CSCI 487: Senior Project
Spring Semester 2000
Presentation Evaluation Form

Name of Presenter: ____________________________________________________________
Project Title: ____________________________________________________________
Evaluator: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________

Please give the presenter a score from 1 (very weak) to 10 (very strong) in each of the following categories.

  • Professional Appearance and Bearing: __________
    Logical and Effective Organization of Presentation: __________
    Appropriate Use of Audiovisual Aids: __________
    Audibility and Clarity of Presentation: __________
    Correct Grammar and Pronunciation: __________
    Appropriate Use of Computing Concepts and Terminology: __________
    Effective Explanation of Project: __________
    Careful Listening and Helpful Responses to Questions: __________
    Difficulty of Project and Mastery of Subject Matter: __________
    Overall Quality: __________
    TOTAL SCORE (maximum is 100) __________

    Additional Comments (continue on back if needed)