Functional Programming in Scala
Strictness and Laziness
(Chapter 5)
H. Conrad Cunningham
05 April 2022
Note: I wrote this set of notes to accompany my lectures on Chapter 5 of the first edition of the book Functional Programming in Scala [2] (i.e., the Red Book).
Prerequisites: In this set of notes, I assume the reader is familiar with the programming concepts and Scala features covered in Notes on Scala for Java Programmers [6], Recursion Styles, Correctness, and Efficiency (Scala Version) [5], Type System Concepts [7,11:5.2], Functional Data Structures [8] (i.e., on Chapter 3 of the first edition of Chiusano [2]), and Error Handling Without Exceptions (i.e., Chapter 4 of [2]).
Browser Advisory: The HTML version of this textbook requires a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good of April 2022 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.
NOT FINISHED e.g., URL for citation [10] on abstract data types
The big idea we discuss in this chapter is how we can exploit nonstrict functions to increase efficiency, increase code reuse, and improve modularity in functional programs.
In our discussion [8] of Chapter 3 of Functional Programming in Scala [2], we examined purely functional data structures—in particular, the immutable, singly linked list.
We also examined the design and use of several bulk operations—such
as map
, filter
, foldLeft
, and foldRight
. Each of these operations
makes a pass over the input list and often constructs a new list for its
Consider the Scala expression
List(10,20,30,40,50).map(_/10).filter(_%2 == 1).map(_*100)
that generates the result:
List(100, 300, 500)
The evaluation of the expression requires three passes through the list. However, we could code a specialized function that does the same work in one pass.
def mfm(xs: List[Int]): List[Int] = xs match {
case Nil => Nil
case (y::ys) =>
val z = y / 10
if (z % 2 == 1) (z*100) :: mfm(ys) else mfm(ys)
Note: In this chapter, we use the method-chaining formulation of
the standard library, not the one we developed in the “Functional Data
Structures” chapter. ::
constructs a
list with its left operand as the head value and its right operand as
the tail list.
It would be convenient if we could instead get a result similar to
by composing simpler functions
like map
and filter
Can we do this?
We can by taking advantage of nonstrict functions to build a lazy list structure. We introduced the concepts of strict and nonstrict functions in Chapter 4 [9]; we elaborate on them in this chapter.
If the evaluation of an expression runs forever or throws an exception instead of returning an explicit value, we say the expression does not terminate—or that it evaluates to bottom (written symbolically as ).
A function f
is strict
if f(x)
evaluates to bottom for all x
themselves evaluate to bottom. That is,
A strict function’s argument must always have a value for the function
to have a value.
A function is nonstrict (sometimes called lenient)
if it is not strict. That is,
The function can sometimes have value even if its argument does not have
a value.
For multiparameter functions, we sometimes apply these terms to individual parameters. A strict parameter of a function must always be evaluated by the function. A nonstrict parameter of a function may sometimes be evaluated by the function and sometimes not.
By default, Scala functions are strict.
However, some operations are nonstrict. For example, the
“short-circuited” &&
operation is nonstrict; it does not evaluate its second operand when the
first operation is false
Similarly, ||
does not
evaluate its second operand when its first operand is true
Consider the if
expression as
a ternary operator. When the condition operand evaluates to true
, the
operator evaluates the second (i.e., then) operand but not the third
(i.e., else) operand. Similarly, when the condition is false
, the
operator evaluates the third operand but not the second.
We could implement if
as a function
as follows:
def if2[A](cond: Boolean, onTrue: () => A,
: () => A): A =
onFalseif (cond) onTrue() else onFalse()
Then we can call if2
as in the
code fragment
val age = 21
if2(age >= 18, () => println("Can vote"),
() => println("Cannot vote"))
and get the output:
Can vote
The parameter type () => A
means that the corresponding argument is passed as a parameterless
function that returns a value of type A
. This function wraps the expression,
which is not evaluated before the call. This function is an explicitly
specified thunk.
