented as the pervasive polymorphic list data type. The redirection is simply a matter of writing appropriate functions to produce the input lists and to consume its output list. No changes are needed to the merge4b function itself.

Of course, for any expressions (e.g., function calls) ex and ey that generate the input sequence arguments xs and ys of merge4b, it must be the case that sequences map kx ex and map ky ey are ascending.

19.4.9 Bag and set operation implementations

TODO: Possibly reexpress some of the lambdas above with standard combinators.

Mathematically, a bag (also called a multiset) is an unordered collection of elements in which each element may occur one or more times. We can model a bag as a total function (called the multiplicity function) over the domain of elements to the natural numbers where the numbers 0 and above denote the number of occurrences of the element in the bag.

A set is thus a bag for which there is no more than one occurence of any element.

If we restrict the elements to a Haskell data type that is an instance of class Ord, we can represent a bag by an ascending list of values and a set by an increasing list of values. With this representation, we can implement the bag an set operations as special cases of cosequential processing.

The intersection of two bags consists of only the elements that occur in both bags such that the number of occurrences is the minimum number for the two input bags. We can express the bag intersection of two ascending lists in terms of merge4b as follows.

    bagIntersect xs ys =
        merge4b id id
            (\s x y -> s)
            (\s x y -> x:s)
            (\s x y -> s)
            (\s xs -> tail xs) 
            (\s ys -> tail ys)
            (\s x -> s) 
            (\s y -> s)
            reverse [] xs ys

This function only adds an element to the output when it occurs in both input lists.

If we require the two input lists to be increasing, the above also implements set intersection.

The sum of two bags consists of the elements that occur in either bag such that the number of occurrences is the total number for both bags. We can express the bag sum of two ascending lists in terms of merge4b as follows.

    bagSum xs ys =
        merge4b id id
            (\s x y -> x:s)
            (\s x y -> x:y:s)
            (\s x y -> y:s)
            (\s xs -> tail xs) 
            (\s ys -> tail ys)
            (\s x -> x:s) 
            (\s y -> y:s)
            reverse [] xs ys

The union of two bags consists of the elements that occur in either bag such that the number of occurrences is the minimum number in the two input lists. The prototype function merge0 implements this operation on ascending lists.

The subtraction of bag B from bag A, denoted A - B, consists of only the elements that occur in both bags such that the number of occurrences is the number of occurrences in A minus those in B.


  • How can we represent set union in terms of merge4b?

  • How can we represent a merge function that can be used in the merge sort of two lists (whose elements are from an instance of class Ord)?

  • How can we implement a bag union function bagUnion in terms of merge4b?

  • How can we implement a bag subtraction function bagSub xs ys in terms of merge4b?

  • If the elements of the input lists are not instances of class Ord, how can we implement bag union? bag intersection?

19.4.10 Sequential file update algorithm

TODO: Describe this!?

    -- Simple Master-Transaction Update
    -- Master increasing list [(Account,Amount)] 
    --   with Account < maxAccount
    -- Transaction ascending list [(Account,Amount)]
    --   with Account < maxAccount
    -- Result is new Master increasing list [(Account,Amount)] 
    --  with Account < maxAccount

    type Account = Int
    type Amount = Integer

    seqUpdate :: [(Account,Amount)] -> [(Account,Amount)] 
                 -> [(Account,Amount)]
    seqUpdate = merge4c fst        fst
                        masterlt   mastereq  mastergt
                        masternext transnext
                        notrans    nomaster
                        getResult  initState

    initState = ([],[])

    maxAccount = maxBound :: Account

    masterlt (out,[])    m t = (m:out,[])
        -- no transactions for this master
    masterlt (out,[cur]) m t = (cur:out,[])
        -- processed all transactions for this master

    mastereq (out,[])        (ma,mb) (_,tc) 
        = (out, [(ma,mb+tc)])   -- first transaction
    mastereq (out,[(sa,sb)]) (_,_)   (_,tc) 
        = (out, [(sa,sb+tc)])   -- subsequent transaction

    mastergt (_,_) m t
        = error ("Transactions not ascending at " ++ show t)

    masternext (_,_) ms = ms -- do not advance master on eq

    transnext  (_,_) ts = let ys = tail ts
                          in if null ys then [(maxAccount,0)] else ys
                          -- advance transaction on eq
                          -- force master with final (maxAccount,0)

    notrans (out,[])    m = (m:out,[])
    notrans (out,[cur]) m = (m:cur:out,[])

    nomaster ([],[])  t  -- only for empty master list
        = error ("Unmatched transaction " ++ show t)
    nomaster (out,[]) (maxInt,_) -- transaction list ended
        = (out,[]) 
    nomaster _        t
        = error ("Unmatched transaction " ++ show t)

    getResult (nms,[]) = reverse nms

19.4.11 Recap

This case study illustrates the function generalization method. It begins with a simple Haskell program to merge two ascending lists of integers into third ascending list of integers. This program is generalized in a step by step fashion to produce a new program that is capable of carrying out any operation from the family of cosequential processing programs.

Although some members of the cosequential processing family can be rather complicated, the family has the characteristic that the primary driver for the algorithm can be concisely stated as a simple loop (i.e., recursive function).

19.5 What Next?


19.6 Chapter Source Code


19.7 Exercises


19.8 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised the discussion of function generalization from my and Pallavi Tadepalli’s paper “Using Function Generalization to Design a Cosequential Processing Framework” [57] to form partial Chapter 6, Developing Functional Programs, in the 2017 version of the ELIFP textbook [54]. (Cunningham, Liu, and Tadepalli [55] presents related work.) Schmid’s work [153–155] on the generalization of object-oriented programs to design software frameworks motivated us to apply similar concepts to functional programs.

The cosequential processing problem was motivated by my use of Folk’s presentation of that algorithm [76] in my File Structures (CSci 211) course at the University of Mississippi in the early 1990s. The papers by Dijkstra [64] and Dwyer [67] further informed that work.

In Summer 2018, I repurposed the partial Developing Functional Programs chapter and made it Chapter 19, Systematic Generalization, in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g.,, using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g.,, using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

19.9 Terms and Concepts


20 Problem Solving

20.1 Chapter Introduction

This Chapter is incomplete.

TODO: - Add Chapter Introduction - Give additional and improved examples. - Add What Next?, Chapter Source Code, and Exercises sections

20.2 Problem Solving Philosophy

I approach computing science with the following philosophy:

Here I consider programming as the process of analyzing a problem and formulating a solution suitable for execution on a computer. The solution should be correct, elegant, efficient, and robust. It should be expressed in a manner that is understandable, maintainable, and reusable. The solution should balance generality and specificity, abstraction and concreteness.

In my view, programming is far more than just coding. It subsumes the concerns of algorithms, data structures, and software engineering. It uses programming languages and software development tools. It uses the intellectual tools of mathematics, logic, linguistics, and computing science theory. Etc.

20.3 Polya’s Insights

The mathematician George Polya (1887–1985), a Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University, said the following in the preface to his book Mathematical Discovery: On Understanding, Learning and Teaching Problem Solving [142].

Solving a problem means finding a way out of a difficulty, a way around an obstacle, attaining an aim which was not immediately attainable. Solving problems is the specific achievement of intelligence, and intelligence is the specific gift of mankind: solving problems can be regarded as the most characteristically human activity. …

Solving problems is a practical art, like swimming, or skiing, or playing the piano: you learn it only by imitation and practice. …  if you wish to learn swimming you have to go into the water, and if you wish to become a problem solver you have to solve problems.

If you wish to derive the most profit from your effort, look out for such features of a problem at hand as may be useful in handling the problems to come. A solution that you have obtained by your own effort or one that you have read or heard, but have followed with real interest and insight, may become a pattern for you, a model that you can imitate with advantage in solving similar problems. …

Our knowledge about any subject consists of information and know-how. If you have genuine bonafide experience of mathematical work on any level, elementary or advanced, there will be no doubt in your mind that, in mathematics, know-how is much more important than mere possession of information. … 

What is know-how in mathematics? The ability to solve problems—not merely routine problems but problems requiring some degree of independence, judgment, originality, creativity. Therefore, the first and foremost duty …  in teaching mathematics is to emphasize methodical work in problem solving.

What Polya says for mathematics holds just as much for computing science.

In the book How to Solve It [141], Polya states four phases of problem solving. These steps are important for programming as well.

  1. Understand the problem.

  2. Devise a plan.

  3. Carry out the plan, checking each step.

  4. Reexamine and reconsider the solution. (And, of course, reexamine the understanding of the problem, the plan, and the way the plan was carried out.)

20.4 Problem-Solving Strategies

There are many problem-solving strategies applicable to programming in general and functional programming in particular. We have seen some of these in the earlier chapters and will see others in later chapters. In this section, we highlight some of the general techniques.

20.4.1 Solve a more general problem first

The first strategy is to solve a more general problem first. That is, we solve a “harder” problem than the specific problem at hand, then use the solution of the “harder” problem to get the specific solution desired.

Sometimes a solution of the more general problem is actually easier to find because the problem is simpler to state, more symmetrical, or less obscured by special conditions. The general solution can often be used to solve other related problems.

Often the solution of the more general problem can actually lead to a more efficient solution of the specific problem.


We have already seen one example of this technique: finding the first occurrence of an item in a list in Chapter 18.

First, we devised a program to find all occurrences in a list. Then we selected the first occurrence from the set of all occurrences. (Lazy evaluation of Haskell programs means that this use of a more general solution differs very little in efficiency from a specialized version.)

We have also seen several cases where we have generalized problems by adding one or more accumulating parameters. These “harder” problems can lead to more efficient tail recursive solutions.

For example, consider the tail recursive Fibonacci program we developed in Chapter 9. We added two extra arguments to the function.

    fib2 :: Int -> Int
    fib2 n | n >= 0 = fibIter n 0 1 
            fibIter 0 p q         = p
            fibIter m p q | m > 0 = fibIter (m-1) q (p+q)

Another approach is to use the tupling technique. Instead of adding extra arguments, we add extra results.

For example, in the Fibonacci program fastfib below, we compute (fib n, fib (n+1)) instead of just fib n. This is a harder problem, but it actually gives us more information to work with and, hence, provides more opportunity for optimization. (We formally derive this solution in Chapter 26.)

    fastfib :: Int -> Int
    fastfib n | n >= 0 = fst (twofib n)

    twofib :: Int -> (Int,Int) 
    twofib 0 = (0,1) 
    twofib n = (b,a+b) 
        where (a,b) = twofib (n-1)

20.4.2 Solve a simpler problem first

The second strategy is to solve a simpler problem first. After solving the simpler problem, we then adapt or extend the solution to solve the original problem.

Often the mass of details in a problem description makes seeing a solution difficult. In the previous technique we made the problem easier by finding a more general problem to solve. In this technique, we move in the other direction: we find a more specific problem that is similar and solve it.

At worst, by solving the simpler problem we should get a better understanding of the problem we really want to solve. The more familiar we are with a problem, the more information we have about it, and, hence, the more likely we will be able to solve it.

At best, by solving the simpler problem we will find a solution that can be easily extended to build a solution to the original problem.


Consider a program to convert a positive integer of up to six digits to a string consisting of the English words for that number. For example, 369027 yields the string:

    three hundred and sixty-nine thousand and twenty-seven

To deal with the complexity of this problem, we can work as follows:

  1. Solve the problem of converting a two-digit number to words. (The single digit numbers and numbers in teens are special cases.)
  2. Then extend the two-digit solution to three digits. (This can basically use the solution to part “a” twice.)
  3. Then extend three-digit solution to to six digits. (This can basically use the solution to part “b” twice.)

See Section 4.1 of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] for the details of this problem and a solution.

TODO: May want to create some code for this problem rather than just refer to an old textbook.

The process of generalizing first-order functions into higher-order functions is another example of this “solve a simpler problem first” strategy. Recall how we motivated the development of the higher-order library functions such as map, filter, and foldr in Chapter 15. Also consider the function generalization approach used in the cosequential processing case study in Chapter 19.

20.4.3 Reuse off-the-shelf solutions to standard subproblems

The third strategy is to reuse an off-the-shelf solutions to a standard subproblem.

We have been doing this all during this semester, especially since we began began studying polymorphism and higher-order functions.

The basic idea is to identify standard patterns of computation (e.g., standard Prelude functions such as length, take{.haskell, zip{.haskell, map{.haskell, filter{.haskell, foldr{.haskell) that will solve some aspects of the problem and then combine (e.g., using function composition) these standard patterns with your own specialized functions to construct a solution to the problem.


We have seen several examples of this technique in this textbook and its exercises.

See section 4.2 of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] for a case study that develops a package of functions to do arithmetic on variable length integers. The functions take advantage of several of the standard Prelude functions.

20.4.5 Separate concerns

The fifth strategy is to separate concerns. That is, we partition the problem into logically separate problems, solve each problem separately, then combine the solutions to the subproblems to construct a solution to the problem at hand.

As we have seen in the above strategies, when a problem is complex and difficult to attack directly, we search for simpler, but related, problems to solve, then build a solution to the complex problem from the simpler problems.


We have seen examples of this approach in earlier chapters and homework assignments. We separated concerns when we used stepwise refinement to develop a square root function, data abstraction in the rational number case study, and function pipelines.

Consider the development of a program to print a calendar for any year in various formats. We can approach this problem by first separating it into two independent subproblems:

  1. building a calendar
  2. formatting the output

After solving each of these simpler problems, the more complex problem can be solved easily by combining the two solutions. (See Section 4.5 of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] for the details of this problem and a solution.)

20.4.6 Divide and conquer

The sixth strategy is divide and conquer. This is a special case of the “solve a simpler problem first” strategy. In this technique, we must divide the problem into subproblems that are the same as the original problem except that the size of the input is smaller.

This process of division continues recursively until we get a problem that can be solved trivially, then we combined we reverse the process by combining the solutions to subproblems to form solutions to larger problems.


Examples of divide and conquer from earlier chapters include the logarithmic exponentiation function expt3 in Chapter 9 and the merge sort function msort in Chapter 17.

Another common example of the divide and conquer approach is binary search. (See Section 6.4.3 of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15].)

Chapter 17 examines divide and conquer algorithms in terms of a higher order function that captures the pattern.

There are, of course, other strategies that can be used to approach problem solving.

20.5 What Next?


20.6 Chapter Source Code


20.7 Exercises


20.8 Acknowledgements

In 2016 and 2017, I adapted and revised my previous notes to form Chapter 7, More List Processing and Problem Solving, in the 2017 version of this textbook. In particular, I drew the information on Problem Solving from:

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous More List Processing and Problem Solving chapter back into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 7.2-7.3 became the basis for new Chapter 18, More List Processing, and previous section 7.4 (essentially the two items above) became the basis for new Chapter 20 (this chapter), Problem Solving.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

20.9 Terms and Concepts

Problem solving, Polya, information, know-how, bonafide experience, problem-solving strategies, solve a more general (harder) problem first, accumulating parameters, tupling, solve a simpler problem first, reuse an off-the-shelf solution, higher-order functions, stepwise refinement, data abstraction, solve a related problem, separate concerns, divide and conquer.


21 Algebraic Data Types

21.1 Chapter Introduction

The previous chapters have primarily used Haskell’s primitive types along with tuples, lists, and functions.

The goals of this chapter (21) are to:

Algebraic data types enable us to conveniently leverage the power of the type system to write safe programs. We extensively these in the remainder of this textbook.

The Haskell source module for this chapter is in file AlgDataTypes.hs.

TODO: It might be better to factor the source code into multiple files.

21.2 Concepts

An algebraic data type [24,173,204] is a type formed by combining other types, that is, it is a composite data type. The data type is created by an algebra of operations of two primary kinds:

We can combine sums and products recursively into arbitrarily large structures.

An enumerated type is a sum type in which the constructors take no arguments. Each constructor corresponds to a single value.

Aside: ADT confusion

Although sometimes the acronym ADT is used for both, an algebraic data type is a different concept from an abstract data type [61,203].

Perhaps to add to the confusion, in functional programming we sometimes use an algebraic data type to help define an abstract data type. We do this in the Carrie’s Candy Bowl project at the end of this chapter. We consider these techniques more fully in Chapter 22.

21.3 Haskell Algebraic Data Types

21.3.1 Declaring data types

In addition to the built-in data types we have discussed, Haskell also allows the definition of new data types using declarations of the form:

data Datatype a1 a2 \cdots an = Cnstr1 | Cnstr2 | \cdots | Cnstrm


  • Datatype is the name of a new type constructor of arity n (n \geq 0). As with the built-in types, the name of the data type must begin with an uppercase letter.

  • a1, a2, \cdots an are distinct type variables representing the n parameters of the data type. These begin with lowercase letters (by convention at the beginning of the alphabet).

  • Cnstr1, Cnstr2, \cdots, Cnstrm are the m (mm \geq 1$) data constructors that describe the ways in which the elements of the new data type are constructed. These begin with uppercase letters.

The data definition can also end with an optional deriving that we discuss below.

21.3.2 Declaring type Color

For example, consider a new data type Color whose possible values are the colors on the flag of the USA. The names of the data constructors (the color constants in this case) must also begin with capital letters.

    data Color = Red | White | Blue 
                 deriving (Show, Eq)

Color is an example of an enumerated type, a sum type that consists of a finite sequence of nullary (i.e., the arity–-number of parameters–-is zero) data constructors.

We can use the type and data constructor names defined with data in declarations, patterns, and expressions in the same way that the built-in types can be used.

    isRed :: Color -> Bool 
    isRed Red = True
    isRed _   = False

Data constructors can also have associated values. For example, the constructor Grayscale below takes an integer value.

    data Color' = Red' | Blue' | Grayscale Int
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

Constructor Grayscale implicitly defines a constructor function with the type.

21.3.3 Deriving class instances

The optional deriving clauses in the above definitions of Color and Color' are very useful. They declare that these new types are automatically added as instances of the type classes listed.

Note: Chapter 23 explores the concepts of type class, instance, and overloading in more depth.

In the above cases, Show and Eq enable objects of type Color to be converted to a String and compared for equality, respectively.

The Haskell compiler derives the body of an instance syntactically from the data type declaration. It can derive instances for classes Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Read, and Show.

The derived instances of type class Eq include the (==) and (/=) methods.

Type class Ord extends Eq. In addition to (==) and (/=), a derived instance of Ord also includes the compare, (<), (<=), (>), (>=), max, and min methods. The ordered comparison operators use the order of the constructors given in the data statement, from smallest to largest, left to right. These comparison operators are strict in both arguments.

Similarly, a derived Enum instance assigns successive integers to the constructors increasing from 0 at the left. In addition to this, a derived instance of Bounded assigns minBound to the leftmost and maxBound to the rightmost.

The derived Show instance enables the function show to convert the data type to a syntactically correct Haskell expression consisting of only the constructor names, parentheses, and spaces. Similarly, Read enables the function read to parse such a string into a value of the data type.

For example, the data type Bool might be defined as:

    data Bool = False | True
                deriving (Ord, Show)

Thus False < True evaluates to True and False > True evaluates to False. If x == False, then show x yields the string False.

21.3.4 Exploring more example types

Consider a data type Point that has a type parameter. The following defines a polymorphic type; both of the values associated with the constructor Pt must be of type a. Constructor Pt implicitly defines a constructor function of type a -> a -> Point a.

    data Point a = Pt a a
                   deriving (Show, Eq)

As another example, consider a polymorphic set data type that represents a set as a list of values as follows. Note that the name Set is used both as the type constructor and a data constructor. In general, we should not use a symbol in multiple ways. It is acceptable to double use only when the type has only one constructor.

    data Set a = Set [a]
                 deriving (Show, Eq)

Now we can write a function makeSet to transform a list into a Set. This function uses the function nub from the Data.List module to remove duplicates from a list.

    makeSet :: Eq a => [a] -> Set a 
    makeSet xs = Set (nub xs)

As we have seen previously, programmers can also define type synonyms. As in user-defined types, synonyms may have parameters. For example, the following might define a matrix of some polymorphic type as a list of lists of that type.

    type Matrix a = [[a]]

We can also use special types to encode error conditions. For example, suppose we want an integer division operation that returns an error message if there is an attempt to divide by 0 and returns the quotient otherwise. We can define and use a union type Result as follows:

    data Result a = Ok a | Err String
                    deriving (Show, Eq)

    divide :: Int -> Int -> Result Int 
    divide _  0 = Err "Divide by zero" 
    divide x  y = Ok (x `div` y)

Then we can use this operation in the definition of another function f that returns the maximum Int value maxBound when a division by 0 occurs.

    f :: Int -> Int -> Int 
    f x y  = return (divide x y) 
             where return (Ok z)  = z 
                   return (Err s) = maxBound

The auxiliary function return can be avoided by using the Haskell case expression as follows:

    f' x y = 
        case divide x y of 
            Ok z  -> z 
            Err s -> maxBound

This case expression evaluates the expression divide x y, matches its result against the patterns of the alternatives, and returns the right-hand-side of the first matching patter.

Later in this chapter we discuss the Maybe and Either types, two polymorphic types for handling errors defined in the Prelude.

21.4 Recursive Data Types

Types can also be recursive.

21.4.1 Defining a binary tree type

For example, consider the user-defined type BinTree, which defines a binary tree with values of a polymorphic type.

    data BinTree a = Empty | Node (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)
                     deriving (Show, Eq)

This data type represents a binary tree with a value in each node. The tree is either “empty” (denoted by Empty) or it is a “node” (denoted by Node) that consists of a value of type a and “left” and “right” subtrees. Each of the subtrees must themselves be objects of type BinTree.

Thus a binary tree is represented as a three-part “record” as shown in on the left side of Figure 21.1. The left and right subtrees are represented as nested binary trees. There are no explicit “pointers”.

Figure 21.1: Binary tree BinTree.

Consider a function flatten to return the list of the values in binary tree in the order corresponding to a left-to-right in-order traversal. Thus expression

    flatten (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 5 
                  (Node (Node Empty 7 Empty) 1 Empty))

yields [3,5,7,1].

    flatten :: BinTree a -> [a] 
    flatten Empty        = [] 
    flatten (Node l v r) = flatten l ++ [v] ++ flatten r 

The second leg of flatten requires two recursive calls. However, as long as the input tree is finite, each recursive call receives a tree that is simpler (3.g., shorter) than the input. Thus all recursions eventually terminate when flatten is called with an Empty tree.

Function flatten can be rendered more efficiently using an accumulating parameter and cons as in the following:

    flatten' :: BinTree a -> [a] 
    flatten' t = inorder t [] 
                 where inorder Empty xs        = xs 
                       inorder (Node l v r) xs = 
                           inorder l (v : inorder r xs)

Auxiliary function inorder builds up the list of values from the right using cons.

To extend the example further, consider a function treeFold that folds an associative operation op with identity element i through a left-to-right in-order traversal of the tree.

    treeFold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> BinTree a -> a 
    treeFold op i Empty        = i 
    treeFold op i (Node l v r) = op (op (treeFold op i l) v) 
                                    (treeFold op i r)

21.4.2 Exporting types from modules

If an algebraic data type is defined in a module, we can export the type and make it available to users of the module. Suppose the BinTree type and the functions above are defined in a Haskell module named BinaryTrees. Then the following module header would export the type BinTree, the three explicitly defined functions, and the functions generated for the Eq and Show classes.

    module BinaryTrees
        ( BinTree, flatten, flatten', treeFold )
    where  -- implementation details of type and functions

This module definition makes the type BinTree and its two constructors Node and Empty available for use in a module that imports BinaryTrees.

If we want to make the type BinTree available but not its constructors, we can use the following module header:

    module BinaryTrees
        ( BinTree(..), flatten, flatten', treeFold )
    where  -- implementation details of type and functions

With BinTree(..) in the export list, BinTree values can only be constructed and examined by functions defined in the module (including the automatically generated functions). Outside the module, the BinTree values are “black boxes” that can be passed around or stored.

If the BinaryTrees module is designed and implemented as an information-hiding module as described in Chapter 7, then we also call this an abstract data type. We discuss these data abstractions in more detail in Chapter 22.

21.4.3 Defining an alternative binary tree type

Now let’s consider a slightly different formulation of a binary tree: a tree in which values are only stored at the leaves.

    data Tree a = Leaf a | Tree a :^: Tree a
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

This definition introduces the constructor function name Leaf as the constructor for leaves and the infix construction operator “:^:” as the constructor for internal nodes of the tree. (A constructor operator symbol must begin with a colon.)

These constructors allow such trees to be defined conveniently. For example, the tree

    ((Leaf 1 :^: Leaf 2) :^: (Leaf 3 :^: Leaf 4))

generates a complete binary tree with height 3 and the integers 1, 2, 3, and 4 at the leaves.

Suppose we want a function fringe, similar to function flatten above, that displays the leaves in a left-to-right order. We can write this as:

    fringe :: Tree a -> [a]  
    fringe (Leaf v)  = [v] 
    fringe (l :^: r) = fringe l ++ fringe r 

As with flatten and flatten' above, function fringe can also be rendered more efficiently using an accumulating parameter as in the following:

    fringe' :: Tree a -> [a] 
    fringe' t = leaves t [] 
                where leaves (Leaf v)  = ((:) v) 
                      leaves (l :^: r) = leaves l . leaves r

Auxiliary function leaves builds up the list of leaves from the right using cons.

21.5 Error-handling with Maybe and Either

Before we examine Maybe and Either, let’s consider a use case.

21.5.1 Handling null references

An association list is a list of pairs in which the first component is some key (e.g., a string) and the second component is the value associated with that key. It is a simple form of a map or dictionary data structure.

Suppose we have an association list that maps the name of a student (a key) to the name of the student’s academic advisor (a value). The following function lookup' carries out the search recursively.

    lookup' :: String -> [(String,String)] -> String
    lookup' key ((x,y):xys)
        | key == x  =  y
        | otherwise =  lookup' key xys

But what do we do when the key is not in the list (e.g., the list is empty)? How do we define a leg for lookup' key [] ?

  1. Leave the function undefined for that pattern?

    In this case, evaluation will halt with a “non-exhaustive pattern” error message.

  2. Put in an explicit error call with a custom error message?

  3. Return some default value of the advisor such as "NONE"?

  4. Return a null reference?

The first two approaches either halt the entire program or require use of the exception-handling mechanism. However, in any language, both abnormal termination and exceptions should be avoided except in cases in which the program is unable to continue. The lack of an assignment of a student to an advisor is likely not such an extraordinary situation.

Exceptions break referential transparency and, hence, negate many of the advantages of purely functional languages such as Haskell. In addition, Haskell programs can only catch exceptions in IO programs (i.e., the outer layers that handle input/output).

The third approach only works when there is some value that is not valid. This is not a very general approach.

The fourth approach, which is not available in Haskell, can be an especially unsafe programming practice. British computing scientist Tony Hoare, who introduced the null reference into the Algol type system in the mid-1960s, calls that his “billion dollar mistake” [97] because it “has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes”.

What is a safer, more general approach than these?

21.5.2 Introducing Maybe and Either

Haskell includes the union type Maybe (from the Prelude and Data.Maybe) which can be used to handle such cases.

    data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
                   deriving (Eq, Ord)

The Maybe algebraic data type encapsulates an optional value. A value of type Maybe a either contains a value of type a (represented by Just a) or it is empty (represented by Nothing).

The Maybe type is a good way to handle errors or exceptional cases without resorting to an error call.

Now we can define a general version of lookup' using a Maybe return type. (This is essentially function lookup from the Prelude.)

    lookup'' :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
    lookup'' key [] =  Nothing
    lookup'' key ((x,y):xys)
       | key == x   =  Just y
       | otherwise  =  lookup'' key xys

Suppose advisorList is an association list pairing students with their advisors and defaultAdvisor is the advisor the student should consult if no advisor is officially assigned. We can look up the advisor with a call to lookup and then pattern match on the Maybe value returned. (Here we use a case expression.)

    whoIsAdvisor :: String -> String
    whoIsAdvisor std =
        case lookup std advisorList of
            Nothing   -> defaultAdvisor
            Just prof -> prof

The whoIsAdvisor function just returns a default value in place of Nothing. The function

    fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a

supported by the Data.Maybe library has the same effect. Thus we can rewrite whoIsAdvisor as follows:

    whoIsAdvisor' std = 
        fromMaybe defaultAdvisor $ lookup std advisorList 

Alternatively, we could use Data.Maybe functions such as:

    isJust    :: Maybe a -> Bool
    isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
    fromJust  :: Maybe a -> a   -- error if Nothing

This allows us to rewrite whoIsAdvisor as follows:

    whoIsAdvisor'' std =
        let ad = lookup std advisorList
        in if isJust ad then fromJust ad else defaultAdvisor

If we need more fine-grained error messages, then we can use the union type Either defined as follows:

    data Either a b = Left a | Right b
                      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

The Either a b type represents values with two possibilities: a Left a or Right b. By convention, a Left constructor usually contains an error message and a Right constructor a correct value.

As with fromMaybe, we can use similar fromRight and fromLeft functions from the Data.Either library to extract the Right or Left values or to return a default value when the value is represented by the other constructor.

    fromLeft  :: a -> Either a b -> a
    fromRight :: b -> Either a b -> b

Library module Data.Either also includes functions to query for the presence of the two constructors.

    isLeft    :: Either a b -> Bool
    isRight   :: Either a b -> Bool

21.5.3 Considering other languages

Most recently designed languages include a maybe or option type [214]. Scala [131,151] has an Option case class [29:4,51], Rust [110,150] has an Option enum, and Swift has an Optional class, all of which are similar to Haskell’s Maybe. The functional languages Idris [18,19], Elm [60,70], and PureScript [79,143] also have Haskell-like Maybe algebraic data types.

The concept of nullable type [212] is closely related to the option type. Several older languages support this concept (e.g., Optional in Java 8, None in Python [144,146], and ? type annotations in C#).

When programming in an object-oriented language that does not provide an option/maybe type, a programmer can often use the Null Object design pattern [162,213,229] to achieve a similar result. This well-known pattern seeks to “encapsulate the absence of an object by providing a substitutable alternative that offers suitable default do nothing behavior” [162]. That is, the object must be of the correct type. It must be possible to apply all operations on that type to the object, but the operations should have neutral behaviors, with no side effects. The null object should actively do nothing!

21.6 What Next?

This chapter (21) added Haskell’s algebraic data types to our programming toolbox. Chapter 22 sharpens the data abstraction tools introduced in Chapter 7 by using algebraic data types from this chapter. Chapter 23 adds type classes and overloading to the toolbox.

The remainder of this chapter includes a number of larger exercises and projects.

21.7 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell source module for this chapter is in file AlgDataTypes.hs.

21.8 Exercises

  1. For trees of type Tree, implement a tree-folding function similar to treeFold.

  2. For trees of type BinTree, implement a version of treeFold that uses an accumulating parameter. (Hint: foldl.)

  3. In a binary search tree all values in the left subtree of a node are less than the value at the node and all values in the right subtree are greater than the value at the node.

    Given binary search trees of type BinTree, implement the following Haskell functions:

    1. makeTree that takes a list and returns a perfectly balanced (i.e., minimal height) BinTree such that flatten (makeTree xs) = sort xs. Prelude function sort returns its argument rearranged into ascending order.

    2. insertTree that takes an element and a BinTree and returns the BinTree with the element inserted at an appropriate position.

    3. elemTree that takes an element and a BinTree and returns True if the element is in the tree and False otherwise.

    4. heightTree that takes a BinTree and returns its height. Assume that height means the number of levels in the tree. (A tree consisting of exactly one node has a height of 1.)

    5. mirrorTree that takes a BinTree and returns its mirror image. That is, it takes a tree and returns the tree with the left and right subtrees of every node swapped.

    6. mapTree that takes a function and a BinTree and returns the BinTree of the same shape except each node’s value is computed by applying the function to the corresponding value in the input tree.

    7. showTree that takes a BinTree and displays the tree in a parenthesized, left-to-right, in-order traversal form. (That is, the traversal of a tree is enclosed in a pair of parentheses, with the traversal of the left subtree followed by the traversal of the right subtree.)

    Extend the package to support both insertion and deletion of elements. Keep the tree balanced using a technique such the AVL balancing algorithm.

  4. Implement the package of functions described in the previous exercise for the data type Tree.

  5. Each node of a general (i.e., multiway) tree consists of a label and a list of (zero or more) subtrees (each a general tree). We can define a general tree data type in Haskell as follows:

        data Gtree a = Node a [Gtree a]

    For example, tree (Node 0 [ ]) consists of a single node with label 0; a more complex tree Node 0 [Node 1 [ ], Node 2 [ ], Node 3 []] consists of root node with three single-node subtrees.

    Implement a “map” function for general trees, i.e., write Haskell function

        mapGtree :: (a -> b) -> Gtree a -> Gtree b 

    that takes a function and a Gtree and returns the Gtree of the same shape such that each label is generated by applying the function to the corresponding label in the input tree.

  6. We can introduce a new Haskell type for the natural numbers (i.e., nonnegative integers) with the statement

        data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat 

    where the constructor Zero represents the value 0 and constructor Succ represents the “successor function” from mathematics. Thus (Succ Zero) denotes 1, (Succ (Succ Zero)) denotes 2, and so forth. Implement the following Haskell functions.

    1. intToNat that takes a nonnegative Int and returns the equivalent Nat, for example, intToNat 2 returns Succ (Succ Zero).

    2. natToInt that takes a Nat and returns the equivalent value of type Int, for example, natToInt Succ (Succ Zero) returns 2.

    3. addNat that takes two Nat values and returns their sum as a Nat. This function cannot use integer addition.

    4. mulNat that takes two Nat values and returns their product as a Nat. This function cannot use integer multiplication or addition.

    5. compNat that takes two Nat values and returns the value -1 if the first is less than the second, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the first is greater than the second. This function cannot use the integer comparison operators.

  7. Consider the following Haskell data type for representing sequences (i.e., lists):

        data Seq a = Nil | Att (Seq a) a 

    Nil represents the empty sequence. Att xz y represents the sequence in which last element y is “attached” at the right end of the initial sequence xz.

    Note that Att is similar to the ordinary “cons” (:) for Haskell lists except that elements are attached at the opposite end of the sequences. (Att (Att (Att Nil 1) 2) 3) represents the same sequence as the ordinary list (1:(2:(3:[]))).

    Implement Haskell functions for the following operations on type Seq. The operations are analogous to the similarly named operations on the built-in Haskell lists.

    1. lastSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns its last (i.e., rightmost) element.

    2. initialSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns its initial sequence (i.e., sequence remaining after the last element removed).

    3. lenSeq takes a Seq and returns the number of elements that it contains.

    4. headSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns its head (i.e., leftmost) element.

    5. tailSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns the Seq remaining after the head element is removed.

    6. conSeq that takes an element and a Seq and returns a Seq with the argument element as its head and the Seq argument as its tail.

    7. appSeq takes two arguments of type Seq and returns a Seq with the second argument appended after the first.

    8. revSeq takes a Seq and returns the Seq with the same elements in reverse order.

    9. mapSeq takes a function and a Seq and returns the Seq resulting from applying the function to each element of the sequence in turn.

    10. filterSeq that takes a predicate and a Seq and returns the Seq containing only those elements that satisfy the predicate.

    11. listToSeq takes an ordinary Haskell list and returns the Seq with the same values in the same order (e.g., headSeq (listToSeq xs) = head xs for nonempty xs.)

    12. seqToList takes a Seq and returns the ordinary Haskell list with the same values in the same order (e.g., head (seqToList xz) = headSeq xz for nonempty xz.)

  8. Consider the following Haskell data type for representing sequences (i.e., lists):

        data Seq a = Nil | Unit a | Cat (Seq a) (Seq a)

    The constructor Nil represents the empty sequence; Unit represents a single-element sequence; and Cat represents the “concatenation” (i.e., append) of its two arguments, the second argument appended after the first.

    Implement Haskell functions for the following operations on type Seq. The operations are analogous to the similarly named operations on the built-in Haskell lists. (Do not convert back and forth to lists.)

    1. toSeq that takes a list and returns a corresponding Seq that is balanced.

    2. fromSeq that takes a Seq and returns the corresponding list.

    3. appSeq that takes two arguments of type Seq and returns a Seq with the second argument appended after the first.

    4. conSeq that takes an element and a Seq and returns a Seq with the argument element as its head and the Seq argument as its tail.

    5. lenSeq that takes a Seq and returns the number of elements that it contains.

    6. revSeq that takes a Seq and returns a Seq with the same elements in reverse order.

    7. headSeq that takes a nonempty Seq and returns its head (i.e., leftmost or front) element. (Be careful!)

    8. tailSeq that takes a nonempty Seq and returns the Seq remaining after the head is removed.

