Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, H. Conrad Cunningham

Acknowledgements: In Summer 2016, I adapted and revised this chapter from chapter 8 of my Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell and from my notes on Functional Data Structures from the Spring 2016 Scala variant of CSci 555. The latter was based, in part, on chapter 3 of the book Functional Programming in Scala by Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason (Manning, 2015).

In Fall 2017, I added the discussion of the Maybe and Either types. For this work, I examined the Data.Maybe and Data.Either documentation and the Wikipedia article on "Option Type".

I maintain these notes as text in Pandoc's dialect of Markdown using embedded LaTeX markup for the mathematical formulas and then translate the notes to HTML, PDF, and other forms as needed.

Advisory: The HTML version of this document may require use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of October 2017 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

Code: The Haskell module for this chapter is in file Chap08.hs.


8 Algebraic Data Types

8.1 Chapter Introduction


8.2 Definition

An algebraic data type is a type formed by combining other types, that is, it is a composite data type. The data type is created by an algebra of operations of two primary kinds:

We can combine sums and products recursively into arbitrarily large structures.

An enumerated type is a sum type in which the constructors take no arguments. Each constructor corresponds to a single value.

Although sometimes the acronym ADT is used for both, an algebraic data type is a different concept from an abstract data type.

Perhaps to add to the confusion, in functional programming we sometimes use an algebraic data type to help define an abstract data type.

8.3 Haskell Algebraic Data Types

8.3.1 Declaring data types

In addition to the built-in data types we have discussed, Haskell also allows the definition of new data types using declarations of the form:

data Datatype a1 a2 $\cdots$ an = Constr1 | Constr2 | $\cdots$ | Constrm


8.3.2 Example type Color

For example, consider a new data type Color whose possible values are the colors on the flag of the USA. The names of the data constructors (the color constants in this case) must also begin with capital letters.

    data Color = Red | White | Blue 
                 deriving (Show, Eq)

Color is an example of an enumerated type, a sum type that consists of a finite sequence of nullary (i.e., the arity–-number of parameters–-is zero) data constructors.

We can use the type and data constructor names defined with data in declarations, patterns, and expressions in the same way that the built-in types can be used.

    isRed :: Color -> Bool 
    isRed Red = True
    isRed _   = False

Data constructors can also have associated values. For example, the constructor Grayscale below takes an integer value.

    data Color' = Red' | Blue' | Grayscale Int
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

Constructor Grayscale implicitly defines a constructor function with the type.

8.3.3 Deriving class instances

The optional deriving clauses above are very useful. They declare that these new types are automatically added as instances of the classes listed. In the above cases, Show and Eq enable objects of type Color to be converted to a String and compared for equality, respectively.

The Haskell compiler derives the body of an instance syntactically from the data type declaration. It can derive instances for classes Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Read, and Show.

The derived instances of Eq include the (==) and (/=) methods. The derived instances of Ord also include the compare, (<), (<=), (>), (>=), max, and min methods. The ordered comparison operators use the order of the constructors given in the data statement, from smallest to largest, left to right. These comparison operators are strict in both arguments.

Similarly, the Enum instance assigns integers to the constructors increasing from 0 at the left;Bounded assigns minBound to the leftmost and maxBound to the rightmost.

Show enables the function show to convert the data type to a syntactically correct Haskell expression consisting of only the constructor names, parentheses, and spaces. Similarly, Read enables the function read to parse such a string into a value of the data type.

For example, the data type Bool might be defined as:

    data Bool = False | True
                deriving (Ord, Show)

Thus False < True evaluates to True and False > True evaluates to False. If x == False, then show x yields the string False.

8.3.4 More example types

Consider a data type Point that has a type parameter. The following defines a polymorphic type; both of the values associated with the constructor Pt must be of type a. Constructor Pt implicitly defines a constructor function of type a -> a -> Point a.

    data Point a = Pt a a
                   deriving (Show, Eq)

As another example, consider a polymorphic set data type that represents a set as a list of values as follows. Note that the name Set is used both as the type constructor and a data constructor. In general, do not use a symbol in multiple ways. It is acceptable to double use only when the type has only one constructor.

    data Set a = Set [a]
                 deriving (Show, Eq)

Now we can write a function makeSet to transform a list into a Set. This function uses the function nub from the Data.List module to remove duplicates from a list.