When the value is needed, then the called function must
force the evaluation of the thunk by calling it explicitly, for
example by using onTrue()
To use the approach above, the caller must explicitly create the
thunk. However, as we saw in the previous chapter, Scala provides
call-by-name parameter passing that relieves the caller of this
requirement in most circumstances. We can thus rewrite if2
as follows:
def if2[A](cond: Boolean, onTrue: => A, onFalse: => A): A =
if (cond) onTrue else onFalse
The onTrue: => A
notation makes the argument expression a by-name parameter. Scala
automatically creates the thunk for parameter onTrue
and enables it to be referenced
within the function without explicitly forcing its evaluation, for
example by using onTrue
An advantage of call-by-name parameter passing is that the evaluation of an expression can be delayed until its value is referenced, which may be never. A disadvantage is that the expression will be evaluated every time it is referenced.
To determine how to address this disadvantage, consider function
def maybeTwice(b: Boolean, i: => Int) = if (b) i + i else 0
which can be called as
println(maybeTwice(true, {println("hi"); 1 + 41}))
to generate output:
Note that the argument expression i
is evaluated twice.
We can address this issue by defining a new variable and initializing
it lazily to have the same value as the by-name parameter. We
do this by declaring the temporary variable as a lazy val
The temporary variable will not be initialized until it is referenced,
but it caches the calculated value so that it can be used
without reevaluation on subsequent references.
We can rewrite maybeTwice
def maybeTwice2(b: Boolean, i: => Int) = {
lazy val j = i
if (b) j+j else 0
Now calling it as
println(maybeTwice2(true, {println("hi"); 1 + 41}))
generates output:
This technique of caching the result of the evaluation gives us call-by-need parameter passing as it is called in Haskell and other lazily evaluated languages.
Now let’s return to the problem discussed in the Motivation subsection. How can we use laziness to improve efficiency and modularity of our programs?
In this section, we answer this question by developing lazy lists or streams. These allow us to carry out multiple operations on a list without always making multiple passes over the elements.
Consider a simple “stream” algebraic data type StreamC
. A nonempty stream consists of a
head and a tail, both of which must be nonstrict.
Note: The Functional Programming in Scala book uses
algebraic data type Stream
, which
differs from the implementation of the similar Stream
type in
Scala’s standard library. To avoid conflicts with the standard library
type, these notes use StreamC
For technical reasons, Scala does not allow by-name parameters in the constructors for case classes. Thus these components must be explicitly defined thunks whose evaluations are explicitly forced when their values are required.
import StreamC._
sealed trait StreamC[+A]
case object Empty extends StreamC[Nothing]
case class Cons[+A](h: () => A, t: () => StreamC[A])
extends StreamC[A]
object StreamC {
def cons[A](hd: => A, tl: => StreamC[A]): StreamC[A] = {
lazy val head = hd // cache values once computed
lazy val tail = tl
Cons(() => head, () => tail) // create thunks for Cons
def empty[A]: StreamC[A] = Empty
def apply[A](as: A*): StreamC[A] =
if (as.isEmpty)
empty else
cons(as.head, apply(as.tail: _*))
In the StreamC
data type, we
define two smart constructors to create new streams. By
convention, these are functions defined in the companion object with the
same names as the corresponding type constructors except they begin with
a lowercase letter. They construct a data type object, ensuring that the
needed integrity invariants are established. In the StreamC
type, these take care of the
routine work of creating the thunks, caching the values, and enabling
transparent use of the parameters.
Smart constructor function cons
takes the head and tail of the new StreamC
as by-name parameters, equates
these to lazy variables to cache their values, and then creates a Cons
cell. The h
and t
fields of the Cons
are explicitly defined thunks
wrapping the head and the tail of the stream, respectively.
The evaluation of the thunk h
of a Cons
cell returns the value
of the lazy variable head
in the
cell’s closure. If this is the first access to head
, then the access causes the
corresponding by-name argument hd
to be evaluated and cached in head
. Subsequent evaluations of h
get the cached value.
