Engr 691-06: Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software Language Engineering
Spring Semester 2011

Assignment #2
Due Thursday, 21 April 2011

Assignment Description

  1. Design an internal DSL for the State Machine case study we have used in class. You may use any of the internal DSL techniques we have discussed or perhaps others. You may also use multiple techniques. Part of the grade is based on the quality of your language design.

  2. Implement the DSL using an appropriate language. Given that my semantic model is written in Scala, that might be the easiest. Of course, it may be possible to use either my semantic model or Fowler's version from Java or some other JVM language. You may reimplement the semantic model in another language if you choose.

  3. Test your DSL implementation thoroughly.

  4. Submit your well-documented and formatted source code. your testing code, and testing output to your instructor using Blackboard. Document how to run your tests.

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Copyright © 2011, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Thu, 7 April 2011