Exploring Languages
with Interpreters
and Functional Programming
Chapter 17

H. Conrad Cunningham

04 April 2022

Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
214 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-7396 (dept. office)

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17 Higher Order Function Examples

17.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapters 15 and 16 introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and their implications for Haskell programming.

The goals of this chapter (17) are to:

17.2 List-Breaking Operations

In Chapter 13, we looked at the list-breaking functions take and drop. The Prelude also includes several higher-order list-breaking functions that take two arguments, a predicate that determines where the list is to be broken and the list to be broken.

Here we look at Prelude functions takeWhile and dropWhile. As you would expect, function takeWhile “takes” elements from the beginning of the list “while” the elements satisfy the predicate and dropWhile “drops” elements from the beginning of the list “while” the elements satisfy the predicate. The Prelude definitions are similar to the following:

    takeWhile':: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- takeWhile in Prelude
    takeWhile'  p []  = [] 
    takeWhile'  p (x:xs) 
        | p x        = x : takeWhile' p xs 
        | otherwise  = [] 

    dropWhile' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- dropWhile in Prelude
    dropWhile'  p []  = [] 
    dropWhile'  p xs@(x:xs') 
        | p x        = dropWhile' p xs' 
        | otherwise  = xs

Note the use of the pattern xs@(x:xs’) in dropWhile'. This pattern matches a non-nil list with x and xs’ binding to the head and tail, respectively, as usual. Variable xs binds to the entire list.

As an example, suppose we want to remove the leading blanks from a string. We can do that with the expression:

    dropWhile ((==) ' ')

As with take and drop, the above functions can also be related by a “law”. For all finite lists xs and predicates p on the same type:

    takeWhile p xs ++ dropWhile p xs = xs

Prelude function span combines the functionality of takeWhile and dropWhile into one function. It takes a predicate p and a list xs and returns a tuple where the first element is the longest prefix (possibly empty) of xs that satisfies p and the second element is the remainder of the list.

    span' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) -- span in Prelude
    span' _ xs@[]      =  (xs, xs)
    span' p xs@(x:xs')
        | p x          =  let (ys,zs) = span' p xs' in (x:ys,zs)
        | otherwise    =  ([],xs)

Thus the following “law” holds for all finite lists xs and predicates p on same type:

    span p xs == (takeWhile p xs, dropWhile p xs)

The Prelude also includes the function break, defined as follows:

    break' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) -- break in Prelude
    break' p =  span (not . p)

17.3 List-Combining operations

In Chapter 14, we also looked at the function zip, which takes two lists and returns a list of pairs of the corresponding elements. Function zip applies an operation, in this case tuple-construction, to the corresponding elements of two lists.

We can generalize this pattern of computation with the function zipWith in which the operation is an argument to the function.

    zipWith' :: (a->b->c) -> [a]->[b]->[c] -- zipWith in Prelude
    zipWith' z  (x:xs)  (y:ys) = z x y : zipWith' z xs ys 
    zipWith' _  _     _        = []

Using a lambda expression to state the tuple-forming operation, the Prelude defines zip in terms of zipWith:

    zip'' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]  -- zip
    zip'' = zipWith' (\x y -> (x,y)) 

Or it can be written more simply as:

    zip''' :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]  -- zip
    zip''' = zipWith' (,) 

The zipWith function also enables us to define operations such as the scalar product of two vectors in a concise way.

    sp :: Num a => [a] -> [a] -> a 
    sp xs ys = sum' (zipWith' (*) xs ys) 

The Prelude includes zipWith3 for triples. Library Data.List has versions of zipWith that take up to seven input lists: zipWith3 \cdots zipWith7.

17.4 Rational Arithmetic Revisited

Remember the rational number arithmetic package developed in Chapter 7. In that package’s Rational module, we defined a function eqRat to compare two rational numbers for equality using the appropriate set of integer comparisons.

    eqRat :: Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    eqRat x y = (numer x) * (denom y) == (numer y) * (denom x)

We could have implemented the other comparison operations similarly.

Because the comparison operations are similar, they are good candidates for us to use a higher-order function. We can abstract out the common pattern of comparisons into a function that takes the corresponding integer comparison as an argument.

