Copyright (C) 2016, H. Conrad Cunningham

Acknowledgements: Adapted from my notes Introduction to Functional Programming Using Haskell (under development, 2016) and example Lua modules for Rational Arithmetic.

Advisory: The HTML version of this document requires use of a browser that supports the display of MathML. A good choice as of September 2016 is a recent version of Firefox from Mozilla.

Using Data Abstraction

How can we make a program robust with respect to change in the form of its data? A good technique is data abstraction. Let's begin with an example.

Rational number arithmetic

For this example, let's implement a group of Lua functions to perform rational number (fraction) arithmetic.

In mathematics we usually write rational numbers in the form $\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}$ where x and y are integers and y $\neq$ 0.

For now, let's assume we have a Lua constructor function


to create a rational number instance from its numerator x and denominator y. That is, makeRat(x, y) constructs rational number $\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}}$.

Further, let us assume we have selector functions numer(r) and denom(r) that each take a rational number argument and return its numerator and denominator, respectively. That is, they satisfy the equalities:

    numer(makeRat(x,y)) == x
    denom(makeRat(x,y)) == y

We consider how to implement rational numbers in Lua later, but for now let's look at rational arithmetic using the constructor and selector functions above.

Given the knowledge of rational arithmetic from mathematics, we can define the operations for unary negation, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

    local function negRat(r)
       return makeRat(- numer(r), denom(r))

    local function addRat(r,s)
       return makeRat(numer(r) * denom(s) + numer(s) * denom(r),
                      denom(r) * denom(s)                       )

    local function subRat(r,s)
       return makeRat(numer(r) * denom(s) - numer(s) * denom(r),
                      denom(r) * denom(s)                       )

    local function mulRat(r,s)
       return makeRat(numer(r) * numer(s), denom(r) * denom(s))

    local function divRat(r,s)
       return makeRat(numer(r) * denom(s), denom(r) * numer(s))

We can also define a function showRat to convert a rational number to a convenient string representation.

    local function showRat(r) 
       return tostring(numer(r)) .. "/" .. tostring(denom(r)) 

Because the comparison operations are similar to each other, they are good candidates for us to use a higher-order function. We can abstract out the common pattern of comparisons into a function that takes the corresponding integer comparison as an argument.

To compare two rational numbers, we can express their values in terms of a common denominator (e.g., denom(x) * denom(y)) and then compare the numerators using the integer comparisons. We can thus abstract the comparison into a higher-order function compare that takes an appropriate integer relational operator and returns a function that compares the two numerators accordingly.

    local function compare(comp)
             local x, y = numer(r) * denom(s), denom(r) * numer(s)
             return comp(x,y)

Then we can define functions for the six relational operators as follows:

    local eqRat  = compare(function(x,y) return x == y end)
    local neqRat = compare(function(x,y) return x ~= y end)
    local ltRat  = compare(function(x,y) return x < y  end)
    local leqRat = compare(function(x,y) return x <= y end)
    local gtRat  = compare(function(x,y) return x > y  end)
    local geqRat = compare(function(x,y) return x >= y end)

All these rational arithmetic functions use the constructor function makeRat and the selector functions numer and denom assumed above. They do not depend upon any specific representation for rational numbers.

The above functions work on rational numbers as a data abstraction defined by the constructor function makeRat and selector functions numer and denom.

Rational number data representation

Now, how can we represent rational numbers?

We can represent a rational number as a two-element array (table) with numerator at index 1 and denominator at index 2. For example, {1,7}, {-1,-7}, {3,21}, and {168,1176} all represent $\frac{\texttt{1}}{\texttt{7}}$.

As with any value that can be expressed in many different ways, it is useful to define a single canonical (or normal) form for representing rational number values.

It is convenient for us to choose a rational number representation {x,y} that satisfies the following implementation (representation) invariant:

y > 0, x and y are relatively prime, and zero is denoted by {0,1}.

By relatively prime, we mean that the two integers have no common divisors except 1.

By invariant, we mean a property that always holds except temporarily while being operated upon. The constructor must make it true and it remains true before and after all mutator and accessor operations. It is true before any explicit destructor operation.

An implementation invariant is an invariant that is stated in terms of the concrete data structures used.

This representation has the advantage that the magnitudes of the numerator x and denominator y are kept small, thus reducing problems with overflow arising during arithmetic operations.

We thus provide a function for constructing rational numbers in this canonical form. We define constructor makeRat as follows. This function checks whether arguments are integers for Lua before 5.3.

    local function makeRat(x,y)
       if type(x) == "number" and type(y) == "number" and 
             x == math.floor(x) and y == math.floor(y) and y ~= 0 then
          return newRat(x,y)
          error("Cannot construct rational number " ..
                tostring(x) .. "/" .. tostring(y)     )

The makeRat constructor delegates the actual construction of the rational number to function newRat. Function newRat assumes that it is called with two appropriate integers.

    local function newRat(x,y)
       if x == 0 then
          return {0,1}
          local xx = signum(y) * x
          local yy = math.abs(y)
          local d  = gcd(xx,yy)
          return {xx/d, yy/d}

The function signum takes a number and returns the integer -1, 0, or 1 when the number is negative, zero, or positive, respectively.

    local function signum(n)
       if n == 0 then
          return 0 
       elseif n > 0 then
          return 1
          return -1

The function gcd takes two integers and returns their greatest common divisor.

    local function gcd(x,y)
       local function gcdaux(x,y)
          if y == 0 then
             return x
             return gcdaux(y, x % y) -- tail recursive

       return gcdaux(math.abs(x), math.abs(y))

Function gcd uses a tail recursive internal function gcdaux to compute the gcd on the absolute values of its two integer arguments. It uses the Euclidean Algorithm. (Operation % returns the remainder from dividing its first operand by its second.)