    9. normSeq that takes a Seq and returns a Seq with unnecessary embedded Nil values removed. (For example, normSeq (Cat (Cat Nil (Unit 1)) Nil) returns (Unit 1).)

    10. eqSeq that takes two Seq “trees” and returns True if the sequences of values are equal and returns False otherwise. Note that two Seq “trees” may be structurally different yet represent the same sequence of values.

      For example, (Cat Nil (Unit 1)) and (Cat (Unit 1) Nil) have the same sequence of values (i.e., [1]). But (Cat (Unit 1) (Unit 2)) and (Cat (Unit 2) (Unit 1)) do not represent the same sequence of values (i.e., [1,2] and [2,1], respectively).

      Also (Cat (Cat (Unit 1) (Unit 2)) (Unit 3)) has the same sequence of values as (Cat (Cat (Unit 1) (Unit 2)) (Unit 3)) (i.e., [1,2,3]).

    In general what are the advantages and disadvantages of representing lists this way?

21.9 Carrie’s Candy Bowl Project

21.9.1 Problem description and initial design

Carrie, the Department’s Administrative Assistant, has a candy bowl on her desk. Often she fills this bowl with candy, but the contents are quickly consumed by students, professors, and staff members. At a particular point in time, the candy bowl might contain several different kinds of candy with one or more pieces of each kind or it might be empty. Over time, the kinds of candy in the bowl varies.

In this project, we model the candy, the candy bowl, and the “operations” that can be performed on the bowl and develop it as a Haskell module.

What about the candy?

In general, we want to be able to identify how many pieces of candy we have of a particular kind (e.g., we may have two Snickers bars and fourteen Hershey’s Kisses) but do not need to distinguish otherwise between the pieces. So distinct identifiers for the different kinds of candy should be sufficient.

We can represent the different kinds of candy in several different ways. We could use strings, integer codes, the different values of an enumerated type, etc. In different circumstances, we might want to use different representations.

Thus we model the kinds of candy to be a polymorphic parameter of the candy bowl. However, we can contrain the polymorphism on the kinds of candy to be a Haskell type that can be compared for equality (i.e., in class Eq) and converted to a string so that it can be displayed (i.e., in class Show).

What about the candy bowl itself?

A candy bowl is some type of collection of pieces of candy with several possible representations. We could use a list (either unordered) of the pieces of candy, an association list (unordered or ordered) pairing the kinds of candy with the numbers of pieces of each, a Data.Map structure (from the Haskell library), or some other data structure.

Thus we want to allow the developers of the candy bowl to freely choose whatever representation they wish or perhaps to provide several different implementations with the same interface. We will leave this hidden inside the Haskell module that implements an abstract data type.

Thus, a Haskell module that implements the candy bowl can define a polymophic algebraic data type CandyBowl a and export its name, but not export the implementation details (i.e., the constructors) of the type. For example, a represenation built around a list of kinds of candy could be defined as:

    data CandyBowl a = Bowl [a] 

Or a representation using an association list can be defined as:

    data CandyBowl a = Bowl [(a,Int)]

Thus, to export the CandyBowl but hide the details of the representation, the module would have a header such as:

    module CarrieCandyBowl
        ( CandyBowl(..), -- function names exported 
    where  -- implementation details of type and functions

Some of the possible representations require the ability to order the types of candy in some way. Thus, we further constrain the polymorphic type parameter to class Ord instead of simply Eq. (Above, we also constrained it to class Show.)

21.9.2 Carrie’s Candy Bowl project exercises

Your task for this project to develop a Haskell module CarrieCandyBowl (in a file CarrieCandyBowl.hs), as described above. You must choose an appropriate internal representation for the data type CandyBowl and implement the public operations (functions) defined below. In addition to exporting the public functions and data type name, the module may contain whatever other internal data and function definitions needed for theimplemenation.

An initial Haskell source code for this project is in file CarrieCandyBowl_skeleton.hs.

You may use a function you have completed to implement other functions in the list (as long as you do not introduce circular definitions).

  1. newBowl :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a
    creates a new empty candy bowl.

  2. isEmpty :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> Bool
    returns True if and only if the bowl is empty.

  3. putIn :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> a -> CandyBowl a
    adds one piece of candy of the given kind to the bowl.

    For example, if we use strings to represent the kinds, then

        putIn bowl "Kiss"

    adds one piece of candy of kind "Kiss" to the bowl.

  4. has :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> a -> Bool
    returns True if and only if one or more pieces of the given kind of candy is in the bowl.

  5. size :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> Int
    returns the total number of pieces of candy in the bowl (regardless of kind).

  6. howMany :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> a -> Int
    returns the count of the given kind of candy in the bowl.

  7. takeOut :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> a -> Maybe (CandyBowl a)
    attempts to remove one piece of candy of the given kind from the bowl (so it can be eaten). If the bowl contains a piece of the given kind, the function returns the value Just bowl, where bowl is the bowl with the piece removed. If the bowl does not contain such a piece, it returns the value Nothing.

  8. eqBowl :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> CandyBowl a -> Bool
    returns True if and only if the two bowls have the same contents (i.e., the same kinds of candy and the same number of pieces of each kind).

  9. inventory :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> [(a,Int)]
    returns a Haskell list of pairs (k,n), where each kind k of candy in the bowl occurs once in the list with n > 0. The list should be arranged in ascending order by kind.

    For example, if there are two "Snickers" and one "Kiss" in the bowl, the list returned would be [("Kiss",1),("Snickers",2)].

  10. restock :: (Ord a,Show a) => [(a,Int)] -> CandyBowl a
    creates a new bowl such that for any bowl:

        eqBowl (restock (inventory bowl)) bowl  ==  True
  11. combine :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> CandyBowl a -> CandyBowl a
    pours the two bowls together to form a new “larger” bowl.

  12. difference :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> CandyBowl a -> CandyBowl a
    returns a bowl containing the pieces of candy in the first bowl that are not in the second bowl.

    For example, if the first bowl has four "Snickers" and the second has one "Snickers", then the result will have three "Snickers".

  13. rename :: (Ord a,Show a) => CandyBowl a -> (a -> b) -> CandyBowl b
    takes a bowl and a renaming function, applies the renaming function to all the kind values in the bowl, and returns the modified bowl.

    For example, for some mysterious reason, we might want to reverse the strings for the kind names: f xs = reverse xs. Thus "Kiss" would become "ssiK". Then rename f bowl would do the reversing of all the names.

21.9.3 Candy Bowl alternative exercises

TODO: Maybe specify reimplentations with a different data rep, perhaps requiring a map.

21.10 Sandwich DSL Project

21.10.1 Project Introduction

Few computer science graduates will design and implement a general-purpose programming language during their careers. However, many graduates will design and implement—and all likely will use—special-purpose languages in their work.

These special-purpose languages are often called domain-specific languages (or DSLs) [53]. (For more discussion of the DSL concepts, terminology, and techniques, see the introductory chapter of the Notes on Domain-Specific Languages [53].)

In this project, we design and implement a simple internal DSL [53]. This DSL describes simple “programs” using a set of Haskell algebraic data types. We express a program as an abstract syntax tree (AST) [53] using the DSLs data types.

In this project, we first build a package of functions for creating and manipulating the abstract syntax trees. We then extend the package to translate the abstract syntax trees to a sequence of instructions for a simple “machine”.

21.10.2 Developing the Sandwich DSL

Suppose Emerald de Gassy, the owner of the Oxford-based catering business Deli-Gate, hires us to design a domain-specific language (DSL) for describing sandwich platters. The DSL scripts will direct Deli-Gate’s robotic kitchen appliance SueChef (Sandwich and Utility Electronic Chef) to assemble platters of sandwiches.

In discussing the problem with Emerald and the Deli-Gate staff, we discover the following:

  • A sandwich platter consists of zero or more sandwiches. (Zero? Why not! Although a platter with no sandwiches may not be a useful, or profitable, case, there does not seem to be any harm in allowing this degenerate case. It may simplify some of the coding and representation.)

  • Each sandwich consists of layers of ingredients.

  • The categories of ingredients are breads, meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments.

  • Available breads are white, wheat, and rye.

  • Available meats are turkey, chicken, ham, roast beef, and tofu. (Okay, tofu is not a meat, but it is a good protein source for those who do not wish to eat meat. This is a college town after all.)

  • Available cheeses are American, Swiss, jack, and cheddar.

  • Available vegetables are tomato, lettuce, onion, and bell pepper.

  • Available condiments are mayo, mustard, relish, and Tabasco. (Of course, this being the South, the mayo is Blue Plate Mayonnaise and the mustard is a Creole mustard.)

Let’s define this as an internal DSL—in particular, by using a relatively deep embedding [53].

What is a sandwich? … Basically, it is a stack of ingredients.

Should we require the sandwich to have a bread on the bottom? … Probably. … On the top? Maybe not, to allow “open-faced” sandwiches. … What can the SueChef build? … We don’t know at this point, but let’s assume it can stack up any ingredients without restriction.

For simplicity and flexibility, let’s define a Haskell data type Sandwich to model sandwiches. It wraps a possibly empty list of ingredient layers. We assume the head of the list to be the layer at the top of the sandwich. We derive Show so we can display sandwiches.

    data Sandwich = Sandwich [Layer]
                    deriving Show

Note: In this project, we use the same name for an algebraic data type and its only constructor. Above the Sandwich after data defines a type and the one after the “=” defines the single constructor for that type.

Data type Sandwich gives the specification for a sandwich. When “executed” by the SueChef, it results in the assembly of a sandwich that satisfies the specification.

As defined, the Sandwich data type does not require there to be a bread in the stack of ingredients. However, we add function newSandwich that starts a sandwich with a bread at the bottom and a function addLayer that adds a new ingredient to the top of the sandwich. We leave the implementation of these functions as exercises.

    newSandwich :: Bread -> Sandwich
    addLayer    :: Sandwich -> Layer -> Sandwich

Ingredients are in one of five categories: breads, meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments.

Because both the categories and the specific type of ingredient are important, we choose to represent both in the type structures and define the following types. A value of type Layer represents a single ingredient. Note that we use names such as Bread both as a constructor of the Layer type and the type of the ingredients within that category.

    data Layer     = Bread Bread         | Meat Meat
                   | Cheese Cheese       | Vegetable Vegetable
                   | Condiment Condiment
                     deriving (Eq,Show)

    data Bread     = White | Wheat | Rye
                     deriving (Eq, Show)

    data Meat      = Turkey | Chicken | Ham | RoastBeef | Tofu
                     deriving (Eq, Show)

    data Cheese    = American | Swiss | Jack | Cheddar
                     deriving (Eq, Show)

    data Vegetable = Tomato | Onion | Lettuce | BellPepper
                     deriving (Eq, Show)

    data Condiment = Mayo | Mustard | Ketchup | Relish | Tabasco
                     deriving (Eq, Show)

We need to be able to compare ingredients for equality and convert them to strings. Because the automatically generated default definitions are appropriate, we derive both classes Show and Eq for these ingredient types.

We do not derive Eq for Sandwich because the default element-by-element equality of lists does not seem to be the appropriate equality comparison for sandwiches.

To complete the model, we define type Platter to wrap a list of sandwiches.

    data  Platter = Platter [Sandwich] 
                    deriving Show

We also define functions newPlatter to create a new Platter and addSandwich to add a sandwich to the Platter. We leave the implementation of these functions as exercises.

    newPlatter  :: Platter 
    addSandwich :: Platter -> Sandwich -> Platter 

21.10.3 Sandwich DSL exercise set A

Please put these functions in a Haskell module SandwichDSL (in a file named SandwichDSL.) You may use functions defined earlier in the exercises to implement those later in the exercises.

  1. Define and implement the Haskell functions newSandwich, addLayer, newPlatter, and addSandwich described above.

  2. Define and implement the Haskell query functions below that take an ingredient (i.e., Layer) and return True if and only if the ingredient is in the specified category.

        isBread     :: Layer -> Bool
        isMeat      :: Layer -> Bool
        isCheese    :: Layer -> Bool
        isVegetable :: Layer -> Bool
        isCondiment :: Layer -> Bool
  3. Define and implement a Haskell function noMeat that takes a sandwich and returns True if and only if the sandwich contains no meats.

        noMeat :: Sandwich -> Bool
  4. According to a proposed City of Oxford ordinance, in the future it may be necessary to assemble all sandwiches in Oxford Standard Order (OSO): a slice of bread on the bottom, then zero or more meats layered above that, then zero or more cheeses, then zero or more vegetables, then zero or more condiments, and then a slice of bread on top. The top and bottom slices of bread must be of the same type.

    Define and implement a Haskell function inOSO that takes a sandwich and determines whether it is in OSO and another function intoOSO that takes a sandwich and a default bread and returns the sandwich with the same ingredients ordered in OSO.

        inOSO   :: Sandwich -> Bool
        intoOSO :: Sandwich -> Bread -> Sandwich

    Hint: Remember Prelude functions like dropWhile.

    Note: It is impossible to rearrange the layers into OSO if the sandwich does not include exactly two breads of the same type. If the sandwich does not include any breads, then the default bread type (second argument) should be specified for both. If there is at least one bread, then the bread type nearest the bottom can be chosen for both top and bottom.

  5. Suppose we store the current prices of the sandwich ingredients in an association list with the following type synonym:

        type PriceList = [(Layer,Int)]

    Assuming that the price for a sandwich is base price plus the sum of the prices of the individual ingredients, define and implement a Haskell function priceSandwich that takes a price list, a base price, and a sandwich and returns the price of the sandwich.

        priceSandwich :: PriceList -> Int -> Sandwich -> Int 

    Hint: Consider using the lookup function from the Prelude. The library Data.Maybe may also include helpful functions.

    Use the following price list as a part of your testing:

        prices = [ (Bread White, 20), (Bread Wheat, 30), 
                   (Bread Rye, 30), 
                   (Meat Turkey, 100), (Meat Chicken, 80), 
                   (Meat Ham, 120), (Meat RoastBeef, 140), 
                   (Meat Tofu, 50), 
                   (Cheese American, 50), (Cheese Swiss, 60), 
                   (Cheese Jack, 60), (Cheese Cheddar, 60), 
                   (Vegetable Tomato, 25), (Vegetable Onion, 20), 
                   (Vegetable Lettuce, 20), (Vegetable BellPepper,25),
                   (Condiment Mayo, 5), (Condiment Mustard, 4), 
                   (Condiment Ketchup, 4), (Condiment Relish, 10), 
                   (Condiment Tabasco, 5) 
  6. Define and implement a Haskell function eqSandwich that compares two sandwiches for equality.

    What does equality mean for sandwiches? Although the definition of equality could differ, you can use “bag equality”. That is, two sandwiches are equal if they have the same number of layers (zero or more) of each ingredient, regardless of the order of the layers.

        eqSandwich :: Sandwich -> Sandwich -> Bool 

    Hint: The “sets” operations in library Data.List might be helpful

  7. Give the Haskell declaration needed to make Sandwich an instance of class Eq. You may use eqSandwich if applicable.

21.10.4 Compiling the program for the SueChef controller

In this section, we look at compiling the Platter and Sandwich descriptions to issue a sequence of commands for the SueChef’s controller.

The SueChef supports the special instructions that can be issued in sequence to its controller. The data type SandwichOp below represents the instructions.

    data SandwichOp = StartSandwich    | FinishSandwich 
                    | AddBread Bread   | AddMeat Meat
                    | AddCheese Cheese | AddVegetable Vegetable
                    | AddCondiment Condiment
                    | StartPlatter | MoveToPlatter | FinishPlatter 
                      deriving (Eq, Show) 

We also define the type Program to represent the sequence of commands resulting from compilation of a Sandwich or Platter specification.

    data Program = Program [SandwichOp]
                   deriving Show

The flow of a program is given by the following pseudocode:

    for each sandwich needed
        for each ingredient needed
            Add ingredient on top

Consider a sandwich defined as follows:

    Sandwich [ Bread Rye, Condiment Mayo, Cheese Swiss,
               Meat Ham, Bread Rye ]

The corresponding sequence of SueChef commands would be the following:

    [ StartSandwich, AddBread Rye, AddMeat Ham, AddCheese Swiss,
      AddCondiment Mayo, AddBread Rye, FinishSandwich, MoveToPlatter ]

21.10.5 Sandwich DSL exercise set B

Add the following functions to the module SandwichDSL developed in the Sandwich DSL Project exercise set A.

  1. Define and implement a Haskell function compileSandwich to convert a sandwich specification into the sequence of SueChef commands to assemble the sandwich.

        compileSandwich :: Sandwich -> [SandwichOp]
  2. Define and implement a Haskell function compile to convert a platter specification into the sequence of SueChef commands to assemble the sandwiches on the platter.

        compile :: Platter -> Program 

21.10.6 Sandwich DSL source code

The Haskell source code for this project is in file:

21.11 Exam DSL Project

21.11.1 Project introduction

Few computer science graduates will design and implement a general-purpose programming language during their careers. However, many graduates will design and implement—and all likely will use—special-purpose languages in their work.

These special-purpose languages are often called domain-specific languages (or DSLs) [53]. (For more discussion of the DSL concepts, terminology, and techniques, see the introductory chapter of the Notes on Domain-Specific Languages [53].)

In this project, we design and implement a simple internal DSL [53]. This DSL describes simple “programs” using a set of Haskell algebraic data types. We express a program as an abstract syntax tree (AST) [53] using the DSL’s data types.

The package first builds a set of functions for creating and manipulating the abstract syntax trees for the exams. It then extends the package to translate the abstract syntax trees to HTML.

21.11.2 Developing the Exam DSL

Suppose Professor Harold Pedantic decides to create a DSL to encode his (allegedly vicious) multiple choice examinations. Since his course uses Haskell to teach programming language organization, he wishes to implement the language processor in Haskell. Professor Pedantic is too busy to do the task himself. He is also cheap, so he assigns us, the students in his class, the task of developing a prototype.

In the initial prototype, we do not concern ourselves with the concrete syntax of the Exam DSl. We focus on design of the AST as a Haskell algebraic data type. We seek to design a few useful functions to manipulate the AST and output an exam as HTML.

First, let’s focus on multiple-choice questions. For this prototype, we can assume a question has the following components:

  • the text of the question

  • a group of several choices for the answer to the question, exactly one of which should be be a correct answer to the question

  • a group of tags identifying topics covered by the question

Let’s define this as an internal DSL—in particular, by using a relatively deep embedding [53].

We can state a question using the Haskell data type Question, which has a single constructor Ask. It has three components—a list of applicable topic tags, the text of the question, and a list of possible answers to the question.

    type QText    = String 
    type Tag      = String
    data Question = Ask [Tag] QText [Choice] deriving Show

We use the type QText to describe the text of a question. We also use the type Tag to describe the topic tags we can associate with a question.

We can then state a possible answer to the question using the data type Choice, which has a single constructor Answer. It has two components—the text of the answer and a Boolean value that indicates whether this is a correct answer to the question (i.e., True) or not.

    type AText    = String
    data Choice   = Answer AText Bool deriving (Eq, Show)

As above, we use the type AText to describe the text of an answer.

For example, we could encode the question “Which of the following is a required course?” as follows.

    Ask ["curriculum"] 
        "Which of the following is a required course?"
        [ Answer "CSci 323" False, 
          Answer "CSci 450" True, 
          Answer "CSci 525" False ]

The example has a single topic tag "curriculum" and three possible answers, the second of which is correct.

We can develop various useful functions on these data types. Most of these are left as exercises.

For example, we can define a function correctChoice that takes a Choice and determines whether it is marked as a correct answer or not.

    correctChoice :: Choice -> Bool

We can also define function lenQuestion that takes a question and returns the number of possible answers are given. This function has the following signature.

    lenQuestion :: Question -> Int

We can then define a function to check whether a question is valid. That is, the question must have:

  • a non-nil text

  • at least 2 and no more than 10 possible answers

  • exactly one correct answer

It has the type signature.

    validQuestion :: Question -> Bool

We can also define a function to determine whether or not a question has a particular topic tag.

    hasTag :: Question -> Tag -> Bool

To work with our lists of answers (and other lists in our program), let’s define function eqBag with the following signature.

    eqBag :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool

This is a “bag equality” function for two polymorphic lists. That is, the lists are collections of elements that can be compared for equality and inequality, but not necessarily using ordered comparisons. There may be elements repeated in the list.

Now, what does it mean for two questions to be equal?

For our prototype, we require that the two questions have the same question text, the same collection of tags, and the same collection of possible answers with the same answer marked correct. However, we do not require that the tags or possible answers appear in the same order.

We note that type Choice has a derived instance of class Eq. Thus we can give an instance definition to make Question an instance of class Eq.

   instance Eq Question where
   -- fill in the details

Now, let’s consider the examination as a whole. It consists of a title and a list of questions. We thus define the data type Exam as follows.

    type Title = String
    data Exam = Quiz Title [Question] deriving Show

We can encode an exam with two questions as follows.

    Quiz "Curriculum Test" [
         Ask ["curriculum"]
             "Which one of the following is a required course?"
             [ Answer "CSci 323" False, 
               Answer "CSci 450" True, 
               Answer "CSci 525" False ],
         Ask ["language","course"]
             "What one of the following languages is used in CSci 450?"
             [ Answer "Lua" False,
               Answer "Elm" False,
               Answer "Haskell" True ]

We can define function selectByTags selects questions from an exam based on the occurrence of the specified topic tags.

    selectByTags :: [Tag] -> Exam -> Exam 

The function application selectByTags tags exam takes a list of zero or more tags and an exam and returns an exam with only those questions in which at least one of the given tags occur in a Question’s tag list.

We can define function validExam that takes an exam and determines whether or not it is valid. It is valid if and only if all questions are valid. The function has the following signature.

    validExam :: Exam -> Bool 

To assist in grading an exam, we can also define a function makeKey that takes an exam and creates a list of (number,letter) pairs for all its questions. In a pair, number is the problem number, a value that starts with 1 and increases for each problem in order. Similarly, letter is the answer identifier, an uppercase alphabetic character that starts with A and increases for each choice in order. The function returns the tuples arranged by increasing problem number.

The function has the following signature.

    makeKey :: Exam -> [(Int,Char)]

For the example exam above, makeKey should return [(1,'B'),(2,'C')].

21.11.3 Exam DSL exercise set A

Define the following functions in a module named ExamDSL (in a file named ExamDSL.hs).

  1. Develop function correctChoice :: Choice -> Bool as defined above.

  2. Develop function lenQuestion :: Question -> Int as defined above.

  3. Develop function validQuestion :: Question -> Bool as defined above.

  4. Develop function hasTag :: Question -> Tag -> Bool as defined above.

  5. Develop function eqBag :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool as defined above.

  6. Give an instance declaration to make data type Question an instance of class Eq.

  7. Develop function selectByTags :: [Tag] -> Exam -> Exam as defined above.

  8. Develop function validExam :: Exam -> Bool as defined above.

  9. Develop function makeKey :: Exam -> [(Int,Char)] as defined above.

21.11.4 Outputting the Exam as HTML

Professor Pedantic wants to take an examination expressed with the Exam DSL, as described above, and output it as HTML.

Again, consider the following Exam value.

    Quiz "Curriculum Test" [
         Ask ["curriculum"]
             "Which one of the following courses is required?"
             [ Answer "CSci 323" False, 
               Answer "CSci 450" True, 
               Answer "CSci 525" False ],
         Ask ["language","course"]
             "What one of the following is used in CSci 450?"
             [ Answer "Lua" False,
               Answer "Elm" False,
               Answer "Haskell" True ]

We want to convert the above to the following HTML.

    <html lang="en">
    <h1>Curriculum Test</h1>
    <ol type="1">
    <li>Which one of the following courses is required?
    <ol type="A">
    <li>CSci 323</li>
    <li>CSci 450</li>
    <li>CSci 525</li>
    <li>What one of the following is used in CSci 450?
    <ol type="A">

This would render in a browser something like the following.

Curriculum Test

  1. Which one of the following courses is required?
    1. CSci 323
    2. CSci 450
    3. CSci 525
  2. What one of the following is used in CSci 450?
    1. Lua
    2. Elm
    3. Haskell

Professor Pedantic developed a module of HTML template functions named SimpleHTML to assist us in this process. (See file SimpleHTML.hs.)

A function application to_html lang content wraps the content (HTML in a string) inside a pair of HTML tags <html> and </html> with lang attribute set to langtype, defaulting to English (i.e., "en"). This function and the data types are defined in the following.

    type HTML     = String
    data LangType = English | Spanish | Portuguese | French 
                    deriving (Eq, Show) 
    langmap = [ (English,"en"), (Spanish,"es"), (Portuguese,"pt"),
                (French,"fr") ]

    to_html :: LangType -> HTML -> HTML
    to_html langtype content =
        "<html lang=\"" ++ lang ++ "\">" ++ content ++ "</html>"
            where lang = case lookup langtype langmap of
                             Just l  -> l
                             Nothing -> "en"

For the above example, the to_html function generates the the outer layer:

    <html lang="en"> ... </html>

Function application to_body content wraps the content inside a pair of HTML tags <body> and </body>.

    to_body :: HTML -> HTML
    to_body content = "<body>" ++ content ++ "</body>"

Function application to_heading level title wraps string title inside a pair of HTML tags <hN> and </hN> where N is in the range 1 to 6. If level is outside this range, it defaults to the nearest valid value.

    to_heading:: Int -> String -> HTML
    to_heading level title = open ++ title ++ close
        where lev   = show (min (max level 1) 6)
              open  = "<h"  ++ lev ++ ">"
              close = "</h" ++ lev ++ ">"

Function application to_list listtype content wraps the content inside a pair of HTML tags <ul> and </ul> or <ol> and </ol>. For <ol> tags, it sets the type attribute based on the value of the listtype argument.

    data ListType = Decimal | UpRoman | LowRoman 
                  | UpLettered | LowLettered | Bulleted 
                    deriving (Eq, Show) 

    to_list :: ListType -> HTML -> HTML
    to_list listtype content = open ++ content ++ close
            (open,close) =
                case listtype of
                    Decimal     -> ("<ol type=\"1\">", "</ol>")
                    UpRoman     -> ("<ol type=\"I\">", "</ol>")
                    LowRoman    -> ("<ol type=\"i\">", "</ol>")
                    UpLettered  -> ("<ol type=\"A\">", "</ol>")
                    LowLettered -> ("<ol type=\"a\">", "</ol>")
                    Bulleted    -> ("<ul>",            "</ul>")

Finally, function application to_li content wraps the content inside a pair of HTML tags <li> and </li>.

    to_li :: HTML -> HTML
    to_li content = "<li>" ++ content ++ "</li>"

By importing the SimpleHTML module, we can now develop functions to output an Exam as HTML.

If we start at the leaves of the Exam AST (i.e., from the Choice data type), we can define a function choice2html function as follows in terms of to_li.

    choice2html :: Choice -> HTML
    choice2html (Answer text _) = to_li text

Using choice2html and the SimpleHTML module, we can define question2html with the following signature.

    question2html :: Question -> HTML 

Then using question2html and the SimpleHTML module, we can define question2html with the following signature.

    exam2html :: Exam -> HTML

Note: These two functions should add newline characters to the HTML output so that they look like the examples at the beginning of the “Outputting the Exam” section. Similarly, it should not output extra spaces. This both makes the string output more readable and makes it possible to grade the assignment using automated testing.

For example, the output of question2html for the first Question in the example above should appear as the following when printed with the putStr input-output command.

    <li>Which one of the following courses is required?
    <ol type="A">
    <li>CSci 323</li>
    <li>CSci 450</li>
    <li>CSci 525</li>

In addition, you may want to output the result of exam2html to a file to see how it displays in a browser a particular exam.

    writeFile "output.html" $ exam2html exam 

21.11.5 Exam DSL project exercise set B

Add the following functions to the module ExamDSL developed in the Exam DSL Project exercise set A.

  1. Develop function question2html :: Question -> HTML as defined above.

  2. Develop function exam2html :: Exam -> HTML as defined above.

21.11.6 Exam DSL source code

The Haskell source code for this project is in files:

  • ExamDSL_base.hs, which is the skeleton to flesh out for a solution to this project

  • SimpleHTML.hs, which is the module of HTML string templates

21.12 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from the following sources:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 8, Algebraic Data Types, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook. I added discussion of the Maybe and Either types. For this work, I studied the Haskell Data.Maybe and Data.Either documentation, Chapter 4 on Error Handling in Chiusano [29], and articles on the Option Type [214] and the Null Object Pattern [162,213,229].

In Summer 2018, I revised this as Chapter 21, Algebraic Data Types, in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming [54].

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I added the descriptions of three projects: Carrie’s Candy Bowl, Sandwich DSL, and Exam DSL. These are adapted from homework assignments I have given in the past.

I devised the first version of Carrie’s Candy Bowl project for an exam question in the Lua-based, Fall 2013 CSci 658 (Software Language Engineering) class. It is algebraic data type reformulation of the Bag project I had assigned several times in CSci 555 (Functional Programming) since the mid-1990s. I revised the problem for use in the Scala-based CSci 555 class in 2016 and for later use in the Haskell-bsed CSci 450 (Organization of Programming Languages) in Fall 2018.

I devised the first version of the Sandwich DSL problem for an exam question in the Lua-based, Fall 2013 CSci 658 (Software Language Engineering) class. I subsequently developed a full Haskell-based project for the Fall 2014 CSci 450 (Organization of Programming Languages) class. I then converted the case study to use Scala for the Scala-based, Spring 2016 CSci 555 (Functional Programming). I revised Haskell-based version for the Fall 2017 CSci 450 class.

I developed the Exam DSL project description in Fall 2018 motivated by the Sandwich DSL project and a set of questions I gave on an exam.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

21.13 Terms and Concepts

Types, algebraic data types (composite), sum (tagged, disjoint union, variant, enumerated), product (tuple, record), arity, nullary, recursive types, algebraic data types versus abstract data types, syntax, semantics, pattern matching, null reference, safe error handling, Maybe and Either “option” types, Null Object design pattern, association list (map, dictionary), key, value.

22 Data Abstraction Revisited

22.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter (22) revisits the specification, design, and implementation of data abstraction modules in Haskell. It follows the general approach introduced in Chapter 7 but uses algebraic data types introduced in Chapter 21 to represent the data. An algebraic data enables the Haskell module implementing the abstraction to encapsulate the details of the data structure.

The goals of this chapter are to:

The concepts and terminology in this chapter are mostly general. They are applicable to most any language. Here we look specifically at Haskell and focus on the details of one application. (I have implemented basically the same data abstraction module in Scala and Elixir.)

22.2 Concepts

Chapter 7 used the term data abstraction.

This chapter uses the related term abstract data type [61] to refer to a data abstraction encapsulated in an information-hiding module. The data abstraction module defines and exports a user-defined type (i.e., an algebraic data type) and a set of operations (i.e., functions) on that type. The type is abstract in the sense that its concrete representation is hidden; only the module’s operations may manipulate the representation directly.

For convenience, this chapter sometimes uses acronym ADT to refer to an abstract data type.

In Chapters 6 and 7, we explored the concepts of contracts, which include preconditions and postconditions for the functions in the module and interface and implementation) invariants for the data created and manipulated by the module. For convenience, this chapter refers to these as the abstract model for the ADT.

22.3 Example: Doubly Labelled Digraph

In this chapter, we develop a family of doubly labelled digraph data structures.

As a graph, the data structure consists of a finite set of vertices (nodes) and a set of edges. Each edge connects two vertices. (Some writers require that the set of vertices be nonempty, but here we prefer to allow an empty graph to have no vertices. But the question remains whether such a graph with no vertices is pointless concept.)

As a directed graph (or digraph), each pair of vertices has at most one edge connecting them; the edge has a direction from one of the edges to the other.

As a doubly labelled graph, each vertex and each edge has some user-defined data (i.e., labels) attached.

This chapter draws on the discussion of digraphs and their specification in Chapters 1 and 10 of the Dale and Walker book Abstract Data Types [61].

22.4 Use Case

For what purpose can we use a doubly labelled digraph data structure?

One concrete use case is to represent the game world in an implementation of an adventure game.

For example, in the Wizard’s Adventure Game from Chapter 5 of Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time [7], the game’s rooms become vertices, passages between rooms become edges, and descriptions associated with rooms or passages become labels on the associated vertex or edge (as shown in Figure 22.1).

Figure 22.1: Labelled digraph for Wizard’s Adventure game.

Aside: By using a digraph to model the game world, we disallow multiple passages directly from one room to another. By changing the graph to a multigraph, we can allow multiple directed edges from one vertex to another.

The Adventure game must create and populate the game world initially, but it does not typically modify the game world during play. It maintains the game state (e.g., player location) separately from the game world. A player moves from room to room during play; the labelled digraph provides the static structure and descriptions of the game world.

22.5 Defining ADTs

How can we define an abstract data type?

The behavior of an ADT is defined by a set of operations that can be applied to an instance of the ADT.

Each operation of an ADT can have inputs (i.e., parameters) and outputs (i.e., results). The collection of information about the names of the operations and their inputs and outputs is the interface of the ADT.

22.5.1 Specification

To specify an ADT, we need to give:

  1. the name of the ADT

  2. the sets (or domains) upon which the ADT is built

    These include the type being defined and the auxiliary types (e.g., primitive data types and other ADTs) used as parameters or return values of the operations.

  3. the signatures (syntax or structure) of the operations

    • name
    • input sets (i.e., the types, number, and order of the parameters)
    • output set (i.e., the type of the return value)
  4. the semantics (or meaning) of the operations

Note: In this chapter, we more state the specification of the data abstraction more systematically than in Chapter 7. But we are doing essentially the same things we did for the Rational Arithmetic modules in Chapter 7.

22.5.2 Operations

We categorize an ADT’s operations into four groups depending upon their functionality:

  • A constructor (sometimes called a creator, factory, or producer function) constructs and initializes an instance of the ADT.

  • A mutator (sometimes called a modifier, command, or setter function) returns the instance with its state changed.

  • An accessor (sometimes called an observer, query, or getter function) returns information from the state of an instance without changing the state.

  • A destructor destroys an instance of the ADT.

We normally list the operations in that order.

For a language with immutable data structures like Haskell, a mutator returns a distinct new instance of the ADT with a state that is a modified version of the original instance’s state. That is, we are taking an applicative (or functional or referentially transparent) approach to ADT specifications.

Note: Of course, in an imperative language, a mutator can change the state of an instance in place. That may be more efficient, but it tends to be less safe. It also tends to make concurrent use of an abstract data type more problematic.

Technically speaking, a destructor is not an operation of the ADT. We can represent the other types of operations as functions on the sets in the specification. However, we cannot define a destructor in that way. But destructors are of pragmatic importance in the implementation of ADTs, particularly in languages that do not have automatic storage reclamation (i.e., garbage collection).

22.5.3 Approaches to semantics

There are two primary approaches for specifying the semantics of the operations:

  • The axiomatic (or algebraic) approach gives a set of logical rules (properties or axioms) that relate the operations to one another. The meanings of the operations are defined implicitly in terms of each other.

  • The constructive (or abstract model) approach describes the meaning of the operations explicitly in terms of operations on other abstract data types. The underlying model may be any well-defined mathematical model or a previously defined ADT.

In some ways, the axiomatic approach is the more elegant of the two approaches. It is based in the well-established mathematical fields of abstract algebra and category theory. Furthermore, it defines the new ADT independently of other ADTs. To understand the definition of the new ADT it is only necessary to understand its axioms, not the semantics of a model.

However, in practice, the axiomatic approach to specification becomes very difficult to apply in complex situations. The constructive approach, which builds a new ADT from existing ADTs, is the more useful methodology for most practical software development situations.

In this chapter, we use the constructive approach.

22.6 Specification of Labelled Digraph ADT

Now let’s look at a constructive specification of the doubly labelled digraph.

First, we specify the ADT as an implementation-independent abstraction. The secret of the ADT module is the data structure used internally to implement the doubly labelled digraph.

Then, we examine two implementations of the abstraction:

Before we specify the ADT, let’s define the mathematical notation we use. We choose notation that can readily be used in comments in program.

22.6.1 Notation

We use the the plain-text specification notation to describe the abstract data type’s model and its semantics. The following document summarizes this notation:

  • Plain Text Specification Notation (PTSN)


  • Make sure the specification in this chapter and source code use the PTSN.
  • For the full ELIFP book, it might be better to make the PTSN document an appendix chapter (81?).
  • Perhaps use more traditional logic and math notation [40] in the ELIFP book and PTSN in the code.

22.6.2 Sets

We name the abstract data type being defined to be Digraph.

