CSci 555: Functional Programming
Fall Semester 1995
Instructor's Bulletin Board

19 December 1995: Note

The 1995 fall semester is finished, but I will leave the software installed and the online materials in place.

If you have any questions, please contact me (Prof. H.Conrad Cunningham).

Availability of the Gofer Software

Gofer for MS-DOS PCs

The distribution kit for the PC version of Gofer 2.30b is available unpacked on the network at and packed at

Gofer for Unix Machines

I have installed Gofer 2.30b and Hugs 1.0 on the FreeBSD systems Faser and Cy. On these systems, if directory /usr/local/bin is in your search path, the commands "gofer" and "hugs" start up the interpreter. Give the "man gofer" command to find out more about running the interpreter.

The Gofer demo programs can be found in directory /usr/local/lib/Gofer/demos on both systems Faser and Cy.

The installation kit for Gofer 2.30b can be found on the network at Similarly, the installation kit for Hugs 1.0 is at Hugs, the Haskell Users' Gofer System, is a variation of Gofer that is more compatible with Haskell.

Note to those installing Gofer on Unix systems: I could not get the GNU readline library to work properly on Faser. Instead I used the editline package that I retrieved from the Usenet comp.sources.misc archive as explained in the Gofer and Hugs Makefiles. I stored the source for editline with the sources for Gofer and Hugs.

Gofer for Apple Macintoshes

A version of Gofer for the Apple Macintosh is available from the University of Nottingham.

Gofer Documents

Gofer Manual

I unpacked Mark Jones' An Introduction to Gofer manual from the distribution kit and edited the LaTeX a bit to get a better output format. I put the resulting document on the Department's FTP site in files of the form goferdoc.*.

The directory contains copies of the document in both Postscript and LaTeX dvi formats.

Lecture Notes

My lectures notes for this class are available as Technical Report UMCIS-1995-01, Notes on Functional Programming with Gofer. This document is available from the Department's technical report archive ( in either Postscript or LaTeX dvi formats.

Paper on Implementation of Gofer

I have made a copy of the paper The Implementation of the Gofer Functional Programming System by Mark P. Jones available via FTP at This is a Postscript file that has been compressed with gzip.

UP to CSCI 555 root document?

Last modified: 19 December 1995.