Exploring Languages with Interpreters
and Functional Programming
Chapter 23

H. Conrad Cunningham

21 October 2018

Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, H. Conrad Cunningham
Professor of Computer and Information Science
University of Mississippi
211 Weir Hall
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
(662) 915-5358

Browser Advisory: The HTML version of this textbook requires use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of October 2018 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

23 Data Abstraction Revisited

23.1 Chapter Introduction

This chapter revisits the specification, design, and implementation of data abstraction modules in Haskell. It follows the general approach introduced in Chapter 7 but uses algebraic data types (Chapter 21) to represent the data. An algebraic data enables the Haskell module implementing the abstraction to encapsulate the details of the data structure.

The goals of this chapter are to:

The concepts and terminology in this chapter are mostly general. They are applicable to most any language. Here we look specifically at Haskell. (I have implemented basically the same data abstraction module in Scala and Elixir.)

23.2 Terminology

Chapter 7 used the term data abstraction.

This chapter uses the related term abstract data type to refer to a data abstraction. The data abstraction module defines and exports a user-defined type (i.e. an algebraic data type) and a set of operations (i.e. functions) on that type. The type is abstract in the sense that its concrete representation is hidden; only the module’s operations may manipulate the representation directly.

For convenience, this chapter sometimes uses acronym ADT to refer to an abstract data type.

In Chapters 6 and 7, we explored the concepts of contracts, which include preconditions and postconditions for the functions in the module and interface and implementation) invariants for the data created and manipulated by the module. For convenience, this chapter refers to these as the abstract model for the ADT.

23.3 Example: Doubly Labelled Digraph

In this chapter, we develop a family of doubly labelled digraph data structures.

As a graph, the data structure consists of a finite set of vertices (nodes) and a set of edges. Each edge connects two vertices. (Some writers require that the set of vertices be nonempty, but here we prefer to allow an empty graph to have no vertices. But the question remains whether such a graph with no vertices is pointless concept.)

As a directed graph (or digraph), each pair of vertices has at most one edge connecting them; the edge has a direction from one of the edges to the other.

As a doubly labelled graph, each vertex and each edge has some user-defined data (i.e. labels) attached.

This chapter draws on the discussion of digraphs and their specification in Chapters 1 and 10 of the Dale and Walker book Abstract Data Types [Dale 1996].

23.4 Use Case

For what purpose can we use a doubly labelled digraph data structure?

One concrete use case is to represent the game world in an implementation of an adventure game.

For example, in the Wizard’s Adventure Game from Chapter 5 of Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time [Barski 2011], the game’s rooms become vertices, passages between rooms become edges, and descriptions associated with rooms or passages become labels on the associated vertex or edge (as shown in Figure 23-1).

Figure 23-1: Labelled Digraph for Wizard’s Adventure Game
Figure 23-1: Labelled Digraph for Wizard’s Adventure Game

Aside: By using a digraph to model the game world, we disallow multiple passages directly from one room to another. By changing the graph to a multigraph, we can allow multiple directed edges from one vertex to another.

The Adventure game must create and populate the game world initially, but it does not typically modify the game world during play. It maintains the game state (e.g. player location) separately from the game world. A player moves from room to room during play; the labelled digraph gives the static structure and descriptions of the game world.

23.5 Defining ADTs

How can we define an abstract data type?

The behavior of an ADT is defined by a set of operations that can be applied to an instance of the ADT.

Each operation of an ADT can have inputs (i.e. parameters) and outputs (i.e. results). The collection of information about the names of the operations and their inputs and outputs is the interface of the ADT.

23.5.1 Specification

To specify an ADT, we need to give:

  1. the name of the ADT

  2. the sets (or domains) upon which the ADT is built. These include the type being defined and the auxiliary types (e.g. primitive data types and other ADTs) used as parameters or return values of the operations.

  3. the signatures (syntax or structure) of the operations
  4. the semantics (or meaning) of the operations

Note: In this chapter, we more state the specification of the data abstraction more systematically than in Chapter 7. But we are doing essentially the same things we did in Chapter 7.

