A Gentle Introduction to Haskell, Version 98
This section is perhaps less "gentle" than the others. Here we address not only the language features that involve monads but also try to reveal the bigger picture: why monads are such an important tool and how they are used. There is no single way of explaining monads that works for everyone; more explanations can be found at haskell.org. Another good introduction to practical programming using monads is Wadler's Monads for Functional Programming [10].
A monad is constructed on top of a polymorphic type such as IO. The monad itself is defined by instance declarations associating the type with the some or all of the monadic classes, Functor, Monad, and MonadPlus. None of the monadic classes are derivable. In addition to IO, two other types in the Prelude are members of the monadic classes: lists ([]) and Maybe.
Mathematically, monads are governed by set of laws that should hold for the monadic operations. This idea of laws is not unique to monads: Haskell includes other operations that are governed, at least informally, by laws. For example, x /= y and not (x == y) ought to be the same for any type of values being compared. However, there is no guarantee of this: both == and /= are separate methods in the Eq class and there is no way to assure that == and =/ are related in this manner. In the same sense, the monadic laws presented here are not enforced by Haskell, but ought be obeyed by any instances of a monadic class. The monad laws give insight into the underlying structure of monads: by examining these laws, we hope to give a feel for how monads are used.
The Functor class, already discussed in section 5, defines a single operation: fmap. The map function applies an operation to the objects inside a container (polymorphic types can be thought of as containers for values of another type), returning a container of the same shape. These laws apply to fmap in the class Functor:
fmap id | = | id |
fmap (f . g) | = | fmap f . fmap g |
These laws ensure that the container shape is unchanged by fmap and that the contents of the container are not re-arranged by the mapping operation.
The Monad class defines two basic operators: >>= (bind) and return.
infixl 1 >>, >>=
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
return :: a -> m a
fail :: String -> m a
m >> k = m >>= \_ -> k
The bind operations, >> and >>=, combine two monadic values while
the return operation injects a value into the monad (container).
The signature of >>= helps
us to understand this operation: ma >>= \v -> mb
combines a monadic value ma containing values
of type a and a function which operates
on a value v of type a, returning the monadic value mb. The
result is to combine ma and mb into a
monadic value containing b. The >>
function is used when the function does not need the value produced by
the first monadic operator.
The precise meaning of binding depends, of course, on the monad. For example, in the IO monad, x >>= y performs two actions sequentially, passing the result of the first into the second. For the other built-in monads, lists and the Maybe type, these monadic operations can be understood in terms of passing zero or more values from one calculation to the next. We will see examples of this shortly.
The do syntax provides a simple shorthand for chains of monadic
operations. The essential translation of do is captured in the
following two rules:
do e1 ; e2 = e1 >> e2
do p <- e1; e2 = e1 >>= \p -> e2
When the pattern in this second form of do is refutable, pattern
match failure calls the fail operation. This may raise an error (as
in the IO monad) or return a "zero" (as in the list monad). Thus
the more complex translation is
do p <- e1; e2 = e1 >>= (\v -> case v of p -> e2; _ -> fail "s")
where "s" is a string identifying the location of the do statement
for possible use in an error message. For example, in the I/O monad,
an action such as 'a' <- getChar will call fail if the character
typed is not 'a'. This, in turn, terminates the program since in the
I/O monad fail calls error.
The laws which govern >>= and return are:
return a >>= k | = | k a |
m >>= return | = | m |
xs >>= return . f | = | fmap f xs |
m >>= (\x -> k x >>= h) | = | (m >>= k) >>= h |
The class MonadPlus is used for monads that have a zero element
and a plus operation:
class (Monad m) => MonadPlus m where
mzero :: m a
mplus :: m a -> m a -> m a
The zero element obeys the following laws:
m >>= \x -> mzero | = | mzero |
mzero >>= m | = | mzero |
For lists, the zero value is [], the empty list. The I/O monad has no zero element and is not a member of this class.