To compare two rational numbers, we can express their values in terms of a common denominator (e.g., denom x * denom y) and then compare the numerators using the integer comparisons. We can thus abstract the comparison into a higher-order function compareRat that takes an appropriate integer relational operator and the two rational numbers.

    compareRat :: (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    compareRat r x y = r (numer x * denom y) (denom x * numer y) 

Then we can define the rational number comparisons in terms of compareRat. (Note that we redefine function eqRat from the package Chapter 7.)

    eqRat,neqRat,ltRat,leqRat,gtRat,geqRat :: Rat -> Rat -> Bool 
    eqRat   = compareRat (==) 
    neqRat  = compareRat (/=) 
    ltRat   = compareRat (<)
    leqRat  = compareRat (<=) 
    gtRat   = compareRat (>)
    geqRat  = compareRat (>=) 

The Haskell module for the revised rational arithmetic module is in RationalHO.hs. The module TestRationalHO.hs is an extended version of the standard test script from Chapter 12 that tests the standard features of the rational arithmetic module plus eqRat, neqRat, and ltRat. (It does not currently test leqRat, gtRat, or geqRat.)

17.5 Mergesort

We defined the insertion sort in Chapter 14. It has an average-case time complexity of O(n^2) where n is the length of the input list.

We now consider a more efficient function to sort the elements of a list into ascending order: mergesort. Mergesort works as follows:

We define function msort to be a polymorphic, higher-order function that has two parameters. The first (less) is the comparison operator and the second (xs) is the list to be sorted. Function less must be defined for every element that appears in the list to be sorted.

    msort :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
    msort _    []         = []
    msort _    [x]        = [x]
    msort less xs = merge less (msort less ls) (msort less rs)
        where n       = (length xs) `div` 2 
              (ls,rs) = splitAt n xs
              merge _ [] ys     = ys
              merge _ xs []     = xs
              merge less ls@(x:xs) rs@(y:ys) 
                  | less x y  = x : (merge less xs rs)
                  | otherwise = y : (merge less ls ys)

By nesting the definition of merge, we enabled it to directly access the the parameters of msort. In particular, we did not need to pass the comparison function to merge.

Assuming that less evaluates in constant time, the time complexity of msort is O(n * log2 n), where n is the length of the input list and log2 is a function that computes the logarithm with base 2.

So the total cost is O(n * log2 n). The cost is independent of distribution of elements in the original list.

We can apply msort as follows:

    msort (<) [5, 7, 1, 3]

Function msort is defined in curried form with the comparison function first. This enables us to conveniently specialize msort with a specific comparison function. For example,

    descendSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
    descendSort = msort (\ x y -> x > y)    -- or (>)

17.6 Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms

The mergesort (msort) function in Section 17.5 uses the divide-and-conquer strategy to solve the sorting problem. In this section, we exmine that strategy in more detail.

17.6.1 General strategy

For some problem P, the general strategy for divide-and-conquer algorithms has the following steps:

  1. Decompose the problem P into subproblems, each like P but with a smaller input argument.

  2. Solve each subproblem, either directly or by recursively applying the strategy.

  3. Assemble the solution to P by combining the solutions to its subproblems.

The advantages of divide-and-conquer algorithms are that they:

  • can lead to efficient solutions.

  • allow use of a “horizontal” parallelism. Similar problems can be solved simultaneously.

We examined the meregesort algorithm in Section 17.5. Other well-known divide-and-conquer algorithms include quicksort, binary search, and multiplication [3:6.4]. In these algorithms, the divide-and-conquer strategy leads to more efficient algorithms.

For example, consider searching for a value in a list. A simple sequential search has a time complexity of O(n), where nn denotes the length of the list. Application of the divide-and-conquer strategy leads to binary search, a more efficient O(log2 n) algorithm.

