Engr 694-60: Research Methods in Computer Science
Spring 2014

Assignment #3: Critique
Revised Due Date: Tuesday, 4 March 2014, 11:59 p.m.

For this assignment, select a scholarly computer science paper written in English, study it carefully, and write a 300-500 word critique of the paper. (You will likely need to read the paper several times.) See the information about writing critiques on the lecture notes page.

Choose a paper of reasonable length published in a reputable computer science journal or refereed conference proceedings (or post-proceedings) in 2009 or later. The journals, transactions, and conference proceedings published by ACM and IEEE are good sources for papers. But you may choose other reputable publishers of scholarly papers with significant computer science content. (If you wish to critique an older paper or a paper from a different source, please ask your instructor.)

Do not choose a paper for which you, any faculty member in the Department, or any member of your research group is an author.

The audience for your critique consists of the graduate students and faculty of the Department of Computer and Information Science.

Your paper must be your own work. Include appropriate citations and a bibliography for any sources that you use in preparation of your critique. You my include quotations if needed.

Format your paper using either LaTeX or a word processor that produces a document that is compatible with Microsoft Word.

Submit both the source files and a PDF of your paper electronically via Blackboard by the due date. Turn in a paper copy of the paper to Dr. Cunningham in class or in his mailbox. (This can be done at the next class after the due date.)

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Copyright © 2014, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Sun May 18 17:04:37 CDT 2014