CSci 581: Obj.-Oriented Design & Programming
Spring Semester 1999
Lecture Notes

Visibility and Dependency

This Web document was based on a set of "slides" created by the instructor for use in the Fall 1997 offering of the object-oriented design and programming course. That set was, in turn, based on a set of slides created by Timothy Budd to supplement chapter 17 of his textbook An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Second Edition (Addison-Wesley, 1997).

Connections -- The Bane of Large Scale Programming


Visibility is an attribute of names.


degree one component relies on another to perform its responsibilities

Coupling and Cohesion

Ideas from the software engineering community, pre-dating OOP

extent one component uses another to perform actions

-- goal is usually to decrease coupling

extent actions of a component tied together in purpose

-- goal is usually to increase cohesion

Varieties of Coupling

Beginning with the least desirable

Internal data coupling:
to internal data in other classes

Global data coupling:
to shared global data

Control (or sequence) coupling:
perform actions in fixed order

Parameter coupling:
on method signatures

Subclass coupling:
to parent class

Varieties of Cohesion

Beginning with the least desirable

Coincidental cohesion:
arbitrary grouping

Logical cohesion:
logically related, but no shared data or control (e.g., math library)

Temporal cohesion:
must be performed at approximately same time (e.g., initialization)

Communication cohesion:
manager for shared data or device

Sequential cohesion:
activated in a particular order

Functional cohesion:
relate to performance of single function

Data cohesion:
implements a single data abstraction

Limiting Coupling -- The Law of Demeter

The Law of Demeter attempts to limit the way components interact.

Law of Demeter:
In any Method M attached to a class C, only methods defined by the following classes may be used:

  1. The instance-variable classes of C.

  2. The argument classes of method M (including C) -- global objects or objects created inside the method M are considered arguments to M.

Rewritten in Terms of Messages

Law of Demeter (weak form):
Inside a method, it is only permitted to access or send messages to the following objects:

  1. Arguments of the method being executed (including the self object)

  2. Instance variables for the receiver of the message

  3. Global variables

  4. Temporary variables created inside the method

What is Ruled Out?

Class-Level versus Object-Level Visibility

Are siblings allowed to examine each others private data fields?


YES means class-level visibility as in C++ and Java

NO means object-level visibility as in Smalltalk

Active Values

have an existing program and want to observe a data value -- see when it changes value

create a new subclass that just changes those methods that set or read the data value

This solution requires no direct manipulation of the data value.

Public, Subclass, and Private Faces

Previously noted that objects have public and private faces -- inheritance introduces the subclass face

Public features:
aspects users of component must have access to

Private features:
aspects implementor of component must have access to

Protected features:
aspects implementors of child classes have access to

Visibility in Java -- Packages

Visibility in Java -- Access

Intentional Dependency

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Copyright © 1999, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Wed Apr 21 15:45:18 CDT