17.6.2 As higher-order function

As a general pattern of computation, the divide and conquer strategy can be expressed as the following higher-order function:

    divideAndConquer :: (a -> Bool)          -- trivial
                          -> (a -> b)        -- simplySolve
                          -> (a -> [a])      -- decompose
                          -> (a -> [b] -> b) -- combineSolutions
                          -> a               -- problem
                          -> b

    divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose 
                             combineSolutions problem
        = solve problem
          where solve p 
              | trivial p = simplySolve p
              | otherwise = combineSolutions p 
                                (map solve (decompose p)) 

If the problem is trivially simple (i.e., trivial p holds), then it can be solved directly using simplySolve.

If the problem is not trivially simple, then it is decomposed using the decompose function. Each subproblem is then solved separately using map solve. The function combineSolutions then assembles the subproblem solutions into a solution for the overall problem.

Sometimes combineSolutions may require the original problem description to put the solutions back together properly. Hence, the parameter p in the function definition.

Note that the solution of each subproblem is completely independent from the solution of all the others.

If all the subproblem solutions are needed by combineSolutions, then the language implementation could potentially solve the subproblems simultaneously. The implementation could take advantage of the availability of multiple processors and actually evaluate the expressions in parallel. This is “horizontal” parallelism as described above.

If combineSolutions does not require all the subproblem solutions, then the subproblems cannot be safely solved in parallel. If they were, the result of combineSolutions might be nondeterministic, that is, the result could be dependent upon the relative order in which the subproblem results are completed.

Now let’s use the function divideAndConquer to define a few functions.

17.6.3 Generating Fibonacci sequence

First, let’s define a Fibonacci function. Consider the following definition (adapted from Kelly [9:77–78]). This function is inefficient, so it is given here primarily to illustrate the technique.

    fib :: Int -> Int
    fib n = divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose 
                             combineSolutions problem
            where trivial 0                = True
                  trivial 1                = True
                  trivial (m+2)            = False
                  simplySolve 0            = 0
                  simplySolve 1            = 1
                  decompose m              = [m-1,m-2]
                  combineSolutions _ [x,y] = x + y

17.6.4 Folding a list

Next, let’s consider a folding function (similar to foldr and foldl) that uses the function divideAndConquer. Consider the following definition (also adapted from Kelly [9:79–80]).

    fold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
    fold op i = 
        divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose 
        where trivial xs               = length xs <= 1
              simplySolve []          = i
              simplySolve [x]         = x
              decompose xs            = [take m xs, drop m xs]
                                        where m = length xs / 2
              combineSolutions _ [x,y] = op x y

This function divides the input list into two almost equal parts, folds each part separately, and then applies the operation to the two partial results to get the combined result.

The fold function depends upon the operation op being associative. That is, the result must not be affected by the order in which the operation is applied to adjacent elements of the input list.

In foldr and foldl, the operations are not required to be associative. Thus the result might depend upon the right-to-left operation order in foldr or left-to-right order in foldl.

Function fold is thus a bit less general. However, since the operation is associative and combineSolutions is strict in all elements of its second argument, the operations on pairs of elements from the list can be safely done in parallel,

Another divide-and-conquer definition of a folding function is the function fold' shown below. It is an optimized version of fold above.

    fold' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
    fold' op i xs = foldt (length xs) xs
                    where foldt _ []  =   i
                          foldt _ [x] =   x
                          foldt n ys  = op (foldt m (take m ys))
                                           (foldt m' (drop m ys))
                                        where  m  = n / 2
                                               m' = n - m

17.6.5 Finding minimum and maximum of a list

Now, consider the problem of finding both the minimum and the maximum values in a nonempty list and returning them as a pair.

First let’s look at a definition that uses the left-folding operator.

    sMinMax :: Ord a => [a] -> (a,a)
    sMinMax (x:xs) = foldl' newmm (x,x) xs
                     where newmm (y,z) u = (min y u, max z u)

Let’s assume that the comparisons of the elements are expensive and base our time measure on the number of comparisons. Let nn denote the length of the list argument and time be a time function

A singleton list requires no comparisons. Each additional element adds two comparisons (one min and one max).

    time n | n == 1 = 0
           | n >= 2 = time (n-1) + 2

Thus time n == 2 * n - 2.