23.5.2 Operations

We categorize an ADT’s operations into four groups depending upon their functionality:

We normally list the operations in that order.

For a language with immutable data structures like Haskell, a mutator returns a distinct new instance of the ADT with a state that is a modified version of the original instance’s state. That is, we are taking an applicative (or functional or referentially transparent) approach to ADT specifications.

Note: Of course, in an imperative language, a mutator can change the state of an instance in place. That may be more efficient, but it tends to be less safe. It also tends to make concurrent use of an abstract data type more problematic.

Technically speaking, a destructor is not an operation of the ADT. We can represent the other types of operations as functions on the sets in the specification. However, we cannot define a destructor in that way. But destructors are of pragmatic importance in the implementation of ADTs, particularly in languages that do not have automatic storage reclamation (i.e. garbage collection).

23.5.3 Approaches to semantics

There are two primary approaches for specifying the semantics of the operations:

In some ways, the axiomatic approach is the more elegant of the two approaches. It is based in the well-established mathematical fields of abstract algebra and category theory. Furthermore, it defines the new ADT independently of other ADTs. To understand the definition of the new ADT it is only necessary to understand its axioms, not the semantics of a model.

However, in practice, the axiomatic approach to specification becomes very difficult to apply in complex situations. The constructive approach, which builds a new ADT from existing ADTs, is the more useful methodology for most practical software development situations.

In this chapter, we use the constructive approach.

23.6 Specification of Labelled Digraph ADT

Now let’s look at a constructive specification of the doubly labelled digraph.

First, we specify the ADT as an implementation-independent abstraction. The secret of the ADT module is the data structure used internally to implement the doubly labelled digraph.

Then, we examine two implementations of the abstraction:

Before we specify the ADT, let’s define the mathematical notation we use. We choose notation that can readily be used in comments in program.

23.6.1 Notation

We use the following notation and terminology to describe the abstract data type’s model and its semantics.

23.6.2 Sets

The abstract data type being defined is named Digraph.

We specify that this abstract data type be represented by a Haskell algebraic data type Digraph a b c, which has three type parameters (i.e. sets):

  1. VertexType, the set of possible vertices (i.e. vertex identifiers) in the Digraph

  2. VertexLabelType, the set of possible labels on vertices in the Digraph

  3. EdgeLabelType, the set of possible labels on edges in the Digraph

Given this ADT defines a digraph, edges can be identified by ordered pairs (tuples) of vertices.

Values the above types, in particular the labels, may have several components.

23.6.3 Signatures

We define the following operations on the Labelled Digraph ADT (shown below as Haskell function signatures).

Given the primary use case described above, we specify a constructor that to create an empty graph (new_graph), a mutator to add a new vertex (add_vertex), and mutator to add a new edge between existing vertices (add_edge).

We also specify mutators to remove vertices (remove_vertex) and edges (remove_edge) and to update the labels on vertices (update_vertex) and edges (update_edge). (Note: In the identified use case, these are likely used less often than the mutators that add new vertices and edges.)


    new_graph :: Digraph a b c


    add_vertex    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    remove_vertex :: Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c
    update_vertex :: Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    add_edge      :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c
    remove_edge   :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Digraph a b c
    update_edge   :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c

We specify query functions to check whether the labelled digraph is empty (is_empty), has a given vertex (has_vertex), and has an edge between two vertices (has_edge).

We specfiy accessors to retrieve the label associated with a given vertex (get_vertex) and edge (get_edge).

Given the identified use case, we also specify accessors to return lists of all vertices in the graph (all_vertices) and of just their labels (all_vertices_labels) and to return lists of all outgoing edges from a vertex (from_edges) and of just their labels (from_edges_labels).


    is_empty      :: Digraph a b c -> Bool 
    get_vertex    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> b 
    has_vertex    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool 
    get_edge      :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c
    has_edge      :: Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Bool
    all_vertices  :: Digraph a b c -> [a]
    from_edges    :: Digraph a b c -> a -> [a]
    all_vertices_labels :: Digraph a b c -> [(a,b)]
    from_edges_labels   :: Digraph a b c -> a -> [(a,c)]

Given the identified use case and that Haskell uses garbage collection, no destructor seems to be needed in most cases.



