What happens when child classes have methods with the same names as parents?

There are two general models describing this situation:

Replacement: "American" school of OOP - child method replaces parent method

Refinement: "Scandinavian" school of OOP - behavior of parent and child classes are merged to form new behavior

If replacement used, then some mechanism usually provided for refinement

If refinement default, then replacement not possible

Replacement makes preserving principle of substitutability difficult Replacement in C++ is complicated        -binding based on dynamic class       -binding based on static class void CardPile::addCard(Card * aCard)
        if (aCard != nilcard) {
                top = aCard;
                top->moveTo(x, y);

// place a single card into a table pile
void TablePile::addCard(Card * aCard)
{       int tx, ty;

        // pile is empty, just place it normally
        if (top == nilcard)
                CardPile::addCard(aCard);  // note explicit call
        else {  // display it below other cards
                    tx = top->locx( );
                   ty = top->locy( );
                // figure out where to place card
                 if (top->faceUp( ) && top->next( ) != nilcard &&
                        (top->next( ))->faceUp( )) ; // do nothing
                        ty += 30;       // move down a bit
                       CardPile::addCard(aCard);  // note explicit call
                        top->moveTo(tx, ty);
         Constructors Always  do refinement
class TablePile : public CardPile {
        TablePile(int, int, int);
        int column;

TablePile::TablePile(int c, int x, int y) : CardPile(x, y)
        column = c;

class CardPile
{   CardPile (int xl, int yl) { x = xl; y = yl; cardList = new
                                                                                        LinkedList(); }

    public void addCard (Card aCard) { cardList.add(aCard); }

class DiscardPile extends CardPile
{   DiscardPile (int x, int y) { super (x, y); }  // parent's constructor

    public void addCard (Card aCard)
    {   if (! aCard.faceUp())
        super.addCard(aCard);  // parent's addCard method