The J2EETM Tutorial

J2EE Administration Tool

The j2eeadmin tool is a command-line script that enables you to add and remove these resources: JDBC drivers and data sources, JMS destinations and connection factories, and resource adapter connection factories.

Table 41 j2eeadmintool Options 
[-props (<name>=<value>)+]

Adds a connection factory with the specified <jndi-name>. The connection factory is contained in the RAR file specified by <rar-filename>. The <rar-filename> must be the base name of the file; it cannot include any prefix ending in / (Unix) or \ (Windows). If the RAR file is contained in a EAR file, then the name of the J2EE application name must be specified by <app-name>, followed by a colon. Optionally, a user name and password for the factory may be specified. Also optional is the -props flag, followed by one or more name-value pairs that specify properties for this factory. To prevent the shell from interpreting characters in the values, enclose the values in single or double quotes.

Adds the JDBC driver specified by its fully-qualified <class-name>. You must also update the J2EE_CLASSPATH environment variable in the file bin\userconfig.bat. Then you must restart the J2EE server.
<jndi-name> <url>

Adds the JDBC DataSource with the specified <jndi-name> and <url>.
[-props (<name>=<value>)+]

Adds the JDBC XADataSource with the specified <jndi-name> and fully-qualified <class-name>. Optionally, a user name and password for the DataSource may be specified. Also optional is the -props flag, followed by one or more name-value pairs that specify properties for this DataSource.

Adds a JMS destination with the specified <jndi-name> and declares the destination as either a queue or topic.
[-props (<name>=<value>)+]

Adds a JMS connection factory with the specified <jndi-name> and destination type, either queue or topic. Optionally, one or more properties may be specified with name-value pairs.
Lists resources of the specified <resource-type>, either: ConnectorFactory, JdbcDriver, JdbcDatasource, JdbcXADatasource, JmsDestination, or JmsFactory. There is no space between -list and <resource-type>.

Removes the resource of the specified <resource-type> and <jndi-name>. (See the description of -list for the allowed <resource-type> elements.)
Removes all resources of the specified <resource-type>. (See the description of -list for the allowed <resource-type> elements.)
