CSci 581-01: Special Topics in Computer Science
Object-Oriented Design & Programming
Fall Semester 1997

Assignment #2
Due 6:30 p.m., Monday, 22 September

Consider a word processor. It processes documents, which are made up of sections. Each section has headers and footers, paragraphs, figures, tables, and footnotes. When printed, the document is sequenced into pages.

  1. Find at least fifteen classes that have to do directly with the problem domain.

  2. Find other classes that have to do with the user interface of the word processor.

  3. Consider the page layout in a word processor. Is a Page object responsible for fitting Paragraph and Figure objects inside? Or should Paragraph and Figure objects support operations "add myself to page"? What knowledge about the internal structure is needed in either situation?

  4. Find the relationships (use, aggregation, or inhertance) relationships among the classes discovered above in the word processor.

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Copyright © 1997, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 15 September 1997.