CSci 487: Senior Project
Spring Semester 2000
Sponsor Evaluation Form

To the Student

Please print your name, project title, and oral presentation time in the spaces given below and then present this form to your sponsor. It is your responsibility to make sure that the form is returned to your instructor on or before the first day of final exams (Monday, 8 May 2000).
Student Name: ____________________________________________________
Project Title: ____________________________________________________
Oral Presentation Time: ____________________________________________________

To the Sponsor

CSci 487, Senior Project, is a regular, graded, three-hour course. Your evaluation of the student who has worked with you will contribute approximately 10 percent toward determination of the student's grade (A,B,C,D,F) for the semester. In the space provided below, please indicate your overall evaluation of the student's performance and provide any other comments you wish to make.

CSci 487 is designed to provide computer science students with experience in organizing and carrying out a computer consulting and software development job. Did the student make clear to you your options for software design for the project? Was the student flexible and cooperative? Was the student professional in her or his appearance and behavior? Was the project finished on time and in a manner that is acceptable to you? Is the Users' Manual that has been given to you clearly expressed and easy to understand and use?

You are also invited to attend your student's oral presentation of this project at the time given above.

When you have completed this form, please return it by the first day of final exams (Monday, 8 May 2000) to:

    Dr. H. Conrad Cunningham, Associate Professor
    Department of Computer and Information Science 
    University of Mississippi                       Voice -- (662) 915-5358
    302 Weir Hall                                   Fax --   (662) 915-5623
    University, MS 38677
Alternatively, you may send email giving the information requested on this form.

Thank you very much for your participation in this project course. If you have any suggestions or comments about how the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Mississippi might improve CSci 487, please include them on this form or contact the department at (662) 915-7396.

Sponsor Name: ____________________________________________________
Sponsor Signature: ____________________________________________________
Overall Grade: ____________________________________________________
Evaluation/Comments: (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)