The laws governing the mplus operator are as follows:
m `mplus` mzero | = | m |
mzero `mplus` m | = | m |
The mplus operator is ordinary list concatenation in the list monad.
For lists, monadic binding involves joining together a set of
calculations for each value in the list. When used with lists, the
signature of >>= becomes:
(>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
That is, given a list of a's and a function that maps an a onto a
list of b's, binding applies this function to each of the a's in
the input and returns all of the generated b's concatenated into a
list. The return function creates a singleton list. These
operations should already be familiar: list comprehensions can easily
be expressed using the monadic operations
defined for lists. These following three
expressions are all different syntax for the same thing:
[(x,y) | x <- [1,2,3] , y <- [1,2,3], x /= y]
do x <- [1,2,3]
y <- [1,2,3]
True <- return (x /= y)
return (x,y)
[1,2,3] >>= (\ x -> [1,2,3] >>= (\y -> return (x/=y) >>=
(\r -> case r of True -> return (x,y)
_ -> fail "")))
This definition depends on the definition of fail in this monad as
the empty list. Essentially, each <- is generating a set of values
which is passed on into the remainder of the monadic computation.
Thus x <- [1,2,3] invokes the remainder of the monadic computation
three times, once for each element of the list. The returned
expression, (x,y), will be
evaluated for all possible combinations of bindings that surround it.
In this sense, the list monad can be thought of as describing
functions of multi-valued arguments. For example, this function:
mvLift2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
mvLift2 f x y = do x' <- x
y' <- y
return (f x' y')
turns an ordinary function of two arguments (f) into a function over
multiple values (lists of arguments), returning a value for each possible
combination of the two input arguments. For example,
mvLift2 (+) [1,3] [10,20,30] | => | [11,21,31,13,23,33] |
mvLift2 (\a b->[a,b]) "ab" "cd" | => | ["ac","ad","bc","bd"] |
mvLift2 (*) [1,2,4] [] | => | [] |
This function is a specialized version of the LiftM2 function in the monad library. You can think of it as transporting a function from outside the list monad, f, into the list monad in which computations take on multiple values.
The monad defined for Maybe is similar to the list monad: the value Nothing serves as [] and Just x as [x].
Briefly, a state monad built around a state type S looks
like this:
data SM a = SM (S -> (a,S)) -- The monadic type
instance Monad SM where
-- defines state propagation
SM c1 >>= fc2 = SM (\s0 -> let (r,s1) = c1 s0
SM c2 = fc2 r in
c2 s1)
return k = SM (\s -> (k,s))
-- extracts the state from the monad
readSM :: SM S
readSM = SM (\s -> (s,s))
-- updates the state of the monad
updateSM :: (S -> S) -> SM () -- alters the state
updateSM f = SM (\s -> ((), f s))
-- run a computation in the SM monad
runSM :: S -> SM a -> (a,S)
runSM s0 (SM c) = c s0
This example defines a new type, SM, to be a computation that
implicitly carries a type S. That is, a computation of type SM t
defines a value of type t
while also interacting with (reading and writing) the state of type
S. The definition of SM is simple: it consists of functions that take a
state and produce two results: a returned value (of any type) and an
updated state. We can't use a type synonym here: we need a type name
like SM that can be used in instance declarations. The newtype
declaration is often used here instead of data.
This instance declaration defines the `plumbing' of the monad: how to sequence two computations and the definition of an empty computation. Sequencing (the >>= operator) defines a computation (denoted by the constructor SM) that passes an initial state, s0, into c1, then passes the value coming out of this computation, r, to the function that returns the second computation, c2. Finally, the state coming out of c1 is passed into c2 and the overall result is the result of c2.
The definition of return is easier: return doesn't change the state at all; it only serves to bring a value into the monad.
While >>= and return are the basic monadic sequencing operations, we also need some monadic primitives. A monadic primitive is simply an operation that uses the insides of the monad abstraction and taps into the `wheels and gears' that make the monad work. For example, in the IO monad, operators such as putChar are primitive since they deal with the inner workings of the IO monad. Similarly, our state monad uses two primitives: readSM and updateSM. Note that these depend on the inner structure of the monad - a change to the definition of the SM type would require a change to these primitives.
