Engr 691-06: Special Topics in Engineering Science
Software Language Engineering
Spring Semester 2009

Assignment #1
Due Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Assignment Description

This is a small group assignment. Please work in the assigned groups. For the requirements statement below, create a document that includes:

Turn in an electronic copy of the above document using Blackboard. Also turn in a paper copy to the instructor.

Come to class on the due date prepared to present your model briefly to the other students.

Remember: You are asked to do requirements analysis and modeling, not design or implementation. Your domain and use case models should be independent of the implementation details.

High-Level Requirements Statement (to be modeled)

This project is to develop an online exam management system.

With this system, an author can create new exam templates and update or delete existing exam templates. Each exam template has a set of questions. The questions on an exam template may be defined to have a specific order or to be sequenced randomly on an exam. A question on an exam template is either fully specified or is defined to be selected randomly from some specified pool of questions. (The system should not generate duplicate questions for any exam.) An author of an exam template (i.e., the owner) can grant individual instructors access to the template.

An instructor may create new exams and associate them with his or her classes and may delete previously existing exams associated with the classes. An instructor can either generate a specific set of questions for an exam using a selected exam template or indicate that a new set of questions will be generated dynamically from the template for each student. For each exam, the instructor may specify the number of times the exam can be attempted by a student and the time window during which the exam is available.

An author can create and delete pools for questions. A pool of questions may be shared by several exam templates written by the creating author (i.e., the owner) or other authors who are given access by the owner. The types of questions supported include multiple-choice questions with single or multiple answers, true/false questions, matching questions, questions with numerical answers in a specified range, and short-answer with words or phrases. The author of a question can associate the correct answer(s) with a question for automated grading by the system.

An author can upload exam templates or questions from external files or can create or edit them interactively.

When a student takes an exam, it is graded based on the answers supplied by the authors. The students' answers to questions on each exam are also stored for future processing and analysis.

The system's administrator can add, disable, enable, or remove users and their roles of author, instructor, and/or student. When necessary, the administrator can also carry out other maintenance functions such as to create or delete classes and question pools and change the owners of exam templates, exams, questions, and pools.

Instructors can add and remove their own classes and add students to or remove them from those classes.

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Copyright © 2009, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Thu, 5 February 2009