Given makeRat defined as above, we can define numer and denom as follows:

    local function numer(r)
       return r[1]

    local function denom(r)
       return r[2]

These functions access the actual data structure used to represent the rational numbers.

Data abstraction and modules

There are three groups of functions defined in this package:

  1. the twelve public rational arithmetic functions negRat, addRat, subRat, mulRat, divRat, showRat, eqRat, neqRat, ltRat, leqRat, gtRat, and geqRat.

  2. the public constructor function makeRat and public selector functions numer and denom.

  3. the private utility functions called only by the second group signum, gcd, and newRat.

As we have seen, makeRat, numer, and denom in group 2 form the interface to the data abstraction that hides the information about the representation of the data. We can encapsulate the group 2 and 3 functions in a Lua module.

We put this source code in a script file named (say) rationalCore.lua. We define the functions so that a function is defined before it is used, e.g., in the order signum, gcd, newRat, makeRat, numer, and denom.

As the last executable statement in the module's script, we return the module table with the public functions defined with appropriate field names.

    return { makeRat = makeRat, numer = numer, denom = denom }


The rational arithmetic functions in group 1 use the core data abstraction and, in turn, extend the interface to include rational number arithmetic operations.

We can encapsulate these in another module rational. This Lua module loads the data representation module an defines local variables for the module's operations.

    local ratco = require("rationalCore")
    local makeRat, numer, denom =
       ratco.makeRat, ratco.numer, ratco.denom 

The module returns both the group 1 and group 2 functions.

    return { makeRat = makeRat, numer   = numer,  denom   = denom,
             negRat  = negRat,  addRat  = addRat, subRat  = subRat,
             mulRat  = mulRat,  divRat  = divRat, showRat = showRat,
             eqRat   = eqRat,   neqRat  = neqRat, ltRat   = ltRat,
             leqRat  = leqRat,  gtRat   = gtRat,  geqRat  = geqRat

Other modules that use the rational number package can load Lua module rational. This module can be reused wherever needed.

This modular approach to program design and implementation offers the potential of scalability and robustness with respect to change.

One key to this information hiding approach to design is to identify the aspects of a software system that are most likely to change from one version to another and make each a design secret of some module.

The secret of the rationalCore module is the rational number data representation used. The secret of the rational module itself is the methods used for rational number arithmetic.

Another key is the use of an abstract interface. The interface to each module focuses on providing operations that are general, not specific to a particular implementation.

Let's now consider changes to the data representation.

Alternative rational number data representation

In the rational number data representation above (i.e., module rationalCore), constructor makeRat creates pairs in which the two integers are relatively prime and the sign is on the numerator. Selector functions numer and denom just return these stored values.

An alternative representation is to reverse this approach in functions newRat, numer, and denom, as shown in the module rationalDeferGCD.

    local function newRat(x,y)
       if x == 0 then
          return {0,1}
          return {x,y}

    local function numer(r)
       local x,y = r[1], r[2]
       local xx = signum(y) * x
       local yy = math.abs(y)
       local d  = gcd(xx,yy)
       return xx / d

    local function denom(r)
       local x,y = r[1], r[2]
       local xx = signum(y) * x
       local yy = math.abs(y)
       local d  = gcd(xx,yy)
       return yy / d

This approach defers the calculation of the greatest common divisor until a selector is called.

The implementation invariant for this rational number representation requires that, for {x,y},

y $\neq$ 0 and zero is represented by {0,1}.

Furthermore, function numer and denom satisfy the equalities

    numer (makeRat(x,y)) == x'
    denom (makeRat(x,y)) == y'

where y' > 0, x' and y' are relatively prime, and $\frac{\texttt{x}}{\texttt{y}} = \frac{\texttt{x'}}{\texttt{y'}}$.


Like module rationalCore, the design secret for module rationalDeferGCD is the rational number data representation.

Another rational number data representation

Another alternative to rationalCore and rationalDeferGCD is a module that uses a closure instead of an array to represent a rational number. (We use a parameterless closure, which is also called a thunk.)

We call build module rationalClo around the following altered definitions.

    local function newRat(x,y)
       if x == 0 then
          return -- return thunk (closure)
             function() return 0, 1 end -- two returns
          return -- return thunk (closure)
                local xx = signum(y) * x
                local yy = math.abs(y)
                local d  = gcd(xx,yy)
                return xx/d, yy/d -- two returns

    local function numer(r)
       local x, _ = r() -- force thunk (closure)
       return x

    local function denom(r)
       local _, y = r() -- force thunk (closure)
       return y

The implementation invariant for this rational number representation requires that, for some r,

For x, y = r(): y $\neq$ 0, x and y are relatively prime, and if x == 0 then y == 1.

Like modules rationalCore and rationalDeferGCD, the design secret for module rationalDeferGCD is the rational number data representation.

Regardless of which approach we use, the definitions of the arithmetic and comparison functions do not change. Thus the rational module can load data representation module rationalCore, rationalDeferGCD, or rationalClo and get the same result.


  1. Rational arithmetic module -- outer layer implementation of Rational Arithmetic abstraction

  2. Rational number data representation using two-element arrays -- module rationalCore implementing primitive layer

    partial test script

  3. Rational number data representation using array but deferring GCD -- module rationalDeferGCD implementing primitive layer

    partial test script

  4. Rational number data representation using closures -- module rationalClo implementing primitive layer

    partial test script