We specify that this abstract data type be represented by a Haskell algebraic data type Digraph a b c, which has three type parameters (i.e., sets):

  1. VertexType, the set of possible vertices (i.e., vertex identifiers) in the Digraph

  2. VertexLabelType, the set of possible labels on vertices in the Digraph

  3. EdgeLabelType, the set of possible labels on edges in the Digraph

Given this ADT defines a digraph, edges can be identified by ordered pairs (tuples) of vertices. Values from the above types, in particular the labels, may have several components.

22.6.3 Signatures

We define the following operations on the Labelled Digraph ADT (shown below as Haskell function signatures).

Given the primary use case described above, we specify a constructor to create an empty graph (new_graph), a mutator to add a new vertex (add_vertex), and mutator to add a new edge between existing vertices (add_edge).

We also specify mutators to remove vertices (remove_vertex) and edges (remove_edge) and to update the labels on vertices (update_vertex) and edges (update_edge). (Note: In the identified use case, these are likely used less often than the mutators that add new vertices and edges.)


We specify a single constructor with the following signature:

    new_graph :: Digraph a b c


We specify six mutators with the following signatures:

    add_vertex    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    remove_vertex :: Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c
    update_vertex :: Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    add_edge      :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c
    remove_edge   :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Digraph a b c
    update_edge   :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c


We specify query functions to check whether the labelled digraph is empty (is_empty), has a given vertex (has_vertex), and has an edge between two vertices (has_edge).

We also specify accessors to retrieve the label associated with a given vertex (get_vertex) and edge (get_edge).

Given the identified use case, we also specify accessors to return lists of all vertices in the graph (all_vertices) and of just their labels (all_vertices_labels) and to return lists of all outgoing edges from a vertex (from_edges) and of just their labels (from_edges_labels).

We thus specify nine accessors with the following signatures:

    is_empty      :: Digraph a b c -> Bool 
    get_vertex    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> b 
    has_vertex    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool 
    get_edge      :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c
    has_edge      :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Bool
    all_vertices  :: Digraph a b c -> [a]
    from_edges    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> [a]
    all_vertices_labels :: Digraph a b c -> [(a,b)]
    from_edges_labels   :: Digraph a b c -> a -> [(a,c)]

TODO: Consider changing get_vertex and get_edge to return Maybe b and Maybe c, respectively.


Given the identified use case and that Haskell uses garbage collection, no destructor seems to be needed in most cases.

22.6.4 Semantics

We model the state of the instance of the Labelled Digraph ADT with an abstract value G such that G = (V,E,VL,EL) with G’s components satisfying the following Labelled Digraph Properties.

  • V is a finite subset of values from the set VertexType. V denotes the vertices (or nodes) of the digraph.

  • Any two elements of V can be compared for equality.

  • E is a binary relation on the set V. A pair (v1,v2) IN E denotes that there is a directed edge from v1 to v2 in the digraph.

    Note that this model allows at most one (directed) edge from a vertex v1 to vertex v2. It allows a directed edge from a vertex to itself.

    Also, because vertices can be compared for equality, any two edges can also be compared for equality.

  • VL is a total function from set V to the set VertexLabelType.

  • EL is a total function from set E to the set EdgeLabelType. Interface invariant

We define the following interface invariant for the Labelled Digraph ADT:

Any valid labelled digraph instance G, appearing in either the arguments or return value of a public ADT operation, must satisfy the Labelled Digraph Properties. Constructive semantics

We specify the various ADT operations below using their type signatures, preconditions, and postconditions. Along with the interface invariant, these comprise the (implementation-independent) specification of the ADT (i.e., its abstract interface).

In these assertions, for a digraph g that satisfies the invariants, G(g) denotes its abstract model(V,E,VL,EL) as described above. The value Result denotes the return value of function.

TODO: Consider in what order these should appear.

  • Constructor new_graph creates and returns a new empty instance of the graph ADT.




    G(Result) == ({},{},{},{})
  • Accessor is_empty g returns True if and only if graph g is empty.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL)


    Result == (V == {} && E == {})
  • Mutator add_vertex g nv nl inserts vertex nv with label nl into graph g and returns the resulting graph.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && nv NOT_IN V


    G(Result) == (V UNION {nv}, E, VL UNION {(nv,nl)}, EL)
  • Mutator remove_vertex g ov deletes vertex ov from graph g and returns the resulting graph.


    G(g) =  (V,E,VL,EL) && ov IN V


    G(Result) == (V', E', VL', EL')
            where V'  = V  - {ov}
                  E'  = E  - {(ov,*),(*,ov)}
                  VL' = VL - {(ov,*)}
                  EL' = EL - {((ov,*),*),((*,ov),*)}
  • Mutator update_vertex g ov nl changes the label on vertex ov in graph g to be nl and returns the resulting graph.


    G(g) =  (V,E,VL,EL) && ov IN V 


    G(Result) == (V - {ov}, E, VL', EL) 
        where VL' = (VL - {(ov,VL(ov))}) UNION {(ov,nl)}
  • Accessor get_vertex g ov returns the label from vertex ov in graph g

    TODO: If signature changed to return Maybe, change precondition and postcondition appropriately.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && ov IN V 


    Result == VL(ov) 
  • Accessor has_vertex g ov returns True if and only if ov is a vertex of graph g.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL)


    G(Result) == ov IN V 
  • Mutator add_edge g v1 v2 nl inserts an edge from vertex v1 to vertex v2 in graph g and returns the resulting graph.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && v1 IN V && v2 IN V && 
    (v1,v2) NOT_IN E


    G(Result) == (V, E', VL, EL') 
        where E'  = E  UNION {(v1,v2)}
              EL' = EL UNION {((v1,v2),nl)}
  • Mutator remove_edge g v1 v2 deletes the edge from vertex v1 to vertex v2 from graph g and returns the resulting graph.


    G(g) =  (V,E,VL,EL) V - {ov} && (v1,v2) IN E


    G(Result) == (V, E - {(v1,v2)}, VL, EL - { ((v1,v2),*) }
  • Mutator update_edge g v1 v2 nl changes the label on the edge from vertex v1 to vertex v2 in graph g to have label nl and returns the resulting graph.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && (v1,v2) IN E


    G(Result) == (V, E, VL, EL') 
        where EL' == (EL - {((v1,v2),*)}) UNION {((v2,v2),nl) 
  • Accessor get_edge g v1 v2 returns the label on the edge from vertex v1 to vertex v2 in graph g.

    TODO: If signature changed to return Maybe, change precondition and postcondition appropriately.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && (v1,v2) IN E


    Result == EL((v1,v2)) 
  • Accessor has_edge g v1 v2 returns True if and only if there is an edge from a vertex v1 to a vertex v2 in graph g.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL)


    Result == (v1,v2) IN E 
  • Accessor all_vertices g returns a sequence of all the vertices in graph g. The returned sequence is represented by a builtin Haskell list.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) 


    (ForAll ov: ov IN Result <=> ov IN V) && 
    length(Result) == size(V) 
  • Accessor from_edges g v1 returns a sequence of all vertices v2 such that there is an edge from vertex v1 to vertex v2 in graph g. The returned sequence is represented by a builtin Haskell list.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && v1 IN V 


    (ForAll v2: v2 IN Result <=> (v1,v2) IN E) &&
    length(Result) == (# v2 :: (v1,v2) IN E) 

    TODO: Function from_edges g v1 should return [] when v1 does not appear in g, so that it can work well with the Wizard’s Adventure game. We should redefine the precondition and postcondition to specify this behavior.

  • Accessor all_vertices_labels g returns a sequence of all pairs (v,l) such that v is a vertex and l is it’s label in graph g. The returned sequence is represented by a builtin Haskell list.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL)


    (ForAll v, l: (v,l) IN Result <=> (v,l) IN VL) && 
    length(Result) == size(VL) 
  • Accessor from_edges_labels g v1 returns a sequence of all pairs (v2,l) such that there is an edge (v1,v2) labelled with l in graph g.


    G(g) = (V,E,VL,EL) && v1 IN V


    (ForAll v2, l :: (v2,l) IN Result <=> ((v1,v2),l) IN EL) 
    && length(Result) == (# v2 :: (v1,v2 ) IN E) 

    TODO: Function from_edges_labels g v1 should return [] when v1 does not appear in g, so that it can work well with the Wizard’s Adventure game. We should redefine the precondition and postcondition to specify this behavior.

22.6.5 Haskell module abstract interface

Below we state the header for a Haskell module Digraph_XXX that implements the Labelled Digraph ADT. The module name suffix XXX denotes the particular implementation for a data representation, but the signatures and semantics of the operations are the same regardless of representation.

The module exports data type Digraph, but its constructors are not exported. This allows modules that import Digraph_XXX to use the data type without knowing how the data type is implemented.

If we had Digraph(..) in the export list, then the data type and all its constructors would be exported.

The intention of this interface is to constrain the type parameters of Digraph a b c so that:

  • Type a (i.e., type VertexType) must be in Haskell class Eq. This is essentially required by the interface invariant (i.e., the Labelled Digraph Properties).

  • Types a, b, and c (i.e., types VertexType, VertexLabelType, and EdgeLabelType) must be in Haskell class Show. This contraint enables the vertices and labels to be displayed as text.

It may be desirable (or necessary) for an implementation to further constrain the type parameters. For example, some implementations may need to constrain VertexType to be from class Ord (i.e., totally ordered). It does not seem to restrict the generality of the ADT significantly to require that vertices be drawn from a totally ordered set such as integers, strings, or enumerated types.

    module DigraphADT_XXX 
      ( Digraph      --constraints (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) 
      , new_graph    --Digraph a b c 
      , is_empty     --Digraph a b c -> Bool 
      , add_vertex   --Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
      , remove_vertex--Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c 
      , update_vertex--Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
      , get_vertex   --Digraph a b c -> a -> b 
      , has_vertex   --Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool 
      , add_edge     --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c
      , remove_edge  --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Digraph a b c
      , update_edge  --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c
      , get_edge     --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c 
      , has_edge     --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Bool 
      , all_vertices --Digraph a b c -> [a]
      , from_edges   --Digraph a b c -> a -> [a]
      , all_vertices_labels--Digraph a b c -> [(a,b)]
      , from_edges_labels  --Digraph a b c -> a -> [(a,c)]
    where  -- definitions for the types and functions

Note: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) release 8.2 (July 2017) and the Cabal-Install package manager release 2.0 (August 2017) support a new mixin package system called Backpack. This extension would enable us to define an abstract module “DigraphADT” as a signature file with the above interface. Other modules can then implement this abstract interface thus giving a more explicit and flexible definition of this abstract data type.

22.7 List Implementation

This section gives an implementation of the ADT that uses Haskell lists to represent the vertex and edge sets.

22.7.1 Labelled digraph representation

We represent the List implementation of the Labelled Digraph ADT as an instance of the Haskell algebraic data type Digraph as shown below. (Remember that type variable a is VertexType, b is VertexLabelType, and c is EdgeLabelType.)

    data Digraph a b c = Graph [(a,b)] [(a,a,c)]

In an instance (Graph vs es):

  • vs is a list of tuples (v,vl) where

    • v has VertexType and represents a vertex of the digraph
    • vl has VertexLabelType and is the unique label associated with vertex v
    • a vertex v occurs at most once in vs (i.e., vs encodes a function from vertices to vertex labels)
  • es is a list of tuples ((v1,v2),el) where

    • v1 and v2 are vertices occurring in vs, representing a directed edge from v1 to v2
    • el has EdgeLabelType and is the unique label associated with edge (v1,v2)
    • an edge (v1,v2) occurs at most once in es (i.e., es encodes a function from edges to edge labels)

In terms of the abstract model, vs encodes VL directly and, because VL is a total function on V, it encodes V indirectly. Similarly, es encodes EL directly and E indirectly.

Of course, there are many other ways to represent the graph as lists. This representation is biased for a context where, once built, the labelled digraph is relatively static and the most frequent operations are the retrieval of labels attached to vertices or edges. That is, it is biased toward the Adventure game use case.

Given that all the type parameters must be of class Show, we also define Digraph to also be of class Show as defined below.

    instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                        Show (Digraph a b c) where 
        show (Graph vs es) = 
            "(Digraph " ++ show vs ++ ", " ++ show es ++ ")"

22.7.2 Implementation invariant

Given the above description, we then define the following implementation (representation) invariant for the list-based version of the Labelled Digraph ADT:

Any Haskell Digraph value (Graph vs es) with abstract model G = (V,E,VL,EL), appearing in either the arguments or return value of an operation, must also satisfy the following:

    (ForAll v, l :: (v,l) IN vs  <=> (v,l) IN VL ) &&
    (ForAll v1, v2, m :: (v1,v2,m) IN es  <=> ((v1,v2),m) IN EL )

22.7.3 Haskell implementation

The code in this section shows a list-based implementation for several of the operations related to vertices.

The Haskell module for the list representation of the Labelled Digraph ADT is in source file DigraphADT_List.hs. A simple smoke test driver module is in source file DigraphADT_TestList.hs.

The implementations of constructor new_graph and accessor is_empty are straightforward.

    new_graph :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                        Digraph a b c 
    new_graph = Graph [] [] 

    is_empty :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                        Digraph a b c -> Bool
    is_empty (Graph [] _ ) = True
    is_empty _             = False

Function has_vertex just needs to search through the list of vertices to determine whether or not the vertex occurs. It relies upon VertexType being in class Eq.

    has_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool
    has_vertex (Graph vs _) ov = 
        not (null [ n | (n,_) <- vs, n == ov])

Because of lazy evaluation, the list comprehension only needs to evaluate far enough to find the occurrence of the vertex in the list.

To add a new vertex and its label to the graph, add_vertex must return a new graph with the new vertex-label pair added to the head of the vertex list. To meet the specification, it must not allow a vertex to be added if the vertex already occurs in the list.

    add_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    add_vertex g@(Graph vs es) nv nl
        | not (has_vertex g nv) = Graph ((nv,nl):vs) es
        | otherwise             = error has_nv
        where has_nv = 
            "Vertex " ++ show nv ++ " already in digraph"

Function remove_vertex is a bit trickier with this representation. To remove an existing vertex and its label from the graph, remove_vertex must return a new graph with that vertex’s tuple removed from the list of vertices and with any outgoing edges also removed from the list of edges.

    remove_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c
    remove_vertex g@(Graph vs es) ov
        | has_vertex g ov = Graph ws fs
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where ws    = [ (w,m)     | (w,m) <- vs, w /= ov ]
              fs    = [ (v1,v2,m) | 
                        (v1,v2,m) <- es, v1 /= ov, v2 /= ov ]
              no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

The implementation of remove_vertex filters all occurrences of the vertex from the list of vertices. Given the implementation invariant, this is not necessary. However, this potentially adds some safety to the implementation at the possible expense of execution time.

For an existing vertex in the list of vertices, function update_vertex replaces the old label with the new label. Like remove_vertex, it potentially processes the entire list of vertices and makes the change to all occurrences, when the implementation invariant would allow it to stop on the first (and only) occurrence.

    update_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    update_vertex g@(Graph vs es) ov nl
        | has_vertex g ov = Graph (map chg vs) es
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where chg (w,m) = (if w == ov then (ov,nl) else (w,m))
              no_ov     = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

For an existing vertex, function get_vertex retrieves the label. Because of lazy evaluation, the search of the list of vertices stops with the first occurrence.

TODO: Modify appropriately if changed to Maybe return.

    get_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b
    get_vertex (Graph vs _)  ov
        | not (null ls) = head ls
        | otherwise     = error no_ov
        where ls    = [ l | (w,l) <- vs, w == ov]
              no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

TODO: Modify source file appropriately if changed to Maybe return.

The remainder of the functions are defined in file DigraphADT_List.hs..

We can create an empty labelled digraph g0 having Int identifiers for vertices, Int labels for vertices, and Int labels for edges as follows:

    g0  = (new_graph :: Digraph Int Int Int)

Then we can add a new vertex with identifier 1 and vertex label 101 as follows:

    g1  = add_vertex g0 1 101

22.7.4 Improvements to the list implementation

TODO: Consider whether to make any of the following changes to the specification and implementation above.

Based on the list-based design and implementation above, what improvements should we consider? Here are some possibilities.

  1. As described above, the current list implementations of functions such as remove_vertex and update_vertex do some unnecessary work with respect to the implementation invariant. This could be eliminated.

  2. The data representation (i.e., implementation invariant) could be changed to allow, for example, multiple occurrences of vertices in the vertex list. This would avoid the checks of has_vertex in add_vertex and update_vertex. Then, as it does above, remove_vertex needs to remove all occurrences of the vertex.

    Other functions would need to be modified accordingly so that they only access the first occurrence of a vertex (especially the all_vertices and all_vertices_labels functions).

    A similar change could be made to the list of edges.

    Note: The Labelled Diagraph ADT specification does not specify what the behavior should be when the referenced vertex or edge is not defined. The change suggested in this item gives non-error behavior to those situations. Perhaps a better alternative would be to change the general ADT specification to require specific behaviors in those cases.

  3. Most of the functions throw an error exception when the vertex they reference does not exist. A better Haskell design would redefine these functions to return a Maybe or Either value. This would eliminate most of the has_vertex checks and make the functions defined on all possible inputs.

    This would require changes to the overall Labelled Digraph ADT specification and its abstract interface.

  4. New functions could be added to the Labelled Digraph ADT—such as an equality check on graphs, a constructor that creates a copy of an existing graph, or functions to apply various graph algorithms.

  5. Existing functions could be eliminated. For example, if the graph is only constructed and used for retrieval, then the remove and update functions could be eliminated.

22.8 Map Implementation

This section gives an implementation of the ADT that uses a Haskell Map to map a vertex to the set of outgoing edges from that vertex

22.8.1 Labelled digraph representation

We represent the Map implementation of the Labelled Digraph ADT as an instance of the Haskell algebraic data type Digraph as shown below. (Remember that type variable a is VertexType, b is VertexLabelType, and c is EdgeLabelType.)

    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

    data Digraph a b c = Graph (M.Map a (b,[(a,c)]))

In the data constructor (Graph m), m is an instance of Data.Map.Strict. This collection is set of key-value pairs implemented as a balanced tree, giving logarithmic access time.

An instance of (Graph m) corresponds to the abstract model as follows:

  • The keys for the Map m collection are of VertexLabelType.

    The interface invariant requires that VertexType be in class Eq. The implementation based on Data.Map.Strict further constrains vertices to be in subclass Ord because the vertices are the keys of the Map.

    TODO: Consider restricting the Digraph spec to require Ord.

  • Map m is defined for all keys v1 in vertex set V and undefined for all other keys.

  • For some vertex v1, the value of m at key v1 is a pair (l,es) where

    • l is an element of VertexLabelType and is the unique label associated with v1, that is, l = VL(v1).

    • es is the list of all tuples (v2,el) such that (v1,v2) IN E, el IN EdgeLabelType, and el = EL((v1,v2)). That is, (v1,v2) is an edge and el is its unique label.

Given that all the type parameters must be of class Show, we also define Digraph to also be of class Show as defined below.

    instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (Digraph a b c) where
        show (Graph m) = "(Digraph " ++ show (M.toAscList m) ++ ")"

22.8.2 Implementation invariant

Given the above description, we then define the following implementation (representation) invariant for the list-based version of the Labelled Digraph ADT:

Any Haskell Digraph value (Graph m) with abstract model G = (V,E,VL,EL), appearing in either the arguments or return value of an operation, must also satisfy the following:

    (ForAll v1, l, es :: 
        ( m(v1) defined && m(v1) == (l,es) ) <=> 
        ( VL(v1) == l && 
            (ForAll v2, el :: (v2,el) IN es <=> 
                              EL((v1,v2)) == el) ) )

22.8.3 Haskell module

The code in this section shows a map-based implementation for the same operations we examined for the list-based implementation.

The Haskell module for the map representation of the Labelled Digraph ADT is in source file DigraphADT_Map.hs.. A simple smoke test driver module is in source file DigraphADT_TestMap.hs..

Constructor new_graph and accessors is_empty and has_vertex are just wrappers for functions from Data.Map.Strict.

    new_graph :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                   Digraph a b c
    new_graph = Graph M.empty

    is_empty :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                    Digraph a b c -> Bool
    is_empty (Graph m) = M.null m

    has_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                    Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool
    has_vertex (Graph m) ov = M.member ov m

To add a new vertex and label to the graph, add_vertex must return a graph with the new key-value pair inserted into the existing graph’s Map. The value consists of the label paired with a nil list of adjacent edges. To meet the specification, it must not allow a vertex to be added if the vertex already occurs in the list.

    add_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                    Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    add_vertex g@(Graph m) nv nl
        | not (has_vertex g nv) = Graph (M.insert nv (nl,[]) m)
        | otherwise             = error has_nv
        where has_nv = 
            "Vertex " ++ show nv ++ " already in digraph"

Except for making sure the vertex to be deleted is the graph, function remove_vertex is just a wrapper for the Data.Map.Strict.delete function.

    remove_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c
    remove_vertex g@(Graph m) ov
        | has_vertex g ov = Graph (M.delete ov m)
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"    

If the argument vertex is in the graph, then function update_vertex retrieves its old label and edge list and then reinserts the new label paired with the same edge list.

    update_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    update_vertex g@(Graph m) ov nl
        | has_vertex g ov = 
            Graph (M.insert ov (upd (M.lookup ov m)) m)
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where upd (Just (ol,edges)) = (nl,edges)
              upd _                 = error no_entry
              no_ov    = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"
              no_entry = 
                  "Missing/malformed value for vertex " ++ show ov

For an existing vertex, function get_vertex retrieves the associated value and extracts the label.

    get_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                      Digraph a b c -> a -> b
    get_vertex g@(Graph m)  ov
        | has_vertex g ov = getlabel (M.lookup ov m)
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where getlabel (Just (ol,_)) = ol
              no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

The remainder of the functions are defined in file DigraphADT_Map.hs.

The Map-based functions can be called in the same manner as the List-based function, except that the vertices must be in class Ord.

22.8.4 Improvements to the map implementation

All the improvements suggested for the list-based implementation apply to the map-based implementation except for the first.

For large graphs, the map-based implementation should perform better than the list-based implementation.

For large graphs with many outgoing edges on each vertex, it might be useful to implement the edge-list itself with a Map.

22.9 What Next?

This chapter (22) revisited the issues of specification, design, and implementation of data abstractions as modules in Haskell. It used a labelled digraph data structure as the example.

Although we may not specify all subsequent Haskell modules as systematically as we did in this chapter, we do use the modular style of programming in the various interpreters developed in Chapter 41 and following.

In the future, we plan to implement a Adventure game on top of the ADT implemented in this chapter.

22.10 Chapter Source Code


22.11 Exercises

TODO: If the Maybe improvement is not done above for errors, put that here as an exercise.

  1. Restate the preconditions and postconditions for functions from_edges and from_edges so that they must return empty lists when the argument vertex v1 is not in the vertex set. (See the notes on these operations in the semantic specification above.)

  2. Develop a comprehensive test script for the Labelled Digraph ADT implementations using blackbox, module-level, functional testing as described in Chapters 11 and 12.

  3. Adapt the Haskell Labelled Digraph ADT interface and it two implementations to use GHC’s Backpack module system.

  4. Specify a similar Labelled Digraph ADT as a Java interface.

  5. Give two different implementations of the Labelled Digraph ADT in Java using the specification from the previous exercise.

  6. Specify a similar Labelled Digraph ADT as a Python 3 module.

  7. Give two different implementations of the Labelled Digraph ADT in Python using the specification from the previous exercise.

  8. Choose one of the improvements described in the “Improvements in the list implementation” subsection and change the specification and list implementation as needed for the improvement.

  9. Choose one of the improvements and change the specification and map implementation as needed for the improvement.

  10. Give a full specification (similar to the one for the Labeled Digraph ADT) in this chapter) for the Carrie’s Candy Bowl project in Chapter 21<!-22—>. That is, give the name, set, signatures, and constructive semantics. If helpful, you may use the mathematical concept of bag.

  11. Specify a doubly labelled directed multigraph data structure to replace the doubled labelled digraph. (That is, allow multiple directed edges from one vertex to another.)

  12. Give an implementation of the doubly labelled directed multigraph specified in the previous exercise.

22.12 Mealy Machine Simulator Project

22.12.1 Project introduction

In this project, you are asked to design and implement Haskell modules to represent Mealy Machines and to simulate their execution.

This kind of machine is a useful abstraction for simple controllers that listen for input events and respond by generating output events. For example in an automobile application, the input might be an event such as “fuel level low” and the output might be command to “display low-fuel warning message”.

In the theory of computation, a Mealy Machine is a finite-state automaton whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current input. It is a deterministic finite state transducer such that, for each state and input, at most one transition is possible.

Appendix A of the Linz textbook [118] defines a Mealy Machine mathematically by a tuple

M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,θ,q0)M = (Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,\delta,\theta,q_{0})


QQ is a finite set of internal states
Σ\Sigma is the input alphabet (a finite set of values)
Γ\Gamma is the output alphabet (a finite set of values)
δ:Q×ΣQ\delta: Q \times \Sigma \longrightarrow Q is the transition function
θ:Q×ΣΓ\theta: Q \times \Sigma \longrightarrow \Gamma is the output function
q0q_{0} is the initial state of MM (an element of QQ)

In an alternative formulation, the transition and output functions can be combined into a single function:

δ:Q×ΣQ×Γ\delta: Q \times \Sigma \longrightarrow Q \times \Gamma

We often find it useful to picture a finite state machine as a transition graph where the states are mapped to vertices and the transition function represented by directed edges between vertices labelled with the input and output symbols.

22.12.2 Mealy Machine Simulator project exercises

  1. Specify, design, and implement a general representation for a Mealy Machine as a Haskell module implementing an abstract data type. It should hide the representation of the machine and should have, at least, the following public operations.

    • newMachine s creates a new machine with initial (and current) state s and no transitions.

      Note: This assumes that the state, input, and output sets are exactly those added with the mutator operations below. An alternative would be to change this function to take the allowed state, input, and output sets.

    • addState m s adds a new state s to machine m and returns an Either wrapping the modified machine or an error message.

    • addTransition m s1 in out s2 adds a new transition to machine m and returns an Either wrapping the modified machine or an error message. From state s1 with input in the modified machine outputs out and transitions to state s2.

    • addResets m adds all reset transitions to machine m and returns the modified machine. From state s1 on input in the modified machine outputs out and transitions to state s2. This operation makes the transition function a total function by adding any missing transitions from a state back to the initial state.

    • setCurrent m s sets the current state of machine m to s and returns an Either wrapping the modified machine or an error message.

    • getCurrent m returns the current state of machine m.

    • getStates m returns a list of the elements of the state set of machine m.

    • getInputs m returns a list of the input set of machine m.

    • getOutputs m returns a list of the output set of machine m.

    • getTransitions m returns a list of the transition set of machine m. Tuple (s1,in,out,s2) occurs in the returned list if and only if, from state s1 with input in, the machine outputs out and moves to state s2.

    • getTransitionsFrom m s returns an Either wrapping a list of the set of transitions enabled from state s of machine m or an error message.

  2. Given the above implementation for a Mealy Machine, design and implement a separate Haskell module that simulates the execution of a Mealy Machine. It should have, at least, the following new public operations.

    • move m in moves machine m from the current state given input in and returns an Either wrapping a tuple (m',out) or an error message. The tuple gives the modified machine m' and the output out.

    • simulate m ins simulates execution of machine m from its current state through a sequence of moves for the inputs in list ins and returns an Either wrapping a tuple (m',outs) or an error message. The tuple gives the modified machine m' after the sequence of moves and the output list outs.

    Note: It is possible to use a Labelled Digraph ADT module in the implementation of the Mealy Machine.

  3. Implement a Haskell module that uses a different representation for the Mealy Machine. Make sure the simulator module still works correctly.

22.13 Acknowledgements

In Spring 2017, I created a Labelled Digraph ADT document by adapting and revising comments from the Haskell implementations of the Labelled Digraph abstract data type. I had specified the ADT and developed the implementations as my solution for Assignment #1 in CSci 556 (Multiparadigm Programming) in Spring 2015. I also included some content from my notes on Data Abstraction [46].

(In addition to the list- and map-based Haskell implementations of the Labelled Digraph ADT, I developed a list-based implementation in Elixir in Spring 2015 and two Scala-based implementations in Spring 2016.)

In Spring 2017, I also created a Mealy Machine Simulator Exercise document by adapting and revising a project I had assigned in the Scala-based offering of CSci 555 (Functional Programming) in Spring 2016.

In 2018, I merged and revised these documents to become new Chapter 22, Data Abstraction Revisited, in the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

22.14 Terms and Concepts

Data abstraction; abstract data type (ADT), instance; specification of ADTs using name, sets, signatures, and semantics; constructor, accessor, mutator, and destructor operations; axiomatic and constructive semantics; abstract model (contract, precondition, postcondition, interface and implementation invariant, abstract interface); use of Haskell module hiding features to implement the abstract data type’s interface; using mathematical concepts to model the data abstraction (graph, digraph, labelled graph, multigraph, set, sequence, bag, total and partial functions, relation); graph data structure; adventure game.

Mealy Machine, simulator, finite-state automaton (machine), deterministic finite state transducer, state, transition, transition graph.

23 Overloading and Type Classes

23.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 5introduced the concept of overloading. Chapters 13 and 21 introduced the related concepts of type classes and instances.

The goals of this chapter (23) and a planned future chapter are to explore these concepts in more detail.

The concept of type class was introduced into Haskell to handle the problem of comparisons, but it has had a broader and more profound impact upon the development of the language than its original purpose. This Haskell feature has also had a significant impact upon the design of subsequent languages (e.g., Scala [132,151] and Rust [110,124,150]) and libraries.

TODO: This chapter, including the Introduction, should be revised after deciding how to handle issues such as functors, monads, etc.

23.2 Polymorphism in Haskell

Chapter 5 surveyed the different kinds of polymorphism. Haskell implements two of these kinds:

  1. Parametric polymorphism (usually just called “polymorphism” in functional languages), in which a single function definition is used for all types of arguments and results.

    For example, consider the function length :: [a] -> Int , which returns the length of any finite list.

  2. Overloading, in which the same name refers to different functions depending upon the type.

    For example, consider the (+) function, which can add any supported number.

Chapter 13 examined parametric polymorphism. Chapter 21 introduced type classes briefly in the context of algebraic data types. This chapter better motives type classes and explores them more generally.

23.3 Why Overloading?

Consider testing for membership in a Boolean list, where eqBool is an equality-testing function for Boolean values.

    elemBool :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool
    elemBool x []     = False
    elemBool x (y:ys) = eqBool x y || elemBool x ys

We can define eqBool using pattern matching as follows:

    eqBool :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    eqBool True  False = False
    eqBool False True  = False
    eqBool _     _     = True

The above is not very general. It works for booleans, but what if we want to handle lists of integers? or of characters? or lists of lists of tuples?

The aspects of elemBool we need to generalize are the type of the input list and the function that does the comparison for equality.

Thus let’s consider testing for membership of a general list, with the equality function as a parameter.

    elemGen :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
    elemGen eqFun x []     = False
    elemGen eqFun x (y:ys) = eqFun x y || elemGen eqFun x ys

This allows us to define elemBool in terms of elemGen as follows:

    elemBool :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool
    elemBool = elemGen eqBool

But really the function elemGen is too general for the intended function. Parameter eqFun could be any

    a -> a -> Bool

function, not just an equality comparison.

Another problem is that equality is a meaningless idea for some data types. For example, comparing functions for equality is a computationally intractable problem.

The alternative to the above to make (==) (i.e., equality) an overloaded function. We can then restrict the polymorphism in elem’s type signature to those types for which (==) is defined.

We introduce the concept of type classes to to be able to define the group of types for which an overloaded operator can apply.

We can then restrict the polymorphism of a type signature to a class by using a context constraint as Eq a => is used below:

    elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

We used context constraints in previous chapters. Here we examine how to define the type classes and associate data types with those classes.

23.4 Defining an Equality Class and Its Instances

We can define class Eq to be the set of types for which we define the (==) (i.e., equality) operation.

For example, we might define the class as follows, giving the type signature(s) of the associated function(s) (also called the operations or methods of the class).

    class Eq a where
        (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

A type is made a member or instance of a class by defining the signature function(s) for the type. For example, we might define Bool as an instance of Eq as follows:

    instance Eq Bool where
        True  == True  = True
        False == False = True
        _     == _     = False

Other types, such as the primitive types Int and Char , can also be defined as instances of the class. Comparison of primitive data types will often be implemented as primitive operations built into the computer hardware.

An instance declaration can also be declared with a context constraint, such as in the equality of lists below. We define equality of a list type in terms of equality of the element type.

    instance Eq a => Eq [a] where
        []     == []     =  True
        (x:xs) == (y:ys) =  x == y && xs == ys
         _     == _      =  False

Above, the == on the left sides of the equations is the operation being defined for lists. The x == y comparison on the right side is the previously defined operation on elements of the lists. The xs == ys on the right side is a recursive call of the equality operation for lists.

Within the class Eq , the (==) function is overloaded. The definition of (==) given for the types of its actual operands is used in evaluation.

In the Haskell standard prelude, the class definition for Eq includes both the equality and inequality functions. They may also have default definitions as follows:

    class Eq a where
        (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
        -- Minimal complete definition: (==) or (/=)
        x /= y  = not (x == y)
        x == y  = not (x /= y)

In the case of class Eq , inequality is defined as the negation of equality and vice versa.

An instance declaration must override (i.e., redefine) at least one of these functions (in order to break the circular definition), but the other function may either be left with its default definition or overridden.

23.5 Type Class Laws

Of course, our expectation is that any operation (==) defined for an instance of Eq should implement an “equality” comparison. What does that mean?

In mathematics, we expect equality to be an equivalence relation. That is, equality comparisons should have the following properties for all values x, y, and z in the type’s set.

In addition, x /= y is expected to be equivalent to not (x == y) as defined in the default method definition.

Thus class Eq has these type class laws that every instance of the class should satisfy. The developer of the instance should ensure that the laws hold.

As in many circumstances, the reality of computing may differ a bit from the mathematical ideal. Consider Reflexivity. If x is infinite, then it may be impossible to implement x == x. Also, this property might not hold for floating point number representations.

23.6 Another Example Class Visible

TODO: Perbhaps replace this example (which follows Thompson, ed. 2) with a better one.

We can define another example class Visible, which might denote types whose values can be displayed as strings. Method toString represents an element of the type as a String. Method size yields the size of the argument as an Int.

    class Visible a where
        toString :: a -> String
        size     :: a -> Int

We can make various data types instances of this class:

    instance Visible Char where
        toString ch  = [ch]
        size _       = 1

    instance Visible Bool where
        toString True  = "True"
        toString False = "False"
        size _         = 1

    instance Visible a => Visible [a] where
        toString = concat . map toString
        size     = foldr (+) 1 . map size

What type class laws should hold for Visible?

There are no constraints on the conversion to strings. However, size must return an Int, so the “size” of the input argument must be finite and bounded by the largest value in type Int.

23.7 Class Extension (Inheritance)

Haskell supports the concept of class extension. That is, a new class can be defined that inherits all the operations of another class and adds additional operations.

For example, we can derive an ordering class Ord from the class Eq, perhaps as follows. (The definition in the Prelude may differ from the following.)

    class Eq a => Ord a where
        (<), (<=), (>), (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
        max, min             :: a -> a -> a
        -- Minimal complete definition: (<) or (>)
        x <= y                  = x < y || x == y
        x <  y                  = y > x
        x >= y                  = x > y || x == y
        x >  y                  = y < x
        max x y   | x >= y      = x
                      | otherwise   = y
        min x y   | x <= y      = x
                      | otherwise   = y

With the above, we define Ord as a subclass of Eq; Eq is a superclass of Ord.

The above default method definitions are circular: < is defined in terms of > and vice versa. So a complete definition of Ord requires that at least one of these be given an appropriate definition for the type. Method == must, of course, also be defined appropriately for superclass Eq.

What type class laws should apply to instances of Ord?

Mathematically, we expect an instance of class Ord to implement a total order on its type set. That is, given the comparison operator (i.e., binary relation) <=, then the following properties hold for all values x, y, and z in the type’s set.

A relation that satisfied the first three properties above is a partial order. The fourth property requires that all values in the type’s set can be compared by <=.

In addition to the above laws, we expect == (and /=) to satisfy the Eq type class laws and <, >, >=, max, and min to satisfy the properties (i.e., default method definitions) given in the class Ord declaration.

As an example, consider the function isort' (insertion sort), defined in a previous chapter. It uses class Ord to constrain the list argument to ordered data items.

    isort' :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
    isort' []     = []
    isort' (x:xs) = insert' x (isort' xs)

    insert' :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
    insert' x []    = [x]
    insert' x (y:ys)
        | x <= y    = x:y:ys
        | otherwise = y : insert' x ys

23.8 Multiple Constraints

Haskell also permits classes to be constrained by two or more other classes.

