Engr 694-60: Research Methods in Computer Science
Spring 2016

Assignment #2: Interview
Due Date: Tuesday, 16 February 2016, 11:59 p.m.

Your instructor will assign you a computer scientist to interview. You will interview this individual and write a 300-500 word paper that profiles the individual, his or her professional (e.g., research and teaching) interests, background, future plans, etc. You are free to write about anything of (professional) interest you discover about the individual.

To prepare for the interview, you may want to study the interviewing resources on the lecture notes page.

Your paper should focus on the idea that you want the reader to remember. You should introduce the idea at the beginning, reinforce it throughout the body, and then restate it at the end. Your paper should tell an interesting story--not merely to give a biography of the individual or report on the questions you asked and the responses the individual gave.

Your paper must be your own work prepared according to the normal expectations for scholarly writing. Include appropriate citations and a bibliography for any sources that you use in preparation of your critique. You my include quotations if needed.

Format your paper using either LaTeX or a word processor that produces a document that is compatible with Microsoft Word.

Submit both the source files and a PDF of your paper electronically via Blackboard by the due date.

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Copyright © 2016, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Sun Feb 7 16:26:32 CST 2016