The definition of readSM and updateSM are simple: readSM brings the state out of the monad for observation while updateSM allows the user to alter the state in the monad. (We could also have used writeSM as a primitive but update is often a more natural way of dealing with state).
Finally, we need a function that runs computations in the monad, runSM. This takes an initial state and a computation and yields both the returned value of the computation and the final state.
Looking at the bigger picture, what we are trying to do is define an overall computation as a series of steps (functions with type SM a), sequenced using >>= and return. These steps may interact with the state (via readSM or updateSM) or may ignore the state. However, the use (or non-use) of the state is hidden: we don't invoke or sequence our computations differently depending on whether or not they use S.
Rather than present any examples using this simple state monad, we proceed on to a more complex example that includes the state monad. We define a small embedded language of resource-using calculations. That is, we build a special purpose language implemented as a set of Haskell types and functions. Such languages use the basic tools of Haskell, functions and types, to build a library of operations and types specifically tailored to a domain of interest.
In this example, consider a computation that requires some sort of
resource. If the resource is available, computation proceeds; when the
resource is unavailable, the computation suspends. We use the type R
to denote a computation using resources controlled by our monad.
The definition of R is as follows:
data R a = R (Resource -> (Resource, Either a (R a)))
Each computation is a function from available resources to remaining
resources, coupled with either a result, of type a, or a
suspended computation, of type R a, capturing the work done up
to the point where resources were exhausted.
The Monad instance for R is as follows:
instance Monad R where
R c1 >>= fc2 = R (\r -> case c1 r of
(r', Left v) -> let R c2 = fc2 v in
c2 r'
(r', Right pc1) -> (r', Right (pc1 >>= fc2)))
return v = R (\r -> (r, (Left v)))
The Resource type is used in the same manner as the state in
the state monad. This definition reads as follows: to combine two
`resourceful' computations, c1 and fc2 (a function producing
c2), pass the initial resources into c1. The result will be
This instance declaration defines the basic structure of the monad but
does not determine how resources are used. This monad could be
used to control many types of resource or implement many different
types of resource usage policies. We will demonstrate a very simple
definition of resources as an example: we choose Resource to be an
Integer, representing available computation steps:
type Resource = Integer
This function takes a step unless no steps are available:
step :: a -> R a
step v = c where
c = R (\r -> if r /= 0 then (r-1, Left v)
else (r, Right c))
The Left and Right constructors are part of the Either type.
This function continues computation in R by returning v so long as
there is at least one computational step resource available.
If no steps are available, the step function suspends the current
computation (this suspension is captured in c) and passes this
suspended computation back into the monad.
So far, we have the tools to define a sequence of "resourceful" computations (the monad) and we can express a form of resource usage using step. Finally, we need to address how computations in this monad are expressed.
Consider an increment function in our monad:
inc :: R Integer -> R Integer
inc i = do iValue <- i
step (iValue+1)
This defines increment as a single step of computation. The <- is
necessary to pull the argument value out of the monad; the type of
iValue is Integer instead of R Integer.
This definition isn't particularly satisfying, though, compared to the
standard definition of the increment function. Can we instead "dress
up" existing operations like + so that they work in our monadic
world? We'll start with a set of lifting functions. These
bring existing functionality into the monad. Consider the definition
of lift1 (this is slightly different from the liftM1 found in the
Monad library):
lift1 :: (a -> b) -> (R a -> R b)
lift1 f = \ra1 -> do a1 <- ra1
step (f a1)
This takes a function of a single argument, f, and creates a
function in R that executes the lifted function in a single step.
Using lift1, inc becomes
inc :: R Integer -> R Integer
inc i = lift1 (i+1)
This is better but still not ideal. First, we add lift2:
lift2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (R a -> R b -> R c)
lift2 f = \ra1 ra2 -> do a1 <- ra1
a2 <- ra2
step (f a1 a2)
Notice that this function explicitly sets the order of evaluation in
the lifted function: the computation yielding a1 occurs before the
computation for a2.
