Assignment #1: Six-Word Essays
Due Date: Monday, 28 August, 2:00 p.m.

This assignment is to write two six-word essays: a six-word memoir and a six-word essay on a computing science or technology topic.

A six-word memoir is a form of ultra-short writing started by SMITH Magazine, an online storytelling magazine. The concept is based on a legend about the novelist Ernest Hemingway. According to the legend, Hemingway was once challenged to write a short story in only six words. His six-word story read: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

To prepare for this assignment, you may want to study the six-word essay on the lecture notes page.

Task one is to write your life story in EXACTLY six words. With only six words, you may want to use only nouns and verbs. The essay does not need to be a complete sentence. You are to write a sequence of words that describe you, focusing around one main idea. Use powerful words, because you have only six.

Task two is to write a similar six-word essay focusing on some aspect of the field of computing.

Although you may consult examples written by others, the submitted six-word essays must be your own work.

Come to class on the due date ready to share your essays with your fellow students. Submit your essays for this class on the Blackboard system and give your instructor a hardcopy.