    makeSet :: Eq a => [a] -> Set a 
    makeSet xs = Set (nub xs)

As we have seen previously, programmers can also define type synonyms. As in user-defined types, synonyms may have parameters. For example, the following might define a matrix of some polymorphic type as a list of lists of that type.

    type Matrix a = [[a]]

We can also use special types to encode error conditions. For example, suppose we want an integer division operation that returns an error message if there is an attempt to divide by 0 and returns the quotient otherwise. We can define and use a union type Result as follows:

    data Result a = Ok a | Err String
                    deriving (Show, Eq)

    divide :: Int -> Int -> Result Int 
    divide _  0 = Err "Divide by zero" 
    divide x  y = Ok (x `div` y)

Then we can use this operation in the definition of another function f that returns the maximum Int value maxBound when a division by 0 occurs.

    f :: Int -> Int -> Int 
    f x y  = return (divide x y) 
             where return (Ok z)  = z 
                   return (Err s) = maxBound

The auxiliary function return can be avoided by using the Haskell case expression as follows:

    f' x y = 
        case divide x y of 
            Ok z  -> z 
            Err s -> maxBound

This case expression evaluates the expression divide x y, matches its result against the patterns of the alternatives, and returns the right-hand-side of the first matching patter.

Later in this chapter we discuss the Maybe and Either types, two polymorphic types for handling errors defined in the Prelude.

8.3.5 Recursive types

Types can also be recursive.

For example, consider the user-defined type BinTree, which defines a binary tree with values of a polymorphic type.

    data BinTree a = Empty | Node (BinTree a) a (BinTree a)
                     deriving (Show, Eq)

This data type represents a binary tree with a value in each node. The tree is either "emptyD" (denoted by Empty) or it is a "node" (denoted by Node) that consists of a value of type a and "left" and "right" subtrees. Each of the subtrees must themselves be objects of type BinTree.

Thus a binary tree is represented as a three-part "record" in which the left and right subtrees are represented as nested binary trees. There are no explicit “pointers”.

Figure 8-1: Binary Tree BinTree

Figure 8-1: Binary Tree BinTree

Consider a function flatten to return the list of the values in binary tree in the order corresponding to a left-to-right in-order traversal. Thus expression

    flatten (Node (Node Empty 3 Empty) 5 (Node (Node Empty 7 Empty) 1 Empty))

yields [3,5,7,1].

    flatten :: BinTree a -> [a] 
    flatten Empty        = [] 
    flatten (Node l v r) = flatten l ++ [v] ++ flatten r 

The second leg of flatten requires two recursive calls. However, as long as the input tree is finite, each recursive call receives a tree that is simpler (e.g., shorter) than the input. Thus all recursions eventually terminate when flatten is called with an Empty tree.

Function flatten can be rendered more efficiently using an accumulating parameter and cons as in the following:

    flatten' :: BinTree a -> [a] 
    flatten' t = inorder t [] 
                 where inorder Empty xs        = xs 
                       inorder (Node l v r) xs = 
                           inorder l (v : inorder r xs)

Auxiliary function inorder builds up the list of values from the right using cons.

To extend the example further, consider a function treeFold that folds an associative operation op with identity element i through a left-to-right in-order traversal of the tree.

    treeFold :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> BinTree a -> a 
    treeFold op i Empty        = i 
    treeFold op i (Node l v r) = op (op (treeFold op i l) v) 
                                    (treeFold op i r)

Now let’s consider a slightly different formulation of a binary tree: a tree in which values are only stored at the leaves.

    data Tree a = Leaf a | Tree a :^: Tree a
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

This definition introduces the constructor function name Leaf as the constructor for leaves and the infix construction operator ":^:" as the constructor for internal nodes of the tree. (A constructor operator symbol must begin with a colon.)

These constructors allow such trees to be defined conveniently. For example, the tree

    ((Leaf 1 :^: Leaf 2) :^: (Leaf 3 :^: Leaf 4))

generates a complete binary tree with height 3 and the integers 1, 2, 3, and 4 at the leaves.