The evaluation of the thunk t
of a Cons
cell causes similar
effects on the lazy variable tail
and the corresponding by-name argument tl
. However, the value of this argument
is itself a StreamC
, which may
include lazily evaluated fields.
Smart constructor function empty
just creates an Empty
We define both smart constructors to have return type StreamC[A]
In addition to establishing the needed invariants, the use of the smart
constructors helps Scala’s type inference mechanism infer the StreamC
type (which is what we usually
want) instead of the subtypes associated with the case class/object
constructors (which is what often will be inferred in Scala’s
object-oriented type system).
Convenience function apply
takes a sequence of zero or more arguments and creates the corresponding
If a function examines or traverses a StreamC
, it must explicitly force
evaluation of the thunks. In general, we should encapsulate such
accesses within functions defined as a part of the StreamC
implementation. (That is, we
should practice information hiding, hide this design detail as
a secret of the StreamC
implementation as we discuss in the notes on abstract data types [10].)
An example of this is function headOption
that optionally extracts the
head of the stream.
def headOption: Option[A] = this match {
case Empty => None
case Cons(h,t) => Some(h()) // force thunk
It explicitly forces evaluation of the thunk and thus enables code that called it to work with the values.
This technique for caching the value of the by-name argument is an example of memoizing the function. In general, memoization is an implementation technique in which a function stores the return value computed for certain arguments. Instead of recomputing the value on a subsequent call, the function just returns the cached value. This technique uses memory space to (potentially) save computation time later.
Now let’s define a few functions that help us manipulate streams. We
implement these as methods on the StreamC
First, let’s define a function toList
that takes a StreamC
(as its implicit argument) and
constructs the corresponding Scala List
. A standard
backward recursive method can be defined as follows:
def toListRecursive: List[A] = this match {
case Cons(h,t) => h() :: t().toListRecursive // force thunks
case _ => List()
Of course, this method may suffer from stack overflow for long streams. We can remedy this by using a tail recursive auxiliary function that uses an accumulator to build up the list in reverse order and then reverses the constructed list.
def toList: List[A] = {
@annotationdef go(s: StreamC[A], acc: List[A]): List[A] = s match {
case Cons(h,t) => go(t(), h() :: acc) // force thunks
case _ => acc
go(this, List()).reverse
To avoid the reverse
, we could
instead build up the list in a mutable ListBuffer
a loop and then, when finished, convert the buffer to an immutable List
. We
preserve the purity of the toList
function by encapsulating use of
the mutable buffer inside the function.
def toListFast: List[A] = {
val buf = new collection.mutable.ListBuffer[A]
@annotationdef go(s: StreamC[A]): List[A] = s match {
case Cons(h,t) =>
+= h() // force head thunk, add to end of buffer
buf go(t()) // force tail thunk, process recursively
case _ => buf.toList // convert buffer to immutable list
Next, let’s define function take
to return the first n
elements from a StreamC
and function drop
to skip the first n
We can define method take
a standard backward recursive form that matches on the structure of the
implicit argument. However, we must be careful not to evaluate either
the head or the tail thunks unnecessarily (e.g., by treating the n == 1
and n == 0
cases specially).
def take(n: Int): StreamC[A] = this match {
case Cons(h, t) if n > 1 => cons(h(), t().take(n - 1))
case Cons(h, _) if n == 1 => cons(h(), empty)
case _ => empty // stream empty or n < 1
Function take
does its work
incrementally. The recursive leg of the definition (i.e., the
first leg) returns a Cons
with the recursive call to take
embedded in the lazily evaluated tail field. It will only be evaluated
if its value is required.
We can define method drop
recursively calling drop
on the
forced tail. This yields the following tail recursive function.
@annotationfinal def drop(n: Int): StreamC[A] = this match {
case Cons(_, t) if n > 0 => t().drop(n - 1)
case _ => this
Unlike take
, drop
is not incremental. The recursive
call is not lazily evaluated.
Finally, let’s also define method takeWhile
to return all starting
elements of the StreamC
satisfy the given predicate.
def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean): StreamC[A] = this match {
case Cons(h,t) if p(h()) => cons(h(), t() takeWhile p)
case _ => empty
In the first case, we apply method takeWhile
as an infix operator.
