Exploring Languages
with Interpreters
and Functional Programming
Chapter 16

H. Conrad Cunningham

04 April 2022

Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
214 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-7396 (dept. office)

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16 Haskell Function Concepts

16.1 Chapter Introduction

Chapter 15 introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and generalized common computational patterns to construct a library of useful higher-order functions to process lists.

This chapter continues to examine those concepts and their implications for Haskell programming. It explores strictness, currying, partial application, combinators, operator sections, functional composition, inline function definitions, evaluation strategies, and related methods.

The Haskell module for Chapter 16 is in file FunctionConcepts.hs.

16.2 Strictness

In the discussion of the fold functions, Chapter 15 introduced the concept of strictness. In this section, we explore that in more depth.

Some expressions cannot be reduced to a simple value, for example, div 1 0. The attempted evaluation of such expressions either return an error immediately or cause the interpreter to go into an “infinite loop”.

In our discussions of functions, it is often convenient to assign the symbol \bot (pronounced “bottom”) as the value of expressions like div 1 0. We use \bot is a polymorphic symbol—as a value of every type.

The symbol \bot is not in the Haskell syntax and the interpreter cannot actually generate the value \bot. It is merely a name for the value of an expression in situations where the expression cannot really be evaluated. It’s use is somewhat analogous to use of symbols such as \infty in mathematics.

Although we cannot actually produce the value \bot, we can, conceptually at least, apply any function to \bot.

If f =\bot = \bot, then we say that the function is strict; otherwise, it is nonstrict (sometimes called lenient).

That is, a strict argument of a function must be evaluated before the final result can be computed. A nonstrict argument of a function may not need to be evaluated to compute the final result.

Assume that lazy evaluation is being used and consider the function two that takes an argument of any type and returns the integer value two.

    two :: a -> Int 
    two x = 2

The function two is nonstrict. The argument expression is not evaluated to compute the final result. Hence, two =2\bot = 2.

Consider the following examples.

16.3 Currying and Partial Application

Consider the following two functions:

    add :: (Int,Int) -> Int 
    add (x,y) = x + y 

    add' :: Int -> (Int -> Int) 
    add' x y  = x + y 

These functions are closely related, but they are not identical.

For all integers x and y, add (x,y) == add’ x y. But functions add and add’ have different types.

Function add takes a 2-tuple (Int,Int) and returns an Int. Function add’ takes an Int and returns a function of type Int -> Int.

What is the result of the application add 3? An error.

What is the result of the application add’ 3? The result is a function that “adds 3 to its argument”.

What is the result of the application (add’ 3) 4? The result is the integer value 7.

By convention, function application (denoted by the juxtaposition of a function and its argument) binds to the left. That is, add’ x y = ((add’ x) y).

Hence, the higher-order functions in Haskell allow us to replace any function that takes a tuple argument by an equivalent function that takes a sequence of simple arguments corresponding to the components of the tuple. This process is called currying. It is named after American logician Haskell B. Curry, who first exploited the technique.

Function add’ above is similar to the function (+) from the Prelude (i.e., the addition operator).

We sometimes speak of the function (+) as being partially applied in the expression ((+) 3). In this expression, the first argument of the function is “frozen in” and the resulting function can be passed as an argument, returned as a result, or applied to another argument.

Partially applied functions are very useful in conjunction with other higher-order functions.

For example, consider the partial applications of the relational comparison operator (<) and multiplication operator (*) in the function doublePos3. This function, which is equivalent to the function doublePos discussed in Chapter 15, doubles the positive integers in a list:

    doublePos3 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    doublePos3 xs = map ((*) 2) (filter ((<) 0) xs) 

Related to the concept of currying is the property of extensionality. Two functions f and g are extensionally equal if f x == g x for all x.

Thus instead of writing the definition of g as

    f, g :: a -> a
    f x = some_expression

    g x = f x

we can write the definition of g as simply:

    g = f

16.4 Operator Sections

Expressions such as ((*) 2) and ((<) 0), used in the definition of doublePos3 in Section 16.3, can be a bit confusing because we normally use these operators in infix form. (In particular, it is difficult to remember that ((<) 0) returns True for positive integers.)

