CSci 490: Special Topics
Object-Oriented Design and Programming


The spring semester 1996 class meets in 351 Weir Hall at 2:30 p.m.-3:45 p.m., Monday-Wednesday.

The class is taught by Prof. Conrad Cunningham, whose office is 312 Weir Hall. Prof. Cunningham's official office hours for this semester are 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday-Wednesday and 1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday.

The final examination for this class is scheduled for Noon on Thursday, 9 May 1996.


At least 15 hours of computer science courses toward the B.S.C.S. or B.A. degree. Previous completion of CSCI 259 (Programming in C) is a plus but is not required.

Source Materials

S. Horstmann. Mastering Object-Oriented Design in C++. Wiley, 1995.
Optional textbook:
T. Ritchey. Java! New Riders Publishing, 1995.
C++ systems to be determined. Optionally Java or other languages.
Various journal and conference articles, research reports, and book excerpts as appropriate.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to object orientation.
  2. Basic C++ programming constructs.
  3. Design of classes.
  4. Object-oriented design methodology.
  5. Abstract data types. Client-supplier relationship. Contracts.
  6. Inheritance.
  7. Polymorphism and dynamic binding.
  8. Memory management.
  9. Parametric polymorphism.
  10. Programming project.

School of Engineering Honor Code Statement

"The Honor Code shall apply to all students, both undergraduate and graduate, registered in and/or seeking degrees through the School of Engineering. The Honor Code shall be understood to apply to all academic areas of the School such as examinations, quizzes, laboratory reports, themes, computer programs, homework, and other possible assignments. Only that work explicitly identified by the class instructor not to be under the Honor Code is excluded. The intent of the Honor Code is to recognize professional conduct and, thus, it shall be deemed a violation of the Honor Code to knowingly deceive, copy, paraphrase, or otherwise misrepresent your work in a manner inconsistent with professional conduct."

Assignments and Projects



My grading scale is A [90..100], B [80..0), C [70..0), D [60..0), and F [0..60).

50% of the semester grade will come from the regular assignments, 25% from the final project, and 25% from the oral final exam and class participation.

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Copyright © 1996, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: 5 June 1996.