Engr 691: Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software Architecture
Spring Semester 1998

Assignment #2
Due Midnight, Tuesday, 3 March.

This is an assignment on generic programming that follows up on the in-class group exercise we did on Thursday, 12 February.

You may do this individually or in groups of two or three people. All members of a group are expected to contribute to the final product.

  1. Design and implement a Java (or Pizza) class DivConq that contains a method solve. Method solve must be a template method for a broad family of design-and-conquer algorithms. That is, it should implement the general recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm with abstract operations for the parts of the algorithm that vary among the specific cases. (I distributed a few pages on divide-and-conquer algorithms for the in-class exercise.)

    One approach would be to make DivConq an abstract class and solve a final method of that class. The solve method calls other methods of the class that are deferred. Then a specific algorithm can be implemented by extending class DivConq by implementing the deferred operations for the specific algorithm.

    Another approach might be to make DivConq a concrete class (perhaps final) and pass it (either as an argument to the constructor or to solve) an object that implements the needed abstract operations. (Use a Java interface to specify the operations.)

    If you use Pizza, you probably can make the abstract operations functions that are passed into either the DivConq constructor or the solve method.

    There might be other reasonable ways to approach this. A solution where you reimplement the general divide-and-conquer method solve for each specific case is not acceptable, however.

  2. Using the DivConq framework you developed above, design and implement an algorithm to do a binary search.

    Challenge: You might make the binary search itself quite generic. You could generalize it so that you can work with arrays of any type. Or you might consider a generalization where you can search the domain of function instead of an array.

  3. Implement at least one other divide and conquer algorithm with your package. Possible algorithms include mergesort, quicksort, matrix multiplication, exponentiation, selecting the kth smallest element, and the Fast Fourier Transform.

  4. Document and test your programs appropriately. When complete, submit a paper listing of your source code. Also submit a listing showing your testing of the package. I also ask that you to submit an electronic copy via email.

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Copyright © 1998, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 18 February 1998.