23.6.4 Semantics

We model the state of the instance of the Labelled Digraph ADT with an abstract value G such that G = (V,E,VL,EL) with G’s components satisfying the following Labelled Digraph Properties. Interface invariant

We define the following interface invariant for the Labelled Digraph ADT:

Any valid labelled digraph instance G, appearing in either the arguments or return value of a public ADT operation, must satisfy the Labelled Digraph Properties. Constructive semantics

We specify the various ADT operations below using their type signatures, preconditions, and postconditions. Along with the interface invariant, these comprise the (implementation-independent) specification of the ADT (i.e. its abstract interface).

In these assertions, for a digraph g that satisfies the invariants, G(g) denotes its abstract model(V,E,VL,EL) as described above. The value Result denotes the return value of function.

23.6.5 Haskell module abstract interface

Below we state the header for a Haskell module Digraph_XXX that implements the Labelled Digraph ADT. The module name suffix XXX denotes the particular implementation for a data representation, but the signatures and semantics of the operations are the same regardless of representation.

The module exports data type Digraph, but its constructors are not exported. This allows modules that import Digraph_XXX to use the data type without knowing how the data type is implemented.

If we had Digraph(..) in the export list, then the data type and all its constructors would be exported.

The intention of this interface is to constrain the type parameters of Digraph a b c so that:

It may be desirable (or necessary) for an implementation to further constrain the type parameters. For example, some implementations may need to constrain VertexType to be from class Ord (i.e. totally ordered).

    module DigraphADT_XXX 
      ( Digraph      --constraints (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) 
      , new_graph    --Digraph a b c 
      , is_empty     --Digraph a b c -> Bool 
      , add_vertex   --Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
      , remove_vertex--Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c 
      , update_vertex--Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
      , get_vertex   --Digraph a b c -> a -> b 
      , has_vertex   --Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool 
      , add_edge     --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c
      , remove_edge  --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Digraph a b c
      , update_edge  --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c -> Digraph a b c
      , get_edge     --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> c 
      , has_edge     --Digraph a b c -> a -> a -> Bool 
      , all_vertices --Digraph a b c -> [a]
      , from_edges   --Digraph a b c -> a -> [a]
      , all_vertices_labels--Digraph a b c -> [(a,b)]
      , from_edges_labels  --Digraph a b c -> a -> [(a,c)]
    where  -- definitions for the types and functions

Note: The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) release 8.2 (July 2017) and the Cabal-Install package manager release 2.0 (August 2017) support a new mixin package system called Backpack. This extension would enable us to define an abstract module “DigraphADT” as a signature file with the above interface. Other modules can then implement this abstract interface thus giving a more explicit and flexible definition of this abstract data type.

23.7 List Implementation

This section gives an implementation of the ADT that uses Haskell lists to represent the vertex and edge sets.

23.7.1 Labelled digraph representation

We represent the List implementation of the Labelled Digraph ADT as an instance of the Haskell algebraic data type Digraph as shown below. (Remember that type variable a is VertexType, b is VertexLabelType, and c is EdgeLabelType.)

    data Digraph a b c = Graph [(a,b)] [(a,a,c)]

In an instance (Graph vs es):

In terms of the abstract model, vs encodes VL directly and, because VL is a total function on V, it encodes V indirectly. Similarly, es encodes EL directly and E indirectly.

Of course, there are many other ways to represent the graph as lists. This representation is biased for a context where, once built, the labelled digraph is relatively static and the most frequent operations are the retrieval of labels attached to vertices or edges. That is, it is biased toward the Adventure game use case.

