Engr 694-60: Research Methods in Computer Science
Spring 2014

Assignment #6: Annotated Bibliography
Due Date: Tuesday, 15 April 2014 at 11:59 P.M.

For this assignment, you are required to produce an annotated bibliography by completing the following tasks:

Here is an example of a reference together with its short annotation:

[1] L. Lamport, LATEX: A Document Preparation System. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1986.

LATEX is a document preparation system widely used in mathematics and computer science.  It was implemented by Lamport on top of Donald Knuth's TEX.  This book is the original reference manual. It has largely been superseded, but it does provide a fascinating peek into the past.

Acknowledgement: This assignment is adapted from Andrew Black's Project 1 for his Scholarly Skills course at Portland State University.

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Copyright © 2014, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Sun May 18 16:14:06 CDT 2014