CSci 487: Senior Project
Fall Semester 2002
Project Schedule

Class Meetings

The CSCI 487 class is scheduled to meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. All students in the class should keep these time periods free for the entire semester. If there exists a conflict between this class and any other class or University-sponsored activity, the student has the responsibility of informing the instructor in advance and working out any necessary arrangements for meeting the requirements of the class.

On days indicated in the schedule below, the entire class will meet at 4:00 p.m. to submit specified materials, make informal progress reports, and so forth.

During class periods not shown on the schedule below, it may be necessary and desirable for you to consult with your instructor, but the class will not meet as a group unless the instructor announces otherwise in advance. Please let your instructor know that you wish to meet with him by leaving a note on his door, calling his office (915-5358), or sending him email at least 24 hours before the desired consultation period.

Attendance at all class meetings listed below is required for all students. Attendance at other class meetings that may be called by the instructor is also required.

Submission of all required materials on the deadline dates listed below is required. Please review the separate handouts that describe each of the requirements (listed below in bold font).

If you fail to attend class meetings or turn in materials on schedule, your grade will be reduced appropriately on the related project components.

Please be aware of the following University deadlines:

Course Schedule

19 August (Mon):
Organizational meeting I (Finding a project topic)
21 August (Wed):
Organizational meeting II
28 August (Wed):
Organizational meeting III
2 September (Mon):
Labor Day
4 September (Wed):
Submit the Prospectus
9 September (Mon):
Review of Prospectus
16 September (Mon):
Submit the Bibliography
23 September (Mon):
Submit the Design Specification and prepare oral design presentation
Design presentations (part 1)
University deadline for course withdrawals
University deadline for graduation applications

25 September (Wed):
Design presentations (part 2, if necessary)
2 October (Wed):
Submit the License Agreement and a written status report, including printouts illustrating current state of design/programming work
14 October (Mon):
Give oral status report
21 October (Mon)
Submit a written status report and printouts illustrating current state of design/programming work
28 October (Mon)
Give oral status report
4 November (Mon):
Submit a written status report and printouts illustrating current state of design/programming work
11 November (Mon):
Give oral status report
18 November (Mon):
Submit the Users' Manual
25-29 November:
Fall/Thanksgiving Break
2 December (Mon):
Submit the completed Product Implementation and Documentation
(program source code listing and description)
4 December (Wed):
Final Oral Presentations (part 1)
6 December (Fri):
Final Oral Presentations (part 2)
Submit the Final Report
Sponsor evaluations due today
9-11 December (Mon-Wed):
Demonstration of projects to instructor
13 December (Fri):
Semester ends

UP to CSCI 487 root document?

Copyright © 2002, H. Conrad Cunningham
Last modified: Mon Aug 19 15:34:49 2002