Given that all the type parameters must be of class Show, we also define Digraph to also be of class Show as defined below.

    instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                        Show (Digraph a b c) where 
        show (Graph vs es) = 
            "(Digraph " ++ show vs ++ ", " ++ show es ++ ")"

23.7.2 Implementation invariant

Given the above description, we then define the following implementation (representation) invariant for the list-based version of the Labelled Digraph ADT:

Any Haskell Digraph value (Graph vs es) with abstract model G = (V,E,VL,EL), appearing in either the arguments or return value of an operation, must also satisfy the following:

    (ForAll v, l :: (v,l) IN vs  <=> (v,l) IN VL ) &&
    (ForAll v1, v2, m :: (v1,v2,m) IN es  <=> ((v1,v2),m) IN EL )

23.7.3 Haskell implementation

The code in this section shows a list-based implementation for several of the operations related to vertices.

The Haskell module for the list representation of the Labelled Digraph ADT is in source file DigraphADT_List.hs. A simple smoke test driver module is in source file DigraphADT_TestList.hs.

The implementations of constructor new_graph and accessor is_empty are straightforward.

    new_graph :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                        Digraph a b c 
    new_graph = Graph [] [] 

    is_empty :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                        Digraph a b c -> Bool
    is_empty (Graph [] _ ) = True
    is_empty _             = False

Function has_vertex just needs to search through the list of vertices to determine whether or not the vertex occurs. It relies upon VertexType being in class Eq.

    has_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool
    has_vertex (Graph vs _) ov = 
        not (null [ n | (n,_) <- vs, n == ov])

Because of lazy evaluation, the list comprehension only needs to evaluate far enough to find the occurrence of the vertex in the list.

To add a new vertex and its label to the graph, add_vertex must return a new graph with the new vertex-label pair added to the head of the vertex list. To meet the specification, it must not allow a vertex to be added if the vertex already occurs in the list.

    add_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    add_vertex g@(Graph vs es) nv nl
        | not (has_vertex g nv) = Graph ((nv,nl):vs) es
        | otherwise             = error has_nv
        where has_nv = 
            "Vertex " ++ show nv ++ " already in digraph"

Function remove_vertex is a bit trickier with this representation. To remove an existing vertex and its label from the graph, remove_vertex must return a new graph with that vertex’s tuple removed from the list of vertices and with any outgoing edges also removed from the list of edges.

    remove_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c
    remove_vertex g@(Graph vs es) ov
        | has_vertex g ov = Graph ws fs
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where ws    = [ (w,m)     | (w,m) <- vs, w /= ov ]
              fs    = [ (v1,v2,m) | 
                        (v1,v2,m) <- es, v1 /= ov, v2 /= ov ]
              no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

The implementation of remove_vertex filters all occurrences of the vertex from the list of vertices. Given the implementation invariant, this is not necessary. However, this potentially adds some safety to the implementation at the possible expense of execution time.

For an existing vertex in the list of vertices, function update_vertex replaces the old label with the new label. Like remove_vertex, it potentially processes the entire list of vertices and makes the change to all occurrences, when the implementation invariant would allow it to stop on the first (and only) occurrence.

    update_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    update_vertex g@(Graph vs es) ov nl
        | has_vertex g ov = Graph (map chg vs) es
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where chg (w,m) = (if w == ov then (ov,nl) else (w,m))
              no_ov     = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

For an existing vertex, function get_vertex retrieves the label. Because of lazy evaluation, the search of the list of vertices stops with the first occurrence.

    get_vertex :: (Eq a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b
    get_vertex (Graph vs _)  ov
        | not (null ls) = head ls
        | otherwise     = error no_ov
        where ls    = [ l | (w,l) <- vs, w == ov]
              no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

The remainder of the functions are defined in file DigraphADT_List.hs.

We can create an empty labelled digraph g0 having Int identifiers for vertices, Int labels for vertices, and Int labels for edges as follows:

    g0  = (new_graph :: Digraph Int Int Int)

Then we can add a new vertex with identifier 1 and vertex label 101 as follows:

    g1  = add_vertex g0 1 101

23.7.4 Improvements to the list implementation

Based on the list-based design and implementation above, what improvements should we consider? Here are some possibilities.

