Assignment #1
Due Monday, 11 September, 11:59 p.m.

General Instructions

All homework and programming exercises must be prepared in accordance with the instructions given in the Syllabus. Each assignment must be submitted to your instructor by its stated deadline.

Assignment Description

  1. When complete, submit your Haskell source and testing files to the course Blackboard site. This is an individual assignment.

  2. Develop Haskell functions to solve exercises 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 from Chapter 2, Basic Haskell Functional Programming. You may put all these functions in the same module and include functions to test them appropriately.

Copy of Exercise Descriptions

  1. Develop a Haskell function sumsqbig that takes three numbers as arguments and returns the sum of the squares of the two larger numbers. That is sumsqbig 2.0 1.0 3.0 yields 13.


  3. Develop a Haskell Boolean function div23n5 such that div23n5 n returns True if and only if n is divisible by 2 or divisible by 3 but not divisible by 5. That is, div23n5 6 yields True and div23n5 30 yields False.

  4. Develop a Haskell function notDiv such that notDiv n d returns True if and only if integer n is not divisible by d. That is, notDiv 10 5 yields False and notDiv 11 5 yields True.

  5. Develop a Haskell function mult that takes two natural numbers (i.e., nonnegative integers) and returns their product. The function must not use the multiplication (*) or division (div) operators. Hint: Multiplication can be done by repeated addition.

  6. Develop a Haskell function addTax that takes two Double values such that addTax c p returns c with a sales tax of p percent added. For example, addTax 2.0 9.0 returns 2.18.

    Also develop a function subTax that is the inverse of addTax. That is, subTax (addTax c p) p yields c.

  7. The time of day can be represented by a tuple (hours,minutes,m) where m indicates either "AM" or "PM". Develop a Boolean Haskell function comesBefore that takes two time-of-day tuples and determines whether the first is an earlier time than the second. (Note: Consider midnight and noon.)

  8. Develop a Haskell function

    minf :: (Int -> Int) -> Int

    such that minf g returns the smallest integer m such that 0 <= m <= 10000000 and g m == 0 (if such an integer exists).