CSci 555: Functional Programming
Spring Semester 2001
Instructor's Bulletin Board

1 May 2001: Final Exam

The Final Examination:

Remember I will drop the lowest of the three exam grades and count the other two exams equally toward the examination portion of the grade.

1 May 2001: Homework Assignment #6

Homework Assignment #6:

Note: If you do all six assignments and do especially well on Assignment #6, I will take that into consideration if your grade falls on a borderline between letter grades for the semester.

I apologize for not having graded the homeworks on a timely basis this semester. I will try to get them graded by Monday morning of finals week so you can make the final decision about taking the final examination.

18 April 2001: Second mid-term examination

Remember that the second examination is scheduled for next Tuesday, 21 April 2000.

I also handed out Homework #6. Extra copies are on door or check the Web site. I likely will give more credit to this program than the previous programs.

UP to CSCI 555 root document?

Copyright © 2001, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Tue May 1 21:32:47 2001