Engr 691-06: Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software Language Engineering
Spring Semester 2011

Assignment #1
Due Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Assignment Description

  1. Do a commonality-variability analysis of a family of tools similar to the Association Matrix tool on the attached description from CISS. (Remember that the Link Chart tool is also similar semantically.) Concentrate on documenting the core semantic concepts. Don't be overly concerned about the GUI issues.
  2. Create a document giving the elements of your analysis. This should include the sections Overview, Dictionary of Terms, Commonalities, Variabilities, Parameters of Variation, and (optionally) Issues similar to that in the FAST process as described in the Coplien et all or Ardis et al papers.
  3. Submit the document in electronic form to Blackboard and on paper to your instructor.

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Copyright © 2011, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Thu, 17 February 2011