Now let’s look at a divide-and-conquer solution.

    minMax :: Ord a => [a] -> (a,a)
    minMax [x]   = (x,x)
    minMax [x,y] = if x < y then (x,y) else (y,x)
    minMax xs    = (min a c, max b d)
                    where m     = length xs / 2
                          (a,b) = minMax (take m xs)
                          (c,d) = minMax (drop m xs)

Again let’s count the number of comparisons for a list of length n.

    time n | n == 1 = 0
           | n == 2 = 1
           | n > 2  = time (floor (n/2)) + time (ceiling (n/2)) + 2

For convenience suppose n = 2^k for some k >= 1.

    time n = 2 * time (n/2) + 2
           = 2 * (2 * time (n/4) + 2) + 2
           = 4 * time (n/4) + 4 + 2
           = ...
           = 2^(k-1) * time 2 + sum [ 2^i | i <- [1..(k-1)] ]
           = 2^(k-1) + 2 * sum [ 2^i | i <- [1..(k-1)] ] 
                     -     sum [ 2^i | i <- [1..(k-1)] ]
           = 2^(k-1) + 2^k - 2
           = 3 * 2^(k-1) - 2
           = 3 * (n/2) - 2

Thus the divide and conquer version takes 25 percent fewer comparisons than the left-folding version.

So, if element comparisons are the expensive in relation to to the take, drop, and length list operations, then the divide-and-conquer version is better. However, if that is not the case, then the left-folding version is probably better.

Of course, we can also express minMax in terms of the function divideAndConquer.

    minMax' :: Ord a => [a] -> (a,a)
    minMax' = divideAndConquer trivial simplySolve decompose
              where n                 = length xs
                    m                 = n/2
                    trivial xs        = n <= 2
                    simplySolve [x]   = (x,x)
                    simplySolve [x,y] = 
                        if x < y then (x,y) else (y,x)
                    decompose xs = 
                        [take m xs, drop m xs]
                    combineSolutions _ [(a,b),(c,d)] = 
                        (min a c, max b d)

17.7 What Next?

Chapters 15, 16, and 17 (this chapter) examined higher-order list programming concepts and features.

Chapter 18 examines list comprehensions, an alternative syntax for higher-order list processing that is likely comfortable for programmers coming from an imperative programming background.

17.8 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for list-breaking, list-combining, and mergesort functions is in file HigherOrderExamples.hs.

The Haskell module for the revised rational arithmetic module is in RationalHO.hs. The module TestRationalHO.hs is an extended version of the standard test script from Chapter 12.

TODO: Reconstruct source code for divide-and-conquer functions and place links here and in text above. May also want to break out mergesort into a separate module.

17.9 Exercises

  1. Define a Haskell function

        removeFirst :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

    so that removeFirst p xs removes the first element of xs that has the property p.

  2. Define a Haskell function

        removeLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]

    so that removeLast p xs removes the last element of xs that has the property p.

    How could you define it using removeFirst?

  3. A list s is a prefix of a list t if there is some list u (perhaps nil) such that s ++ u == t. For example, the prefixes of string "abc" are "", "a", "ab", and "abc".

    A list s is a suffix of a list t if there is some list u (perhaps nil) such that u ++ s == t. For example, the suffixes of "abc" are "abc", "bc", "c", and "".

    A list s is a segment of a list t if there are some (perhaps nil) lists u and v such that u ++ s ++ v = t. For example, the segments of string "abc" consist of the prefixes and the suffixes plus "b".

    Define the following Haskell functions. You may use functions appearing early in the list to implement later ones.

    1. Define a function prefix such that prefix xs ys returns True if xs is a prefix of ys and returns False otherwise.

    2. Define a function suffixes such that suffixes xs returns the list of all suffixes of list xs. (Hint: Generate them in the order given in the example of "abc" above.)

    3. Define a function indexes such that indexes xs ys returns a list of all the positions at which list xs appears in list ys. Consider the first character of ys as being at position 0. For example, indexes "ab" "abaabbab" returns [1,4,7]. (Hint: Remember functions like map, filter, zip, and the functions you just defined.)

    4. Define a function sublist such that sublist xs ys returns True if list xs appears as a segment of list ys and returns False otherwise.

