Engr 691-13: Special Topics on Analysis of Algorithms
Jackson Computer Engineering & Telecommunications Program
Spring Semester 1997


Time: Thursday, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Place: University of Mississippi Dental School, Room D-113
Instructor: H. Conrad Cunningham, D.Sc.
Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science
Office: 312 Weir Hall (Oxford campus)
Voice telephone: (601) 232-5358 (with voice mail)
Fax telephone: (601) 232-5623
Email: cunningham@cs.olemiss.edu
WWW home page: http://www.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/
Class home page: http://www.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/jegp/engr691alg/
Postal address: Department of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
302 Weir Hall
University, MS 38677

School of Engineering Honor Code Statement

The Honor Code shall apply to all students, both undergraduate and graduate, registered in and/or seeking degrees through the School of Engineering. The Honor Code shall be understood to apply to all academic areas of the School such as examinations, quizzes, laboratory reports, themes, computer programs, homework, and other possible assignments. Only that work explicitly identified by the class instructor not to be under the Honor Code is excluded. The intent of the Honor Code is to recognize professional conduct and, thus, it shall be deemed a violation of the Honor Code to knowingly deceive, copy, paraphrase, or otherwise misrepresent your work in a manner inconsistent with professional conduct.

Course Summary

This course focuses on fundamental techniques for the design and analysis of correct and efficient algorithms. After reviewing the applicable mathematics and introducing the basic concepts, the course presents several design techniques. First a technique is introduced in its full generality, then it is illustrated by concrete examples drawn from several different application areas. Attention is given to the integration of the design of an algorithm with the analysis of its efficiency and correctness. The course also introduces the concepts of computational complexity.


The goal of this course is to give students the basic tools needed to develop their own algorithms.


The prerequisites are completion of ENGR 501 (Fundamentals of Computer Science) and ENGR 502 (Software Systems) and familiarity with discrete mathematics. Students who have completed appropriate undergraduate studies in higher-level language programming, data structures, and mathematics may be admitted with the consent of the instructor.

Source Materials

Gilles Brassard and Paul Bratley.
Fundamentals of Algorithmics, Prentice Hall, 1996.
ISBN: 0-13-335068-1.
Various journal and conference articles, research reports, etc., as appropriate.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to algorithmics
  2. Review of applicable mathematics
  3. Elementary algorithmics and asymptotic notation
  4. Analysis of algorithms
  5. Algorithm correctness
  6. Review of data structures
  7. Greedy algorithms
  8. Divide-and-conquer algorithms
  9. Dynamic programming algorithms
  10. Graph algorithms
  11. Parallel algorithms
  12. Computational complexity


The grading scale is A [90..100], B [80..0), C [70..0), D [60..0), and F [0..60).

Three-fourths of the semester grade will come from the homework assignments and quizzes and one-fourth from the final examination.

Assignments and Quizzes


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Copyright © 1997, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 15 January 1997.