CSci 311: Models of Computation
CSci 500: Fundamental Concepts of Computing
Fall Semester 1999

Assignment #1
Due Monday, 30 August 1999

  1. Let 311hw011.jpg and 311hw012.jpg . Explicitly define the following sets.
    1. 311hw013.jpg
    2. 311hw014.jpg
    3. 311hw015.jpg
    4. 311hw016.jpg
    5. 311hw017.jpg
  2. Let 311hw018.jpg and 311hw019.jpg .
    1. List all the subsets of X.
    2. List the members of 311hw0110.jpg .
    3. List all total functions from Y to X.
  3. Use induction on the size of X to show that if X is a finite set then 311hw0111.jpg .
  4. Prove DeMorgan's Laws for sets.
    1. 311hw0112.jpg
    2. 311hw0113.jpg
  5. Draw a picture of a graph that represents those states of the United States that touch the Gulf of Mexico or touch states that do.

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Copyright © 1999, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Thu Aug 26 08:39:12 1999