  4. Assume that the following Haskell type synonyms have been defined:

        type Word = String -- word, characters left-to-right
        type Line = [Word] -- line, words left-to-right
        type Page = [Line] -- page, lines top-to-bottom
        type Doc  = [Page] -- document, pages front-to-back

    Further assume that values of type Word do not contain any space characters. Implement the following Haskell text-handling functions:

    1. npages that takes a Doc and returns the number of Pages in the document.

    2. nlines that takes a Doc and returns the number of Lines in the document.

    3. nwords that takes a Doc and returns the number of Words in the document.

    4. nchars that takes a Doc and returns the number of Chars in the document (not including spaces of course).

    5. deblank that takes a Doc and returns the Doc with all blank lines removed. A blank line is a line that contains no words.

    6. linetext that takes a Line and returns the line as a String with the words appended together in left-to-right order separated by space characters and with a newline character '\n' appended to the right end of the line. (For example, linetext ["Robert", "Khayat"] yields "Robert Khayat\n".)

    7. pagetext that takes a Page and returns the page as a String—applies linetext to its component lines and appends the result in a top-to-bottom order.

    8. doctext that takes a Doc and returns the document as a String—applies pagetext to its component lines and appends the result in a top-to-bottom order.

    9. wordeq that takes a two Docs and returns True if the two documents are word equivalent and False otherwise. Two documents are word equivalent if they contain exactly the same words in exactly the same order regardless of page and line structure. For example, [[["Robert"],["Khayat"]]] is word equivalent to [[["Robert","Khayat"]]].

17.10 Wally World Marketplace POP Project

17.10.1 Problem description and initial design

Wally World Marketplace (WWM) is a “big box” store selling groceries, dry goods, hardware, electronics, etc. In this project, we develop part of a point-of-purchase (POP) system for WWM.

The barcode scanner at a WWM POP—i.e., checkout counter—generates a list of barcodes for the items in a customer’s shopping cart. For example, a cart with nine items might result in the list:

    [ 1848, 1620, 1492, 1620, 1773, 2525, 9595, 1945, 1066 ]

Note that there are two instances of the item with barcode 1620.

The primary goal of this project is to develop a Haskell module WWMPOP (in file WWMPOP.hs) that takes a list of barcodes corresponding to the items in a shopping cart and generates the corresponding printable receipt. The module consists of several functions that work together. We build these incrementally in a somewhat bottom-up manner.

Let’s consider how to model the various kinds of “objects” in our application. The basic objects include:

  • barcodes for products, which we represent as integers

  • prices of products, which we represent as integers denoting cents

  • names of products, which we represent as strings

We introduce the following Haskell type aliases for these basic objects above:

    type BarCode = Int 
    type Price   = Int
    type Name    = String

We associate barcodes with the product names and prices using a “database” represented as a list of tuples. We represent this price list database using the following type alias:

    type PriceList = [(BarCode,Name,Price)]

An example price list database is:

    database :: PriceList
    database = [ (1848, "Vanilla yogurt cups (4)",    188),
                 (1620, "Ground turkey (1 lb)",       316), 
                 (1492, "Corn flakes cereal",         299), 
                 (1773, "Black tea bags (100)",       307), 
                 (2525, "Athletic socks (6)",         825), 
                 (9595, "Claw hammer",                788), 
                 (1945, "32-in TV",                 13949), 
                 (1066, "Zero sugar cola (12)",       334),
                 (2018, "Haskell programming book",  4495)

To generate a receipt, we need to take a list of barcodes from a shopping cart and generate a list of prices associated with the items in the cart. From this list, we can generate the receipt.

We introduce the type aliases:

    type CartItems  = [BarCode]
    type CartPrices = [(Name,Price)]

We thus identify the need for a Haskell function

    priceCart :: PriceList -> CartItems -> CartPrices

that takes a database of product prices (i.e., a price list) and a list of barcodes of the items in a shopping cart and generates the list of item prices.

Of course, we must determine the relevant sales taxes due on the items and determine the total amount owed. We introduce the following type alias for the bill:

    type Bill = (CartPrices, Price, Price, Price)

The three Price items above are for Subtotal, Tax, and Total amounts associated with the purchase (printed on the bottom of the receipt).

