Copyright (C) 2016, H. Conrad Cunningham

Acknowledgements: Adapted from my notes Introduction to Functional Programming Using Haskell (under development, 2016) and example Lua function for Square Root.

Advisory: The HTML version of this document requires use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of September 2016 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

Using Top-Down Stepwise Refinement

A useful and intuitive design process for a small program is to begin with a high-level solution and gradually fill in the details. We call this process top-down stepwise refinement.

Let's consider an example.

Developing a square root package

Consider the problem of computing the nonnegative square root of a nonnegative number $x$. Mathematically, we want to find the number $y$ such that

$y \geq 0$ and $y^{2} = x$.

A common algorithm in mathematics for computing the above $y$ is to use Newton's method of successive approximations, which has the following steps for square root:

  1. Guess at the value of $y$.
  2. If the current approximation (guess) is sufficiently close (i.e. good enough), return it and stop; otherwise, continue.
  3. Compute an improved guess by averaging the value of $y$ and $x/y$, then go back to step 2.

To encode this algorithm in Lua, we work top down to decompose the problem into smaller parts until each part can be solved easily. We begin this top-down stepwise refinement by defining a function


to compute the square root of x iteratively, where guess is the current approximation.

We can encode step 2 of the above algorithm in Lua as follows:

    local function sqrt_iter(guess,x)
       if good_enough(guess,x) then
          return guess
          return sqrt_iter(improve(guess,x),x)

We have two cases:

The function improve takes the current guess and x and carries out step 3 of the algorithm, thus averaging guess and x/guess, as follows:

    local function improve(guess,x)
       return average(guess,x/guess)

Here we abstract average into a separate function as follows:

    local function average(x,y)
       return (x + y) / 2

The new guess is closer to the square root than the previous guess. Thus the algorithm will terminate assuming a good choice for function good_enough, which guards the base case of the sqrt_iter recursion.

How should we define good_enough? Given that we are working with the limited precision of computer floating point arithmetic, it is not easy to choose an appropriate test for all situations. Here we simplify this and use a tolerance of 0.001.

We thus postulate the following definition for good_enough:

   local function good_enough(guess,x)
       return math.abs(square(guess)- x) < 0.001

In the above, math.abs is the built-in absolute value function defined in the Lua math library. We define square as the following simple function (but could replace it by just guess * guess).

    local function square(x)
       return x * x

What is a good initial guess? It is sufficient to just use 1. So we can define an overall square root function sqrt as follows:

    local function sqrt(x)
       if type(x) == "number" and x >= 0 then
          return sqrt_iter(1,x)
          error("Square root cannot be computed for "
                .. tostring(x), 2)

Packaging the functions

Because the only public function needed is sqrt, we can make all the other functions local to sqrt. That is, we put their definitions inside the body of sqrt. We must define each of the functions before it is called by another function.

    local function sqrt(x)

       local function square(x)
          return x * x

       local function good_enough(guess,x)
          return math.abs(square(guess)- x) < 0.001

       local function average(x,y)
          return (x + y) / 2

       local function improve(guess,x)
          return average(guess,x/guess)

       local function sqrt_iter(guess,x)
          if good_enough(guess,x) then
             return guess
             return sqrt_iter(improve(guess,x),x)

       if type(x) == "number" and x >= 0 then
          return sqrt_iter(1,x)
          error("Square root cannot be computed for " 
                .. tostring(x), 2)

An alternative would be to put these functions in a Lua module and just export function sqrt.

Top-down stepwise refinement

The program design strategy known as top-down stepwise refinement is a relatively intuitive design process that has long been applied in the design of structured programs in imperative procedural languages. It is also useful in the functional programming setting, as is shown by the square root example above.

In Lua, we can apply top-down stepwise refinement as follows.

  1. Start with a high-level solution to the problem consisting of one or more functions. For each function, identify its signature and functional requirements (i.e., its inputs, outputs, and termination condition).

    Some parts of each function are abstracted as "pseudocode" expressions or as-yet-undefined function calls.

  2. Choose one of the incomplete parts. Consider its signature and functional requirements. Refine the incomplete part by breaking it into subparts or, if simple, defining it directly in terms of Lua expressions (including calls to library functions).

    When refining an incomplete part, consider the various options according to the relevant design criteria (e.g., time, space, generality, understandability, elegance, etc.)

    The refinement of the function may require a refinement of the data being passed. If so, back up in the refinement process and readdress previous design decisions as needed.

    If it not possible to design an appropriate refinement, back up in the refinement process and readdress previous design decisions.

  3. Continue step 2 until all parts are fully defined in terms of Lua code and data and the resulting set of functions meets all required criteria.

For as long as possible, we should stay with terminology and notation that is close to the problem being solved. We can do this by choosing appropriate function names and signatures and data types.

For stepwise refinement to work well, we must be willing to back up to earlier design decisions when appropriate. We should keep good documentation of the intermediate design steps.

The stepwise refinement method can work well for small programs, but it may not scale well to large, long-lived, general purpose programs. In particular, stepwise refinement may lead to a module structure in which modules are tightly coupled and not robust with respect to changes in requirements. A combination of techniques may be needed to develop larger software systems.