Also, it would be helpful to be able to use the division operator to express a function that halves (i.e., divides by two) its operand. The function ((/) 2) does not do it; it divides 2 by its operand.

We can use the function flip from the Prelude to state the halving operation. Function flip takes a function and two additional arguments and applies the argument function to the two arguments with their order reversed.

    flip' :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c  -- flip in Prelude
    flip' f x y = f y x

Thus we can express the halving operator with the expression (flip (/) 2).

Because expressions such as ((<) 0) and (flip (/) 2) are quite common in programs, Haskell provides a special, more compact and less confusing, syntax.

For some infix operator \oplus and arbitrary expression e, expressions of the form (e \oplus) and ( \opluse) represent (( \oplus) e) and (flip ( \oplus) e), respectively. Expressions of this form are called operator sections.

Examples of operator sections include:

(1+) is the successor function, which returns the value of its argument plus 1.

(0<) is a test for a positive integer.

(/2) is the halving function.

(1.0/) is the reciprocal function.

(:[]) is the function that returns the singleton list containing the argument.

Suppose we want to sum the cubes of list of integers. We can express the function in the following way:

    sumCubes :: [Int] -> Int 
    sumCubes xs = sum (map (^3) xs)

Above ^ is the exponentiation operator and sum is the list summation function defined in the Prelude as:

    sum = foldl' (+) 0  -- sum

16.5 Combinators

The function flip in Section 16.4 is an example of a useful type of function called a combinator.

A combinator is a function without any free variables. That is, on right side of a defining equation there are no variables or operator symbols that are not bound on the left side of the equation.

For historical reasons, flip is sometimes called the C combinator.

There are several other useful combinators in the Prelude.

The combinator const (shown below as const’) is the constant function constructor; it is a two-argument function that returns its first argument. For historical reasons, this combinator is sometimes called the K combinator.

    const' :: a -> b -> a  -- const in Prelude
    const' k x = k

Example: (const 1) takes any argument and returns the value 1.

Question: What does sum (map (const 1) xs) do?

Function id (shown below as id’) is the identity function; it is a one-argument function that returns its argument unmodified. For historical reasons, this function is sometimes called the I combinator.

    id' :: a -> a  -- id in Prelude
    id' x = x

Combinators fst and snd (shown below as fst’ and snd’) extract the first and second components, respectively, of 2-tuples.

    fst' :: (a,b) -> a  -- fst in Prelude
    fst' (x,_) = x 

    snd' :: (a,b) -> b  -- snd in Prelude
    snd' (_,y) = y

Similarly, fst3, snd3, and thd3 extract the first, second, and third components, respectively, of 3-tuples.

TODO: Correct above statement. No longer seems correct. Data.Tuple.Select sel1, sel2, sel2, etc. Investigate and rewrite.

An interesting example that uses a combinator is the function reverse as defined in the Prelude (shown below as reverse’):

    reverse' :: [a] -> [a]          -- reverse in Prelude
    reverse' = foldlX (flip' (:)) []

Function flip (:) takes a list on the left and an element on the right. As this operation is folded through the list from the left it attaches each element as the new head of the list.

We can also define combinators that convert an uncurried function into a curried function and vice versa. The functions curry' and uncurry' defined below are similar to the Prelude functions.

    curry' :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c     --Prelude curry
    curry' f x y =  f (x, y) 

    uncurry' :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c) --Prelude uncurry
    uncurry' f p =  f (fst p) (snd p) 

Two other useful combinators are fork and cross [Bird 2015]. Combinator fork applies each component of a pair of functions to a value to create a pair of results. Combinator cross applies each component of a pair of functions to the corresponding components of a pair of values to create a pair of results. We can define these as follows:

    fork :: (a -> b, a -> c) -> a -> (b,c)
    fork (f,g) x = (f x, g x)

    cross :: (a -> b, c -> d) -> (a,c) -> (b,d)
    cross (f,g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)

16.6 Functional Composition

The functional composition operator allows several “smaller” functions to be combined to form “larger” functions. In Haskell, this combinator is denoted by the period (.) symbol and is defined in the Prelude as follows:

    infixr 9 . 
    (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c) 
    (f . g) x = f (g x) 

Composition’s default binding is from the right and its precedence is higher than all the operators we have discussed so far except function application itself.