We thus identify the need for a Haskell function

    makeBill :: CartPrices -> Bill 

that takes the list of item prices and constructs a Bill tuple. In carrying out this calculation, the function uses the following n constant:

    taxRate :: Double 
    taxRate = 0.07

Given a bill, we must be able to convert it to a printable receipt. Thus we introduce the Haskell function

    formatBill ::  Bill -> String 

that takes a bill tuple and generates the receipt. It uses the following named constant for the width of the line:

    lineWidth :: Int
    lineWidth = 34

Given the above functions, we can put the above functionality together with the Haskell function:

    makeReceipt :: PriceList -> CartItems -> String 

that does the end-to-end conversion of a list of barcodes to a printed receipt given an applicable price database, tax rate, and line width.

Given the example shopping cart items and price list database, we get the following receipt when printed.

         Wally World Marketplace

    Vanilla yogurt cups (4).......1.88
    Ground turkey (1 lb)..........3.16
    Toasted oat cereal............2.99
    Ground turkey (1 lb)..........3.16
    Black tea bags (100)..........3.07
    Athletic socks (6)............8.25 
    Claw hammer...................7.88 
    32-in. television...........139.49 
    Zero sugar cola (12)..........3.34

The above Haskell definitions are collected into the source file WWMPOP_skeleton.hs.

The exercises in Section 17.10.3 guide you to develop the above functions incrementally.

17.10.2 Prelude functions useful for project

In the exercises in Section 17.10.3, you may want to consider using some of the following:

  • numeric functions from the Prelude library such as such as:

    • div, integer division truncated toward negative infinity, and quot, integer division truncated toward 0

    • rem and mod satisfy the following for y /= 0

      (x `quot` y)*y + (x `rem` y) == x
      (x `div`  y)*y + (x `mod` y) == x
    • floor, ceiling, truncate, and round that convert real numbers to integers; truncate truncates toward 0 and round rounds away from 0

    • fromIntegral converts integers to Double (and from Integer to Int)

    • show converts numbers to strings

  • first-order list functions (Chapters 13 and 14 ) from the Prelude–such as head, tail, ++, -take, drop, length, -sum, and product

  • Prelude function replicate :: Int -> a -> [a] such that replicate n e returns a list of n copies of e

  • higher-order list functions (Chapters 15, 16, and 17) from the Prelude such as map, filter, foldr, foldl, and concatMap

  • list comprehensions (Chapter 18 )—not necessary for solution but may be convenient

17.10.3 POP project exercises

Note: Most of the exercises in this project can be programmed without direct recursions. Consider the Prelude functions listed in the previous subsection.

Also remember that the character code '\n' is the newline character; it denotes the end of a line in Haskell strings.

This project defines several type aliases and the constants lineWidth and taxRate that should be defined and used in the exercises. You should start with the template source file WWMPOP_skeleton.hs to develop your own WWMPOP.hs solution.

  1. Develop the Haskell function

        formatDollars :: Price -> String

    that takes a Price in cents and formats a string in dollars and cents. For example, formatDollars 1307 returns the string 13.07. (Note the 0 in 07.)

  2. Using formatDollars above, develop the Haskell function

        formatLine :: (Name, Price) -> String 

    that takes an item and formats a line of the receipt for that item. For example,

        formatLine ("Claw hammer",788)

    yields the string:

        "Claw hammer...................7.88\n"

    This string has length lineWidth not including the newline character. The space between the item’s name and cost is filled using '.' characters.

  3. Using the formatLine function above, develop the Haskell function

        formatLines :: CartPrices -> String

    that takes a list of priced items and formats a string with a line for each item. (In general, the resulting string will consist of several lines, each ending with a newline.)

  4. Develop the Haskell function

        calcSubtotal :: CartPrices -> Price

    that takes a list of priced items and calculates the sum of the prices (i.e., the subtotal).

  5. Develop the Haskell function

        formatAmt :: String -> Price -> String

    that takes a label string and a price amount and generates a line of the receipt for that label

    For example,

        formatAmt "Total" 18860

    generates the string:`

  6. Develop the Haskell function

        formatBill :: Bill -> String

    that takes a Bill tuple and generates a receipt string.