Suppose we want a function fringe, similar to function flatten above, that displays the leaves in a left-to-right order. We can write this as:

    fringe :: Tree a -> [a]  
    fringe (Leaf v)  = [v] 
    fringe (l :^: r) = fringe l ++ fringe r 

As with flatten and flatten’ above, function fringe can also be rendered more efficiently using an accumulating parameter as in the following:

    fringe' :: Tree a -> [a] 
    fringe' t = leaves t [] 
                where leaves (Leaf v)  = ((:) v) 
                      leaves (l :^: r) = leaves l . leaves r

Auxiliary function leaves builds up the list of leaves from the right using cons.

8.4 Error-handling with Maybe and Either

Before we examine Maybe and Either, let's consider a use case.

An association list is a list of pairs in which the first component is some key (e.g., a string) and the second component is the value associated with that key. It is a simple form of a map or dictionary data structure.

Suppose we have an association list that maps the name of a student (a key) to the name of the student's academic advisor (a value). The following function lookup' carries out the search recursively.

    lookup' :: String -> [(String,String)] -> String
    lookup' key ((x,y):xys)
        | key == x  =  y
        | otherwise =  lookup' key xys

But what do we do when the key is not in the list (e.g., the list is empty)? How do we define a leg for lookup' key [] ?

  1. Leave the function undefined for that pattern?

    In this case, evaluation will halt with a "non-exhaustive pattern" error message.

  2. Put in an explicit error call with a custom error message?

  3. Return some default value of the advisor such as "NONE"?

  4. Return a null reference?

The first two approaches either halt the entire program or require use of the exception-handling mechanism. However, in any language, both abnormal termination and exceptions should be avoided except in cases in which the program is unable to continue. The lack of an assignment of a student to an advisor is likely not such an extraordinary situation.

Exceptions break referential transparency and, hence, negate many of the advantages of purely functional languages such as Haskell. In addition, Haskell programs can only catch exceptions in the outer layers that handle input/output.

The third approach only works when there is some value that is not valid. This is not a very general approach.

The fourth approach, which is not available in Haskell, can be an especially unsafe programming practice. British computing scientist Tony Hoare, who introduced the null reference into the Algol type system in the mid-1960s, calls that his "billion dollar mistake" because it "has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes".

What is a safer, more general approach than these?

Haskell includes the union type Maybe (from the Prelude and Data.Maybe) which can be used to handle such cases.

    data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
                   deriving (Eq, Ord)

The Maybe algebraic data type encapsulates an optional value. A value of type Maybe a either contains a value of type a (represented by Just a) or it is empty (represented by Nothing).

TheMaybe type is a good way to handle errors or exceptional cases without resorting to an error call.

Now we can define a general version of lookup' using a Maybe return type. (This is essentially function lookup from the Prelude.)

    lookup'' :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
    lookup'' key [] =  Nothing
    lookup'' key ((x,y):xys)
       | key == x   =  Just y
       | otherwise  =  lookup'' key xys

Suppose advisorList is an association list pairing students with their advisors and defaultAdvisor is the advisor the student should consult if no advisor is officially assigned. We can look up the advisor with a call to lookup and then pattern match on the Maybe value returned. (Here we use a case expression.)

    whoIsAdvisor :: String -> String
    whoIsAdvisor std =
        case lookup std advisorList of
            Nothing   -> defaultAdvisor
            Just prof -> prof

The whoIsAdvisor function just returns a default value in place of Nothing. The function

    fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a

supported by the Data.Maybe library has the same effect. Thus we can rewrite whoIsAdvisor as follows:

    whoIsAdvisor' std = 
        fromMaybe defaultAdvisor $ lookup std advisorList 

Alternatively, we could use Data.Maybe functions such as:

    isJust    :: Maybe a -> Bool
    isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
    fromJust  :: Maybe a -> a   -- error if Nothing

This allows us to rewrite whoIsAdvisor as follows:

    whoIsAdvisor'' std =
        let ad = lookup std advisorList
        in if isJust ad then fromJust ad else defaultAdvisor

If we need more fine-grained error messages, then we can use the union type Either defined as follows:

    data Either a b = Left a | Right b
                      deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

The Either a b type represents values with two possibilities: a Left a or Right b. By convention, a Left constructor usually contains an error message and a Right constructor a correct value.

