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Step 6: Deploying the DemoBean Enterprise JavaBean

In this step the DemoBean Enterprise JavaBean is installed, or deployed, into an Enterprise JavaBeans container. It is important to note that each of the server vendors will have specific and increasingly sophisticated tools to enable this installation.

Follow the instructions below to install the DemoBean into the BEA Weblogic server, which you installed in Step 1.

BEA WebLogic Deployment

In the current release of the Weblogic server from BEA WebLogic, deployment of the Enterprise JavaBeans bean means "putting the bean classes where the Weblogic server can find them." This is not a difficult thing to do, but it is not very elegant either, and it is expected that there will be tools to simplify this step, as well as make what is happening more obvious.
  1. Generate the implementations
  2. Put the Demo.jar into the CLASSPATH of the Weblogic server
  3. Edit the file to include the new Enterprise JavaBean
  4. Stop and restart the Weblogic server

Note: This example assumes the Weblogic server is installed in the /export directory.

1. Generate the implementations

This step creates the implementations of the interfaces specified earlier, and the supporting BEA WebLogic-specific classes for the DemoBean. Notice that they are not packaged with your bean. The classes that are generated are, for example, the home and remote interfaces, as well as the classes required for supporting the communications protocols. The fact that these classes are generated at deployment time, and not written by the bean provider (programmer) is a major part of what enables Enterprise JavaBeans to be protocol-neutral.

Note: Assume that the Weblogic server has been installed into the /export directory. You will need to modify the destination directory (that is, -d parameter below) if it is installed somewhere else.

To generate the implementations for the DemoBean using the BEA WebLogic tools, use:

java weblogic.ejbc -d /export/weblogic/classes ejb/demo/DemoBeanDD.ser

This utility creates classes with names similar to those below and puts them under the /export/weblogic/classes directory.


2. Put the Demo.jar into CLASSPATH of Weblogic server

There are several ways to do this, but the simplest is to put the Demo.jar file into the /export/weblogic/classes directory, then edit the /export/weblogic/ script to include the Demo.jar file.


  # Shell script to manually start Weblogic 
  # Server on UNIX systems
  java -ms16m -mx16m -verbosegc weblogic.Server

3. Edit the file

Include the loading and startup instructions for the new Enterprise JavaBeans.


  # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Weblogic Enterprise JavaBeans DEMO PROPERTIES
  # -------------------------------------------------
  # Uncomment the appropriate lines below and modify 
  # DBMS-related info and paths to match your particular 
  # installation.
  # Deploys the Enterprise JavaBean examples. 
  Uncomment to use:
  # file continues below...

4. Stop and restart the Weblogic Server

You can use either the BEA Weblogic tools to stop and restart the Weblogic server or in a environment simply kill the main Weblogic process, and use the /expot/weblogic/ script to restart. For details, see the BEA Weblogic tools documentation.


[ This page was updated: 5-Nov-99 ]

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