CSci 450/503: Programming Languages

Expression Language Syntax and Semantics

H. Conrad Cunningham

13 November 2017

Copyright (C) 2017, H. Conrad Cunningham

Acknowledgements: These slides accompany Chapter 10 “Expression Language Syntax and Semantics” of the in-work textbook “Introduction to Functional Programming Using Haskell”.

Advisory: The HTML version of this document may require use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of November 2017 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

Lecture Goals

Expression Language Modules

Expression Language (Ch. 10)

Expression Language (Ch. 11)


Concrete vs. Abstract Syntax

Concrete Infix Syntax

Examples – familiar syntax

    x + 3
    (x + y)  * (2 - z)

Infix Grammar

    -- Context-free grammar
    <expression> ::= <term> { <addop> <term> }
    <term>       ::= <factor> { <mulop> <factor> }
    <factor>     ::= <var> | <val>
                   | '(' <expression> ')'
    <val>        ::= [ '-' ] <unsigned>
    <var>        ::= <id>
    <addop>      ::=  '+'  |  '-' 
    <mulop>      ::=  '*'  |  '/' 
    -- Regular grammar
    <id>         ::=  <firstid>  |  <firstid> <idseq>
    <idseq>      ::=  <restid>   |  <restid> <idseq>
    <firstid>    ::=  <alpha>    | '_'
    <restid>     ::=  <alpha>    | '_'  | <digit>
    <unsigned>   ::=  <digit>    |  <digit> <unsigned> 
    <digit>      ::=  any numeric character
    <alpha>      ::=  any alphabetic character 

Infix Parse Tree 1 + 1

Concrete Prefix Syntax

Examples – parenthesized syntax (Lisp-like)

    (+ 1 1) 
    (+ x 3) 
    (* (+ x y) (- 2 z)) 

Prefix Grammar

    -- Context-free Grammar
    <expression> ::=  <var> | <val> | <operexpr>
    <var>        ::=  <id>
    <val>        ::=  [ "-" ] <unsigned> 
    <operexpr>   ::=  '(' <operator> <operandseq> ')'
    <operandseq> ::=  { <expression> }
    <operator>   ::=  '+'  |  '*'  |  '-'  |  '/' | ...
    -- Reglar grammar (same as infix grammar)
    <id>         ::=  <firstid>  |  <firstid> <idseq>
    <idseq>      ::=  <restid>   |  <restid> <idseq>
    <firstid>    ::=  <alpha>    | '_'
    <restid>     ::=  <alpha>    | '_'  | <digit>
    <unsigned>   ::=  <digit>    |  <digit> <unsigned> 
    <digit>      ::=  any numeric character
    <alpha>      ::=  any alphabetic character 

Prefix Parse Tree (+ 1 1)

Abstract Syntax Data Type

Abstract Syntax module exports data type definition

import Values ( ValType, Name )
data Expr = Add Expr Expr
| Sub Expr Expr
| Mul Expr Expr
| Div Expr Expr
| Var Name
| Val ValType
-- deriving Show? or custom?

Abstract Syntax Show Instance (1)

Abstract Syntax module encapsulates instance definition

instance Show Expr where
show (Val v) = show v
show (Var n) = n
show (Add l r) = showParExpr "+" [l,r]
show (Sub l r) = showParExpr "-" [l,r]
show (Mul l r) = showParExpr "+" [l,r]
show (Div l r) = showParExpr "/" [l,r]

Abstract Syntax Show Instance (2)

showParExpr :: String -> [Expr] -> String
showParExpr op es =
"(" ++ op ++ " " ++ showExprList es ++ ")"
showExprList :: [Expr] -> String
showExprList es = Data.List.intercalate " " (map show es)

Abstract Syntax Examples

Val 3 -- 3 -- left if "deriving Show"
Val (-3) -- -3
Var "x" -- x
Add (Val 1) (Val 1) -- 1+1 -- (+ 1 1)
Add (Var "x") (Val 3) -- x + 3 -- (+ x 3)
-- (x + y) * (2 - z)
-- (* (+ x y) (- 2 z))
Mul (Add (Var "x") (Var "y")) (Sub (Val 2) (Var "z"))