  7. Develop the Haskell function

        look :: PriceList -> BarCode -> (Name,Price)

    that takes a price list database and a barcode for an item and looks up the name and price of the item.

    If the BarCode argument does not occur in the PriceList, then look should return the tuple ("None",0).

  8. Now develop the Haskell function

        priceCart :: PriceList -> CartItems -> CartPrices

    defined above.

  9. Now develop the Haskell function

        makeBill :: CartPrices -> Bill

    defined above. It takes a list of priced items and generates a bill tuple. It uses the taxRate constant.

  10. Now develop the Haskell function

        makeReceipt :: PriceList -> CartItems -> String 

    defined above. This function defines the end-to-end processing that takes the list of items from the shopping cart and generates the receipt.

  11. Develop Haskell functions

        addPL    :: PriceList -> BarCode -> (Name,Price)
                        -> PriceList 
        removePL :: PriceList -> BarCode -> PriceList 

    Function removePL takes an “old” price list and a barcode to remove and returns a “new” price list with any occurrences of that barcode removed.

    Function addPL takes an “old” price list, a barcode, and a name/price pair to add and returns a price list with the item added. (If the the barcode is already in the list, the old entry should be removed.)

17.11 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised the following to form a chapter on Higher-Order Functions:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 5, Higher-Order Functions, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Higher-Order Functions chapter into three chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming (ELIFP), Previous sections 5.1-5.2 became the basis for new Chapter 15, Higher-Order Functions, section 5.3 became the basis for new Chapter 16, Haskell Function Concepts, and previous sections 5.4-5.6 became the basis for new Chapter 17 (this chapter), Higher-Order Function Examples.

In Fall 2018, I developed the Wally World Marketplace POP project. It was motivated by a similar project in Thompson’s textbook [10] that I had used in my courses. I designed the project and its exercises to allow for the possibility of automatic grading.

In Summer 2018, I also adapted and revised Chapter 14 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell [7] to form Chapter 29 (Divide and Conquer Algorithms) of ELIFP. These previous notes drew on the presentations in the 1st edition of the Bird and Wadler textbook [3], Kelly’s dissertation [9], and other functional programming sources.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

In 2022, I also merged the previous ELIFP Chapter 29 (Divide and Conquer Algorithms) and the Wally World Marketplace project into an expanded Chapter 17 (this chapter) of the revised ELIFP.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

17.12 Terms and Concepts

List-breaking (splitting) operators, list-combining operators, rational arithmetic, merge sort, divide and conquer, horizontal parallelism, divide and conquer as higher-order function, sequential search binary search, simply solve, decompose, combine solutions, Fibonacci sequence, nondeterministic, associative.

17.13 References

Richard Bird. 1998. Introduction to functional programming using Haskell (Second ed.). Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Richard Bird. 2015. Thinking functionall with Haskell (First ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. 1988. Introduction to functional programming (First ed.). Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason. 2015. Functional programming in Scala (First ed.). Manning, Shelter Island, New York, USA.
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason. 2022. FP in Scala exercises, hints, and answers. Retrieved from https://github.com/fpinscala/fpinscala
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason. 2022. FP in Scala community guide and chapter notes. Retrieved from https://github.com/fpinscala/fpinscala/wiki
H. Conrad Cunningham. 2014. Notes on functional programming with Haskell. University of Mississippi, Department of Computer and Information Science, University, Mississippi, USA. Retrieved from https://john.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/csci450/notes/haskell_notes.pdf
H. Conrad Cunningham. 2019. Functional data structures (Scala). University of Mississippi, Department of Computer and Information Science, University, Mississippi, USA. Retrieved from https://john.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/csci555/notes/FPS03/FunctionalDS.html
Paul H. J. Kelly. 1989. Functional programming for loosely-coupled multiprocessors. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Simon Thompson. 2011. Haskell: The craft of programming (Third ed.). Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
E. Peter Wentworth. 1990. Introduction to functional programming using RUFL. Rhodes University, Department of Computer Science, Grahamstown, South Africa.