Creating a Stateless Session Bean

by jGuru

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This exercise implements an Inventory session bean, which can perform inventory operations via the MusicCD bean, with both beans operating in the middle-tier. Inventory-management operations are initiated by a distributed client, MusicInventoryClient.


Skeleton Code


  1. Design a wrapper class called MusicData, that can represent the persistent fields in MusicCD (namely upc, title, artist, type, price).

  2. Design an Inventory session bean that provides an addInventory() service. This argument should take an array of MusicData objects as an argument. Within the addInventory() method, this bean should establish a MusicCDHome reference and then loop through the data passed as an argument to addInventory(), creating MusicCD beans and setting their attributes.

  3. Compile all the classes that compose your bean.

  4. Package your session bean into a jar file, using the provided XML deployment descriptor.

Where help exists, the task numbers above are linked to the step-by-step help page.

Solution Source

The following files contain a complete implementation of the Inventory session bean:


There is no expected output for this exercise. The implementation of this session bean will be tested in a later exercise when this bean is deployed, and again in the final exercise where you will write a client that uses this bean.

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