Consider the problem of sorting a list and then displaying the results as a string:

    vSort :: (Ord a,Visible a) => [a] -> String
    vSort = toString . isort' 

To sort the elements, they need to be from an ordered type. To convert the results to a string, we need them to be from a Visible type.

The multiple contraints can be over two different parts of the signature of a function. Consider a program that displays the second components of tuples if the first component is equal to a given value:

    vLookupFirst :: (Eq a,Visible b) => [(a,b)] -> a -> String
    vLookupFirst xs x = toString (lookupFirst xs x)

    lookupFirst :: Eq a => [ (a,b) ] -> a -> [b]
    lookupFirst ws x  = [ z | (y,z) <- ws, y == x ]

Multiple constraints can occur in an instance declaration, such as might be used in extending equality to cover pairs:

    instance (Eq a,Eq b) => Eq (a,b) where
        (x,y) == (z,w) =  x == z && y == w

Multiple constraints can also occur in the definition of a class, as might be the case in definition of an ordered visible class.

    class (Ord a,Visible a) => OrdVis a
    vSort :: OrdVis a => [a] -> String

The case where a class extends two or more classes, as above for OrdVis is called multiple inheritance.

Instances of class OrdVis must satisfy the type class laws for classes Ord and Visible.

23.9 Built-In Haskell Classes

See Section 6.3 of the Haskell 2010 Language Report [120:6.3] for discussion of the various classes in the Haskell Prelude library.

23.10 Comparison to Other Languages

Let’s compare Haskell concept of type class with the class concept in familiar object-oriented languages such as Java and C++.

Type classes first appeared in Haskell, but similar concepts have been implemented in more recently designed languages.

23.11 What Next?

This chapter (23) motivated and explored the concepts of overloading, type classes, and instances in Haskell and compared them to features in other languages.

Chapter 24 further explores the profound impact of type classes on Haskell.

23.12 Chapter Source Code

The source code for this chapter is in file TypeClassMod.hs.

23.13 Exercises


23.14 Acknowledgements

In Spring 2017, I adapted and revised this chapter from my previous notes on this topic [42]. I based the previous notes, in part, on the presentations in:

For new content on Haskell typeclass laws, I read the discussions of typeclass laws on:

I also reviewed the mathematical definitions of equality, equivalence relations, and total orders on sites as Wolfram MathWorld [226,227,and 228] and Wikipedia [221–223].

In Summer and Fall 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 9, Overloading and Type Classes, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the Overloading and Type Classes chapter into two chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Most of the existing content became Chapter 23, Overloading and Type Classes. I moved the planned content on advanced type class topics (functors, monads) to a planned future chaper.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

23.15 Terms and Concepts

Polymorphism in Haskell (parametric polymorphism, overloading); Haskell type system concepts (type classes, overloading, instances, signatures, methods, default definitions, context constraints, class extension, inheritance, subclass, superclass, overriding, multiple inheritance, class laws) versus related Java/C++ type system concepts (abstract and concrete classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces); mathematical concepts (equivalence relation, reflexivity, symmetry, antisymmetry, transitivity, trichotomy, total and partial orders).

24 Future Chapter TBD

24.1 Chapter Introduction


24.2 What Next?


24.3 Exercises


24.4 Acknowledgements


24.5 Terms and Concepts


25 Proving Haskell Laws

25.1 Chapter Introduction

The goal of this chapter is to show how to state and prove Haskell “laws”.

This chapter depends upon the reader understanding Haskell’s polymorphic, higher-order list programming concepts (e.g., from Chapters 4-5, 8-9, and 13-17), but it is otherwise independent of other preceding chapters.

The chapter provides useful tools that can be used in stating and formally proving function and module contracts (Chapters 6, 7, and 22) and type class laws (Chapter 23). It supports reasoning about program generalization (Chapter 19) and type inference (Chapter 24).

The following two chapters on program synthesis (Chapters 26 and 27) build on the concepts and techniques introduced by this chapter.

25.2 Referential Transparency Revisited

Referential transparency is probably the most important property of purely functional programming languages like Haskell.

Chapter 2 defines referential transparency to mean that, within some well-defined context, a variable (or other symbol) always represents the same value. This allows one expression to be replaced by an equivalent expression or, more informally, “equals to be replaced by equals”.

Chapter 8 shows how referential transparency underpins the evaluation (i.e., substitution or reduction) model for Haskell and similar functional languages.

In this chapter, we see that referential transparency allows us to state and prove various “laws” or identities that hold for functions and to use these “laws” to transform programs into equivalent ones. Referential transparency underlies how we reason about Haskell programs.

25.3 Stating and Proving Laws

As a purely functional programming language, Haskell supports mathematical reasoning mostly within the programming language itself. We can state properties of functions and prove them using a primarily equational, or calculational, style of proof. The proof style is similar to that of high school trigonometric identities.

25.3.1 Example: ++ associativity and identity element

We have already seen a number of these laws. Again consider the append operator (++) for finite lists from Chapter 14.

    infixr 5 ++

    (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] 
    [] ++ xs     = xs            -- append.1 
    (x:xs) ++ ys = x:(xs ++ ys)  -- append.2

The append operator ++: has two useful properties that we have already seen.

For any finite lists xs, ys, and zs,
xs ++ (ys ++ zs) = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs.
For any finite list xs,
[] ++ xs = xs = xs ++ [].

Note: The above means that the append operator ++ and the set of finite lists form the algebraic structure called a monoid.

How do we prove these properties?

25.3.2 Structural induction proof method

The answer is, of course, induction. But we need a type of induction that allows us to prove theorems over the set of all finite lists. In fact, we have already been using this form of induction in the informal arguments that the list-processing functions terminate.

Induction over the natural numbers is a special case of a more general form of induction called structural induction. This type of induction is over the syntactic structure of recursively (inductively) defined objects. Such objects can be partially ordered by a complexity ordering from the most simple (minimal) to the more complex.

If we think about the usual axiomization of the natural numbers (i.e., Peano’s postulates), then we see that 0 is the only simple (minimal) object and that the successor function ((+) 1) is the only constructor.

In the case of finite lists, the only simple object is the nil list [] and the only constructor is the cons operator (:).

To prove a proposition P(x) holds for any finite object x, one must prove the following cases.

Base cases:
That P(e) holds for each simple (minimal) object e.
Inductive cases:
That, for all object constructors C, if P(x) holds for some arbitrary object(s) x, then P(C(x)) also holds.

That is, we can assume P(x) holds, then prove that P(C(x)) holds. This shows that the constructors preserve proposition `P.

To prove a proposition P(xs) holds for any finite list xs, the above reduces to the following cases.

Base case xs = []:
That P([]) holds.
Inductive case xs = (a:as).
That, if P(as) holds, then P(a:as) also holds.

One, often useful, strategy for discovering proofs of laws is the following:

  • Determine whether induction is needed to prove the law. Some laws can be proved directly from the definitions and other previously proved laws.

  • Carefully choose the induction variable (or variables).

  • Identify the base and inductive cases.

  • For each case, use simplification independently on each side of the equation. Often, it is best to start with the side that is the most complex.

    Simplification means to substitute the right-hand side of a definition or the induction hypothesis for some expression matching the left-hand side.

  • Continue simplifying each expression as long as possible.

    Often we can show that the two sides of an equation are the same or that simple manipulations (perhaps using previously proved laws) will show that they are the same.

  • If necessary, identify subcases and prove each subcase independently.

A formal proof of a case should, in general, be shown as a calculation that transforms one side of the equation into the other by substitution of equals for equals.

This formal proof can be constructed from the calculation suggested in the above

25.3.3 Proving associativity of ++

Now that we have the mathematical machinery we need, let’s prove that ++ is associative for all finite lists. The following proofs assume that all arguments of the functions are defined.

For any finite lists xs, ys, and zs,
xs ++ (ys ++ zs) = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs.


There does not seem to be a non-inductive proof, thus we proceed by structural induction over the finite lists. But on which variable(s)?

By examining the definition of ++, we see that it has two legs differentiated by the value of the left operand. The right operand is not decomposed. To use this definition in the proof, we need to consider the left operands of the ++ in the associative law.

Thus we choose to do the induction on xs, the leftmost operand, and consider two cases—a base case and an inductive case.

Base case xs = []:

First, we simplify the left-hand side.

[] ++ (ys ++ zs)

== { append.1 (left to right), omit outer parentheses }

ys ++ zs

We do not know anything about ys and zs, so we cannot simplify further.

Next, we simplify the right-hand side.

([] ++ ys) ++ zs

== { append.1 (left to right), omit parentheses around ys }

ys ++ zs

Thus we have simplified the two sides to the same expression.

Of course, a formal proof can be written more elegantly as:

[] ++ (ys ++ zs)

== { append.1 (left to right) }

ys ++ zs

== { append.1 (right to left, applied to left operand) }

([] ++ ys) ++ zs

Thus the base case is established.

Note the equational style of reasoning. We proved that one expression was equal to another by beginning with one of the expressions and repeatedly substituting “equals for equals” until we got the other expression.

Each transformational step was justified by a definition, a known property, or (as we see later) the induction hypothesis. We normally do not state justifications like “omit parentheses” or “insert parentheses”. We show these justifications for these steps in braces in the equational arguments. This style follows the common practice in the program derivaton community [40,40,85].

In the inductive case, we find it helpful to state both the inductive assumption and the proof goal explicitly, as we do below.

Inductive case xs = (a:as):

Assume as ++ (ys ++ zs) = (as ++ ys) ++ zs;
prove (a:as) ++ (ys ++ zs) = ((a:as) ++ ys) ++ zs.

First, we simplify the left-hand side.

(a:as) ++ (ys ++ zs)

== { append.2 (left to right) }

a:(as ++ (ys ++ zs))

== { induction hypothesis }

a:((as ++ ys) ++ zs)

We do not know anything further about as, ys, and zs, so we cannot simplify further.

Next, we simplify the right-hand side.

((a:as) ++ ys) ++ zs

== { append.2 (left to right, on inner ++) }

(a:(as ++ ys)) ++ zs

== { append.2 (left to right, on outer ++) }

a:((as ++ ys) ++ zs)

Thus we have simplified the two sides to the same expression.

Again, a formal proof can be written more elegantly as follows.

(a:as) ++ (ys ++ zs)

== { append.2 (left to right) }

a:(as ++ (ys ++ zs))

== { induction hypothesis }

a:((as ++ ys) ++ zs)

== { append.2 (right to left, on outer ++) }

(a:(as ++ ys)) ++ zs

== { append.2 (right to left, on inner ++) }

((a:as) ++ ys) ++ zs

Thus the inductive case is established.

Therefore, we have proven the ++ associativity property. Q.E.D.

The above proof and the ones that follow assume that the arguments of the functions are all defined (i.e., not equal to \bot).

25.3.4 Reviewing proof method

You should practice writing proofs in the “more elegant” form given above. This end-to-end calculational style is more useful for synthesis of programs.

Reviewing what we have done, we can identify the following guidelines:

  • Determine whether induction is really needed.

  • Choose the induction variable carefully.

  • Be careful with parentheses.

    Substitutions, comparisons, and pattern matches must done with the fully parenthesized forms of definitions, laws, and expressions in mind, that is, with parentheses around all binary operations, simple objects, and the entire expression. We often omit “unneeded” parentheses to make the expression more readable.

  • Start with the more complex side of the equation.

    That gives us more information with which to work.

25.3.5 Proving identity element for ++

Now let’s prove the identity property.

For any finite list xs,
[] ++ xs = xs = xs ++ [].


The equation [] ++ xs = xs follows directly from append.1. Thus we consider the equation xs ++ [] = xs, which we prove by structural induction on xs.

Base case xs = []:

[] ++ []

== { append.1 (left to right) }


This establishes the base case.

Inductive case xs = (a:as):

Assume as ++ [] = as; prove (a:as) ++ [] = (a:as).

(a:as) ++ []

== { append.2 (left to right) }

a:(as ++ [])

== { induction hypothesis }


This establishes the inductive case.

Therefore, we have proved that [] is the identity element for ++. Q.E.D.

25.4 Example: Relating length and ++

Suppose that the list length function is defined as follows (from Chapter 13}).

    length :: [a] -> Int 
    length []     =  0              -- length.1 
    length (_:xs) =  1 + length xs  -- length.2
For all finite lists xs and ys:
length (xs++ys) = length xs + length ys.


Because of the way ++ is defined, we choose xs as the induction variable.

Base case xs = []:

length [] + length ys

== { length.1 (left to right) }

0 + length ys

== { 0 is identity for addition }

length ys

== { append.1 (right to left) }

length ([] ++ ys)

This establishes the base case.

Inductive case xs = (a:as):

Assume length (as ++ ys) = length as + length ys;
prove length ((a:as) ++ ys) = length (a:as) + length ys.

length ((a:as) ++ ys)

== { append.2 (left to right) }

length (a:(as ++ ys))

== { length.2 (left to right) }

1 + length (as ++ ys)

== { induction hypothesis }

1 + (length as + length ys)

== { associativity of addition }

(1 + length as) + length ys

== { length.2 (right to left, value of a arbitrary) }

length (a:as) + length ys

This establishes the inductive case.

Therefore, length (xs ++ ys) = length xs + length ys. Q.E.D.

Note: The proof above uses the associativity and identity properties of integer addition.

25.5 Example: Relating take and drop

Remember the definitions for the list functions take and drop from Chapter 13}.

    take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    take n _ | n <= 0 = []                -- take.1
    take _ []         = []                -- take.2
    take n (x:xs)     = x : take (n-1) xs -- take.3

    drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a] 
    drop n xs | n <= 0 = xs               -- drop.1
    drop _ []          = []               -- drop.2
    drop n (_:xs)      = drop (n-1) xs    -- drop.3
For any natural numbers n and finite lists xs,
take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs.


Note that both take and drop use both arguments to distinguish the cases. Thus we must do an induction over all natural numbers n and all finite lists xs.

We would expect four cases to consider, the combinations from n being zero and nonzero and xs being nil and non-nil. But an examination of the definitions for the functions reveal that the cases for n = 0 collapse into a single case.

Base case n = 0:

take 0 xs ++ drop 0 xs

== { take.1, drop.1 (both left to right) }

[] ++ xs

== { ++ identity xs }


This establishes the case.

Base case n = m+1, xs = []:

take (m+1) [] ++ drop (m+1) []

== { take.2, drop.2 (both left to right) }

[] ++ []

== { ++ identity }


This establishes the case.

Inductive case n = m+1, xs = (a:as):

Assume take m as ++ drop m as = as;
prove take (m+1) (a:as) ++ drop (m+1) (a:as) = (a:as).

take (m+1) (a:as) ++ drop (m+1) (a:as)

== { take.3, drop.3 (both left to right) }

(a:(take m as)) ++ drop m as

== { append.2 (left to right) }

a:(take m as ++ drop m as)

== { induction hypothesis }


This establishes the case.

Therefore, the property is proved. Q.E.D.

25.6 Example: Equivalence of Functions

What do we mean when we say two functions are equivalent?

Usually, we mean that the “same inputs” yield the “same outputs”. For example, single argument functions f and g are equivalent if f x == g x for all x.

In Chapter 14. we defined two versions of a function to reverse the elements of a list. Function rev uses backward recursion and function reverse (called reverse' in Chapter 14) uses a forward recursive auxiliary function rev'.

    rev :: [a] -> [a] 
    rev []      =  []                          -- rev.1 
    rev (x:xs)  =  rev xs ++ [x]               -- rev.2 

    reverse :: [a] -> [a] 
    reverse xs  =  rev' xs []                  -- reverse.1 
        where rev' [] ys     = ys              -- reverse.2 
              rev' (x:xs) ys = rev' xs (x:ys)  -- reverse.3 

To show rev and reverse are equivalent, we must prove that, for all finite lists xs:

    rev xs = reverse xs

If we unfold (i.e., simplify) reverse one step, we see that we need to prove:

    rev xs = rev' xs []

Thus let’s try to prove this by structural induction on xs.

Base case xs = []:

rev []

== { rev.1 (left to right) }


== { reverse.2 (right to left) }

rev' [] []

This establishes the base case.

Inductive case xs = (a:as):

Assume rev as = rev' as []; prove rev (a:as) = rev' (a:as) [].

First, we simplify the left side.

rev (a:as)

== { rev.2 (left to right) }

rev as ++ [a]

Then, we simplify the right side.

rev' (a:as) []

== { reverse.3 (left to right) }

rev' as [a]

Thus we need to show that rev as ++ [a] = rev' as [a]. But we do not know how to proceed from this point.

Maybe another induction. But that would probably just bring us back to a point like this again. We are stuck!

Let’s look back at rev xs = rev' xs []. This is difficult to prove directly. Note the asymmetry, one argument for rev versus two for rev'.

Thus let’s look for a new, more symmetrical, problem that might be easier to solve. Often it is easier to find a solution to a problem that is symmetrical than one which is not.

Note the place we got stuck above (proving rev as ++ [a] = rev' as [a]) and also note the equation reverse.3. Taking advantage of the identity element for ++, we can restate our property in a more symmetrical way as follows:

rev xs ++ [] = rev' xs []

Note that the constant [] appears on both sides of the above equation. We can now apply the following generalization heuristic [41,85]. (That is, we try to solve a “harder” problem.)

Replace constant by variable

That is, generalize by replacing a constant (or any subexpression) by a new variable.

Thus we try to prove the more general proposition:

    rev xs ++ ys = rev' xs ys

The case ys = [] gives us what we really want to hold. Intuitively, this new proposition seems to hold. Now let’s prove it formally. Again we try structural induction on xs.

Base case xs = []:

rev [] ++ ys

== { rev.1 (left to right) }

[] ++ ys

== { append.1 (left to right) }


== { reverse.2 (right to left) }

rev' [] ys

This establishes the base case.

Inductive case xs = (a:as):

Assume rev as ++ ys = rev' as ys for any finite list ys;  prove rev (a:as) ++ ys = rev' (a:as) ys.

rev (a:as) ++ ys

== { rev.2 (left to right) }

(rev as ++ [a]) ++ ys

== { ++ associativity, Note 1 }

rev as ++ ([a] ++ ys)

== { singleton law, Note 2 }

rev as ++ (a:ys)

== { induction hypothesis }

rev' as (a:ys)

== { reverse.3 (right to left) }

rev' (a:as) ys

This establishes the inductive case.


  1. We could apply the induction hypothesis here, but it does not seem profitable. Keeping the expressions in terms of rev and ++ as long as possible seems better; we know more about those expressions.

  2. The singleton law is [x] ++ xs = x:xs for any element x and finite list xs of the same type. Proof of this is left as an exercise for the reader.

Therefore, we have proved rev xs ++ ys = rev' xs ys and, hence:

    rev xs = reverse xs

The key to the performance improvement here is the solution of a “harder” problem: function rev' does both the reversing and appending of a list while rev separates the two actions.

25.7 What Next?

This chapter illustrated how to state and prove Haskell “laws” about already defined functions.

Chapters 26} and 27} on program synthesis illustrate how to use similar reasoning methods to synthesize (i.e., derive or calculate) function definitions from their specifications.

25.8 Exercises

This set of exercises uses functions defined in this and previous chapters including the following:

Prove the following properties using the proof methods illustrated in this chapter.

  1. Prove for all x of some type and finite lists xs of the same type (i.e., the singleton law):

        [x] ++ xs  =  (x:xs)
  2. Consider the definition for length given in the text of this chapter and the following definition for len:

        len :: Int -> [a] -> Int 
        len n [ ]    = n             -- len.1 
        len n (_:xs) = len (n+1) xs  -- len.2

    Prove for any finite list xs: len 0 xs = length xs.

  3. Prove for all finite lists xs and ys of the same type:

        reverse (xs ++ ys)  =  reverse ys ++ reverse xs

    Hint: The function reverse (calledreverse' in Chapter 14.) uses forward recursion. Backward recursive definitions are generally easier to use in inductive proofs. In Chapter 14., we also defined a backward recursive function rev and proved that rev xs = reverse xs for all finite lists xs. Thus, you may find it easier to substitute rev for reverse and instead prove:

        rev (xs ++ ys)  =  rev ys ++ rev xs
  4. Prove for all finite lists xs of some type:

        reverse (reverse xs)  =  xs
  5. Prove for all natural numbers m and n and all finite lists xs:

        drop n (drop m xs)  =  drop (m+n) xs
  6. Consider the rational number package from Chapter 7.. Prove for any Rat value r that satisfied the interface invariant for the abstract module RationalRep:

        addRat r zeroRat  =  r  =  addRat zeroRat r
  7. Consider the two definitions for the Fibonacci function in Chapter 9. Prove for any natural number n:

        fib n  =  fib' n

    Hint: First prove, for n \geq 2:

        fib'' n p q = fib'' (n-2) p q + fib'' (n-1) p q
  8. Prove that the id function is the identity element for functional composition. That is, for any function f :: a -> b, prove:

        f . id  =  f  =  id . f
  9. Prove that functional composition is associative. That is, for any function f :: a -> a, g :: a -> a, and h :: a -> a, prove:

        (f . g) . h  =  f . (g . h)
  10. Prove for all finite lists xs and ys of the same type and function f on that type:

        map f (xs ++ ys)  =  map f xs ++ map f ys
  11. Prove for all finite lists xs and ys of the same type and predicate p on that type:

       filter p (xs ++ ys)  =  filter p xs ++ filter p ys
  12. Prove for all finite lists xs and ys of the same type and all predicates p on that type:

        all p (xs ++ ys)  =  (all p xs) && (all p ys)

    The definition for && is as follows:

        (&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool 
        False && x = False  -- second argument not evaluated 
        True  && x = x      -- second argument returned
  13. Prove for all finite lists xs of some type and predicates p and q on that type:

        filter p (filter q xs)  =  filter q (filter p xs)
  14. Prove for all finite lists xs and ys of the same type and for all functions f and values a of compatible types:

        foldr f a (xs ++ ys)  =  foldr f (foldr f a ys) xs
  15. Prove for all finite lists xs of some type and all functions f and g of conforming types:

        map (f . g) xs  =  (map f . map g) xs
  16. Prove for all finite lists of finite lists xss of some base type and function f on that type:

        map f (concat xss)  =  concat (map (map f) xss)
  17. Prove for all finite lists xs of some type and functions f on that type:

        map f xs  =  foldr ((:) .f) [] xs
  18. Prove for all lists xs and predicates p on the same type:

        takeWhile p xs ++ dropWhile p xs  =  xs
  19. Prove that, if *** is an associative binary operation of type t -> t with identity element z (i.e., a monoid), then:

        foldr (***) z xs  =  foldl (***) z xs
  20. Consider the Haskell type for the natural numbers given in an exercise in Chapter 21.

        data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

    For the functions defined in that exercise, prove the following:

    1. Prove that intToNat and natToInt are inverses of each other.

    2. Prove that Zero is the (right and left) identity element for addNat.

    3. Prove for any Nats x and y:

          addNat (Succ x) y  =  addNat x (Succ y)
    4. Prove associativity of addition on Nat’s. That is, for any Nats x, y, and z:

          addNat x (addNat y z)  =  addNat (addNat x y) z
    5. Prove commutativity of addition on Nat’s. That is, for any Nats x and y:

          addNat x y  =  addNat y x

25.9 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2018, I adapted and revised this chapter from Chapter 11 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42].

These previous notes drew on the presentations in the first edition of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] and other functional programming sources [13,14,98,171,178]. They were also influenced by my research, study, and teaching related to program specification, verification, derivation, and semantics [[28]; [34]; [39]; [40]; [41]; [64]; [65]; [66]; [85]; [86]; [107]; vanGesteren1990].

I incorporated this work as new Chapter 25, Proving Haskell Laws, in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming and continue to revise it.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my

post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

25.10 Terms and Concepts

Referential transparency, equational reasoning, laws, definition, simplification, calculation, associativity, identity, monoid, singleton law, equivalence of functions.

26 Program Synthesis

26.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 25 illustrated how to state and prove Haskell “laws” about already defined functions.

This chapter (26) illustrates how to use similar reasoning methods to synthesize (i.e., derive or calculate) function definitions from their specifications.

Chapter 27 applies these program synthesis techniques to a larger set of examples on text processing.

26.2 Motivation

This chapter deals with program synthesis.

In the proof of a property, we take an existing program and then demonstrate that it satisfies some property.

In the synthesis of a program, we take a property called a specification and then synthesize a program that satisfies it [15]. (Program synthesis is called program derivation in other contexts, such as in the Gries textbook [85] and my Notes on Program Semantics and Derivation [41].)

Both proof and synthesis require essentially the same reasoning. Often a proof can be turned into a synthesis by simply reversing a few of the steps, and vice versa.

26.3 Fast Fibonacci Function

This section is based on Bird and Wadler [15:5.4.5,15:5.5] and Hoogerwoord [98:4.5].

A (second-order) Fibonacci sequence is the sequence in which the first two elements are 0 and 1 and each successive element is the sum of the two immediately preceding elements:

    0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...

As we have seen in Chapter 9, we can take the above informal description and define a function to compute the nth element of the Fibonacci sequence. The definition is straightforward. Unfortunately, this algorithm is quite inefficient, O(fib n).

    fib :: Int -> Int
    fib 0          = 0
    fib 1          = 1 
    fib n | n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

In Chapter 9, we also developed a more efficient, but less straightforward, version by using two accumulating parameters. This definition seemed to be “pulled out of thin air”. Can we synthesize a definition that uses the more efficient algorithm from the simpler definition above?

Yes, but we use a slightly different approach than we did before. We can improve the performance of the Fibonacci computation by using a technique called tupling [98] as we saw in Chapter 20.

The tupling technique can be applied to a set of functions with the same domain and the same recursive pattern. First, we define a new function whose value is a tuple, the components of which are the values of the original functions. Then, we proceed to calculate a recursive definition for the new function.

This technique is similar to the technique of adding accumulating parameters to define a new function.

Given the definition of fib above, we begin with the specification [15]:

    twofib n = (fib n, fib (n+1))

and synthesize a recursive definition by using induction on the natural number n.

Base case n = 0:

    twofib 0

== { specification }

    (fib 0, fib (0+1))

== { arithmetic, fib.1, fib.2 }


This gives us a definition for the base case.

Inductive case n = m+1:

Given that there is a definition for twofib m that satisfies the specification

    twofib m = (fib m, fib (m+1))

calculate a definition for twofib (m+1) that satisfies the specification.

    twofib (m+1)

== { specification }

    (fib (m+1), fib ((m+1)+1))

== { arithmetic, fib.3 }

    (fib (m+1), fib m + fib (m+1))

== { abstraction }

    where (a,b) = (fib m, fib (m+1))

== { induction hypothesis }

    where (a,b) = twofib m

This gives us a definition for the inductive case.

Bringing the cases together and rewriting twofib (m+1) to get a valid pattern, we synthesize the following definition:

    twofib :: Int -> (Int,Int) 
    twofib 0         = (0,1) 
    twofib n | n > 0 = (b,a+b) 
                       where (a,b) = twofib (n-1)

    fastfib :: Int -> Int 
    fastfib n = fst (twofib n)

Above fst is the standard prelude function to extract the first component of a pair (i.e., a 2-tuple).

The key to the performance improvement is solving a “harder” problem: computing fib n and fib (n+1) at the same time. This allows the values needed to be “passed forward” to the “next iteration”.

In general, we can approach the synthesis of a function using the following method.

26.4 Sequence of Fibonacci Numbers

Now let’s consider a function to generate a list of the elements fib 0 through fib n for some natural number n. A simple backward recursive definition follows:

    allfibs :: Int -> [Int] 
    allfibs 0         = [0]                       -- allfibs.1 
    allfibs n | n > 0 = allfibs (n-1) ++ [fib n]  -- allfibs.2

Using fastfib, each fib n calculation is O(n). Each ++ call is also O(n). The fib and the ++ are “in sequence”, so each call of allfibs is just O(n). However, there are O(n) recursive calls of allfibs, so the overall complexity is O(n^2).

We again attempt to improve the efficiency by tupling We begin with the following specification for fibs:

    fibs n = (fib n, fib (n+1), allfibs n)

We already have definitions for the functions on the right-hand side, fib and allfibs. Our task now is to synthesize a definition for the left-hand side, fibs.

We proceed by induction on the natural number n and consider two cases.

Base case n = 0:

    fibs 0

== { fibs specification }

    (fib 0, fib (0+1), allfibs 0)

== { fib.1, fib.2, allfibs.1 }


This gives us a definition for the base case.

Inductive case n = m+1

Given that there is a definition for fibs m that satisfies the specification

    fibs m = (fib m, fib (m+1), allfibs m)

calculate a definition for fibs (m+1) that satisfies the specification.

    fibs (m+1)

== { fibs specification }

    (fib (m+1), fib (m+2), allfibs (m+1))

== { fib.3, allfibs.2 }

    (fib (m+1), fib m + fib (m+1), allfibs m ++ [fib (m+1)])

== { abstraction }

    where (a,b,c) = (fib m, fib (m+1), allfibs m)

== { induction hypothesis }

    where (a,b,c) = fibs m

This gives us a definition for the inductive case.

Bringing the cases together, we get the following definitions:

    fibs :: Int -> (Int,Int,[Int]) 
    fibs 0         = (0,1,[0]) 
    fibs n | n > 0 = (b,a+b,c++[b]) 
                     where (a,b,c) = fibs (n-1)

    allfibs1 :: Int -> [Int] 
    allfibs1 n = thd3 (fibs n)

Above thd3 is the standard prelude function to extract the third component of a 3-tuple.

We have eliminated the O(n) fib calculations, but still have an O(n) append (++) within each of the O(n) recursive calls of fibs. This program is better, but is still O(n^2).

Note that in the c ++ [b] expression there is a single element on the right. Perhaps we could build this term backwards using cons, an O(1) operation, and then reverse the final result.

We again attempt to improve the efficiency by tupling. We begin with the following specification for fibs:

    fibs' n = (fib n, fib (n+1), reverse (allfibs n))

For convenience in calculation, we replace reverse by its backward recursive equivalent rev.

    rev :: [a] -> [a] 
    rev []     = []             -- rev.1 
    rev (x:xs) = rev xs ++ [x]  -- rev.2

We again proceed by induction on n and consider two cases.

Base case n = 0:

    fibs' 0

== { fibs' specification }

    (fib 0, fib (0+1), rev (allfibs 0))

== { fib.1, fib.2, allfibs.1 }

    (0,1, rev [0])

== { rev.2 }

    (0,1, rev [] ++ [0])

== { rev.1, append.1 }


This gives us a definition for the base case.

Inductive case n = m+1:

Given that there is a definition for fibs' m that satisfies the specification

    fibs' m = (fib m, fib (m+1), allfibs m)

calculate a definition for fibs' (m+1) that satisfies the specification.

    fibs' (m+1)

== { fibs' specification }

    (fib (m+1), fib (m+2), rev (allfibs (m+1)))

== { fib.3, allfibs.2 }

    (fib (m+1), fib m + fib (m+1), rev (allfibs m ++ [fib (m+1)]))

== { abstraction }

    (b, a+b, rev (allfibs m ++ [b]))
    where (a,b,c) = (fib m, fib (m+1), rev (allfibs m))

== { induction hypothesis }

    (b, a+b, rev (allfibs m ++ [b]))
    where (a,b,c) = fibs' m

== { rev (xs ++ [x]) = x : rev xs, Note 1 }

    (b, a+b, b : rev (allfibs m))
    where (a,b,c) = fibs' m

== { substitution }

    (b, a+b, b:c)
    where (a,b,c) = fibs' m

This gives us a definition for the inductive case.

Note 1: The proof of rev (xs ++ [x]) = x : rev xs is left as an exercise.

Bringing the cases together, we get the following definition:

    fibs' :: Int -> (Int,Int,[Int]) 
    fibs' 0         = (0,1,[0]) 
    fibs' n | n > 0 = (b,a+b,b:c) 
                      where (a,b,c) = fibs' n 

    allfibs2 :: Int -> [Int] 
    allfibs2 n = reverse (thd3 (fibs' n))

Function fibs' is O(n). Hence, allfibs2' is O(n).

Are further improvements possible?

Clearly, function fibs' must generate an element of the sequence for each integer in the range [0..n]. Thus no complexity order improvement is possible.

However, from our previous experience, we know that it should be possible to avoid doing a reverse by using a tail recursive auxiliary function to compute the Fibonacci sequence. The investigation of this possible improvement is left to the reader.

For an O(log2 n) algorithm to compute fib n, see Kaldewaij’s textbook on program derivation [107:5.2]. (As in Chapter 9, we assume log2 is a function that computes the logarithm with base 2.)

26.5 Synthesis of drop from take

Suppose that we have the following definition for the list function take, but no definition for drop.

    take :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    take n _ | n <= 0 = []
    take _ []         = []
    take n (x:xs)     = x : take' (n-1) xs 

Further suppose that we wish to synthesize a definition for drop that satisfies the following specification for any natural number n and finite list xs.

    take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs

We proved this as a property earlier, given definitions for both take and drop. The synthesis uses induction on both n and xs and the same cases we used in the proof.

Base case n = 0:


== { specification, substitution for this case }

    take 0 xs ++ drop 0 xs

== { take.1 }

    [] ++ drop 0 xs

== { ++ identity }

    drop 0 xs

This gives the equation drop 0 xs = xs.

Base case n = m+1:


== { specification, substitution for this case }

    take (m+1) [] ++ drop (m+1) []

== { take.2 }

    [] ++ drop (m+1) []

== { ++ identity }

    drop (m+1) []

This gives the defining equation drop (m+1) [] = []. Since the value of the argument (m+1) is not used in the above calculation, we can generalize the definition to drop _ [] = [].

Inductive case n = m+1, xs = (a:as):

Given that there is a definition for drop m as that satisfies the specification:

    take m as ++ drop m as = as

calculate an appropriate definition for drop (m+1) (a:as) that satisfies the specification.


== { specification, substitution for this case }

    take (m+1) (a:as) ++ drop (m+1) (a:as)

== { take.3 }

    (a:(take m as)) ++ drop (m+1) (a:as)

== { append.2 }

    a:(take m as ++ drop (m+1) (a:as))

Hence, a:(take m as ++ drop (m+1) (a:as)) = (a:as).

    a:(take m as ++ drop (m+1) (a:as)) = (a:as)

\equiv { axiom of equality of lists (Note 1) }

    take m as ++ drop (m+1) (a:as) = as

\equiv { m \geq 0, specification }

    take m as ++ drop (m+1) (a:as) = take m as ++ drop m as

\equiv { equality of lists (Note 2) }

    drop (m+1) (a:as) = drop m as

Because of the induction hypothesis, we know that drop m as is defined. This gives a definition for this case.


  1. The symbol \equiv denotes logical equivalence (i.e., if and only if) and is pronounced “equivales”.

  2. (x:xs) = (y:ys) \equiv x = y && xs = ys. In this case x and y both equal a.

  3. xs ++ ys = xs ++ zs \equiv ys = zs can be proved by induction on xs using the Note 1 property.

Bringing the cases together, we get the definition that we saw earlier.

    drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    drop n xs | n <= 0 = xs             -- drop.1
    drop _ []          = []             -- drop.2
    drop n (_:xs)      = drop (n-1) xs  -- drop.3

26.6 Tail Recursion Theorem

In Chapter 14, we looked at two different definitions of a function to reverse the elements of a list. Function rev uses a straightforward backward linear recursive technique and reverse uses a tail recursive auxiliary function. We proved that these definitions are equivalent.

    rev :: [a] -> [a] 
    rev []       =   []             -- rev.1 
    rev (x:xs)   =   rev xs ++ [x]  -- rev.2 

    reverse :: [a] -> [a] 
    reverse xs   =   rev' xs []                  -- reverse.1 
        where rev' [] ys      = ys               -- reverse.2 
              rev' (x:xs) ys   = rev' xs (x:ys)  -- reverse.3 

Function rev' is a generalization of rev. Is there a way to calculate rev' from rev?

Yes, by using the Tail Recursion Theorem for lists. We develop this theorem in a more general setting than rev.

The following is based on Hoogerwoord [98:4.7].

For some types X and Y, let function fun be defined as follows:

    fun :: X -> Y 
    fun x | not (b x) = f x               -- fun.1 
          | b x       = h x *** fun (g x) -- fun.2

Note that both fun x and the recursive leg h x *** fun (g x) have the general structure y *** fun z for some expressions y and z (i.e., fun x = e *** fun x). Thus we specify a more general function fun' such that

   fun' :: Y -> X -> Y 
   fun' y x = y *** fun x

and such that fun' is defined for any x \in X for which fun x is defined.