  1. As described above, the current list implementations of functions such as remove_vertex and update_vertex do some unnecessary work with respect to the implementation invariant. This could be eliminated.

  2. The data representation (i.e. implementation invariant) could be changed to allow, for example, multiple occurrences of vertices in the vertex list. This would avoid the checks of has_vertex in add_vertex and update_vertex. Then, as it does above, remove_vertex needs to remove all occurrences of the vertex.

    Other functions would need to be modified accordingly so that they only access the first occurrence of a vertex (especially the all_vertices and all_vertices_labels functions).

    A similar change could be made to the list of edges.

    Note: The Labelled Diagraph ADT specification does not specify what the behavior should be when the referenced vertex or edge is not defined. The change suggested in this item gives non-error behavior to those situations. Perhaps a better alternative would be to change the general ADT specification to require specific behaviors in those cases.

  3. Most of the functions throw an error exception when the vertex they reference does not exist. A better Haskell design would redefine these functions to return a Maybe or Either value. This would eliminate most of the has_vertex checks and make the functions defined on all possible inputs.

    This would require changes to the overall Labelled Digraph ADT specification and its abstract interface.

  4. New functions could be added to the Labelled Digraph ADT—such as an equality check on graphs, a constructor that creates a copy of an existing graph, or functions to apply various graph algorithms.

  5. Existing functions could be eliminated. For example, if the graph is only constructed and used for retrieval, then the remove and update functions could be eliminated.

23.8 Map Implementation

This section gives an implementation of the ADT that uses a Haskell Map to map a vertex to the set of outgoing edges from that vertex

23.8.1 Labelled digraph representation

We represent the Map implementation of the Labelled Digraph ADT as an instance of the Haskell algebraic data type Digraph as shown below. (Remember that type variable a is VertexType, b is VertexLabelType, and c is EdgeLabelType.)

    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

    data Digraph a b c = Graph (M.Map a (b,[(a,c)]))

In the data constructor (Graph m), m is an instance of Data.Map.Strict. This collection is set of key-value pairs implemented as a balanced tree, giving logarithmic access time.

An instance of (Graph m) corresponds to the abstract model as follows:

Given that all the type parameters must be of class Show, we also define Digraph to also be of class Show as defined below.

    instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (Digraph a b c) where
        show (Graph m) = "(Digraph " ++ show (M.toAscList m) ++ ")"

23.8.2 Implementation invariant

Given the above description, we then define the following implementation (representation) invariant for the list-based version of the Labelled Digraph ADT:

Any Haskell Digraph value (Graph m) with abstract model G = (V,E,VL,EL), appearing in either the arguments or return value of an operation, must also satisfy the following:

    (ForAll v1, l, es :: 
        ( m(v1) defined && m(v1) == (l,es) ) <=> 
        ( VL(v1) == l && 
            (ForAll v2, el :: (v2,el) IN es <=> 
                              EL((v1,v2)) == el) ) )

23.8.3 Haskell module

The code in this section shows a map-based implementation for the same operations we examined for the list-based implementation.

The Haskell module for the map representation of the Labelled Digraph ADT is in source file DigraphADT_Map.hs. A simple smoke test driver module is in source file DigraphADT_TestMap.hs.

Constructor new_graph and accessors is_empty and has_vertex are just wrappers for functions from Data.Map.Strict.

    new_graph :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                   Digraph a b c
    new_graph = Graph M.empty

    is_empty :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) => 
                    Digraph a b c -> Bool
    is_empty (Graph m) = M.null m

    has_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                    Digraph a b c -> a -> Bool
    has_vertex (Graph m) ov = M.member ov m

To add a new vertex and label to the graph, add_vertex must return a graph with the new key-value pair inserted into the existing graph’s Map. The value consists of the label paired with a nil list of adjacent edges. To meet the specification, it must not allow a vertex to be added if the vertex already occurs in the list.

    add_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                    Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    add_vertex g@(Graph m) nv nl
        | not (has_vertex g nv) = Graph (M.insert nv (nl,[]) m)
        | otherwise             = error has_nv
        where has_nv = 
            "Vertex " ++ show nv ++ " already in digraph"

