
Term used in several different ways in computer science

          Polymorphism in Programming Languages


                    Polymorphism in Untyped Languages

Polymorphism is a trivial issue in untyped languages.

All variables are potentially polymorphic.

silly: x
        " a silly smalltalk polymorphic method "
        (x isKindOf: Integer) ifTrue: [ ^ x + 1 ].
        (x isKindOf: Fraction) ifTrue: [ ^ x reciprocal ].
        (x isKindOf: String) ifTrue: [ ^ x reversed ].
        ^ nil

                                        Forms of Polymorphism


                                                        Polymorphic Variables

Variable declared as one class can hold (value)s from subclass



A single function  name denoting two or more function
 bodies is  overloaded

              (In Java, $+$ also used for string concatenation)           -- functions need not be related by classes

                                        Overloading Example: Florist

Procedure Spouse.sendFlowersTo(anAddress : address);
        go to florist;
        give florist message sendFlowersTo(anAddress);

Procedure Florist.sendFlowersTo(anAddress : address);
        if address is nearby then
                make up flower arrangement
                tell delivery person sendFlowersTo(anAddress);
                look up florist near anAddress
                phone florist
                give florist message sendFlowersTo(anAddress)

                                            Type Signatures

          -- number, types, and order of parameters          -- C++ allows extensive overloading of operator symbols

    stream << integer;
    stream << char;
    stream << char *;
    stream << double;
    stream << complex;


Overriding occurs when child class changes meaning of function from parent


                                            Example -- from class Magnitude


{<=} arg
        ^ self < arg or: [ self = arg ]
{>=} arg
        ^ arg <= self
{<} arg
        ^ self <= arg and: [ self ~= arg ]
{>} arg
        ^ arg < self

                                                    Overridden Methods

Child classes need only override one method (e.g., $<$) to get effect of all relationals

                                                          Portable Algorithms


                                                   Deferred Methods


                                                        Deferred Method in C++

class Shape {
        Point corner;
        void virtual draw() = 0;  // deferred member function
class Circle : public Shape {
        int radius;
        void draw() { drawCircle(corner + radius, radius); }

                                                    Pure Polymorphism


                                                      Smalltalk Example

The  between:and: method occurs in class  Magnitude

Recall earlier discussion of relationals to see variety of uses

{between:} low {and:} high
        " test to see if the receiver is between two endpoints "
        ^ (low <= self) and: [ self <= high ]

                                            Generics and Templates

type can be used as a  parameter  in class description

template <class T> class link {
        T value;
        link<T> * nextLink;

The declaration of variable provides the actual type

                                            Polymorphism in Java

         -- Tree-structured subclass hierarchy using inheritance (extends)

         -- Subtype hierarchies using interfaces ( implements)
         -- Variables declared with either class or interface as type

         -- Variables can hold value from subclass or interface subtype

       -- Overloading of method names (including in same class)

        -- No user-defined overloading of operator symbols

                                Polymorphism in Java (continued)

              -- By default, all methods can be overridden

              -- Keyword {\sf final} prevents overriding

              -- Keyword  abstract for deferred methods, signature but no body
                  -- dynamic binding of call to method, searching up subclass hierarchy  

                                                    Efficiency and Polymorphism