The J2EETM Tutorial

Common Problems and Their Solutions

Cannot Start the J2EE Server

Naming and Directory Service Port Conflict

Symptom: When you start the J2EE server with the -verbose option, it displays these lines:

J2EE server listen port: 1050
RuntimeException: Could not initialize server. . .

Solution: Another process is using port 1050. If the J2EE server is already running, you can stop it by typing j2ee -stop. If some other program is using the port, then you can change the default port number (1050) by editing the config/ file of your J2EE SDK installation.

For more information about default port numbers, see the Configuration Guide in the documentation download bundle of the J2EE SDK.

Web Service Port Conflict

Symptom: When you start the J2EE server with the -verbose option, it displays these lines:

LifecycleException: HttpConnector[8000].open: Address in use. . . 

Solution: Another process is using port 8000. You can change the default port number (8000) by editing the config/ file of your J2EE SDK installation.

Compilation Errors

Ant Cannot Locate the Build File

Symptom: When you type ant converter, these messages appear:

Searching for build.xml
Could not locate a build file! 

Solution: Before running ant, go the examples/src directory:

The Compiler Cannot Resolve Symbols

Symptom: When you type ant converter, the compiler reports many errors, including these:

cannot resolve symbol
. . .
. . .
Compile failed, messages should have been provided 

Solution: Make sure you've edited the build.xml so that the value of the j2ee-home property is set to the J2EE SDK installation directory. See Compiling the Source Files.

J2EE Application Client Runtime Errors

The Client Cannot Find ConverterApp.ear

Symptom: The client reports this exception:

IOException: ConverterApp.ear does not exist 

Solution: Ensure that the ConverterApp.ear file exists and that you've specified it with the -client option:

runclient -client ConverterApp.ear -name ConverterClient 

You created the ConverterApp.ear file in the section, Creating the J2EE Application. See also, Running the J2EE Application Client.

The Client Cannot Find the ConverterClient Component

Symptom: The client displays this line:

No application client descriptors defined for: . . . 

Solution: Verify that you've created the ConverterClient component and that you've specified it for the -name option of the runclient command. You created the ConverterClient component in the section, Packaging the J2EE Application Client.

The Login Failed

Symptom: After you click OK in the login dialog box, the client reports this exception:

FailedLoginException: Password Incorrect 

Solution: In the login dialog box, enter guest as the user name and guest123 as the password.

The J2EE Application Has Not Been Deployed

Symptom: The client reports the following exception:

NameNotFoundException. Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming. . . 

Solution: Deploy the application. For instructions, see Deploying the J2EE Application.

The JNDI Name is Incorrect

Symptom: The client reports the following exception:

NameNotFoundException. Root exception is org.omg.CosNaming. . . 

Solution: In the JNDI Names tabbed pane of the ConverterApp, make sure that the JNDI names for the ConverterBean and the ejb/SimpleConverter match. Edit the appropriate JNDI Name field and then redeploy the application.

Web Client Runtime Errors

The Web Context in the URL is Incorrect

Symptom: The browser reports that the page cannot be found (HTTP 404).

Solution: Verify that the web context (converter) in the URL matches the one you specified in the Component General Properties dialog box in the section, Packaging the Web Client. The case (upper or lower) of the web context is significant.

The J2EE Application Has Not Been Deployed

Symptom: The browser reports that the page cannot be found (HTTP 404).

Solution: Deploy the application.

The JNDI Name is Incorrect

Symptom: When you click Submit on the web page, the browser reports that A Servlet Exception Has Occurred.

Solution: In the JNDI Names tabbed pane of the ConverterApp, make sure that the JNDI names for the ConverterBean and the ConverterWAR match. Edit the appropriate JNDI Name field and then redeploy the application.
