CSci 311: Models of Computation
CSci 500: Fundamental Concepts in Computing
Fall Semester 2015
Lecture Notes and Web Resources

Lecture Notes Information:

  1. (25 Aug) Review Syllabus and discuss course policies
  2. Linz Chapter 1: Introduction to the Theory of Computation [HTML] [PDF]
  3. Linz Chapter 2: Finite Automata [HTML] [PDF]
  4. Linz Chapter 3: Regular Languages and Regular Grammars [HTML] [PDF]
  5. *** (1 Oct) Examination #1 covering chapters 1-3 ***

  6. Linz Chapter 4: Properties of Regular Languages [HTML] [PDF]
  7. Linz Chapter 5: Context-Free Languages [HTML] [PDF]
  8. *** (29 Oct) Examination #2 covering section 3.3, chapter 4, and chapter 5 ***

  9. OMIT Linz Chapter 6: Simplification of Context-Free Grammars and Normal Forms
  10. Linz Chapter 7: Pushdown Automata [HTML] [PDF]
  11. Linz Chapter 8: Properties of Context-Free Languages [HTML] [PDF]
  12. *** (19 Nov) Examination #3 covering chapter 5, 7, and 8 ***

  13. Linz Chapter 9: Turing Machines [HTML] [PDF]
  14. OMIT Linz Chapter 10: Other Models of Turing Machines
  15. (3 Dec) Linz Chapter 11: A Hierarchy of Formal Languages and Automata [HTML] [PDF]
  16. (1-3 Dec) Linz Chapter 12: Limits of Algorithmic Computation [HTML] [PDF]
  17. *** (8-10 Dec, Final Exam Period) Examination #4 covering all material from course ***

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Copyright © 2015, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Tue Dec 29 15:37:47 CST 2015