CSci 450: Org. of Programming Languages
Fall Semester 1995
Homework Assignments

The following homework assignments were given for the fall semester 1995 offering of the class.

Assignment #1, Due Wednesday, 6 September, 1:00 p.m.

Do the following exercises and submit your responses to Professor Cunningham by the due date. It may be necessary for you to consult other books, journals, or magazines. (The Library is next door to our building!) The responses will be evaluated according to their technical content, clarity, insightfulness, quality of presentation, etc. Please use only one side of the paper and staple your papers together in the proper order.

Assignment #2, Due Wednesday, 13 September, 1:00 p.m.

Do the following exercises from Chapter 3, pages 130-31, of the Sebesta textbook.

Assignment #3, Due Wednesday, 20 September, 1:00 p.m.

Do problem 20 on page 131 of the Sebesta textbook.

Assignment #4, Due Wednesday, 27 September, 1:00 p.m.

Choose 3 of the problems from exercises 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on pages 18-19 of Chapter 1 of the Kamin textbook. Write programs using the Chapter 1 language.

NOTE: These should be implemented and executed on the actual Kamin interpreter.

Assignment #5, Due Monday, 30 October, 1:00 p.m.

From page 59-60 of Chapter 2 of the Kamin book (handout), do exercise 1 parts (a) and (b). Also select one of parts (c), (d), or (e).

NOTE: These should be implemented and executed on the actual Kamin interpreter for Lisp.

Assignment #6, Due Monday, 13 November, 1:00 p.m.

Note that the due date on this assignment has been moved from 8 November to 13 November.

Assignment #7, Due Wednesday, 6 December, 1:00 p.m.

Write and test a Prolog "program" for Exercise 1.3 on pages 20-21 of the Clocksin-Mellish Prolog book. (I gave a handout containing these pages.) You can enter a database of facts for father, mother, male, female, and parent. That is, enter facts like "father(harold,conrad)" to test your rules.

Use the B-Prolog interpreter on either DOS PCs or the FreeBSD systems Faser or Cy. (You may, of course, use any other Prolog system that you have available.)

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Last modified: 19 December 1995.