Except for making sure the vertex to be deleted is the graph, function remove_vertex is just a wrapper for the Data.Map.Strict.delete function.

    remove_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> Digraph a b c
    remove_vertex g@(Graph m) ov
        | has_vertex g ov = Graph (M.delete ov m)
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"    

If the argument vertex is in the graph, then function update_vertex retrieves its old label and edge list and then reinserts the new label paired with the same edge list.

    update_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                        Digraph a b c -> a -> b -> Digraph a b c
    update_vertex g@(Graph m) ov nl
        | has_vertex g ov = 
            Graph (M.insert ov (upd (M.lookup ov m)) m)
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where upd (Just (ol,edges)) = (nl,edges)
              upd _                 = error no_entry
              no_ov    = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"
              no_entry = 
                  "Missing/malformed value for vertex " ++ show ov

For an existing vertex, function get_vertex retrieves the associated value and extracts the label.

    get_vertex :: (Ord a, Show a, Show b, Show c) =>
                      Digraph a b c -> a -> b
    get_vertex g@(Graph m)  ov
        | has_vertex g ov = getlabel (M.lookup ov m)
        | otherwise       = error no_ov
        where getlabel (Just (ol,_)) = ol
              no_ov = "Vertex " ++ show ov ++ " not in digraph"

The remainder of the functions are defined in file DigraphADT_Map.hs.

The Map-based functions can be called in the same manner as the List-based function, except that the vertices must be in class Ord{.haskell_.

23.8.4 Improvements to the map implementation

All the improvements suggested for the list-based implementation apply to the map-based implementation except for the first.

For large graphs, the map-based implementation should perform better than the list-based implementation.

For large graphs with many outgoing edges on each vertex, it might be useful to implement the edge-list itself with a Map.

23.9 What Next?

This chapter revisited the issues of specification, design, and implementation of data abstractions as modules in Haskell. It used a labelled digraph data structure as the example.

Although we may not specify all subsequent Haskell modules as systematically as we did in this chapter, we do use the modular style of programming in the various interpreters developed in Chapter 41 and following.

In the future, we plan to implement a Adventure game on top of the ADT implemented in this chapter.

23.10 Exercise Set A

  1. Restate the preconditions and postconditions for functions from_edges and from_edges so that they must return empty lists when the argument vertex v1 is not in the vertex set. (See the notes on these operations in the semantic specification above.)

  2. Develop a comprehensive test script for the Labelled Digraph ADT implementations using blackbox, module-level, functional testing as described in Chapters 11 and 12.

  3. Adapt the Haskell Labelled Digraph ADT interface and it two implementations to use GHC’s Backpack module system.

  4. Specify a similar Labelled Digraph ADT as a Java interface.

  5. Give two different implementations of the Labelled Digraph ADT in Java using the specification from the previous exercise.

  6. Specify a similar Labelled Digraph ADT as a Python 3 module.

  7. Give two different implementations of the Labelled Digraph ADT in Python 3 using the specification from the previous exercise.

  8. Choose one of the improvements described in the “Improvements in the list implementation” subsection and change the specification and list implementation as needed for the improvement.

  9. Choose one of the improvements and change the specification and map implementation as needed for the improvement.

  10. Specify a doubly labelled directed multigraph data structure to replace the doubled labelled digraph. (That is, allow multiple directed edges from one vertex to another.)

  11. Give an implementation of the doubly labelled directed multigraph specified in the previous exercise.

23.11 Mealy Machine Simulator Project

In this project, you are asked to design and implement Haskell modules to represent Mealy Machines and to simulate their execution.

This kind of machine is a useful abstraction for simple controllers that listen for input events and respond by generating output events. For example in an automobile application, the input might be an event such as “fuel level low” and the output might be command to “display low-fuel warning message”.

In the theory of computation, a Mealy Machine is a finite-state automaton whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current input. It is a deterministic finite state transducer such that, for each state and input, at most one transition is possible.