Abstract Syntax Tree (1)

AST for 1 + 1

AST for 1 + 1

Abstract Syntax Tree (2)

AST for (x + y) * (2 - z)

AST for (x + y) * (2 - z)

Values Module

Values module encapsulates representation of values (e.g., Int vs. Integer) – flexibility for future

type Name = String
type NumType = Int
type ValType = NumType
defaultVal :: ValType
-- several other functions



mapping from variables’ names to their values

Environments Module (General)

Environments module encapsulates representation of environment (polymorphic) – flexibility for future

import Values ( ValType, Name, defaultVal )
type AnEnv a = [(Name,a)]
newEnv :: AnEnv a
toList :: AnEnv a -> [(Name,a)]
getBinding :: Name -> AnEnv a -> Maybe a
hasBinding :: Name -> AnEnv a -> Bool
newBinding :: Name -> a -> AnEnv a -> AnEnv a
setBinding :: Name -> a -> AnEnv a -> AnEnv a
bindList :: [(Name,a)] -> AnEnv a -> AnEnv a

Expression Language Environment

From Evaluator module

import Values ( ValType, Name, defaultVal )
import Environments ( AnEnv, Name, newEnv, toList, getBinding,
hasBinding, newBinding, setBinding, bindList )
type Env = AnEnv ValType -- map Name to ValType value

Informal Semantics of AST

Evaluation Module (1)

Evaluation Module (2)

import Values ( ValType, Name, defaultVal )
import AbSynExpr ( Expr(..) )
import Environments ( AnEnv, Name, newEnv, toList, getBinding,
hasBinding, newBinding, setBinding, bindList )
type EvalErr = String
type Env = AnEnv ValType
eval :: Expr -> Env -> Either EvalErr ValType
eval (Val v) _ = Right v
eval (Var n) env =
case getBinding n env of
Nothing -> Left ("Undefined variable " ++ n)
Just i -> Right i
eval (Add l r) env =
case (eval l env, eval r env) of
(Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv + rv)
(Left le, Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
(x@(Left le), _ ) -> x
(_, y@(Left le)) -> y

Evaluation Module (3)

eval (Sub l r) env =
case (eval l env, eval r env) of
(Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv - rv)
(Left le, Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
(x@(Left le), _ ) -> x
(_, y@(Left le)) -> y
eval (Mul l r) env =
case (eval l env, eval r env) of
(Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv * rv)
(Left le, Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
(x@(Left le), _ ) -> x
(_, y@(Left le)) -> y
eval (Div l r) env =
case (eval l env, eval r env) of
(Right _, Right 0 ) -> Left "Division by 0"
(Right lv, Right rv) -> Right (lv `div` rv)
(Left le, Left re ) -> Left (le ++ "\n" ++ re)
(x@(Left le), _ ) -> x
(_, y@(Left le)) -> y

Read-Evaluate-Print Loop (REPL)

Expression Language REPL

Simplification (Optional Phase)

Simplify items based on operator properties to give faster execution, smaller trees (code improvement)

simplify :: Expr -> Expr -- parts left as exercise
simplify (Add l r) =
case (simplify l, simplify r) of
(Val 0, rr) -> rr
(ll, Val 0) -> ll
(Val x, Val y) -> Val (x+y)
(ll, rr) -> Add ll rr
simplify (Mul l r) =
case (simplify l, simplify r) of
(Val 0, rr) -> Val 0
(ll, Val 0) -> Val 0
(Val 1, rr) -> rr
(ll, Val 1) -> ll
(Val x, Val y) -> Val (x*y)
(ll, rr) -> Mul ll rr
simplify t@(Var _) = t
simplify t@(Val _) = t

Symbolic Manipulation of AST

Derivative (probably should change ValType to Double to be practical)

deriv :: Expr -> Name -> Expr
deriv (Add l r) v = Add (deriv l v) (deriv r v)
deriv (Mul l r) v = Add (Mul l (deriv r v)) (Mul r (deriv l v))
deriv (Var n) v
| v == n = Val 1
deriv _ _ = Val 0
-- other constructors left as exercise

Key Ideas