CSci 555-01: Functional Programming
Assignment #1, Spring 2019

H. Conrad Cunningham

1 February 2019

Assignment #1

Due Wednesday, 13 February, 11:59 p.m.

General Instructions

All homework and programming exercises must be prepared in accordance with the instructions given in the Syllabus. Each assignment must be submitted to your instructor by its stated deadline.

Citations: In accordance with expected scholarly and academic standards, if you reference outside textbooks, reference books, articles, websites, etc., or discuss an assignment with individuals inside or outside the class, you must document these by including appropriate citations or comments at prominent places in your submission such as in the header of the primary source file.

Identification: Put your name, course name, and assignment number as comments in each file you submit.

Assignment Description

  1. This is an individual assignment.

  2. When complete, submit your Scala source code files to the course Blackboard site for Assignment #1.

  3. Be sure to document your source code appropriately using program comments. Give attention to the general instructions given above and in the Syllabus.

    Consider documenting the source code with preconditions, postconditions, termination arguments, and time and space complexity.

  4. Do exercises 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, and 24 from the notes on Recursion Styles, Correctness, and Efficiency: [HTML] [PDF]

    Exercise 20 is optional for undergraduates.

  5. Test and documen


  1. Develop a backward recursive Scala function sumFromTo such that sumFromTo(m,n) computes the sum of the integers from m to n for n >= m.

  2. Develop a Scala function sumFromTo2 such that sumFromTo2(m,n) computes the sum of the integers from m to n n >= m. Use a tail recursive auxilliary function.

  3. Suppose we have Scala functions succ (successor) and pred (predecessor) defined as follows:

    Develop a recursive Scala function add such that add(m,n) computes m + n for two integers m and n. Function add cannot use addition or subtraction operators but can use unary negation, comparisons between integers, and the succ and pred functions defined above.



  6. Develop a recursive Scala function hailstone to implement the following function:

    hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == 11, if n=1n = 1
    hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == hailstone(n/2)hailstone(n/2), if n>1n > 1, even nn
    hailstone(n)hailstone(n) == hailstone(3*n+1)hailstone(3*n+1), if n>1n > 1, odd nn

    Note that an application of the hailstone function to the argument 3 would result in the following “sequence” of “calls” and would ultimately return the result 1.

    What is the domain of the hailstone function? How do we know the function terminates?

  7. Develop a Scala exponentiation function expt4 that is similar to expt3 but is tail recursive as well as logarithmic recursive.




  11. A date on the proleptic Gregorian calendar (see note below) can be represented in Scala by the definition

    with the following constraints on valid objects:

    Here days_in_month(year,month) represents the number of days in the the given month (i.e. 28, 29, 30, or 31) for the given year. Remember that the number of days in February varies between regular and leap years.

    For the items below, write your own Scala functions. Do not use a date library.

    1. Extend class PGdate{scala} to implement trait Ord as defined below (and in the Notes on Scala for Java Programmers):

      If needed, redefine the method equals.

      The interpretation of d1 < d2 is that d1 is an earlier date than d2.

    2. Redefine method toString appropriately for PGDate.

    3. Develop a Scala function validPGDate(d) that takes a PGDate object d and returns true if and only if d satisfies the constraints given above.

      For example:

      • validPGDate(PGDate(2019,2,1)) == true
      • validPGDate(PGDate(2016,2,29)) == true
      • validPGDate(PGDate(2017,2,29)) == false
      • validPGDate(PGDate(0,0,0)) == false

      You may need to develop one or more other functions to implement the validPGDate function.

    4. For any PGDate beginning with (i.e. >=) PGDate(-4712,1,1), develop Scala functions:

      • daysBetween(d1,d2) that takes two valid PGDate objects d1 and d2 and returns the number of days between them. The difference value is positive if d1 < d2 and negative if d1 > d2.

      • addDays(d,days) takes a PGDate object d and an integer number of days and returns a valid PGDate object that is offset by that number of days. A positive offset results in a later date.

    Note: The Gregorian calendar [Wikipedia 2019] was introduced by Pope Gregory of the Roman Catholic Church in October 1582. It replaced the Julian calendar system, which had been instituted in the Roman Empire by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. The goal of the change was to align the calendar year with the astronomical year.

    Some countries adopted the Gregorian calendar at that time. Other countries adopted it later. Some countries may never have adopted it officially.

    However, the Gregorian calendar system became the common calendar used worldwide for most civil matters. The proleptic Gregorian calendar [Wikipedia 2019] extends the calendar backward in time from 1582. The year 1 BC becomes year 0, 2 BC becomes year -1, etc. The proleptic Gregorian calendar underlies the ISO 8601 standard used for dates and times in software systems [Wikipedia 2019].

    Arithmetic on calendar dates is often done by converting a date to the Julian Day Number (JDN), doing the arithmetic on those values, and then converting back to the calendar date [Wikipedia 2019].