Lecture Notes

Schedule, Notes, and Examples

  1. Introduction

    1. (22 Aug) Discuss syllabus and class organization

    2. (24 Aug) Concurrent Programming Introduction -- HTML -- PDF

  2. (24-26 Aug) Concurrency: Concepts, Models and Programs -- PDF -- PPT

  3. (29-31 Aug, 2 Sep) Processes and Threads -- PDF -- PPT

  4. (2-9 Sep) Concurrent Execution -- PDF -- PPT

  5. (12, 14, 19 Sep) Shared Objects and Mutual Exclusion -- PDF -- PPT

    No class on Friday, 19 Sep

  6. (19, 21, 26 Sep) Monitors and Condition Synchronization -- PDF -- PPT

    (23 Sep) Side discussion of the concept of invariant in various computing science contexts

  7. (26-30 Sep) Deadlock -- PDF -- PPT

  8. (3-7 Oct) Safety and Liveness -- PDF -- PPT

    (10 Oct) Review for Exam #1

    (12 Oct) Examination #1

  9. (14-19 Oct) Model-Based Design -- PDF -- PPT

    (24 Oct) Return Exam #1

    (26 Oct) Side talk about OO design

  10. (21, 28, 31 Oct) Dynamic Systems -- PDF -- PPT

  11. (2-4? Nov) Message Passing -- PDF -- PPT

  12. (7?-14 Nov) Concurrent Architectures

    (14 Nov) Review for Exam #2

    (16 Nov) No class because of Apple seminar

    (18 Nov) Examination #2

    (28 Nov) Return Exam #2

  13. (28-30 Nov) Timed Systems -- PDF -- PPT

  14. (Not used 2016) Logical Properties -- PDF -- PPT


  1. Textbook website

  2. Local copies of textbook slides

  3. Local copies of LTSA tools

  4. Local copies of demo applets