Engr 664: Concurrent Programming
Spring Semester 1996
Instructor's Bulletin Board

PCN Documents

Note: Students please do not print these documents on the Department's laserprinters; contact me for a copy.

PCN Manual

I put the gzip-compressed Postscript version of the manual Parallel Programming with PCN on the Department's FTP site ftp://ftp.cs.olemiss.edu/pub/engr664/ in file pcn_prog_v2.0.ps.gz.

Lecture Notes

My lectures notes for this class are available as Technical Report UMCIS-1993-04, Notes on Concurrent Programming with PCN. This document is available from the Department's technical report archive (ftp://ftp.cs.olemiss.edu/pub/tech-reports/) in Postscript format.

UP to ENGR 664 root document?

Copyright © 1996, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 5 June 1996.