As with fromMaybe, we can use similar fromRight and fromLeft functions from the Data.Eitherlibrary to extract the Right or Left values or to return a default value when the value is represented by the other constructor.

    fromLeft  :: a -> Either a b -> a
    fromRight :: b -> Either a b -> b

Library module Data.Either also includes functions to query for the presence of the two constructors.

    isLeft    :: Either a b -> Bool
    isRight   :: Either a b -> Bool

Most recently designed languages include a maybe or option type. For example, Java 8 added the final class Optional<T>. Scala supports the Option[T] case class hierarchy, and Rust includes the Option<T> enum (algebraic data type). The functional languages Idris, Elm, and PureScript all have Haskell-like Maybe algebraic data types.

When programming in an object-oriented language that does not provide an option/maybe type, a programmer can often use the Null Object design pattern to achieve a similar result. Instead of returning a null reference to denote the absence of a valid result, the function can return an object that implements the expected interface but which "does nothing" -- at least nothing harmful.

8.5 Exercises

  1. For trees of type Tree, implement a tree-folding function similar to treeFold.

  2. For trees of type BinTree, implement a version of treeFold that uses an accumulating parameter. (Hint: foldl.)

  3. In a binary search tree all values in the left subtree of a node are less than the value at the node and all values in the right subtree are greater than the value at the node.

    Given binary search trees of type BinTree, implement the following Haskell functions:

    1. makeTree that takes a list and returns a perfectly balanced (i.e., minimal height) BinTree such that flatten (makeTree xs) = sort xs. Prelude function sort returns its argument rearranged into ascending order.

    2. insertTree that takes an element and a BinTree and returns the BinTree with the element inserted at an appropriate position.

    3. elemTree that takes an element and a BinTree and returns True if the element is in the tree and False otherwise.

    4. heightTree that takes a BinTree and returns its height. Assume that height means the number of levels in the tree. (A tree consisting of exactly one node has a height of 1.)

    5. mirrorTree that takes a BinTree and returns its mirror image. That is, it takes a tree and returns the tree with the left and right subtrees of every node swapped.

    6. mapTree that takes a function and a BinTree and returns the BinTree of the same shape except each node’s value is computed by applying the function to the corresponding value in the input tree.

    7. showTree that takes a BinTree and displays the tree in a parenthesized, left-to-right, in-order traversal form. (That is, the traversal of a tree is enclosed in a pair of parentheses, with the traversal of the left subtree followed by the traversal of the right subtree.)

    Extend the package to support both insertion and deletion of elements. Keep the tree balanced using a technique such the AVL balancing algorithm.

  4. Implement the package of functions described in the previous exercise for the data type Tree.

  5. Each node of a general (i.e., multiway) tree consists of a label and a list of (zero or more) subtrees (each a general tree). We can define a general tree data type in Haskell as follows:

        data Gtree a = Node a [Gtree a]

    For example, tree (Node 0 [ ]) consists of a single node with label 0; a more complex tree, , consists of root node with three single-node subtrees.

    Implement a “map” function for general trees, i.e., write Haskell function

        mapGtree :: (a -> b) -> Gtree a -> Gtree b 

    that takes a function and a Gtree and returns the Gtree of the same shape such that each label is generated by applying the function to the corresponding label in the input tree.

  6. We can introduce a new Haskell type for the natural numbers (i.e., nonnegative integers) with the statement

        data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat 

    where the constructor Zero represents the value 0 and constructor Succ represents the “successor function” from mathematics. Thus (Succ Zero) denotes 1, (Succ (Succ Zero)) denotes 2, and so forth. Implement the following Haskell functions.

    1. intToNat that takes a nonnegative Int and returns the equivalent Nat, for example,  returns .

    2. natToInt that takes a Nat and returns the equivalent value of type Int, for example,  returns 1.

    3. addNat that takes two Nats and returns their sum as a Nat. This function cannot use integer addition.

    4. mulNat that takes two Nats and returns their product as a Nat. This function cannot use integer multiplication or addition.

    5. compNat that takes two Nats and returns the value -1 if the first is less than the second, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the first is greater than the second. This function cannot use the integer comparison operators.

  7. Consider the following Haskell data type for representing sequences (i.e., lists):

        data Seq a = Nil | Att (Seq a) a 

    Nil represents the empty sequence. Att xz y represents the sequence in which last element y is “attached” at the right end of the initial sequence xz.

    Note that Att is similar to the ordinary "cons" (:) for Haskell lists except that elements are attached at the opposite end of the sequences. (Att (Att (Att Nil 1) 2) 3) represents the same sequence as the ordinary list (1:(2:(3:[]))).

