Table 41 j2eeadmintool Options
-addConnectorFactory <jndi-name> [<app-name>:] <rar-filename> [<xa-user-name> <xa-password>] [-props (<name>=<value>)+]
Adds a connection factory with the specified <jndi-name>. The connection factory is contained in the RAR file specified by <rar-filename>. The <rar-filename> must be the base name of the file; it cannot include any prefix ending in / (Unix) or \ (Windows). If the RAR file is contained in a EAR file, then the name of the J2EE application name must be specified by <app-name>, followed by a colon. Optionally, a user name and password for the factory may be specified. Also optional is the -props flag, followed by one or more name-value pairs that specify properties for this factory. To prevent the shell from interpreting characters in the values, enclose the values in single or double quotes.
-addJdbcDriver <class-name>
Adds the JDBC driver specified by its fully-qualified <class-name>. You must also update the J2EE_CLASSPATH environment variable in the file bin\userconfig.bat. Then you must restart the J2EE server.
-addJdbcDatasource <jndi-name> <url>
Adds the JDBC DataSource with the specified <jndi-name> and <url>.
-addJdbcXADatasource <jndi-name> <class-name> [<xa-user-name> <xa-password>] [-props (<name>=<value>)+]
Adds the JDBC XADataSource with the specified <jndi-name> and fully-qualified <class-name>. Optionally, a user name and password for the DataSource may be specified. Also optional is the -props flag, followed by one or more name-value pairs that specify properties for this DataSource.
-addJmsDestination <jndi-name> (queue|topic)
Adds a JMS destination with the specified <jndi-name> and declares the destination as either a queue or topic.
-addJmsFactory <jndi-name> (queue|topic) [-props (<name>=<value>)+]
Adds a JMS connection factory with the specified <jndi-name> and destination type, either queue or topic. Optionally, one or more properties may be specified with name-value pairs.
Lists resources of the specified <resource-type>, either: ConnectorFactory, JdbcDriver, JdbcDatasource, JdbcXADatasource, JmsDestination, or JmsFactory. There is no space between -list and <resource-type>.
-remove<resource-type> <jndi-name>
Removes the resource of the specified <resource-type> and <jndi-name>. (See the description of -list for the allowed <resource-type> elements.)
Removes all resources of the specified <resource-type>. (See the description of -list for the allowed <resource-type> elements.)