One of the fundamental design concepts in software engineering and programming is separation of concerns. A concern is some set of information that affects the design and implementation of a software system [18]. We identify the key concerns in a software design and try to keep them separate and independent from each other. The goal is to implement the parts independently and then combine the parts to form a complete solution.
We apply separation of concerns in modular programming and abstract data types as information hiding [10,13,16]. We hide the secrets of how a module is implemented (e.g., what algorithms and data structures are used, what specific operating system or hardware devices are used, etc.) from the external users of the module or data type. We encapsulate the secrets behind an abstract interface [1,10].
We also apply separation of concerns in software architecture for computing applications. For example, we try to keep an application’s business logic (i.e., specific knowledge about the application area) separate from its user interface such as described by the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural design pattern [17] commonly used in Web applications.
In functional programming, we also apply separation of concerns by seeking to keep the description of computations separate from their evaluation (execution). Examples include:
first-class functions that express computations in their bodies but which must be supplied arguments before they execute
use of Option
or Either
to express that an error has
occurred but deferring the handling of the error to other parts of the
use of StreamC
operators to
assemble a computation that generates a sequence without actually
running the computation until later when its result in needed
In general, lazy evaluation enables us to separate the description of an expression from the evaluation of the expression. It enables us to to describe a “larger” expression than we need and then to only evaluate the portion that we actually need. This offers us the potential for greater code reuse.
Note: For a classic discussion of how higher-order and first-class functions and lazy evaluation promote software modularity and reuse, see the John Hughes paper “Why Functional Programming Matters” [12].
Consider a method exists
that checks whether an
element matching a Boolean function p
occurs in the stream. We can define
this using an explicit tail recursion as follows:
def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = this match {
case Cons(h,t) => p(h()) || t().exists(p)
case _ => false
Given that ||
is nonstrict
in its second argument, this function terminates and returns true
as soon as
it finds the first element that makes p
true. Because the stream holds the
tail in a lazy val
it is only evaluated when needed. So exists
does not evaluate the stream past
the first occurrence.
As with the List
data type
in Chapter 3, we can define a more general method foldRight
on StreamC
to represent the pattern of
computation exhibited by exists
def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = this match {
case Cons(h,t) => f(h(), t().foldRight(z)(f))
case _ => z
The notation => B
in the
second parameter of combining function f
takes its second argument by-name and,
hence, may not evaluate it in all circumstances. If f
does not evaluate its second argument,
then the recursion terminates. Thus the overall foldRight
computation can terminate
before it completes the complete traversal through the stream.
We can now redefine exists
use the more general function as follows:
def exists2(p: A => Boolean): Boolean =
foldRight(false)((a, b) => p(a) || b)
Here parameter b
represents the
unevaluated recursive step that folds the tail of the stream. If p(a)
returns true
, then b
is not evaluated and the computation
terminates early.
Caveat: The second version of exists
illustrates how we can use a
general function to represent a variety of more specific computations.
But, for a large stream in which all elements evaluate to false
, this
version is not stack safe.
Because the foldRight
method on
can terminate its
traversal early, we can use it to implement exists
efficiently. Unfortunately, we
cannot implement the List
version of
efficiently in terms of the
version of foldRight
. We must
implement a specialized recursive version of exists
to get early termination.
Laziness thus enhances our ability to reuse code.
Now, let’s flesh out the StreamC
trait and implement the basic
, filter
, append
, and flatMap
methods using the general
function foldRight
, as
def map[B](f: A => B): StreamC[B] =
foldRight(empty[B])((h,t) => cons(f(h), t))
def filter(p: A => Boolean): StreamC[A] =
foldRight(empty[A])((h,t) => if (p(h)) cons(h, t) else t)
def append[B >: A](s: => StreamC[B]): StreamC[B] =
foldRight(s)((h,t) => cons(h,t))
def flatMap[B](f: A => StreamC[B]): StreamC[B] =
foldRight(empty[B])((h,t) => f(h) append t)
These implementations are incremental. They do not fully
generate all their answers. No computation takes place until some other
computation examines the elements of the output StreamC
and then only enough elements
are generated to give the requested result.