Given the above specification, we note that:

    fun' e x

== { fun' specification }

    e *** fun x

== { e is the left identity for *** }

    fun x

We proceed by induction on the type X with \prec. (We are using well-founded induction, a more general form of induction than we have used before.

We have two cases. The base case is when not (b x) holds for argument x of fun'. The inductive case is when b x (i.e, g x \prec x).

Base case not (b x): (That is, x is a minimal element of X under \prec.)

    fun' y x

== { fun' specification }

    y *** fun x 

== { fun.1 }

    y *** f x

Inductive case b x: (That is, g x \prec x.)

Given that there is a definition for fun' y (g x) that satisfies the specification for any y

    fun' y (g x) = y *** fun (g x)

calculate a definition for fun' y x that satisfies the specification.

    fun' y x

== { fun' specification }

    y *** fun x

== { fun.2 }

    y *** (h x *** fun (g x))

== { *** associativity }

    (y *** h x) *** fun (g x)

== { g x \prec x, induction hypothesis }

    fun' (y *** h x) (g x)

Thus we have synthesized the following tail recursive definition for function fun' and essentially proved the Tail Recursion Theorem shown below.

    fun' :: Y -> X -> Y 
    fun' y x | not (b x) = y *** f x              -- fun'.1 
             | b x       = fun' (y *** h x) (g x) -- fun'.2

Note that the first parameter of fun' is an accumulating parameter.

Tail Recursion Theorem:
If fun, fun', and e are defined as given above, then fun x = fun' e x.

Now let’s consider the rev and rev' functions again. First, let’s rewrite the definitions of rev in a form similar to the definition of fun.

   rev :: [a] -> [a] 
   rev xs | xs == [] = []                          -- rev.1 
          | xs /= [] = rev (tail xs) ++ [head xs]  -- rev.2

For rev we substitute the following for the components of the fun definition:

Thus, by applying the tail recursion theorem, fun' becomes the following:

    rev' :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] 
    rev' xs ys 
        | xs == [] = ys                              -- rev'.1 
        | xs /= [] = rev' (tail xs) ([head xs]++ys)  -- rev'.2

From the Tail Recursion Theorem, we conclude that rev xs = rev' xs [].

Why would we want to convert a backward linear recursive function to a tail recursive form?

26.7 Finding Better Tail Recursive Algorithms

This section is adapted from Cohen [34:11.3].

Although the Tail Recursion Theorem is important, the technique we used to develop it is perhaps even more important. We can sometimes use the technique to transform one tail recursive definition into another that is more efficient [98].

Consider exponentiation by a natural number power. The operation ** can be defined recursively in terms of multiplication as follows:

    infixr 8 ** 
    (**) :: Int -> Int -> Int 
    m ** 0         = 1             -- **.1 
    m ** n | n > 0 = m * (m ** n)  -- **.2

For (**) we substitute the following for the components of the fun definition of the previous subsection:

Thus, by applying the Tail Recursion Theorem, we define the function exp such that

   exp a m n = a * (m ** n)

and, in particular:

    exp 1 m n = m ** n

The resulting function exp is defined as follows (for n >= 0):

    exp :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int 
    exp a m 0 = a              -- exp.1 
    exp a m n = exp (a*m) m n  -- exp.2

In terms of time, this function is no more efficient than the original version; both require O(n) multiplies. (However, by exploiting the strictness of the first parameter, exp can be made more space efficient than **. )

Note that exp algorithm converges upon the final result in steps of one. Can we take advantage of the generality of exp and the arithmetic properties of exponentiation to find an algorithm that converges in larger steps?

Yes, we can by using the technique that we used to develop the Tail Recursion Theorem. In particular, let’s try to synthesize an algorithm that converges logarithmically (in steps of half the distance) instead of linearly.

Speaking operationally, we are looking for a “short cut” to the result. To find this short cut, we use the “maps” that we have of the “terrain”. That is, we take advantage of the properties we know about the exponentiation operator.

We thus attempt to find expressions x and y such that

    exp x y (n/2) = exp a m n

where “/” represents division on integers.

For the base case where n = 0, this is trivial. We proceed with a calculation to discover values for x and y that make

   exp x y (n/2) = exp a m n

when n > 0 (i.e., in the inductive case). In doing this we can use the specification for exp (i.e.,exp a m n = a * (m ** n)).

    exp x y (n/2)

== { exp specification }

    x * (y ** (n/2))

== { Choose y = m ** 2 (Note 1) }

    x * ((m ** 2) ** (n/2))

Note 1: The strategy is to make choices for x and y that make

    x * (y ** (n/2))


    a * (m ** n)

equal. This choice for y is toward getting the m ** n term.

Because we are dealing with integer division, we need to consider two cases because of truncation.

Subcase even n (for n > 0):

    x * ((m ** 2) ** (n/2))

== { arithmetic properties of exponentiation, n even }

    x * (m ** n)

== { Choose x = a, toward getting a * (m ** n) }

    a * (m ** n)

== { exp specification }

    exp a m n

Thus, for even n, we derive:

    exp a m n = exp a (m*m) (n/2)

We optimize and replace m ** 2 by m * m.

Subcase odd n (for n > 0): That is, n/2 = (n-1)/2.

    x * ((m ** 2) ** ((n-1)/2))

== { arithmetic properties of exponentiation }

    x * (m ** (n-1))

== { Choose x = a * m, toward getting a * (m ** n) }

    (a * m) * (m ** (n-1))

== { arithmetic properties of exponentiation }

    a * (m ** n)

== { exp specification }

    exp a m n

Thus, for odd n, we derive:

    exp a m n = exp (a*m) (m*m) (n/2)

To differentiate the logarithmic definition for exponentiation from the linear one, we rename the former to exp'. We have thus defined exp' as follows (for n >= 0):

    exp' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int 
    exp' a m 0            = a                 -- exp'.1 
    exp' a m n 
        | even n = exp' a     (m*m) (n/2)     -- exp'.2 
        | odd n  = exp' (a*m) (m*m) ((n-1)/2) -- exp'.3

Above we showed that exp a m n = exp' a m n. However, execution of exp' converges faster upon the result: O(log2 n) steps rather than O(n)`.

Note: Multiplication and division of integers by natural number powers of 22, particularly 212^{1}, can be implemented on must current computers by arithmetic left and right shifts, respectively, which are faster than general multiplication and division.

26.8 What Next?

Chapter 27 applies the program synthesis techniques developed in this chapter to a larger set of examples on text processing.

No subsequent chapter depends explicitly upon the program synthesis content from these chapters. However, if practiced regularly, the techniques explored in this chapter can enhance a programmer’s ability to solve problems and construct correct functional programming solutions.

26.9 Exercises

  1. The following function computes the integer base 2 logarithm of a positive integer:

        lg :: Int -> Int 
        lg x | x == 1 = 0 
             | x > 1  = 1 + lg (x/2)

    Using the tail recursion theorem, write a definition for lg that is tail recursive.

  2. Synthesize the recursive definition for ++ from the following specification:

        xs ++ ys  =  foldr (:) ys xs
  3. Using tupling and function fact5 from Chapter 4, synthesize an efficient function allfacts to generate a list of factorials for natural numbers 0 through parameter n, inclusive.

  4. Consider the following recursive definition for natural number multiplication:

        mul :: Int -> Int -> Int 
        mul m 0     = 0 
        mul m (n+1) = m + mul m n

    This is an O(n) algorithm for computing m * n. Synthesize an alternative operation that is O(log2 n). Doubling (i.e., n*2) and halving (i.e., n/2 with truncation) operations may be used but not multiplication (*) in general.

  5. Derive a “more general” version of the Tail Recursion Theorem for functions of the shape

        func ::  X -> Y 
        func x | not (b x) = f x              -         -- func.1     `
               | b x       = h x *** func (g x) +++ d.x -- func.2 

    where functions b, f, g, and h are constrained as in the definition of fun in the Tail Recursion Theorem. Be sure to identify the appropriate constraints on d, ***, and +++ including the necessary properties of *** and +++.

26.10 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2018, I adapted and revised this chapter and the next from Chapter 12 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42].

These previous notes drew on the presentations in the first edition of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] and other functional programming sources [13,14,98,171,178]. They were also influenced by my research, study, and teaching related to program specification, verification, derivation, and semantics [[28]; [34]; [39]; [40]; [41]; [64]; [65]; [66]; [85]; [86]; [107]; vanGesteren1990].

I incorporated this work as new Chapter 26, Program Synthesis (this chapter), and new Chapter 27, Text Processing, in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming and continue to revise it.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

26.11 Terms and Concepts


27 Text Processing Example

27.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 26 illustrates how to synthesize function definitions from their specifications.

This chapter (27) applies these program synthesis techniques to a larger set of examples on text processing.

27.2 Text Processing Example

In this section we develop a text processing package similar to the one in Section 4.3 of the Bird and Wadler textbook [15]. The text processing package in the Haskell standard Prelude is slightly different in its treatment of newline characters.

A textual document can be viewed in many different ways. At the lowest level, we can view it as just a character string and define a type synonym as follows:

    type Text = String

However, for other purposes, we may want to consider the document as having more structure (i.e., view it as a sequence of words, lines, paragraphs, pages, etc). We sometimes want to convert the text from one view to another.

Consider the problem of converting a Text document to the corresponding sequence of lines. Suppose that in the Text{.haskell document, the newline characters '\n'{.haskell serve as separators of lines, not themselves part of the lines. Because each line is a sequence of characters, we define a type synonym Line as follows:

    type Line = String

We want a function lines' that will take a Text document and return the corresponding sequence of lines in the document. The function has the type signature:

    lines' :: Text -> [Line]

For example, the Haskell expression

    lines' "This has\nthree\nlines"


    ["This has", "three ", "lines"]

Writing function lines' is not trivial. However, its inverse unlines' is quite easy. Function unlines' takes a list of Lines, inserts a newline character between each pair of adjacent lines, and returns the Text document resulting from the concatenation.

    unlines' :: [Line] -> Text

Let’s see if we can develop lines' from unlines'.

The basic computational pattern for function unlines' is a folding operation. Because we are dealing with the construction of a list and the list constructors are nonstrict in their right arguments, a foldr operation seems more appropriate than a foldl operation.

To use foldr, we need a binary operation that will append two lines with a newline character inserted between them. The following, a bit more general, operation insert' will do that for us. The first argument is the element that is to be inserted between the two list arguments.

    insert' :: a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] 
    insert' a xs ys = xs ++ [a] ++ ys -- insert.1

Informally, it is easy to see that (insert' a) is an associative operation but that it has no right (or left) identity element.

Given that (insert' a) has no identity element, there is no obvious “seed” value to use with fold. Thus we will need to find a different way to express unlines'.

If we restrict the domain of unlines' to non-nil lists of lines, then we can use foldr1, a right-folding operation defined over non-empty lists (in the Prelude). This function does not require an identity element for the operation. Function foldr1 can be defined as follows:

    foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a 
    foldr1 f [x]    = x 
    foldr1 f (x:xs) = f x (foldr1 f xs)

Note: There is a similar function (in the Prelude), foldl1 that takes a non-nil list and does a left-folding operation.

Thus we can now define unlines' as follows:

    unlines' :: [Line] -> Text 
    unlines' xss = foldr1 (insert' '\n') xss

Given the definition of unlines', we can now specify what we want lines' to do. It must satisfy the following specification for any non-nil xss of type [Line]:

    lines' (unlines' xss) = xss

That is, lines' is the inverse of unlines' for all non-nil arguments.

The first step in the synthesis of lines' is to guess at a possible structure for the lines' function definition. Then we will attempt to calculate the unknown pieces of the definition.

Because unlines' uses a right-folding operation, it is reasonable to guess that its inverse will also use a right-folding operation. Thus we speculate that lines' can be defined as follows, given an appropriately defined operation op and “seed value” a.

    lines' :: Text -> [Line] 
    lines' = foldr op a

Because of the definition of foldr and type signature of lines', function op must have the type signature

    op :: Char -> [Line] -> [Line]

and a must be the right identity of op and hence have type [Line].

The task now is to find appropriate definitions for op and a.

From what we know about unlines', foldr1, lines', and foldr, we see that the following identities hold. (These can be proved, but we do not do so here.)

    unlines' [xs]        = xs                -- unlines.1 
    unlines' ([xs]++xss) = 
        insert' '\n' xs (unlines' xss)       -- unlines.2 

    lines' []            = a                 -- lines.1 
    lines' ([x]++xs)     = op x (lines' xs)  -- lines.2

Note the names we give each of the above identities (e.g., unlines.1). We use these equations to justify our steps in the calculations below.

Next, let us calculate the unknown identity element a. The strategy is to transform a by use of the definition and derived properties for unlines' and the specification and derived properties for lines' until we arrive at a constant.


== { lines.1 (right to left) }

    lines' []

== { unlines'.1 (right to left) with xs = [] }

    lines' (unlines' [[]])

== { specification of lines' (left to right) }


Therefore we define a to be [[]]. Note that because of lines.1, we have also defined lines' in the case where its argument is [].

Now we proceed to calculate a definition for op. Remember that we assume xss /= [].

As above, the strategy is to use what we know about unlines' and what we have assumed about lines' to calculate appropriate definitions for the unknown parts of the definition of lines'. We first expand our expression to bring in unlines'.

    op x xss

== { specification for lines' (right to left) }

    op x (lines' (unlines' xss))

== { lines.2 (right to left) }

    lines' ([x] ++ unlines' xss)

Because there seems no other way to proceed with our calculation, we distinguish between cases for the variable x. In particular, we consider the case where x is the line separator and the case where it is not, i.e., x == '\n' and x /= '\n'.

Case x == '\n':

Our strategy is to absorb the '\n' into the unlines', then apply the specification of lines'.

    lines' ("\n" ++ unlines' xss)

== { [] is the identity for ++ }

    lines' ([]  ++ "\n" ++ unlines' xss)

== { insert.1 (right to left) with a == '\n' }

    lines' (insert' '\n' [] (unlines' xss))

== { unlines.2 (right to left) }

    lines' (unlines' ([[]] ++ xss))

== { specification of lines' (left to right) }

    [[]] ++ xss 

Thus op '\n' xss = [[]] ++ xss.

Case x /= '\n':

Our strategy is to absorb the [x] into the unlines', then apply the specification of lines.

    lines' ([x] ++ unlines' xss)

== { Assumption xss /= [], let xss = [ys] ++ yss }

    lines' ([x] ++ unlines' ([ys] ++ yss))

== { unlines.2 (left to right) with a = '\n' }

    lines' ([x] ++ insert' '\n' ys (unlines' yss))

== { insert.1 (left to right) }

    lines' ([x] ++ (ys ++ "\n" ++ unlines' yss))

== { ++ associativity }

    lines' (([x] ++ ys) ++ "\n" ++ unlines' yss)

== { insert.1 (right to left) }

    lines' (insert' '\n' ([x]++ys) (unlines' yss))

== { unlines.2 (right to left) }

    lines' (unlines' ([[x]++ys] ++ yss))

== { specification of lines' (left to right) }

    [[x]++ys] ++ yss

Thus, for x /= '\n' and xss /= []:

    op x xss = [[x] ++ head xss] ++ (tail xss)

To generalize op like we did insert' and give it a more appropriate name, we define op to be breakOn '\n' as follows:

    breakOn :: Eq a => a -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]] 
    breakOn a x []              = error "breakOn applied to nil" 
    breakOn a x xss | a == x    = [[]] ++ xss 
                    | otherwise = [[x] ++ ys] ++ yss 
                                  where (ys:yss) = xss

Thus, we get the following definition for lines':

    lines' :: Text -> [Line] 
    lines' xs = foldr (breakOn '\n') [[]] xs

Let’s review what we have done in this example. We have synthesized lines' from its specification and the definition for unlines', its inverse. Starting from a precise, but non-executable specification, and using only equational reasoning, we have derived an executable definition of the required function.

The technique used is a familiar one in many areas of mathematics:

  1. We guessed at a form for the solution.

  2. We then calculated the unknowns.

Note: The definition of lines and unlines in the standard Prelude treat newlines as line terminators instead of line separators. Their definitions follow.

    lines :: String -> [String] 
    lines "" =  [] 
    lines s  = l : (if null s' then [] else lines (tail s'))
               where (l, s') = break ('\n'==) s 

    unlines :: [String] -> String 
    unlines  = concat . map (\l -> l ++ "\n")

27.2.1 Word processing

Let’s continue the text processing example from the previous subsection a bit further. We want to synthesize a function to break a text into a sequence of words.

For the purposes here, we define a word as any nonempty sequence of characters not containing a space or newline character. That is, a group of one or more spaces and newlines separate words. We introduce a type synonym for words.

    type Word = String

We want a function words' that breaks a line up into a sequence of words. Function words' thus has the following type signature:

    words' :: Line -> [Word]

For example, expression

    words' "Hi there" 


    ["Hi", "there"]

As in the synthesis of lines', we proceed by defining the “inverse” function first, then we calculate the definition for words'.

All unwords' needs to do is to insert a space character between adjacent elements of the sequence of words and return the concatenated result. Following the development in the previous subsection, we can thus define unwords' as follows.

    unwords' :: [Word] -> Line 
    unwords' xs = foldr1 (insert'  ' ') xs

Using calculations similar to those for lines', we derive the inverse of unwords' to be the following function:

    foldr (breakOn' ') [[]]

However, this identifies zero-length words where there are adjacent spaces. We need to filter those out.

    words' :: Line -> [Word] 
    words' = filter (/= []) . foldr (breakOn' ') [[]]

Note that

    words' (unwords' xss)  =  xss

for all xss of type [Word], but that

    unwords' (words' xs)  =   xs

for some xs of type Line. The latter is undefined when words' {.haskell} xs returns []. Where it is defined, adjacent spaces in xs are replaced by a single space in unwords' (words' xs).

Note: The functions words and unwords in the standard Prelude differ in that unwords [] = [], which is more complete.

27.2.2 Paragraph processing

Let’s continue the text processing example one step further and synthesize a function to break a sequence of lines into paragraphs.

For the purposes here, we define a paragraph as any nonempty sequence of nonempty lines. That is, a group of one or more empty lines separate paragraphs. As above, we introduce an appropriate type synonym:

    type Para = [Line]

We want a function paras' that breaks a sequence of lines into a sequence of paragraphs:

    paras' :: [Line] -> [Para]

For example, expression

    paras' ["Line 1.1","Line 1.2","","Line 2.1"]


    [["Line 1.1","Line 1.2"],["Line 2.1"]]

As in the synthesis of lines' and words', we can start with the inverse and calculate the definition of paras'. The inverse function unparas' takes a sequence of paragraphs and returns the corresponding sequence of lines with an empty line inserted between adjacent paragraphs.

    unparas' :: [Para] -> [Line] 
    unparas' = foldr1 (insert' [])

Using calculations similar to those for lines' and words', we can derive the following definitions:

    paras' :: [Line] -> [Para] 
    paras' = filter (/= []) . foldr (breakOn []) [[]]

The filter (/= []) operation removes all “empty paragraphs” corresponding to two or more adjacent empty lines.

Note: There are no equivalents of paras' and `unparas' in the standard prelude. As with unwords, unparas' should be redefined so that unparas' [] = [], which is more complete.

27.2.3 Other text processing functions

Using the six functions in our text processing package, we can build other useful functions.

  1. Count the lines in a text.

        countLines :: Text -> Int 
        countLines = length . lines'
  2. Count the words in a text.

        countWords :: Text -> Int 
        countWords = length . concat . (map words') . lines'

    An alternative using a list comprehension is:

        countWords xs = 
            length [ w | l <- lines' xs, w <- words' l]
  3. Count the paragraphs in a text.

        countParas :: Text -> Int 
        countParas = length . paras' . lines'
  4. Normalize text by removing redundant empty lines and spaces.

    The following functions take advantage of the fact that paras' and words' discard empty paragraphs and words, respectively.

        normalize :: Text -> Text 
        normalize = unparse . parse
        parse :: Text -> [[[Word]]] 
        parse = (map (map words')) . paras' . lines'
        unparse :: [[[Word]]] -> Text 
        unparse = unlines' . unparas' . map (map unwords')

    We can also state parse and unparse in terms of list comprehensions.

        parse xs = 
            [ [words' l | l <- p] | p <- paras' (lines' xs) ]
        unparse xssss = 
            unlines' (unparas' [ [unwords' l | l<-p] | p<-xssss])

Section 4.3.5 of the Bird and Wadler textbook [15] goes on to build functions to fill and left-justify lines of text.

27.3 What Next?

Chapter 26 illustrates how to synthesize (i.e., derive or calculate) function definitions from their specifications. This chapter (27) applies these program synthesis techniques to larger set of examples on text processing.

No subsequent chapter depends explicitly upon the program synthesis content from these chapters. However, if practiced regularly, the techniques explored in this chapter can enhance a programmer’s ability to solve problems and construct correct functional programming solutions.

27.4 Exercises


27.5 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2018, I adapted and revised this chapter and the next from Chapter 12 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42].

These previous notes drew on the presentations in the first edition of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15] and other functional programming sources [13,14,98,171,178]. They were also influenced by my research, study, and teaching related to program specification, verification, derivation, and semantics [[28]; [34]; [39]; [40]; [41]; [64]; [65]; [66]; [85]; [86]; [107]; vanGesteren1990].

I incorporated this work as new Chapter 26, Program Synthesis, and new Chapter 27, Text Processing (this chapter), in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming and continue to revise it.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

27.6 Terms and Concepts

Program synthesis, synthesizing a function from its inverse, text processing, line, word, paragraph, terminator, separator.

28 Type Inference

28.1 Chapter Introduction

The goal of this chapter (28) is to show how type inference works. It presents the topic using an equational reasoning technique.

This chapter depends upon the reader understanding Haskell polymorphic, higher-order function concepts (e.g., from studying Chapters 13-17), but it is otherwise independent of other chapters. No subsequent chapter depends explicitly upon this content.

28.2 Motivation

How can we deduce the type of a Haskell expression?

To get the general idea, let’s look at a few examples.

Note: The discussion here is correct for monomorphic functions, but it is a bit simplistic for polymorphic functions. However, it should be of assistance in understanding how types are assigned to Haskell expressions.

28.3 Example: Functional Composition

Expressed in prefix form, functional composition can be defined with the equation:

    (.) f g x = f (g x)

We begin the process of type inference by assigning types to the parameter names and to the function’s defining expression (i.e., its result). We introduce new type names t1, t2, t3 and t4 for the components of (.) as follows:

          f :: t1    -- parameter 1 of (.)
          g :: t2    -- parameter 2 of (.)
          x :: t3    -- parameter 3 of (.)
    f (g x) :: t4    -- defining expression for (.)

The type of (.) is therefore given by:

    (.) :: t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> t4

We are not finished because there are certain relationships among the new types that must be taken into account. To see what these relationships are, we use the following inference rules.

Using the application rule on {.haskell} f (g x) :: t4, we introduce a new type t5 such that:

    g x :: t5
      f :: t5 -> t4

Using the application rule for g x :: t5, we introduce another new type t6 such that:

    x :: t6
    g :: t6 -> t5

Using the equality rule on the two types deduced for each of f, g, and x, respectively, we get the following identities:

    t1 = (t5 -> t4)    -- f
    t2 = (t6 -> t5)    -- g
    t3 = t6            -- x

For function (.), we thus deduce the type signature:

    (.) :: (t5 -> t4) -> (t6 -> t5) -> t6 -> t4

If we replace the type names by Haskell generic type variables that follow the usual naming convention, we get:

    (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

28.4 Example: Multiple Use of Polymorphic Function (fst)

Now let’s consider the function definition:

    f x y = fst x + fst y

Note that the names (+) and fst occur on the right side of the definition, but do not occur on the left.

From the Haskell Prelude, we can see that:

    (+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
    fst :: (a, b) -> a

The Num a context contrains the polymorphism on type variable a.

We must be careful. The two occurrences of the polymorphic function fst in the definition for f need not bind the type variables a and b to the same concrete types. For example, consider the expression:

    fst (2, True) + fst (1, "hello")

This expression is well-typed despite the fact that the first occurrence of fst has the type

    Num a => (a,Bool) -> a

and the second occurrence has type

    Num a => (a, [Char]) -> a

Furthermore, the two occurrences of the type variable a are not, in general, required to bind to the same type. (However, as we will see, they do in this expression because of the addition operation.)

To handle the situation with the multiple applications of fst, we use the following rule.

Following the polymorphic use rule, we rewrite the definition of f in the form

    f x y = fst1 x + fst2 y

and assume two different instantiations of the generic type of fst:

    fst1 :: (u1, u2) -> u1
    fst2 :: (v1, v2) -> v1

After making the above transformation, we proceed by assigning types to the parameters and definition of f, introducing three new types:

                  x :: t1    -- parameter 1 of f
                  y :: t2    -- parameter 2 of f
    fst1 x + fst2 y :: t3    -- defining expression for f

Thus we have the following type for f:

    f :: t1 -> t2 -> t3

Now we can rewrite the defining expression for f fully in prefix form to get:

    (+) (fst1 x) (fst2 y)

Then, using the application rule on the above expression, we deduce:

        (fst2 y) :: t4
    (+) (fst1 x) :: t4 -> t3

Using the application rule on (fst2 y) :: t4, we get:

       y :: t5
    fst2 :: t5 -> t4

Similarly, using the application rule on (+) (fst1 x) :: t4 -> t3, we get:

    (fst1 x) :: t6
         (+) :: t6 -> t4 -> t3

Going further and applying the application rule to (fst1 x) :: t6, we deduce:

       x :: t7
    fst1 :: t7 -> t6

Now we have introduced types for all the symbols appearing in the definition of function f. We begin simplification by using the equality rule for x, y, fst1, fst2, and (+), respectively. We thus deduce the type equations:

                        t1 = t7                  -- x
                        t2 = t5                  -- y
         ((u1, u2) -> u1)  =  (t7 -> t6)         -- fst1
         ((v1, v2) -> v1)  =  (t5 -> t4)         -- fst2
    (Num a => a -> a -> a) = (t6 -> t4 -> t3)    -- (+)

Now, using the function rule on the last three equations above, we derive:

    t7 = (u1, u2)
    t6 = u1

    t5 = (v1, v2)
    t4 = v1

    t3 = t4 = t6 = v1 = u1 = (Num a => a)

We had assigned type f :: t1 -> t2 -> t3 originally. Substituting from the above, we deduce the following type:

    f :: Num a => (a, u2) -> (a, v2) -> a

Finally, we can replace the type names u2 and v2 by Haskell generic type variables that follow the usual naming convention. We get the following inferred type for function f:

    f :: Num a => (a, b) -> (a, c) -> a

28.5 Example: Fixpoint (fix)

For this example, consider the definition:

    fix f = f (fix f)

To deduce a type for fix, we proceed as before and introduce types for the parameters and defining expression of f:

            f :: t1    -- parameter of fix
    f (fix f) :: t2    -- defining expression for fix

Thus, fix has the type:

    fix :: t1 -> t2

Using the application rule on the expression f (fix f), we obtain:

    (fix f) :: t3 
          f :: t3 -> t2 

Then using the application rule on the expression fix f, we get:

        f :: t4 
      fix :: t4 -> t3 

Using the equality rule on f and fix, we deduce:

    t1 = t4 = (t3 -> t2)       -- f
    (t1 -> t2) = (t4 -> t3)    -- fix

Then, using the function rule on the second equation, we obtain the identities:

    t1 = t4
    t2 = t3

Since fix :: t1 -> t3, we derive the type:

    fix :: (t3 -> t3) -> t3

If we replace t3 by a Haskell generic type variable that follows the usual naming convention, we get the following inferred type for fix:

    fix :: (a -> a) -> a 

28.6 Example: Incorrect Typing (selfapply)

Finally, let us consider an example in which the typing is wrong. Let us define selfapply as follows:

    selfapply f = f f

Proceeding as in the previous examples, we introduce new types for the parameters and defining expression of f:

      f :: t1    -- parameter of selfapply
    f f :: t2    -- defining expression for selfapply

Thus we have the type:

    selfapply :: t1 -> t2

Using the application rule on f f, we get:

    f :: t3
    f :: t3 -> t2

But the equality rule for f tells us that:

    t1 = t3 = (t3 -> t2)

or just

    t1 = (t1 -> t2)

However, the equation t1 = (t1 -> t2) does not possess a solution for t1 and the definition of selfapply is thus rejected by the type checker.

28.7 Other Aspects of Type Inference

Haskell function definitions must also conform to the following rules.

28.8 What Next?

This chapter is largely independent of other chapters. No subsequent chapter depends explicitly upon this content.

28.9 Exercises


28.10 Acknowledgements

In Spring 2017, I adapted and revised this chapter from my previous HTML notes on this topic. (These were supplementary notes for a course based on [42].) I based the previous notes on the presentations in:

I thank MS student Hongmei Gao for helping me prepare the first version of the previous notes in Spring 2000.

In Summer 2018, I incorporated this work as new Chapter 24, Type Inference, in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming and continue to revise it.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I reordered the Chapters, making this Chapter 28 (instead of Chapter 24).

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

28.11 Terms and Concepts

Type inference, function, polymorphism, type variable, function composition, fixpoint, application rule, equality rule, function rule, polymorphic use rule, guard rule, tuple rule.

29 Models of Reduction

29.1 Chapter Introduction


29.2 Big-O and Efficiency

We state efficiency (i.e., time complexity or space complexity) of programs in terms of the “Big-O” notation and asymptotic analysis.

For example, consider the list-reversing functions rev and reverse that we have looked at several times. We stated that the number of steps required to evaluate rev xs is, in the worst case, “on the order of” n^2 where n denotes the length of list xs. We let the number of steps be our measure of time and write

T(rev xs) = O(n^2)

to mean that the time to evaluate rev xs is bounded by some (mathematical) function that is proportional to the square of the length of list xs.

Similarly, we write

T(reverse xs) = O(n)

to mean that the time (i.e., number of steps) to evaluate reverse xs is bounded by some function that is proportional to the length of xs.

Note: These expressions are not really equalities. We write the more precise expression

T(reverse xs)

on the left-hand side and the less precise expression O(n) on the right-hand side.

For short lists, the performance of rev and reverse are similar. But as the lists get long, rev requires considerably more steps than reverse.

The Big-O analysis is an asymptotic analysis. That is, it estimates the order of magnitude of the evaluation time as the size of the input approaches infinity (i.e., gets large). We often do worst case analyses of time. Such analyses are usually easier to do than average-case analyses.

29.3 Reduction

29.3.1 Definition

The terms reduction, simplification, and evaluation all denote the same process: rewriting an expression in a “simpler” equivalent form. That is, they involve two kinds of replacements:

  • the replacement of a subterm that satisfies the left-hand side of an equation by the right-hand side with appropriate substitution of arguments for parameters. (This is sometimes called β\beta-reduction.)

  • the replacement of a primitive application (e.g., + or *) by its value. (This is sometimes called δ\delta-reduction.)

29.3.2 Redexes

The term redex refers to a subterm of an expression that can be reduced.

An expression is said to be in normal form if it cannot be further reduced.

Some expressions cannot be reduced to a value. For example, 1/0 cannot be reduced; an error message is usually generated if there is an attempt to evaluate (i.e., reduce) such an expression.

For convenience, we sometimes assign the value \bot (pronounced “bottom”) to such error cases to denote that their values are undefined. Remember that this value cannot be manipulated within a computer.

Redexes can be selected for reduction in several ways. For instance, the redex can be selected based on its position within the expression:

  • leftmost redex first—where the leftmost reducible subterm in the expression text is reduced before any other subterms are reduced

  • rightmost redex first—where the rightmost reducible subterm in the expression text is reduced before any other subterms are reduced

The redex can also be selected based on whether or not it is contained within another redex:

  • outermost redex first—where a reducible subterm that is not contained within any other reducible subterm is reduced before one that is contained within another

  • innermost redex first—where a reducible subterm that contains no other reducible subterm is reduced before one that contains others

29.3.3 AOR and NOR

The two most often used reduction orders are:

  • applicative order reduction (AOR)—where the leftmost innermost redex is reduced first

  • normal order reduction (NOR)—where the leftmost outermost redex is reduced first.

To see the difference between AOR and NOR consider the following functions:

    fst :: (a,b) -> a
    fst (x,y) = x

    sqr :: Int -> Int
    sqr x = x * x

Now consider the following reductions.

First, reduce the expression with AOR:

fst (sqr 4, sqr 2)

\Longrightarrow { sqr }

fst (4*4, sqr 2)

\Longrightarrow { * }

fst (16, sqr 2)

\Longrightarrow { sqr }

fst (16, 2*2)

\Longrightarrow { * }

fst (16, 4)

\Longrightarrow { fst }


Thus AOR requires 5 reductions.

Second, reduce the expression with NOR:

fst (sqr 4, sqr 2)

\Longrightarrow { fst }

sqr 4

\Longrightarrow { sqr }


\Longrightarrow { * }


Thus NOR requires 3 reductions.

In this example NOR requires fewer steps because it avoids reducing the unneeded second component of the tuple.

The number of reductions is different, but the result is the same for both reduction sequences.

In fact, this is always the case. If any reduction terminates (and not all do), then the resulting value will always be the same.

(Consequence of) Church-Rosser Theorem: If an expression can be reduced in two different ways to two normal forms, then these normal forms are the same (except that variables may need to be renamed).

The diamond property for the reduction relation \rightarrow states that if an expression E can be reduced to two expressions E1 and E2, then there is an expression N which can be reached (by repeatedly applying \rightarrow) from both E1 and E2. We use the symbol *\stackrel{*}{\rightarrow} to represent the reflexive transitive closure of \rightarrow. (E *\stackrel{*}{\rightarrow} E1 means that E can be reduced to E1 by some finite, possibly zero, number of reductions.)

Some reduction orders may fail to terminate on some expressions. Consider the following functions:

    answer :: Int -> Int
    answer n = fst (n+n, loop n)

    loop :: Int -> [a\]
    loop n = loop (n+1)

First, reduce the expression with AOR:

answer 1

\Longrightarrow { answer }

fst (1+1,loop 1)

\Longrightarrow { + }

fst (2,loop 1)

\Longrightarrow { loop }

fst (2,loop (1+1))

\Longrightarrow { + }

fst (2,loop 2)

\Longrightarrow { loop }

fst (2,loop (2+1))

\Longrightarrow { + }

fst (2,loop 3)

\Longrightarrow \cdots Does not terminate normally

Second, reduce the expression with NOR:

answer 1

\Longrightarrow { answer }

fst (1+1,loop 1)

\Longrightarrow { fst }


\Longrightarrow { + }


Thus NOR requires 3 reductions.

If an expression E has a normal form, then a normal order reduction of E (i.e., leftmost outermost) is guaranteed to reach the normal form (except that variables may need to be renamed).

29.3.5 String and graph reduction

The rewriting strategy we have been using so far can be called string reduction because our model involves the textual replacement of one string by an equivalent string.

A more efficient alternative is graph reduction. In this technique, the expressions are represented as (directed acyclic) expression graphs rather than text strings. The repeated subterms of an expression are represented as shared components of the expression graph. Once a shared component has been evaluated, it need not be evaluated again. Thus leftmost outermost (i.e., normal order) graph reduction is a technique for implementing call-by-need parameter passing.

The Haskell interpreter uses a graph reduction technique.

Consider the leftmost outermost graph reduction of the expression sqr (4+2).

Note: In a graph reduction model, normal order reduction never performs more reduction steps than applicative order reduction. It may perform fewer. And, like all outermost reduction techniques, it is guaranteed to terminate if any reduction sequence terminates.

As we see above, parameters that repeatedly occur on the right-hand side introduce shared components into the expression graph. A programmer can also introduce shared components into a function’s expression graph by using where or let to define new symbols for subexpressions that occur multiple times in the defining expression. This potentially increases the efficiency of the program .

Consider a program to find the solutions of the following equation:

a*x2+b*x+c=0a * x^{2} + b * x + c = 0

Using the quadratic formula the two solutions are:

b±b24*a*c2*a\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^{2} - 4*a*c}}{2*a}

Expressing this formula as a Haskell program to return the two solutions as a pair, we get:

    roots :: Float -> Float -> Float -> (Float,Float)
    roots a b c = ( (-b-d)/e, (-b+d)/e )
        where d = sqrt (sqr b - 4 * a * c)
              e = 2 * a

Note the explicit definition of local symbols for the subexpressions that occur multiple times.

Function sqr is as defined previously and sqrt is a primitive function defined in the standard prelude.

