H. Conrad Cunningham
5 September 2017
Acknowledgements: These slides accompany sections 3.3-3.5 (Linear and Nonlinear Recursion, Backward and Forward Recursion, Logarithmic Recursion) from Chapter 3 “Evaluation and Efficiency”" of “Introduction to Functional Programming Using Haskell”.
Advisory: The HTML version of this document may require use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of September 2017 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.
Introduce different styles of recursive programs
linear and nonlinear
backward and forward
tail recursion
Explore their effects on time and space efficiency
Examine how to consider termination, preconditions, and postconditions in function design
Recursive function with at most one recursive application occurring in any leg of the definition
fact4 :: Int -> Int
fact4 n
| n == 0 = 1 -- nonrecursive
| n >= 1 = n * fact4 (n-1) -- linear recursive
Precondition? Postcondition?
Time complexity? (e.g., count multiplications, recursive calls)
Space complexity? (e.g., count max active stack frames)
Recursive function in which the evaluation of some leg requires more than one recursive application
fib :: Int -> Int -- naive Fibonacci (tree recursion)
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n | n >= 2 = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
Precondition? Postcondition?
Time complexity? Space complexity?
fib n
combinatorially explosive in time
Algorithms matter! Linear better than superlinear
Linear recursion can be optimized to loop, perhaps using separate stack
Nonlinear recursion more difficult to optimize
Recursive application embedded within another expression
Evaluation work to do after recursive call returns
fact4 :: Int -> Int
fact4 n
| n == 0 = 1 -- nonrecursive
| n >= 1 = n * fact4 (n-1) -- backward linear
-- fact4 (n-1) embedded
Compiler can optimize backward linear to loop (using stack)
Backward recursion often easy to write, reason about
Can we convert to more efficient function?
Recursive application not embedded within another expression
Evaluation work done in argument list (before call if eager)
fact6 :: Int -> Int
fact6 n = factIter n 1
factIter :: Int -> Int -> Int -- auxiliary function, two args
factIter 0 r = r
factIter n r | n > 0 = factIter (n-1) (n*r) -- forward recursive
Add auxiliary function factIter
whose second argument accumulates result incrementally
factIter :: Int -> Int -> Int -- auxiliary function, two args
factIter 0 r = r
factIter n r | n > 0 = factIter (n-1) (n*r) -- forward recursive
Precondition of factIter n r
Postcondition of factIter n r
Termination of factIter n r
Time complexity of factIter n r
? for optimized?
Space complexity of factIter n r
? for optimized?
Recursive application both forward and linear recursive
tail recursive
Compiler can optimize as loop without separate stack, reuses runtime stack frame, returns directly to caller
parameter r
accumulating parameter
accumulator standard method for converting backward to tail
more general than fact4
, equivalent if accumulator initially 1
fib2 :: Int -> Int
fib2 n | n >= 0 = fibIter n 0 1
fibIter 0 p q = p -- two accumulators
fibIter m p q | m > 0 = fibIter (m-1) q (p+q)
Precondition of fibIter n p q
? Postcondition?
Termination of fibIter n p q
Time complexity of fibIter n p q
fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
by cheap p + q
Space complexity of fibIter n p q
? When optimized?
Observation: for n >= 0
, b^n =
expt :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -- unbounded
expt b 0 = 1
expt b n
| n > 0 = b * expt b (n-1) -- backward recursive
| otherwise = error ("expt not defined for negative exponent"
++ show n )
Precondition? Postcondition?
Time complexity? Space complexity?
expt2 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
expt2 b n | n < 0 = error ("expt2 undefined for negative exponent"
++ show n )
expt2 b n = exptIter n 1
where exptIter 0 p = p
exptIter m p = exptIter (m-1) (b*p) -- tail recursive
Precondition of exptIter n p
? Postcondition?
Termination of exptIter n p
Time complexity of exptIter n p
? Space complexity?
Observation: for n >= 0
, b^n =
b^n = b^(n/2)^2 if n is even
b^n = b * b^(n-1) if n is odd
Incorporate in expt3
expt3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
expt3 _ n | n < 0 = error ("expt3 undefined for negative exponent"
++ show n )
expt3 b n = exptAux n
where exptAux 0 = 1
exptAux n
| even n = let exp = exptAux (n `div` 2) in -- local
exp * exp -- backward recursive
| otherwise = b * exptAux (n-1) -- backward recursive
expt3 :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
expt3 _ n | n < 0 = error ("expt3 undefined for negative exponent"
++ show n )
expt3 b n = exptAux n
where exptAux 0 = 1
exptAux n
| even n = let exp = exptAux (n `div` 2) in -- local
exp * exp -- backward recursive
| otherwise = b * exptAux (n-1) -- backward recursive
Precondition of expt3 b n
? Postcondition?
Termination of exptAux n
Time complexity of exptAux n
? Space complexity?
Styles of recursion (linear and nonlinear, backward and forward, tail, logarithmic)
Correctness (precondition, postcondition, and termination)
Efficiency estimation (time and space complexity)
Transformations to improve efficiency (auxiliary function, accumulator)
The Haskell code for this seciton is in file EvalEff.hs