    Implement Haskell functions for the following operations on type Seq. The operations are analogous to the similarly named operations on the built-in Haskell lists.

    1. lastSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns its last (i.e., rightmost) element.

    2. initialSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns its initial sequence (i.e., sequence remaining after the last element removed).

    3. lenSeq takes a Seq and returns the number of elements that it contains.

    4. headSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns its head (i.e., leftmost) element.

    5. tailSeq takes a nonempty Seq and returns the Seq remaining after the head element is removed.

    6. conSeq that takes an element and a Seq and returns a Seq with the argument element as its head and the Seq argument as its tail.

    7. appSeq takes two arguments of type Seq and returns a Seq with the second argument appended after the first.

    8. revSeq takes a Seq and returns the Seq with the same elements in reverse order.

    9. mapSeq takes a function and a Seq and returns the Seq resulting from applying the function to each element of the sequence in turn.

    10. filterSeq that takes a predicate and a Seq and returns the Seq containing only those elements that satisfy the predicate.

    11. listToSeq takes an ordinary Haskell list and returns the Seq with the same values in the same order (e.g., headSeq (listToSeq xs) = head xs for nonempty xs.)

    12. seqToList takes a Seq and returns the ordinary Haskell list with the same values in the same order (e.g., head (seqToList xz) = headSeq xz for nonempty xz.)

  8. Consider the following Haskell data type for representing sequences (i.e., lists):

        data Seq a = Nil | Unit a | Cat (Seq a) (Seq a)

    The constructor Nil represents the empty sequence; Unit represents a single-element sequence; and Cat represents the "concatenation" (i.e., append) of its two arguments, the second argument appended after the first.

    Implement Haskell functions for the following operations on type Seq. The operations are analogous to the similarly named operations on the built-in Haskell lists. (Do not convert back and forth to lists.)

    1. toSeq that takes a list and returns a corresponding Seq that is balanced.

    2. fromSeq that takes a Seq and returns the corresponding list.

    3. appSeq that takes two arguments of type Seq and returns a Seq with the second argument appended after the first.

    4. conSeq that takes an element and a Seq and returns a Seq with the argument element as its head and the Seq argument as its tail.

    5. lenSeq that takes a Seq and returns the number of elements that it contains.

    6. revSeq that takes a Seq and returns a Seq with the same elements in reverse order.

    7. headSeq that takes a nonempty Seq and returns its head (i.e., leftmost or front) element. (Be careful!)

    8. tailSeq that takes a nonempty Seq and returns the Seq remaining after the head is removed.

    9. normSeq that takes a Seq and returns a Seq with unnecessary embedded Nils removed. (For example, normSeq (Cat (Cat Nil (Unit 1)) Nil) returns (Unit 1).)

    10. eqSeq that takes two Seqs and returns True if the sequences of values are equal and returns False otherwise. Note that two Seq “trees” may be structurally different yet represent the same sequence of values.

      For example, (Cat Nil (Unit 1)) and (Cat (Unit 1) Nil) have the same sequence of values (i.e., [1]). But (Cat (Unit 1) (Unit 2)) and (Cat (Unit 2) (Unit 1)) do not represent the same sequence of values (i.e., [1,2] and [2,1], respectively).

      Also (Cat (Cat (Unit 1) (Unit 2)) (Unit 3)) has the same sequence of values as (Cat (Cat (Unit 1) (Unit 2)) (Unit 3)) (i.e., [1,2,3]).

    In general what are the advantages and disadvantages of representing lists this way?

8.6 References

[Bird-Wadler 1998]
Richard Bird and Philip Wadler. Introduction to Functional Programming, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 1998. [First Edition, 1988]
[Chiusano-Bjarnason 2015]
Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason, Functional Programming in Scala, Manning, 2015.
[Cunningham 2014]
H. Conrad Cunningham. Notes on Functional Programming with Haskell, 1994-2014.
[Wikipedia 2017]
Wikipedia articles on "Algebraic Data Type" and "Abstract Data Type".

8.7 Terms and Concepts

Types, algebraic data types (composite), sum (tagged, disjoint union, variant, enumerated), product (tuple, record), nullary,recursive types, algebraic data types versus abstract data types, pattern matching, safe error handling, Maybe and Either "option" types