Engr 691-10: Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software Architecture
Spring Semester 2002

Assignment #1
Due Tuesday, 29 January 2002

Consider an ADT Map that maps strings to integers. Maps allow an existing mapping to be looked up. Maps are mutable; new pairs can be added to a map and existing pairs can be deleted.

Give a constructive specification for Map using an appropriate formalism. That is, give the sets, signatures, and constructive semantics for the ADT.

Define a Java interface for Map, documented in an appropriate manner.

Design and code two different Java classes that implement the interface and the corresponding ADT in distinctively different ways.

Construct an appropriate testing program for the classes to make sure the classes work properly. Test each class thoroughly.

Turn in a paper docuemnt with your designs and code. Also submit an electronic copy of your files.

Copyright © 2002, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Tue Oct 23 08:42:25 2001