Functional composition is an associative binary operation with the identity function id as its identity element:

     f . (g . h) = (f . g) . h 
     id . f  = f . id

16.7 Function Pipelines

As an example, consider the function count that takes two arguments, an integer n and a list of lists, and returns the number of the lists from the second argument that are of length n. Note that all functions composed below are single-argument functions: length, (filter (== n)), (map length).

    count :: Int -> [[a]] -> Int 
    count n  -- unprimed versions from Prelude
        | n >= 0    = length . filter (== n) . map length
        | otherwise = const 0   -- discard 2nd arg, return 0 

We can think of the point-free expression length . filter (== n) . map length as defining a function pipeline through which data flows from right to left.

TODO: Draw a diagram showing the data flow network (right to left?)

  1. The pipeline takes a polymorphic list of lists as input.

  2. The map length component of the pipeline replaces each inner list by its length.

  3. The filter (== n) component takes the list created by the previous step and removes all elements not equal to n.

  4. The length component takes the list created by the previous step and determines how many elements are remaining.

  5. The pipeline outputs the value computed by the previous component. The number of lists within the input list of lists that are of length n.

Thus composition is a powerful form of “glue” that can be used to “stick” simpler functions together to build more powerful functions. The simpler functions in this case include partial applications of higher order functions from the library we have developed.

As we see above in the definition of count, partial applications (e.g., filter (== n)), operator sections (e.g., (== n)), and combinators (e.g., const) are useful as plumbing the function pipeline.

Remember the function doublePos that we discussed in earlier sections.

    doublePos3 xs = map ((*) 2) (filter ((<) 0) xs) 

Using composition, partial application, and operator sections we can restate its definition in point-free style as follows:

    doublePos4 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    doublePos4 = map (2*) . filter (0<)

Consider a function last to return the last element in a non-nil list and a function init to return the initial segment of a non-nil list (i.e., everything except the last element). These could quickly and concisely be written as follows:

    last' = head . reverse            -- last in Prelude
    init' = reverse . tail . reverse -- init in Prelude

However, since these definitions are not very efficient, the Prelude implements functions last and init in a more direct and efficient way similar to the following:

    last2 :: [a] -> a    -- last in Prelude
    last2 [x]    = x 
    last2 (_:xs) = last2 xs 

    init2 :: [a] -> [a]  -- init in Prelude
    init2 [x]    = [] 
    init2 (x:xs) = x : init2 xs 

The definitions for Prelude functions any and all are similar to the definitions show below; they take a predicate and a list and apply the predicate to each element of the list, returning True when any and all, respectively, of the individual tests evaluate to True.

    any', all' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool 
    any' p = or' . map' p   -- any in Prelude
    all' p = and' . map' p  -- all in Prelude

The functions elem and notElem test for an object being an element of a list and not an element, respectively. They are defined in the Prelude similarly to the following:

    elem', notElem' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool 
    elem'    = any . (==)  -- elem in Prelude
    notElem' = all . (/=)  -- notElem in Prelude

These are a bit more difficult to understand since any, all, ==, and /= are two-argument functions. Note that expression elem x xs would be evaluated as follows:

elem’ x xs

\Longrightarrow { expand elem’ }

(any’ . (==)) x xs

\Longrightarrow { expand composition }

any’ ((==) x) xs

The composition operator binds the first argument with (==) to construct the first argument to any’. The second argument of any’ is the second argument of elem’.

16.8 Lambda Expressions

Remember the function squareAll2 we examined in Chapter 15:

    squareAll2 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    squareAll2 xs = map' sq xs 
                    where sq x = x * x 

We introduced the local function definition sq to denote the function to be passed to map. It seems to be a waste of effort to introduce a new symbol for a simple function that is only used in one place in an expression. Would it not be better, somehow, to just give the defining expression itself in the argument position?

Haskell provides a mechanism to do just that, an anonymous function definition. For historical reasons, these nameless functions are called lambda expressions. They begin with a backslash \{.haskell} and have the syntax:

\ atomicPatterns -> expression

For example, the squaring function (sq) could be replaced by a lambda expression as (\x -> x * x). The pattern x represents the single argument for this anonymous function and the expression x * x is its result.

