Assignment #2
Due Monday, 2 October, 11:59 p.m. (Revised)

General Instructions

All homework and programming exercises must be prepared in accordance with the instructions given in the Syllabus. Each assignment must be submitted to your instructor by its stated deadline.

Assignment Description

  1. This is an individual assignment. When complete, submit your Haskell source and testing files to the course Blackboard site.

  2. You should put all the definitions for these exercises in a Haskell module (i.e., source code) file named TextProcessing.hs. Please include comments that enable your instructor and teaching assistant to determine which functions comprise your work on each exercise.

    Test your code thoroughly. Put your testing code in a separate module named TextProcessingTest.hs that imports the module with your answers to the exercises.

  3. CSci 450 students do at least six of the eight exercises 7.27-7.34 on pages 174-5 of the Thompson textbook The Craft of Functional Programming. I will supply you copies of those pages with error corrections.

    CSci 503 students do seven of the eight exercises above.

    I encourage all students to work on all exercises.

    You may start with the Haskell script from Thompson textbook (with corrections) in file TextProcessingBook.hs.