In one step, the expression roots 1 5 3 reduces to the expression graph shown on the following page. For clarity, we use the following in the graph:

  • tuple-2 denotes the pair forming operator ( , ).

  • div denotes division (on Float).

  • sub denotes subtraction.

  • neg denotes unary negation.

The application roots 1 5 3 reduces to the following expression graph:

(Drawing Not Currently Available)

We use the total number of arguments as the measure of the size of a term or graph.

Example: sqr 2 + sqr 7 has size 4.

Example: x * x where x = 7 + 2 has size 4.

Note: This size measure is an indication of the size of the unevaluated expression that is held at a particular point in the evaluation process. This is a bit different from the way we normally think of space complexity in an imperative algorithms class, that is, the number of “words” required to store the program’s data.

However, this is not as strange as it may first appear. Remember that data structures such as lists and tuples are themselves expressions built by applying constructors to simpler data.

29.4 Head Normal Form

Sometimes we need to reduce a term but not all the way to normal form.

Consider the expression head (map sqr [1..7]) and a normal order reduction.

head (map sqr [1..7])

\Longrightarrow { [1..7] }

head (map sqr (1:[2..7]))

\Longrightarrow { map.2 }

head (sqr 1 : map sqr [2..7])

\Longrightarrow { head }

sqr 1

\Longrightarrow { sqr }

1 * 1

\Longrightarrow { * }


Note that the expression map sqr [1..7] was reduced but not all the way to normal form. However, any term that is reduced must be reduced to head normal form.

A term is in head normal form if:

If a term is in normal form, then it is in head normal form, but not vice versa.

Any term of form (e1:e2) is in head normal form, because regardless of how far e1 and e2 are reduced, no reduction rule applies to (e1:e2). The cons operator is the primitive list constructor; it is not defined in terms of anything else.

However, a term of form (e1:e2) is only in normal form if both e1 and e2 are in their normal forms.

Similarly, any term of the form (e1,e2) is in head normal form. The tuple constructor is a primitive operation; it is not defined in terms of anything else.

However, a term of the form (e1,e2) is in normal form only if both e1 and e2 are.

Whether a term needs to be reduced further than head normal form depends upon the context.

Example: In the reduction of the expression head (map sqr [1..7]), the term map sqr [1..7] only needed to be reduced to head normal form, that is, to the expression sqr 1 : map sqr [2..7].

However, appendChan stdout (show (map sqr [1..7])) exit done would cause reduction of map sqr [1..7] to normal form.

29.5 Pattern Matching

For reduction using equations that involve pattern matching, the leftmost outermost (i.e., normal order) reduction strategy is not, by itself, sufficient to guarantee that a terminating reduction sequence will be found if one exists.

Consider function zip’.

    zip' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
    zip' (a:as) (b:bs) = (a,b) : zip' as bs
    zip'  _     _       = []

Now consider a leftmost outermost (i.e., normal order) reduction of the expression zip’ (map sqr []) (loop 0), where sqr and loop are as defined previously.

zip’ (map sqr []) (loop 0)

\Longrightarrow { map.1, to determine if first arg matches (a:as) }

zip’ [] (loop 0)

\Longrightarrow { zip’.2 }


Alternatively, consider a rightmost outermost reduction of the same expression.

zip’ (map sqr []) (loop 0)

\Longrightarrow { loop, to determine if second arg matches (b:bs) }

zip’ (map sqr []) (loop (0+1))

\Longrightarrow { + }

zip’ (map sqr []) (loop 1)

\Longrightarrow { loop }

zip’ (map sqr []) (loop (1+1))

\Longrightarrow { + }

zip’ (map sqr []) (loop 2)

\Longrightarrow \cdots Does not terminate normally

Pattern matching should not cause an argument to be reduced unless absolutely necessary; otherwise nontermination could result.

Pattern-matching reduction rule:

Match the patterns left to right. Reduce a subterm only if required by the pattern.

In zip’ (map sqr []) (loop 0) the first argument must be reduced to head normal form to determine whether it matches (a:as) for the first leg of the definition. It is not necessary to reduce the second argument unless the first argument match is successful.

Note that the second leg of the definition, which uses two anonymous variables for the patterns, does not require any further reduction to occur in order to match the patterns.

The expressions

zip' (map sqr [1,2,3]) (map sqr [1,2,3])


zip' (map sqr [1,2,\]) []

both require their second arguments to be reduced to head normal form in order to determine whether the arguments match (b:bs).

Note that the first does match and, hence, enables the first leg of the definition to be used in the reduction. The second expression does not match and, hence, disables the first leg from being used. Since the second leg involves anonymous patterns, it can be used in this case.

Most lazy functional language implementations more-or-less correspond to graph reduction.

29.6 Reduction Order and Space

It is always the case that the number of steps in an outermost graph reduction \leq the number of steps in an innermost reduction of the same expression.

However, sometimes a combination of innermost and outermost reductions can save on space and, hence, on implementation overhead.

Consider the following definition of the factorial function. (This was called fact3 in Chapter 4.)

    fact :: Int -> Int
    fact 0 = 1
    fact n = n * fact (n-1)

Now consider a normal order reduction of the expression fact 3.

fact 3

\Longrightarrow { fact.2 }

3 * fact (3-1)

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

3 * fact 2

\Longrightarrow { fact.2 }

3 * (2 * fact (2-1))

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

3 * (2 * fact 1)

\Longrightarrow { fact.2 }

3 * (2 * (1 * fact (1-1))) MAX SPACE!

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

3 * (2 * (1 * fact 0))

\Longrightarrow { fact.1 }

3 * (2 * (1 * 1))

\Longrightarrow { * }

3 * (2 * 1)

\Longrightarrow { * }

3 * 2

\Longrightarrow { * }


We define the following measures of the

Note that function fact is strict in its argument. That is, evaluation of fact always requires the evaluation of its argument.

Since the value of the argument expression n-1 in the recursive call is eventually needed (by the pattern match), there is no reason to delay evaluation of the expression. That is, the expression could be evaluated eagerly instead of lazily. Thus any work to save this expression for future evaluation would be avoided.

Delaying the computation of an expression incurs overhead in the implementation. The delayed expression and its calling environment (i.e., the values of variables) must be packaged so that evaluation can resume correctly when needed. This packaging—called a closure, suspension, or recipe—requires both space and time to be set up.

Furthermore, delayed expressions can aggravate the problem of space leaks.

The implementation of a lazy functional programming language typically allocates space for data dynamically from a memory heap. When the heap is exhausted, the implementation searches through its structures to recover space that is no longer in use. This process is usually called garbage collection.

However, sometimes it is very difficult for a garbage collector to determine whether or not a particular data structure is still needed. The garbage collector thus retains some unneeded data. These are called space leaks.

Aside: Picture bits of memory oozing out of the program, lost to the program forever. Most of these bits collect in the bit bucket under the computer and are automatically recycled when the interpreter restarts. However, in the past a few of these bits leaked out into the air, gradually polluting the atmosphere of functional programming research centers. Although it has not be scientifically verified, anecdotal evidence suggests that the bits leaked from functional programs, when exposed to open minds, metamorphose into a powerful intellectual stimulant. Many imperative programmers have observed that programmers who spend a few weeks in the vicinity of functional programs seem to develop a permanent distaste for imperative programs and a strange enhancement of their mental capacities.

Aside continued: As environmental awareness has grown in the functional programming community, the implementors of functional languages have begun to develop new leak-avoiding designs for the language processors and garbage collectors. Now the amount of space leakage has been reduced considerably. Although it is still a problem. Of course, in the meantime a large community of programmers have become addicted to the intellectual stimulation of functional programming. The number of addicts in the USA is small, but growing. FP traffickers have found a number of ways to smuggle their illicit materials into the country. Some are brought in via the Internet from clandestine archives in Europe; a number of professors and students are believed to be cultivating a domestic supply. Some are smuggled from Europe inside strange red-and-white covered books (but that source is somewhat lacking in the continuity of supply). Some are believed hidden in Haskell holes; others in a young nerd named Haskell’s pocket protector. (Haskell is Miranda’s younger brother; she was the first one who had any comprehension about FP.)

Aside ends: Mercifully.

Now let’s look at a tail recursive definition of factorial.

    fact' :: Int -> Int -> Int
    fact' f 0 = f
    fact' f n = fact' (f*n) (n-1)

Because of the Tail Recursion Theorem, we know that fact’ 1 n = fact n for any natural n.

Now consider a normal order reduction of the expression fact’ 1 3.

fact’ 1 3

\Longrightarrow { fact’.2 }

fact’ (1 * 3) (3 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

fact’ (1 * 3) 2

\Longrightarrow { fact’.2 }

fact’ ((1 * 3) * 2) (2 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

fact’ ((1 * 3) * 2) 1

\Longrightarrow { fact’.2 }

fact’ (((1 * 3) * 2) * 1) (1 - 1) MAX SPACE!

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

fact’ (((1 * 3) * 2) * 1) 0

\Longrightarrow { fact’.1 }

((1 * 3) * 2) * 1

\Longrightarrow { * }

(3 * 2) * 1

\Longrightarrow { * }

6 * 1

\Longrightarrow { 6 }


Note that function fact’ is strict in both arguments. The second argument of fact’ is evaluated immediately because of the pattern matching. The first argument’s value is eventually needed, but its evaluation is deferred until after the fact’ recursion has reached its base case.

Perhaps we can improve the space efficiency by forcing the evaluation of the first argument immediately as well. In particular, we try a combination of outermost and innermost reduction.

fact’ 1 3

\Longrightarrow { fact’.2 }

fact’ (1 * 3) (3 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { *, innermost }

fact’ 3 (3 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

fact’ 3 2

\Longrightarrow { fact’.2 }

fact’ (3 * 2) (2 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { *, innermost }

fact’ 6 (2 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

fact’ 6 1

\Longrightarrow { fact’.2 }

fact’ (6 * 1) (1 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { *, innermost }

fact’ 6 (1 - 1)

\Longrightarrow { -, to determine pattern match }

fact’ 6 0

\Longrightarrow { fact’.1 }


How to decrease space usage and implementation overhead.

  1. The compiler could do strictness analysis and automatically force eager evaluation of arguments that are always required.

    This is done by many compilers. It is sometimes a complicated procedure.

  2. The language could be extended with a feature that allows the programmer to express strictness explicitly.

In Haskell, reduction order can be controlled by use of the special function strict.

A term of the form strict f e is reduced by first reducing expression e to head normal form, and then applying function f to the result. The term e can be reduced by normal order reduction, unless, of course, it contains another call of strict.

The following definition of fact’ gives the mixed reduction order given in the previous example. That is, it evaluates the first argument eagerly to save space.

    fact' :: Int -> Int -> Int
    fact' f 0 = f
    fact' f n = (strict fact' (f*n)) (n-1)

29.7 Choosing a Fold

Remember that earlier we defined two folding operations. Function foldr is a backward linear recursive function that folds an operation through a list from the tail (i.e., right) toward the head. Function foldl is a tail recursive function that folds an operation through a list from the head (i.e., left) toward the tail.

    foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
    foldr f z [] = z
    foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
    foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
    foldl f z []     = z
    foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs

The first duality theorem (as given in the Bird and Wadler textbook [15]) states the circumstances in which one can replace foldr by foldl and vice versa.

If \oplus is a associative binary operation of type t -> t with identity element z, then:

First duality theorem:

If \oplus is a associative binary operation of type t -> t with identity element z, then:

foldr (\oplus) z xs = foldl (\oplus) z xs

Thus, often we can use either foldr or foldl to solve a problem. Which is better?

We discussed this problem before, but now we have the background to understand it a bit better.

Clearly, eager evaluation of the second argument of foldl, which is used as an accumulating parameter, can increase the space efficiency of the folding operation. This optimized operation is called foldl’ in the standard prelude.

    foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
    foldl' f z []     = z
    foldl' f z (x:xs) = strict (foldl' f) (f z x) xs

Suppose that op is strict in both arguments and can be computed in O(1) time and O(1) space. (For example, + and * have these characteristics.) If n = length xs, then both foldr op i xs and foldl op i xs can be computed in O(n) time and O(n) space.

However, foldl’ op i xs) requires O(n) time and O(1) space. The reasoning for this is similar to that given for fact’.

Thus, in general, foldl’ is the better choice for this case.

Alternatively, suppose that op is nonstrict in either argument. Then foldr is usually more efficient than foldl.

As an example, consider operation || (i.e., logical-or). The || operator is strict in the first argument, but not in the second. That is, True || x = True without having to evaluate x.

Let xs = [x_1, x_2, x_3, ... x_n] such that (i:1in::(\exists i : 1 \leq i \leq n :: x_i == True )) \wedge (j:1<i::(\forall j : 1 \leq < i :: x_i == False ))))

Suppose x_i is the minimum ii satisfying the above existential.

foldr (||) False xs

\Longrightarrow { many steps }

x_1 || (x_2 || ( ... || (x_i || ( ... || (x_n || False) ... )

Because of the nonstrict definition of ||, the above can stop after the x_i term is processed. None of the list to the right of x_i needs to be evaluated.

However, a version which uses foldl must process the entire list.

foldl (||) False xs

\Longrightarrow { many steps }

( ... ( False || x_i) || x_2) || ... ) || x_i) || ... ) || x_n

In this example, foldr is clearly more efficient than foldl.

29.8 What Next?


29.9 Exercises


29.10 Acknowledgements

TODO History of chapter in FP class.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I adapted and revised this chapter from Chapter 13 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42]. I had included some some of this discussion in Chapter 8 in 2016 and later.

These previous notes drew on the presentations in the first edition of the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15:6.1–6.3], [73:6], and other functional programming sources.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

29.11 Terms and Concepts


30 Infinite Data Structures

30.1 Chapter Introduction

One particular benefit of lazy evaluation is that functions in Haskell can manipulate “infinite” data structures. Of course, a program cannot actually generate or store all of an infinite object, but lazy evaluation will allow the object to be built piece-by-piece as needed and the storage occupied by no-longer-needed pieces to be reclaimed.

This chapter explores Haskell programming techniques for infinite data structures such as lists.

TODO: Write Introduction, including goals of chapter.

TODO: - Complete chapter. Improve the writing. - Update and expand discussion of infinite computations. - Recreate the missing Haskell source code files for this chapter. Ensure it works for Haskell 2010.

30.2 Infinite Lists

Reference: This section is based, in part, on discussions in the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15:7.1] and Wentworth’s tutorial [178].

In Chapter 18 , we looked at generators for infinite arithmetic sequences such as [1..] and [1,3..]. These infinite lists are encoded in the functions that generate the sequences. The sequences are only evaluated as far as needed.

For example, take 5 [1..] yields:


Haskell also allows infinite lists of infinite lists to be expressed as shown in the following example which generates a table of the multiples of the positive integers.

    multiples :: [[Int]] 
    multiples = [ [ m*n | m<-[1..]] | n <- [1..] ]

Thus multiples represents an infinite list, as shown below (not valid Haskell code):

    [ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... ], 
      [2, 4, 6, 8,10, ... ], 
      [3, 6, 9,12,14, ... ], 
      [4, 8,12,16,20, ... ], 

However, if we evaluate the expression

    take 4 (multiples !! 3)

we get the terminating result:


Note: Remember that the operator xs !! n returns element n of the list xs (where the head is element 0).

Haskell’s infinite lists are not the same as infinite sets or infinite sequences in mathematics. Infinite lists in Haskell correspond to infinite computations whereas infinite sets in mathematics are simply definitions.

In mathematics, set {x2|x{1,2,3}x2<10}={1,4,9}\{ x^{2}\ | \ x \in \{1,2,3\} \wedge x^{2} < 10 \} = \{1,4,9\}.

However, in Haskell, the expression

    show [ x * x | x <- [1..], x * x < 10 ]



This is a computation that never returns a result. Often, we assign this computation the value 1:4:9:\bot (where \bot, pronounced “bottom” represents an undefined expression).

But the expression

    takeWhile (<10) [ x * x | x <- [1..] ]



30.3 Iterate

Reference: This section is based in part on a discussion in the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15:7.2].

In mathematics, the notation fnf^{n} denotes the function ff composed with itself nn times. Thus, f0=idf^{0} = id, f1=ff^{1} = f, f2=f.ff^{2} = f . f, f3=f.f.ff^{3} = f . f . f, \cdots.

A useful function is the function iterate such that (not valid Haskell code):

    iterate f x = [x, f x, f^2 x, f^3 x, ... x ]

The Haskell standard Prelude defines iterate recursively as follows:

    iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a] 
    iterate f x = x : iterate f (f x) 

For example, suppose we need the set of all powers of the integers.

We can define a function powertables would expand as follows (not valid Haskell code):

    [ [1, 2, 4,  8, ...
      [1, 3, 9, 27, ... 
      [1, 4,16, 64, ... 
      [1, 5,25,125, ...

Using iterate we can define powertables compactly as follows:

    powertables :: [[Int]] 
    powertables = [ iterate (*n) 1 | n <- [2..]]

As another example, suppose we want a function to extract the decimal digits of a positive integer. We can define digits as follows:

    digits :: Int -> [Int] 
    digits = reverse . map (`mod` 10) . takeWhile (/= 0) . iterate (/10)

Let’s consider how digits 178 evaluates (not actual reduction steps).

digits 178


reverse . map (mod10) . takeWhile (/= 0) [178,17,1,0,0, ...]


reverse . map (mod10) [178,17,1]


reverse [8,7,1]



30.4 Prime Numbers: Sieve of Eratosthenes

Reference: This is based in part on discussions in the classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15:7.3] and Wentworth’s tutorial [178, Ch. 9].

The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes described essentially the following procedure for generating the list of all prime numbers. This algorithm is called the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

  1. Generate the list 2, 3, 4, \cdots

  2. Mark the first element pp as prime.

  3. Delete all multiples of pp from the list.

  4. Return to step 2.

Not only is the 2-3-4 loop infinite, but so are steps 1 and 3 themselves.

There is a straightforward translation of this algorithm to Haskell.

    primes :: [Int] 
    primes = map head (iterate sieve [2..]) 
    sieve (p:xs) = [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0 ]

Note: This uses an intermediate infinite list of infinite lists; even though it is evaluated lazily, it is still inefficient.

We can use function primes in various ways, e.g., to find the first 1000 primes or to find all the primes that are less than 10,000.

    take 1000 primes 
    takeWhile (<10000) primes

Calculations such as these are not trivial if the computation is attempted using arrays in an “eager” language like Pascal—in particular it is difficult to know beforehand how large an array to declare for the lists.

However, by separating the concerns, that is, by keeping the computation of the primes separate from the application of the boundary conditions, the program becomes quite modular. The same basic computation can support different boundary conditions in different contexts.

Now let’s transform the primes and sieve definitions to eliminate the infinite list of infinite lists. First, let’s separate the generation of the infinite list of positive integers from the application of sieve.

    primes        = rsieve [2..] 

    rsieve (p:ps) = map head (iterate sieve (p:ps))

Next, let’s try to transform rsieve into a more efficient definition.

    rsieve (p:ps)

== { rsieve }

    map head (iterate sieve (p:ps))

== { iterate }

    map head ((p:ps) : (iterate sieve (sieve (p:ps)) ))

== { map.2, head }

    p : map head (iterate sieve (sieve (p:ps)) )

== { sieve }

    p : map head (iterate sieve [x | x <- ps, x `mod` p /= 0 ])

== { rsieve }

    p : rsieve [x | x <- ps, x `mod` p /= 0 ]

This calculation gives us the new definition:

    rsieve (p:ps) = p : rsieve [x | x <- ps, x `mod` p /= 0 ]

This new definition is, of course, equivalent to the original one, but it is slightly more efficient in that it does not use an infinite list of infinite lists.

30.5 Circular Structures

Reference: This section is based, in part, on discussions in classic Bird and Wadler textbook [15:7.6] and of Wentworth’s tutorial [178, Ch. 9].

Suppose a program produces a data structure (e.g., a list) as its output. And further suppose the program feeds that output structure back into the input so that later elements in the structure depend on earlier elements. These might be called circular, cyclic, or self-referential structures.

Consider a list consisting of the integer one repeated infinitely:

    ones = 1:ones

As an expression graph, ones consists of a cons operator with two children, the integer 1 on the left and a recursive reference to ones (i.e., a self loop) on the right. Thus the infinite list ones is represented in a finite amount of space.

Function numsFrom below is a perhaps more useful function. It generates a list of successive integers beginning with n:

    numsFrom :: Int -> [Int] 
    numsFrom n = n : numsFrom (n+1)

Using numsFrom we can construct an infinite list of the natural number multiples of an integer m:

    multiples :: Int -> [Int] 
    multiples m  = map ((*) m) (numsFrom 0)

Of course, we cannot actually process all the members of one of these infinite lists. If we want a terminating program, we can only process some finite initial segment of the list. For example, we might want all of the multiples of 3 that are at most 2000:

    takeWhile ((>=) 2000) (multiples 3)

We can also define a program to generate a list of the Fibonacci numbers in a circular fashion similar to ones:

    fibs :: [Int]
    fibs = 0 : 1 : (zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))

Proofs involving infinite lists are beyond the current scope of this textbook. See the Bird and Wadler textbook for more information [15].

TODO: Finish Chapter

30.6 What Next?


30.7 Chapter Source Code


30.8 Exercises


30.9 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2018, I adapted and revised this chapter from chapter 15 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42].

These previous notes drew on the presentations in the 1st edition of the Bird and Wadler textbook [15], Wentworth’s tutorial [178], and other functional programming sources.

I incorporated this work as new Chapter 30, Infinite Data Structures, in the 2018 version of the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming and continue to revise it.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

30.10 Terms and Concepts

Infinite data structures, lazy evaluation, infinite sets, infinite sequences, infinite lists, infinite computations, bottom \bot, iterate, prime numbers, Sieve of Eratosthenes, separation of concerns, circular/cyclic/self-referential structures.

31 Future Chapter

32 Future Chapter

33 Future Chapter

34 Future Chapter

35 Future Chapter

36 Future Chapter

37 Future Chapter

38 Future Chapter

39 Future Chapter

40 Language Processing

40.1 Chapter Introduction

This is a stub for a future chapter. Only a figure exists so far.

40.2 Compiler Phases

See Figure 40.2

Figure 40.1: Phases of compilation.

40.3 What Next?


40.4 Chapter Source Code

TODO if applicable

40.5 Exercises


40.6 Acknowledgements


40.7 References


40.8 Terms and Concepts


41 Calculator: Concrete Syntax

41.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 40 surveyed the overall language processing pipeline.

Beginning with this chapter, we explore language concepts processing techniques in the context of a simple case study. The case study uses a language of simple arithmetic expressions, a language we call the ELI (Exploring Languages with Interpreters) Calculator language.

We will extend the language with other features in later chapters.

TODO: Give chapter’s goals explicitly.

The goals of this chapter are to:

41.2 Concrete Syntax

The ELI Calculator language can be represented as human-readable text strings in forms similar to traditional mathematical and programming notations. The structure of these textual expressions is called the concrete syntax [193] of the expressions.

In this case study, we examine two possible concrete syntaxes: a familiar infix syntax and a (probably less familiar) parenthesized prefix syntax.

But, first, let’s consider how we can describe the syntax of a language.

41.3 Grammars

We usually describe the syntax of a language using a formal grammar [118,184].

Formally, a formal grammar consists of a tuple (V,T,S,P)(V,T,S,P), where:

Production rules describe how the grammar transforms one sequence of symbols to another. The rules have the general form

xyx \rightarrow y

where xx and yy are sequences of symbols from VTV \cup T such that xx has length of at least one symbol.

A sentence in a language consists of any finite sequence of symbols that can be generated from the start symbol of a grammar by a finite sequence of productions from the grammar.

We call a sequence of productions that generates a sentence a derivation for that sentence.

Any intermediate sequence of symbols in a derivation is called a sentential form.

The language generated by the grammar is the set of all sentences that can be generated by the grammar.

41.3.1 Context-free grammars and BNF

To express the syntax of programming languages, we normally restrict ourselves to the family of context-free grammars (and its subfamilies) [118,184,185] context free. In a context-free grammar (CFG), the production rules have the form

AyA \rightarrow y

where AVA \in V and yy is a sequence of zero or more symbols from VTV \cup T. This means that an occurence of nonterminal AA can be replaced by the sequence xx.

We often express a grammar using a metalanguage such as the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) or extended Backus-Naur Form (BNF) [78,186,187].

For example, consider the following BNF description of a grammar for the unsigned binary integers:

    <binary> ::= <digit> 
    <binary> ::= <digit> <binary>
    <digit>  ::= '0' 
    <digit>  ::= '1' 

The nonterminals are the symbols shown in angle brackets: <binary> and <digit>.

The terminals are the symbols shown in single quotes: '0' and '1'.

The production rules are shown with a nonterminal on the left side of the metasymbol ::= and its replacement sequence of nonterminal and terminal symbols on the right side.

Unless otherwise noted, the start symbol is the nonterminal on the left side of the first production rule.

For multiple rules with the same left side, we can use the | metasymbol to write the alternative right sides concisely. The four rules above can be written as follows:

    <binary> ::= <digit> | <digit> <binary>
    <digit>  ::= '0' | '1'

We can also use the extended BNF metasymbols:

  • { and } to denote that the symbols between the braces are repeated zero or more times

  • [ and ] to denote that the symbols between the brackets are optional (i.e., occur at most once)

41.3.2 Derivations

Consider a derivation of the sentence 101 using the grammar for unsigned binary numbers above.

  • Start symbol — <binary>
  • Apply rule 2 — <digit> <binary>
  • Apply rule 2 — <digit> <digit> <binary>
  • Apply rule 3 — <digit> 0 <binary>
  • Apply rule 4 — 1 0 <binary>
  • Apply rule 1 — 1 0 <digit>
  • Apply rule 4 — 1 0 1

This is not the only possible derivation for 101. Let’s consider a second derivation of 101.

  • Start symbol — <binary>
  • Apply rule 2 — <digit> <binary>
  • Apply rule 4 — 1 <binary>
  • Apply rule 2 — 1 <digit> <binary>
  • Apply rule 3 — 1 0 <binary>
  • Apply rule 1 — 1 0 <digit>
  • Apply rule 4 — 1 0 1

The second derivation applies the same rules the same number of times, but it applies them in a different order. This case is called the leftmost derivation because it always replaces the leftmost nonterminal in the sentential form.

Both of the above derivations can be represented by the derivation tree (or parse tree) [118,193] shown in Figure 41.1. (The numbers below the nodes show the rules applied.)

Figure 41.1: Derivation (parse) tree for binary number 101.

41.3.3 Regular grammars

The grammar above for binary numbers is a special case of a context-free grammar called a right-linear grammar [118,188]. In a right-linear grammar, all productions are of the forms

AxBA \rightarrow xB
AxA \rightarrow x

where AA and BB are nonterminals and xx is a sequence of zero or more terminals. Similarly, a left-linear grammar [118,188] must have all productions of the form:

ABxA \rightarrow Bx
AxA \rightarrow x

A grammar that is either right-linear or left-linear is called a regular grammar [118,189].

(Note that all productions in a grammar must satisfy either the right- or left-linear definitions. They cannot be mixed.)

We can recognize sentences in a regular grammar with a simple “machine” (program)—a deterministic finite automaton (DFA) [118,191].

In general, we must use a more complex “machine”—a pushdown automaton (PDA)[118,192]—to recognize a context-free grammar.

We leave a more detailed study of regular and context-free grammars to courses on formal languages, automata, or compiler construction.

Now let’s consider the concrete syntaxes for the ELI Calculator language—first infix, then prefix.

41.4 Infix syntax

An infix syntax for expressions is a syntax in which most binary operators appear between their operands as we tend to write them in mathematics and in programming languages such as Java and Haskell. For example, the following are intended to be valid infix expressions:

    x + 3
    (x + y) * (2 + z)

For example, we can present the concrete syntax of our core Calculator language with the grammar below. Here we just consider expressions made up of decimal integer constants; variable names; binary operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; and parentheses to delimit nested expressions.

We express the upper levels of the infix expression’s syntax with the following context-free grammar where <expression> is the start symbol.

    <expression> ::= <term> { <addop> <term> }
    <term>       ::= <factor> { <mulop> <factor> }
    <factor>     ::= <var> | <val>
                   | '(' <expression> ')'
    <val>        ::= [ '-' ] <unsigned>
    <var>        ::= <id>
    <addop>      ::=  '+'  |  '-' 
    <mulop>      ::=  '*'  |  '/' 

Normally we want operators such as multiplication and division to bind more tightly than addition and subtraction. That is, we want expression x + y * z to have the same meaning as x + (y * z). To accomplish this in the context-free grammar, we position <addop> in a higher-level grammar rule than <mulop>.

We can express the lower (lexical) level of the expression’s grammar with the following production rules:

    <id>         ::=  <firstid>  |  <firstid> <idseq>
    <idseq>      ::=  <restid>   |  <restid> <idseq>
    <firstid>    ::=  <alpha>    | '_'
    <restid>     ::=  <alpha>    | '_'  | <digit>
    <unsigned>   ::=  <digit>    |  <digit> <unsigned> 
    <digit>      ::=  any numeric character
    <alpha>      ::=  any alphabetic character 

The variables <digit> and <alpha> are essentially terminals. Thus the above is a regular grammar. (We can also add the rules for recognition of <addop> and <mulop> and rules for recognition of the terminals (, ), and - to the regular grammar.)

We assume that identifiers and constants extend as far to the “right” as possible. That is, an <id> begins with an alphabetic or underscore character and extends until it is terminated by some character other than an alphabetic, numeric, or underscore character (e.g., by whitespace or special character). Similarly for <unsigned>.

Otherwise, the language grammar ignores whitespace characters (e.g., blanks, tabs, and newlines). The language also supports end of line comments, any characters on a line following a -- (double dash).

We can use a parsing program (i.e., a parser) to determine whether a concrete expression (e.g., 1 + 1) satisfies the grammar and to build a corresponding parse tree [118,194].

Aside: In a previous section, we use the term derivation tree to refer to a tree that we construct from the root toward the leaves by applying production rules from the grammar. We usually call the same tree a parse tree if we construct it from the leaves (a sentence) toward the root.

Figure 41.2 shows the parse tree for infix expression 1 + 1. It has <expression> at its root. The children of a node in the parse tree depend upon the grammar rule application needed to generate the concrete expression. Thus the root <expression> has either one child—a <term> subtree—or three children—a <term> subtree, an <addop> subtree, and an <expression> subtree.

Figure 41.2: Parse tree for infix 1 + 1.

If the parsing program returns a boolean result instead of building a parse tree, we sometimes call it a recognizer program.

41.5 Prefix syntax

An alternative is to use a parenthesized prefix syntax for the expressions. This is a syntax in which expressions involving operators are of the form

    ( op operands )

where op denotes some “operator” and operands denotes a sequence of zero or more expressions that are the arguments of the given operator. This is a syntax similar to the language Lisp.

In this syntax, the examples from the section on the infix syntax can be expressed something like:

    (+ 1 1) 
    (+ x 3) 
    (* (+ x y) (+ 2 z)) 

We express the upper levels of a prefix expression’s syntax with the following context-free grammar, where <expression> is the start symbol.

    <expression> ::=  <var> | <val> | <operexpr>
    <var>        ::=  <id>
    <val>        ::=  [ "-" ] <unsigned> 
    <operexpr>   ::=  '(' <operator> <operandseq> ')'  
    <operandseq> ::=  { <expression> }
    <operator>   ::=  '+'  |  '*'  |  '-'  |  '/' | ...  

We can express the lower (lexical) level of the expression’s grammar with basically the same regular grammar as with the infix syntax. (We can also add the rule for recognition of <operator> and for recognition of the terminals (, ), and - to the regular grammar

The parse tree for prefix expression (+ 1 1) is shown in Figure 41.3,

Figure 41.3: Parse tree for prefix (+ 1 1).

Because the prefix syntax expresses all operations in a fully parenthesized form, there is no need to consider the binding powers of operators. This makes parsing easier.

The prefix also makes extending the language to other operators—and keywords—much easier. Thus we will primarily use the prefix syntax in this and other cases studies.

We return to the problem of parsing expressions in a later chapter.

41.6 What Next?

This chapter (41) introduced the formal concepts related to a language’s concrete syntax. It also introduced the ELI (Exploring Languages with Interpreters) Calculator language, which is the simple language we use in the following five chapters.

Chapter 42 examines the concepts of abstract syntax and evaluation, using the ELI Calculator language as an example.

41.7 Chapter Source Code

TODO if needed

41.8 Exercises


41.9 Acknowledgements

Chapters 41-46 of this book explore the ELI Calculator language and general concepts and techniques for language processing. I initially developed the ELI Calculator language (then called the Expression Language) case study for the Haskell-based offering of CSci 556, Multiparadigm Programming, in Spring 2017. I continued this work during Summer and Fall 2017 for the Fall 2017 offering of CSci 450, Organization of Programming Languages. I based the ELI Calculator language case study on ideas drawn, in part, from the following:

For the 2017 textbook, I organized this work into three chapters:

  1. Expression Language Syntax and Semantics

  2. Expression Language Parsing

  3. Expression Language Compilation (a partial chapter)

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Expression Language Syntax and Semantics chapter into three new chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

In Fall 2018, I divided the 2017 Expression Language Parsing chapter into two new chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

In Fall 2018, I also renumbered previous chapter 12 to become new Chapter 46.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on the ELIFP textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

41.10 Terms and Concepts

Syntax, concrete syntax, formal grammar (variable and terminal symbols, alphabet, start or goal symbol), production rule, sentence, sentential form, language, context-free grammar, Backus-Naur Form (BNF), derivation, leftmost derivation, derivation tree, right-lean and right-linear grammar, regular grammar, deterministic finite automaton (DFA), pushdown automaton (PDA), infix and prefix syntaxes, lexical level, parsing, parser, parse tree, infix and prefix syntax.

42 Calculator: Abstract Syntax and Evaluation

42.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 41 introduced formal concepts related to concrete syntax and gave two different concrete syntaxes for the ELI Calculator language.

This chapter (42) introduces the concepts related to abstract syntax and language semantics. It encodes the essential structure of any ELI Calculator expression as a Haskell algebraic data type and defines the semantics operationally using a Haskell evaluation function. The abstract syntax also enables the expression to be transformed in various ways, such as converting it to a simpler expression while maintaining an equivalent value.

TODO: Rethink statement of goals below.

The goals of this chapter are to:

42.2 Abstract Syntax

The abstract syntax of an expression seeks to represent only the essential aspects of the expression’s structure, ignoring nonessential, representation-dependent details of the concrete syntax [159,197].

For example, parentheses represent structural details in the concrete syntaxes given in Chapter 41. This structural information can be represented directly in the abstract syntax; there is no need for parentheses to appear in the abstract syntax.

We can represent arithmetic expressions conveniently using a tree data structure, where the nodes represent operations (e.g., addition) and leaves represent values (e.g., constants or variables). This representation is called a abstract syntax tree (AST) for the expression [159,198].

42.2.1 Abstract syntax tree data type

In Haskell, we can represent an abstract syntax trees using algebraic data types. Such types often enable us to express programs concisely by using pattern matching.

For the ELI Calculator language, we define the Expr algebraic data type—in the Abstract Syntax module (AbSynCalc)—to describe the abstract syntax tree.

    import Values ( ValType, Name )

    data Expr = Add Expr Expr 
              | Sub Expr Expr
              | Mul Expr Expr
              | Div Expr Expr
              | Var Name
              | Val ValType 
                -- deriving Show?

    instance Show Expr where
        show (Val v)   = show v
        show (Var n)   = n
        show (Add l r) = showParExpr "+" [l,r]
        show (Sub l r) = showParExpr "-" [l,r]
        show (Mul l r) = showParExpr "+" [l,r]
        show (Div l r) = showParExpr "/" [l,r]

    showParExpr :: String -> [Expr] -> String
    showParExpr op es = 
        "(" ++ op ++ " " ++ showExprList es ++ ")"
    showExprList :: [Expr] -> String
    showExprList es = Data.List.intercalate " " (map show es)

Above in type Expr, the constructors Add, Sub, Mul, and Div represent the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respectively, of the two operand subexpressions, Var represents a variable with a name, and Val represents a constant value.

Note that this abstract syntax is similar to the (Lisp-like) parenthesized prefix syntax described in Chapter 41.

We make type Expr an instance of class Show. We do not derive or define an instance of the Eq class because direct structural equality of trees may not be how we want to define equality comparisons.