Because of their incremental nature, we can call these functions one after another without fully generating the intermediate results.
We can now address the problem raised in the Introduction section of these notes. There we asked the question of how can we compute the result of the expression
List(10,20,30,40,50).map(_/10).filter(_%2 == 1).map(_*100)
without producing two unneeded intermediate lists.
The StreamC
StreamC(10,20,30,40,50).map(_/10).filter(_%2 == 1).
generates the result:
List(100, 300, 500)
which is the same as the List
The expression looks the same except that we create a StreamC
initially instead of a List
and we call
to force evaluation of
stream at the end.
When executed, the lazy evaluation interleaves two map
, the filter
, and the toList
transformations. The computation
does not fully instantiate any intermediate streams. It is a similar
interleaving to what we did in the special purpose function mfm
in the introduction.
(For a more detailed discussion of this interleaving, see Listing 5.3 in the first edition of thr Functional Programming in Scala book [2].)
Because stream computations do not generate intermediate streams in
full, we are free to use stream operations in ways that might seem
counterintuitive at first. For example, we can use filter
(which seems to process the
entire stream) to implement find
a function to return the first occurrence of an element in a stream that
satisfies a given predicate, as follows:
def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = filter(p).headOption
The incremental nature of these computations can sometimes save memory. The computation may only need a small amount of working memory; the garbage collector can quickly recover working memory that the current step does not need.
Of course, some computations may require more intermediate elements and each element may itself require a large amount of memory, so not all computations are as well-behaved as the examples in this section.
Given that we have defined map
, and flatMap
, we can now use sequence
comprehensions on our StreamC
data. For example, the code fragment
val seq = for (x <- StreamC(1,2,3,4) if x > 2;
<- StreamC(1,2)) yield x
y println(seq.toList)
causes the following to print on the console:
List(3, 3, 4, 4)
Note: During compilation, some versions of the Scala compiler may
issue a deprecation warning that filter
is used instead of withFilter
. In a future release of
Scala, this substitution may no longer work. Because filter
is lazy for streams, we could
define f<ilter
as an
alias for withFilter
with the
def withFilter = filter _
However, filter
does generate a
new StreamC
where withFilter
normally does not generate a
new collection. Although this gets rid of the warning, it would be
better to implement a proper withFilter
Because the streams are incremental, the functions we have defined also work for infinite streams.
Consider the following definition for an infinite sequence of ones:
lazy val ones: StreamC[Int] = cons(1, ones)
Note: The book Functional Programming in Scala [2] does not add the
annotation, but that version gives a compilation error in some versions
of Scala. Adding lazy
seems to
fix the problem, but this issue should be investigated further.
Although ones
is infinite, the
functions only reference
the finite prefix of the stream needed to compute the needed result.
For example:
yields List(1,1,1,1,1)
yields List(3,3,3,3,3)
What about
We can generalize ones
to a
function as follows:
def constant[A](a: A): StreamC[A] = {
lazy val tail: StreamC[A] = Cons(() => a, () => tail)
An alternative would be just to make the body cons(a, constant(a))
But the above is more efficient because it is just one object
referencing itself.
We can also define an increasing StreamC
of all integers beginning with
as follows:
def from(n: Int): StreamC[Int] =
cons(n, from(n+1))
The (second-order) Fibonacci sequence begins with the elements 0 and
1; each subsequent element is the sum of the two previous elements. We
can define the Fibonacci sequence as a stream fibs
with the following definition:
val fibs = {
def go(f0: Int, f1: Int): StreamC[Int] =
cons(f0, go(f1, f0+f1))
go(0, 1)
A positive integer greater than 1 is prime if it is divisible only by itself and 1. The Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm works by removing multiples of numbers once they are identified as prime.
We begin the increasing stream of integers starting with 2, a prime number.
