This exercise implements a MusicCD entity bean, which represents data stored in a database describing an audio CD. The MusicCD bean will be used by subsequent exercises. PrerequisitesSkeleton Code
Design a MusicCD remote interface and a MusicCDHome home interface. The MusicCD bean must encapsulate the persistent fields upc, title, artist, type, and price, so the MusicCD remote interface should define accessors and mutators for these persistent fields. The MusicCDHome interface should define a findByPrimaryKey() method which accepts a String argument for the upc, and a create() method that accepts a upc.
Code the MusicCDBean entity bean implementation class. You need to provide implementations for all the methods defined in the remote interface, plus you need to implement all the methods defined in the EntityBean interface. You also need to provide an implementation of ejbCreate() with the same number and datatypes of arguments as you defined in the create() method of your home interface.
Compile all the classes that compose your bean.
Package your entity bean into a jar file, using the provided XML deployment descriptor. Where help exists, the task numbers above are linked to the step-by-step help page. Solution Source
The following files contain a complete implementation of the MusicCD entity bean: Demonstration
There is no expected output for this exercise. The implementation of this entity bean will be tested in a later exercise when this bean is deployed, and again in the final exercise where you will write a client that uses this bean. Next MagerciseExercisesShort CourseCopyright 1996-2000 All Rights Reserved. |