Appendix A of the Linz textbook [Linz 2017] defines a Mealy Machine mathematically by a tuple

M=(Q,Σ,Γ,δ,θ,q0)M = (Q,\Sigma,\Gamma,\delta,\theta,q_{0})


QQ is a finite set of internal states
Σ\Sigma is the input alphabet (a finite set of values)
Γ\Gamma is the output alphabet (a finite set of values)
δ:Q×ΣQ\delta: Q \times \Sigma \longrightarrow Q is the transition function
θ:Q×ΣΓ\theta: Q \times \Sigma \longrightarrow \Gamma is the output function
q0q_{0} is the initial state of MM (an element of QQ)

In an alternative formulation, the transition and output functions can be combined into a single function:

δ:Q×ΣQ×Γ\delta: Q \times \Sigma \longrightarrow Q \times \Gamma

We often find it useful to picture a finite state machine as a transition graph where the states are mapped to vertices and the transition function represented by directed edges between vertices labelled with the input and output symbols.

23.12 Exercise Set B

  1. Specify, design, and implement a general representation for a Mealy Machine as a Haskell module implementing an abstract data type. It should hide the representation of the machine and should have, at least, the following public operations.

  2. Given the above implementation for a Mealy Machine, design and implement a separate Haskell module that simulates the execution of a Mealy Machine. It should have, at least, the following new public operations.

    Note: It is possible to use a Labelled Digraph ADT module in the implementation of the Mealy Machine.

  3. Implement a Haskell module that uses a different representation for the Mealy Machine. Make sure the simulator module still works correctly.

23.13 Acknowledgements

In Spring 2017, I created a Labelled Digraph ADT document by adapting and revising comments from the Haskell implementations of the Labelled Digraph abstract data type. I had specified the ADT and developed the implementations as my solution for Assignment #1 in CSci 556 (Multiparadigm Programming) in Spring 2015. I also included some content from my notes on Data Abstraction [Cunningham 2017].

(In addition to the list- and map-based Haskell implementations of the Labelled Digraph ADT, I developed a list-based implementation in Elixir in Spring 2015 and two Scala-based implementations in Spring 2016.)

In Spring 2017, I also created a Mealy Machine Simulator Exercise document by adapting and revising a project I had assigned in the Scala-based offering of CSci 555 (Functional Programming) in Spring 2016.

In 2018, I merged and revised these documents to become new Chapter 23, Data Abstraction Revisited, in the textbook Exploring Languages with Interpreters and Functional Programming.

I maintain this chapter as text in Pandoc’s dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the document to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

23.14 References

[Barski 2011]:
Conrad Barski. “Building a Text Game Engine,” Land of Lisp: Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time, pp. 69-84, No Starch Press, 2011. (The Common Lisp example in this chapter is similar to the classic Adventure game; the underlying data structure is a labelled digraph.)
[Cunningham 2017]
H. Conrad Cunningham. Notes on Data Abstraction, 1996-2017.
[Dale 1996]:
Nell Dale and Henry M. Walker. “Directed Graphs or Digraphs,” Chapter 10, In Abstract Data Types: Specifications, Implementations, and Applications, pp. 439-469, D. C. Heath & Co, 1996.
[Linz 2017]:
Peter Linz. Formal Languages and Automata, 6th Edition, Jones & Bartlett, 2017.

23.15 Terms and Concepts

Data abstraction; abstract data type (ADT), instance; specification of ADTs using name, sets, signatures, and semantics; constructor, accessor, mutator, and destructor operations; axiomatic and constructive semantics; abstract model (contract, precondition, postcondition, interface and implementation invariant, abstract interface); use of Haskell module hiding features to implement the abstract data type’s interface; using mathematical concepts to model the data abstraction (graph, digraph, labelled graph, multigraph, set, sequence, bag, total and partial functions, relation); graph data structure; adventure game.

Mealy Machine, simulator, finite-state automaton (machine), deterministic finite state transducer, state, transition, transition graph.