The head is 2, so we remove all the multiples of 2 from the stream.
The head of the tail is 3, so it is prime because it was not removed as a multiple of 2 and it is the smallest integer remaining.
Continue the process recursively on the tail.
We can define this calculation with the following StreamC
def sieve(ints: StreamC[Int]): StreamC[Int] =
.headOption match {
intscase None =>
sys"Should not occur: No head on infinite stream.")
case Some(x) =>
cons(x,sieve(ints drop 1 filter (_ % x > 0)))
val primes: StreamC[Int] = sieve(from(2))
We can then use primes
define a function isPrime
to test
whether an integer is prime.
def isPrime(c: Int): Boolean =
(primes filter (_ >= c) map (_ == c)).headOption getOrElse
sys"Should not occur: No head on infinite list.")
Now let’s consider unfold
, a
more general stream-building function. Function unfold
takes an initial state and a
function that produces both the next state and the next value in the
stream and builds the resulting stream. We can define it as follows:
def unfold[A, S](z: S)(f: S => Option[(A, S)]): StreamC[A] =
f(z) match {
case Some((h,s)) => cons(h, unfold(s)(f))
case None => empty
This function applies f
to the
current state z
to generate the
next state s
and the next element
of the stream. We use Option
so f
can signal when to terminate the StreamC
Function unfold
is an example
of a corecursive function.
A recursive function consumes data. The input of each successive call is “smaller” than the previous one. Eventually the recursion terminates when input size reaches the minimum.
A corecursive function produces data. Corecursive functions need not terminate as long as they remain productive. By productive, we mean that the function can continue to evaluate more of the result in a finite amount of time.
Where we seek to argue that recursive functions terminate, we seek to argue that corecursive functions are productive.
The unfold
function remains
productive as long as its argument function f
terminates. Function f
must terminate for the unfold
computation to reach its next
Some writers in the functional programming community use the term guarded recursion instead of corecursion and the term cotermination instead of productivity. See the Wikipedia articles on corecursion [14] and coinduction [15] for more information and links.
The function unfold
is very
general. For example, we can now define ones
, constant
, from
, and fibs
with unfold
val onesViaUnfold = unfold(1)(_ => Some((1,1)))
def constantViaUnfold[A](a: A) =
unfold(a)(_ => Some((a,a)))
def fromViaUnfold(n: Int) =
unfold(n)(n => Some((n,n+1)))
val fibsViaUnfold =
unfold((0,1)) { case (f0,f1) => Some((f0,(f1,f0+f1))) }
The big idea in this chapter is that we can exploit nonstrict functions to increase efficiency, increase code reuse, and improve the modularity in functional programs.
The Scala source code files for the functions in this chapter (5) are as follows:
In Spring 2016, I wrote this set of notes to accompany my lectures on Chapter 5 of the first edition of the book Functional Programming in Scala [2] (i.e., the Red Book). I constructed the notes around the ideas, general structure, and Scala examples from that chapter and its associated materials [3,4].
In 2018 and 2019, I updated the format of the document to be more
compatible with my evolving document structures. In 2019, I also renamed
the Stream
(used in the Red Book) to StreamC
to better avoid conflicts with the standard library type Stream
I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on the ELIFP textbook and other instructional materials. In January 2022, I began refining the ELIFP content and related documents such as this one. I am integrating separately developed materials better, reformatting the documents (e.g., using CSS), constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.
I maintain these notes as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the notes to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.
Big idea: Exploiting nonstrict function to increase efficiency, increase code reuse, and improve modularity
Concepts: Strict and nonstrict (lenient)
functions/parameters, termination, bottom, call-by-name, thunk, forcing,
call-by-need, lazy evaluation, lazy lists or streams,
data type, smart constructors, memoization, lazy
purity of functions, separation of concerns, information hiding, design
secret, abstract interface, business logic, Model-View-Controller (MVC)
design pattern, keeping program description separate from evaluation,
incremental computation, prime number, Sieve of Eratosthenes, recursive,
corecursive (guarded recursion), productivity (cotermination).