Using lift2, we can create a new version of == in the R monad:
(==*) :: Ord a => R a -> R a -> R Bool
(==*) = lift2 (==)
We had to use a slightly different name for this new function since
== is already taken but in
some cases we can use the same name for the lifted and unlifted
function. This instance declaration allows
all of the operators in Num to be used in R:
instance Num a => Num (R a) where
(+) = lift2 (+)
(-) = lift2 (-)
negate = lift1 negate
(*) = lift2 (*)
abs = lift1 abs
fromInteger = return . fromInteger
The fromInteger function is applied implicitly to all integer
constants in a Haskell program (see Section 10.3);
this definition allows integer constants to have the type R Integer.
We can now, finally, write increment in a completely natural style:
inc :: R Integer -> R Integer
inc x = x + 1
Note that we cannot lift the Eq class in the same manner as the
Num class: the signature of ==* is not compatible with allowable
overloadings of == since the result of ==* is R Bool instead of
To express interesting computations in R we will need a
conditional. Since we can't use if (it requires that the test be of
type Bool instead of R Bool), we name the function ifR:
ifR :: R Bool -> R a -> R a -> R a
ifR tst thn els = do t <- tst
if t then thn else els
Now we're ready for a larger program in the R monad:
fact :: R Integer -> R Integer
fact x = ifR (x ==* 0) 1 (x * fact (x-1))
Now this isn't quite the same as an ordinary factorial function but
still quite readable. The idea of providing new definitions for
existing operations like + or if is an essential part of creating
an embedded language in Haskell. Monads are particularly useful for
encapsulating the semantics of these embedded languages in a clean and
modular way.
We're now ready to actually run some programs. This function runs a
program in M given a maximum number of computation steps:
run :: Resource -> R a -> Maybe a
run s (R p) = case (p s) of
(_, Left v) -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
We use the Maybe type to deal with the possibility of the
computation not finishing in the allotted number of steps. We can now
run 10 (fact 2) | => | Just 2 |
run 10 (fact 20) | => | Nothing |
Finally, we can add some more interesting functionality to this
monad. Consider the following function:
(|||) :: R a -> R a -> R a
This runs two computations in parallel, returning the value of the
first one to complete. One possible definition of this function is:
c1 ||| c2 = oneStep c1 (\c1' -> c2 ||| c1')
oneStep :: R a -> (R a -> R a) -> R a
oneStep (R c1) f =
R (\r -> case c1 1 of
(r', Left v) -> (r+r'-1, Left v)
(r', Right c1') -> -- r' must be 0
let R next = f c1' in
next (r+r'-1))
This takes a step in c1, returning its value of c1 complete or, if
c1 returns a suspended computation (c1'), it evaluates
c2 ||| c1'. The oneStep function takes a single step in its
argument, either returning an evaluated value or passing the remainder
of the computation into f. The definition of oneStep is simple:
it gives c1 a 1 as its resource argument. If a final value is
reached, this is returned, adjusting the returned step count (it is
possible that a computation might return after taking no steps so the
returned resource count isn't necessarily 0). If the computation
suspends, a patched up resource count is passed to the final
We can now evaluate expressions like run 100 (fact (-1) ||| (fact 3)) without looping since the two calculations are interleaved. (Our definition of fact loops for -1). Many variations are possible on this basic structure. For example, we could extend the state to include a trace of the computation steps. We could also embed this monad inside the standard IO monad, allowing computations in M to interact with the outside world. While this example is perhaps more advanced than others in this tutorial, it serves to illustrate the power of monads as a tool for defining the basic semantics of a system. We also present this example as a model of a small Domain Specific Language, something Haskell is particularly good at defining. Many other DSLs have been developed in Haskell; see haskell.org for many more examples. Of particular interest are Fran, a language of reactive animations, and Haskore, a language of computer music.