We can thus express the example expressions from the Concrete Syntax chapter as follows:

    Val 3                  -- 3 
    Val (-3)               -- -3
    Var "x"                -- x 
    Add (Val 1) (Val 1)    -- 1+1 
    Add (Var "x") (Val 3)  -- x + 3 
                           -- (x + y) * (2 - z) 
    Mul (Add (Var "x") (Var "y")) (Sub (Val 2) (Var "z")) 

Figures 42.1 and 42.2 show abstract syntax trees for two example expressions above.

Figure 42.1: Abstract syntax tree for 1 + 1 and (+ 1 1)**
Figure 42.2: Abstract syntax tree for (x + y) * (2 - z) and (* (+ x y) (- 2 z))

In Chapter 44 on parsing, we develop parsers for both the prefix and infix syntaxes. Both parsers construct abstract syntax trees using the algebraic data type Expr.

42.2.2 Values and variable names

The ELI Calculator language restricts values to ValType. The Values module indirectly defines this type synonym to be Int.

The abstract syntax allows a name to be represented by any string (i.e., type alias Name, which is defined to be String in the Values module). We likely want to restrict names to follow the usual “identifier” syntax. The parser for the concrete syntax should enforce this restriction. Or we could define Haskell functions to parse and construct identifiers, such as the functions below.

    import Data.Char ( isAlpha, isAlphaNum )

    getId :: String -> (Name,String) 
    getId []          = ([],[]) 
    getId xs@(x:_) 
        | isFirstId x = span isRestId xs 
        | otherwise   = ([],xs) 
        isFirstId c = isAlpha c    || c == '_' 
        isRestId  c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' 

    identifier :: String -> Maybe Name
    identifier xs = 
        case getId xs of
            (xs@(_:_),[]) -> Just xs
            otherwise     -> Nothing

The getId function takes a string and parses an identifier at the beginning of the string. A valid identifier must begin with an alphabetic or underscore character and continue with zero or more alphabetic, numeric, or underscore characters.

The getId function uses the higher order function span to collect the characters that form the identifier. This function takes a predicate and returns a pair, of which the first component is the prefix string satisfying the predicate and the second is the remaining string.

In Chapter 44, we examine how to parse an expression’s concrete syntax to build an abstract syntax tree.

42.3 Associative Data Structures

In language processing, we often need to associate some key (e.g., a variable name) with its value. There are several names for this type of data structure—associative array [215], dictionary, map, symbol table, etc.

As we saw in Chapter 21, an association list is a simple list-based implementation of this concept [215]. It is a list of pairs in which the first component is the key (e.g., a string) and the second component is the value associated with the key.

The Prelude function lookup, shown below (and in Chapter 21), searches an association list for a key and returns a Maybe value. If it finds the key, it wraps the associated value in a Just; if it does not find the key, it returns a Nothing.

    lookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
    lookup _   []   =  Nothing
    lookup key ((x,y):xys)
        | key == x  =  Just y
        | otherwise =  lookup key xys

For better performance with larger dictionaries, we can replace an association list by a more efficient data structure such as a Data.Map.Map. This structure implements the dictionary structure as a size-balanced tree. It provides a lookup function with essentially the same interface.

Of course, imperative languages might use a mutable hash table to implement a dictionary.

42.4 Semantics

Consider the evaluation of the ELI Calculator language abstract syntax trees as defined above.

42.4.1 Environments

To evaluate an expression, we must determine the current value of each variable occurring in the expression. That is, we must evaluate the expression in some environment that associates the variable names with their values.

For example, consider the expression x + 3. It might be evaluated in an environment that associates the value 5 with the variable x, written { x -> 5 }. The evaluation of this expression yields the value 8.

The environment { x -> 5 } can be expressed in a number of ways in Haskell. Here we choose to represent it as a simple association list as follows:


This list associates a variable name in the first component with its integer value in the second component.

Looking up a key in an association list is an O(n) operation where n denotes the number of key-value pairs.

As noted above, a good alternative to the association list is a Map from the Data.Map library. It implements the dictionary as an immutable, size-balanced tree, thus its lookup function is an O(log2 n) operation.

In the ELI Calculator language implementation, we encapsulate the representation of the environment in the Environments module. This module exports the following type synonym and functions:

    type AnEnv a =[(Name,a)]

    newEnv     :: AnEnv a 
    toList     :: AnEnv a -> [(Name,a)]
    getBinding :: Name -> AnEnv a -> Maybe a 
    hasBinding :: Name -> AnEnv a -> Bool 
    newBinding :: Name -> a -> AnEnv a -> AnEnv a 
    setBinding :: Name -> a -> AnEnv a -> AnEnv a 
    bindList   :: [(Name,a)] -> AnEnv a -> AnEnv a 

For the purposes of our evaluation program, we can then define a specific environment with the type synonym Env in the Evaluator (EvalCalc) module as follows:

    import Values       ( ValType, Name, defaultVal ) 
    import AbSynExpr    ( Expr(..) )
    import Environments ( AnEnv, Name, newEnv, toList, getBinding,
                          hasBinding, newBinding, setBinding, 
                          bindList )

    type Env = AnEnv ValType

42.4.2 Values of AST nodes

We express the semantics (i.e., meaning) of the various ELI Calculator language expressions (i.e., nodes of the AST) as follows.

  • c evaluates to the constant (NumType) value c.

  • Var n evaluates to the value of variable n in the environment, generating an error if the variable is not defined.

  • Add l r evaluates to the sum of the values of the expression trees l and r.

  • Sub l r evaluates to the difference between the values of the expression trees l and r.

  • Mul l r evaluates to the product of the values of the expression trees l and r.

  • Div l r evaluates to the quotient of the values of the expression trees l and r. Division by zero is not defined.

Operations Add, Sub, Mul, and Div are strict. They are undefined if any of their subexpressions are undefined.

42.4.3 Evaluation function

We can thus define a Haskell evaluation function (i.e., interpreter) for the ELI Calculator language as follows.

This function in the Evaluator module (EvalCalc) does a post-order traversal of the abstract syntax tree, first computing the values of the child subexpressions and then computing the value of of a node. The value is returned wrapped in an Either, where the Left constructor represents an error message and the Right constructor a good value.

    import Values       ( ValType, Name, defaultVal )
    import AbSynExpr    ( Expr(..) )
    import Environments ( AnEnv, Name, newEnv, toList, getBinding,
                          hasBinding, newBinding, setBinding, 
                          bindList )
    type EvalErr = String
    type Env     = AnEnv ValType

    eval :: Expr -> Env -> Either EvalErr ValType
    eval (Val v) _   = Right v
    eval (Var n) env = 
        case getBinding n env of
            Nothing -> Left ("Undefined variable " ++ n)
            Just i  -> Right i
    eval (Add l r) env =
        case (eval l env, eval r env) of
            (Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv + rv)
            (Left le,  Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
            (x@(Left le),  _   ) -> x
            (_,     y@(Left le)) -> y
    eval (Sub l r) env = 
        case (eval l env, eval r env) of
            (Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv - rv)
            (Left le,  Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
            (x@(Left le),  _   ) -> x
            (_,     y@(Left le)) -> y
    eval (Mul l r) env = 
        case (eval l env, eval r env) of
            (Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv * rv)
            (Left le,  Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
            (x@(Left le),  _   ) -> x
            (_,     y@(Left le)) -> y
    eval (Div l r) env =
        case (eval l env, eval r env) of
            (Right _,  Right 0 ) -> Left "Division by 0"
            (Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv `div` rv)
            (Left le,  Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
            (x@(Left le),  _   ) -> x
            (_,     y@(Left le)) -> y

Consider an example with a simple main function below (that could be added to the EvalExpr module) that evaluates the example expressions from a previous section. (See the extended Evaluator module (EvalCalcExt).)

    main =
        let env = [("x",5), ("y",7),("z",1)]
        let exp1 = Val 3          -- 3 
        let exp2 = Var "x"        -- x 
        let exp3 = Add (Val 1) (Val 2)    -- 1+2 
        let exp4 = Add (Var "x") (Val 3)  -- x + 3 
        let exp5 = Mul (Add (Var "x") (Var "y")) 
                       (Add (Val 2) (Var "z")) -- (x + y) * (2 + z) 
        putStrLn ("Expression: " ++ show exp1) 
        putStrLn ("Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  " 
                  ++ show (eval exp1 env))
        putStrLn ("Expression: " ++ show exp2) 
        putStrLn ("Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  "
                  ++ show (eval exp2 env))
        putStrLn ("Expression: " ++ show exp3) 
        putStrLn ("Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  "
                  ++ show (eval exp3 env))
        putStrLn ("Expression: " ++ show exp4) 
        putStrLn ("Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  "
                  ++ show (eval exp4 env))
        putStrLn ("Expression: " ++ show exp5) 
        putStrLn ("Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  "
                  ++ show (eval exp5 env))

When main is called, it first computes he values of the various expressions in the environment { x -> 5, y -> 7 } and then prints their results.

    Expression: 3
    Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  Right 3
    Expression: x
    Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  Right 5
    Expression: (+ 1 2)
    Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  Right 3
    Expression: (+ x 3)
    Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  Right 8
    Expression: (* (+ x y) (+ 2 z))
    Evaluation with x=5, y=7, z=1:  Right 36

42.5 Simplification

TODO: Should the discussion of Simplification and Differentiation be in the main line of the chapter or separated into a project (or projects) with exercises? Simplfication is related to the global

An expression may be more complex than necessary. We can simplify it, perhaps with the intention of optimizing its evaluation.

An operation whose operands are constants can be simplified by replacing it by the appropriate constant. For example, Add (Val 3) (Val 4) is the same semantically as Val 7.

Similarly, we can take advantages of an operation’s identity element and other mathematical properties to simplify expressions. For example, Add (Val 0) (Var "x") is the same as Var "x".

We can thus define a skeletal function simplify as follows. As with eval, the simplify function traverses the abstract syntax tree using a post-order traversal.

    simplify :: Expr -> Expr
    simplify (Add l r) =
        case (simplify l, simplify r) of
            (Val 0, rr)    -> rr
            (ll, Val 0)    -> ll
            (Val x, Val y) -> Val (x+y)
            (ll, rr)       -> Add ll rr
    simplify (Mul l r) =
        case (simplify l, simplify r) of
            (Val 0, rr)    -> Val 0
            (ll, Val 0)    -> Val 0
            (Val 1, rr)    -> rr
            (ll, Val 1)    -> ll
            (Val x, Val y) -> Val (x*y)
            (ll, rr)       -> Mul ll rr
    simplify t@(Var _) = t
    simplify t@(Val _) = t

In an exercise, you are asked to complete the development of this function.

See the incomplete Process AST module (ProcessAST) for the sample code in this section and the next one.

42.6 Symbolic Differentiation

Suppose that we redefine the Expr type to support double precision floating point (i.e., Double) values.

Then let’s consider symbolic differentiation of the arithmetic expressions. Thinking back to our study of differential calculus, we identify the following rules for differentiation:

We can directly translate these rules into a skeletal Haskell function that uses the above data types, as follows:

     deriv :: Expr -> Name -> Expr
     deriv (Add l r) v = Add (deriv l v) (deriv r v)
     deriv (Mul l r) v = Add (Mul l (deriv r v)) (Mul r (deriv l v))
     deriv (Var n)   v
           | v == n    = Val 1
     deriv _         _ = Val 0

See the incomplete Process AST module (ProcessAST) for the sample code in this section.

42.7 What Next?

Chapter 41 presented concrete syntax concepts, illustrating them with two different concrete syntaxes for the ELI Calculator language.

This chapter (42) presented abstract syntax trees as structures for representing the essential features of the syntax in a form that can be evaluated directly. The same abstract syntax can encode either of the two concrete syntaxes for the ELI Calculator language.

Chapter 44 introduces lexical analysis and parsing as techniques for processing concrete syntax expressions to generate the equivalent abstract syntax trees.

Before we look at parsing, let’s examine the overall modular structure of the ELI Calculator language interpreter in Chapter 43.

42.8 Chapter Source Code

This chapter involves several of the ELI Calculator language modules:

It also has the incomplete Process AST module (ProcessAST) related to the simplification and differentiation discussion and exercises.

42.9 Exercises

  1. Extend the abstract syntax tree data type Expr, which is defined in the Abstract Syntax module (AbSynCalc), to add new operations Neg (negation), Min (minimum), Max (maximum), and Exp (exponentiation).

    data Expr = ...
              | Neg Expr 
              | Min Expr Expr 
              | Max Expr Expr 
              | Exp Expr Expr 
                deriving Show

    Then extend the eval function, which is defined in the Evaluator module (EvalCalc), to add these new operations with the following informal semantics:

    • Neg e negates the value of expression e. For example, Neg (Val 1) yields (Val (-1)).

    • Min l r yields the smaller value of expression l and expression r.

    • Max l r yields the larger value of expression l and r.

    • Exp l r raises the value of expression l to a power that is the value of expression r. It is undefined for a negative exponent value r.

    These operations are all strict; they only have values if all their subexpressions also have values.

  2. Extend the simplify function to support operations Sub and Div and the new operations given in the previous exercise.

    This function should simplify the abstract syntax tree by evaluating subexpressions involving only constants (not evaluating variables) and handling special values like identity and zero elements.

  3. Extend the simplify function from the previous exercise in other ways. For example, take advantage of mathematical properties such as associativity ((x + y) + z = x + (y + z)), commutativity (x + 1 = 1 + x), and idempotence (x min x = x).

  4. Extend the abstract syntax tree data type Expr to include the binary operators Eq (equality) and Lt (less-than comparison), logical unary operator Not, and the ternary conditional expression If (if-then-else).

    data Expr = ... 
              | Eq  Expr Expr 
              | Lt  Expr Expr 
              | Not Expr 
              | If  Expr Expr Expr 
                deriving Show 

    Then extend the eval function to implement these new operations.

    This extended language does not have Boolean values. We represent “false” by integer 0 and “true” by a nonzero integer, canonically by 1.

    We can express the informal semantics of the new ELI Calculator language expressions as follows:

    • Eq l r yields the value 1 if expressions l and r have the same value; it yields the value 0 if l and r have different values.

    • Lt l r yields the value 1 if the value of expression l is smaller than the value of expression r; it yields the value 0 if l is greater than or equal to r.

    • Not i yields 1 if the value of expression i is 0; it yields the value 0 if i is nonzero.

    • If c l r first evaluates expression c. If c has a nonzero value, the If yields the value of expression l. If c has value 0, the If yields the value of expression r.

    Operations Eq, Lt, and Not are strict for all subexpressions; that is, they are undefined if any subexpression is undefined.

    Operation If is strict in its first subexpression c.

    Note: The constants falseVal and trueVal and the functions boolToVal and valToBool in the Values module may be helpful. (The intention of the Values module is to keep the representation of the values hidden from the rest of the interpreter. In particular, these constants and functions these are to help encapsulate the representation of booleans as the underlying values.)

  5. Extend the abstract syntax tree data type Expr from the previous exercise (which defines operator If) to include a Switch expression.

    data Expr = ... 
              | Switch Expr Expr [Expr]
                deriving Show 

    Then extend the eval function to implement this new operation.

    We can express the informal semantics of this new ELI Calculator language expression as follows:

    • Switch n def exs first evaluates expression n. If the value of n is greater than or equal to 0 and less than length exs, then the Switch yields the value of the nth expression in list exs (where the first element is at index 0). Otherwise, the Switch yields the value of the default expression def.
  6. Develop an object-oriented program (e.g., in Java) to carry out the same functionality as the Expr data type and eval function described in this chapter. That is, define a class hierarchy that corresponds to the Expr data type and use the message-passing style to implement the needed classes and instances.

  7. Extend the object-oriented program from the previous exercise to the Neg, Min, Max, and Exp as described in an earlier exercise.

  8. Extend the object-oriented program from the previous exercise to implement the Eq, Lt, Not, and If as described in another earlier exercise.

  9. Extend the object-oriented program above to implement simplification.

  10. For this exercise, redefine the Expr data type above to hold Double constants instead of Int. In addition to Add, Mul, Sub, Div, Neg, Min, Max, and Exp, extend the data type and eval function to include the trigonometric operators Sin and Cos for sine and cosine.

  11. Using the extended Double version of Expr from the previous exercise, extend function deriv to support all the operators in the data type.

42.10 Acknowledgements

For the general acknowledgements for the ELI Calculator case study and Chapters 41-46 through Spring 2019, see the Acknowledgements section of Chapter 41.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

42.11 Terms and Concepts

Abstract syntax, abstract syntax tree (AST), associative data structure, environment, value, semantics, evaluation function, interpreter, simplification, optimization, symbolic differentiation, associativity, commutativity (symmetry), idempotence.

43 Calculator: Modular Structure

43.1 Chapter Introduction

TODO: Write missing pieces and flesh out other sections

43.2 Module Dependencies

An ELI Calculator interpreter consists of seven modules. The dependencies among modules as shown in Figure 43.1. (The module at the tail of an arrow depends on the module at the head.)

Figure 43.1: ELI Calculator language module dependencies.

We examine each module in the following sections.

TODO: Some of these are concrete modules intended for direct use by all implementations. Some are concrete modules intended for use by just ELI Calculator. Some are “abstract modules” intended to define an interface for implementation by each language as needed. Some may, in some sense, define a module role (e.g., same secret) that must be satisfied for all languages, but which may have a different abstract interface. Etc. This probably should be clarified for each module after study and thought.

43.3 Values Module

The Values module Values was introduced in Chapter 42. It encapsulates the definitions and functions that know the specific representation of an ELI language’s data. Other modules for that language should use its public features to enable the representation to be changed easily.

The secret of the information-hiding module Values is the specific representation for the values supported by the language.

This module currently supports both the ELI Calculator language and the ELI Imperative Core language we examine in later chapters. For both languages, the only type of values supported are integers. Booleans are encoded as integers.

The Values module’s abstract interface includes the following public features:

If a language supports types other than integers, then that language will need a variant of the Values module that redefines ValType accordingly and perhaps defines additional public functions. However, the redefined module should seek to preserve the secret and other features of the abstract interface.

The interface also includes the following, which are intended for the exclusive use of the lexical analysis module to support finite range integers (e.g., a string representation of an integer that is beyond the range of Int).

TODO: Review how integer constant overflow is handled and seek to encapsulate the representation better. Also might comment that the knowledge of the value representation is probably shared between the Values and Lexical Analysis modules.

The Values module does not depend upon any other modules. All other current modules depend upon it directly except the user-interface module REPL.

43.4 Environments Module

An environment is a mapping between a name and its value.

The Environments module Environments was introduced in Chapter 42. It encapsulates the definitions and functions that know the specific representation of an environment for an ELI language. Other modules should use its public features to enable the representation to be changed easily.

The secret of the information-hiding module Environments is the specific representation for the environments used by the language’s interpreter. This module currently supports both the ELI Calculator and the ELI Imperative Core languages (defined in future chapters). Given that the “value” is a polymorphic parameter, it should work for most languages unless the nature of names changes significantly.

The Environments module’s abstract interface includes the following public features.

The Environments module depends upon the Values module and the Evaluator module depends upon it.

43.5 Abstract Syntax Module

The Abstract Synax module AbSynCalc module was introduced in Chapter 42. It centralizes the abstract syntax definition for the ELI Calculator language so it can be imported where needed.

The abstract syntax consists of algebraic data type definitions. The semantics of the abstract syntax tree is known by modules that must create (e.g., parser) and use (e.g., evaluator) the abstract syntax trees.

TODO: Review how the AST semantics is handled to see if it can be better encapsulated. But remember that too much abstraction may make the pedagogical goals more difficult to achieve (e.g., exercises to add new elements to the abstract syntax and semantics).

The ELI Calculator Language’s Abstract Syntax module defines and exports the algebraic data type Expr and implements it as an instance of class Show. Values of type Expr are the abstract syntax trees for the ELI Calculator language.

The module also exports types ValType and Name that it imports from the Values module.

The equivalent modules for other languages must define the abstract syntax for that language using appropriate algebraic data types that are instances of Show. They should, however, use

The Abstract Syntax module depends upon the Values module and the Evaluator and Parser modules depend upon it.

43.6 Evaluator Module

The Evaluator module EvalCalc was introduced in Chapter 42. It encapsulates the definition of the evaluation function (i.e., the semantics) of the ELI Calculator language.

TODO: Consider how to handle the extensions to the Evaluator module in Chapter 42 for simplification and differentiation (i.e., ProcessAST module).

The secret of the EvalCalc is the implementation of the semantics of the language, including the specifics of the environment. Currently, some aspects of the language semantics are not completely encapsulated within the Evaluator module; they are shared with the Parser module (which creates the abstract syntax trees initially).

TODO: Explore whether the semantics can be better encapsulated and continue to meet the pedagogical goals of the interpreter.

The Evaluator module’s abstract interface includes the following public features.

TODO: Perhaps simply call this an “interface” because it is not likely used by more than one concrete implementation.

TODO: Comment on how the above secret should be preserved and might need to be modified for other ELI languages.

The Evaluator module depends directly upon the Abstract Syntax, Environments, and Values modules. The language’s user-interface module REPL depends upon it. However, as noted above, the Evaluator and Parser modules currently share some aspects of the language semantics.

43.7 Lexical Analysis Module

The Lexical Analyzer module LexCalc is introduced in Chapter 44. It is common to both the prefix and infix parsers for the ELI Calculator language.

The secret of this module is the lexical structure of the concrete language syntax.

The Lexical Analyzer module’s abstract interface consists of the following public features.

TODO: Consider whether the above should just be an interface rather than an abstract interface. Also how should the secret and interface be preserved and modified for other languages. Also consider what I should say below about the special dependence upon the Values module and any sharing of information about values.

The Lexical Analyzer module depends upon the Values module and the Parser module depends upon it.

43.8 Parser Modules

Chapter 44 introduces two alternative implementations of the Parser abstract module for the ELI Calculator language. These implementations correspond to the two different concrete syntaxes given in Chapter 41. Both use the same Lexical Analyzer.

The secret of the abstract parser module is how the input syntax is recognized and translated to the abstract syntax.

The Parser abstract module’s abstract interface consists of the following public features.

TODO: Comment on how the above secret should be preserved and might need to be modified for other ELI languages.

The Parser module depends directly upon the Lexical Analyzer, Abstract Syntax, and Values modules. The language’s user-interface module REPL depends upon it. However, as noted above, the Evaluator and Parser modules currently share some aspects of the language semantics.

43.9 REPL Modules

A REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) is a command line user interface with the following cycle of steps:

  1. Read an input from the command line.

    If the input is an exit command, exitloop ; else continue.

  2. Evaluate the expression after parsing.

  3. Print the resulting value.

  4. Loop back to step 1.

The secret of the REPL modules is how the user interacts with the interpreter.

The ELI Calculator language interpreter provides two REPL modules:

In addition to accepting ELI Calculator expressions, they accept the REPL commands :set, :display, and :quit.

TODO: What about :use? Do I need to elaborate on the commands further? Probably.

TODO: The REPL functions need to be refactored. Also the issue of the :use command versus a use expression in the language needs to be reconsidered.

The REPL module depends directly upon the Parser and Evaluator modules. No other modules depend upon it.

43.10 Code Improvement Modules

TODO: Consider how this should be presented in both Chapter 42 and 43.

In addition, the partially implemented Process AST module includes the skeleton simplify and deriv functions discussed in Chapter 42.

This module is “wrapper” for the EvalCalc module currently.

43.11 What Next?


43.12 Chapter Source Code

The ELI Calculator language interpreter includes the following source code modules:

43.13 Exercises


43.14 Acknowledgements

For the general acknowledgements for the ELI Calculator case study and Chapters 41-46 through Spring 2019, see the Acknowledgements section of Chapter 41.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

43.15 Terms and Concepts


44 Calculator: Parsing

44.1 Chapter Introduction

The ELI Calculator language case study examines how we can represent and process simple arithmetic expressions using Haskell.

In Chapter 41, we described two different concrete syntaxes for expressions written as text. In Chapter 42, we defined the abstract syntax represented as an algebraic data type and the language semantics with an evaluation function.

Chapter 40 introduced the general concepts of lexical analysis and parsing. In this chapter, we design and implement a hand-coded lexical analyzer and two hand-coded recursive descent parsers for the two concrete syntaxes given in Chapter 41. The parsers also construct the corresponding abstract syntax trees.

44.2 Parsing

TODO: Add citations for some of the key terms?

A programming language processor uses a parser to determine whether a program satisfies the grammar for the language’s concrete syntax. The parser typically constructs some kind of internal representation of the program to enable further processing.

A common approach to parsing is to divide it into at least two phases:

If the language has aspects that cannot be described with a context-free grammar, then additional phases may be needed to handle issues such as checking types of variables and expressions and ensuring that variables are declared before they are used.

Of course, regular grammars are context-free grammars, so a separate lexical analyzer is not required. But use of a separate lexical analyzer often leads to a simpler parser and better performance.

However, some approaches to parsing, such as the use of parser combinators, can conveniently handle lexical issues as a part of the parser.

In this chapter, we use the two-stage approach to parsing of the ELI Calculator language. We define a lexical analyzer and parsers constructed using a technique called recursive descent parsing. The parsers construct abstract syntax trees using the algebraic data type defined in Chapter 42 (i.e., in the Abstract Syntax module).

Chapter 45 generalizes the recursive descent parsers to a set of parsing combinatiors.

44.3 Lexical Analysis

TODO: Lexical analyzer code, etc., probably needs to be updated to reflect handling of finite integer errors.

In computing science, lexical analysis [199] is typically the process of reading a sequence of characters from a language text and assembling the characters into a sequence of lexemes, the smallest meaningful syntactic units. In a natural language like English, the lexemes are typically the words of the language.

The output of lexical analysis is a sequence of lexical tokens (usually just called tokens). A token associates a syntactic category with a lexeme. In a natural language, the syntactic category may be the word’s part of speech (noun, verb, etc.).

We call the program that carries out the lexical analysis a lexical analyzer, lexer, tokenizer, or scanner. (However, the latter term actually refers to one phase of the overall process.)

In a programming language, the syntactic categories of tokens consist of entities such as identifiers, integer literals, and operators.

The “whitespace” characters such as blanks, tabs, and newlines are usually not tokens themselves. Instead, they are delimiters which define the boundaries of the other lexemes. However, in some programming languages, the end of a line or the indentation at the beginning of a line have implicit structural meaning in the language.

Consider the ELI Calculator language infix syntax. The character sequence

    30   +   ( x1 * 2)

includes seven tokens:

Tokenization has two stages—a scanner and an evaluator.

A scanner processes the character sequence and breaks it into lexeme strings. It usually recognizes a language corresponding to a regular grammar, one of the simplest classes of grammars, and is, hence, based on a finite state machine [190]. However, in some cases, a scanner may require more complex grammars and processors.

A token evaluator determines the syntactic category of the lexeme string and tags the token with this syntactic information.

Sometimes a lexical analyzer program combines the two stages into the same algorithm.

44.3.1 Prefix syntax

Now let’s consider a lexical analyzer for the prefix syntax for the ELI Calculator language.

File LexCalc.hs gives an example Haskell module that implements a lexical analyzer for this concrete syntax.

The ELI Calculator language’s prefix syntax includes the following syntactic categories: identifiers, keywords, integer literals, operators, left parenthesis, and right parenthesis.

The left and right parenthesis characters are the only lexemes in those two syntactic categories, respectively.

An identifier is the name for variable or other entity. We define an identifier to begin with an alphabetic or underscore character and include all contiguous alphabetic, numeric, or underscore characters that follow. It is delimited by a whitespace or another character not allowed in an identifier.

As a sequence of characters, a keyword is just an identifier in this language, so the scanner does not distinguish between two categories. The lexical analyzer subsequently separates out keywords by checking each identifier against the list of keywords.

An integer literal begins with a numeric character and includes all contiguous numeric characters that follow. It is delimited by a whitespace or nonnumeric character.

We plan to extend this language with additional operators. To enable flexible use of the scanner, we design it to collect all contiguous characters from a list of supported operator characters. Of course, we exclude alphabetic, numeric, underscore, parentheses, and similar characters from the list for the prefix ELI Calculator language.

The lexer subsequently compares each scanned operator against a list of valid operators to remove invalid operators.

The language uses keywords in similar ways to operators, so the lexer also subsequently tags keywords as operators. The current lexical analyzer does not use the TokKey token category.

The LexCalc module defines a Token algebraic data type, defined below, to represent the lexical tokens. The constructors identify the various syntactic categories.

    import Values ( NumType, Name, toNumType ) 
    -- e.g., NumType = Int , Name = String 

    data Token = TokLeft          -- left parenthesis 
               | TokRight         -- right parenthesis 
               | TokNum NumType   -- unsigned integer literal 
               | TokId Name       -- names of variables, etc. 
               | TokOp Name       -- names of primitive functions 
               | TokKey Name      -- keywords (no use currently)
               | TokOther String  -- other characters 
                 deriving (Show, Eq) 

The function lexx, shown below, incorporates the scanner and most of the lexeme evaluator functionality. It takes a string and returns a list of tokens.

    import Data.Char ( isSpace, isDigit, isAlpha, isAlphaNum )

    lexx :: String -> [Token]
    lexx []  = []
    lexx xs@(x:xs') 
        | isSpace x   = lexx xs' 
        | x == ';'    = lexx (dropWhile (/='\n') xs')
        | x == '('    = TokLeft  : lexx xs'
        | x == ')'    = TokRight : lexx xs'
        | isDigit x   = let (num,rest) = span isDigit xs
                        in (TokNum (convertNumType num)) : lexx rest
        | isFirstId x = let (id,rest) = span isRestId xs
                        in  (TokId id) : lexx rest
        | isOpChar x  = let (op,rest) = span isOpChar xs
                        in (TokOp op) : lexx rest
        | otherwise   = (TokOther [x]) : lexx xs'
            isFirstId c = isAlpha c    || c == '_' 
            isRestId  c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' 
            isOpChar  c = elem c opchars

    opchars = "+-*/~<=>!&|@#$%^?:"  -- not " ' ` ( ) [ ] { } , . ;

Function lexx pattern matches on the first character of the string and then collects any additional characters of the token using the higher order function Data.Char.span. Function span breaks the string into two part—the prefix consisting of all contiguous characters that satisfy its predicate and the suffix beginning with the first character that does not.

Boolean function isOpChar returns True for characters potentially allowed in operator symbols. These are defined in the string opchars{.haskell{, which makes this aspect of the scanner relatively easy to modify.

Function lexer, shown below, calls lexx and then carries out the following transformations on the list of tokens:

  • TokId tokens for keywords are transformed into the corresponding TokOp tokens (as defined in association list keywords {.haskell})

  • TokOp tokens for valid operators (as defined in association list opmap) are transformed if needed and invalid operators are transformed into TokOther tokens

The lexer does not generate error messages. Instead it tags characters that do not fit in any lexeme as a TokOther token. The parser can use these as needed (e.g., to generate error messages).

    lexer :: String -> [Token]
    lexer xs = markSpecials (lexx xs)

    markSpecials :: [Token] -> [Token]
    markSpecials ts = map xformTok ts

    xformTok :: Token -> Token
    xformTok t@(TokId id)
        | elem id keywords   = TokOp id
        | otherwise          = t
    xformTok t@(TokOp op)
        | elem op primitives = t
        | otherwise          = TokOther op
    xformTok t               = t

    keywords   = []               -- none defined currently
    primitives = ["+","-","*","/"]

In the above code, the function xformTok transforms any identifier that is a defined keyword into an operator token, leaves other identifiers and defined primitive operators alone, and marks everything else with the token type TokOther.

44.3.2 Infix syntax

The lexer for the prefix syntax given in the previous subsection can also be used for the simple infix syntax. However, future extensions of the language may require differences in the lexers.

44.4 Recursive Descent Parsing

A recursive descent parser is an approach to parsing languages that has relatively simple grammars [78,196].

It is a top-down parser, a type of parser that begins with start symbol of the grammar and seeks to determine the parse tree by working down the levels of the parse tree toward the program (i.e., sentence).

By contrast, a bottom-up parser first recognizes the low-level syntactic units of the grammar and builds the parse tree upward from these leaves toward the root (i.e., start symbol). Bottom-up parsers support a wider range of grammars and tend to be more efficient for production compilers. However, their development tends to be less intuitive and more complex. We leave discussion of these parsers to courses on compiler construction.

A recursive descent parser consists of a set of mutually recursive functions. It typically includes one hand-coded function for each nonterminal of the grammar and one clause for each production for that nonterminal.

The recursive descent approach works well when the grammar can be transformed into an LL(k) (especially LL(1)) grammar [195]. Discussion of these techniques are left to courses on compiler construction.

For an LL(1) grammar, we can write recursive descent parsers that can avoid backtracking to an earlier point in the parse to start down another path.

For example, consider a simple grammar with with rules:

    S ::= A | B 
    A ::= C D 
    B ::= { E }  -- zero or more occurrence of E 
    C ::= [ F ]  -- zero or one occurrence of F 
    D ::= '1' | '@' S 
    E ::= '3'
    F ::= '2'

Consider the nonterminal S, which has alternatives A and B.

These sets of first symbols are disjoint, so the parser can distinguish among the alternatives based on the first terminal symbol. (Hence, the grammar is backtrack-free.)

44.4.1 Constructing recursive descent parsers

A simple recognizer for the grammar above could include functions similar to those shown below. We consider the five different situations for nonterminals S, A, B, C, and E.

In the Haskell code, a parsing function takes a String with the text of the expression to be processed and returns a tuple (Bool,String) where the first component indicates whether or not the parser succeeded (i.e., the output of the parse) and the second component gives the new state of the input.

If the first component is True, then the second component holds the input remaining after the parse. If the first component is False, then the second component is the remaining part of the input to be processed after the parser failed.

Of course, instead of strings, the parser could work on lists of tokens or other symbols.

  1. Alternatives: S ::= A | B

        parseS :: String -> (Bool,String)  -- A | B
        parseS xs = 
            case parseA xs of              -- try A
                (True,  ys) -> (True, ys)  -- A succeeds
                (False, _ ) ->
                    case parseB xs of      -- else try B 
                        (True, ys) -> (True,  ys) -- B succeeds
                        (False, _) -> (False, xs) -- both A & B fail

    Function parseS succeeds whenever any alternative succeeds. Otherwise, it continues to check subsequent alternatives. It fails if the final alternative fails.

    If there are more than two alternatives, we can nest each additional alternative more deeply within the conditional structure. (That is, we replace the parseB failure case value with a case expression for the third option. Etc.)

  2. Sequencing: A ::= C D

        parseA :: String -> (Bool,String)  -- C D 
        parseA xs =
            case parseC xs of              -- try C 
                (True,  ys) -> 
                    case parseD ys of      -- then try D 
                        (True, zs) -> (True,  zs) -- C D succeeds
                        (False, _) -> (False, xs) -- D fails
                (False, _ ) -> (False,xs)  -- C fails 

    Function parseA fails whenever any component fails. Otherwise, it continues to check subsequent components. It succeeds when the final component succeeds.

    If there are more than two components in sequence, we nest each additional component more deeply within the conditional structure. (That is, we replace parseD xs with case parseD xs of ....)

  3. Repetition zero or more times: B ::= { E }

        parseB :: String -> (Bool,String)  -- { E }
        parseB xs =
            case parseE xs of              -- try E
                (True,  ys) -> parseB ys   -- one E, try again
                (False, _)  -> (True,xs)   -- stop, succeeds

    Function parseB always succeeds if parseE terminates. However, it may succeed for zero occurrences of E or for some positive number of occurrences.

  4. Optional elements: C ::= [ F ]

        parseC :: String -> (Bool,String)  -- [ F ]
        parseC xs =
            case parseF xs of              -- try F
                (True,  ys) -> (True,ys) 
                (False, _ ) -> (True,xs)

    Function parseC always succeeds if parseF terminates. However, it may succeed for at most one occurrence of F.

  5. Base cases to parse low-level syntactic elements: E ::= '3'

        parseE :: String -> (Bool,String)
        parseE (x:xs') = (x == '3', xs')
        parseE xs      = (False,    xs )

On success in any of these cases, the new input state is the string remaining after the successful alternative.

On failure, the input state should be left unchanged by any of the functions.

To use the above templates, it may sometimes be necessary to refactor the rules that involve more than one of the above cases. For example, consider the rule

    D ::= '1' | '@' S 

which consists of two alternatives, the second of which is itself a sequence. To see how to apply the templates straightforwardly, we can refactor D to be the two rules:

    D  ::= '1' | DS
    DS ::= '@' S 

In addition to the above parsers for the various rules, we might have a function parse that calls the top-level parser (parseS) and ensures that all the input is parsed.

    parse :: String -> Bool
    parse xs =
        case parseS xs of
            (True,  []) -> True
            (_,     _ ) -> False

See file ParserS03.hs for experimental Haskell code for this example recursive descent parser.

