Engr 691-09: Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software Architecture
Spring Semester 1998
Miscellaneous Lecture Notes

  1. Introduction to Software Architecture (HTML)
  2. Architectural Mismatch (HTML)
  3. Pizza language tutorial ( @ Lucent Technologies )
    Other info: ( Pizza API documentation @ Ole Miss) (Java resource page @ Ole Miss)
  4. Discussion of Frameworks (references)
  5. Introduction to Patterns \(HTML)
  6. Pipes and Filters Architectural Pattern (HTML)
  7. Architectural Patterns (references)
  8. Case Study on the Field Environment (references)
  9. Design by Contract (references)
  10. Architectural Design Case Studies (references)
  11. Architectural Design Issues (references)

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Copyright © 1998, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 18 May 1998.