CookieJar Abstract Data Type

H. Conrad Cunningham

27 April 2022

Copyright (C) 2006,2010-2019, 2022, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
214 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-7396 (dept. office)

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CookieJar ADT

Problem Description

The CookieJar problem corresponds (more or less) to exercises 4 and 5 on page 33 of Dale and Walker [1]. The exercise is to define and implement an abstract data type (ADT) for cookie jars, with operations for manipulating the jar and its contents.

As defined in the Dale and Walker textbook, the CookieJar ADT has the following operations:

to create a new empty cookie jar
to add one cookie of type cookieType into the cookieJar
to remove one cookie of type cookieType from the cookieJar
to determine whether or not the cookieJar contains any cookie of type cookieType
to determine whether or not the cookieJar is empty

Note: In a concrete implementation for this ADT, we use names for types, operations (i.e., functions or procedures), and variables that are more idiomatic for the language than the above names.

Semantics Specification

TODO: Give reference/link to the Data Abstraction document.

Axiomatic semantics

In (more or less) the notation of Dale and Walker [1], we can specify an axiomatic semantics specification for the CookieJar ADT as follows.

    structure CookieJar (of CookieType)
            Create                      -> CookieJar
            IsEmpty(CookieJar)          -> Boolean
            PutIn(CookieJar,CookieType) -> CookieJar
            IsIn(CookieJar,CookieType)  -> Boolean
            Eat(CookieJar,CookieType)   -> CookieJar

        axioms for all Cookie1 and Cookie2 in CookieType, 
                       Jar in CookieJar, let

            IsEmpty(Create) = True

            IsEmpty(PutIn(Jar,Cookie1)) = False

            IsIn(Create,Cookie1) = False

            IsIn(PutIn(Jar,Cookie2),Cookie1) =
                IF Cookie1 = Cookie2 
                    THEN True
                    ELSE IsIn(Jar,Cookie1)
                END IF
            Eat(Create,Cookie1) = Error

            Eat(PutIn(Jar,Cookie2),Cookie1) =
                IF Cookie1 = Cookie2
                    THEN Jar
                    ELSE PutIn(Eat(Jar,Cookie1),Cookie2)
                END IF

    end CookieJar

Constructive semantics

The source code files for an implementation of this ADT give a constructive semantics for that implementation. We give these semantics specifications as plain text in program comments in the source code files. The following document summarizes this notation:

In the case of the CookieJar ADT, it is convenient to use a bag to describe the ADT’s semantics.


Immutable Scala CookieJar ADTs

We define the interface to a family of immutable CookJar ADTs using a Scala trait. The ADT operations use a method-chaining functional style.

We express the constructive semantics in source code comments using the plain-text specification notation described above. We use a bag to represent the abstract model for the ADT’s state, invariants to give the details of the data representation, and precondition and postcondition contracts to specify the behavior of the operations.

The trait is defined in the following Scala source file:

Given this trait, we define three different implementations of the ADT, each of which uses a different representation for CookieJar’s “bag”.

In addition, we give a simple Blackbox test script for the above implementations in the source file:

Mutable Scala CookieJar ADTs

We define the interface to a family of mutable CookJar ADTs using a Scala trait. The ADT operations use a traditional object-oriented style.

We express the constructive semantics in source code comments using the plain-text specification notation described above. We use a bag to represent the abstract model for the ADT’s state, invariants to give the details of the data representation, and precondition and postcondition contracts to specify the behavior of the operations.

The trait is defined in the following Scala source file:

We define five different implementations, each of which uses a different representation for CookieJar’s “bag”.

In addition, we give a simple Blackbox test script for the above implementations in the source file:


We designed a family of Python ADTs similar to the Scala mutable ADTs above.

Standard Mutable Python CookieJar ADTs

We define the interface to a family of mutable CookJar ADTs using a Python 3.7+ abstract class and optional type annotations. The ADT operations use a traditional object-oriented style.

We express the constructive semantics in source code comments using the plain-text specification notation described above. We use a bag to represent the abstract model for the ADT’s state, invariants to give the details of the data representation, and precondition and postcondition contracts to specify the behavior of the operations.

The abstract class for the “standard” mutable CookieJar ADT is defined in the following Python 3.7+ source file:

As above, we define two different implementations, each of which uses a different representation for CookieJar’s “bag”. These extend the abstract class and are implemented using the @dataclass decorator. They are also annotated with the optional types.

In addition, we give a simple Blackbox test script for the above implementations in the source file:

Extended Mutable Python CookieJar ADTs

We define the interface to a family of (an extended) mutable CookJar ADTs using a Python 3.7+ abstract class with optional type annotations. The ADT operations use a traditional object-oriented style.

We express the constructive semantics in source code comments using the plain-text specification notation described above. We use a bag to represent the abstract model for the ADT’s state, invariants to give the details of the data representation, and precondition and postcondition contracts to specify the behavior of the operations.

These ADTs extend the ADTs above by adding two other simple accessor methods. We use these in refining the semantics of other operations.

The abstract class for the “extended” mutable CookieJar ADT is defined in the following Python 3.7+ source file:

As with the “standard” ADTs, we define two different implementations, each of which uses a different representation for CookieJar’s “bag”. These extend the abstract class and are implemented using the @dataclass decorator. They are also annotated with the optional types.

In addition, we give a simple Blackbox test script for the above implementations in the source file:


The first implementation I did of this ADT was a simple object-oriented Ruby program in 2006. It implements a mutable ADT using a Ruby dynamic array as its representation.

Note: These old programs and solutions follow the Dale and Walker book more closely and may not use the same specification notation as the other solutions.


In my graduate Special Topics class on Ruby and Software Development (Engr 692) in Fall 2006, I assigned exercises 4 and 5 on page 33 of the Dale and Walker [1] to my students. In addition to the specification, they were to develop a simple implementation in Ruby. The Ruby implementation is my solution to that exercise.

I developed several solutions in other languages over the years when I have used the program as an example and/or an exercise.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on possible textbooks based on the course materials I had developed during my three decades as a faculty member. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating separately developed materials together, reformatting the documents, constructing a unified bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving my build workflow and use of Pandoc. I adapted this index page from a portion of my Spring 2019 CSci 555 course notes.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.


Nell Dale and Henry M. Walker. 1996. Abstract data types: Specifications, implementations, and applications. D. C. Heath, Lexington, Massachusetts, USA.