CSci 555: Functional Programming
Spring Semester 2001
Assignment #2
Due Tuesday, 20 February (REVISED)
- Undergraduate students: Do 13 of the 15 parts of exercise 10
on pages 50-1 of the Notes.
- Graduate students: Do all parts of exercise 10 on pages 50-1
of the Notes.
- Please format and document your program source code appropriately.
- Test your programs appropriately and thoroughly.
- When this assignment is complete, submit a paper listing of
your program source code and the screen outputs from your testing of
the program. Be sure that all items submitted are clearly labeled
with your name and the assignment number.
- You are to submit your assignment electronically using the MESH
system. I will give you instructions later.
UP to CSCI 555 assignments document?
Copyright © 2001, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Tue Feb 6 22:06:54 2001