CSci 450: Org. of Programming Languages
Fall Semester 1995
Instructor's Bulletin Board

19 December 1995: Note

The 1995 fall semester is finished, but I will leave the software installed and the online materials in place.

If you have any questions please contact me (Prof. H.Conrad Cunningham).

Availability of Prolog Interpreters

B-Prolog Interpreter

The B-Prolog interpreter is available on systems faser and cy. The command /usr/local/bin/bprolog will start the interpreter.

The Unix and MSDOS distribution kits for BProlog are on the network at

ESL Prolog 2

The ESL Prolog2 interpreter is also available for the PC environment. The distribution kit can be obtained from

Availability of the Kamin Interpreters

By the "Kamin interpreters" I mean the simple interpreter programs discussed in Samuel N. Kamin's book Programming Languages: An Interpreter-Based Approach (Addison-Wesley, 1990). These interpreters are written in Pascal.

Source Code Archive

The source distribution for the Kamin interpreters is in directory pub/csci450/95fall/kamin_interpreters/distr on the Department's anonymous FTP site

The source programs for the Turbo Pascal versions of the Kamin Chapter 1 and Lisp interpreters are also on the FTP archive in directory pub/csci450/95fall/kamin_interpreters/turbo/. You should be able to download the source file, compile with the Turbo Pascal compiler, and then execute the interpreter.

I thank James LaGarde for installing source patches in the Chapter 1 and Lisp interpreter programs to allow them to work in Turbo Pascal.

Unix Implementation

On systems Faser and Cy I have "installed" executable programs chap1 and lisp, the Chapter 1 and Lisp interpreters, respectively, in directory ~hcc/csci450.

These were compiled using p2c and gcc, the GNU Pascal-to-C translator and C compiler, respectively. For example, the following sequence of commands were used to build the chapter 1 interpreter. The p2c library must be linked into the C program.

    p2c chap1.p
    gcc -O -o chap1 chap1.c -lp2c

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Last modified: 14 May 1997.