Thus we can rewrite squareAll2 in point-free style using a lambda expression as follows:

    squareAll3 :: [Int] -> [Int] 
    squareAll3 = map' (\x -> x * x)

A lambda expression to average two numbers can be written (\x y -> (x+y)/2).

An interesting example that uses a lambda expression is the function length as defined in the Prelude—similar to length4 below. (Note that this uses the optimized function foldl' from the standard Haskell Data.List module.)

    length4 :: [a] -> Int   -- length in Prelude
    length4  = foldl' (\n _ -> n+1) 0

The anonymous function (\n _ -> n+1) takes an integer “counter” and a polymorphic value and returns the “counter” incremented by one. As this function is folded through the list from the left, this function counts each element of the second argument.

16.9 Application Operator $

In Haskell, function application associates to the left and has higher binding power than any infix operator. For example, for some function two-argument function f and values w, x, y, and z

    w + f x y * z

is the same as

    w + (((f x) y) * z)

given the relative binding powers of function application and the numeric operators.

However, sometimes we want to be able to use function application where it associates to the right and binds less tightly than any other operator. Haskell defines the $ operator to enable this style, as follows:

    infixr 0 $
    ($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b 
    f $ x = f x

Thus, for single argument functions f, g, and h,

    f $ g $ h $ z + 7

is the same as

    (f (g (h (z+7))))

and as:

    (f . g . h) (z+7)

Similarly, for two-argument functions f', g', and h',

    f' w $ g' x $ h' y $ z + 7

is the same as

    ((f' w) ((g' x) ((h' y) (z+7))))

and as:

    (f' w . g' x . h' y) (z+7)

For example, this operator allows us to write

    foldr (+) 0 $ map (2*) $ filter odd $ enumFromTo 1 20

where Prelude function enumFromTo m n generates the sequence of integers from m to n, inclusive.

16.10 Eager Evaluation Using seq and $!

Haskell is a lazily evaluated language. That is, if an argument is nonstrict it may never be evaluated.

Sometimes, using the technique called strictness analysis, the Haskell compiler can detect that an argument’s value will always be needed. The compiler can then safely force eager evaluation as an optimization without changing the meaning of the program.

In particular, by selecting the -O option to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), we can enable GHC’s code optimization processing. GHC will generally create smaller, faster object code at the expense of increased compilation time by taking advantage of strictness analysis and other optimizations.

However, sometimes we may want to force eager evaluation explicitly without invoking a full optimization on all the code (e.g., to make a particular function’s evaluation more space efficient). Haskell provides the primitive function seq that enables this. That is,

    seq :: a -> b -> b
    x `seq` y = y

where it just returns the second argument except that, as a side effect, x is evaluated before y is returned. (Technically, x is evaluated to what is called head normal form. It is evaluated until the outer layer of structure such as h:t is revealed, but h and t themselves are not fully evaluated. We study evaluation strategies further in Chapter 29.

Function foldl, the “optimized” version of foldl can be defined using seq as follows

    foldlP :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a  -- Data.List.foldl'
    foldlP f z []     = z 
    foldlP f z (x:xs) = y `seq` foldl' f y xs 
                        where y = f z x

That is, this evaluates the z argument of the tail recursive application eagerly.

Using seq, Haskell also defines $!, a strict version of the $ operator, as follows:

    infixr 0 $! 
    ($!) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b 
    f $! x = x `seq` f x 

The effect of f $! x is the same as f $ x except that $! eagerly evaluates the argument x before applying function f to it.

We can rewrite foldl' using $! as follows:

    foldlQ :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a  -- Data.List.foldl'
    foldlQ f z []     = z 
    foldlQ f z (x:xs) = (foldlQ f $! f z x) xs

We can write a tail recursive function to sum the elements of the list as follows:

    sum4 :: [Integer] -> Integer  -- sum in Prelude
    sum4 xs = sumIter xs 0
        where sumIter []     acc = acc
              sumIter (x:xs) acc = sumIter xs (acc+x)

We can then redefine sum4 to force eager evaluation of the accumulating parameter of sumIter as follows:

    sum5 :: [Integer] -> Integer -- sum in Prelude
    sum5 xs = sumIter xs 0
        where sumIter []     acc = acc
              sumIter (x:xs) acc = sumIter xs $! acc + x

However, we need to be careful in applying seq and $!. They change the semantics of the lazily evaluated language in the case where the argument is nonstrict. They may force a program to terminate abnormally and/or cause it to take unnecessary evaluation steps.

