ACM Transactions and Journals (small trim Size) - V2 (April 2012) ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following files are available in the archive: acmsmall.cls - This is V1.4 of the LaTeX2e class file for the 'acmsmall template/format' ACM-Reference-Format-Journals.bst - This is the bibliography style file for the New ACM Reference Format (March 2012) acmsmall-sample-bibfile.bib - This is the bibliography database file v2-acmsmall-guide.pdf - This is a PDF of the "author guidelines' for the acmlsmall template v2-acmsmall-sample.pdf - This is a PDF file showing what YOU should obtain when YOU compile the sample source .tex file v2-acmsmall-sample.tex - the revised (v2) source sample .tex file v2-acmsmall-sample.bbl - the bbl file as a result of 'BibTeX'ing acmsmall-mouse.eps - Graphics file used in sample acmsmall-mouse.pdf - a graphics file in PDF format, (compatible with pdflatex) algorithm2e.sty - Algorithm package used in sample url.sty - URL package used in formatting the references readme.txt - This file! Happy (La)TeXing!!! Aptara/Gerry Murray - April 2012