To have a useful parser, the above prototype functions likely need to be modified to build the intermediate representation and to return appropriate error messages for unsuccessful parses.

The above prototype functions use Haskell, but a similar technique can be used with any language that supports recursive function calls.

44.4.2 Prefix syntax

This subsection describes an example recursive descent parser for the ELI Calculator language’s prefix syntax. The complete code for the ParsePrefixCalc module is given in the file ParsePrefixCalc.hs.

As given in Chapter 41, the prefix parser embodies the the following grammar:

    <expression> ::=  <var> | <val> | <operexpr>
    <var>        ::=  <id>
    <val>        ::=  [ '-' ] <unsigned> 
    <operexpr>   ::=  '(' <operator> <operandseq> ')'
    <operandseq> ::=  { <expression> }
    <operator>   ::=  '+'  |  '*'  |  '-'  |  '/' | ...

The ParserPrefixCalc module imports and uses the LexCalc module for lexical analysis. In particular, it uses the algebraic data type Token, types NumType and Name, and function lexer.

    import Values ( NumType, Name, toNumType )

    data Token = TokLeft          -- left parenthesis 
               | TokRight         -- right parenthesis 
               | TokNum NumType   -- unsigned integer literal 
               | TokId Name       -- names of variables, etc. 
               | TokOp Name       -- names of primitive functions 
               | TokKey Name      -- keywords 
               | TokOther String  -- other characters 
                 deriving (Show, Eq) 

    lexer :: String -> [Token]

For the prefix grammar above, the nonterminals <id> and <unsigned> and the terminals are parsed into their corresponding tokens by the lexical analyzer.

TODO: Update this code and reference. The incomplete module TestPrefix06 (in file TestPrefix06.hs{type=“text/plain”) provides some testing of the prefix parser.

The output of the parser is an abstract syntax tree constructed with the algebraic data type Expr defined in the previous chapter. This is in the Abstract Syntax module.

    import Values ( ValType, Name )

    data Expr = Add Expr Expr 
              | Sub Expr Expr
              | Mul Expr Expr
              | Div Expr Expr
              | Var Name
              | Val ValType Parse <expression>

Now let’s build a recursive descent parser using the method described in the previous subsection. We begin with the start symbol <expression>.

The parsing function parseExpression, shown below, implements the following BNF rule:

    <expression> ::= <var> | <val> | <operexpr>

It uses the recursive descent template #1 with three alternatives.

    type ParErr = String

    parseExpression :: [Token] -> (Either ParErr Expr, [Token])
    parseExpression xs =
        case parseVar xs of
            r@(Right _, _) -> r  -- <var>
            _ ->
              case parseVal xs of
                  r@(Right _, _) -> r  -- <val>
                  _ ->
                      case parseOperExpr xs of
                          r@(Right _, _) -> r  -- <operexpr>
                          (Left m, ts)  -> (missingExpr m ts, ts)

    missingExpr m ts  =
        Left ("Missing expression at  " ++ (showTokens (pref ts))
               ++ "..\n..Nested error { " ++ m ++ " }")

Function parseExpression takes a Token list and attempts to parse an <expression>. If the parse succeeds, the function returns a pair consisting of the Right value of an Either wrapping the corresponding Expr abstract syntax tree and the list of input Tokens remaining after the Expr. If the parse fails, then the function returns an error in a Left value for theEither and the unchanged list of input Tokens.

We define an auxiliary function missingExpr to generate an appropriate error message.

The function parse, shown below, is the primary entry point for the ParsePrefixCalc module. It first calls the lexical analysis function lexer (from the module LexCalc) on the input list of characters and then calls the parsing function parseExpression with the corresponding list of tokens.

If a parsing error occurs or if there are leftover tokens, then the function returns an appropriate error message.

    parse :: String -> Either ParErr Expr
    parse xs =
        case lexer xs of
            [] -> incompleteExpr xs
            ts ->
                case parseExpression ts of
                   (ex@(Right _), []) -> ex
                   (ex@(Left  _), _ ) -> ex
                   (ex, ss)           -> extraAtEnd ex ss

    incompleteExpr xs =
        Left ("Incomplete expression: " ++ xs)

    extraAtEnd ex xs =
       Left ("Nonspace token(s) \"" ++ (showTokens xs) ++ 
             "\" at end of the expression \"" ++ (show ex) ++ "\"") Parse <var>

Function parseVar implements the BNF rule:

    <var> ::= <id>

Variable <id> denotes an identifier token recognized by the lexer. So we implement function parseVar as a base case of the recursive descent parser (i.e., template #5).

    parseVar :: [Token] -> (Either ParErr Expr, [Token])
    parseVar ((TokId id):ts) = (Right (Var id),ts)
    parseVar ts              = (missingVar ts, ts)

    missingVar ts =
        Left ("Missing variable at " ++ (showTokens (pref ts)))

Function parseVar has the same type signature as parseExpression. It attempts to match an identifier token at the front of the token sequence. If it finds an identifier, it transforms the token to a Var expression and returns it with the remaining token list. Otherwise, it returns an error message and the unchanged token list. Parse <val>

Function parseVal implements the BNF rule:

    <val> ::= [ '-' ] <unsigned>

To implement this rule, we can refactor it into two rules that correspond to the recursive descent template functions:

    <val>      ::= <optminus> <unsigned>
    <optminus> ::= [ '-' ]

Then <val> can be implemented using the sequencing (#2) prototype, <optminus> using the optional element (#4) prototype, and <unsigned> and - using base case (#5) prototypes.

However, <unsigned> denotes a numeric token and - denotes a single operator token. Thus we can easily implement parseVal as a base case of the recursive descent parser.

    parseVal :: [Token] -> (Either ParErr Expr, [Token])
    parseVal ((TokNum i):ts)             = (Right (Val i), ts)
    parseVal ((TokOp "-"):(TokNum i):ts) = (Right (Val (-i)), ts)
    parseVal ts                          = (missingVal ts, ts)

    missingVal ts =
        Left ("Missing value at " ++ (showTokens (pref ts)))

Function parseVal has the same type signature as parseExpression. It attempts to match a numeric token, which is optionally preceded by a negative sign, at the front of the token sequence. If it finds this, it transforms the tokens to a Val expression and returns the expression and the remaining token list. Otherwise, it returns an error message and the unchanged token list. Parse <operexpr>

Function parseOperExpr implements following BNF rule:

    <operexpr>   ::=  "(" <operator> <operandseq> ")"

It uses a modified version of recursive descent template #2 for sequences of terms.

    parseOperExpr :: [Token] -> (Either ErrMsg Expr, [Token])
    parseOperExpr xs@(TokLeft:(TokOp op):ys) =  -- ( <operator>
        case parseOperandSeq ys of              -- <operandseq>
            (args, zs) ->
                case zs of                      -- )
                  (TokRight:zs') -> (makeExpr op args, zs')
                  zs'            -> (missingRParen zs, xs)
    -- ill-formed <operexpr>s
    parseOperExpr (TokLeft:ts)      = (missingOp ts, ts)
    parseOperExpr (TokRight:ts)     = (invalidOpExpr ")", ts)
    parseOperExpr ((TokOther s):ts) = (invalidOpExpr s, ts)
    parseOperExpr ((TokOp op):ts)   = (invalidOpExpr op, ts)
    parseOperExpr ((TokId s):ts)    = (invalidOpExpr s, ts)
    parseOperExpr ((TokNum i):ts)   = (invalidOpExpr (show i), ts)
    parseOperExpr []                = (incompleteExpr, [])

    missingRParen ts = 
        Left ("Missing `)` at " ++ (show (take 3 ts))) 
    missingOp ts     = 
        Left ("Missing operator at " ++ (show (take 3 ts))) 
    invalidOpExpr s  = 
        Left ("Invalid operation expression beginning with " ++ s) 
    incompleteExpr   = Left "Incomplete expression"

Function parseOperExpr has the same type signature as parseExpression. It directly matches against the first two tokens to see whether they are a left parenthesis and an operator, respectively, rather than calling separate functions to parse each. If successful, it then parses zero or more operands and examines the last token to see whether it is a right parenthesis.

If the operator expression is ill-formed, the function returns an appropriate error message.

The function parseOperExpr delegates the construction of the corresponding Expr (i.e., abstract syntax tree) to function makeExpr, which we discuss later in the subsection.

The values yielded by the components of <operexpr> must be handled differently than the previous components of expressions we have examined. They are not themselves Expr values.

  • ( and ) denote the structure of the expression but do not have any output.

  • <operator> does not itself yield a complete Expr. It must be combined with some number of operands to yield an expression. The number varies depending upon the particular operator. We pass a string to makeExpr to denote the operator.

  • <operandseq> yields a possibly empty list of Expr values. We pass an Expr list to makeExpr to denote the operands. < Parse <operandseq>

Function parseOperandSeq implements the BNF rule:

    <operandseq> ::=  { <expression> }

It uses the recursive descent template #3 for repeated symbols.

    parseOperandSeq :: [Token] -> ([Expr],[Token])
    parseOperandSeq xs =
        case parseExpression xs of 
            (Left  _,      _ ) -> ([],xs)
            (Right ex, ys) ->
                let (exs,zs) = parseOperandSeq ys
                in  (ex:exs,zs)

The function parseOperandSeq takes a token list and collects a list of 0 or more operand Exprs. An empty list means that no operands were found. AST construction (makeExpr)

Operators in the current abstract syntax take a fixed number of operands. Add and Mul each take two operands, but a negation operator would take one operand and a conditional “if” operation would take three.

However, the current concrete prefix syntax does not distinguish among the different operators and the number of operands they require. It allows any operator in an <operexpr> to have any finite number of operands.

We could, of course, define a grammar that distinguishes among the operators, but we choose to keep the grammar flexible, thus enabling easy extension. We handle the operator-operand matching in the makeExpr function using data structures to define the mapping.

Thus, function makeExpr takes the operator string and a list of operand Exprs and constructs an appropriate Expr. It uses function arity to determine the number of operands required for the operator and then calls the appropriate opConsN function to construct the Expr.

    makeExpr :: String -> [Expr] -> Either ErrMsg Expr
    makeExpr op exs =
        case arity op of
            0 -> opCons0 op exs  -- not implemented
            1 -> opCons1 op exs
            2 -> opCons2 op exs
            3 -> opCons3 op exs
            4 -> opCons4 op exs  -- not implemented
            5 -> opCons5 op exs  -- not implemented
            _ -> opConsX op exs  -- not implemented

Function arity takes an operator symbol and returns the number of operands that operator requires. It uses the arityMap association list to map the operator symbols to the number of arguments expected.

    import Data.Maybe

    arityMap = [ ("+",2), ("-",2), ("*",2), ("/",2) ]
               -- add (operator,arity) pairs as needed
    arity :: String -> Int
    arity op = fromMaybe (-1) (lookup op arityMap)

Function opCons2 takes a binary operator string and an operand list with two elements and returns the corresponding Expr structure wrapped in a Right. An error is denoted by passing back an error message wrapped in a Left.

    assocOpCons2 =
        [ ("+",Add), ("-",Sub), ("*",Mul), ("/",Div) ]
         -- add new pairs as needed
    opCons2 :: String -> [Expr] -> Either ParErr Expr
    opCons2 op exs =
        case length exs of
            2 -> case lookup op assocOpCons2 of
                    Just c  -> Right (c (exs!!0) (exs!!1))
                    Nothing -> invalidOp op
            n -> arityErr op n

    invalidOp op =
        Left ("Invalid operator '" ++ op ++ "'")
    arityErr op n = 
        Left ("Operator '" ++ op ++ "' incorrectly called with " 
              ++ (show n) ++ " operand(s)") 

Currently, the only supported operators are the binary operators +, -, *, and /. These map to the binary Expr constructors Add, Sub,Mul, and Div. (These are two-argument functions.)

If we extend the supported operators, then we must extend the definitions of arityMap and assocOpCons2 and add new definitions for opConsN and assocOpConsN for other arities N. (We may also need to modify the LexCalc module and the definition of Expr.)

For now, we respond to unknown operators using function opConsX and return an appropriate error message. (In the future, this function may be redefined to support operators with variable numbers of operands.)

    opConsX :: String -> [Expr] -> Either ErrMsg Expr
    opConsX op exs = unsupportedOp op

    unsupportedOp op = Left ("Unsupported operator '" ++ op ++ "'")

44.4.3 Infix syntax

TODO: Update the parser to reflect the grammar change and recursive descent explanation.

TODO: Describe the recursive descent infix parser in module ParseInfixCalc.hs. An incomplete module that does some testing is TestInfix03.hs.

44.5 Exercises


44.6 Chapter Source Code


44.7 Acknowledgements

For the general acknowledgements for the ELI Calculator case study and Chapters 41-46 through Spring 2019, see the Acknowledgements section of Chapter 41.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

44.8 Terms and Concepts


45 Parsing Combinators

45.1 Chapter Introduction


45.2 Developing Parsing Combinators

In Chapter 44, we examined a set of prototype parsing functions and then used them as patterns for hand-coding of recursive descent parsing functions. We can benefit by generalizing these functions and collecting them into a library.

45.2.1 State actions and combinators

Consider parseS, one of the prototype parsing functions from a previous section. It parses the grammar rule S ::= A | B, which has two alternatives.

    parseS :: String -> (Bool,String)
    parseS xs = 
        case parseA xs of              -- try A
            (True,  ys) -> (True, ys)  -- A succeeds
            (False, _ ) ->
                case parseB xs of      -- else try B 
                    (True, ys) -> (True,  ys) -- B succeeds
                    (False, _) -> (False, xs) -- both A,B fail

Note that parseS and the other prototype parsing functions have the type:

    String -> (Bool,String)

The occurrence of type String in the argument of the function represents the state of the input before evaluation of the function; the second occurrence of String represents the state after evaluation. The type Bool represents the result of the evaluation.

In an imperative program, the state is often left implicit and only the result type is returned. However, in a purely functional program, we must also make both the state change explicit.

Functions that have a type similar to parseS are called state actions or state transitions. We can generalize this parsing state transition as a function type:

    type Parser a b = a -> (b,a)

In the case of parseS, we specialize this to:

    Parser String Bool

In the case of richer parsing case studies for the prefix and infix parsers, we specialize this type as:

    Parser [Token] (Either ErrMsg Expr)

Given the Parser type, we can define a set of combinators that allow us to combine simpler parsers to construct more complex parsers. These combinators can pass along the state implicitly, avoiding some tedious and repetitive work.

We can define a combinator parseAlt that generalizes the parseS prototype function above. It implements a recognizer, so we fix type b to Bool, but leave type argument a general.

    parseAlt :: Parser a Bool -> Parser a Bool -> Parser a Bool
    parseAlt p1 p2 =
        \xs ->
            case p1 xs of 
                (True,  ys) -> (True, ys)
                (False, _ ) ->
                    case p2 xs of
                        (True,  ys) -> (True,  ys)
                        (False, _ ) -> (False, xs)

Note the use of the anonymous function in the body. Function parseAlt takes two Parser values and then returns a Parser value. The Parser function returned binds in the two component function values. When this function is applied to the parser input (which is the argument of the anonymous function), it applies the two component parsers as needed.

We can easily redefine parseS in terms of the parseAlt combinator and simpler parsers parseA and parseB.

    parseS = parseAlt parseA parseB

Given parsing input inp, we can invoke the parser with the expression:

    parseS inp

Note that this formulation enables us to handle the passing of state among the component parsers implicitly, much as we can in an imperative computation. But it still preserves the nature of purely functional computation.

45.2.2 Completing a combinator library

Now consider the parseA prototype, which implements a two-component sequencing rule A ::= C D.

    parseA xs =
        case parseC xs of   -- try C
            (True,  ys) ->  -- then try D
                case parseD ys of
                    (True, zs) -> (True,  zs)  -- C D succeeds
                    (False, _) -> (False, xs)  -- both C, D fail
            (False, _ ) -> (False,xs)  -- C fails

As with parseS, we can generalize parseA as a combinator parseSeq.

    parseSeq :: Parser a Bool -> Parser a Bool -> Parser a Bool
    parseSeq p1 p2 =
        \xs ->
            case p1 xs of
                (True,  ys) ->
                    case p2 ys of
                        t@(True, zs) -> t
                        (False,  _ ) -> (False, xs)
                (False, _ ) -> (False,  xs)

Thus we can redefine parseA in terms of the parseSeq combinator and simpler parsers parseC and parseD.

    parseA = parseSeq parseC parseD

Similarly, we consider the parseB prototype, which implements a repetition rule B ::= { E }.

    parseB xs =
        case parseE xs of              -- try E
            (True,  ys) -> parseB ys   -- try again
            (False, ys) -> (True,xs)   -- stop

As above, we generalize this as combinator parseStar.

    parseStar :: Parser a Bool -> Parser a Bool
    parseStar p1 =
        \xs ->
            case p1 xs of
                (True,  ys) -> parseStar p1 ys
                (False, _ ) -> (True, xs)

We can redefine parseB in terms of combinator parseStar and simpler parser parseE.

    parseB = parseStar parseB

Finally, consider parsing prototype parseC, which implements an optional rule C ::= [ F ].

    parseC xs =
       case parseF xs of              -- try F
            (True,  ys) -> (True,ys) 
            (False, _ ) -> (True,xs)

We generalize this pattern as parseOpt, as follows.

    parseOpt :: Parser a Bool -> Parser a Bool
    parseOpt p1 =
        \xs ->
            case p1 xs of 
               (True,  ys) -> (True, ys)
               (False, _ ) -> (True, xs)

We can thus redefine parseC in terms of simpler parser parseF and combinator parseOpt.

    parseC = parseOpt parseF

In this simple example grammar, function parseD is a simple instance of a sequence and parseE and parseF are simple parsers for symbols. These can be directly implemented as basic parsers, as before. However, the technique work if these are more complex parsers built up from combinators.

For convenience and completeness, we include extended alternative and sequencing combinators and parsers that always fail or always succeed.

    parseAltList :: [Parser a Bool] -> Parser a Bool
    parseSeqList :: [Parser a Bool] -> Parser a Bool
    parseFail, parseSucceed :: Parser a Bool

The combinators in this library are in the Haskell module ParserComb.hs. A module that does some testing is TestParserComb.hs.

TODO: Update and document the Parser Combinator library code.

45.2.3 Adding parse tree generations

TODO: Expand this library to allow returns of “parse trees” and error messages.

45.3 Standard libraries for parsing


There are a number of relatively standard parsing combinator libraries—e.g., the library Parsec. Readers who wish to develop other parsers may want to study that library.

45.4 Exercises


45.5 Chapter Source Code


45.6 Acknowledgements

For the general acknowledgements for the ELI Calculator case study and Chapters 41-46 through Spring 2019, see the Acknowledgements section of Chapter 41.

I developed the parsing combinators in this chapter primarily using the approach of Fowler and Parsons [78], with some influence by Chiusano and Bjarnason [29]. I generalized the concrete parsing functions from Chapter 44 to construct the combinators.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

45.7 Terms and Concepts


46 Calculator: Compilation

46.1 Chapter Introduction

This is a partially developed chapter.

TODO: - Add goals to intro. - Complete and revise the conditional expression sections as needed (e.g., the compilation subsection does not discuss the handling of labels/addresses sufficiently) - Consider adding separate compilation units and linking of units together

46.2 Stack Virtual Machine

Consider a stack virtual machine [[200]} as a means for executing the ELI Calculator language expressions. The operation of this machine is similar to the operation of a calculator that uses Reverse Polish Notation [201] (or postfix notation) such as the calculators from Hewlett-Packard.

46.2.1 Instruction set syntax

Consider a stack-based virtual machine with a symbolic instruction set defined by the following abstract syntax:

    data SInstr = SVal Int
                | SVar String
                | SPop
                | SSwap
                | SDup
                | SAdd
                | SMul
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

46.2.2 Instruction set semantics

Suppose the state of the virtual machine consists an evaluation stack of values and a program counter indicating the next instruction to be executed. Further suppose the above instructions have the following semantics. The machine executes much like a calculator that uses “reverse Polish notation”.

  • SVal i pushes value i onto the top of the evaluation stack.

  • SVar v pushes the value of “variable” v from the current environment onto the top of the evaluation stack. (Here we are simulating a memory with the environment.)

  • SPop removes the top element from the stack. (That is, if the stack from the top is 10:xs, then the resulting stack is xs.)

  • SSwap exchanges the top two elements on the stack. (That is, if the stack from the top is 10:20:xs, then the resulting stack is 20:10:xs.)

  • SDup pushes another copy of the top element onto the stack. (That is, if the stack from the top is 10:xs, then the resulting stack is 10:10:xs.)

  • SAdd pops the top two elements from the stack, adds the second to the first, and pushes the result back on top of the stack. (That is, if the stack from the top is 10:20:xs then the resulting stack is 30:xs.)

  • SMul pops the top two elements from the stack, multiplies the second times the first, and pushes the result back on top of the stack. (That is, if the stack from the top is 10:20:xs then the resulting stack is 200:xs.)

We extend this instruction set later to provide other operations.

46.2.3 Machine execution

We can define a simple skeletal execution mechanism for the Stack Virtual Machine as follows. Function execSInstr takes the state, environment, and instruction and returns the modified state and environment. (This version does not modify the environment, but a version in the future may do so.)

    data SState = SState [Int] Int
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

    execSInstr :: SState -> Env -> SInstr -> (SState, Env)
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env (SVal i) = 
        (SState (i:es) (pc+1), env)
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env (SVar v) = 
        case lookup v env of
            Just i  -> (SState (i:es) (pc+1), env)
            Nothing -> error ("Variable " ++ show v ++ " undefined")
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env SPop  = 
        (SState es pc, env) -- REPLACE
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env SSwap = 
        (SState es pc, env) -- REPLACE
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env SDup  = 
        (SState es pc, env) -- REPLACE
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env SAdd  =
        case es of
            (r:l:xs) -> (SState ((l+r):xs) (pc+1), env)
            _        -> error ("Cannot Add. Stack too short: " ++ show es)
    execSInstr (SState es pc) env SMul = (SState es pc, env) -- REPLACE

46.2.4 Compilation

We can translate the ELI Calculator language to the instruction set as follows. We call this process code generation and call the whole process of converting from source code to the instruction set compilation.

We consider compilation of the Calculator langauge to the stack virtual machine in Exercise Set A.

TODO: Does reference [88] fit here?

46.3 What Next?


46.4 Chapter Source Code

The source code module for this section is in file SInstr-2.hs.

46.5 Exercise Set A

In this exercise set, we consider the Stack Virtual Machine and translation of the ELI Calculator language’s abstract syntax trees to equivalent sequences of instructions.

  1. Complete the development of the function execSInstr, adding the code for the SPop, SSwap, SDup, and SMul instructions.

  2. Extend the Stack Virtual Machine instruction set (i.e., SInstr) to support the extensions to the Expr data type defined in Exercise Set A (i.e., Sub, Div, Neg, Min, and Max). The operators take top value as their right operands and the value under that as the left operand.

  3. Develop a Haskell function

        execSeq :: SState -> Env -> [SInstr] -> (SState, Env)

    that executes a sequence of Stack Virtual Machine instructions given the initial state and environment. (Although the machine in this case study so far does not modify the environment, allow for the future possibility of modification. A later exerces may extend the ELI Calculator language to add assignment statements, imperative loops, and variable and function declarations.)

    Also develop a function exec that executes a sequence of instructions from an initially empty stack with the given environment and returns the result on top of the stack after execution. (You may use execSeq.)

        exec :: Env -> [SInstr] -> Int
  4. Develop a Haskell function

        compile :: Expr -> [SInstr]

    that translates the extended expression tree from Exercise Set A to a sequence of Stack Virtual Machine instructions as extended in this exercise set.

  5. Develop a Haskell function compGo that takes an expression tree, simplifies, compiles, and executes it using the given environment. You may use the functions exec and compile from the previous exercises.

        compGo :: Env -> Expr -> Int

46.6 Conditional Expressions

Let’s examine how to extend the ELI Calculator language to include comparisons and conditional expressions.

46.6.1 Extending the Calculator language

TODO: This was introduced as a operator in a previous chapter.

Suppose that we redefine Expr to include binary operators Eq (equality) and Lt (less-than comparison), logical unary operator Not, and the ternary conditional expression If (if-then-else).

    data Expr = ...
              | Eq  Expr Expr
              | Lt  Expr Expr
              | Not Expr
              | If  Expr Expr Expr
                deriving Show 

This extended language does not have Boolean values. We represent “false” by integer 0 and “true” by a nonzero integer, primarily by 1.

We express the semantics of the various ELI Calculator language expressions as follows:

  • Eq l r evaluates to the value 1 if l and r have the same value and to 0 otherwise.

  • Lt l r evaluates to the value 1 if the value of l is smaller then the value of r and to 0 otherwise.

  • Not i evaluates to 1 if i is zero and evaluates to 0 if i is nonzero.

  • If c l r first evaluates c; if c is nonzero, the if evaluates to the value of l; otherwise the if evaluates to the value of r.

46.6.2 Extending the stack virtual machine (UNFINISHED)

TODO: This discussion in the remainder of the Conditional Expression section is not complete! In particular, the discussion of labels/addresses must be clarified and expanded—probably changed.

Suppose we redefine SInstr, the Stack Virtual Machine to include the new instructions:

    data SInstr = ...
                | SEq
                | SLt
                | SLnot 
                | SLabel String
                | SGo    String
                | SIfZ   String
                | SIfNZ  String
                 deriving (Show, Eq) 

These Stack Virtual Machine instructions execute as follows:

  • SEq pops the top two values from the stack; if the values are equal, it pushes a 1 onto the stack; otherwise, it pushes a 0. (For example, if the stack from the top is 3:4:xs, the resulting stack is 0:xs.)

  • SLt pops the top two values from the stack; if the second value is smaller than the top value, it pushes a 1 onto the stack; otherwise, it pushes a 0. (For example, if the stack from the top is 3:4:xs, the resulting stack is 0:xs.)

  • SLnot pops the top value from the stack; if the top is 0, it pushes 1 back onto the stack; if it is nonzero, it pushed 0 back onto the stack. (For example, if the stack from the top is 0:xs, the resulting stack is 1:xs. If the stack is 7:xs, then the result is 0:xs.)

  • SLabel n does not change the stack. It is a pseudo-instruction to enable a jump to this point in the program using label n.

  • SGo n makes the next instruction to be executed the one labelled n; it does not change the stack.

  • SIfZ n pops the value from the top of the stack; if this value is zero, then the next instruction executed will be the one labelled n; otherwise the next instruction is the one following the SIfZ instruction.

  • SIfNZ n pops the value from the top of the stack; if this value is nonzero, then it makes the next instruction executed the one labelled n; otherwise the next instruction is the one following the SIfNZ instruction.

46.6.3 Extending the compiler (UNFINISHED)


We can translate the expression

    If (Eq (Var "x") (Val 1)) (Val 10) (Val 20)

to a sequence of Stack Virtual Machine instructions such as:

    [ SVar "x", SVal 1, SEq, SIfZ "else", SVal 10, SGo "end",
      SLabel "else', SVal 20, SLabel "end" ]

Of course, each If needs a unique set of labels.

46.7 Exercise Set B (UNFINISHED)


  1. Extend the eval function to support the Eq, Lt, Not, and If operators.

  2. Extend the simplify function to support the Eq, Lt, Not, and If operators.

  3. Extend the data type Expr and the eval function to support the other comparison operators Ne (not equal), Le (less or equal), Gt (greater than), and Ge (greater or equal) and the logical operators And and Or.

  4. Extend the simplify function to support the comparison operators Ne, Le, Gt, and Ge and the logical operators And and Or added in the previous exercise.

  5. (UNFINISHED) Extend the execSInstr, execSeq, and exec functions from Exercise Set C to include the new Stack Virtual Machine instructions.

  6. (UNFINISHED) Extend the compile and compileGo functions from Exercise Set C to include support for Eq, Lt, and Not.

  7. (UNFINISHED) Extend the compile and compileGo functions from the previous exercise to include expressions Ne, Le, Gt, Ge, And, Or, and If. Each of these may need to be translated to a sequence of Stack Virtual Machine instructions.

46.8 Acknowledgements

For the general acknowledgements for the ELI Calculator case study and Chapters 41-46 through Spring 2019, see the Acknowledgements section of Chapter 41.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

46.9 Terms and Concepts


47 Imperative Core Language (Future)

This will likely be more than one chapter.

47.1 Chapter Introduction


47.2 What Next?


47.3 Exercises


47.4 Acknowledgements


47.5 Terms and Concepts


48 Appendix I: Review of Relevant Mathematics

48.1 Chapter Introduction

Students studying from this textbook should already have sufficient familiarity with the relevant mathematical concepts from the usual prerequisite courses. However, they may need to relate the mathematics with the programming constructs in functional programming.

The goal of this chapter is to review the mathematical concepts of functions and a few other mathematical concepts used in these notes. The concept of function in functional programming corresponds closely to the mathematical concept of function.

TODO: Add discussion of logic needed for specification and statement of laws?

TODO: Add appropriate citations.

48.2 Natural Numbers and Ordering

Several of the examples in these notes use natural numbers.

For this study, we consider the set of natural numbers NN to consist of 0 and the positive integers.

Inductively, nNn \in N if and only if one of the following holds

where SS is the successor function, which returns the next element.


The natural numbers thus form a totally ordered set in conjunction with the binary relation \leq (less or equal). That is, the relation \leq satisfies the following properties on set NN:

It is also a partial ordering because it satisfies the first three properties above.

For all m,nNm,n \in N, we can define the other ordering relations in terms of ==, \neq, and \leq as follows:

48.3 Functions

As we have studied in mathematics courses, a function is a mapping from a set AA into a set BB such that each element of AA is mapped into a unique element of BB.

If ff is a function from AA into BB, then we write:

f:ABf : A \rightarrow B

We also write the equation

f(a)=bf(a) = b

to mean that the value (or result) from applying function ff to an element aAa \in A is an element bBb \in B.

If a function

f:ABf : A \rightarrow B

and AAA \subseteq A', then we say that ff is a partial function from AA' to BB and a total function from AA to BB. That is, there are some elements of AA' on which ff may be undefined.

48.4 Recursive Functions

Informally, a recursive function is a function defined using recursion.

In computing science, recursion is a method in which an “object” is defined in terms of smaller (or simpler) “objects” of the same type. A recursion is usually defined in terms of a recurrence relation.

A recurrence relation defines an “object” xnx_{n} as some combination of zero or more other “objects” xix_{i} for i<ni < n. Here i<ni < n means that ii is smaller (or simpler) than nn. If there is no smaller object, then nn is a base object.

For example, consider a recursive function to compute the sum ss of the first nn natural numbers.

We can define a recurrence relation for ss with the following equations:

s(n)=0s(n) = 0, if n=0n = 0
s(n)=n+s(n1)s(n) = n + s(n-1), if n1n \geq 1

For example, consider s(3)s(3),

s(3)=3+s(2)=3+(2+s(1))=3+(2+(1+s(0)))=3+(2+(1+0))=6s(3) = 3 + s(2) = 3 + (2 + s(1)) = 3 + (2 + (1 + s(0))) = 3 + (2 + (1 + 0)) = 6

48.5 Mathematical Induction Natural Numbers

We can give two mathematical definitions of factorial, fact and fact’, that are equivalent for all natural number arguments.

We can define fact using the product operator as follows:

fact(n)=i=1i=ni(n) = \prod_{i=1}^{i=n}\,i

We can also define the factorial function fact’ with a recursive definition (or recurrence relation) as follows:

fact’(n)=1(n) = 1, if n=0n = 0
fact’(n)=n×(n) = n \times fact’(n1)(n-1), if n1n \geq 1

It is, of course, easy to see that the recurrence relation definition is equivalent to the previous definition. But how can we prove it?

To prove that the above definitions of the factorial function are equivalent, we can use mathematical induction over the natural numbers.

Mathematical induction: To prove a logical proposition P(n)P(n) holds for any natural number nn, we must show two things:

The P(m)P(m) assumption is called the induction hypothesis.

Now let’s prove that the two definitions fact and fact’ are equivalent.

Prove For all natural numbers nn, fact(n)=(n) = fact’(n)(n).

Base case n=0n = 0.


== { definition of fact (left to right) }

(Πi:1i0:i)(\Pi i : 1 \leq i \leq 0 : i)

== { empty range for Π\Pi, 1 is the identity element of ×\times }


== { definition of fact’ (first leg, right to left) }


Inductive case n=m+1n = m+1.
Given induction hypothesis fact(m)=(m) = fact’(m)(m), prove fact(m+1)=(m+1) =fact’(m+1)(m+1).


== { definition of fact (left to right) }

(Πi:1im+1:i)(\Pi i : 1 \leq i \leq m+1 : i)

== { m+1>0m+1 > 0, so m+1m+1 term exists, split it out }

(m+1)×(Πi:1im:i)(m+1) \times (\Pi i : 1 \leq i \leq m : i)

== { definition of fact (right to left) }

(m+1)×(m+1) \times fact(m)(m)

== { induction hypothesis }

(m+1)×(m+1) \times fact’(m)(m)

== { m+1>0m+1 > 0, definition of fact’ (second leg, right to left) }


Therefore, we have proved fact(n)=(n) = fact’(n)(n) for all natural numbers nn. QED

In the inductive step above, we explicitly state the induction hypothesis and assertion we wish to prove in terms of a different variable name (mm instead of nn) than the original statement. This helps to avoid the confusion in use of the induction hypothesis that sometimes arises.

We use an equational style of reasoning. To prove that an equation holds, we begin with one side and prove that it is equal to the other side. We repeatedly “substitute equals for equal” until we get the other expression.

Each transformational step is justified by a definition, a known property of arithmetic, or the induction hypothesis.

The structure of this inductive argument closely matches the structure of the recursive definition of fact’.

What does this have to do with functional programming? Many of the functions we will define in these notes have a recursive structure similar to fact’. The proofs and program derivations that we do will resemble the inductive argument above.

Recursion, induction, and iteration are all manifestations of the same phenomenon.

48.6 Operations

A function

:(A×A)A\oplus : (A \times A) \rightarrow A

is called a binary operation on AA. We usually write binary operations in infix form:

a \oplus a’

We often call a two-argument function of the form

:(A×B)C\oplus : (A \times B) \rightarrow C

a binary operation as well. We can write this two argument function in the equivalent curried form:

:A(BC)\oplus : A \rightarrow (B \rightarrow C)

The curried form shows a multiple-paramenter function in a form where the function takes the arguments one at a time, returning the resulting function with one fewer arguments.

Let \oplus be a binary operation on some set AA and xx, yy, and zz be elements of AA. We can define the following kinds of properties.

For example, the addition operation + on natural numbers is closed, associative, and commutative and has the identity element 0. It has neither a left or right zero element and the only element with a left or right inverse is 0. If we consider the set of all integers, then all elements also have inverses.

Also, the multiplication operation * on natural numbers (or on all integers) is closed, associative, and commutative and has identity element 1 and zero element 0. Only value 1 has a left or right inverse.

However, the subtraction operation on natural numbers is not closed, associative, or commutative and has neither a left nor right zero. The value 0 is subtraction’s right identity, but subtraction has no left identity. Each element is its own right and left inverse. If we consider all integers, then the operation is also closed.

Also, the “logical and” and “logical or” operations are idempotent with respect to the set of Booleans.

48.7 Algebraic Structures

An algebraic structure consists of a set of values, a set of one or more operations on those values, and properties (or “laws”) of the operation on the set. We can characterize algebraic structures by the operations and their properties on the set of values.

If we focus on a binary operation \oplus on a set AA, then we can define various algebraic structures based on their properties.

For example, addition on natural numbers forms a commutative monoid and on integers forms an Abelian group.

Note: Above we describe a few common group-like algebraic structures, that is, algebras with one operation and one set. If we consider two operations on one set (e.g. \oplus on \otimes), then we have various ring-like algebraic structures. By adding other operations, we have various other kinds of algebraic structures. If we consider more than one set, then we moved from a single-sorted (or first-order) algebra to a many-sorted algebra.

48.8 Exercises


48.9 Acknowledgements

I adapted and revised much of this work in Summer and Fall 2016 from Chapter 2 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [42].

In Summer and Fall 2017, I continued to develop this material as a part of Chapter 1, Fundamentals, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Spring and Summer 2018, I reorganized and expanded the previous Fundamentals chapter into four chapters for the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. These are Chapter 1, Evolution of Programming Languages; Chapter 2, Programming Paradigms; Chapter 3, Object-based Paradigms; and Chapter 80, Review of Relevant Mathematics (this background chapter).

In Spring 2019, I expanded the discussion of algebraic structures a bit.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

48.10 Terms and Concepts



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