16.11 What Next?

Chapter 15 introduced the concepts of first-class and higher-order functions and generalized common computational patterns to construct a library of useful higher-order functions to process lists.

This chapter (16}) continued to examine those concepts and their implications for Haskell programming by exploring concepts and features such as strictness, currying, partial application, combinators, operator sections, functional composition, inline function definitions, and evaluation strategies.

Chapter 17 looks at additional examples that use these higher-order programming concepts.

16.12 Chapter Source Code

The Haskell module for Chapter 16 is in file FunctionConcepts.hs.

16.13 Exercises

  1. Define a Haskell function

        total :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer

    so that total f n gives f 0 + f 1 + f 2 + ... + f n. How could you define it using removeFirst?

  2. Define a Haskell function map2 that takes a list of functions and a list of values and returns the list of results of applying each function in the first list to the corresponding value in the second list.

  3. Define a Haskell function fmap that takes a value and a list of functions and returns the list of results from applying each function to the argument value. (For example, fmap 3 [((*) 2), ((+) 2)] yields [6,5].)

  4. Define a Haskell function composeList that takes a list of functions and composes them into a single function. (Be sure to give the type signature.)

16.14 Acknowledgements

In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised much of this work from the following sources:

In Summer 2016, I also added the following,a drawing on ideas from [2, Ch. 6, 7] and [9, Ch. 11]:

In 2017, I continued to develop this work as Chapter 5, Higher-Order Functions, of my 2017 Haskell-based programming languages textbook.

In Summer 2018, I divided the previous Higher-Order Functions chapter into three chapters in the 2018 version of the textbook, now titled Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming. Previous sections 5.1-5.2 became the basis for new Chapter 15, Higher-Order Functions, section 5.3 became the basis for new Chapter 16, Haskell Function Concepts (this chapter), and previous sections 5.4-5.6 became the basis for new Chapter 17, Higher-Order Function Examples.

I retired from the full-time faculty in May 2019. As one of my post-retirement projects, I am continuing work on this textbook. In January 2022, I began refining the existing content, integrating additional separately developed materials, reformatting the document (e.g., using CSS), constructing a bibliography (e.g., using citeproc), and improving the build workflow and use of Pandoc.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

16.15 Terms and Concepts

Strict and nonstrict functions, bottom, strictness analysis, currying, partial application, operator sections, combinators, functional composition, property of extensionality, pointful and point-free styles, plumbing, function pipeline, lambda expression, application operator $, eager evaluation operators seq and $!, head-normal form.

16.16 References

Richard Bird. 1998. Introduction to functional programming using Haskell (Second ed.). Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Richard Bird. 2015. Thinking functionall with Haskell (First ed.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. 1988. Introduction to functional programming (First ed.). Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason. 2015. Functional programming in Scala (First ed.). Manning, Shelter Island, New York, USA.
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason. 2022. FP in Scala exercises, hints, and answers. Retrieved from https://github.com/fpinscala/fpinscala
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason. 2022. FP in Scala community guide and chapter notes. Retrieved from https://github.com/fpinscala/fpinscala/wiki
H. Conrad Cunningham. 2014. Notes on functional programming with Haskell. University of Mississippi, Department of Computer and Information Science, University, Mississippi, USA. Retrieved from https://john.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/csci450/notes/haskell_notes.pdf
H. Conrad Cunningham. 2019. Functional data structures (Scala). University of Mississippi, Department of Computer and Information Science, University, Mississippi, USA. Retrieved from https://john.cs.olemiss.edu/~hcc/csci555/notes/FPS03/FunctionalDS.html
Simon Thompson. 2011. Haskell: The craft of programming (Third ed.). Addison-Wesley, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
E. Peter Wentworth. 1990. Introduction to functional programming using RUFL. Rhodes University, Department of Computer Science, Grahamstown, South Africa.